81 OldAgePsychiatry PDF
81 OldAgePsychiatry PDF
81 OldAgePsychiatry PDF
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© SPMM Course 1
1. Demographics of Old Age Psychiatry
A. Changes in the UK and worldwide
¬ Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the world'ʹs population over 60 years will double
from about 11% to 22%
¬ The absolute number of people aged 60 years and over is expected to increase from 605 million
to 2 billion over the same period
¬ 10 million people in the UK are over 65 years old (one sixth of the population) – projected to be
19 million by 2050 (one quarter of the population)
¬ 3 million in the UK are over 80 years old
¬ Growing numbers of elderly people are having an impact on the NHS -‐‑ average spending for
retired households is nearly double that for non-‐‑retired households
B. Service provision
¬ Older adults under the care of mental health services have complex presentations with problems
in multiple domains – psychological, cognitive, functional, behavioural, physical and social
¬ The National Service Framework for Older People (2001) contained a key standard that older
people with mental health problems should have access to specialist services
¬ Everybody’s Business (2005) clarified that older people’s
mental health problems require input from both health Needs based criteria for Older
and social care, physical and mental health services and People’s Mental Health Services
mainstream and specialist services developed for commissioners by
the Royal College of Psychiatrists
¬ No Health Without Mental Health (2011) outlined an
People of any age with a primary
expectation that services be age appropriate and non dementia
discriminatory People with mental disorder and
¬ There has been a recent trend of specialised older adults physical illness or frailty, which
contribute(s) to, or complicate(s) the
services being reduced and a movement to ageless
management of their mental illness.
services in some areas of the UK. These changes have This may include people under 65
been highlighted as potentially breaching the Equality People with psychological or
social difficulties related to the ageing
Act 2010 by causing indirect discrimination and reducing
process, or end of life issues, or who feel
patient choice. The need for specialist services has been their needs may be best met by a service
outlined in commissioning guidance issued by the Joint for older people. This would normally
Commissioning Panel for Mental Health Services include people over the age of 70
(JCPMH). This guidance emphasizes the need for close
working with social services, primary care, community services, voluntary services and
C. Role of carers:
¬ Older people with mental health problems are likely to need greater carer support, often provided
by family members who are also older
¬ 30% of carers will suffer depression at some stage
© SPMM Course 2
¬ Inability of carers to continue to provide support has been found to be a trigger for movement
from home into long term care settings
10 key points from JCPMH Guidance for commissioners of older people’s mental health services
1. Older people will form a larger proportion of the population
2. Older people’s mental heath services in particular benefit from an integrated approach with social care
3. Older people’s mental health services need to work closely with primary care and community services
4. Services must be commissioned on the basis of need and not age alone
5. Older people’s mental health services must address the needs of people with functional illnesses such as
depression and psychosis as well as dementia
6. Older people often have a combination of mental and physical health problems
7. Older people’s mental health services must be disciplinary
8. Older people with mental health needs should have access to community crisis or home treatment services
9. Older people with mental health needs respond well to psychological input
10. Older people should have dedicated liaison services in acute hospitals
© SPMM Course 3
2. Psychological aspects of physical disease
Parkinson’s disease
• Medication regimens and timings are very important-‐‑ failure to maintain normal dosing schedules
can result in delirium and depression, slowed cognition and anxiety
• Depression occurs in approximately two thirds of patients with PD, and dementia in
approximately 40%
• Common cognitive deficits in PD are higher executive dysfunction, attention, memory,
visuomotor processing and visual attention
Cerebrovascular disease
• Delirium affects 30-‐‑40% of people in the week after a stroke
• Depending on the region affected, focal cognitive deficits may result
• Pathological crying and emotional lability are relatively common post stroke and can be treated
with SSRIs
Sensory impairment
• Older people have a higher incidence of sensory impairment
• Visual impairment can lead to Charles Bonnet syndrome– visual hallucinations in the absence of
psychotic symptoms
• Charles Bonnet syndrome is most commonly associated with macular degeneration, also
associated with cataracts and diabetic retinopathy
• Auditory impairment has been associated with psychotic symptoms in the elderly
Emotional reaction to illness and to chronic ill health
• Reaction to illness is dependent on multiple factors, including premorbid personality, perceived
threat of the illness, treatment required and experiences of treatment
• People who tend to be anxious may have worsening of their anxiety such that it becomes
pathological as a result of physical illness, likely due to an increased focus on physical sensations
and symptoms and a morbid interpretation of them
• Metabolic changes during illness can accentuate the emotional response to it – dehydration,
electrolyte imbalance, endocrine changes and infection can all produce affective symptoms
• Adjustment disorders are common following physical illness and by their nature are transient
• Depression is approximately 2-‐‑3 times more common in people with a chronic physical health
problem, and occurs in around 20% of people suffering from chronic physical illness. Choice of an
antidepressant should take into account side effects, which may impact on the underlying physical
illness -‐‑ e.g. SSRIs may worsen hyponatraemia, or increase risk of bleeding – and interaction with
other medication. NICE advise that there is no evidence supporting the use of specific
antidepressants for patients with particular chronic physical health problems, and a generic SSRI
should be first line
© SPMM Course 4
3. Dementia syndromes in the elderly
© SPMM Course 6
B. Secondary causes of dementia
Huntington’s Disease Dementia
¬ Huntington’s Disease is one of the commonest inherited neurodegenerative illnesses
¬ Caused by autosomal dominant, unstable expansion of a CAG nucleotide repeat on Huntingtin
gene, chromosome
¬ Presents typically in 4th decade with frontal dementia and movement disorder
¬ Prominent deficits in attention, semantic verbal fluency, processing speed and executive function
¬ Recall is affected more than recognition suggesting problems with retrieval rather than encoding
Multiple Sclerosis
¬ Dementia is one of several cognitive and psychiatric disturbances seen in people with MS
¬ Key diagnostic test is MRI but note that distinguishing between demyelination and vascular
damage can be difficult in older adults
¬ Diagnosis can be confirmed using CSF examination and evoked potentials
Other secondary causes of dementia include HIV Dementia, Wilson’s Disease and limbic encephalitis
Prion diseases
Prion protein is a normal brain protein (PrP), coded for by the PRNP gene on chromosome 20, whose
function is unknown. Prion related diseases occur when the protein undergoes changes, which render
it insoluble. The diseases caused by prions are spongiform encephalopathies, which are transmissible
dementias. There are four forms of the disease in humans, all of which are rare – Kuru, Creutzfeldt-‐‑
Jakob Disease, Fatal familial insomnia and Gerstmann Straussler syndrome.
Sporadic CJD: The average worldwide prevalence is around 0.1 cases per 100 000 – CJD is the most
common of the human prion diseases. The agent responsible for CJD is the pathological form of the
prion protein PrPsc. The normal form of the protein is called PrPC, while the infectious form is called
PrPSc. The infectious form is resistant to proteases, which is an enzyme in the body that can normally
break down proteins. The accumulation of infectious forms leads to rapid degenerative changes
leading to severe atrophy in various parts of the brain.
¬ Most cases occur after the fifth decade, although onset can occur at any age
¬ The clinical picture is one of rapidly deteriorating dementia, myoclonus, cerebellar and extra
pyramidal signs leading to death within a year
¬ Patients may present with non-‐‑specific symptoms such as lethargy, depression and fatigue
¬ Within weeks, more fulminant symptoms develop, including progressive cortical-‐‑pattern
dementia, myoclonus and pyramidal and extra pyramidal signs
¬ Myoclonus becomes prominent as the disease progresses and patients may develop cortical
¬ 85% cases are spontaneous or sporadic; 10% result from genetic mutation; 5% result from
iatrogenic transmission during transplant surgery of dura, corneal grafts, and pituitary growth
¬ CT shows some atrophy of cortex worse frontally and atrophy of cerebellum.
