KS Bull 2017 Issue 1
KS Bull 2017 Issue 1
KS Bull 2017 Issue 1
Issue 1
The views expressed in each essay are purely for the academic purposes of crafting a viable argumentative
response. They do not necessarily reflect the personal opinions of any student or staff member, nor do they
necessarily represent the perspective(s) of Raffles Institution.
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6 Paper 2 – Passage 26
7 Paper 2 – AQ Response 28
Chong Ya Wen Michele | 16S06B
8 Paper 2 – AQ Response 30
Sanjna Nilesh Nerurkar | 16S06P
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2017 Year 6 GP CT 1
15 „The fight for gender equality is far from over; in fact, it has just 53
begun.‟ Discuss.
Chloe Young | 17S03N
17 „Video games do much more than entertain.‟ How far is this true 61
Vanessa Chuang Zhen Xuan | 17S06C
18 How far do you agree that freedom has been destructive for 65
Kavya Sankari Sundar | 17S03D
20 Paper 2 – Passage 75
21 Paper 2 – AQ Response 78
Clara Keng Hui Lin | 17S06E
2016 KI Year 5 CT 1
Editorial Team 90
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 1 Lee Yuan | 16S06E
Even though the modern era has seen fewer major skirmishes on the level of
the world wars, conflicts about in our ever-divisive environment today. As the
world becomes more globalised, disagreements have emerged through the
fault lines of our society, pitting races against each other, as is the case in
Myanmar, with the majority Burmese community turning on the Rohingyas.
This has exposed fundamental differences between ideologies and beliefs that
threaten to descend into bedlam, such as the left-right slit that has risen to
prominence in the United States. Indeed, it can be seen that governments
today are mostly helpless in dealing with our fundamental differences, and have
no means of addressing society‘s disagreements and conflicts. Our leaders and
bureaucracies are remnants of a past time, and no longer have the ability to
adapt to the rapidly-changing environment of today‘s world. Unless
governments can break out of their current, rigid structures and emerge with a
new place in the people‘s psyche, governments will remain helpless in the face
of our modern disagreements.
It must, first and foremost, be conceded that the government remains one of
the most powerful institutions on this planet. The government of a country is
essentially the puppet-master behind the workings of the state, as most leaders
can bend national activity and opinion to their will. The United States federal
government, for instance, has relatively limited powers compared to
institutions such as the state assemblies which govern individual states, but it is
still able to harness the full might and will of the American people to
destructive effect, as demonstrated in its repeated annihilation of its enemies in
World Wars I and II. The military-industrial complex has been a key tool in
major governments‘ toolboxes, one which has the power to end military
conflicts once and for all. In more recent terms, this has emerged in the United
States‘ manipulation of global events – it was able to stop the Israelis‘ offensive
in the Arab-Israeli War of 19731, and could respond to the Iraqis‘ invasion of
Teacher’s comment: This was in fact the Yom Kippur War, which ended in a stalemate
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It has also been said that governments have in fact become more powerful
with respect to dealing with our disagreements and skirmishes, as countries
now have the ability to band together to solve international problems or to
direct the power of many states towards a conflict in a country. The United
Nations, comprising governments from all over the world, has used
peacekeeping forces to maintain order and restore peace in conflict-ridden
regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa. The Association of Southeast Asian
Nations, on the other hand, a regional intergovernmental body, has helped
mediate international disagreements in the South China Sea. By uniting around
a common cause, governments have a force multiplier that maximises their
power in dealing with today‘s unique transnational problems. With the full
weight of international support, governments have become ever more able in
resolving or ameliorating the effects of our modern conflicts. Thus, it seems as
though governments have developed new, effective tools to address our
current issues.
poor divide has led to tensions between the so-called ―1%‖ and the remaining
working-class populations all over the world, erupting into the worldwide
―Occupy‖ movement that remains strong today, even after almost half a
decade. These conflicts strike at the very heart of society, and they arise due
to a multitude of reasons that governments have no means of tackling in full:
changing demographics, as can be seen in the United States, where for the first
time in its history there were more ―minority‖ newborns than white ones;
changing societal norms, brought about by the use of the internet, which has
allowed fringe groups to band together and exert a collective influence on
society‘s direction; and changing economic conditions, with automation and
technology robbing many blue-collar workers of their livelihoods and
exacerbating the already-intractable problem of inequality. The government has
little control over these changes, for they lie outside its conventional interests
of national security, economic growth and self-preservation. In effect,
governments today lie in a paradigm of their own, increasingly disconnected
from the events their constituents experience. Great Britain, for instance, has
found itself caught unawares by the Brexit vote, with well-heeled members of
the elite (most notably on Downing Street) predicting a solid Remain victory
even on the night of the referendum, deluded by the pleasant illusion that the
people were not troubled by the events in Europe. Clearly, governments have
been unprepared for such groundbreaking developments, causing them to be
utterly ill-equipped to deal with the conflicts that matter today. In particular,
governments have found themselves flailing at the sight of core social issues,
for they are unexpected beasts which cannot be tamed by financial instruments
nor the state‘s military apparatus.
three years ago. ISIS thrived on a groundswell of local support, and terrorised
the West 2 until it decided to establish itself as a state with territories that
could be conquered with conventional military forces. This provides for a
damning assessment of government power, for even the most powerful
governments in the world, united in spirit, have been unable to defeat a tiny,
but shrewd, enemy. In fact, it can be said that it is precisely the overwhelming
might these governments wield that make them powerless to asymmetric
conflict – by being too heavy-handed in their resolution of such conflicts,
governments worsen the problem by inspiring more rebels and inciting further
tensions in society. Governments do not understand the conflicts they are
dealing with, which renders them helpless even with the might of a state‘s
resources behind them.
Ultimately, governments are often powerless to deal with the conflicts of today
because the governments themselves are the root cause of these conflicts. For
instance, dissent in Hong Kong and conflict between Hong Kongers and
mainlanders was born out of the ineptitude of the Hong Kong Chief Executive,
and there is little the government can do to quell the tensions but to hope for
the best. In other words, the xenophobia and hatred that created current
social conflicts were purposefully cultivated for the governments‘ own political
means, just that these social developments got out of hand. In Myanmar, for
instance, much of the violence on the Rohingyas is sanctioned by the majority
Buddhist government, inspiring monks such as the ‗Burmese bin Laden‘ to turn
on their own fellow countrymen. Now that the conflict between the stateless
Rohingyas and the Burmese has gone past the tipping point, there is little that
the junta could or the government can do to resolve these tensions in society.
The governments that perpetrated these conflicts cannot stop these negative
social developments without appearing hypocritical, and even if they do
attempt to quell these enmities in a bid to deal with the conflict they lose their
trustworthiness in the eyes of the people, and in effect lose their ability to act
even if they have the humane will to do so. The government is thus stuck in a
Catch-22 situation, rendering national leaders helpless and leaving them to the
mercy of the public. Addressing the social developments or tensions behind
national or cross-border conflict is essential in dealing with the conflicts today,
Teacher’s comment: Large swathes of the Middle East would be more accurate
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but when the government has been a direct cause of the conflict, inadvertently
or purposefully, there is nothing it can do to relieve the conflict and stop the
Teacher‟s Comments:
Good work! This is a well-considered and well-argued essay.
Appropriate use of illustrations. Overall, fully relevant in terms of
breadth and depth.
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 1 Freda Mah Cheng Yee | 16S03B
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Certainly, one must also consider the strength of the government when
assessing its power to deal with the conflicts of today. To be able to deal with
greater conflicts and concerns of the people, the government itself must be
competent and efficient. The amount of power the government possesses
largely depends on the effectiveness of the ruler as well as the institutions and
other agencies put in place to ensure transparency, efficiency and
incorruptibility. 3Thus it would be too sweeping a generalisation to comment
on whether governments are powerless or not in dealing with the conflicts of
today, as governance often encompasses the unique cultural and political
context of the country, as well as the competency and the nature of its leader.
Nonetheless, given the pressure of the international community, most
governments have the power to deal with the conflicts of today.
Teacher‟s comments:
Teacher’s comment: Valid point, but supporting details would have made this more
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2016 | Y6| GP Prelim | Paper 1 Melvin Loy Meng Tiang | 16S06D
The recently concluded 2016 Rio Olympic Games once again proved the ability
of competitive sports to bridge vast cultural differences between diverse
groups of people from around the world, with iconic displays of international
friendship such as two North and South Korean gymnasts taking a selfie
together. Indeed, it is scenes like this that perpetuate society‘s long-standing
belief in the uniting power of sports. Yet, behind the glitz and glamour of the
Olympics, I believe that competitive sports, events in which professional
athletes strive to defeat their opponents and emerge as champions, does not
always bring about increased integration and reconciliation around the world,
due to its susceptibility to political exploitation, its tendency to breed over-
competitiveness, and its modern ability to exacerbate inequality.
Proponents of the uniting power of sports often cite the ostensibly non-
political nature of sports. Throughout history, major sporting events have
managed to unite groups of people embroiled in conflict, even temporarily. For
example, during the 2002 FIFA World Cup, amidst heightening political
tensions and conflict, South Korea and Japan managed to put aside their
differences in order to collaborate for the sake of a successful World Cup4,
with the competition eventually helping the two Asian powerhouses forge a
new path of international diplomacy and co-operation. More recently, opposing
factions in the civil war in Ivory Coast switched their guns for television
remote controls, with a ceasefire called to allow the country to support the
national football team in the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. In such cases, it
is seen that the passion and interest in sports is universal, existing in every
person, regardless of race, religion or creed. It is precisely this universal appeal
Teacher’s comments: Some evidence supporting the claim of ‘heightened political tensions’
would have made more convincing e.g. mentioning the 2001 textbook controversy: the
Japanese government approved for use in schools a textbook which downplayed Japan’s
wartime atrocities, angering South Korea – which suffered Japanese invasion in WWII –
leading to scaled back cultural and military contacts between the two.
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of sports that seems to allow people with vast cultural differences, and even
people engaged in fierce conflict, to look past their differences and find a
common interest among them. This common interest contributes to increased
global integration by reducing people‘s perception of the differences between
them. Therefore, it is argued that the universal appeal of competitive sports
allows it to be an effective catalyst for change in this increasingly divided world
of ours.
Lastly, modern competitive sports does not allow for greater harmony because
it exacerbates inequality. This can be attributed to the culture of celebrity
athletes in today‘s world. The world‘s top sporting stars often earn
exorbitantly high wages for their contributions in the sporting arena. For
example, Cristiano Ronaldo commands a post-tax wage of over US$370,000 a
week. Often, sports stars even earn money outside of their sport. For example,
Tiger Woods has earned a staggering 100 million dollars just from endorsing
Nike products alone. While the intangible social benefits of star athletes can be
debated, the fact is that these competitive sports stars do not contribute much
tangibly and directly to society, be it in the form of creating employment,
educating children or protecting the disadvantaged. Therefore, dedicating such
large sums of money to athletes cannot be justified and can be considered an
excessive over allocation of society‘s scarce resources to them. Such a trend
exacerbates social inequality, with huge profits not just concentrated in the
hands of giant corporations, but also in the hands of sports stars. This income
inequality will only cause greater social unrest, with the disadvantaged and
needy receiving fewer resources, and therefore, the celebrity culture of
Teacher’s comment: This is a sweeping claim that is difficult to corroborate.
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competitive sports will not result in greater integration, but worsen and
exacerbate economic differences.
