Test Eng Examen 2017 FR
Test Eng Examen 2017 FR
Test Eng Examen 2017 FR
Liquid form of a drug in which a partile of a drug are not completely dissolved:
a) suspension
b) ointment
c) capsule
d) tablet
e) gel
Pharmacokinetics is:
a) The study of biological and therapeutic effects of drugs
b) The study of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of drugs
c) The study of mechanisms of drug action
d) The study of methods of new drug development
e) The study of pharmacological effects of drugs
How is called the pharmacokinetic index, that shows the fraction of an administered dose
of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation?
a) Bioavailability
b) Dosage
c) Bioinequivalence
d) Drug absorption
e) Bioequivalence
Weak acids are excreted faster in _____urine and weak bases are excreted faster in
a) Acidic; Alkaline
b) Alkaline; Acidic
c) Acidic; Neutral
d) Neutral; Alkaline
e) Alkaline; Neutral
The principle of drug manipulation for excretion of a drug out of the renal tubule can be
accomplished by:
a) Acidifying the urinary pH
b) Adjusting the urinary pH to protonate weakly acidic drugs
c) Adjusting the urinary pH to unprotonate weakly basic drugs
d) Adjusting the urinary pH to ionize the drug
e) By neutralizing the urinary pH
What type of drug would be needed to enter the brain and CNS?
a) Hydrophilic
b) Hydrophobic
c) Lipophilic
d) Lipophobic
e) Large molecular weight
Which of the enteral administration routes has the largest first-pass effect?
a) SL (sublingual)
b) Buccal
c) Rectal
d) Oral
e) IV (intravenous)
Which of the administration routes is not often used, is painful, and has a risk of infection
and adhesion?
a) EPI (epidural)
b) IA (intraarterial)
c) IP (intraperitoneal)
d) IV (intravenous)
e) SL (sublingual)
Name the way of the penetration through the membrane that needs energy:
a) filtration
b) active transport
c) facilitated diffusion
d) simple diffusion
e) filtration& simple diffusion
Which location can accumulate lipid-soluble drugs, has little or no receptors, and can
hold distributed drugs like barbiturates?
a) Liver
b) Kidney
c) Brain
d) Fat
e) Fetus
Elderly patients often have ____ muscle mass and thus a(n) ____ Vd (volume of
a) More; Increased
b) More; Decreased
c) Less; Increased
d) Less; Decreased
e) Less, Unchanged
Most drugs are active in their ____ form and inactive in their ____ form:
a) Non-polar; Polar
b) Polar; Non-polar
c) Water-soluble; Lipid-soluble
d) Lipid-insoluble; Water-insoluble
e) Neutral; Neutral
Which of the metabolically active tissues is the principle organ for drug metabolism?
a) Skin
b) Kidneys
c) Lungs
d) Liver
e) GI Tract
What is the goal of the P450 system (microsomes pinched off from endoplasmic
a) Only metabolism of substances
b) Only detoxification of substances
c) Metabolism of substances & Detoxification of substances
d) Decreasing pH of compartments containing substances
e) Increasing pH of compartments containing substances
Which of these physical chemical properties from medicaments are essential for filtration
(crossing of channel membranes) as a means of crossing through cellular membranes?
a) Lipid solubility
b) Water solubility
c) Coefficienct of lipid/big water partition
d) small pKa
e) Affinity for a transportable system
Name the way of the penetration through the membrane that needs the energy:
a) Filtration
b) Pinocytosis
c) Facilitated difuzion
d) Simple diffusion
e) Facilitated difuzion& Simple difuzion
If a drug is 80% bound to blood elements or plasma proteins, what part is considered the
free form?
a) 20%
b) 40%
c) 50%
d) 80%
e) 100%
Conjugation is:
a) Process of drug reduction by special enzymes
b) Process of drug oxidation by special oxidases
c) Coupling of a drug with an endogenous substrate
d) Solubilization in lipids
e) Reduction and oxidation by special enzymes
Pick out the answer which is the most appropriate to the term "receptor":
a) Free molecules that caries the drug to the CNS
b) Enzymes of oxidizing-reducing reactions activated by a drug
c) Active macromolecular components of a cell or an organism which a drug molecule has to
combine with in order to elicit its specific effect
d) All types of ion channels modulated by a drug
e) Second mesangers that participate in genes trasncription
Which of the drug permeation mechanisms uses the HendersonHasselbalch equation for
the ratio of solubility for the weak acid or weak base?
a) Pinocytosis
b) Lipid diffusion
c) Endocytosis and exocytosis
d) Aqueous diffusioт
e) Carrier molecules
If an agonist can produce submaximal effects and has moderate efficacy it's called:
a) Partial agonist
b) Antagonist
c) Agonist-antagonist
d) Full agonist
e) Full antagonist
The situation when failure to continue administering the drug results in serious
psychological and somatic disturbances is called?
a) Tachyphylaxis
b) Sensibilization
c) Abstinence syndrome
d) Idiosyncrasy
e) Tolerance
Which is the median effective dose, or the dose at which 50% of the individuals exhibit
the specified quantal response?
a) LD50
b) ED50
c) EC50
d) TD50
e) T.I.
The therapeutic index for humans is:
a) the ratio of therapeutically doses to the minimum toxic doses.
b) dose which produce the therapeutically effect
c) is the ratio of the TD50 to the ED 50
d) the doses which makes more favorable effects
e) the most quantity of the drug that produces maximum effect without side effects.
If a patient misses three doses of their daily drug, which is the best solution?
a) Prescribe a higher dosage pill so missed doses will have less effect
b) Setup an appointment to have the patient evaluated
c) Do nothing and continue normal regimen
d) Wait 3 more days (week total) then return to normal regimen
e) Take a 4x dose at the next dose time
What type of study for an Investigational New Drug involves neither the investigators or
subjects knowing if the drug or placebo is being given?
a) Single-blind study
b) Double-blind study
c) Placebo
d) Positive-control
e) Crossover study
What clinical trial phase is conducted with several hundred to thousands of volunteer
patients suffering from the condition the investigational drug treats?
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase 3
d) Phase 4
e) bioequivalence study
What clinical trial phase is conducted with up to several hundred patients suffering from
the condition the investigational drug is designed to treat?
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase 3
d) Phase 4
e) bioequivalence study
What clinical trial phase involves submitting a New Drug Application, monitoring, and
reporting by clinicians using the drug?
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase 3
d) Phase 4
e) bioequivalence study
What clinical trial phase is “first-in-man studies”, conducted in a small group of healthy
a) Phase 1
b) Phase 2
c) Phase 3
d) Phase 4
e) bioequivalence study
Name clinical study used to assess the expected in vivo biological equivalence of two
proprietary preparations of a drug:
a) Phase 1 clinical study
b) Phase 2 clinical study
c) Phase 3 clinical study
d) Phase 4 clinical study
e) bioequivalence study
Which drug can be used for controlled hypotension during anesthesia:
a) Trimethafan
b) Diazepam
c) Atropine
d) Flumazenil
e) Sodium hydroxybutyrate
What drug does manifest the minimal action on the rapid faze of sleeping:
a) phenobarbital
b) pentobarbital
c) nitrazepam
d) barbital
e) cyclobarbita
Which of the below listed drugs manifest a minimum action upon fast sleep phase?
a) fenobarbital
b) pentobarbital
c) chloral hydrate
d) barbital
e) oxazepam
Which of the following agents is used in the treatment of acute opioid overdose?
a) Pentazocine
b) Methadone
c) Naloxone
d) Remifentanyl
e) Buprenorphine
Which of the following drugs has weak µ agonist effects and inhibitory action on
norepinephrine and serotonin reuptake in the CNS?
a) Loperamide
b) Tramadol
c) Fluoxetine
d) Butorphanol
e) Nalbuphine
Which one of the following drugs exerts its anticonvulsant effects by blocking sodium
chanels in neuronal membranes?
a) Phenobarbital
b) Valproic acid
c) Diazepam
d) Chlorpromazine
e) Magnesium sulphate
Which one of the following drugs exerts its anticonvulsant effects by blocking sodium
chanels in neuronal membranes?
a) Acetazolamide
b) Carbamazepine
c) Diazepam
d) Gabapentin
e) Vigabatrin
Choose antagonist of glutamate NMDA-receptors:
a) Carbidopa
b) Benserazide
c) Sinemet
d) Amantadine
e) Selegeline
The phenothiazines have a variety of actions at different receptors types. However, they do
NOT appear to interact with receptors:
a) Dopamine
b) Histamine
c) Nicotine
d) Adrenoreceptors
e) Muscarine
If one patient is taking amitriptyline and another patient is taking chlorpromazine, they
are both likely to experience:
a) Excessive salivation
b) Extrapyramidal dysfunction
c) Gynecomastia
d) Increased gastrointestinal motility
e) Postural hypotension
Parkinsonian symptoms and tarditive dyskinesia are caused by blockade dopamine in:
a) The nigrostriatal system
b) The mesolimbic and mesofrontal systems
c) The chemoreceptor trigger zone of the medulla
d) The tubero-infundibular system
e) The scheletal muscle
Many therapeutically useful drugs act via brain dopaminergic systems. Which one of the
following mechanism exacerbates Parkinson's disease?
a) Inhibition of dopamine reuptake
b) Increase in dopamine synthesis
c) Activation of dopamine receptors
d) Inhibition of dopamine metabolism
e) Blockade of dopamine receptors
Which of the mediator is broken down by MAO-B (monoamine oxidasmore than the
a) Serotonin
b) Norepinepherine
c) Dopamine
d) Histamine
e) Achetylcholine
Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes relaxes smooth muscle and causes liver
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis?