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¬ MRI may show non-‐‑specific basal ganglia hyperintensities (high signal changes in the putamen
and caudate head) – but only seen in a proportion of cases and are not included as part of
diagnostic criteria
¬ EEG shows ‘periodic complexes’; periodic bi or triphasic discharges against slight low voltage
background. This characteristic periodic pattern is less frequently seen in genetic or human
growth hormone related cases. It has not been seen in any case of variant CJD
¬ CSF proteins including 14-‐‑3-‐‑3 protein are often elevated. 4-‐‑3-‐‑3 is a normal neuronal protein and
maybe released into the CSF in response to a variety of neuronal insults. It is therefore generally a
non-‐‑specific finding and 14-‐‑3-‐‑3 analysis cannot be used as a general screening test for sporadic
¬ The definitive diagnosis is made by post-‐‑mortem microscopic examination, which demonstrates
spongiform neural degeneration and gliosis throughout cortical and subcortical grey matter,
sparing the white matter tracts
¬ Treatment is symptomatic -‐‑ Sodium Valproate and clonazepam may help to reduce the severity of
movement disorders
New variant CJD (vCJD): The rise of vCJD followed an epidemic of bovine spongiform
encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle. BSE is a prion disease of cows that is thought to have been caused by
cattle feeds that contained CNS material from infected cows. The incubation period between the
ingestion of contaminated meat and development of the disease is probably less than 20 years.
¬ The disease in humans affects mainly young men in their 20’s and is characterised by early anxiety
and depressive symptoms, followed by personality changes, and finally a progressive dementia
¬ Ataxia and myoclonus are prominent and the typical course is 1-‐‑2 yrs until death
¬ The ‘pulvinar’ sign is diagnostic and refers to symmetric high-‐‑signal-‐‑intensity changesaffecting the
pulvinar and medial areas of the thalamus andthe tectal plate seen on FLAIR sequence MRI in >
70% of confirmed casesof variant CJD in which the patient has undergone fluid attenuated
inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence MRI
¬ CSF proteins including 14-‐‑3-‐‑3 protein are elevated but this is variable in the variant form
¬ Prion protein immunostaining is positive in lymphoid tissues, hence the diagnosis can also be
made from a tonsillar biopsy (appears to be sensitive and specific)
¬ EEG shows no distinctive changes but slow waves may be noted diffusely.
© SPMM Course 8
C. Alzheimer’s disease
¬ Dementia of the Alzheimer’s type is the most common
dementing disorder reported in clinical and
An actual predicted risk of developing
neuropathological prevalence studies from Europe, North
Alzheimer'ʹs disease in the first-‐‑degree
America and Scandinavia
relatives of probands with Alzheimer'ʹs
¬ Onset is usually between the ages of 40 and 90, most often
disease is 15-‐‑19% (one in five and one
after age 65;
in six), compared with 5% in controls.
¬ Risk of Alzheimer’s dementia increases with age: 1% at age
60, 5% at age 65, doubles every 5 years, 40% of those aged 85. This translates to a risk of developing
¬ It becomes more common with increasing age; among Alzheimer'ʹs disease that is increased
persons older than 75 years, the risk is six times greater than some 3 – 4 times relative to the risk in
the risk for vascular dementia. Age at onset is earlier in
patients with a family history of the disease.
¬ In geriatric psychiatric samples, Alzheimer’s dementia is a
much more common etiology (50-‐‑70%) than vascular dementia (15-‐‑20%)
¬ Although it is commonly diagnosed in the clinical setting after other causes of dementia have been
excluded, the final diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease requires a neuropathological examination of
the brain
Risk Factors:
¬ Proven: Age, Down’s syndrome, Apolipoprotein ε4 allele
¬ Likely: Female sex, Head injury, postmenopausal oestrogen decline
¬ Possible: Family history of Down’s syndrome, Family history of Parkinson’s disease and vascular
Protective factors:
¬ Proven: Apolipoprotein ε2 allele
¬ Possible: smoking, NSAIDs, oestrogen, premorbid intelligence and education
The genetics of Alzheimer’s disease
¬ Presenilin 2 gene (Chromosome 1) – early onset
¬ Presenilin 1 gene (Chromosome 14) – early onset
¬ Beta Amyloid precursor protein gene (Chromosome 21)-‐‑ the gene for Amyloid precursor protein is
found on the long arm and is implicated in the early onset dementia. The gene for amyloid
precursor protein is on the long arm of chromosome 21. The beta amyloid protein, the major
constituent of senile plaques, is a 42-‐‑amino acid peptide that is a breakdown product of amyloid
precursor protein. People with Down syndrome (trisomy 21) have three copies of the amyloid
precursor protein gene. Another cause of excessive deposition of the beta amyloid protein is a
mutation on codon 717 in the Amyloid precursor protein gene. Amyloid PET scanning is a
relatively new imaging technique which can be used to confirm the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s
dementia, but is mainly used in research
¬ Apolipoprotein ε4 (Chromosome 19). Presence of ε4 alleles increases risk of late onset dementia of
Alzheimer’s type. People with one copy of the gene have Alzheimer’s disease have three times the
© SPMM Course 9
incidence of Alzheimer’s disease than no ε4 gene, and people with two ε4 genes have the disease
eight times more frequently than do those with no ε4 gene. Genetic testing for presence of ε4 is not
currently recommended as it is also present in people without dementia, and not found in all cases
of dementia
Criteria for the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer’s disease
¬ Dementia established by clinical examination and documented by the MMSE, Blessed dementia
scale or similar examination and confirmed by neuropsychological tests.
¬ Features required for a diagnosis: Deficits in 2 or more areas of cognition; Progressive worsening
memory and other cognitive functions; No disturbance of consciousness and absence of systemic
disorders or other brain diseases that in and themselves could account for the progressive deficits
in memory and cognition
Diagnostic procedures in Alzheimer’s disease:
¬ CT is mainly used to exclude other treatable causes. Other indications would include seizures,
features suggestive of normal pressure hydrocephalus. In CT scans, cortical atrophy especially
over parietal and temporal lobes, dilatation of the third ventricle which correlates with cognitive
impairment (most common picture)
¬ MRI: Reduced grey matter, hippocampus, Amygdala and temporal lobe volumes
¬ SPECT: Characteristic reduction in blood flow in temporal and parietal regions (SPECT could
distinguish specific features of dementia of Alzheimer type at early stages and frontal lobe
¬ PET: Reduced blood flow and metabolism in temporal and parietal regions
¬ MRS: Abnormal synthesis of membrane phospholipids early in the disease
¬ Amyloid PET imaging – shows deposition of beta amyloid even in preclinical stages of dementia
Clinical features of Alzheimer’s disease:
¬ Cognitive symptoms:
o Memory-‐‑deficits of short-‐‑term memory followed by long-‐‑term memory deficit later. Amnesia
universal and is mainly for recent events. Disorientation is common, especially for time.
o Language: Expressive and receptive dysphasia, lexical anomia (word-‐‑finding difficulty)
o Apraxia characterised by inability to perform coordinated learnt motor tasks
o Agnosia-‐‑inability to recognise peripheral sensory stimulation and recognise parts of the body
o Impaired visuospatial skills and impaired executive functions.
¬ Psychiatric symptoms: delusions (15%), auditory and visual hallucinations (10-‐‑15%), and
depression requiring treatment in 20% of patients.
¬ Behavioural and psychiatric symptoms (BPSD) are common in dementia. Apathy (59.6%) and
depression (58.5%) were the most common abnormalities, followed by irritability (44.6%), anxiety
(44%) and agitation (41.5%). The most common behavioural disturbance requiring intervention
includes wandering and aggression/ anger outbursts. Some patients exhibit sexual disinhibition,
incontinence, excessive eating and searching behaviour.
¬ The average survival expectation for patients with dementia of the Alzheimer’s type is 8 years.
© SPMM Course 10
¬ Progression of the disease involves increased agitation, frequent emotional outbursts, night pacing,
poor sleep and wandering. In the terminal phase, patients become profoundly disoriented,
amnestic and incontinent of urine and faeces.
Summary of Cognitive tests:
Test Description Areas of cognition tested
AMTS Cut-‐‑off 7 or 8 /10, a few minutes to use but only covers Memory and orientation only
memory and orientation. It is one of the simplest and
longest established cognitive tests.It is used commonly in
various settings such as hospitals, general practice and for
subjects at home with some adaptations.It is used
commonly in various settings such as hospitals, general
practice and for subjects at home with some adaptations.