In closing, modern competitive sports is definitely not the uniting force it once
used to be, yet the reasons for this lie not in the inherent nature of sports but
the modern evolution of it. Therefore, it would be appropriate for
international governments and sporting bodies to review the flaws in the
modern system of sports, to eliminate the negative influences of modern sport
while harnessing its pure and noble abilities to unite the human race, and allow
sports to once again become a powerful tool in the advancement of our
Teacher‟s comments:
One point you could have made is to acknowledge that, given that
the original imperative of competitive sports is profit making, it is
unreasonable to expect it to always contribute to increasing
harmony and unity.
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 1 Leong Zhiming | 16S03L
The inexorable forces of globalisation have swept the global community. For
better or for worse, the world is increasingly interconnected and integrated in
terms of our economy, politics, and people. This has engendered a situation
where one country‘s internal affairs can easily create spillover effects that will
affect other countries. Furthermore, many countries have taken it upon
themselves to intervene in other countries‘ affairs, be it militarily, politically or
via provision of foreign aid. A cursory examination of the issue may lead one to
conclude that, indeed, foreign intervention may be desirable and hence justified
as it provides salvation for a country confronted by difficult circumstances.
However, lessons from the past and present have led me to take a more
pessimistic view of the situation: I believe that foreign intervention in another
country‘s problems is largely unjustified, especially in view of how such
―intervention‖ is carried out today – often with hegemonic, self-interested and
regrettably vicious intentions. The only exception would be when countries
truly attempt to intervene with altruistic motives, but such instances are few
and far between.
isolated country and helping to put Myanmar on the path towards free and
democratic elections. Admittedly, when foreign intervention is carried out with
goodwill and no hidden agenda whatsoever, then the aid provided will be
channelled towards areas where the recipient country is truly deficient in and
more likely be effective in remedying its problems. Furthermore, in a global
context, such actions create mutual trust and goodwill between countries,
which is paramount in establishing regional stability. Therefore, in such a
context of intervention being provided based on moral motivations, I would
concede that foreign intervention is justified and, in fact, highly welcomed.
In the same vein, others may argue that foreign intervention is justified as it
provides salvation to a country that is unable to help itself, and in so doing,
prevents negative spillover effects in the region. In certain situations, be it
natural disasters or wars, weaker and poorer nations may be immobilised
andweighed down , their governments unable to undertake the proper
measures to alleviate the problems. For instance, during the Gulf War in the
1990s, when Saddam Hussein‘s Iraq first invaded Kuwait and overran the
country, the Kuwaitis were left shocked, helpless and oppressed. And with a
weak military force, they could do nothing but wait helplessly for help from
foreign neighbours. Threatened by Saddam‘s expansionist agendas and afraid
that they too would be targets of his aggression, Kuwait‘s Middle-Eastern
neighbours, with help from the US, decided to intervene, driving Iraqi forces
back to its border and liberating Kuwait. Ostensibly, it seems that countries
subject to unfortunate ―black swan‖ events have no power whatsoever to
defend themselves from incoming threats. Moreover, it is highly possible that
the sea of negative repercussions they experience can easily flood over to
other countries, especially in view of the increasing interconnectedness of
economies and socio-political affairs of countries. By virtue of safeguarding
their own natural welfare and existence, some argue that it is hence necessary
for countries to intervene in others‘ problems.
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Saddam Hussein‘s regime? Quite possibly. Sadly, global politics tends to follow
a system of Machiavellian realpolitik, where actions taken by nations are largely
underpinned by pragmatism and the need to protect national self-interests,
even if that means bringing harm unto another. Time and again, we have
witnessed how nations intervene in another‘s affairs, only to let them burn to
the ground when they are no longer of any significance. Fast-forward a decade
from the Kuwaiti invasion, and we have the US invasion of Saddam‘s Iraq, this
time under the pretext of Iraq owning chemical weapons and employing them
against civilians. But when the invasion ended, no weapons were ever found,
and many international theorists believe that the true intention of the
American invasion was to safeguard oil in the Middle East, while the official line
of chemical weapons was merely a duplicitous pretext. Furthermore, after
ousting Saddam, the US military quickly withdrew its forces, leaving a power
vacuum that caused a power struggle that swept the nation like a hurricane.
Sectarian violence between the Sunnis and Shiites ensued, and this eventually
led to the rise of extremist group ISIS. One would question, then: What good
ever came out of that invasion besides fulfilling the US‘ own self-pursuits? In
fact, it is all the more insidious that ―foreign intervention‖ is used as a tool by
power-hungry nations to masquerade their selfish agendas as justified and
democratic, at the expense of the host country‘s welfare. Clearly, foreign
intervention in such scenarios is highly undesirable.
Furthermore, nations often intervene in what they feel is the best way possible,
but fail to realise that their method often fails to bear fruit and is hence
unwarranted. For example, when nations intervene by providing aid to other
countries, it often comes in the form of monetary and food aid, but these are
often short-term solutions that fail to create sustainable solutions. The 2002
Monterrey Consesus, for instance, witnessed the developed world pledging to
allocate 0.7% of its GNP to the Third World. Every year since, billions of
dollars have been donated to African states7, but most of the aid fails to reach
the most needy, because they end up lining the pockets of corrupt rulers.
Moreover, however much aid eventually trickles down to the people often
provide temporary relief, it does not solve the root cause of poverty. Low-
skilled, uneducated labour, poor economic infrastructure, and corrupt political
Teacher’s comments: Some fact-checking is needed regarding the beneficiary countries of
the Monterrey Consensus: aid is not just to struggling African countries, but also to “small
island developing states and landlocked developing countries ODA [receiving Official
Development Assistance]”(Source: World Bank)
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system are factors that have continued to plague these nations and perpetuate
penury, and these are what foreign countries who intervene should aim to
tackle instead. Yet, by providing only monetary and resource aid, they not only
neglect to equip the people with skills to propel themselves out of their
destitute plight, but also exacerbate the situation by creating a cycle of
dependency on aid. Instead, nations have to realise that the right way to
intervene is to provide social reform initiatives and economic restructuring
guidance to lift countries out of their tragic state. But of course, most
countries remain indifferent to this, providing aid simply to fulfil their moral
obligations but not actually concerned with how their aid will benefit the
people in the long run. It is this apathy and ignorance that causes countries to
adopt incontrovertibly facile solutions in an attempt to solve infinitely more
complex problems, and this is what makes their ―intervention‖ so futile and
unnecessary. To aggravate the situation, some countries even adopt policies
that will jeopardise any benefits that their aid has provided. For example, the
US donates about USD 32 billion a year to African states, but concurrently
adopts protectionist measures by imposing high tariffs on African agricultural
imports to protect local farmers, which is estimated to cost the African
agricultural industry about USD 50 billion, more than the worth of aid
provided. Sadly, when push comes to shove and a conflict of interest arises,
nations will ultimately choose to protect themselves, rendering such aid
Indeed, as much as the world hopes for foreign intervention to emanate from
true, noble intents, we have to face the reality that in our pragmatic world,
such instances are limited in number. Ultimately, the harsh truth is that foreign
intervention today largely remains unjustified as it is often implemented
ineffectively, or worse, used as leverage for hegemonic agendas. Perhaps this is
the nature of real world politics, and instead of turning towards nations for
help, the world should look towards the rising number of world non-
governmental organisations. These NGOs, like the Red Cross, UNICEF and
Amnesty International often possess a genuine interest in solving the internal
problems of nations, and may be our best bet towards establishing a more
integrated and less imbalanced global community.
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Teacher‟s comments:
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 1 Angela Tham | 16S03D
―God may not be dead, but he sure leaves a lot of people dead.‖ This popular
aphorism by a sociology professor in response to Nietzsche‘s magnum opus,
―God is dead‖ proffers some insight into the common view that religion
necessarily results in society becoming balkanized along religious fault-lines,
more than it unites people in the macrocosm of society. Since our primitive
predecessors have been able to fathom the notion of the divine, human
civilization has shown the tendency to organize itself into sub-groups who
ascribe to the same ritualistic beliefs to show adoration and adulation to their
individual god (or gods in the case of certain religions). But as a result, this
categorization has also created the notion of ―us‖ against ―others‖. From the
Crusades of the Roman Catholic Church to the massacre of thousands of
protestants on Bloody Sunday in Northern Ireland and the modern day
tensions between the Sunni, Shite and Kurdish denominations that have
stymied the resolution of the Syrian civil war, it would seem that religion
indeed divides people on a massive scale, more than it has the potential to
bring people together in peace and harmony. But such a deterministic view is
iconoclastic and philistine, and would be a benighted oversight of how such
divisions can be resolved, and a blatant irreverence to the potential that
religion can unite people in the face of growing modern diversity brought
about by the forces of globalization.
Prima facie, it would appear as though religion only results in bigotry and
prejudice, where pious believers congregate and pit themselves against other
who do not share the same zealous faith. This may be especially so for the case
of religious fundamentalist whose entire sense of self and purpose for
existence revolve around subservience to their deity. The crisis in the Middle
East is a glaring example of how seemingly irreconcilable differences in religious
beliefs have led to widespread sectarian violence and rancour. The Islamic
State, or more commonly referred to as ISIS, is an extreme case of how
religion not only divides but instigates people to act on their hatred against
non-believers, as adduced by the indiscriminate genocide of other religious
minorities by the religious terrorists who use scripture in an unprecedented
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While religion indeed seems to be the reason for the fragmentation in the
Middle East, to place the blame of this division on religion would be to neglect
the plethora of other factors that have contributed to this state of
desolationFor this given example, it should be acknowledged that the issue is
multi-factorial and the divide also encompasses other social and political
complexities. Much of the discord can also be attributed to how the Sunni-
majority in Syria has long been ruled by the oppressive Shite minority, which
has refused to large swathes of the population freedom of religious expression
and politic emancipation. Under the Assad regime, innocent civilians have been
exposed to chemical attack by the militia and it is more so the denial of
political rights and excess to basic welfare that has culminated in the morbid
retaliation by the disenfranchised factions, leading to the misconception that
conflict and division is ostensibly religion in nature.
Furthermore, this is a largely isolated case that shows the extremes of religious
division. Depending on how religious differences in a society are managed,
religion could conversely bring about cohesion and stability. When
accompanied by amiable and open dialogue, and the display of a willingness to
compromise and respect those of all religions, religious differences can be
tolerated to create a community of acceptance. While this may sound idealistic,
it has been in fact realized in Lebanon with the unique form of confessionalism
it practices in its government structure, where the President is always a
Maronite Christian, the Prime Minister a Sunni and the Head of Defence a
Druze. Although the country still has much progress to make, the fair
representation of the various religions in its government ensures that the
rights of each religion are vehemently safeguarded, therefore averting
schismatic fall-out or a nation-state conflict and showing that instead of dividing,
religion, when moderated by temperance and tolerance, can in fact create a
framework of greater unity in spite of the inherent differences.
economic gains, due to the shared religious values and principles in business,
the GCC has been able to bring about great prosperity of the partnering
nations. Bahrain serves as the regional banking centre and follows strict Sharia
Law. Since all the countries similarly observe the same rules, it has allowed
filtrahs and scholars to obtain the necessary funds to finance their projects and
business endeavours in these countries. What is even more remarkable is that
Bahrain is Shiite dominated, while all other member-nations of the GCC
comprise a Sunni majority. This astounding success serves as evidence that
religion does in fact have a unifying effect in the modern world.