a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go)
b) α2 (Gi/Go)
c) β1 (Gs)
d) β2 (Gs)
e) β3 (Gs)
Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes causes vascular smooth muscle contraction
and genitourinary smooth muscle contraction?
a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go)
b) α2 (Gi/Go)
c) β1 (Gs)
d) β2 (Gs)
e) β3 (Gs)
Which of the adrenergic receptor subtypes decreases insulin secretion from pancreatic β-
cells, decreases nerve cell norepinephrine release, and contracts vascular smooth muscle?
a) α1 (Gq/Gi/Go)
b) α2 (Gi/Go)
c) β1 (Gs)
d) β2 (Gs)
e) β3 (Gs)
β2 stimulation leads to an increase in the cellular uptake of what ion, and thus a decrease
in plasma concentration of that ion?
a) K+
b) Ca++
c) Cl-
d) Na+
e) Mg++
Dopamine receptor activation (D1) dilates renal blood vessels at low dose. At higher doses
(treatment for shock), which of the adrenergic receptors is activated?
a) α1
b) α2
c) β1
d) β2
e) β3
Concerning low-dose dopamine: interaction with this receptor causes renal, mesenteric,
and coronary vasodilation:
a) beta1 adrenergic receptors
b) beta2 adrenergic receptors
c) dopamine D1 receptors
d) alpha-adrenergic
e) prostaglandin receptors
Muscarinic ACh receptors and adrenergic receptors are associated with which of the
a) Intracellular receptors for lipid soluble ligands
b) Transmembrane receptors with enzymatic cytosolic domains
c) G-protein coupled receptors
d) Ligand-gated ion channels
e) Non of the above
Nicotinic N2 receptors are the ____ subtype and nicotinic N1 receptors are the ____
a) Neuronal; Muscular
b) Muscular; Neuronal
c) Nodal; Neuronal
d) Neuronal; Nodal
e) Sympathetic; Parasympathetic
Name the α1 drug of choice for retinal exams and surgery, giving mydiasis (dilation of
a) Ephedrine
b) Epinepherine
c) Oymetazoline
d) Isoproterenol
e) Phenylephrine
Name group of drugs that is used for asthma patients or to delay premature labor?
a) α2-agonist
b) α1-agonist
c) β3-agonist
d) β2-agonist
e) β1-agonist
Which of the agonists would be used for cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest, heart block, or
heart failure?
a) α1-agonist
b) α2-agonist
c) β1-agonist
d) β2-agonist
e) β3-agonist
Name β-antagonist?
a) Terbutaline
b) Ritodrine
c) Salmeterol
d) Metoprolol
e) Phenylepherine
Which of the β-blockers is used for decreasing aqueous humor secretions from the ciliary
a) Propranolol
b) Nadolol
c) Carvedilol
d) Timolol
e) Metoprolol
Blocking α2 presynaptic receptors will do which of the changing in the mediator release?
a) Stimulate NE release
b) Inhibit NE release
c) Stimulate DA release
d) Inhibit DA release
e) No effect
Which of the effect is the most likely to occur with parenteral administration of a α1-
agonist drug?
a) Hypotension
b) Hypertension
c) Tissue necrosis
d) Vasodilation
e) Lipolysis
Which of the adrenergic agonist can have dose-related withdrawal syndrome if the drug
is withdrawn to quickly, leading to rebound hypertension?
a) α1-agonist
b) α2-agonist
c) β1-agonist
d) β2-agonist
e) β3-agonist
Which of the adrenergic agonists can have sedation and xerostomia (dry mouth) in 50%
of patients starting therapy, sexual dysfunction in males, nauseas, dizziness, and sleep
a) α1-agonist
b) α2-agonist
c) β1-agonist
d) β2-agonist
e) β3-agonist
Angina pectoris, tachycardia, and arrhythmias are possible adverse effects of which of
the adrenergic agonists?
a) α2-agonist
b) α1-agonist
c) β3-agonist
d) β2-agonist
e) β1-agonist
If a patient is taking MAO inhibitors and ingests tyramine (red wine, aged cheese), which
of the acute responses is most likely?
a) Stimulation of NE release
b) Inhibition of NE release
c) Stimulation of ACh release
d) Inhibition of ACh release
e) No response due to MAO inhibitor
Major adverse affects of the α1 blockade include reflex tachycardia and which of the
a) Orthostatic tachycardia
b) Orthostatic bradycardia
c) Orthostatic hypertension
d) Orthostatic hypotension
e) Increased cardiac output
Name the most severe adverse effect that has been associated with β1-blockers:
a) Atrial fibrillation
b) Reflex tachycardia
c) Hypertention
d) Angina pectory
e) AV block
Which of the groups of patients is most at risk for adverse effect seen in β2-blockers?
a) Asthmatics
b) Congestive heart failure patients
c) Trauma patients
d) Myocardial infarction
e) Patients with deep vein thromboses (DVTs)
Administration of which drug can be detrimental in diabetics and also can lead to
masking of tachycardia, which is indicative of hypoglycemia?
a) α1-blocker
b) α2-blocker
c) β1-blocker
d) β2-blocker
e) β3-blocker
Influx of what ion causes ACh release into the synaptic cleft, prior to ACh being
terminated by acetylcholinesterase (AChE)?
a) K+
b) Ca++
c) Cl-
d) Na+
e) H+
Which drug is used for motion sickness? (injection, oral, or transdermal patch):
a) Atropine
b) Scopolamine
c) Homatropine
d) Tropicamide
e) Pirenzepine
Name correct drugs: mydriatics/cycloplegics, ____ last 7-10 days (longest) and ____ last 6
hours (shor):
a) Atropine; Scopolamine
b) Scopolamine; Homatropine
c) Homatropine; Tropicamide
d) Tropicamide; Atropine
e) Atropine; Tropicamide
Which from reversible cholinesterase inhibitors is mostly used for atropine intoxication?
a) Neostigmine
b) Physostigmine
c) Endrophonium
d) Donepezil
e) Pyridostigmine
In smooth muscle and glandular tissue, ACh binds to what muscarinic receptor, leading
to the DAG cascade?
a) M1
b) M2
c) M3
d) M4
e) M5
In the heart and inines, what muscarinic receptor inhibits adenylyl cyclase activity?
a) M1
b) M2
c) M3
d) M4
e) M5
The main symptoms in intoxication with Amanita Palidum and organophosphates are:
a) bronchospasm + bradycardia + miosis
b) myasthenia + olyguria + hyposalivation
c) sphincters constriction + bronchodilation
d) hypomotility + tachycardia + cycloplegia
e) mydriasis + olyguria + hyposalivation
Which of the following direct-acting cholinomimetics has the shortest duration of action?
a) Acetylcholine
b) Methacholine
c) Carbachol
d) Bethanechol
e) Atropine
Which of the following cholinomimetics is a plant derivative with lower potency than
nicotine but with a similar spectrum of action?
a) Lobeline
b) Pilocarpine
c) Carbachol
d) Acetylcholine
e) Atropine
Which one of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes intaoculary
a) Atropine
b) Echothiophate
c) Pilocarpine
d) Ephedrine
e) Tropicamide
Cholinomimetics have follow effects EXCEPT:
a) bradyckardia
b) bronchospasm
c) xerosthomia
d) lacrimation
e) miosis
Select the drug that you will administrate in intoxication with mushrooms and
a) Pilocarpine
b) Neostigmine
c) Atropine
d) Cizaprid
e) Tubocurarine
Which of the following cholinomimetic activates both muscarinic and nicotinic receptors?
a) Lobeline
b) Pilocarpine
c) Nicotine
d) Acetylcholine
e) Aceclidine
Patients complain of dry or "sandy" eyes when receiving large doses of:
a) Atropine
b) Hexamethonium
c) Pilocarpine
d) Carbachol
e) Lobeline
Compared with atropine, scopolamine has all of the following properties EXCEPT:
a) More marked central effect
b) Less potent in decreasing bronchial, salivary and sweat gland secretion
c) More potent in producing mydriasis and cycloplegia
d) Lower effects on the heart
e) Lower effect on the bronchial muscle and intestines
Indicate the drug, which is rapidly distributed into CNS and has a greater effect than
most other antimuscarinic agents?
a) Pilocarpine
b) Scopolamine
c) Homatropine
d) Ipratropium
e) Oxitropium
Indicate following preparation, which provokes the longest term effect of mydriasis:
a) Scopolamine
b) Ephedrine
c) Platyphylline
d) Epinephrine
e) Atropine
Which of the following drugs is used for acute toxic effects of mushrooms poisoning?
a) Atropine
b) Pilocarpine
c) Pralidoxime
d) Aceclidine
e) Edrophonium
Which of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes mydriasis and
cycloplegia lasting more than 24 hours?
a) Atropine
b) Echothiophate
c) Edrophonium
d) Ephedrine
e) Tropicamide
Which one of the following drugs has been used in ophthalmology, but causes mydriasis and
cycloplegia lasting more than 24 hourrs?