MMSE Cut off 24/30, takes 5-‐‑10 minutes to complete and is a Orientation, memory,
standard baseline test. It is the most widely used cognitive concentration, language, praxis
test in Old age psychiatry and has been validated in a and gnosis
variety of populations. It is good for screening global
cognitive dysfunctions as opposed to focal cognitive
dysfunctions. However it is important to note that it is
subject to variation with age, socio-‐‑economic status and
educational achievement; moreover it is heavily weighted
on verbal performance, which means that the performance
of dysphasic patients is particularly poor.
CAPE (The Comprehensive Clifton assessment for the elderly)
Intended to assess level of disability and estimate need for
DRS Clinical Dementia Rating Scale. The most commonly used Rated in six domains: memory,
scale to measure severity and stage the clinical illness orientation, judgment and
ranging from 0 (none) to 0.5 (questionable dementia) problem solving, community
through mild and moderate to severe dementia. affairs, home and hobbies and
personal care.
ACE Addenbrooke Cognitive Examination. 100 point scale, Rated across a number of
provides more detailed cognitive assessment domains –orientation,
registration, recognition, recall,
perceptual abilities, language,
verbal fluency
NPI (NPI; Cummings et al., 1994) It measures 12 behavioural areas
Rates frequency and severity of a range of neuropsychiatric (delusions, hallucinations,
symptoms. The NPI-‐‑NH also rates occupational agitation, depression, anxiety,
disruptiveness, a measure of caregiver distress. euphoria, apathy, disinhibition,
irritability, aberrant
CAMCOG It is a more comprehensive cognitive test, which covers a Orientation, comprehension,
wide range of ability. It takes 40 minutes to complete. It perception, memory and abstract
gives a score out of 104. thinking
Clock A revealing test of praxis, offers qualitative and Praxis
Drawing Test quantitative information. Higher executive function
(Ref: Seminars in Old Age Psychiatry Pg 11-‐‑15)
Antidementia drugs:
© SPMM Course 11
¬ Donepezil (Aricept), Rivastigmine (Exelon) and Galantamine (Reminyl) are cholinesterase
inhibitors used to treat mild to moderate cognitive impairment in Alzheimer'ʹs disease. They
reduce the inactivation of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and, thus, potentiate the cholinergic
neurotransmitter, which in turn produces a modest improvement in memory and goal-‐‑directed
¬ Donepezil is well tolerated and widely used. It has a long plasma half-‐‑life of 70 hours permitting
once daily dosing; almost total plasma protein binding; highly selective reversible inhibition of
acetyl choline. The side effects of Donepezil are largely gastrointestinal including nausea, vomiting,
diarrhoea and anorexia. Some patients develop headache, dizziness, syncope and muscle cramps.
¬ Rivastigmine and Galantamine appear more likely to cause gastrointestinal (GI) and
neuropsychiatric adverse effects than does donepezil. None of these medications prevents the
progressive neuronal degeneration of the disorder. Galantamine has direct nicotinic stimulatory
¬ Rivastigmine has been evaluated in the symptomatic treatment of patients with mild-‐‑to-‐‑moderate
dementia associated with idiopathic Parkinson'ʹs disease. Rivastigmine appears to improve both
cognition and activities of daily living in patients with PDD, resulting in a clinically meaningful
benefit in a large number of cases. The most frequently reported adverse events with a higher rate
in patients taking rivastigmine than placebo were nausea, vomiting and anorexia. Rivastigmine
has an effect on Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase. It has become available as a
transdermal patch for a novel once daily administration.
¬ Memantine (Ebixa) protects neurons from excessive amounts of glutamate, which may be
neurotoxic. Trials show benefits of memantine augmentation of donepezil. Cochrane review
indicates use in DAT, vascular and mixed dementias. Memantine is a non competitive, PCP-‐‑site,
NMDA antagonist that in theory, may be neuroprotective(may protect neurons from glutamate
mediated excitotoxicity) and thus is termed a disease-‐‑modifying drug. It is better tolerated than
the cholinesterase inhibitors. The most common side effects include dizziness, headache, fatigue,
diarrhoea and gastric pain. Memantine is predominantly used in the treatment of moderate to
severe Alzheimer’s dementia when it is felt that cholinesterase inhibitors are not effective.
Memantine is used in the treatment of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s dementia in those who are
unable to tolerate cholinesterase inhibitors or when they are contraindicated (e.g. severe cardiac
conduction defects or severe asthma)
¬ A Cochrane Review in 2007 found that the evidence for benefit of Gingko biloba on cognition in
individuals with dementia was not convincing. Several small, short-‐‑term randomized trials have
had mixed results. Tacrine is rarely used, because of its potential for hepatotoxicity.
Anti-‐‑dementia drugs Starting dose Treatment dose
Donepezil 5 mg daily 10 mg daily
Rivastigmine 1.5 mg BD 6 mg BD
Galantamine 4 mg BD 12 mg BD
Memantine 5 mg daily 10 mg daily
CSM restriction on olanzapine and risperidone:
© SPMM Course 12
¬ Having reviewed the literature on the use of Olanzapine and Risperidone for the behavioural and
psychological symptoms of dementia, the committee on safety of medicines (CSM) concluded that
each was associated with at least two fold increase in the risk of stroke and should therefore be no
longer used in dementia (Duff 2004)
¬ However Herrmann Et al (2004) found no difference in the risk of stroke between Olanzapine and
Risperidone when compared with typical neuroleptics in the treatment of dementia
Poor prognostic factors in Alzheimer’s disease:
¬ Being male
¬ Onset before 65 years
¬ Prominent behavioural problems
¬ Parietal lobe damage
¬ Observed depression
¬ Severe cognitive deficits such as apraxia
¬ Absence of misidentification syndrome
Psychosis in Alzheimer’s disease:
¬ The prevalence of psychosis in people with Alzheimer’s disease ranges between 30 and 50%.
Delusions were more common than hallucinations (Bassiony et al 2000). Visual and auditory
hallucinations are more common although hallucinations can occur in all modalities. (Tariot 1995).
There is some evidence of the association of psychotic symptoms with a rapid decline in cognition
in Alzheimer’s disease. (Forstl et al 1994)
¬ Common types of misidentifying delusions seen in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease
o The Capgras type: The false belief that previously known people (e.g. wife or other care
givers) have been replaced by impostors
o The phantom boarder: A false belief that guests are living in the pseron’s house
o The mirror sign: The individual identifies his or her own image as someone else
o The TV sign: Misidentification of television images as real
o The magazine sign: misidentification of magazine images as being real and existing in three
dimensional space (Karim &Burns 2003)
© SPMM Course 13
D. Vascular dementia
¬ Vascular dementia is the second most common cause of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease,
accounting for 20% of cases.
¬ The presentation of vascular dementia is variable and the clinical spectrum is wide.
¬ The NINCDS-‐‑AIREN criteria requires evidence of cerebrovascular disease on both examination
and on brain imaging and a relationship between the onset of dementia & cerebrovascular disease
by a) dementia occurring within 3 months of a stroke or b) abrupt deterioration in cognitive
function or fluctuating stepwise course.
¬ A median number of 4.5 neurological signs per patient were noted in a large cohort of vascular
dementia patients. Reflex asymmetry was the most prevalent symptom (49%) irrespective of the
extent of vascular insult. Measures of small vessel disease were associated with an increased
prevalence of dysarthria, dysphagia, Parkinsonian gait disorder, rigidity, and hypokinesia and as
well to hemimotor dysfunction. By contrast, in the presence of a cerebral infarct, aphasia, reflex
asymmetry, hemianopia, hemimotor dysfunction, hemisensory dysfunction, and hemiplegic gait
disorder were more often observed.
¬ Based on clinical features, it is divided into three main subtypes: Cognitive deficits following a
single stroke, Multi-‐‑infarct dementia & Progressive small vessel disease (Binswanger’s disease)
¬ Cognitive deficits following a single stroke: Not all cases result in cognitive impairment; More
often seen in midbrain and thalamic strokes; Cognitive deficits may remain fixed or recover either
partially or fully.