At the individual level, religion has a great power in linking believers across the
world in fellowship and provides a sense of belonging to a larger entity. With
nearly 1.3 billion Muslims worldwide, a million Catholics and Christians, and
half a million more Buddhists and Hindus each, religion does indeed have of the
ability to create an ineffable sense of brotherhood and connection. In this fast-
paced world of rapid changes where people are growing ever tired of sprinting
on the hedonic treadmill and in the context of crass materialism and avarice
perpetuated by the media, religion imparts on its followers the lessons of
altruism and exhorts them to care for the disadvantaged and marginalized
segments of society, where otherwise they could lose themselves in the selfish
culture of consumerism. The values of love, kindness and benevolence are
embodied in the Christian commandment ―love thy neighbour as thyself‖, the
Jewish Law of ―heal the world‖, and similarly in the Muslim injunction ―look to
charity as something you must do every day that the sun rises‖. Given these
invaluable teachings common across all religions and how religion offers
opportunity for self-reflection in an atmosphere of sincere humility,
accompanied by spiritual enlightenment and self-actualization, many individuals
have come forward to contribute to society to create a more inclusive
environment where all can be united despite the different socio-economic
backgrounds. Such is displayed by the commendable service initiatives by faith-
based charity organisations such as HOPE Worldwide, which encourage
volunteerism and offers aid to all regardless of race, class, creed or religion.
Ultimately, in the modern world, religion, while still an integral part of human
identity, does not define people to a full-stop. When moderated by morality
and tolerance, religion need not necessarily divide disparate groups. In fact,
such tensions can be mitigated with sound institutions and systems to
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Teacher‟s Comments:
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 2 | Passage
The Chinese government installs software that monitors and censors certain anti-
government websites. Journalists and human rights defenders from Bahrain to Morocco have
their phones tapped and their emails read by security services. Facebook takes down wall
posts after States complain of ―subversive material‖. Google hands over user data to law
enforcement authorities that include IP addresses, location data and records of
communications. The US government conducts mass surveillance of foreign phone and
internet users.
Each of these acts threatens both an individual‘s freedom to express themselves, and their
right to maintain a private life and private communications. In this way, privacy and free
expression are two sides of the same coin, each an essential prerequisite to the survival of
the other. To freely form and impart one‘s political, religious or ethnical beliefs, one needs
an autonomous, private space free from interference from the State, private sector or other
citizens. Equally, infringements on the right to privacy – physical or online surveillance,
monitoring of communications or activities, State intrusion into private, family or home
affairs – prevent an individual from exercising their freedom of expression.
Such considerations are important, for in the modern world, almost every act online is an act
of expression. Participating in an online chat, networking with friends and colleagues, surfing
websites, reading news and downloading files -- these are all acts of imparting or accessing
information. In online interactivity, there is content generated and stored, some of which is
publicly available, most of which is amongst select individuals and groups. Yet each of these
acts also generates transactional information, and can be monitored by unintended parties. In
turn, nearly every act of expression is now observable to communications providers, and in
turn, the State.
This scrutiny is without precedent. We could previously communicate with our friends and
colleagues without it being known to anyone else. We could move around cities, countries
and continents and meet with whomever we wished without it being known. We could
follow and join groups and movements without having to disclose identities. The ability to
act without being observed was innate to the act of expression and we benefited from
privacy as we expressed ourselves by living our personal, political and professional lives.
Most importantly, we believed that these were rights worth protecting, enshrining in
constitutions and promoting through advocacy and protecting in law.
The protection of free expression is now generally considered a common good. Some
States speak out in favour of its protection and admonish those who do not support it in the
modern era, and in particular for the internet. No State, however, promotes the right to
privacy. Now, when States speak often of promoting free speech and the importance of
facilitating access to and use of the internet and new technologies, they rarely admit the
implications of new technologies for the right to privacy. They support free expression in the
modern context while ignoring the right to privacy that has so long enabled and supported
free expression.
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The failure of the international community to develop stronger support for the right to
privacy may be due to the challenges in defining the content and contours of this right. It is
undeniable that privacy does face a changing environment. New forms of data generation,
storage, processing and surveillance have made it far from a static concept; its content and
confines are being contested in never-ending games between individuals, governments and
corporations; our own notions of privacy vary greatly across historical periods, cultures and
However, even as the right to privacy is viewed by citizens as their safeguard from the State,
it is viewed by the State as a barrier to control, an impediment to power. Privacy is at the
heart of the most basic understandings of human dignity – the ability to make autonomous
choices about our lives and relationships, without outside interference or intimidation, is
central to who we are as human beings. Yet by the State that seeks to control its populace, it
is viewed as an impediment, and is conceptualised as hampering security, development, and
modernisation. Thus, individuals are forced to choose between starkly contrasting values: on
one side there is dignity, freedom and individual rights. On the other, convenience, control
and national security. All of these are false choices, pitting technology as a means for evil and
privacy, the preserve of darker forces in society.
The idea that we must choose between privacy and security has too often pervaded the
political and economic discourses, creating false dichotomies and spurring over-simplified
arguments about the roles of technologies. The discussion reveals no consideration of the
values and priorities tied up in privacy and security, no reference to the potentials of
technology and no indication of the other choices that exist. It has instead cast security and
privacy as competing concepts, rather than mutually reinforcing values.
Technologies have blurred the line between public and private thought and expression;
courts across the globe are confounded by questions about how to characterise social media
musings and blogs, how to think about data like location, IP addresses and cookies. Today,
more than ever, privacy and free expression are interlinked; an infringement upon one can
be both the cause and consequence of an infringement upon the other. This is likewise so in
the case of communications surveillance. The things an individual says to another person,
their intimate feelings and opinions: each of these pieces of information is incredibly sensitive
and personal. They have long been considered the preserve of an individual‘s private life, yet
they are now exposed to infiltration by the State without the need for consent or
exceptional justification.
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2016 | Y6 | GP Prelim | Paper 2 | AQ Chong Ya Wen Michele | 16S06B
Nyst argues that ―to freely form and impart one‘s beliefs, one needs an
autonomous, private space free from interference from the state, private
sector or other citizens‖ (lines 11-12). By this, Nyst means that for an
individual to fully exercise their freedom of expression in terms of their values
and how they live their lives, there cannot be an infringement on their right to
privacy. I can understand where Nyst is coming from because there must be a
certain amount of respect and liberty given to an individual to make their own
decisions without their privacy being violated by other parties. However, I also
believe that her statement is rather extreme, failing to see that society and the
government do play a large role in influencing our beliefs and principles. In
Singapore, I believe that the government does provide space for individuals to
express themselves, but also draws the boundary through legislation. This can
be seen through the Sedition Act and the Maintenance of Religious Harmony
Act, where offensive comments made with regard to race and religion is
punishable by law. This is especially important in our multi-racial, multi-
religious society where the fabric of society is very much dependent on the
diverse group of people living together in harmony. While society is generally
open to citizens expressing their views, it will not be tolerated when their
remarks cause harm and fuel possible tensions between different groups of
people. It is precisely because of Singapore‘s strong belief in respecting each
other‘s culture and religion that allows each person, ―regardless of race or
religion‖ as outlined by our National Pledge, to exercise their faith and practise
their traditions in a safe environment. Therefore, I believe that the space given
to an individual cannot be completely ―private‖ and ―free from interference‖.
On the other hand, an individual can still exercise freedom of expression
within these confines, as long as they do not go against the status quo.
In addition, Nyst emphasises that ―the state that seeks to contain its populace‖
(lines 61-62), sees the right to privacy as an ―impediment to power‖. By this,
Nyst means that governments feel the need to infringe on their citizen‘s
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privacy to ensure that they are able to establish control over the population.
There is some truth to her words as corrupt governments who seek to
consolidate power and wealth among themselves are generally afraid of their
citizen‘s extreme views that may destabilise their government. However, I
believe that this is only an exception, and most governments around the world
care about their citizen‘s needs and see the importance of maintaining the right
to privacy to gain favour from the population. This is also apparent in
Singapore where the government is aware of the challenges that come with
meeting the needs of an increasingly educated and outspoken populace. Social
media and globalisation have exposed citizens to more Western views of
freedom of expression and the right to privacy and have given them a platform
to voice their opinions. This would suggest that the state has to carefully deal
with issues of privacy. Given the rising threat of terrorism around the world,
the Singapore government has stepped up security measures by increasing the
number of security cameras around the island and by tracking the search
history and messages of suspicious individuals. These measures could be said to
be an infringement on privacy, and opposed by some, but with the greater
national interests at stake, a certain amount of individual right needs to be
given to the government, trusting that they have the nation‘s best interest at
heart. Hence, it is unfair to say that the State seeks to control the population.
It is perhaps necessary for a certain amount of the right to privacy to be given
up by citizens to ensure the security of the nation.
Teacher‟s comments:
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2016 | Y6 GP Prelim | Paper 2 | AQ Sanjna Nilesh Nerurkar | 16S06P
Nyst also posits that technology has altered our perceptions about the
realisation and protection of human rights. This claim is echoed in Singaporean
society. In the past 10 years, Singapore‘s web penetration rates soared from 62%
to 93% today, with more than 82% of Singaporeans engaged on a social media
platform, according the Infocomm Development Authority. This has facilitated
greater interactions on online platforms between individuals from all walks of
life. In doing so, more citizens are growing increasingly aware of their rights.
The creation of online forums such as Hardware Zone and The Online Citizen
have helped draw attention to the importance of the fulfilment of certain
inalienable rights such as the freedom of expression. For example, Roy Ngerng,
a popular blogger, brought to light a popular censorship practice by the Media
Development Authority which required him to obtain a license once his blog
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Teacher‟s Comments:
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2016 | Y5 | KI Promo | Paper 1 Tan Xin Hwee | 17A13A
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Yet, while such views do raise certain questions about the value of
Mathematics, it fails to account for Mathematics‘ focus on universal categories
of human thought. Mathematics deals with ideas that are far too naturally
ingrained in our perceptions to simply be an abstract product for
entertainment. The human sense and understanding of numbers if an innate
and irreducible mode of perception – children immediately recognize pairs and
threesomes. Just like how we cannot but see the world in colour, we naturally
identify quantities in all perceptions. Examples from history also illustrate this.
Almost every single human civilization known has developed a language or
medium for communicating numerical quantities. While conceptions of
numbers may not always be uniform, such as the concept of zero only being
invented much later in mankind‘s history, the integral nature of mathematical
concept cannot be denied. According to Kant‘s categories of the human mind,
human beings naturally adopt a mathematical lens when viewing the world.
Being thus instinctive and natural, the view of Mathematics as a game created
without meaning seems incompatible to human experience.
In fact, in examining the origins of Mathematics, we see that Maths itself was
conceived for a purpose that goes beyond satisfying game players. Mathematics
is not only inspired by the reality that we exist in, but also enables us to
understand this reality. Seemingly pointless formulas of differentiation and
integration actually originated from the need to calculate rates of change of
everyday moving objects. The coordinate plane stemmed from a need to
characterize space effectively and efficiently. Mathematics was therefore not
created as a game but as a means to interact with reality.
Mathematics has always been heralded as the pinnacle area of knowledge for
its seeming indubitability. Indeed, the notion that 1+1=2 could be false seems
ridiculous. Yet, the axiom-theorem structure that may hold as the pillar of
certainty may not be sufficient. While theorems are deductively derived, the
certainty of Maths can be undermined by demonstrating the axioms to be false.