a) Plathyphylline
b) Atropine
c) Scopolamine
d) Izoprenaline
e) Echothiophate
Ganglion blocking drugs are used for the following states EXCEPT:
a) Hypertensive crises
b) Controlled hypotension
c) Cardiovascular collapse
d) Pulmonary edema
e) Malignant hypertension
Which neuromuscular blocking agent has the potential to cause the greatest release of
a) Suxamethonium
b) Tubocurarine
c) Pancuronium
d) Vecuronium
e) Atracurium
Indicate the agent, which effectively antagonizes the neuromuscular blockade caused by
nondepolarizing drugs:
a) Atropine
b) Neostigmine
c) Acetylcholine
d) Pralidoxime
e) Scopolamine
Phenylephrine causes:
a) Constriction of vessels in the nasal mucosa
b) Increased gastric secretion and motility
c) Increased skin temperature
d) Miosis
e) All of the above
What kind of drug is contraindicated in the pregnancy because of stimulation of the delivery?
a) alcohol
b) salbutamol
c) indomethacine
d) furosemide
e) ergometrine
In which of the following tissues both alfa and beta adrenergic stimulation produces the
same effect?
a) Blood vessels
b) Intestine
c) Uterus
d) Bronchial muscles
e) Platelets
The effects of sympathomimetics on blood pressure are associated with their effects on:
a) The heart
b) The peripheral resistance
c) The venous return
d) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
e) All of the above
Which of the following beta receptor antagonists is preferable in patients with asthma,
diabetes or peripheral vascular diseases?
a) Propranolol
b) Metoprolol
c) Nadolol
d) Sotalol
e) Timolol
With one of the following statements about sympatholytics is fals?:
a) block alfa, beta adrenoreceptors
b) affect noradrenaline release
c) affect noradrenalne uptake.
d) affect noradrenaline synthesis
e) inhibit the flux of Ca 2+ through presynaptic membrane and inhibit in this way mediators
Drugs prescribed to relax the smooth muscles of the bronchial tubes are called:
a) Bronchospastics
b) Bronchodilators
c) Broncoconstrictors
d) Anticonvulsants
e) Muscle relaxants
Drug used in asthma that often cause tachycardia and tremor include:
a) beclomethasone
b) cromoglycate sodium
c) ipratropium
d) isoprenaline
e) all of the above
A drug useful in the treatment of asthma but lacking bronckodilator effect is:
a) Sodium Cromoglycate
b) Ephedrine
c) Isoprenaline
d) Metoprolol
e) Salbutamol
Select the drug that acts selectively on the Beta 2 receptors of the bronchi:
a) epinephrine
b) ephedrine
c) norepinephrine
d) salbutamol
e) izoprenaline
A drug useful in the treatment of asthma but lacking bronchodilator effect is:
a) Salbutamol
b) Fenoterol
c) Nedocromil
d) Ephedrine
e) Isoprenaline
This drug should probably not be administered to a patient with congestive heart failure
because the drug may further reduce contractility; the drug should probably also not be
prescribed to an asmatic since the drug may increase bronchiolar smooth muscle tone:
a) Digoxin
b) Terbutaline
c) Propranolol
d) Atropine
e) Doxazosine
Which one of the following drugs predictably prolongs the PR interval and increases
cardiac contractility?
a) Digoxin
b) Lidocaine
c) Propranolol
d) Quinidine
e) Verapamil
An elderly male patient has essential hypertension, congestive heart failure, and type I
insulin-dependent diabetes. His congestive failure developed secondary to coronary
vascular disease associated with hyperlipidemia. What antihypertensive drug(s) may be
most appropriate for this patient?
a) Chlorothiazide
b) Captopril
c) Propranolol
d) Metoprolol
e) Hexamethonium
A drug devoid of negative inotropic effects and is effective in the treatment of cardiac
a) amantadine
b) papaverine
c) digoxine
d) clonidine
e) metoprolol
In the therapy of congestive heart failure, the most important pharmacologic action of
digitalis is its ability to:
a) produce diuresis in edematous patients
b) reduce venous pressure
c) increase myocardial contractile force
d) increase heart rate
e) decrease pacemaker automaticity in cells of the bundle of His
Side effects of this antihypertensive agent includes tachycardia, angina, reversible lupus-
like syndrome:
a) Propranolol
b) Hexamethonium
c) Hydralazine
d) Diazoxide
e) Metoprolol
For increasing blood pressure in case of low cardiac output the following agents must be
a) Ganglioblockers
b) Vasoconstrictors
c) Positive inotropic drugs
d) Diuretics
e) M-cholinomimetics
All of the following agents intensify the secretion of gastric glands except:
a) Pepsin
b) Gastrin
c) Histamine
d) Somatostatin
e) Prostaglandin E
Which of the laxative and purgative preparation listed below acts exclusively on the small
intestine level?
a) purgative antrachinone
b) castor oil
c) phenolphthalein
d) magnesium sulfate
e) paraffin oil
Laxatives and purgatives can act through whichever mechanism listed below but one:
a) stimulates motility through an irrigative mechanism.
b) stimulates direct cholinergic receptors
c) difussion growth plus active water and electrolytes secretion
d) water retention in the intestines through hydrophilic and osmotic force.
e) direct softening of defecation
Name a hepatoprotector:
a) papaverine
b) essentiale
c) apomorphine
d) lipase
e) atropine
The primary objective for designing drugs that selectively inhibit COX-2 is to
a) Decrease the risk of nephrotoxicity
b) Improve anti-inlammatory effectiveness
c) Lower the risk of gastrointestinal toxicity
d) Reduce the cost of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
e) Selectively decrease thromboxane A2 without effects on other eicosanoids.
Oral doses may cause gastric irritation and may even cause gastrointestinal bleeding:
a) Levomepromazine
b) Ampicillin
c) Acetylsalicylic acid
d) Diphenhydramine
d) Loratadine
Which of the following statements concerning the anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs are
a) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of cyclooxygenase
b) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of phospholipase A2
c) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from induction of cyclooxygenase II
d) Anti-inflammatory effect of NSAIDs results from inhibition of leucotriens
e) All of the answers
These categories of histamine H1 antagonists are noted for the anticholinergic effect,
a) Alkylamines (propylamines)
b) Piperazines
c) Ethylenediamines
d) Phenothiazines
e) Imidasols
These categories of histamine H1 antagonists are noted for sedative effects, EXCEPT:
a) Piperidines; i.e. Loratadine
b) Ethanolamines (aminoalkyl ethers); i.e. Diphenhydramine
c) Ethylenediamines; i.e. Chlorophiramine
d) Phenothiazines; i.e. Promethazine
e) Imidasols: i.e. Antasoline
Which category of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the best antiemetic action?
a) Alkylamines
b) Ethanolamines
c) Piperazines;
d) Ethylenediamines;
e) Imidasols: i.e.
Which category of histamine H1 antagonists is noted for the highest local anesthetic
a) Alkylamines (propylamines); i.e. Brompheniramine
b) Piperidines; i.e. Loratadine, Fexofenadine
c) Ethylenediamines; i.e. Chlorophiramine
d) Phenothiazines; i.e. Promethazine
e) Imidasols: i.e. Antasoline
Many antihistamines have additional nonhistamine-related: these are likely to include all of
the following EXCEP:
a) Antimuscarinic reduction in bladder tone
b) Local anesthetic effects if the drug is injected
c) Anti-motion sickness effects
d) Increase in total peripheral resistance
e) Sedation
Which of the below listed preparation doesn’t inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins?
a) Indomethacin
b) Diclofenac
c) Piroxicam
d) Dyphenhydramine
e) Ibuprofen
Which one of the following compounds enhances immune function in vitro and in clinical
trials decreases the symptoms of the common cold?
a) Echinacea
b) Feverfew
c) Garlic
d) Milk Thistle
e) Melatonin
Which one of the following drugs reduces the activity of phospholipase A2:
a) Aspirin
b) Ibuprofen
c) Misoprostol
d) Prednisolone
e) Zafirlukast
A hormone that acts to stimulate absorption of calcium and phosphate from the intestine:
a) Calcium
b) Calcitonin
c) Sodium etidronate
d) Vitamin D
e) Fluoride
Name the drug that has the strongest action in water retention in the body:
a) aldosteron
b) progesterone
c) estradyol
d) cortocosteron
e) testosteron
Prednisone is contraindicated in:
a) crisis of the bronchial asthma
b) status asthmaticus
c) allergic rhinitis
d) collagenosis
e) duodenal ulcer
What drug might be useful for triggering and obtaining labor term?
a) Ergometrine
b) Oxytocine
c) Dinoprost
d) Methylergometrine
e) Quinine
Indicate the mechanism of contraception being based on preparations, which contains
estrogen and gestagen:
a) Spermatocidal action
b) Annihilation of spermatozoic activities.
c) Development inhibition of the follicle and implantation disturbances of the fertilized ovary.