¬ Multi-‐‑infarct dementia: Multiple strokes lead to stepwise deterioration; Follows a number of
minor ischaemic episodes; Risk factors for cardiovascular
disease present and periods of relative stability is seen HACHINSKI SCORE INDEX
between strokes Abrupt onset (2)
¬ Progressive small vessel disease (Binswanger’s disease): Stepwise progression
This is a subcortical dementia with a clinical course Fluctuating course (2)
Normal confusion
characterised by slow intellectual decline and
Relative preservation of personality
generalised slowing. The clinical picture may be
dominated by the dementia with slowness of thought, Somatic complaints
decreased short term memory, disorientation and Emotional incontinence
concreteness. Motor problems like gait disturbance and History of hypertension
dysarthria are common. Depression is not uncommon. History of strokes
Evidence of associated
Major clear-‐‑cut syndromes aphasia or apraxia tend to
occur only in complicated Binswanger’s disease. In
Focal neurological symptoms (2)
advanced cases, pseudobulbar palsy may occur. Multiple Focal neurological signs (2)
microvascular infarcts of perforating vessels leads to
progressive lacunae formation. MRI scan shows small Unless marked, each item scores one
point. Score < 4 unlikely, scores > 7
distinct infarcts (Lacunae) or more generalised white likely to be vascular dementia
matter hyperintensities (leukoariasis)
© SPMM Course 14
Risk Factors for vascular dementia
¬ Old age, Hypertension (50% of patients giving a positive history), Ischaemic heart disease
¬ Smoking, Alcohol consumption
¬ Hyperlipidemia, Atrial fibrillation, Family history, Valvular disease, Atrial myxoma, Carotid
artery disease
¬ APOE4 allele
¬ Polycythemia, Sickle cell anaemia, Coagulopathies
Haschinski Ischemic score index (HIS):
A scoring system was developed by Haschinski and colleagues, which allow the clinician to quantify
the likelihood of a patient having vascular, rather than degenerative dementia. It has been widely
used to differentiate Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia to some extent. It is often used as a checklist
to detect vascular risk factors.
© SPMM Course 15
E. Dementia with Lewy Bodies
¬ Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) -‐‑ accounts for 15-‐‑20% of cases of dementia in hospital and community
based samples. LBD presents with progressive dementia with parkinsonism and a fluctuation in
the level of attention and the severity of cognitive impairment.
¬ Lewy Bodies are eosinophilic intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusion bodies made up of abnormally
phosphorylated neurofilament proteins, which are aggregated with ubiquitin and alpha-‐‑synuclein.
These are scattered through the brainstem, subcortical nuclei, limbic cortex (Cingulate, entorhinal,
Amygdala) and neocortex (frontal, temporal and parietal lobes)
© SPMM Course 17
antipsychotic medication should be used. Among them, clozapine is the most successful. However
it is reasonable to try quetiapine before clozapine but the success rate may be low.
¬ Risk factors for developing psychosis and hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease include older age,
longer duration of illness, cognitive impairment or dementia, severity of the illness, sleep
deprivation, the use of dopamine agonists and polypharmacy.
¬ Diagnostic issues: There is no consensus on whether the parkinsonism of Parkinson’s disease is
phenotypically different from Lewy Body dementia. A diagnosis of Lewy Body dementia is
potentially applicable to people with Parkinson’s disease who develop dementia. The criteria for
the diagnosis of both conditions were established by an international workshop on the diagnosis
of Lewy body dementia in 1996 (Mc Keith et al 1996).
o Lewy body dementia: If both motor symptoms and cognitive symptoms develop within 12
months, then it is conventional to give a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia.
o Parkinson’s disease dementia: If the parkinsonian symptoms have existed for more than 12
months before dementia develops then a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease dementia is given
¬ SPECT can be used to help differentiate Parkinson’s disease from Lewy body dementia with LBD
scans showing a greater caudate involvement (Coloby & O’Brien 2004; Walker et al 2004)
¬ A SPECT study of blood flow has showed a similar pattern of deficits in Parkinson’s disease
dementia and Lewy body dementia with reduced perfusion of the precuneus and parietal cortex, a
location thought to be associated with visual processing (Firbank et al 2003)
¬ DAT scan (A compound called 123I-‐‑FP-‐‑CIT) reflects dopamine deficiency that is reduced in
individuals with Parkinson’s disease and LBD. It is therefore widely used to differentiate LBD
from Alzheimer’s. Dopamine is. The DAT scan detects changes in the dopamine transporter
responsible for allowing brain cells take up dopamine.
¬ Rivastigmine is licensed for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease Dementia
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G. Frontotemporal Dementia
¬ FTD is a term that encompasses several forms of dementia and includes
o Pick’s disease -‐‑ behavioural or frontal variant of FTD (most common form-‐‑ see below)
o Primary progressive aphasia
o Semantic dementia
o Corticobasal degeneration
¬ FTD is more likely to affect younger populations and the age of onset ranges between 40 and 75
years of age. It accounts for around 20% of presenile cases of dementia. The etiology remains
unclear, but in some cases genetic linkage to chromosome 17 has been found.
¬ The early clinical features include prominent changes in personality (disinhibition, social
misconduct, lack of insight) and behaviour (apathy, mutism and repetitive behaviours). As the
illness progresses, symptoms of frontal and temporal dysfunction may become apparent, which
includes behavioural rigidity, impulsivity, emotional lability, fatuousness, executive dysfunction
and hyperorality.
¬ In contrast to Alzheimer’s disease, memory is affected later and less severely. Spatial orientation is
well preserved. Insight is characteristically lost early. It is characterised by asymmetrical focal
atrophy of the frontotemporal regions. There is underlying neuronal loss, gliosis and subsequent
spongiform change in the affected cortices.
¬ There is an association between Frontotemporal dementia and motor neuron disease. Up to 10% of
patients with motor neuron disease show features of dementia and these individuals have an
aggressive course of illness.
¬ Treatment -‐‑ SSRIs are of limited benefit for behavioural symptoms. Acetyl Cholinesterase
inhibitors are unlikely to be beneficial.
Diagnostic investigations:
¬ Bilateral asymmetrical abnormalities of the frontal and temporal lobes is seen in CT/MRI scan
especially early in the disease process.
¬ SPECT -‐‑ regional cerebral blood flow studies have demonstrated disproportionate decrease in
blood flow, radio tracer uptake and glucose metabolism in the frontal lobe in patients with
suspected frontal lobe dementia.
¬ Neuropsychology -‐‑ impaired frontal lobe function such as deficiency in abstract thinking,
attentional shifting or set formation and relatively spared memory, speech, and perceptuospatial
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¬ In the early stages, memory and parietal lobe functions are relatively preserved. Early symptom
would include personality change and social disinhibition preceding memory or other cognitive
¬ The onset is usually between 45-‐‑65 years. Men are more affected than women. The average
duration of illness is 8 years. There is positive family history in 50% of cases.
¬ It is caused by Autosomal dominant mutation in the Tau gene (chromosome 17q 21-‐‑22) with
complete penetration.
¬ Pick’s cells are pathognomic in Pick’s disease and they appear swollen and stain pink on H and E
stains. Demyelination and Fibrous gliosis of the frontal lobe white matter may also be found.
Senile plaques and Neurofibrillary tangles are absent.
¬ CT/MRI-‐‑ Mild generalised atrophy but marked atrophy of frontal and temporal lobes with sparing
of the posterior third of the superior temporal gyrus called ‘Knife blade atrophy’.
Semantic Dementia:
¬ In contrast with primary progressive aphasia speech is fluent. Patients have a variety of language
difficulties such as impaired understanding of word meaning, naming difficulties and use of
substitute words. Other cognitive domains are preserved -‐‑ behavioural features may occur later in
the disease.
¬ MRI shows disproportionate asymmetric atrophy of the temporal lobe (of the left more than the
right). The atrophy of the anterior temporal lobe is more pronounced than the posterior temporal
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H. Early onset dementia
¬ Most patients who develop dementia before 65 years of age have dementia of the Alzheimer'ʹs type
(AD). Others are likely to have vascular dementia, frontotemporal dementia, head injury, alcohol
intoxication, metabolic disorders.
¬ Certain conditions like progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration,
frontotemporal lobar degeneration are rarely seen in patients of senile age.
¬ The etiology and factors responsible for the accelerated onset of the illness are not fully known
¬ Genetic abnormalities appear to be important in some types of presenile dementia, such as
frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 and familial Alzhiemers
disease with early onset type.
¬ Rapid progression of cognitive impairment with neuropsychological syndromes and neurological
symptoms has been considered a characteristic of early onset AD
¬ Language problems and visuospatial dysfunctions are common in early onset AD.