For instance, Euclidean geometry relies on the axiom that the shortest distance
between two points is a line, but Riemannian geometry states that it is a curve.
This raises questions about which axiom are true and whether axioms
themselves are always certain. Yet both sets of mathematical systems built
upon these axioms have proven to be useful in formulating scientific theories
such as Newton‘s laws of gravitation and Einstein‘s theory of relativity.
Before concluding, to address the objection raised earlier about the lack of
meaning in abstract mathematical entities, one can look to constructionist
models of Mathematics, where many abstract theorems have been rejected as
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Teacher‟s Comments:
Excellent piece here, Xin Hwee! You elegantly and beautifully
interwove the big picture with all the finer details of Maths, and in
such a concise manner. Outstanding.
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2016 | Y5 | KI Promo | Paper 1 Nistala Rishi | 17S03N
Where did math come from? When did it begin? These are not questions that
come to one‘s mind immediately upon thinking of this essay‘s question stem,
but I believe that they play a crucial role in answering the question. Statements
like 1+1=2 are undoubtedly mathematical in nature, yet we have good
evidence that human babies and even most animals have some comprehension
of such mathematical statements related to primitive arithmetic. Do these
living beings play this ―game‖ of math too? Seemingly not, for our concept of a
game is one of something that is created just for fun. It has been argued that
the very act of separating objects into numerical, countable sets leads to
benefits for all animals (e.g. identifying how many predators are chasing you).
Primitive and contrite as all this might seem – it does give us an inkling of the
applicability of math in the real world, and the idea that mathematics might
have a deep neurological grounding in our brains. In that sense, at least, it
would not seem to be merely a game.
Yet I do believe ultimately that mathematics is just a game. Why? For this, one
must consider the growth of mathematics and the kinds of knowledge that are
generated. Starting with primitive arithmetic, the Greeks stumbled upon
irrational numbers and ultimately, in the last few hundred years,
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Obviously, some philosophers have problems with this, but unfortunately for
them, that is just how math is. Multi-dimensional spaces, sets of numbers
smaller than every real number – these things are quite literally out of our
world. Yet, there is a problem. If mathematics is just a game we play according
to deductive logic, then what do we base our deductions on? After al, to
deduce anything, you require something to deduce it from. According to
modern mathematics, this deduction is done on the basis of certain basic
axioms. For example, all of Euclidean geometry can be deduced from 5
postulates. These postulates seem to be self-evident and really, cannot be
justified on the basis of anything else. Yet are they true? It is hard to give an
explanation of why they ought to be true – and indeed they do not need to be
true! Rejecting the parallel postulate is how the wonderful field of spherical and
hyperbolic geometry was born. Now, some might ask ―why can an axiom just
be rejected?‖ to which the answer is ―why not?‖ This practice is perfectly
coherent with math being just a game. Indeed, if on the basis of some other
power or reason, such as logic, some axioms definitely needed to be true, then
we could not just reject our axioms as and when we like (at least not how we
could do so within a game). But in math, we do reject axioms from time to
time – indeed completely new fields are often discovered from relaxing an
assumption of the existing field. Consider again the creation of irrational
numbers. To some Greeks, these numbers are evil, they could not be written
as the ratio of 2 normal numbers. Eventually the world just accepted the use of
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those ―weird, evil‖ numbers and moved on. Similarly, some of us find it difficult
to accept that axioms can be revised and lead to the creation of new systems –
but this is just a fact of math that makes most sense when we consider math to
be just a game played according to deductive rules that we imposed upon it.
This does seem to show that math is meaningless however, No statement can
be true everywhere, only within an axiomatic system. Doesn‘t this make math
meaningless? If I can‘t know what 1+1 is, then what am I wasting my life on?
The answer to this is that we can know the truth of certain axioms, just within
a system itself. Math still has lots of meaning – it shows all the truths that
necessarily follow from a set of simple axioms. 5 simple axioms and I can
deduce all the truths about geometry in a plane. Apart form this applicability of
math in itself, this idea of how truths can be deduced from a set of simple
assumptions has many practical applications in science. For instance, if I assume
that in a key step of a chemical reaction, there is only 1 reactant molecule,
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then the rules of math allow me to deduce how the concentrations of reactant
and product change over time. This assumption has no mathematical basis, but
once I assume it, I can predict so many properties of my system. It is rather
akin to math itself – the axioms have no real reason for being true, but once I
assume them there is a whole world of knowledge waiting to be discovered.
This defining feature of math appears time and again in science – how can one
then say that math is meaningless?
Finally, I will briefly consider certainty in math. One main reason put forth for
why math is meaningful, is that it is absolutely certain. From a set of axioms I
can strictly deduce some necessary truths about the system. This is not strictly
true, for there is no way I can know that the mathematical axiomatic system is
consistent in itself. This means that within a system, one day I might find out
that actually, both a statement and its negation are true. In such an inconsistent
system, all statements in the language of the system can ultimately be proven
true – so the system really is completely meaningless. Even though Gödel has
shown that we cannot prove a system to be consistent, I still believe that we
ought to consider the system consistent until proven otherwise. After all, just
because something is not necessarily consistent does not mean that it is
necessarily inconsistent, and given that knowledge in math is so vast and
applicable everywhere, we should still consider it to be meaningful.
Teacher‟s Comments:
Great piece here, Rishi, although rather (too) long and a tad long-
winded. What you did well was to systematically prove that even
though math is a game, it can and still is meaningful.
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2016 | Y5 | KI Promo | Paper 2 | Section A | Passage
Peer review has long been held to be the gold standard in determining the quality of any
scholarly journal publication. Scientific journals catalogue the contributions, thoughts, and
opinions of researchers, investigators, and experts in the field, and the prestige of a journal
depends on the validity, usefulness, and quality of the articles published. The peer review
process is essentially a quality control mechanism as it subjects research papers to
independent scrutiny by other (anonymous) qualified experts before the journal editor
makes a final publication decision.
Theoretically, peer review should help authors make their manuscript better. But in reality,
the cutthroat attitude that pervades the system results in ludicrous rejections for personal
reasons—if the reviewer feels that the paper threatens his or her own research or
contradicts his or her beliefs, for example—or simply for convenience, since top journals
get too many submissions and it‘s easier to just reject a paper than spend the time to
improve it. Reviewers are also more likely to favour manuscripts that are clearly written,
are creative, demonstrate positive results, and have interesting titles, and may more readily
accept manuscripts from more prestigious institutions than those from lesser-known
Now, it is a well-known fact that, aside from its use in scientific journals, peer review is the
process by which grants are allocated, academics are promoted, textbooks are written, and
Nobel prizes are won. A publication that has been peer reviewed gains respectability and
acceptance and is considered a relevant contribution to the field; peer review is a
professional privilege and responsibility that directly impacts what is accepted as important
to a body of knowledge. This is very important in Science, since nothing can be considered
true unless verified by the scientific community. The certainty of Science rests largely on
how well new theories and ideas fit in with the rest of the field. But if peer reviews aren‘t as
credible a process as is often believed to be, we wouldn't know if what is published is really
Perhaps anonymous peer review should be abolished, because reviewers are biased by
personal motives. Anonymity gives the reviewer latitude to say all sorts of nasty things, and
allows for the infiltration of inevitable personal biases—against the scientific ideas presented
or even the authors themselves—into a judgment that should be based entirely on scientific
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This arbitrariness in what has been called the gold-standard for evaluating and selecting
quality scientific publication is disturbing, especially since we continually hail the value-free,
objective nature of Science and its coherence in being able to explain the world we live in.
We also wouldn't know if journal editors are accepting or rejecting publications based on
what is currently trending or what they want people to read so as to boost article sales and
publication profit. Back in the day when data for music hits were compiled based on verbal
reports by music store owners, it was common practice for music store owners to report
whatever music genre was not selling well as their "top hit" so as to engineer more sales of
that genre. This was the way rock 'n' roll made it to the top of the charts in the '70s. So
who knows if journal editors are doing the very same thing and influencing publication so
that some authors get more visibility than others?
We need a new way of doing Science that eliminates all possible personal bias such that we
are left with completely objective explanations of the world on which we can base our
predictions. Only then can we say, with certainty, that our scientific explanations and
predictions of the world are true.
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2016 | Y5 | KI Promo | Paper 2 | Section A - Response Joey Lee Jia Yi | 17S03L
The author claims that we need a new way of doing Science that eliminates all
possible personal bias such that we are only left with completely objectives
explanations of the world, on which we can base our predictions. He implies
that our way of doing Science is contingent on the papers that are published on
the scientific journals and comments that peer review used in determining
which papers are to be published is a subjective matter which can produce
unreliable theories that will not allow us to predict the world‘s phenomena.
Only when Science is made value-free and objective can we then use it to
achieve truth and certainty. In general, while there are certain premises that
are true, I do not accept the author‘s argument.
I agree with the author that the selection process in an individual peer review
can be biased since our decisions and perceptions are undergirded by our
beliefs and individuals might have personal agendas. However, the author
exaggerates this factor of personal bias and claims as if the paper is only
reviewed by one other peer, or by numerous peers who all have the same bias
and agenda against one paper or theory. This is not very plausible in actual fact
as qualified experts that review the papers most likely will each have their own
views about the paper that are different from one another. This inter-
subjectivity suggests that their slight personal bias will most likely cancel out
and not leave a significant impact. If one peer reviewer expresses extremely
strong opinions, surely the other experts will enquire why and he/she must be
able to provide credible arguments against the paper which are not just based
on personal bias and ‗nasty things‘. The author severely underestimates the
professionalism of scientists and the scientific community and extrapolates the
impacts of personal bias on the construction of knowledge in Science.
Next, the author claims that nothing in Science is true unless verified by the
scientific community. This claim appeals to the view that scientific truth is
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Plus, verification by scientific community does not only rest on peer reviews
typed by experts. Verification in scientific community also includes conducting
the same experiments repeatedly to ensure that the scientific theory is
legitimate and reproducible. Hence, the peer review in scientific community is
much more rigorous than described in the passage and should not be taken
down by the author so easily.
In addition, the author claims that Science should be totally value-free and
objective in order to predict what happens in the natural world. Though this
may be the ideal situation, Science can never be totally value-free. Scientists at
any point in time operate in a scientific paradigm which consists of a whole
package of values, beliefs and methodologies of acquiring and analyzing data.
These values and beliefs will always affect the scientists‘ perceptions; this gives
rise to theory-ladenness, a common critique of Science. As Paul Feyeraband
stated, theories and observations can never be apart, and no observations can
be made without certain warrants taken for granted. Even between scientific
paradigms, incommensurability prevents different scientific paradigms from
being compared on a single criterion. Due to the difference in language and
methodological standards, they cannot be directly compared and the decision
of which paradigm to shift to can be a subjective one. Hence, contrary to what
the author believes, having completely objective explanations that are rid of all
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personal bias is not possible. However, that does not mean that scientific
knowledge cannot be guaranteed even without absolute certainty. As
mentioned, scientific knowledge has been judged as useful up till now as it is
able to predict natural phenomena to a precise and accurate extent, and
therefore can be considered true even without 100% objectivity and certainty.
In conclusion, even though the main concern of the author – the subjectivity in
certain processes of Science – is one that exists in the scientific world, the
extent to which this subjectivity affects scientific knowledge is not as large as
the author claims it to be due to rigorous checking in addition to more peer
reviews that prevents personal bias to greatly affect the credibility of Science.