d) Cervical liquefaction
e) Contribution to the proliferation of uterine mucosa
Hormones are:
a) Products of endocrine gland secretion
b) Mediators of inflammatory process
c) By-products of tissue metabolism
d) Products of exocrine gland secretion
e) Products of arachydonic acid cascade
How does oxytocin change the sensitivity of the myometrium during the period of
a) decreasing
b) nonessential decreasing
c) no changes
d) nonessential increasing
e) increasing
Excessive doses of thyroid hormone may cause each of the following EXCEPT:
a) angina pectoris
b) cardiac decompensation
c) adrenal insufficiency
d) psychotic behavior
e) constipation
Choose the pair of hormones that have agonistic effects on blood sugar levels:
a) Calcitonin and PTH
b) Adrenalin and Glucagon
c) Glucagon and Glucose
d) ADH and Aldosterone
e) Insulin and Glucagon
Effects of the glucocorticoids do not include:
a) Reduction in circulating lymphocytes
b) Inhibition of leukotriene synthesis
c) Increased skin protein synthesis
d) Increased blood glucose
e) Altered fat deposition
Prednisone can determine every side effect listed below but one:
a) Arterial Hypertension
b) Gastroduodenal ulcer
c) Retention of sodium and water
d) Hyperpotassemia
e) Central nervous excitation
All preparations listed below might be used for local homeostasis but one exception:
a) fibrin
b) phytomenadion
c) thrombin
d) epinephrine
e) thromboplastin
Indicate the topical drug used to stop hemorrhage from little vessels:
a) fitomenadion
b) calcium chloride
c) acetylsalycilic acid
d) trombin
e) fibrinogen
A 26-year-old woman comes to the outpatient clinic with a complain of rapid heart rate
and easy fatigability. Laboratory work up reveals low hemoglobin and microcytic red cell
size. The most suitable therapy will be:
a) ferrous sulfate
b) folic acid
c) iron
d) pyridoxine
e) cyanocobalamin
The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamteren
The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Ethacrinic acid
The drug is a potassium-sparing diuretic that blocks Na+ channels in the collecting
a) Acetazolamide
b) Amiloride
c) Furosemide
d) Hydrochlorothiazide
e) Indapamid
The drug inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase:
a) Sulthiame
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamteren
The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect:
a) Amiloride
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Indapamid
Which of the following diuretics may cause deafness (ototoxicity) in case of an overdose?
a) hydrochlorothiazide
b) furosemide
c) acetazolamide
d) spironolactone
e) triamterene
Diuretics with action in thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TAL):
a) chlortalidon + clopamide
b) mannitol, urea
c) spironolactone + amiloride + triamterene
d) furosemide + ethacrine acid + bumetamide
e) cyclopentazide + polythiazide
Which of the following diuretic groups act above the collecting tube?
a) thiazides
b) loop diuretics
c) carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
d) antialdosteronics
e) osmotic diuretics
The drug is the most potent diuretic:
a) Loop diuretics
b) Thiazide diuretics
c) Potassium-sparing diuretics
d) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
e) Cardiac glycosides
The drug inhibits sodium and chloride transport in the early distal tubule:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Amiloride
e) Manitol
The drug blocks the sodium/potassium/chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending loop
of Henle:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Amiloride
e) Manitol
These agents must be given parenterally because they are not absorbed when given
a) Osmotic diuretics
b) Loop diuretics
c) Thiazide diuretics
d) Potassium-sparing diuretics
e) Thiazide like diuretics
The drug inhibiting the cotransport of sodium, potassium, and chloride in Loop Henle:
a) Torasemid
b) Acetazolamide
c) Triamterene
d) Manitol
e) Indapamid
The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule:
a) Ethacrinic acid
b) Furosemide
c) Polythiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamterene
The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamterene
The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect:
a) Amiloride
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamterene
The drug can promote sodium loss in patients with low (e.g., 40 ml/min) glomerular
filtration rates:
a) Furosemide
b) Acetazolamide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Amiloride
The drug inhibits sodium and chloride transport in the early distal tubule:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Amiloride
e) Spironolactone
The drug blocks the sodium/potassium/chloride cotransporter in the thick ascending loop
of Henle:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Amiloride
e) Spironolactone
The drug is usually given in combination with a thiazide diuretic:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Amiloride
e) Bumetanide
The drug competitively blocks chloride channels and prevents movement of sodium,
potassium, and chloride into the renal tubular cells:
a) Furosemide
b) Acetazolamide
c) Triamterene
d) Mannitol
e) Spironolactone
Effective in the treatment of gout by inhibition of the movement of leukocytes into the
inflamed joint:
a) Sodium salicylate
b) Acetylcysteine
c) Colchicine
d) Acetaminophen
e) Sulfinpyrazone
Vitamins are:
a) Inorganic nutrients needed in small quantities in the body
b) Organic substances needed in very large quantities in the body
c) An organic compound and a vital nutrient that an organism requires in limited amounts.
d) Products of endocrine gland secretion
e) Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and
functioning as specialized
Antienzymes are:
a) a substance that inhibits or counteracts the action of an enzyme
b) substances that prevent vitamins from exerting their typical metabolic effects
c) any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and
functioning as specialized atalysts for biochemical reactions
d) nonprotein organic substances that usually contain a vitamin or mineral
e) products of endocrine gland secretion
Which of the following vitamins can be also synthesized from a dietary precursor?
a) Vitamin С
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin B1
d) Vitamin B6
e) Vitamin P
Which of the following statements concerning pyridoxine (vitamin B6) functions is true:
a) Active functional form is pyridoxal phosphate, which is an essential coenzyme for
transamination and decarboxylation of amino acids
b) Active group of the coenzymes nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and
nicotinamide-adenine phosphate (NADP)
c) Essential constituent of flavoproteins, flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine
dinucleotide (FAD)
d) An extremely important antioxidant, which protects cell membrane lipids from peroxidation
by breaking the chain reaction of free radical formation to which polyunsaturated fatty acids
are particularly vulnerable
e) Active functional form is dihydroergocalciferol
The vitamin Folate works together with ______________to produce new red blood cells
a) Vitamin D
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin A
d) Vitamin B6
e) None of the above
Scurvy is:
a) A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C and characterized by spongy bleeding gums,
bleeding under the skin, and weakness
b) Extreme dryness of the conjunctiva resulting from a disease localized in the eye or from
systemic deficiency of vitamin A
c) A disease caused by deficiency of niacin in the diet
d) All of the answers
e) A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin K
Pellagra is:
a) A disease caused by a deficiency of niacin (vit. PP) in the diet and characterized by skin
eruptions, digestive and nervous system disturbances, and eventual mental deterioration
b) Inflammation of several nerves at one time caused by a deficiency of thiamin, marked by
paralysis, pain, and muscle wasting.
c) A severe form of anemia most often affecting elderly adults caused by a failure of the
stomach to absorb vitamin B12
d) All of the answers
e) A severe form of anemia most often affecting children
Characterize vitamins:
a) are all synthesized in the body
b) provide energy
c) are necessary for proper growth and development
d) all are hormons
e) needed in large amounts
A 30-year-old woman who was suffering from untreatable gastric carcinoma underwent
a gastrectomy. A deficiency of which one of the following vitamins will develop as a result
of this procedure and must be treated with?
a) Vitamin B6
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D
e) Vitamin E
Name ion that helps muscles to contract and relax, thereby helping to regulate heartbeat:
a) Iron
b) Calcium
c) Cobalt
d) Iodide
e) Sulfur
What antibiotic should be used for the treatment of fever with unknown origin?
a) Antibiotics should not be used
b) Cephalosporins
c) Macrolides
d) Aminoglycosides
e) Penicillins
A(n) ____ drug will halt bacterial growth but not deplete it, while a(n) ____ drug will kill
a) Bactericidal; Antibiotic
b) Antibiotic; Bacteriostatic
c) Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic
d) Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal
e) Antibiotic; Bactericidal
When treating meningitis, one of the steps to achieve the MIC (minimum inhibitory
concentration) is by injecting antibiotic where?
a) Epidural space
b) Subdural space
c) Subarachnoid space
d) Subpial space
e) Corneal space
Penicillin was first discovered when colonies of staphylococci lysed when contaminated
with what?
a) Penicillium bacteria
b) Penicillium virus
c) Penicillium fungi
d) Penicillium parasite
e) Penicillium protozoa
Which next antibiotic would be used to treat Neisseria gonorrhoeae if the patient was
allergic to penicillins?
a) Ticarcillin
b) Carbencillin
c) Ceftriaxone
d) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin)
e) Penicillin V
Clavulanic acid and sulbactam ____ antibiotics, and are added to give better ____
properties and effects:
a) Are; Antibacterial
b) Are; Pharmacokinetic
c) Are not; Antibacterial
d) Are not; Pharmacokinetic
Imipenem/Cilastatin is an example of a:
a) Antibiotic + inhibitor of penicillinase
b) Combination from 2 antibiotics to increase spectrum of action
c) Antibiotic + inhibitor of renal enzyme dehydropeptidase
d) Antibiotic + inhibitor of beta lactamase
e) 2 antibiotics to decrease side effects
Several families of drugs such as penicillins and cephalosporins act to ____ the bacterial
____ and thereby promoting lysis. The mechanism is through prevention of murein
(peptidoglycan) synthesis:
a) Weaken; Cell membrane
b) Weaken; Cell wall
c) Strengthen; Cell membrane
d) Strengthen; Cell wall
a) Inhibit protein synthesis
What is the most frequent side effect, which occurs after administrating of benzyl
a) Agranulocytosis
b) Anemia
c) Renal insufficiency
d) Allergy
e) Dysbacteriosis
Severe allergic reactions are more common with what family of drugs?
a) Tetracyclines
b) Macrolides
c) Cephalosporins
d) Penicillins
e) Sulfonamides
A 2-mo-old male neonate presents with a thick eye discharge. The mother admits to
having sexual partners and complains of a vaginal discharge. Exams of both eyes of
infant reveals a thick purulent discharge and conjunctival congestion and edema.
