Saep 384
Saep 384
Saep 384
1 Scope..................................................................... 2
2 Purpose.................................................................. 2
3 Conflicts and Deviations......................................... 3
4 Applicable Documents............................................ 3
5 Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms............... 5
6 Instructions............................................................. 7
7 Responsibilities..................................................... 14
1 Scope
1.1 This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP-384) defines the minimum
requirements for in-service inspection of nonmetallic Reinforced Thermosetting
Resin (RTR) piping and pipelines.
1.2 This procedure applies only to RTR piping and pipelines in water and oily
hydrocarbon service in Saudi Aramco operating facilities.
1.3 RTR piping which are on or a part of equipment owned and operated by
Contractors within Saudi Aramco Operating Units shall be tested and inspected
in accordance with this Procedure.
1.4 Exclusions
1.4.1 RTR piping in Saudi Aramco operations which are covered by other
recognized International Standards and regulations with requirements
and test intervals more stringent than those specified in this procedure.
1.4.3 Buried in-plant gravity flow RTR piping systems are excluded from the
requirements for CML establishment for existing facilities.
2 Purpose
2.2 To ensure roles and responsibilities for RTR piping and pipeline monitoring,
testing and inspection are clearly outlined and auditable.
2.3 To ensure RTR pipe remains in good physical condition and provide safe and
reliable operation against unexpected leaks, damage or service related failures.
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Document Responsibility: Inspection Engineering Standards Committee SAEP-384
Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
3.1 Conflicts
Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAES's), Materials System Specifications (SAMSS's),
Standard Drawings (SASD's), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing according to the requirements of SAEP-302.
3.2 Deviations
Direct all requests to deviate from this procedure in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow the internal company procedure SAEP-302.
4 Applicable Documents
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
5.2 Definitions
Acoustic Emission (AE): Technique that can be used for detecting surface
cracks, trans-laminar crack, flange crack, pit and delamination. AE determines
crack growth in a qualitative manner. It is noteworthy that since composite
material is anisotropic, the damping is larger than in metals. AE uses stress
waves as it depends upon the signal originating from within RTR. AE is a
passive method since the RTR itself generates the sounds requires for the
inspection. Wave is generated in materials as a result of sudden, inelastic and
local change in stress level accompanied with inelastic deformation.
To simulate acoustic emission, RTR needs to be subjected to external load.
Field testing AE process is also available. There are several AE procedures
available for fiber reinforced plastic vessel and tanks which can be applied for
the RTR system with modification.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
can be used to digitize the image for computer storage and image enhancement.
In-service inspection does not include RTR piping systems that are still under
construction or in transport to the site prior to being placed in service or RTR
systems that have been retired.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6 Instructions
The following OSI program is established for adhesive bonded RTR piping and
pipeline system up to 500 psi pressure rated pipe. OSI program for High
pressure threaded joint RTR pipeline will be discussed in Section 6.8.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6.1.3 Scheduling
After CMLs have been identified, baseline data shall be collected as soon
as possible. Thereafter, the frequency of monitoring will be based on
criteria set in this SAEP.
6.1.5 Reporting
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6.1.6 Training
a) All personnel associated with condition monitoring of RTR piping
and pipeline systems shall receive basic manufacturer’s material
based training on the type of system installed and demonstrate
understanding of the requirements of this SAEP.
b) The training and certification of the personnel associated with
condition monitoring shall be evaluated at a frequency of 3 years
by OIU supervisor.
c) RTR NDT Examiners shall be certified and be approved to perform
the work by the Operations Inspection Unit Supervisor.
6.2.2 All buried RTR pipeline shall have test holes established as CMLs for
effective condition monitoring except as indicated in the scope 1.4.3.
a) Minimum number of test holes shall be established at every 10% of
the length of the pipeline or 1 kilometer whichever is lesser.
b) Additional test holes may be requested by the area inspector based
on the inspection results.
c) The size of test holes should be a minimum of 3 meters and a
maximum of 15 meters. In construction of test holes, the area
30 cm or more from the RTR pipeline shall be excavated by hand
to avoid mechanical damage of the pipeline.
d) The data point at each test hole should be assigned by the department
corrosion engineer in the On-Stream Inspection (OSI) drawings.
e) Global Positioning System (GPS) shall be utilized to allocate data
f) Type of inspections applicable to the CML shall be indicated in the
OSI drawing showing visual and the NDT technique.
g) To ensure that data are collected from the same location the test
hole area including the pipe shall be properly marked.
6.2.3 Bends and elbows shall have a minimum of 10% or one (1) of the total
number marked as CML, whichever is greater.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6.2.4 Joints of all types shall have a minimum of 10% or two (2) of the total
number marked as CML, whichever is greater.
6.2.5 Nozzles shall have a minimum of 10% or one (1) of the total number
marked as CML, whichever is greater.
6.3.1 All RTR piping and pipeline systems shall have an approved EIS based
on the inspection intervals specified in Appendices B and C.
6.3.2 EIS shall be created by the OIU supervisor and the model shall be
included in SAIF.
6.4.2 Prior to any NDT assessment, initial visual inspection shall be conducted
to evaluate the overall condition of the nonmetallic system at the CML.
