Balag v. Senate
Balag v. Senate
Balag v. Senate
- Accordingly, as long as there is a legitimate legislative inquiry, then
RATIO DECIDENDI the inherent power of contempt by the Senate may be properly
1. W/N Senate committee acted with grave abuse of discretion in exercised. Conversely, once the said legislative inquiry concludes,
conducting the legislative inquiry citing petitioner in contempt. the exercise of the inherent power of contempt ceases and there is no
MOOT AND ACADEMIC more genuine necessity to penalize the detained witness.
- Court finds that there is no more justiciable controversy. As - When does Legislative Inquiry End?
discussed earlier, in its resolution dated December 12, 2017, the o Committee Reports approval or disapproval signifies the end of
Court ordered in the interim the immediate release of petitioner such legislative inquiry and it is now up to the Senate whether
pending resolution of the instant petition. Thus, petitioner was no or not to act upon the said Committee Report in the succeeding
longer detained under the Senate's authority. order of business.
- ▪ Committee report is the culmination of the legislative
- Evidently, respondent committees have terminated their legislative inquiry
inquiry. The Senate even went further by approving on its 3rd ▪ Senate Rules Section 22 and 23
reading the proposed bill, Senate Bill No. 1662, the result of the ● Within fifteen (15) days after the conclusion of the
inquiry in aid of legislation. As the legislative inquiry ends, the basis inquiry, the Committee shall meet to begin the
for the detention of petitioner likewise ends. consideration of its Report.
o Upon the expiration of that Congress at the final adjournment of
2. W/N there is a limitation to the period of detention when the its last session.
Senate exercises its power of contempt during inquiries in aid of ▪ Optional for the Senate of the succeeding congress to take
legislation up such unfinished matters, not in the same status, but as if
- Moreover, the indefinite detention of persons cited in contempt presented for the first time.
impairs their constitutional right to liberty. Thus, paramount public ▪ Even though Senate is a continuing institution all
interest requires the Court to determine such issue to ensure that the proceedings are terminated upon its expiration.
constitutional rights of the persons appearing before a legislative
inquiry of the Senate are protected. DISPOSITIVE POSITION
- Constitutional right to liberty that every citizen enjoys certainly WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED for being moot and academic.
cannot be respected when they are detained for an indefinite period However, the period of imprisonment under the inherent power of contempt
of time without due process of law. of the Senate during inquiries in aid of legislation should only last until the
- The Court finds that the period of imprisonment under the inherent termination of the legislative inquiry. The December 12, 2017 Resolution of
power of contempt by the Senate during inquiries in aid of the Court ordering the temporary release of Arvin R. Balag from detention is
legislation should only last until the termination of the legislative hereby declared FINAL
inquiry under which the said power is invoked
- (Anderson v. Dunn) although the offense committed under the
inherent power of contempt by Congress may be undefinable, it is
justly contended that the punishment need not be indefinite. It held
that as the legislative body ceases to exist from the moment of its
adjournment or periodical dissolution, then it follows that
imprisonment under the contempt power of Congress must
terminate with adjournment.
- (Neri v. Senate) Senate as a "continuing body" there is no debate
that the Senate as an institution is "continuing'', as it is not dissolved
as an entity with each national election or change in the composition
of its members. However, in the conduct of its day-to-day business
the Senate of each Congress acts separately and independently
of the Senate of the Congress before it.
Rules of Senate
SEC. 123. Unfinished business at the end of the session shall be taken
up at the next session in the same status. All pending matters and
proceedings shall terminate upon the expiration of one (l) Congress,
but may be taken by the succeeding Congress as if present for the
first time. Undeniably from the foregoing, all pending matters and
proceedings, i.e., unpassed bills and even legislative investigations, of
the Senate of a particular Congress are considered terminated upon
the expiration of that Congress and it is merely optional on the
Senate of the succeeding Congress to take up such unfinished
matters, not in the same status, but as if presented for the first time.