Corneal ulcerations was also noted. Conjunctival swabs on gram staining revealed
presence of gram-negative diplococci and many polymorphonuclear cells. What
organism, which can be treated with penicillin G or a third-generation cephalosporin, is
the most likely cause?
a) C. trachomatis
b) T. pallidum
c) N. gonorrhea
d) H. ducreyi
e) H. influenza
Macrolids are ____ ribosomal subunit inhibitors that are ____ at low concentrations and
____ at high concentrations:
a) 30s; Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic
b) 30s; Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal
c) 50s; Bactericidal; Bacteriostatic
d) 50s; Bacteriostatic; Bactericidal
Although erythromycin is not normally effective with gram-negative bacteria, cell wall
deficient forms of E. coli and Proteus mirabilis (L-forms) are exceptions. These are seen
in recurrent:
a) Pneumonia
b) Upper respiratory tract infections
c) Urinary tract infections
d) Gastroenteritis
e) Endocarditis
Name bactericidal antibiotic - the drug of choice for pneumonia caused by H. influenzae?
a) Erythromycin
b) Clarithromycin
c) Azithromycin
d) Dirithromycin
e) Telithromycin
A patient presents with mild symptoms of fever, chills, headache, and coughing. However,
they show little sign of bacterial infection. Lab blood results show infection is present and
the physician chooses to use a macrolide antibiotic. What agent was most likely the cause
of the patient's symptoms?
a) Streptococcus pyogenes
b) Streptococcus agalactiae
c) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
d) Listeria monocytogenes
e) Streptococcus pneumoniae
Which of the organs is the main organ for biotransformation of macrolides such as
erythromycin (90%) and clarithromycin?
a) Spleen
b) Kidneys
c) Brain
d) GI tract
e) Liver
An 8-yr-old child presents with pharyngitis and fever of 3 days duration. Microbiology
lab confirms translucent beta-hemolytic colonies. Past history includes a severe allergic
reaction to amoxicillin when used for ear infection. Which one of the аntimicrobial agents
as an oral drug is most likely appropriate in terms of both effectiveness and safety?
a) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin)
b) Cefaclor
c) Doxycycline
d) Vancomycin
e) Azithromycin
Aminoglycosides are effective only against which of the microbs and are a good choice for
septicemia (a serious toxicity)?
a) Gram-positive aerobic bacteria
b) Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria
c) Gram-negative aerobic bacteria
d) Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria
e) Just Streptococcus pneumoniae
Which of the following drugs can be mixed with aminoglycosides, such as for use against
Staphylococcus aureus?
a) Diuretics
c) Cisplatin
d) Amphotericin B
e) Penicillin G (Benzylpenicillin)
AE is a 75-yr-old man with sepsis resulting from a urinary tract infection. He has
allergies to beta-lactam antibiotics and erythromycim. The result of blood cultures are
positive for P. aeroginosa; the urine culture is positive for P. aeroginosa and E. coli. From
aminoglycoside class, which one would you choose?
a) Neomycin
b) Streptomycin
c) Netilmicin
d) Kanamycin
e) Gentamicin
Penicillin is used in combination with what drug to enhance antibacterial action in the
treatment of enterococcal endocarditis?
a) Sulfonamides
b) Cephalosporins
c) Macrolides
d) Aminoglycosides
e) Fluoroquinolones
Name side effect characteristic for aminoglycosides:
a) hepatotoxicity
b) SNC toxicity
c) ototoxicity
d) cardiotoxicity
e) mielotoxicity
Which one of the following drugs is most likely to cause loss of equilibrium and ototoxicity?
a) Canamycin
b) Ethambutol
c) Isoniazid
d) Para-aminosalicylic acid
e) Rifabutin
A bacteremic patient is being treated with an antibiotic. Following one week of therapy,
this patients develops severe bone marrow depression resulting in pancytopenia. Which
antibiotic is the most likely cause of this patient's toxic reaction?
a) Doxycycline
b) Chloramphenicol
c) Azithromycin
d) Gentamycin
e) Ciprofloxacin
A one-yr-old baby who has been diagnosed with brain abscess is undergoing an antibiotic
treatment. The baby develops abdominal distention, emesis, and irregular respiration.
Name antibiotic that is the most likely cause of this baby's toxic reaction?
a) Oxytetracycline
b) Amikacin
c) Clarithromycin
d) Sparfloxacin
e) Chloramphenicol
Tetracyclines, such as doxycycline, are effective against rare infections. Which of the
epidemic infections that can be treated with doxycycline is associated with voluminous
rice-water diarrhea and may be seen as an epidemic in third world countries?
a) Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi)
b) Rabid fever (Francisella tularensis)
c) Black plague (Yersinia pestis)
d) Brucellosis (Brucella species)
e) Cholera (Vibrio choler)
Among the side effects of tetracycline that may be seen in children taking the drug for
long or short periods is:
a) depression of bone growth
b) ototoxicity
c) nefrotoxicity
d) gastrointestinal irritation
e) allergy
Which drug from tetracyclines should be used for spirochetes Borellia burgdorferi.?
a) Demeclocycline
b) Doxycycline
c) Tetracycline
d) Oxytetracycline
e) Minocycline
Which of the types of drugs binds to teeth and can cause discoloration?
a) Tetracyclines
b) Macrolides
c) Cephalosporins
d) Penicillins
e) Sulfonamides
A patient presents with pain in their right side. After physical exam and testing, a fatty
liver is found. History is negative for excessive alcohol use. Name classe of antibiotics that
could have caused this:
a) Tetracyclines
b) Aminoglycosides
c) Cephalosporins
d) Fluoroquinolones
e) Sulfonamides
Which drug would be given to a patient with rickettsia who is allergic to doxycycline?
a) Demeclocycline
b) Tetracycline
c) Chloramphenicol
d) Minocycline
e) Oxytetracycline
Which of the antimicrobial drug would affect gram-negative aerobes (versus gram-
positive cocci/bacilli)?
a) Nafcillin
b) Vancomycin
c) Gentamycin
d) Erythromycin
e) Clindamycin
May be fatal to neonates owing to an inability to conjugate the drug with glucuronic acid:
a) Chloramphenicol
b) Polymyxin B
c) Erythromycin
d) Kanamycin
e) Neomycin
Name drug that can cause irreversible bone marrow depression, leading to aplastic
a) Oxytetracyclinу
b) Minocycline
c) Chloramphenicol
d) Tetracycline
e) Demeclocycline
Pick out substance that inhibits the human enzyme dehydropeptidase:
a) Cilastatin
b) Sulbactam
c) Sultiam
d) Aztreonam
e) Tazobactam
Which of the following drugs is used for systemic and deep mycotic infections treatment:
a) Co-trimoxazol
b) Griseofulvin
c) Amphotericin B
d) Nitrofungin
e) Vancomicin
Sulfonamides and nalidixic acid can cause hemolysis in patients that are deficient in what
a) Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
b) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase
c) Glucose 6-phosphate
d) Glucokinase
e) Fructokinase
The enzyme that sulfonamides inhibit (para-aminobenzoic acid, PABis needed for
bacterial production of which of the substrat which is required for synthesis of DNA,
RNA, and protein?
a) Murein
b) Niacin
c) Folic acid
d) Arachidonic acid
e) Phosphodiesterase
Which group of drugs can cause CNS symptoms and have a tendancy to damage
cartiledge, thus should never be given to children under the age of 18?
a) Penicillins
b) Cephalosporins
c) Macrolides
d) Aminoglycosides
e) Fluoroquinolones
Antifungal polyene macrolide that preferentially binds to fungal ergosterol which alters
cellular permeability:
a) ketoconazole
b) amphotericin B
c) flucytosine
d) grisefulvin
e) clotrimazole
Polyene used topically; active against most Candida species--most commonly used for
suppression of local candidal infection:
a) miconazole
b) terbinafine
c) nystatin
d) fluconazole
e) flucytosine
Given by i.v. administration, the drug of choice for nearly all life-threatening mycotic
infections--usually used as the initial induction regiment:
a) ketoconazole
b) itraconazole
c) flucytosine
d) amphotericin B
e) nystatin
Effective antiviral agent, which is also approved for use in the treatment of Parkinson
a) Idoxuridine
b) Amantadine
c) Vidarabine
d) Cytarabine
e) Trifluridine
Protease inhibitors (PIs) block which of the following steps in the viral life cycle?
a) Binding
b) Reverse transcription
c) Integration
d) Transcription
e) Assembly
AZT (Retrovir), also called zidovudine, is used in the treatment of HIV by inhibiting
which step in the viral life cycle?
a) Binding
b) Reverse transcription
c) Integration
d) Transcription
e) Translation
Name the drug used for HIV infection treatment, a derivative of nucleosides:
a) Acyclovir
b) Zidovudine
c) Gancyclovir
d) Trifluridine
e) Amantadine
Name the drug from antivirale group with wide spectrum of action:
a) Saquinavir
b) Interferon alfa
c) Didanozine
d) Acyclovir
e) 3 Zidovudine
The most important drug for treatment of all types of tuberculosis is:
a) Augmentine
b) Isoniazid
c) Aminosalicylic acid
d) Ampicylline
e) Clarithromycin
Which one of the following side effects is more characteristic for ethambutol:
a) proteinuria
b) decreased visual acuity
c) nongouty polyarthralgia
d) hemolysis
e) methemoglobinemia
The most common reaction to isoniazid therapy, if pyridoxine is not given concurrently, is:
a) peripheral neuritis
b) hypersensitivity
c) optic neuritis
d) dryness of mouth
e) convulsions
A 34-year-old man under treatment for pulmonary TB has acute-onset right big toe pains,
swelling, and low-grade fever. His physical exam is consistent with gouty arthritis, and he
is found to have high serum uric acid levels. Name anti-TB drug that is the most likely
cause of this patient's UA levels?