The NDT Technician should look for leaks, scale, obstruction, and any
obvious damage before starting the NDT evaluation.
6.5 Revalidation
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6.6.1 All RTR piping and pipeline systems in Saudi Aramco operations shall
have a Quality Assurance Manual prepared by the maintenance division
and approved by the Maintenance Division head and the local Inspection
Unit Supervisor.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
6.6.3 The QA Manual shall be reviewed and revised, every three years.
6.6.4 The purpose of the Manual is to have a central reference source that
describes or references the nonmetallic manufacturer’s recommended
handling, shop work methods, repair procedure, testing procedure, and
personnel qualifications. The Manual shall assure that quality
maintenance standards will be continuous even with personnel turnover.
6.7.1 All RTR piping and pipeline in-service inspection programs shall be
assessed and audited annually by the Supervisor, Operations Inspection
Unit or delegate.
6.7.2 Inspection Department shall review the program audit reports including
conclusions and recommendations during the OIU assessment in
accordance with SAEP-308.
6.8.1 Monitor pressure drop in high pressure threaded joint RTR pipelines on a
weekly basis.
6.8.2 Significant drop of pressure (~300 psi) excluding the effect of temperature
and pressure cycling shall trigger further investigation to be initiated by
the plant corrosion engineer jointly with the area Operations/Plant
Engineer to eliminate likelihood of pipe or joint damage.
High pressure RTR pipelines are generally buried and carrying hydrocarbon
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
with or without H2S at higher pressure. The pipe spools are connected with
threaded mechanical joint which provides higher integrity to the system.
Since the RTR pipe will not be corroded over time the joint is only point of
concern and any breach in joint or in the pipe should be noticed through
pressure drop.
7 Responsibilities
7.1.1 Approves assigned NDT Examiner for RTR piping and pipeline systems.
7.2.2 Proposes RTR piping and pipeline system inspection interval optimization
based on calculated remaining life using original system design basis.
7.2.3 Review and make recommendations on any process changes that will
have an impact on the in-service performance of RTR piping and
pipeline systems.
7.3.2 Reviews, verifies data and comments on RTR piping and pipeline system
revalidation procedure for the OIU Supervisor.
7.3.3 Investigates RTR piping and pipeline system failures and makes
appropriate recommendations to OIU Supervisor.
7.3.4 Reviews the RTR piping and pipeline systems in-service (OSI) report.
7.3.5 Identifies all high potential damage areas in the RTR piping and pipeline
system for monitoring focus and CML allocation.
7.3.6 Marks all areas of potential mechanical damage or leaks in the P&ID’s.
7.3.7 Reviews any process changes that will have an impact on the OSI program.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
7.4.1 Reviews, verifies data and comments on RTR piping and pipeline system
revalidation procedure for the OIU Supervisor.
7.6.2 Ensures adequate trained and certified installers are available for RTR
piping and pipeline systems repair work.
7.7.2 Reviews and maintains a fully approved copy RTR piping and pipeline
systems QA Manual required according to this SAEP.
7.7.3 Verifies that adequate trained and certified installers are available for
RTR piping and pipeline systems repair work.
7.7.4 Ensures adequate trained and certified inspectors and NDT technicians
are available for RTR piping and pipeline systems repair work.
The certified inspector shall have at least attended a 3 day long course at
the product manufacturer facility.
7.7.5 Liaises with Inspection Department and CSD on all activities relating to
nonconformance of RTR piping and pipeline systems in operating
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7.8.2 Issues the required OSI progress report and overdue report to the unit
7.8.3 Coordinates NDT action between area inspector and NDT Technician as
7.9.1 Assures all the critical RTR piping and pipeline are monitored under OSI
7.9.2 Reviews the OSI report with the responsible area inspector and advise
any other necessary actions required.
7.9.3 Ensure the OSI program data is reviewed, analyzed and added to SAIF.
7.10.1 Conducts baseline survey to ensure pipes and joints are leak and damage
7.10.2 Prepares isometrics drawings for all the critical RTR piping and pipeline
including joint locations.
7.11.1 Assigns initial CMLs in projects prior MCC at all critical locations
(i.e., joints, wear scratch, minor repaired zone), and conduct baseline
survey to determine any flaws and defects outlined in Appendix A.
7.11.2 Assures turnover of baseline data and CML location marked drawings to
proponent department at MCC finalization.
Revision Summary
13 October 2013 New Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure.
18 January 2016 Minor revision to incorporate the modification recommended during waiver approval.
Revealing RTR piping by excavation is considered impractical to do visual inspection for Oily
Water System (OWS) gravity flow system as per attached Appendices A, B and C.
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
Appendix A - Number of Initial CMLs Criteria for Low Pressure RTR Pipe
Piping, Buried
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
Appendix B - Low Pressure RTR Pipe CML Monitoring Frequency and Revalidation
Piping, Buried
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 13 October 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
Revalidation Hydrotest
Asset Category
at 110% Operating Pressure
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 25 September 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
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LP or
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Issue Date: 18 January 2016
Next Planned Update: 25 September 2018 In-Service Inspection Requirements for RTR Pipe
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