In addition, Science can never be completely value-free due to operation in
paradigms, but can still be granted truth by pragmatism.
Teacher‟s Comments:
Great analysis and evaluation here, Joey! There was clarity in what
the issues were and how the author's points could withstand scrutiny
(or not). However, there were a number of instances of missed
opportunities to highlight the different facets of the author's
argument and bring in more AO1 content (and examples, specifically)
to make your entire response stronger and more nuanced. Overall,
still a great response.
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2016 | Y5 | KI Promo | Paper 2 | Section A - Response Zhou Xiao Jian | 17S03N
The author of the passage argues that we need a new way of doing Science
that eliminates all possible personal bias to achieve objective scientific
knowledge. The author first establishes the important role of the peer review
system as a quality control mechanism in the publication of scientific articles.
However, the peer review system in actual fact is plagued by bias and
subjectivity. Peer reviewers may reject articles due to personal reasons as they
may have vested interest in not granting an article due to the competitive
nature of the field. The credibility of peer review is hence thrown into
question since the criteria of judging articles are not simply their validity,
usefulness and quality. To this, the author asserts that anonymity of the system
is a problem since peer reviewers are not held accountable for their biased
opinions. In addition, the arbitrary selection of peer reviewers by the journal
editors also undermines the golden standard of value-freedom, objectivity and
coherence in Science. Lastly, the journal editors can also be biased in accepting
or rejecting publications. Since the current system of doing Science through
the peer review system does not meet the criteria of being bias free or
objective, we need a new way of doing Science to meet the criteria Science
sets out to achieve.
The author is accurate in saying that the truth of scientific knowledge, at least
as it appears, relies fundamentally on its acceptance by the scientific community.
In addition, peer reviewers and journal editors, like all humans, are inherently
subjective. The way they evaluate every article will rely on their preconceived
notions, theories and beliefs. As such, there will always be room for doubt
regarding the absolute objectivity of each peer reviewer and journal editor.
However, it is crucial to note that the peer review system involves more than
a single individual, but instead, multiple peer reviewers and journal editors who
counterbalance each other‘s subjectivity, and result in a much more reliable
ultimate valuation of the piece of journal. The check-and-balance nature of the
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knowledge, collectively ensure the rigor of Science. Hence, the author‘s claim
that we need to revamp the current system of Science remains unwarranted.
Teacher‟s Comments:
Relatively good piece here, XiaoJian. The main points were covered
with sufficient support, although a couple were lacking in detail.
Reconstruction was a tad too long-winded, but the big picture view
of the passage is right.
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Feng Yu Chen| 17A01D
―All art is quite useless‖, wrote Oscar Wilde in the preface of The Picture of
Dorian Gray. One interpretation of this wild claim is that, perhaps, Wilde is
commenting on the practicality of art, rather than the intrinsic value in art. Art,
in particular paintings and visual arts, has been often associated with the upper
class, catering to only a small minority who has had their basic needs satisfied.
In Singapore‘s pragmatic society, the expenditure of the Arts scene has always
been scrutinized for fear of unnecessary spending. While arts education is
generally agreed upon to be important, the funding of the many art museums
and galleries in Singapore has been questioned as many deemed the art
museums to be too costly and dispensable. However, should all the art
museums and galleries close down, it will pose a huge setback to government‘s
effort in building a cultural identity.
From a pragmatist‘s viewpoint, closing down all the art museums and galleries
would lead to freeing up budget that can be spent on other social issues in
need of dire attention. According to the statistics provided by the Ministry of
Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), the government‘s expenditure on
the arts from 2012 t0 2014 amount to $274 millions. Although not all of which
can be credited to spending on art museums and galleries, it is not entirely far-
fetched to say it takes up a significant portion of the $274 millions. After all,
museums such as the the Singapore Arts Museum (SAM) and the ArtScience
Museum at Marina Bay do put up exhibitions rather regularly. These
exhibitions involve paying for foreign artists and artworks to be displayed, with
no guarantee of covering the costs from ticket sales. Furthermore, tickets to
such exhibitions are mostly subsidized by the government to encourage
attedance and hence every exhibition is costly, not to mention some
exhibitions may be too niche and attract few visitors. The amount spent on all
these activities can be quite staggering when once considers the fact that right
now Singapore has more than 50 museums and galleries and most are putting
up exhibitions every month or two. The belief that such spending is
unnecessary is not unfounded as one of Singapore‘s recently opened museum,
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On a cultural level, the closing down of all art museums and galleries in
Singapore is akin to eroding the cultural and historical aspect of our society.
Contrary to popular belief, art museums are not all about modern or abstract
art, but can be relevant to society as well. The newly opened National Gallery
Singapore (NGS) houses the largest collection of South-East Asian artworks,
giving visitors a glimpse into the rich history of not only Singapore but the
entire region of South-East Asia. The relatively older Peranakan Museum
houses a vast collection of Peranakan paintings and art crafts. These works not
only reflect the Peranakan culture that has helped shaped the the modern
Singaporean culture but also allows visitor to gain a deeper appreciation for
the history and the evolution of the said culture. Furthermore, paintings and
artworks ought to be seen in person in order to have a truly authentic
experience; browsing paintings from a laptop does not allow room for
prolonged and detailed viewing. The only way for us Singaporeans to see these
culturally and historically significant artworks is to have them housed in
museums, and to close down these venues would be denying us the
opportunity to learn about our culture in an intimate manner, ultimately
perpetuating the notion that Singapore is a ―cultural desert‖.
The closing down of all arts museums and galleries would also discourage local
artists in their crafts. Art is more than just a moment of self-indulgence of the
artist, but it is also meant to be shared with other people. Russian writer
Tolstoy believed that art needs to ―evoke one‘s feeling‖ and ―transmit these
feelings to others‖ and how can these artworks see daylight if there are no
venues to host them. Public exhibitions are essential to an artist‘s career, for it
is the primary way to receive validation and fame. Famous paintings, such as
Picasso‘s Les Demoiselles d‘Avignon which is often hailed as the symbol of
Cubism and Modernism, did not generate discussion until they were put on a
public exhibition. Similarly, for Singapore to nurture budding artists, it ought to
provide venues to display their works. In fact, NGS is currently holding an
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Lastly, closing down art museums and galleries would be a huge blow to the
effort in arts education to students and the general public. According to MCCY,
museum attendance has steadily increased from 2 million in 2004 to 8 million
in 2014, showing how museums have managed to reach out to more citizens,
amongst which students would presumably make up a large proportion as
museums such as SAM and NGS have often been made the destinations for
school‘s Learning Journeys. Arts students are also seen frequenting art
museums, seeking for inspirations from the artworks on display. The
exhibitions in some museums also explores social issues, as seen from one of
SAM‘s exhibition on refugees through an art installation of a boat made from
used fabrics. These exhibitions and artworks do prompt the visitors to rethink
and relook at certain issues, and leave the museum with a deeper
understanding of the world around them. Museums and galleries have always
been a vehicle for education not just on arts but also the themes and issues
they raise. This education does not only apply to people who are interested in
arts but should concern the general public as well. Hence, closing down art
museums and galleries would be removing one key avenue of educating the
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Teacher‟s Comments:
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Chloe Young | 17S03N
It is impossible to deny that huge leaps of progress have been made in recent
years, in large part due to governments recognising the importance of engaging
both genders equally, to bolster lacklustre economies. In the light of many
developed countries, such as Japan, that have an increasingly ageing population,
the importance of engaging every member of the population of working age
has never been as prevalent as today. By promoting gender equality in the form
of equal pay or less sexism in the workplace, governments can encourage
more women to join the workforce, increasing the total working population,
which helps bolster the economy. For example, one need only look at Japan
which has long been a male-dominated society, where women were often
expected to stay home and look after the household while men worked to
support the family. However, just last year, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe passed
policies that mandated educational workshops in Japanese offices to eradicate
sexism and harassment, which is characteristic of many of the men from the
older generation. This was part of his Abenomics push to bolster the Japanese
economy that has been suffering blows from its increasingly elderly population
and low birth rate. While the success of his plan has yet to be seen, this shows
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that governments across the world have indeed realised the importance of
gender equality, which has led to progress in recent years.8
The progress in gender equality is also in no small part due to the societal
awakening brought about by social media. Many feminist movements are born
in Western countries, perhaps due to more liberal perspectives. These
movements may never have moved beyond their birthplaces if not for the
speed and wide reach of social media. For example, the #HeForShe campaign
spearheaded by outspoken feminist, Emma Watson, would not have the
influence and awareness it did, if not for social media. There have been intense
social media campaigns to raise awareness, by engaging prominent male actors,
such as Ben Whishaw to post using the hashtag to show their support. The
platform of social media also allowed the common man or woman to engage in
the movement and show their support. This allowed the message of gender
equality to spread far and wide, raising awareness of its importance among
both members of society and their leaders. This has helped to drive progress
in recent years as well.
However, it is evident that while progress has been made, there is still much
left to be done. In apparent mockery of the feminist movement, there was the
uprising of the Meninist movement that pushed their misogynistic views on
various social media platforms such as Reddit. Rape threats to outspoken
feminists are commonplace and authorities do not pursue these threats. There
are a few reasons why I believe that there is still much to be done.
Firstly, the older generation often hold very conservative views about their
cultures and the role of women in society. For example, many religious
fundamentalists of Islam still believe that the female has no place in anywhere
but the home and hearth. The Taliban did not allow girls to go to school and
enacted harsh laws that restricted the freedoms of women. Even the Western
world is not free from such problems. After the 2016 Presidential election, it
was found that many of the 42% of women who voted for Trump, were from
the older generation who believed that a return to more traditional values,
Teacher’s comments: This paragraph would have been more convincing if you had included
clear indication that these developments represent a broader trend rather than a narrow
Japanese phenomenon.
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Secondly, there is a mindset within society that women are less capable than
men. This is a belief that has been reinforced through gender stereotypes that
boys are traditionally better at thinking subjects, such as Mathematics and by a
patriarchal society where having women in parliament or on a director‘s chair
is a victory to be celebrated rather than just the norm. In Saudi Arabia, women
are not allowed to drive by themselves and often require someone to approve
any major decisions they make or even a visit to the hospital. Is the woman
really that incapable of making her own informed decisions? It does not help
that often these women have been socialised to believe that it is normal and
expected to be subservient to their fathers or spouses. A household survey
carried out in India showed that 52% of Indian women felt that it was normal if
their husbands beat them for going out without his prior approval. This
mindset that women are not capable is one that is also holding back progress
in gender equality and often is the root of a lot of gender equality.
Ultimately, I feel that while great leaps of progress have been made in gender
equality, there remains much to be done. Until we can overcome the
underlying mindset and sexism as a society, the fight has only just begun.
Teacher‟s Comments:
This is a thoughtful and at time insightful piece that looks at
discrimination against men and women. Yes, it‟s indeed true that
men also suffer from gender discrimination and sometimes
unrealistic expectations of them. Wide ranging examples provided.
AFI – You should also explain why the discriminatory practices are
hard to overcome to show that the fight is indeed far from over
instead of explaining that such practices still exist.