a) Isoniazid
b) Pyrazinamide
c) Cycloserine
d) Rifampin
e) Ethionamide
Isoniazid inhibits mycolid acid synthesis, disrupting bacterial walls and is associated with
hepatotoxicity, peripheral and central neuropathy, and optic neuritis. What vitamin
should be given as a supplement with isoniazid to help prevents these effects?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin K
c) Vitamin B6
d) Vitamin B12
e) Vitamin E
A patient returns complaining of a reddish-orange color in their urine, saliva, sweat, and
tears. Which drug from anti TBC drugs was the patient likely taking?
a) Dapsone
b) Isoniazid
c) Rifampicin
d) Pyrazinamide
e) Streptomycin
Name the drug, blocking acetylcholine transmission at the myoneural junction of
a) Levamisole
b) Mebendazole
c) Piperazine
d) Niclosamide
e) Suramin
Antagonist of heparin:
a) unitiol
b) protamine sulfate
c) naloxone
d) atropine
e) flumazenil
Antagonis of pilocarpine:
a) unitiol
b) protamine sulfate
c) naloxone
d) atropine
e) flumazenil
Antagonis of diazepam:
a) unitiol
b) protamine sulfate
c) naloxone
d) atropine
e) flumazenil
Antagonis of opioids:
a) unitiol
b) protamine sulfate
c) naloxone
d) atropine
e) flumazenil
Specify the areas of study of pharmacokinetics?
a) absorption of medicinal substances
b) types of action of drugs
c) distribution of drug substances in the body
d) drug biotransformation
e) pharmacological effects of drug substances
Drug biotransformation:
a) biotransformation products can be toxic
b) takes place just for orally administered drugs
c) mainly, but not exclusively in the liver
d) biotransformation is not influenced by the drugs
e) biotransformation products are never toxic
Choose right statements for active transport as one of the ways of penetration of
a) energy needs
b) is done against the concentration gradient
c) requires a specialized carrier system
d) occurs only for small molecules and water soluble
e) occurs only soluble molecules
What drugs can cause rebound phenomenon at the suddenly stopping of a long
a) clonidine
b) captopril
c) furosemide
d) prazosin
e) xpropranolol
Concerning influence of age on drug responses: variation in response usually due to:
a) reduced cardiac output
b) reduced hepatic perfusion
c) decreased body fat
d) increased protein binding
e) decreased renal function
These agents must be given parenterally because they are not absorbed when given
a) Osmotic diuretics
b) Loop diuretics
c) Penicillins
d) Macrolides
e) Aminoglycosydes antibiotics
What is the mechanism of action of morphine:
a) opioid receptor blockade
b) inhibits nociceptors
c) stimulate opioid receptors
d) stimulates the release of mediators
e) blocking the release of mediators
Benzodiazepines indications:
a) epilepsy
b) parkinsonism
c) neurosis
d) depression
e) seizure by unknown genesis
What is characteristic of zolpidem?
a) It is a benzodiazepine derivative.
b) Stimulates benzodiazepine receptors.
c) Enhances GABAergic processes in the CNS.
d) Less influence on sleep structure compared to barbiturates.
e) Much less addictive than benzodiazepines and barbiturates
Tranquilizers indications:
a) psychotic disorders accompanied by hallucinations
b) neurotic states
c) psychotic disorders accompanied by delirium
d) insomnia
e) depression, somnolence
Name benzodiazepines:
a) fenazepam
b) haloperidol
c) diazepam
d) chlorpromazine
e) droperidol
Name psychostimulants:
a) Phenylethylamine
b) Paraaminophenol's derivates
c) Piperidines
d) Sydnonimines
e) Methylxanthines
Neuroleptics indications:
a) psychosis
b) parkinsonism
c) neuroleptanalgesia
d) central origin vomiting
e) epilepsy
Which one of the following statements concerning the treatment of bipolar affective
disorders is accurate?
a) Excessive intake of sodium chloride enhances the toxicity of lithium
b) Lithium does not cross the placental barrier
c) Lithium will alleviate the manic symptoms within 24 hours
d) Above 1,5 mmol/l lithium produces a variety of toxic effects
e) Drug therapy with neuroleptics may be required at the initiation of lithium therapy
Sedation is more likely with:
a) Sulpiride
b) Risperidone
c) Chlorprothixene
d) Chlorpromazine
e) Clozapine
Named antidepressants:
a) imipramine
b) amitriptyline
c) phenelzine
d) haloperidol
e) chlorprothixene
The following are true about the drugs used in general anaesthetic:
a) ether is a volatile liquid
b) ciclopropan is a gas
c) ketamine is used intravenously
d) propofol is from opioid derivatives
e) enflurane is used intravenously
What is characteristic for neuroleptanalgezia?
a) development of a general analgesic effect
b) combination of fentanyl and droperidol as talamonal
c) psychic indifference
d) loss of consciousness in therapeutic dose
e) without total loss of consciousness.
What is Neuroleptanalgesia?
a) It is characterized by general quiescence, psychic indifference and intense analgesia without
total loss of consciousness
b) a state of unconsciousness, analgesia and amnesia, with skeletal muscle relaxation and loss
of reflexes
c) Combination of Fentanyl and Droperidol as Talamonal
d) Is the condition that results when sensory transmission from local area of the body to the
CNS is blocked
e) Used for endoscopies, angiography and minor operations
Ethanol properties:
a) causes protein coagulation in high concentration
b) of 70% concentration can be used as an antiseptic
c) can be used to disinfect the skin before injections are given,
d) used as anti-foaming in pulmonary edema
e) used to treat gastrointestinal erosions
Name drugs used in treatment for alchololism:
a) disulfiram
b) protamine sulphate
c) naltrexone
d) fluoxetine
e) flumazenil
Name the measures that can be used to decrease cardiovascular and digestive side effects
of levodopa:
a) The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
b) Inhibition of peripheral dopa-decarboxylase.
c) DOPA decarboxylase inhibition in the CNS.
d) To block peripheral dopamine receptors.
e) The administration of haloperidol.
Name M-cholinomimetics:
a) aceclidine
b) galanthamine
c) pilocarpine
d) atropine
e) suxamethonium
Characteristics of neostigmine:
a) inhibits the action of cholinesterase
b) inhibits M cholinoreceptors
c) causes miosis
d) is used in the X-ray diagnosis of intestine disease
e) causes bradycardia
The pairing of the following drugs and their side-effects are correct:
a) atropine - dry mouth
b) scopolamine - pernicious anaemia
c) neostygmine - bone marrow suppression
d) cititon -hepatic fibrosis
e) aceclidine – miosis
Characteristis of atropine:
a) inhibits the sweat glands
b) mydriasis
c) causes hyperpyrexia in overdose
d) bronchospasm
e) is more sedative than scopolamine
Characteristic of atropine:
a) blocks nicotinic acethylcholine receptors
b) dries bronchial and salivary secretion
c) diminishes the risk of vagal cardiac arrest
d) is used to avoid unwanted side effects of neostigmine
e) causes loss of accommodation
With regard to the effect of atropine:
a) mydriasis is the result of paralysis of the constrictor muscle of the pupil
b) causes cycloplegia
c) miosis
d) bronchospasm
e) diarrhea
Indicate anticholinesterases:
a) neostigmine
b) edrophonium
c) physostigmine
d) pilocarpine
e) carbachol
Name drugs that cause non-depolarising blockade of the neuromuscular junction during
a) scopolamine
b) physostigmine
c) pancuronium
d) tubocurarine
e) suxamethonium
Characteristics of physostigmine:
a) causes accommodative spasm
b) causes conjunctival vasoconstriction
c) increases the intraocular pressure
d) causes smooth muscle contraction
e) can be used in hypotonia of gastrointestinal system
Characteristics of pilocarpine:
a) is an alkaloid derived from plant
b) is a direct acting muscarinic agonist
c) causes contraction of the cilliary muscles
d) causes mydriasis
e) has a greater effect on patients with blue iris than brown iris.