¬ There are at least three dominant genes that have been identified in cases of familial Alzheimer'ʹs
disease with early onset, namely 1) the amyloid precursor gene (APP), 2) the genes encoding
presenilin 1 (PSEN1) and 3) presenilin 2 (PSEN2).
(Ref: Psychogeriatrics. 2009 Jun;9(2):67-‐‑72. What is 'ʹearly onset dementia'ʹ?-‐‑Miyoshi K1)
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (from Adam & Victor 8th edn p. 936)
¬ It is a differential diagnosis of LBD. Onset is in the sixth decade (range 45 to 75 years). Presents
with difficulty in balance, abrupt falls, slurred speech, dysphagia, and vague changes in
personality, sometimes with an apprehensiveness and fretfulness suggestive of an agitated
¬ The most common early complaint is unsteadiness of gait and unexplained falling (retropulsion).
¬ It may take a year or longer for the characteristic syndrome—comprising supranuclear
ophthalmoplegia, pseudobulbar palsy, and axial dystonia to develop fully. Difficulty in voluntary
vertical movement of the eyes (vertical gaze palsy)
¬ Bell’s phenomenon (reflexive upturning of eyes on forced closure of the eyelids) and the ability to
converge are also lost eventually, and the pupils then become small.
¬ The upper eyelids may be retracted, and the wide-‐‑eyed, unblinking stare, imparting an expression
of perpetual surprise, is characteristic.
¬ A proportion of patients do not demonstrate these eye signs for a year or more after the onset of
the illness. A tendency to extension may lead to falling backwards. Subcortical dementia is
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4. Delirium
¬ Onset of clinical features is rapid with fluctuations in severity over minutes and hours (even back
to apparent normality). Clouding of consciousness is seen along with reduced attention span and
distractibility. Global impairment of cognition with disorientation, and impairment of recent
memory and abstract thinking are typical features.
¬ Disturbance in sleep/wake cycle with nocturnal worsening of symptoms can occur along with
psychomotor agitation and emotional lability. Perceptual distortions, illusions, and hallucinations-‐‑
characteristically visual – are often reported. Speech may be rambling, incoherent, and thought
disordered. There may be poorly developed paranoid delusions.
¬ Liposwski (1983) reported no detectable cause for delirium in between 5 and 20% of cases.
¬ 2 clinical subtypes of delirium are recognized.
¬ Hyperactive delirium: characterised by increased motor activity, agitation, hallucinations and
inappropriate behaviour
¬ Hypoactive delirium: characterized by reduced motor activity and lethargy and has a poorer
¬ Prevalence: Among the elderly 10-‐‑15% of patients have delirium on admission and a further 10-‐‑
40% develops delirium during the course of their hospital stay. Point prevalence varies across
clinical populations. In the general population, it is 0.4%; General hospital admissions-‐‑9-‐‑30%; Post
operative patients: 5-‐‑75%; Intensive care unit patients: 12-‐‑50%; Nursing home residents up to 60%
¬ Delirium usually has a sudden onset, usually lasts less than 1 week, and resolves quickly. It may
last longer in elderly patients. There is often patchy amnesia for the period of delirium. It may be a
marker for the subsequent development of dementia.
¬ The major pathway implicated is the dorsal tegmental pathway, which projects from the
mesenchephalic reticular formation to the tectum and thalamus. The reticular formation of the
brain stem is the principal area regulating attention and arousal. The major neurotransmitter
hypothesised to be involved is acetylcholine.
¬ The EEG characteristically shows a generalized slowing of activity. It generally causes a diffuse
slowing of the brain activity on the EEG, which may be helpful in differentiating delirium from
depression and psychosis.
Management of Delirium:
¬ Identify and treat precipitating cause. Provide environmental and supportive measures
(education, reorientation, reassurance, adequate lighting, reduce unnecessary noise, consistent
¬ Avoid sedation unless severely agitated or necessary to minimise risk to patient or to facilitate
¬ Regular clinical review and follow-‐‑up (MMSE useful in monitoring cognitive improvement at
¬ Correct sensory impairments (e.g. hearing aids; glasses). Optimise patient'ʹs condition and
attention to hydration, nutrition, elimination, and pain control.
¬ Make environment safe (remove objects with which patient could harm self or others).
¬ The available evidence suggests that an antipsychotic, such as low dose Haloperidol is effective in
alleviating a range of delirious symptoms in both hyperactive (agitated and restless patients) or
hypoactive states (drowsy & lethargic) and is appropriate for most patients who require drug
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¬ NICE guidelines advocate short-‐‑term (< 1 week) use of haloperidol or olanzapine if conservative
measures fail. Benzodiazepine use in delirium may increase agitation, and use in elderly patients
increases risk of falls and disinhibition. Benzodiazepines may be particularly helpful where the
delirium is caused by withdrawal of alcohol or sedatives.
¬ Risk factors for late-‐‑life depression include female sex, poor health, disability and poor perceived
social support.
¬ Neuroimaging studies in late onset depression includes ischemic changes (Baldwin and Tomenson
1995), reduction in grey matter volume in frontal and temporal lobes, sulcal widening and
reduction in the volume of the caudate nucleus (Krishnan 1991), ventricular enlargement (Dahabra
et al 1998), and reduction in the volume of the hippocampus (Bell-‐‑McGinty et al 2002).
¬ Other findings include CT -‐‑ Cortical atrophy and ventricular enlargement; MRI: Atrophy,
ventricular enlargement, lesions in basal ganglia and white matter; SPECT -‐‑ reduced cerebral
blood flow, sparing the posterior parietal cortex.
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depression is SSRI due to reduced side effects and relative safety in overdose (NICE
recommendation). There is some increaser risk of gastrointestinal haemorrhage among older
patients on SSRIs. All SSRIs can induce hyponatraemia. Older patients take longer to recover from
depression and may take 6-‐‑8 weeks to respond to antidepressants. At least 30% of elderly patients
with depression do not respond to antidepressenat medication. (Mottram et al 1998).
¬ ECT remains the most effective treatment available for severe depression, with a recovery rate in
the region of 80%. It is well tolerated, even by very elderly people (Tew et al 1999). There is
evidence that it is particularly effective in psychotic depression (Baldwin et al 2002). Elderly
patients are more likely to suffer from post ECT confusion and cognitive impairment and therefore
this should be closely monitored during treatment. Memory impairment is often worse with
bilateral electrode placement although the response to bilateral treatment may be more rapid.
¬ Psychological Interventions: Older patients with depression are rarely offered a psychological
intervention. There is emerging evidence that for older adults with mild to moderate depressive
episodes, a psychological intervention is as effective as medication (McCusker at al 1998, Pinquart
and Sorenson 2001). In major depression, a combination of antidepressants with psychotherapy is
more effective than either of these treatments alone, especially in relapse prevention (Reynolds et
al 1999). CBT is the best-‐‑established treatment in depression and good evidence exists for its
effectiveness in older adults (Thompson et al 2001). Interpersonal therapy is also effective in
Relapse prevention (Reynolds at al 1999). There is smaller but developing evidence for problem
solving treatment (Arean at al 1993). Family therapy has been successfully adapted for use with
older adults, including those with depression (Benbow et al 1990).
¬ Older adults are thought to be at greater risk for chronicity of depression than younger persons.
But this has been recently challenged. With control for confounding variables, remission rates of
depression inpatients in late life are little different from those in midlife, but relapse rates appear
higher (Mitchell & Subramaniam, 2005). Mortality is higher in older patients with depression
because of concurrent physical disorders (Tuma 2000). A meta-‐‑analysis of outcomes in depressed
older adults estimated that at 2-‐‑year follow-‐‑up, 33% of subjects were well, 33% remained
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myocardial infarction. Platelet aggregation is raised in this group of patients; depression may
increase the risk for cardiovascular disease. Elderly people with depressive symptomatology have
poor T-‐‑cell responses to mitogens and high concentrations of plasma interleukin 6, which is
indicative of inflammatory activity that might increase the risk for bone resorption, predisposing
to fractures.
Scale Features
Geriatric Depression Scale 15-‐‑items, 4/5 minutes to complete. Avoids somatic questions and so good
for older patients. Score > 5 suggests depressive illness.