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Yeo Jiong Han | 17S06K
The recent election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States and
his repeated calls for the mass deportation of illegal immigrations have sent
chills down the spine of liberals worldwide who deeply believe in the merits of
migration. Six months ago, a significant proportion of the United Kingdom had
just voted to leave the European Union, in a stunning repudiation of the right
to free movement. Indeed, it is no longer possible to attribute anti-immigration
sentiment to a minority of xenophobic and nationalistic voters. Rather,
opposition towards migration today is rooted in much deeper anxieties
regarding the detrimental social and economic effects of migration, and it is the
author‘s belief that immigration must be curbed to address these woes.
It cannot be denied that migration can be a boon for both host and destination
countries, for it not only furthers economic progress but also reduces the
persistant inequalities in wealth and skills between developing and developed
countries. In many developing countries, infrastructure and technological
know-how remains severely lacking, serving as a deterrence to foreign
investment and leading to a stagnant job market. Even for the fortunate ones
who receive a decent education, the dearth of white collar jobs mean that they
are frequently underemployed in jobs which do not put their skills to
productive use. On the other hand, in the developed world, changing
aspirations and improving educational attainment - accompanied by a rise in
the number of university graduates - have contributed to a perennial shortage
of workers in 3‘D‘ (dirty, difficult and dangerous) jobs. It is not surprising that
firms in labour intensive industries like the construction sector would welcome
such as influx of migrants, which has the advantage of keeping wages
competitive. Migrants are also better-off from seeking employment overseas as
the comparatively higher purchasing power of foreign currency means that
their wages, regarded as meagre in local terms, is often worth a small fortunate
back home. Most of all, these remittances often contribute to improving
infrastructure and allowing their children to access better educational and
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health services, helping individual families break out of the poverty cycle. In the
long run, if the migrants make their return journey home, they may pass on the
skills and knowledge gained to their home country, spurring economic
development on a larger scale. For example, returning migrants from America
are responsible for founding the equivalents of Silicon Valley in Taiwan,
Mumbai and Shanghai. Even in more economically backward countries like the
Philippines, remittances from domestic workers abroad continue to comprise
double-digit percentages of GDP. On a global scale, such mass movements are
no doubt beneficial as they help to counter unsustainable demographic trends.
Most developed countries in the West face an aging population while
developing countries are often overpopulated. Hence some would say that
migration ought to be strongly encouraged.
Clearly, migration has worsened the plight of the less skilled in developed
countries, while worsening the problem of brain drain in developing countries.
In many developed countries, the influx of migrants has stiffened competition
for employment among the lower-income, threatening the livelihoods of those
who are unable to move up the skill ladder. Recently, the displacement of local
Britons from their traditional employment by migrants from poorer Eastern
European countries was a possible contributing factor to the Brexit vote. Even
in developing countries where migration seems to be a remedy for economic
growth, migration has often hindered economic progress in subtler ways.
Poverty-stricken countries are deprived of much-need talent when their best
and brightest minds leave en masse in search of better work opportunities
abroad. Presently, more Liberian doctors work in Chicago than in their home
country. The loss of such valuable talent is highly pernicious, especially in
today‘s knowledge-based economy where the value of educational
qualifications has multiplied exponentially. Indeed, Liberia was caught wrong-
footed when the Ebola epidemic struck in the 2010s, finding itself unable to
mount an effective response with its limited number of trained medical
personnel. Hence, immigration should be discouraged as it causes inequitable
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and distorted growth, and may potentially worsen the prospects of low-
income workers and less developed countries.
Moreover, migration has also increased social tensions in host countries and
caused social fragmentation in destination countries. Migrants may not be
aware of the cultural norms and appropriate standards of behaviour in host
countries, fuelling misunderstandings and possible conflicts. This is exemplified
by Singapore‘s ‗curry‘ incident when a PRC immigrant complained about the
smell of her Indian‘s neighbour cooking, prompting an outpouring of anti-
immigrant vitriol online. In other societies, where authorities have not made an
active effort to promote integration, migrants are more comfortable living with
fellow migrants in homogeneous communities, leading highly segregated lives.
The resulting social alienation can have severe effects. Recent terror attacks
have cast a spotlight on Muslim immigrant ghettos in Europe, where migrants,
largely disconnected from wider society, are susceptible to the influence of
extremist ideology. Many lone-wolf terrorists such as Salah Abdeslam, who
was responsible for the November 2015 bombings in France, have
subsequently been identified as hailing from such ghettos. Furthermore, families
are often separated as migrants are often too destitute to bring their family
along, causing personal relationships to become estranged. In China, where
rural-urban migration is a mass phenomenon, rural migrants may only meet
their families infrequently during festive occasions like Chinese New Year.
Among rural children, those brought up without the nurturing influence of
their parents have been reported to show higher incidences of depressive
disorders and delinquent behaviour. Hence, migration ought to be discouraged
as it tends to be a divisive force with a negative bearing on the social fabric of a
Teacher‟s Comments:
Lucidly written and evaluative essay, though organization of ideas
needs improvement. There are huge inexplicable blanks and partially
cancelled paragraphs that disrupt the flow of ideas.
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Vanessa Chuang Zhen Xuan | 17S06C
Perhaps one significant reason why the general public may perceive video
games to only have entertainment value is the way they tend to be marketed.
In posters and television advertisements, video games are often depicted as fun,
cool, and exciting — characteristics which resonate with the key demographic
that gaming companies wish to attract, teenagers. In today‘s world, youths are
often stressed-out, overworked, and in desperate need of a break from their
educational and co-curricular commitments. Hence, they are naturally drawn
towards a form of entertainment that seems exactly what it claims to be — a
way to destress; nothing more and nothing less. Video games are now
specifically designed to offer the maximum amount of fun in the minimum
amount of time. One such game is Pokemon Go, which shook the gaming
industry by racking up millions of downloads and grossing millions of dollars
within the first few weeks of its release on the App Store. Its ground-breaking
popularity and success can largely be attributed to one thing — its
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entertainment value. Like all other video games, Pokemon Go was designed to
allow players — in this case, self-appointed Pokemon Trainers — to have fun.
There are few hidden motives here with regards to what game engineers wish
to offer players. Fundamentally, a video game‘s purpose is to entertain players,
and any other benefits that they might enjoy are often ancillary and accidental.
Nevertheless, the mere fact that video games are highly effective at
entertaining their audiences does not exclude them from fulfilling other
purposes in our society. As game manufacturers and engineers continually
aspire towards creating the most fun, creative, or immersive games, they
simultaneously drive the development and spread of new technologies that
households can benefit greatly from. For example, in trying to compress the
Pokemon Gold software into the minuscule 1MB afforded by its Game Boy
cartridge, Nintendo engineers had to invent a new method of data storage – a
discovery that later trickled down to the entire gaming industry. More recently,
the development of gaming decides and consoles has seen new, highly
innovative technologies reach consumers at an even quicker pace than before.
Households can now purchase Microsoft‘s Xbox Kinect from retailers at about
US$500 a set, making motion control technology more accessible and
affordable than ever before. Augmented reality headsets like the Oculus Rift
have also been hitting the shelves, such that one can now experience a virtual
reality rollercoaster or his favourite rock star‘s concert with incredible realism,
all without leaving his living room 9 . This extraordinary spread of new
technology would have been impossible without video games, as consumer
demand drives manufacturers to continually refine new and upcoming forms of
technology, bringing them to the market more quickly and affordably. Hence,
video games — empowered and driven by the hundreds of millions of dollars
spent on them annually — provide the incentive for the constant improvement
and refinement of technology, and consequently do more than just entertain.
Next, video games also serve as an important force for social change, as they
encode many messages that can have an extensive impact on future
generations. Since video games are played so widely and frequently by people
from all walks of life, the principles that they encompass can act as catalysts to
Teacher’s comment: It would have strengthened our argument here had you highlighted
how such new technology pioneered by video games
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alter the mindsets of their audiences. For example, the original Mario games
only allowed players to take on the avatar of Mario in their adventures to
rescue Princess Peach from the enemy, King Bowser. This perpetuated the
―damsel-in-distress‖ stereotype of women being weak and unable to fend for
themselves, which was not only unfairly sexist, but also deprived female gamers
of the opportunity to pick an avatar that they identified with. However, this
trope has since been subverted in the more recent Super Princess Peach video
game, where, in a contemporary role-reversal, Princess Peach was tasked with
saving Mario from King Bowser. This has helped to reinforce the message that
girls, too, can defeat evil villains, and that being a hero is not an exclusively
male appointment. Progressive video games like these might not revolutionise
the world, but the small cultural shifts that they do create should not be
discounted. They challenge the status quo, and remind players that they have
the capacity to be protagonists of their own lives, regardless of their gender,
age, or race. Hence, video games can be seen as microcosms of society, as the
messages they embody allow their audiences to be empowered, making them
an important catalyst for social change.
Finally, video games also serve as a medium through which players can develop,
explore, and express themselves. Video games are highly immersive, evidenced
in how players refer to their avatars in the first-person, with the common
complaints of ―I died!‖ as opposed to ―the character died‖. This strong link
formed between the player and his character allows him to live vicariously
through his character, and gives video games an enormous capacity to create
empathy. A win for his character is a win for him, as he escapes into the virtual
world of his game. In addition, video games allow players to develop fine
motor skills as they tug on their joysticks during a game of FIFA 17, improve
their situational awareness and strategising skills as they discuss Call of Duty
Tactics, and promote cooperation and healthy competition between rival
teams in a game of League of Legends. Versatility, ingenuity, and dexterity —
these skills all have a place in our competitive global society, and are especially
relevant for when gamers seek employment in the future. Because video games
place players in active rather than passive positions, they allow players to
express themselves in a world that differs from ours, and provide a conducive
environment for players to hone and improve their skills — all while enjoying
their daily dose of recreation.
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Marker‟s comments:
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Kavya Sankari Sundar | 17S03D
Any country that celebrates Independence Day is a country that has fought for
its sovereignty in one way or another. These countries sought to be free from
the rule of another country, to have control over themselves and to be
autonomous. This reflects, on a very large scale, the innate desire for humans
to be autonomous as well. Humans, while being creatures that display better
cooperation and teamwork skills than most other species, ultimately need and
crave the power to be independent. Freedom indeed has been a very major
part of human history. Freedom is something that has been taken away,
exploited, enforced and used as a scapegoat throughout the course of our
existence. While it is an omnipresent concept in our societies, it has had both
positive and negative impacts on us. The extent to which these impacts have
affected us is always, and forever will be, up for debate. The argument over
‗how much freedom is too much freedom‘ is one that will never cease.
However, I believe that while there are several occasions when freedom has
caused insurmountable anguish and destruction, ultimately freedom has helped
society progress and grow and has benefited us all.
There are many different kinds of freedom. One of them is the freedom of
speech. This is something that many people are extremely passionate about
and believe is a basic human right. For instance, American society has always
heralded their embrace of free speech.10 However, free speech can have very
detrimental impacts on society due to humans being inherently selfish beings:
people do not necessarily consider the impact of their words on the larger
society. When given the freedom to speak their mind, more often than not
controversial topics are brought up or oppressive personal views are
expressed and in the process, feelings are hurt and conflict ensues. Sometimes
even safety of the people involved is threatened. For instance, in Singapore the
Teacher’s Comments: A laudable attempt here to acknowledge an opposing viewpoint
before launching into the focus of your paragraph (that freedom of expression is detrimental
to societal harmony). For the sake of paragraph unity however, it is advisable to address
these opposing viewpoints / ideas in separate paragraphs.