Name the results of excessive cholinergic stimulation, as would be seen with a nerve agent
or organophosphate poisoning:
a) Diarrhea
b) Miosis
c) Mydriasis
d) Bronchodilation
e) Hypersalivation
Indirect-acting cholinomimetic:
a) neostigmine
b) acetylcholine
c) carbachol
d) edrophonium
e) atropine
Atropine causes:
a) Miosis, a reduction in intraocular pressure and cyclospasm
b) Mydriasis, a rise in intraocular pressure and cycloplegia
c) Miosis, a rise in intraocular pressure and cycloplegia
d) Xerostomia, constipation
e) Tachycardia
Characteristic of atropine:
a) blocks nicotinic acethylcholine receptors
b) inhibits bronchial and salivary secretion
c) causes bronchospasm
d) is used to avoid unwanted side effects of neostigmine
e) causes loss of accommodation
Atropine causes:
a) Bradycardia, hypotension and bronchoconstriction
b) Tachycardia, no effect on blood pressure and bronchodilation
c) Decrease in contractile strength, conduction velocity through the AV node
d) Tachycardia, hypertensive crisis and bronchodilation
e) Tachycardia and increasing of conduction velocity through the AV node
Atropine effects:
a) dry mouth
b) pupillary dilation
c) miosis
d) increased heart rate
e) decresed heart rate
Atropine block:
a) M1 receptor subtype
b) M2 receptor subtype
c) M3 receptor subtype
d) N receptor subtype
e) All of the above
Atropine causes:
a) Spasmolitic activity
b) Intestinal hypermotility
c) Stimulation of contraction in the gut
d) Stimulation of secretory activity
e) Tachycardia
Ganglionic blockers:
a) Prazosin
b) Hydralazine
c) Hexamethonium
d) Nicardipine
e) Azamethonium
Skeletal muscle relaxation and paralysis can occur from interruption of functions at
several sites, including all of the following:
a) Nicotinic receptors
b) Muscarinic receptors
c) The motor end plate
d) Nicotinic receptors in autonomic ganglia
e) Muscarinic receptors in smooth muscle
Effects seen only with depolarizing blockade include all of the following:
a) Hyperpotassemia
b) Decrease in intraocular pressure
c) Bronchospasm
d) Muscle pain
e) Cardiac arithmias
Phenylephrine causes:
a) Constriction of vessels in the nasal mucosa
b) Increased gastric secretion and motility
c) Increased skin temperature
d) Mydriasis
e) Increased blood pressure
Catecholamine includes following:
a) Ephedrine
b) xEpinephrine
c) Norepinephrine
d) Dopamine
e) Fenilephrine
Distribution of alfa adrenoreceptor subtypes is associated with all of the following tissues:
a) Mast cell
b) Blood vessels
c) Prostate
d) Pupillary dilator muscle
e) Juxtaglomerular apparatus
Epinephrine characteristics:
a) stimulates both α and β receptors
b) causes miosis
c) used in anaphylactic shock
d) can be used to prolong the action of local anaesthetic
e) used in hypertension
Characteristic of labetalol:
a) is a mixed alpha/beta adrenergic antagonist
b) xused in hypertension management
c) is selective alpha adrenergic antagonist
d) is selective beta adrenergic antagonist
e) can causes orthostatic hypotension
Blocks both alpha and beta receptors:
a) carvedilol
b) diazoxide
c) propranolol
d) labetalol
e) timolol
Propanolol causes:
a) can cause bronchospasm
b) can cause bronchodilation
c) increases blodd pressure
d) decreases blodd pressure
e) can mask hypoglycaemia induced by insulin
Which of the following drugs is a competitive antagonist at both alfa1 and alfa2
a) Prazosin
b) Doxazosin
c) Labetalol
d) Phenoxybenzamine
e) Phentolamine
Indicate the effects caused by the excitation of postsynaptic alpha 1-adrenergic receptor:
a) mydriasis
b) miosis
c) contraction of the spleen capsule
d) vassoconstriction
e) bronchodilation
Characteristic of epinephrine:
a) stimulates α and β receptors
b) block α β receptors
c) used in anaphylactic shock
d) can be used to prolong the action of local anaesthetic
e) used in hyperglycemia
Indicate adrenergic drugs with bronchodilator effect:
a) salmeterol
b) dopamine
c) norepinephrine
d) epinephrine
e) isoprenaline
Name beta-adrenoblockers:
a) Propranolol
b) Validol
c) Metoprolol
d) Alopurinol
e) Oxprenolol
Characteristic of propanolol:
a) block alfa adrenoreceptors
b) block beta adrenoreceptors
c) decreases cardiac contractility
d) block alfa beta adrenoreceptors
e) can mask hypoglycaemia induced by insulin
Choose irritants:
a) Zinc oxide
b) Silver nitrate
c) Menthol
d) Ammonia solution
e) Starch mucilage
Choose anti-asthma agents that act in part by activating pulmonary beta-receptors thus
increasing cAMP:
a) salbutamol
b) methoxamine
c) cromolyn
d) terbutaline
e) ipratropium
Name drugs that decrease the release of mediators ( histamine, other ABS) from mast
cell. (Stabilization of mast cells):
a) glucocorticoids
b) salbutamol
c) sodium cromoglicate
d) epinephrine
e) cyclosporine
Which of the following drugs are leucotreine D4 receptor (LTD) blockers?
a) Diclofenac
b) Zafirleukast
c) Zileuton
d) Ibuprofen
e) Montelukast
Total peripheral resistance (TPR) is a determining factor for mean arterial pressure.
What are correct relationships between norepinephrine, minoxidil, and lisinopril and
a) Minoxidil : TPR increases
b) Fosinopril : TPR increases
c) Norepinephrine : TPR increases
d) Phenoxybenzamine : TPR increases
e) Minoxidil : TPR decreases
Name sympapholitics:
a) rezerpine
b) capropril
c) phentolamine
d) guanethidine
e) prazosine
Calcium channel blocker: vasodilation, less likely to have direct cardiac effects:
a) nimodipine
b) amlodipine
c) verapamil
d) diltiazem
e) nifedipine
Name drugs causing bradycardia having both antianginal and antiarrhythmic effects:
a) propranolol
b) isosorbide dinitrate
c) nitroglycerine
d) nifedipine
e) verapamil
Name arrhythmics:
a) verapamil
b) enalapril
c) metoprolol
d) mexiletine
e) amiodarone
Characteristics of lidocaine:
a) used to treat ventricular arythmia
b) is opiod analgesic
c) common side effects include sleepiness, muscle twitching, confusion
d) is an antiarrhythmic medication
e) used in infectous diseases
Name antihypertensive preparations which acts presynaptically:
a) clonidine
b) reserpine
c) propranolol
d) guanethidine
e) hydralazine
Calcium channel blocker(s) that cause tachycardia and are most likely to worsen
myocardial ischemia:
a) nimodipine
b) diltiazem
c) nicardipine
d) verapamil
e) amlodipine
Indicate pharmacological peculiarities characteristic for nitroglycerin:
a) is an organic nitrate
b) is a volatile explosive liquid
c) used in angina pectoris accesses
d) is used just sublingually
e) to avoid the sublingual use
All these drug groups useful in angina both decrease myocardial oxygen requirement and
increase myocardial oxygen delivery:
a) Nitroglycerin
b) Isosorbide dinitrate
c) Atenolol
d) Metoprolol
e) Alinidine
The following Ergot derivative is used for treatment of acute migraine attack:
a) Paracetamol
b) Sumatriptan
c) Ergotamine
d) Metoclopramide
e) Methylergometrine
The following indol derivatives are used for treatment of acute migraine attack:
a) Paracetamol
b) Sumatriptan
c) Ergotamine
d) Metoclopramide
e) Zolmitriptan
Indicate the drugs which are Ca2+-channel blockers influencing the cerebral blood flow:
a) Aminalon (Gama aminobutiric acid)
b) Nimodipine
c) Cinnarizine
d) Heparin
e) Vinpocetine
Indicate the drugs influencing the blood flow in the brain - derivatives of GABA:
a) Aminalon (Gama aminobutiric acid)
b) Picamilon
c) Nimodipine
d) Heparin
e) Vinpocetine
Indicate the drugs - Vinca minor alcaloids:
a) Nicergoline
b) Warfarin
c) Cinnarizine
d) Vinpocetine
e) Vincamine
The following indol derivatives are used for treatment of acute migraine attack:
a) Paracetamol
b) Sumatriptan
c) Ergotamine
d) Metoclopramide
e) Zolmitriptan
How is modified the concentration of free ions in cardiomyocytes under the influence of
cardiac glycosides?
a) increases the content of potassium ions
b) is reduced potassium ion content
c) increases the content of magnesium ions
d) increases the content of calcium ions
e) is reduced content of calcium ions
List remedies with orexigenic effect:
1) cyproheptadine
2) amphetamine
3) phenfluramine
4) insulin
5) amitryptiline
Indicate emetics:
a) Copper sulfate
b) Chlorpromazine
c) Pepsin
d) Diphenhydramine
e) Apomorphine
Name antiemetics:
a) Metoclopramide
b) Ondansetron
c) Chlorpromazine
d) Apomorphine hydrochloride
e) Cuprum sulphate
Name antacids:
a) Misoprostol
b) Magnesii oxydum
c) Famotidine
d) Almagel
e) Omeprasole
Antacids are:
a) sodium bicarbonate
b) omeprazole
c) almagel A
d) cimetidine
e) atropine
List H2 histaminoblockers:
a) famotidine
b) omeprazol
c) lansoprazol
d) ranitidine
e) cimetidine
Acting at prostaglandin EP3 receptors on parietal cells & on epithelial cells prostaglandin
agonists inhibits:
a) acid secretion
b) gastrin release
c) pepsin secretion
d) mucus secretion
e) mucosal blood flow
Acting at prostaglandin EP3 receptors on parietal cells & on epithelial cells prostaglandin
agonists stimulates:
a) acid secretion
b) gastrin release
c) pepsin secretion
d) mucus secretion
e) mucosal blood flow
Name gastroprotectors:
a) cimetidine
b) bismuth salts
c) atropine
d) propantheline
e) sucralfate
Name gatroprotectors drugs that forms a paste-like membrane on the surface of ulcer:
a) carbenoxolone
b) mizoprosol
c) omeprazole
d) bismuth subcitrate
e) sucralfate
List remedies used in pancreatic hypersecretion:
a) x aprotinine
b) atropine
c) pancreatin
d) abomine
e) festal
Characteristic of mannitol:
a) is antagonist of aldosterone
b) is indicated just in patient with cardiac failure
c) is used just orally
d) decreases the vitreous volume
e) can be given in acute glaucoma
Which of the following diuretics agents would be the LEAST apt to cause hypokalemic
a) Furosemide
b) Acetazolamide
c) Triamterene
d) Manitol
e) Spironolactone
Which of the following diuretics agents would be apt to cause hypervolemia and
hypertention at the beginning of the treatment?
