Factors of Students Difficulties in Mastering English: Yurika Agustina, 161220089
Factors of Students Difficulties in Mastering English: Yurika Agustina, 161220089
Factors of Students Difficulties in Mastering English: Yurika Agustina, 161220089
One of the hardest things about English is that although there are rules, there are lots
of exceptions to those rules. It has been generally well-known that most people faced
some problems in learning English as a second or foreign language in non-English
speaking countries. This paper aims to explore students’ difficulties towards English
language learning as a foreign language at the fifth semester students of English
Department of STKIP-PRGRI Bandar Lampung. The study was accomplished by
way of personal observation and interviews, which allowed the learners to have
opportunity to tell their own story in the phenomenological case study.
English language is one of the main languages widely used all over the world. All
students come from different backgrounds with unique academic needs, culture,
language, interests and attitude towards learning. For some students, learning English
as a second language is one of the most difficult subjects they have learnt. Due to the
difficulties in learning, English language can make students lose their interest easily.
Interest is one of the strongest motivations for learning English. Motivation has long
been identified as one of the main factors affecting English language learning.
(Gardner, 1985). Parsons, Hinson and Brown (2001) define motivation as an
important component or factor in the learning process. Learning and motivation have
the same importance in order to achieve something. It makes us gain new knowledge
and skills and motivation pushes us or encourage us to go through the learning
process (Wimolmas, 2013).
Since effective language learning involves a variety of skills, practices and abilities,
problems could be based in any of a number of areas, or there may be a combination
of reasons for the lack of necessary and expected progress (Shank, 2001; Schwarz,
2003). To do so, one must have communicative competence. Richards, Platt, and
Weber (as cited in Nunan, 1999, p. 226) defined the characteristics of communicative
competence as: Thus, to help students enhance their speaking skills, the teacher must
help students improve their grammar, enrich their vocabulary, and manage
interactions in terms of who says what, to whom, when, and about what. Thus, in this
paper, the writer wants to investigate the students’ difficulties and factors causing
difficulties in learning English.
Limitation of Problem
With regard to the background of the problem, it is impossible for the writer to solve
all problems of students in mastering English. This paper is focused to know the
factors that make students get difficulties in mastering English. The limitation was
based on the facts that the writer got during the personal observation. In fact, STKIP-
PGRI Bandar Lampung has many great lecturers, but the students still cannot
understand English well.
Formulation of Problem
Based on the phenomenon above, this paper is aimed at giving answer and formulates
on the following problem:
Literature Review
Meaning that in learning a new language people have to know its vocabulary. Vocabulary can
be defined in various ways. Experts have proposed some terms about vocabulary. According
to Richards and Renandya (2002: 255), vocabulary is a core component of language
proficiency and provides much of the basis for how learners speak, listen, read and write.
Without an extensive vocabulary and strategies for acquiring new vocabulary, learners often
achieve their potential and may be discouraged from making use of language learning
opportunities around them such as listening to the radio, listening to the native speaker, and
using language in different context, reading or watching television. The other definition of
vocabulary states from Hatch and Brown (1995: 1), they say that vocabulary refers to a list or
set of words for a particular language or a list or set of words that individual speakers of
language might use. Hatch and Brown (1995:1) also state that vocabulary is the only system
involved of alphabetical order.
In line with Gairns and Redman, Ur (1996: 60) states that there are some items need
to be taught in teaching vocabulary as follows:
a. Form: pronunciation and spelling A learner has to know what word sounds or its
pronunciation and what it looks or its spelling. These are obvious characteristics and
one or the other will be perceived by the learner when encountering the item for the
first time. In teaching, teachers need to make sure that both of these aspects are
accurately presented and learned.
b. Grammar The grammar of a new item will be necessary to be taught if this not
obviously covered by general grammatical rules. An item may have an unpredictable
change of form in certain grammatical context may have some idiosyncratic with
other words in sentences; it is important to provide learners with this information at
the same time as teachers teach based form. When teaching a new verb, for example,
teachers must give also its past form, if it is irregular (think, thought). Similarly,
when teaching noun, teachers must present its plural form, if it is irregular (mouse,
mice), or draw learners‟ attention to the noun having no plural at all (advise,
information). In presenting verbs such as want and enjoy, teachers also have to
present kinds of verb following them (want to, enjoy-ing).
c. Collocation the typical collocation of particular items are another factor that makes
a particular combination becomes „right‟ or „wrong‟ in a given context. Collocation
is word partners, for example make mistake not do mistake and do homework not
make homework. Therefore, this is also another information about a new item which
may be worth teaching. In introducing words for example decision and conclusion,
the teacher may not that he/she takes or makes one. Collocations are often noted in
dictionaries, either by providing the whole collocation under one of the head-words or
by a note in parentheses.