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infamous Anton Casey incident taught Singaporeans how large an impact their
words can have. After being incessantly shamed and bullied online for saying
some controversial things about Singapore society, Anton Casey started
receiving death threats. Eventually, he was forced to flee the country for his
own safety. While it can be argued that Singaporeans were simply expressing
themselves freely, this is a prime example of how people do not know how not
to abuse this right given to them. Instead of using the freedom to speak what is
on their mind for the betterment of society, they use it to harm one another.
As such, we can see how freedom can be detrimental and destructive for
However, freedom has also been very constructive and beneficial to society.
The freedom of expression allows humans to express themselves through
many mediums. This freedom has led to the creation of masterpieces in the
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form of literary works, symphonies, paintings and so much more. The need to
express oneself is a very fundamental and crucial one for humans and has been
since the beginning of our existence. This right to release our thoughts and
emotions has led to the creation of an arts culture and arts scene that thrives.
As art is subjective and a coping mechanism for many, it should be unregulated.
This freedom allows artists to create beautiful, diverse works and when a
community allows for this to happen, cultural appreciation is sure to follow. In
Singapore, the local arts scene is very diverse and appreciates all races and
cultures equally. A visit to the Singapore Art Museum will reveal art works
created by local artists of many different ethnicities, their art being influenced
by their heritage. This appreciation of all the different art forms, from shadow
puppetry to bharatnatyam encourages people to be not just tolerant of one
another‘s cultures but to go one step beyond and appreciate it as well. The
freedom for artists of all backgrounds to express themselves is what presents
such an opportunity for appreciation and learning in the first place. Without
the right to create and be creative, society would without a doubt be a much
less accepting and vibrant place. Hence, the freedom to express and create,
which allows for the creation of art, is vital and undeniably constructive for
society‘s welfare.
Lastly, freedom has led to many societal advancements. One key area that
freedom has helped greatly is that of the women‘s rights movement. Women,
having always been oppressed and discriminated against due to the mindset
that they are worth less than their male counterparts, are now starting to be
considered more as equals. And this can be attributed to their increasing level
of freedom to do what they want. In the past, women were not allowed to
vote or expose their skin or speak up for themselves for fear of being
assaulted or even jailed. However, in recent times, women have been granted
the ability to do all these and much more. For instance, countries all over the
world are slowly allowing the legislation of abortion. This surgical practice
allows pregnant women a choice. In doing so, they exercise their basic right as
humans to be autonomous. Through greater freedom in such ways, women are
able to make more decisions for themselves instead of relying on men to do it
for them and hence, the feminist movement that aims to equalise all humans is
greatly aided. It is therefore evident that freedom brings about equality, which
is undoubtedly important for society to progress and is therefore not always
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Teacher‟s Comments:
A commendable attempt at a difficult question! Your essay is
characterised by sharp clarity of thought, secure awareness of real
world issues and systematic presentation of ideas. Every paragraph
fits nicely with your overarching analysis of the issue. Well done!
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2017 | Y6 | GP CT1 | Paper 1 Anna Cheang Xin Hui | 17S07D
protect the surrogate mothers if such strict regulations were imposed. The same
also goes for stem cell therapy, which at the moment is illegal in the United
States as well as many countries but still continues to thrive due to its promise
of cures to diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease. The clinics use
stem cell technology on desperate patients with incurable diseases but this could
cause patients to develop negative side effects like tumours, hence severely
harming their welfare. Despite legislative measures put in place to prevent such
practices, these clinics still exist and conduct business through illegal means, with
patients travelling to other less-regulated countries for the treatment. This not
only shows the futility of some legislative regulations but also shows that if
implemented too strictly, it will just be even more difficult for the government to
protect the welfare of the population.
Teacher’s comments: The basis of this claim could be made clearer – what is one such
‘great discovery’? E.g. 2016 discovery of a macromolecule that could help prevent fatal virus
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and consumers. From this, it can be shown that if utilised in the correct context
and for the right purpose, technological developments would not be harmful and
thus excessive regulations would not be beneficial. Regulations should also be set
depending on the purpose and function of the technological development, rather
than on the product of this development itself.
Teacher‟s Comments:
Anna, this is a thoughtful response with a consistent focus on the
question and relevant points raised throughout. The explanations and
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examples given are also consistent, but your anti-thesis arguments can
better evaluate why regulations seem to effectively address the risks
in science. Language is clear throughout with only minor sentence
structure errors, though this lacks the personal voice of a Band 1
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2016 | Y5| GP Promo | Paper 2 Passage
For the French writer Marcel Proust, the elixir of memory might have been a petite
madeleine*, but that wouldn‘t work on British-bred me. What I needed was a can of Heinz
cream of mushroom soup and a packet of Sainsbury‘s cheese and onion crisps. As I
gathered these and other long-neglected childhood foodstuffs from the supermarket
shelves, I thought surely one sniff, one taste would be enough to take me right back.
That‘s the stuff of nostalgia. We are sometimes surprised to discover the impact of old
familiar things on our moods and emotions. The whiff of crackers from our childhood
times can make us inexplicably misty-eyed with a longing that can also extend to places. A
visit to a previously unknown, old family street corner or even an old cemetery can make
us giddy or melancholic; walking along the sidewalk, we feel the dent of earlier footsteps,
of histories and memories infused with our senses. Even if the memories provoked by
smell and sight are not more vivid or specific, they are more emotional and evocative.
There is therefore a difference between the statements ‗That‘s exactly how I remember
it‘ and ‗That‘s exactly as it was‘. Nostalgia thus goes beyond the dry recollection of
historical details and retrieves the emotional essence of what has happened.
Today, we see how nostalgia interacts with events that governments find important.
History, the interplay of happenings that helps us interpret events, allows for social and
national consciousness necessary to resurrect flailing loyalties and perpetuate their
narratives. Nation states hence need the ‗reality‘ that history brings to legitimise their
existence. Nostalgia, however is the sweet savouring found in our collective past – like
bridges, monuments, open fields, shops or toys that bring us together, and enables our
sweet memories where we once laughed, cried and more importantly, lived. A wise
politician realises the need to marry the ‗facts‘ of what we remember with the intimate
and the familiar.
Like it or not, nostalgia attends to us. It recognises the intense meanings we attach to
home, childhood, family, ancestry and place. It breathes into our farewells and returns and
soothes us in the weathering of our continuity and change, and our inevitable losses.
After all, nostalgia is really a manifestation of our all-too-human predilection for longing –
more specifically, our longing for connection. Food therefore often forms a powerful part
of the emotional narrative of our lives which is, in many ways, more important than the
historical one. Immigrants will often adopt the language of their host nation, and even
start thinking in it, but they will not give up the food traditions of the old country. This is
precisely what nostalgia does as it preserves a link of where they came from, in order to
keep a clear sense of who they still are.
It is also possible that we carry a sense of memories of people and places we may not
have known directly in our own lives. Photographs in an old album, even of strangers,
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evoke a familiar longing that compels me to look and look, and even as we inexplicably
pine for the voices and stories behind every picture that we know we may never have a
chance to hear, we revel in the imaginations they provoke – a sensation that is as painful
as it is pleasurable. That is why many of us now derive pleasure in popular forms of
nostalgia, actively seeking out films, music, monuments and literature that allow us to
swim in its waters; of course some of us work very hard to dry ourselves off and break
free from what we see as crass and backward-looking sentimentality but today, film-
makers, retirees and even students have flocked to the altar of nostalgia, breathing,
gawking and tasting every film, food and story offered by the subjects of their inner need
to know their past.
Naturally, nostalgia has its critics. After all, nostalgia can enable us to see only the
sunshine. Often, the recollections are borne from beautiful vintage photographs and
wonderful fluffy memories where its dream-like state acts likes a narcotic, and we forget
the need for the mundane and the constancy that it brings. At the same time, as the
Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard puts it, nostalgia also gently warps the picture we
have of the past. It is easier to remember the bits of history where the hero won. It is
easier to think about beautiful dances and balls, and the sumptuous clothing that rich
people wore, and ignore the social injustices and extreme conditions affecting the rest of
the population. My father‘s love for all quaint British habits and architecture ignored the
fact that a lot of that was built on the backs of people living in poverty and bondage.
Often nostalgia excuses the sad historical detail that is often told by the winner of the day
– sweet but sometimes hardly objective.
For sentimental old fools, nostalgia makes it easy to get lost in that achingly beautiful
sadness. I would often, as a child, be practically paralysed with the thought of some
beautiful thing I had experienced, or even some sad thing I had experienced. But living in
that aching sadness means that you always feel that way – and it is hard to be that
emotional all the time. Hence, living in nostalgia can be a source of emotional turmoil and
a catalyst for depression because our longings, anchored in the past assumes that we have
nothing left to live for. Nostalgia often leaves us harking for a past that was painful as it
was beautiful. In fact, it is downright exhausting.
The trouble with nostalgia is also that it is easy to stay there in the past and ignore the
present problems we have. Governments find it hard to build a road or public housing
because we want every cemetery or forest preserved for posterity. Invariably, their
protectors often overestimate their importance. For the less financially endowed nostalgia
is the indulgence of the upper class. For them, a roof over their heads and quicker route
home to the family would have been more important considerations.
Ultimately, we fall in love with nostalgia because it shows us a simpler time. A time when
technology did not run our lives. A time when there were fewer things to keep track of
and fewer problems to manage. And we can learn from that sort of life. To put the
mobile phones down once in a while. To enjoy running around outside in all weathers and
seasons. Nevertheless, while nostalgia is not the same as history, and history is not the
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same as fact, we need it. History, without the nostalgia of old places and smells becomes
sterile and it distances us from people that have made us who we are. More importantly,
nostalgia makes fact meaningful for us – and we learn how to enjoy both. As a dedicated
lover of nostalgia, I have learned to love it on my own terms.
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2015 | Y5 | GP Promo | Paper 2 | AQ Clara Keng Hui Lin | 17S06E
rendering Baggini‘s view highly relevant. The most significant example would be
a few years back, when the Singaporean government wished to build an 8-lane
highway through Bukit Brown, requiring the exhumation of graves that had
significant cultural value. Many protested against the move, citing the need to
preserve national heritage and Bukit Brown‘s unique position as a cultural
sanctuary especially for families whose deceased relatives were buried there.
This brought up the tension of balancing past and present development, the
fine line that the government had to toe between prioritizing economic and
practical development and the sentimental value of a place imbued with
cultural value. As Singapore continues to progress and new developments arise
that call for heritage to be sacrificed, this tension will again surface, rendering
Baggini‘s view highly relevant.
Teacher‟s Comments:
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2016 | Y5 | KI CT1 | Paper 1 Tan Xin Hwee | 17A13A
The postmodern view that we cannot be sure of anything is one that appeals
very much to postmodern society. Yet is it really true that we cannot be sure
of anything? If we define ―to be sure‖ to be having absolute certainty in
asserting a knowledge claim, it appears that such a view does indeed hold.
It appears that absolute certainty is impossible to achieve due to the infinite
regress of justification, where any knowledge claim one makes requires
support, and that very support itself requires justification and so on infinitely.
For instance, if James claims to know that the Earth is round, he may justify
such a claim by saying that his geography textbook stated so and geography
textbooks are known to be right. In this case, he would then have to justify his
claim that geography textbooks are right and so on. Thus, it seems impossible
to achieve certainty as we are unable to stem the infinite regress of justification.
Foundationalism attempts to resolve this problem of the infinite regress of
justification by basing our entire belief system on a bedrock of indubitable basic
beliefs. The foundationalist enterprise does achieve this to some degree of
success, but the knowledge we can have certainty about remains limited, as
shown below.