a) Furosemide
b) Urea
c) Triamterene
d) Manitol
e) Spironolactone
Characteristics of mannitol:
a) is a loop Henle diuretic
b) is poorly absorbed from the gut
c) is used in the treatment of cerebral oedema
d) is completely filtered at the renal glomeruli and not reabsorbed from the renal tubule
e) is carbonic anhydrase inhibitor
These drugs act by affecting the tubular fluid composition by increasing of osmotic
a) Furosemide
b) Acetazolamide
c) Triamterene
d) Mannitol
e) Urea
The drug acts by competitively blocking NaCl cotransporters in the distal tubule:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Indapamide
The drug acts by competing with aldosterone for its cytosolic receptors, EXCEPT:
a) Acetazolamide
b) Furosemide
c) Hydrochlorothiazide
d) Spironolactone
e) Triamteren
The drug is a potassium-sparing diuretic that blocks Na+ channels in the collecting
a) Furosemide
b) Amiloride
c) Spironolactone
d) Triamteren
e) Hydrochlorothiazide
The drug has a steroid-like structure which is responsible for its anti-androgenic effect,
a) Spironolactone
b) Hydrochlorothiazide
c) Furosemide
d) Amiloride
e) Triamteren
Characteristics of warfarin:
a) inhibits the vitamin K-dependent synthesis of clotting factors
b) inhibit tromboxane activity
c) is indirect anticuagulant
d) is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal system
e) the common side effect is bleeding.
Characteristic of warfarin:
a) has a higher molecular weight than heparin
b) is metabolized chiefly by liver
c) works directly binding with AT III
d) interferes with the production of factor II, VII, IX and X
e) its control is based on the prothrombin time
Characteristic of Heparin:
a) is found in the human mast cells
b) is not active if given orally
c) lowers the plasma triglyceride level
d) binds to anti-thrombin III and increases its inactivation of thrombin
e) is reversed by administration of vitamin K
Indicate antifibrinolytic drugs:
a) carbazocrom
b) aminocaproic acid
c) batroxobin
d) aprotinine
e) etamsilat
Pinpoint causes of acetylsalicylic acid should be avoided in patients under treatment with
a) inhibits the synthesis of vitamin K
b) interfers with metabolism of heparin
c) is fibrinolytic
d) inhibit the aggregation of platelets
e) causes hemorrage because of tromboxane inhibition
What are the differences between heparins with low molecular weight(LMWH) versus
standard heparin:
a) oral administration for LMWH
b) marked inhibition of Factor Xa for LMWH
c) marked human thrombin inhibition for LMWH
d) x longer duration of action of for LMWH
e) for LMWH does not cause osteoporosis
Indicate hemostatics:
a) acenocumarol
b) aminocaproic acid
c) warfarine
d) fibrinogen
e) heparin
Name the drugs which stimulates leucopoesis:
a) cyanocobalamine
b) pentoxil
c) iron sulphate
d) sodium nucleinat
e) coamide
Which of the following property combinations is peculiar to the majority of NSAIDs?
a) Anti-inflammatory, immunodepressive, antihistaminic
b) Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory
c) Immunodepressive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic
d) Antipyretic, analgesic, anti-aggregant effect
e) Immunodepressive, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic
Corticosteroid inhibits:
a) inflammatory proceses
b) allergic reactions
c) immunity
d) gluconeogenesis
e) lipocortin production
Which of the following hormones are produced by the anterior lobe of the pituitary?
a) Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
b) Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)
c) Growth hormone (somatotropin, GH)
d) Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)
e) Follicule-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Characteristics of thiamazole:
a) Decreases thyroid hormone synthesis
b) Inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 in T3
c) Causes neutropenia
d) Should be stopped if causes rashes
e) Decreases TSH production
Characteristics of metformin:
a) is a biguanide
b) used in Diabetus Mellitus type II
c) causes anorexia and weight loss
d) causes hyperglycemia
e) is contraindicated in Diabetus Mellitus Type I
Characteristics of Thiamazol:
a) decreases thyroid hormone synthesis
b) inhibits peripheral conversion of T4 to T3
c) causes neutropenia
d) used in cretinism
e) decreases directly TSH production
The major synthetic estrogens are following:
a) Estradiol
b) Estron
c) Benzestrol
d) Diethylstilbestrol
e) Dienestrol
Mifepristone is:
a) Androgen
b) Antiestrogen
c) Antiandrogen
d) Antiprogestin
e) Antiglucocorticoid
Characteristics of cefuroxime:
a) inhibits cell wall synthesis
b) has cross-sensitivity with penicillin
c) is an enteral second-generation cephalosporin antibiotic.
d) is a third generation cephalosporin
e) is less toxic to the renal function than gentamicin
Macrolides are naturally resistant to:
a) Bacillus fragilis
b) Pseudomonas
c) Chlamydia
d) Acinetobacter
e) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Characteristics of gentamycin:
a) is poorly soluble in lipid and therefore needs to be given parenterally
b) is excreted exclusively by the kidneys
c) inhibits presynaptic acetylcholine release with neuro-muscular block
d) causes ototoxicity
e) inhibits cell wall synthesis of bacteria
Characteristics of vancomycin:
a) inhibits bacteria DNA synthesis
b) is effective against Gram negative aerobic organisms
c) is well absorbed from the gut
d) is a type of glycopeptide antibiotic
e) stimulates the release of histamine
Charactristics of aminoglycosides:
a) are effective against anaerobic infection
b) cause nephrotoxicity
c) Very active against Gr- aerobic bacillus
d) are not effectively against systemic infection if given orally
e) cause ototoxicity
Describe vancomycin:
a) is an aminoglycoside.
b) ototoxicity and nephrotocicity common sides effects
c) targets the RNA of bacteria.
d) is used in parenterally way
e) is used against Gram positive bacteria.
Describe vancomycin:
a) active on gram-positive cocci
b) is a type of glycopeptide antibiotic
c) causing ototoxicity and nephrotoxicity
d) active on gram-negative flora
e) bacteriostatic
All of the following antibiotics inhibit the protein synthesis in bacterial cells:
a) Macrolides
b) Aminoglycosides
c) Glycopeptides
d) Tetracyclines
e) Cycloserine
Charactristics of chloramphenicol:
a) inhibits cell wall synthesis
b) is active against Haemophilus and Neisseria
c) causes ototoxicity
d) causes aplastic anaemia
e) should not be given to newborns
What remedies inhibit bacterial protein synthesis, following attachment of 50S ribosomes
a) chloramphenicol
b) clarithromycin
c) clindamycin
d) tetracycline
e) doxycycline
Concerning sulfonamides:
a) act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase
b) are big group from antibiotics
c) certain sulfonamides are sometimes mixed with the drug trimethoprim
d) contraindicated in pregnancy and newborn
e) minimal side effects
Charactristics of sulphonamides:
a) inhibit the conversion of para-aminobenzoic acid to folate
b) are bactericidal
c) can be combined with trimethroprim
d) are used just intravenously
e) are a known cause of Steven-Johnson's syndrome
Sulfonamides are effective against:
a) Bacteria and Chlamidia
b) Grame negative aerobes
c) Gonococcus
d) Echinococcus
e) Cytomegalovirus
Characteristics of quinine:
a) is a medication to treat malaria
b) highly effective schizonticide against P vivax, P ovale, P falciparum, P. malariae
c) is a medication to treat viruses infection
d) is antibiotic used just in anaerobes infections
e) is used just intravenously
Ganclovir characteristics:
a) is effective against cytomegalovirus infection
b) causes bone marrow failure
c) is effective against HIV infection
d) is effective against influenza
e) inhibits DNA polymerase
Characteristic of fluconazole:
a) used systemically
b) is an antifungal medication
c) is an antibiotic
d) prevents the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol from fungal membrane
e) inhibits cell wall
Specify group of monoclonal antibodies from antitumor preparations:
a) transtuzumab
b) rituximab
c) bevacizumab
d) vincristine
e) colchicine
Cyclosporin A:
a) can only be given orally as it is too toxic to be given intravenously
b) it may be given prophylactically to reduce organ rejection before transplantation
c) causes little bone marrow suppression
d) causes renal impairment
e) acts specifially on cytotoxic T lymphocytes
Name cytostatics:
a) azathioprine
b) diphenhydramine
c) cyclosporine
d) ipratropium
e) mercaptopurine
Name drug complications caused by the patients hypersensitivity:
a) immediate immunoallergic type reactions
b) delayed immunoallergic type reactions
c) tachyphylaxis
d) tolerance
e) dysbacteriosis
Specify groups or drugs frequently cause side effects such as mixed liver injury:
b) anti-tuberculous drugs
c) contraceptives
d) beta-adrenoblockers
e) converting enzyme inhibitors
Specify preparations that cause more frequently as adverse effect orthostatic hypotension
and collapse:
a) trimetaphan
b) nifedipine
c) clonidine
d) izoturon
e) dopamine
Specify drugs would cause more frequently as adverse effect duodenal and gastric ulcer:
a) prednisolone
b) acetylsalicylic acid
c) diclofenac
d) sucralfate
e) misoprostol
Specify groups of drugs that would cause more frequently as adverse effect
a) antibiotics
b) nitrofurans
c) glucocorticoids
e) converting enzyme inhibitors