BASDEC (Brief assessment Initially designed for use in liaison psychiatry, particularly useful with deaf
schedule depression cards) subjects. Consists of a series of statements in large print on cards, which are
shown to the patient, one at a time and answers ‘true’ or ‘false’
It has a number of somatic items, which render it less appropriate for older
Hamilton rating scale subjects. It is a general adult scale that quantifies depression but is not a
diagnostic tool.
MADRS (Montgomery-‐‑Asberg It is sensitive to change in depressive illness and is not reliably answered
Depression Rating Scale) by patients with dementia
Depressive Sign Scale Nine items to help detect depression in people with dementia
CSDD (Cornell Scale for Best validated scale for detecting depression in dementing patients (better
Depression in Dementia) in mild/moderate than severe). Interviewer-‐‑administered, uses information
both from the patient and an informant. Scale factor analysis reveals 4 to 5
factors, including general depression, biologic rhythm disturbances,
agitation/psychosis, and negative symptoms.
Patient health questionnaire Nine item self-‐‑report scale widely used in UK primary care. Easy to use
PHQ-‐‑9 and has demonstrated sensitivity to change. Probably less validated among
older subjects.
(Ref: Seminars in Old Age Psychiatry Pg 11-‐‑15)
Pseudodementia Dementia
Onset can be dated with some precision Onset can be dated only within broad limits
Symptoms of short duration before medical Symptoms usually of long duration before medical help
help is sought is sought
Rapid progression of symptoms after onset Slow progression of symptoms throughout course
History of previous psychiatric dysfunction History of previous psychiatric dysfunction unusual
Patients usually complain much of cognitive Patients usually complain little of cognitive loss
Patients emphasize disability and Patients conceal disability and often appear
communicate strong sense of despair unconcerned.
Nocturnal accentuation of dysfunction Nocturnal accentuation of dysfunction common
Attention and concentration often well Attention and concentration usually faulty
Don'ʹt know answers typical Near-‐‑miss answers frequent
Memory loss for recent and remote events Memory loss for recent events usually more severe than
Usually severe for remote events
Vascular depression
¬ Alexopoulous suggested that a distinct subtype of geriatric depression called vascular depression
exist. He proposed that cerebral Ischemic damage to the frontal sub cortical circuits could
predispose, precipitate and perpetuate late onset depression. Vascular risk factors were found to
be highly significantly associated with late onset depression, but not with just increasing age.
Vascular depression is a term describing the hypothesis that in old age, depression may be
primarily caused by small vessel cerebrovascular disease.
¬ The clinical feature of this proposed new subtype would include
o Apathy
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o Psychomotor Retardation
o Poor executive function on cognitive testing
o Less depressive thinking such as guilt and worthlessness
o Late age of onset
¬ Affected individuals have more apathy, retardation, and lack of insight, and less agitation and
guilt than do elderly individuals who are depressed without vascular risk factors. Verbal fluency
and object naming are the most impaired cognitive functions in patients with this form of
¬ Theories explaining the association between depression and vascular disease;
o Increased platelet aggregation
o Both depression and ischaemia may be secondary to atherosclerosis (Baldwin and O’Brien
o Recurrent depression across the life span may increase the risk of vascular pathology
(Baldwin and O’Brien 2002)
o Damage to end arteries supplying sub cortical striato-‐‑pallido-‐‑thalamo-‐‑cotical pathways may
disrupt the neurotransmitter circuitry involved in mood regulation, causing or predisposing
to depression.
¬ MRI deep white matter lesions (DWMLs) are more common in depressed than non-‐‑depressed
older people. It is more common in late onset than early onset depression. DWMLs predict a
poorer response to treatment of depression.
¬ Simpson et al studied the association between sub cortical lesions and antidepressant response in
late life depression, concluding that a poor response could be expected in patients with vascular
depression, but patients may recover with ECT, although with an increased risk of post-‐‑treatment
delirium. Drugs used for the prevention of cerebrovascular disease might, for example, reduce the
risk for vascular depression. Antidepressants that promote ischaemic recovery—e.g. dopamine or
norepinephrine enhancing agents—might be favoured in vascular depression and antidepressants
that inhibit ischaemic recovery—e.g. adrenergic blocking agents—are best avoided (Alexopoulos,
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B. Bipolar disorder
¬ Mania accounts for 5-‐‑10% of mood disorders in the elderly. The 1-‐‑year prevalence of BD among
adults aged 65 and older is 0.4%, significantly lower than in younger adults (1.4%). Average age at
onset is 55 years and female to male ratio is 2:1
¬ Mania presents a similar clinical picture as in younger patients. But it is more often followed by a
depressive episode in older patients and mixed affective presentation seems more common.
¬ First episode mania in late-‐‑life is uncommon; but these patients have lesser familial loading than
younger bipolar patients and have more secondary mania than bipolar disorder.
¬ Diagnosis is based on atleast one week of elated mood, over activity and self-‐‑important ideas. In
severe cases grandiose delusions and hallucinations may be seen. Insight is almost always absent.
¬ Patients with first-‐‑episode mania in late life are twice as likely to have a comorbid neurological
disorder. This may or may not explain the affective presentation. Especially, the phenomenon of
bipolarity after many years of unipolar depression has led to speculation that cerebral organic
factors may play a part in the aetiology of late onset mania. In support of this, cognitive function is
significantly impaired in between a fifth and third of elderly maniacs. Furthermore studies have
shown a high rate of cerebral white matter lesions in late life mania.
¬ The term secondary mania denotes manic illness that starts without a prior history of affective
disorder in close temporal relationship to a physical illness or drug treatment and often in the
absence of a family illness of affective illness. A large number of conditions have been associated
with secondary mania including stroke (commonest cause and particularly right sided lesions),
head injury, tumours, endocrine infections, HIV infection, medication including steroids and anti-‐‑
parkinsonian drugs.
¬ Lithium is used as first line prophylaxis but usually lower dosages are indicated. A lower
therapeutic range around 0.4 to 0.6mmol/L is suggested for prophylaxis (Shulman, 2002)
¬ Valproate is also a popular choice. In more severe illness, initiate antipsychotic treatment. Age
appropriate doses of neuroleptics must be used.
C. Late-life psychosis
¬ Psychotic symptoms of acute onset are usually seen in delirium secondary to a medical condition,
drug misuse and drug-‐‑induced psychosis. Chronic and persistent psychotic symptoms may be due
to a primary psychotic disorders such as chronic schizophrenia, late-‐‑onset schizophrenia, delusional
disorders or affective disorders (especially depression). Psychosis may also be due to neurodegenerative
disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson’s
disease or other chronic medical conditions.
¬ Kraepelin introduced the term ‘paraphrenia’ in 1913. Around the same time a systematic
description of paranoid features with onset in later life was published under the title Involutional
Paranoia (Kleist, 1913). Ever since, two conflicting views exist with regard to late life psychosis
termed widely as paraphrenia:
o Late paraphrenia is nothing more than the expression of schizophrenia in the elderly
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o Late paraphrenia is different from schizophrenia and is associated with a different set of
pathogenic factors seen in the elderly.
¬ According to current consensus the late onset psychotic illness is subdivided into late onset (onset
after 40 years of age) and very late onset (onset after 60 years of age).
¬ People with late paraphrenia represent approximately 10% of the elderly population of psychiatric
hospitals. The reported prevalence of the disorder among the elderly living in the community
ranges from 0.1 to 4% -‐‑ incidence has been estimated to be between 10-‐‑26 per 100000 per year. The
point prevalence of paranoid ideation in the general elderly population has been estimated to be
4%–6% (35–37), but most of these patients will have dementia. Significantly higher number of
females are affected than males.
Clinical Features:
¬ Persecutory delusions are the most common symptoms of late paraphrenia; they are found in
around 90% of patients (Almeida et al, 1995a). Auditory hallucinations occur in approximately 75%
of cases. Visual hallucinations are observed in up to 60% of patients. First rank symptoms are less
common while negative symptoms and thought disorder are extremely uncommon. Few patients
may present with delusions only (10-‐‑20%). Partition delusions (attack through the wall or ceiling is
passed through by a person, radiation or gas, neighbours spying via any ‘partition’) are common.