e. Aspect of meaning: meaning relationship how the meaning of one item relates to
the meaning of others can also be useful in teaching. There are various meaning
relationships, for examples: 1) Synonyms: items that mean the same or nearly the
same, for example bright, clever, and smart may serve as synonyms of intelligent. 2)
Antonyms: items that mean the opposite, for example: rich is an antonym of poor. 3)
Hyponyms: items that serve as specific examples of a general concept, for example:
dog, lion, and mouse are hyponyms of animal. 4) Co-hyponyms or co-ordinated:
other items that are the same kind of things, for examples: red, blue, green, and brown
are co-ordinates. 5) Superordinates: general concepts that cover specific item, for
example: animal is superordinate of dog, lion, and mouse. 6) Translation: words or
expressions in the learner‟s mother tongue that are more or less equivalent in
meaning to the item being taught.
First, the students faced the difficulties in pronouncing the words because of the
differences between spoken and written in English. For example, when the students
pronounce the word muscle, listen, write, honor, and honest. Some words that contain
silent letters are particularly problematic especially for Indonesian students. The
incorrect pronunciation is often caused by the lack of sound similarity between
English and the students‟ native language. This is in line with what Varasarin (2007)
described that in this situation, the students wish they could speak English fluently
but most of them think that English is too challenging for them to master. Regarding
this, some expert view incorrect pronunciation has been caused by intruction goal and
the teacher himself and the teaching and learning in this area which is inappropriate
(Varasarin, 2007). Second, the problem in writing the words or sounds-spelling
mismatches. As the reseacher stated before that it caused by the differences between
Indonesian and English. The written form is different from the spoken form in
English. When the students want to write a word “muscle”, they just write the word
that they heard “mussel”. Third, the students found difficulties in choosing the
appropriate meaning of the words, for example sometimes they usually overlap the
meaning of the words such as the use of do and make. Make and do are a case in
point: you make breakfast and make an appointment, but you do the housework and
do a questionnaire. In this case the students looks for the word in his mind and does
not know the exact collocation. He tries to find the words that best fit the sentence
semantically, so he tries to pick up the word which is closest in meaning. Howerver
the choice could not be undoubtedly correct, since the students randomly selected the
word. If the choice of word is not correct the whole meaning of the word may be
distorted. Fourth, the different grammatical form of a word known as inflections was
one of causes of students’ difficulties in learning vocabulary. The example is
affixation, affixation is one of the ways new words are formed from old including
prefix and suffix. It is hard for the students to know the meaning of the words
because by adding prefix and suffix in a words can cause the changing in word class.
The changing in word classes sometimes changing the meaning of the word.
Furthermore, next factor of difficulty was related to diction. The students faced the
difficulty when they want to use the words based on the context. As we know that a
word consists of more than one meaning. It also can be categorized based on word
classes. For example the word “can” can be as modal auxiliary but on the other hand
the word “can” can be as a noun. The meaning of “can” as modal auxiliary is
different from the meaning of “can” as a noun. Can as auxiliary in Indonesian is dapat
or bisa but the meaning of can as noun is kaleng. The last, the students are also still
confuse when they find words or expression that are idiomatic. It caused by idioms
were difficult because of the lack of the cultural background. Students thinks that the
cultural background affects understanding of idiomatic expessions. According to the
responses gained, if the participants or students could not recognize the meaning of
the words in the whole expression, s/he was not able to denote the meaning of the
whole expressions.
Based on the theories, the findings and the analysis, the present study arrives at the
conclusions. This study revealed that problems or difficulties faced by the students in
vocabulary learning were various. The difficulties faced by the students were almost
all of the students have difficulties in pronouncing the words, how to write and spell,
the different grammatical form of a word known as inflections was one of causes of
students difficulties in learning vocabulary. In addition, the students found difficulties
in choosing the appropriate meaning of the words and also still confuse in using the
word based on the context. The last, the students are also still confuse when they
found words or expression that are idiomatic. There were some factors that caused
students‟ difficulties in learning vocabulary (1) the written form is different from the
spoken form in English, (2) The number of words that students need to learn is
exceedingly large, (3) the limitations of sources of information about words, (4) The
complexity of word knowledge. Knowing a words involves much more than knowing
its dictionary definition, (5) causes of lack of understanding of grammatical of the
words, (6) the incorrect pronunciation is often caused by the lack of sound similarity
between English and the students‟ native language.