The first foundationalist camp, the rationalists, argues that we can base our
entire belief system on basic indubitable beliefs. These beliefs are a priori
truths, or truths that can be discovered just by thinking. For instance, even is
Sally were to sit in an empty room with no contact with the outside world, she
would be able to know that 2+2=4, or that a triangle has three sides. These
truths are analytic, and cannot be negated without contradiction, and therefore
cannot be doubted. The rationalists, then, have successfully presented a kind of
knowledge that we can have certainty about.
It appears, however, that the knowledge that can be acquired via reason, while
certain, is extremely limited. In fact, it appears not to be able to tell me
anything about the outside world, or overcome scepticism of an external
world – reason may tell me that 2 marbles + 2 marbles = 4 marbles, but it
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Kant does this by arguing that both the sense and reason perform distinct
cognitive functions and must work together to achieve genuine cognition.
Reason outlines the presuppositions necessary for experience to take place,
while experience supplies reason with sense data, which is the only way to
know truths of the world. The logical faculties of the mind then order and
interpret the sense data in order to form objective judgements about the
world. As Kant himself put it, ―thoughts without content are empty, intuitions
without concepts are blind‖.
In fact, reason and experience not only need the other's involvement in the
knowledge construction process; they build upon the one another to expand
our scope of knowledge. Experience can overcome the limits of practical
reason. In mathematics for instance, while Tabitha may easily be able to reason
that 2+2=4, she may have some difficulty arriving at the answer to
57938470+2189349 just by thinking. Instead, she would have to sum it up via a
synthetic operation or even by bringing up some representation of numbers,
such as her fingers. Likewise, reason supplements experience where
knowledge gained via reason is shown to have lapses. Like in Hume's missing
shade of blue, reason can allow Joseph to observe that every shade of blue is
one shade lighter than the previous one and from there arrive at the missing
shade of blue by logical reasoning.
It appears that Kant has successfully reconciled the previously opposing strands
of thought, arriving at certainty and expanding the realm of knowledge that we
can be sure of. Such a satisfactory conclusion, however, is prevented by a
major flaw. Kant's arguments rely on our sense to achieve knowledge of the
world. Yet, there are arguments against the supposed incorrigibility and
certainty of sense data that undermine the certainty of such a belief system.
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Firstly, our senses can be deceived. Take the lemon thought experiment for
example. If you were to close your eyes and imagine very hard that the most
sour lemon you've ever tasted has now burst forth on your tongue, you may
discover that you start to salivate, your facial muscles may contract – your
sense have just been deceived into reacting as if there were a lemon when
there was actually none. If sense can be deceived, then they cannot possibly be
a reliable basic belief. Secondly, there are limits to certainty that our sense can
give us. Suppose Jane goes to sleep one night and wakes up the next morning.
She cannot say for sure that she has woken up in the same bed as she went to
sleep in last night. For all she knows, her parents had transported her in the
night to an identical bedroom in another country. But as Jane does not have an
unbroken series of sensory experiences, she cannot have certainty.
As such, it seems that we have returned to the starting point, where while it is
not true that we cannot be sure of anything, we cannot be sure of very much
ether. Such a defeatist position, however, has been rejected by several who
argue that to be sure, we do not need to have absolute certainty, for absolute
certainty is limiting and untenable.
Hume, for instance, proposes that requiring absolute certainty for all our
knowledge claims leads us to extreme scepticism, which will be undermined by
daily life. We just cannot help being sure of what we have to be sure of, even if
we do not have absolute certainty. The sceptic Jason, who is unable to be
absolutely certain of whether the lion attacking him is real or not and
therefore does not run away, will have his knowledge construction
prematurely halted. How unfortunate.
Another philosopher who holds such a position is Moore, who argues that
anyone who argues that things such as matter, time, space or self do not exist
is holding inconsistent beliefs as they go about their daily lives making
common-sense propositions that necessitate a belief in such things. In addition,
Moore argues that the statement ―everyone believes common-sense
propositions to be true, but they may not be true‖ to be self-contradictory.
From these two arguments, we can see that even without absolute certainty,
we can say that we are sure of our knowledge claims. In fact, by rejecting
absolute certainty as a prerequisite for knowledge, we open up the possibilities
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of knowledge that can be gained. Moore, for instance, with his common-sense
propositions, is able to prove the existence of an external world and external
objects by waving his hands before him and asserting ―Here is a hand. Here is
another. Therefore, external objects exist.‖
Now that we have ascertained that absolute certainty is not necessary, let us
return to the flaws of Kant's argument. The vast realm of knowledge that
Kant's belief system can bring us is inhibited by the lack of certainty that the
sense data can give us. Yet, as previously established, absolute certainty is not
necessary. In fact, just as there cannot be counterfeit coins in a society where
no real coins exist, the very awareness of the possibility of sense deceptions
reveals that our sense perceptions have been right before and we have known
them to be so. Therefore, by understanding that we do not need certainty, we
are able to say that we can sure of some things while keeping in mind the
fallibility of such knowledge claims.
Teacher‟s Comments:
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There are two historic approaches to dealing with this infinite regress of
justification – rationalism and empiricism, both of which attempt to provide a
set of indubitable beliefs using which we can generate a superstructure of
knowledge. Rationalism advocates the use of a priori (often analytic) beliefs like
1+1=2, since such beliefs can be known before experience and cannot possibly
be doubted. Indeed, the hallmark of this approach was to recognise that for
analytic propositions, the predicate is contained in the subject, thus we cannot
negate the statement without creating a contradiction. Anyone who tries to
argue that a square does not have four sides is being silly and should get a
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mental check-up. Thus in this way, basic geometrical proofs seem to be all but
certain, and we can be sure of them! Not only that, but I can in fact prove that
some conscious identity, ―I‖, exists, for the very act of my thought proves that
such a conscious being exists!
Before we get too euphoric about this apparent success of being sure of
anything, we need to realise that being sure of analytic statements is not a very
good achievement. For one, such propositions only serve to quantify what I
already knew. ―All bachelors are male‖ does not tell me anything that I did not
previously know, at most it made more explicit the relations of ideas that are
inherent in the term ―bachelor‖. The problem lies not in the surety of analytic
statements, for that is true by definition, but in synthetic statements,
statements like ―every change has a cause‖. Such statements have a predicate
that is not contained in the subject, so it can be readily contradicted without
any contradictions. Our present rationalism based approach fails woefully at
demonstrating that such synthetic propositions, using which we generate the
vast majority of knowledge in the world, must be true.
Even the other foundational approach runs into a similar solipsistic trap.
Empiricism uses the incorrigibility of immediate sense data as a bedrock to
justify what we know, and thus be sure of the truth of the propositional
statements that we make. Even if I doubt that I have an arm, I cannot doubt
that my arm aches as I write these words! Indeed, our emotions seem to be an
aspect of our lives that can escape sceptical attack, for it makes no sense to
doubt how I know I am in pain, for example. We seem to be sure of this too!
Alas the problem here is also that knowledge of sense data does not entail that
we know anything else! In order to turn my sense data into a statement that
sheds light onto any aspect of our world, I would need to make judgements
and utilise my active cognitive skills. Pure sense data is nothing but a ―blooming
confusion‖, as Kant put it, ―Intuitions without concepts are bind‖. Thus this
new set of feelings and emotions granted by my incorrigible sense data might
not be so indubitable after all. I might be having a headache, but actually the
doctor might tell me that the pain is not in my head, but rather in my spine.
While I can certainly that the pain feels like it is in my head, it seems that I
cannot utilise this indubitable piece of knowledge to know anything else –
severely limiting the things that I can claim to be sure of.
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It seems that thus far we have been able to become sure of the following facts
– my innate existence, analytic statements, geometric proofs and immediate
sense data. It seems impossible to be sure of anything else. The implication of
this on the knowledge we can claim to have seems immense – and if we end up
in a situation where we claim not to have knowledge at all, then surely that
would be a failure.
Before we go down this line of self-pity and despair, we can try to examine
synthetic statements closely once again. While mathematical statements like a
square has four sides are analytic, those like 1+1=2 are, in fact, synthetic! It
seems that we now have a new class of synthetic statements we are sure of. In
fact, upon close examination, much of the axiomatic, mathematical knowledge
we have seems to be synthetic, and yet we know it before experience. To be
sure, understanding such statements, which Kant termed ―Synthetic A Priori‖
does require experience in order to understand the meaning of all the terms in
the statement, but once that is granted the truth of the statement itself is
guaranteed. Apart from mathematical knowledge, concepts like space and time
themselves seem to fall under this category of synthetic of synthetic a priori
propositions. In this way, we can employ Kant‘s transcendental arguments to
discover a new category of propositions we can be sure of!
Once again the difficulty seems to be extending this new class of propositions
we are sure of in order to be sure of anything else. In math for instance,
knowledge of certain axioms that formulate a particular mathematical system
cannot ever be used to prove the truth of the axioms themselves. This,
together with Gödel‘s other incompleteness theorems, demonstrate that even
in Math, the most certain of all areas of knowledge, complete certainty is
unattainable – the axioms we assume will themselves remain unproveable – we
cannot be sure if they are true.
At this point, we ought to stop and carefully examine what we have proven
thus far. There is a finite class of statements we seem to be sure of, and there
is an entire world full of every other proposition we can envision of – whose
certainty is not guaranteed. While it has been shown that ―I‖, my immediate
sense data, the concepts of space and time and all analytic statements are
certain, that is all the progress that we have made! Of course, we cannot be
sure that there will not be another, even more fundamental class of statements
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The point is this – for all practical purposes and to the best of our knowledge,
it seems impossible to be sure of the vast majority of propositions we claim to
have knowledge of, and regarding which we thought we have absolute certainty.
However, after making just a few assumptions (whose truth, like the
mathematical axioms, we have to grant), we can continue to live our lives like
before. Firstly, we can grant concepts like causation to be true, for even
though we can never be certain that a certain cause has a certain effect, we
have no choice but to assume the principle of regularity and to accept that as
creatures of habit, this simply is how the world will be interpreted by us. We
can also extend this to the other categories that Kant proposes in order to
explain how we have cognition – while we cannot prove the truth of those
categories, we have to assume that they are so in order to make any intelligible
deductions about our process of cognition.
This does not mean that we have to fall back to a foundational approach of
generating knowledge, now that we have decided that complete certainty is
futile. In fact, we have instead established that having an infinite regress of
justification might be okay after all, for even if we cannot be completely sure of
anything, we can be sure of different propositions to different degrees. Rather
than constraining ourselves to a superstructural model in order to attain
absolute certainty, it is far more useful in terms of practical knowledge
generated, to use a web of knowledge – where all the propositions we claim to
have knowledge about support and reinforce one another. In this way, even
though we cannot be sure of any one proposition, we can be fairly (of course
not completely) sure of the entire system of beliefs.
world – and thus utilise philosophy in a useful manner. I have explained how to
use the coherentist approach above, but I feel that other approaches, too, are
plausible – just that global scepticism must be rejected for it does not serve us
as a useful tool in the construction of knowledge.
Teacher‟s Comments:
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Ms Sharon Chan
Mr Clement Cheng
Mrs Ruth Koh
Ms Michelle Kwok
Ms Edina Rahman
Ms Cindy Tan
Mr Adrian Tan
Mr Patrick Wong