¬ According to ICD patients must either be diagnosed as having delusional disorder or
schizophrenia – no separate diagnosis exists for paraphrenia
¬ Late onset schizophrenia is characterised by (Palmer et al 2001)
o Fewer negative symptoms
o Better response to antipsychotics
o Better neuropsychological performance
o Greater likelihood of visual hallucinations
o A lesser likelihood of formal thought disorder
o A lesser likelihood of affective blunting
o A greater risk of developing Tardive dyskinesia (The risk of developing Tardive dyskinesia
with older antipsychotics is increased in older people by 5-‐‑6 times (Kane 1999)
¬ There is good evidence that the relatives of very-‐‑late-‐‑onset patients have a lower morbid risk for
schizophrenia than the relatives of early-‐‑onset schizophrenia patients. The prevalence of
schizophrenia (whether early or late in onset) is approximately 7% in siblings and 3% in parents of
all probands with late onset
¬ Premorbid educational, occupational, and psychosocial functioning is less impaired in late-‐‑onset
than early-‐‑onset schizophrenia although many late-‐‑onset patients are reported to have had
premorbid schizoid or paranoid personality traits.
¬ Social isolation and sensory deprivation are significantly associated in many studies of late onset
¬ Risk factors for late onset psychosis include age related changes in frontal and temporal cortices,
cognitive decline, social isolation, sensory deprivation (hearing loss and visual impairment),
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polypharmacy, presence of paranoid and schizoid personality traits, precipitating life events
(threat or loss), female sex and family history, albeit weaker than younger onset schizophrenia.
Pharmacological Treatment:
¬ Lewy body dementia must be excluded before antipsychotics are used. Elderly are generally more
prone to late-‐‑emerging (tardive) extrapyramidal neurological effects than younger adults. Also
beware of vascular risks associated with second-‐‑generation antipsychotics.
¬ A Cochrane review failed to identify any eligible studies for the treatment of late onset
schizophrenia. Atypical antipsychotics, which have a better side-‐‑effect profile, are considered to
be more suitable for elderly people. But concerns have been raised regarding the safety of atypical
antipsychotics in psychosis due to dementia. The committee on the safety of medicines (CSM)
advises that olanzapine and risperidone are associated with a two-‐‑fold increase in the risk of
stroke in elderly patients especially in people over 80 years. This restriction has been extended to
other atypical antipsychotics
¬ In elderly people, age-‐‑related bodily changes affect the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
of antipsychotic drugs, which have numerous side effects that can be more persistent and
disabling in older people. So, follow the principle ‘START LOW AND GO SLOW’
¬ Research literature on the use of conventional antipsychotics suggests significant improvement in
psychotic symptoms with the use of haloperidol and trifluoperazine hydrochloride
¬ The usefulness of clozapine for treatment-‐‑resistant early-‐‑onset schizophrenia is well-‐‑established
but concerns about the toxicity and the need for monitoring white cell counts due to more frequent
occurrence of agranulocytosis has led to limited use in older patients and should probably be used
in treatment resistance and severe tardive dyskinesia
D. Neurotic disorders
¬ Multiple factors including physical frailty, major life events, bereavement, social isolation, poor
self-‐‑care and insecure personality may contribute to new onset neurotic symptoms in the elderly.
The estimated prevalence of neurotic disorders is between 1-‐‑10% with a female predominance.
Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders, excluding the dementias in people
over age 65. The prevalence of anxiety disorders decreases with increasing age.
¬ The most prevalent anxiety disorder among older adults is phobic disorder. Phobias described by
elderly people are similar to those seen in younger adults, although some suggest the fear of
falling are more commonly seen in old age
¬ The least common anxiety disorder in this age group is panic disorder.
¬ Non-‐‑specific anxiety symptoms, hypochondriacal and depressive symptoms predominate.
Obsessional, phobic, dissociative and conversion disorders are less common.
¬ In the elderly, the abuse of sedative drugs and alcohol is a common response to anxiety.
¬ In cognitively impaired patients disturbed behaviour may be the main presenting feature.
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¬ There is an important association between physical illness and neurotic disorders in old age. Most
cases of agoraphobia that develop after the age of 65 years are not induced by panic but arise
following alarming experience of physical ill health
¬ There is an increase in referrals to psychiatry due to decreased acceptance of symptoms by the
¬ Fluoxetine (GAD, PTSD), citalopram (panic disorder), paroxetine (GAD, PTSD) and venlafaxine
(GAD) have been licensed in UK for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Patients need to be warned
of a transient increase in anxiety in first 1-‐‑2 weeks.
E. Alcohol misuse
¬ Alcohol use disorders in elderly people are common but under-‐‑recognised in the elderly; Older
people are likely to encounter alcohol disorders at levels of intake lower than the general
population due to the effects of physical and cognitive ageing, pharmacokinetic changes, the
increased prevalence of co-‐‑morbid illness and interactions with prescribed medication
¬ The recommended ‘safe-‐‑drinking’ levels of intake for the general population (up to 21 and 14 units
per week for men and women respectively) may be inappropriately high for older people. There is
a lack of guidance on safe levels of alcohol intake and most guidelines recommend no more than
one drink per day for older people.
¬ Men are more than twice as likely as women to exceed weekly safe-‐‑drinking limits). But women
report more late onset of alcohol problems. Widowed or divorced men were more likely to engage
in heavy drinking. In contrast, among older women those who are married had the highest level of
alcohol consumption.
¬ Alcohol use disorders may be described as being early onset or late onset. In early onset variant,
patients have had a life long pattern of problem drinking and have probably been alcoholics for
most of their lives. These individuals develop alcohol problems in their 20’s or 30’s and there is
often a family history of alcoholism
¬ They are more likely to have physical and psychiatric illness. In the late-‐‑onset variant, patients first
develop drinking problems at 40-‐‑50 years of age. They have fewer physical and mental health
problems. Often a stressful life event precipitates or exacerbates their drinking. This group is more
receptive to treatment and more likely to recover spontaneously from alcoholism.
¬ Management of older adults with alcoholism should follow similar principles of managing
younger adults. Chlordiazepoxide can be used to treat withdrawal symptoms. The three
medications used to promote abstinence and reduce relapse are disulfiram, acamprosate and
naltrexone. Parenteral or oral thiamine should be given to prevent development of Wernicke-‐‑
Korsakoff syndrome.
¬ A number of studies recommend that disulfiram should not be prescribed to elderly people
because of the increased risk of serious adverse effects especially precipitation of acute confusional
state. It is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypertension, cardiac failure, stroke, or
ischemic heart disease and so should be rarely used in older people.
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¬ Other substance use disorders: Illicit drug use in older people is far less of a problem in
comparison to alcohol use disorders and medication use disorders. The ECA (Epidemiological
Catchment Area) data suggests a lifetime prevalence rate for illegal drug use of only 1.6% for older
people. This is substantially lower compared to younger adults and adolescents.
¬ Benzodiazepines are the most commonly prescribed psychotropic drugs in older people with one
study of community dwelling older people in Ireland demonstrating that 17% of participants were
prescribed benzodiazepines. There is a higher risk of falls, confusional state and amnesia in the
¬ Morse and Lynch (2004), using the self rated personality disorder Inventory showed that the
patients with PD were four times more likely to have persistent or relapsing symptoms of
depression. Both generalised anxiety disorders and substance use disorders were more common
in the presence of a personality disorder
¬ Avoidant, dependent and compulsive traits are particularly likely to occur in patients with a
depressive illness, irrespective of age.
¬ Hypochondriacal personality disorder is associated with psychotic depression.
¬ Many patients with late paraphrenia have never married and have lived alone for some time
suggesting that there may have been personality problems (paranoid personality disorder)
predating paraphrenia.
¬ Personality changes occur in organic disorders (Burns 1992) and negative personality changes are
reported in two-‐‑thirds of people with dementia. Four patterns of personality change have been
reported-‐‑ alteration at onset of dementia, with little subsequent change; ongoing change with
disease progression; regression to previously disturbed behaviours and no change at all.
¬ Diogenes syndrome: Also called ‘senile squalor syndrome’, this refers to a syndrome of self-‐‑
neglect in older people, in which eccentric and reclusive individuals become increasingly isolated
and neglect themselves, living in filthy, poor conditions. It can be seen as the response of someone
with a particular personality type to the hardships of old age and loneliness (Howard & Bergman
1993). Patients are often oblivious to their condition and resistant to help, necessitating
intervention and management is notoriously difficult as it is often impossible to form a therapeutic
alliance with the patient. Often but not always-‐‑hoarding of possessions often valueless and
perceived by others as rubbish (syllogomania) encroaching severely on the living space of the
home is seen and is regarded as an important feature of this condition
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6. Sleep disorder in later life SLEEP CHANGES IN THE
¬ Sleep disorders are common in older people – but should not ELDERLY
be regarded as part of normal ageing. Ageing is associated Reduced total sleep time
with changes in sleep architecture and altered sleep habits Increased daytime napping
but not necessarily a reduced quality of sleep. Increased nighttime arousals and
¬ Sleep disorders are commonly associated with poor mental recalled awakenings
or physical health but are under recognised; further non Longer sleep latency
pharmacological measures are underused in treatment. Increased stage 1 and 2 sleep
¬ Insomnia in the elderly is associated with depression, heart Reduced slow wave sleep
disease, pain and memory problems. Polypharmacy can Shorter REM latency
also contribute to sleep problems Reduced REM sleep
¬ Several types of sleep disorders are common in the elderly:
Insomnia, circadian rhythm disorders, Restless legs syndrome (RLS), REM sleep behaviour
disorder (RBD), Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
¬ Drug induced sleep disorders: Tricyclic antidepressants can reduce REM sleep, cholinesterase
inhibitors increase REM sleep. Both of the above effects are mediated via the cholinergic neurons
of the thalamocortical arousal branch (part of the ascending reticular activating system).
Dopamine deficiency or antagonism can lead to sleep related movement disorders eg RLS and
PLMD via the hypothalamic aminergic arousal branch (also part of the RAS). SSRIs increase slow
wave sleep but reduce REM
¬ Insomnia is an umbrella term – includes difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep and
subjective complaint of non restorative sleep. It is the commonest sleep disorder in old age; it can
significantly impact on quality of life, contributes to illness, institutionalisation and falls.
¬ Symptoms of insomnia need to persist over 2 weeks and contribute to impaired functioning for
interventions to be prescribed. Transient symptoms are common (30-‐‑60%) in older adults,
particularly in elderly females
¬ Psychiatric disorders commonly associated with insomnia are mania, depression, OCD, panic
disorder and PTSD. Insomnia with sleep fragmentation is particularly common in
neurodegenerative disorders e.g. Alzheimer’s, DLB and PD. REM sleep behaviour disorder can be
an early clinical marker for synucleinopathies (Lewy Body dementia, Multi System Atrophy or
¬ Treat underlying cause Advise re: driving (but do not need to inform DVLA)
¬ Sleep hygiene advice -‐‑e.g. https://www.sleepfoundation.org
¬ Pharmacological treatment options – short acting benzodiazepines e.g. temazepam, Z-‐‑drugs, (both
work via GABA receptors), melatonin agonists (only if over 55 yrs and symptoms lasting longer
than 4 weeks)
¬ Sedating antidepressants are sometimes used if comorbid depression
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¬ If symptoms still present after 2 weeks refer to IAPT for CBT, or other behaviour therapy (e.g.
stimulus control therapy, sleep restriction therapy, relaxation therapy)
¬ Use of hypnotics should be restricted to patients who meet diagnostic criteria, treatment duration
should be short (no longer than 2 weeks)
¬ Circadian rhythm disorders: Particularly common in nursing homes due to inadequate light
exposure – secondary to dim light and immobility. Degeneration of the suprachiasmatic nucleus
(circadian clock) probably contributes to circadian rhythm disorders. ‘Advanced sleep phase
syndrome’ probably commonest rhythm disorder in older adults –fall asleep several hours earlier
than conventional norms and wake in the very early morning. Treatment -‐‑ bright light therapy,
early evening administration of melatonin, chronotherapy (advancing sleep times gradually each
¬ Sleep related breathing disorders include sleep hypopnea and apnoea. Bed partner history is
crucial. It is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Polysomnography is needed to confirm
the diagnosis. Treatment -‐‑ weight reduction, CPAP therapy, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP),
oral appliances – modify position of mandible and tongue but less effective than CPAP
¬ REM Behaviour disorder (RBD): It is a parasomnia, characterised by lack of normal muscle atonia
during REM sleep. Enactment of dream activity is noted with increased risk of accident to sleeper
and bed partner. Prevalence is much higher in Parkinson’s disease (15-‐‑34%), MSA (90%) and LBD
than in general population (0.5-‐‑0.8%). It can predate dementia diagnosis by several years or
decades. Treatment – safe sleeping environment essential, clonazepam at bedtime, review
antidepressants if temporal relationship between use and onset of RBD. Other options include
melatonin and pramipexole.
© SPMM Course 38
7. Psychosexual disorders in old age
¬ Age related changes in levels of oestrogen in women may cause vaginal dryness and atrophy,
dyspareunia. Decline in testosterone in men after the fifth decade results in decreased sexual
desire. Speed and intensity of response to sexual stimulation tends to reduce in both sexes with
increasing age. Impotence affects 10-‐‑20% of men aged 70 years or over
¬ Despite of the above, several cross sectional studies have shown that sexual satisfaction does not
decline with age.
¬ It is likely that sexual dysfunction has a high prevalence in older age groups presenting to
psychiatric services, but sexual history is rarely covered during clinical assessment. Sexual history
should be part of psychiatric history taking.
¬ Sexual problems in older people are similar to those in younger people – eg erectile dysfunction,
vaginismus, anorgasmia, dysparaeunia. Physical and psychological factors frequently combine in
cases of sexual dysfunction in the elderly. Medical causes of sexual dysfunction include
Parkinson’s disease, stroke, arthritis and incontinence. Drugs causing erectile dysfunction include
alcohol, benzodiazepines, antidepressants like trazodone (priapism), beta-‐‑blockers,
antihypertensive like thiazide diuretics and spironolactone.
¬ Physical illness may result in anxiety around the safety of sexual activity (e.g. after an MI or CVA),
undermine self-‐‑confidence (e.g. post mastectomy or colostomy), and may have a direct effect in
reducing desire. Older people are more likely to undergo surgery, which may have a direct effect
on sexual function, e.g. prostatectomy, hysterectomy, genital tumour removal
¬ Inappropriate sexual behaviour in dementia is not particularly common – around 7% overall of
people with Alzheimer’s dementia, greater in care home settings (approx. 18%). It may be a
specific manifestation of frontal lobe pathology or part of a more general disturbance seen in
Alzheimer’s disease. The reported changes may include inappropriate sexual talk, sexual acting
out, implied sexual acts, false sexual allegations. ABC system (antecedents, behaviour and
consequences) can be very useful in understanding these behaviours and designing appropriate
interventions. Capacity to consent to sexual activity may be a concern in people with dementia,
particularly around forming new relationships – important to remember that capacity is decision
specific. Of note, adaptation to the role of carer may also adversely affect sexual desire. Loss of
interest or an increase in sexual demands can both cause problems.
8. Miscellaneous topics
Psychotherapy in older adults
¬ There are many indications for the use of psychological treatments in older adults, which mirror
the indications in younger people
¬ Older adults should have access to the full range of psychological treatments, although in reality
services may be more difficult to access
¬ CBT is probably the most commonly used treatment, also can be useful for caregivers of those
with dementia
¬ Cognitive impairment may affect the ability of patients to engage with psychological treatments
© SPMM Course 39
¬ Transference issues in psychotherapy may be altered as the therapist is more likely to be younger
than the recipient
¬ Dependency, loss of sexuality and death can be important factors
DISCLAIMER: This material is developed from various revision notes assembled while preparing for
MRCPsych exams. The content is periodically updated with excerpts from various published sources including
peer-‐‑reviewed journals, websites, patient information leaflets and books. These sources are cited and
acknowledged wherever possible; due to the structure of this material, acknowledgements have not been possible
for every passage/fact that is common knowledge in psychiatry. We do not check the accuracy of drug-‐‑related
information using external sources; no part of these notes should be used as prescribing information
© SPMM Course 40
Notes prepared using excerpts from
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© SPMM Course 41