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Planning and Search: FOL and Situation Calculus

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Planning and search

FOL and situation calculus

FOL and situation calculus 1

♦ First-order logic continued
♦ Situation calculus
♦ Logic and planning

FOL and situation calculus 2

Fun with sentences
Brothers are siblings

FOL and situation calculus 3

Fun with sentences
Brothers are siblings
∀ x, y Brother(x, y) ⇒ Sibling(x, y).
“Sibling” is symmetric

FOL and situation calculus 4

Fun with sentences
Brothers are siblings
∀ x, y Brother(x, y) ⇒ Sibling(x, y).
“Sibling” is symmetric
∀ x, y Sibling(x, y) ⇔ Sibling(y, x).
One’s mother is one’s female parent

FOL and situation calculus 5

Fun with sentences
Brothers are siblings
∀ x, y Brother(x, y) ⇒ Sibling(x, y).
“Sibling” is symmetric
∀ x, y Sibling(x, y) ⇔ Sibling(y, x).
One’s mother is one’s female parent
∀ x, y M other(x, y) ⇔ (F emale(x) ∧ P arent(x, y)).
A first cousin is a child of a parent’s sibling

FOL and situation calculus 6

Fun with sentences
Brothers are siblings
∀ x, y Brother(x, y) ⇒ Sibling(x, y).
“Sibling” is symmetric
∀ x, y Sibling(x, y) ⇔ Sibling(y, x).
One’s mother is one’s female parent
∀ x, y M other(x, y) ⇔ (F emale(x) ∧ P arent(x, y)).
A first cousin is a child of a parent’s sibling
∀ x, y F irstCousin(x, y) ⇔ ∃ p, ps P arent(p, x) ∧ Sibling(ps, p) ∧
P arent(ps, y)

FOL and situation calculus 7

term1 = term2 is true under a given interpretation
if and only if term1 and term2 refer to the same object
E.g., 1 = 2 and ∀ x ×(Sqrt(x), Sqrt(x)) = x are satisfiable
2 = 2 is valid
E.g., definition of (full) Sibling in terms of P arent:
∀ x, y Sibling(x, y) ⇔ [¬(x = y) ∧ ∃ m, f ¬(m = f ) ∧
P arent(m, x) ∧ P arent(f, x) ∧ P arent(m, y) ∧ P arent(f, y)]

FOL and situation calculus 8

Interacting with FOL KBs
Suppose a wumpus-world agent is using an FOL KB
and perceives a smell and a breeze (but no glitter) at t = 5:
T ell(KB, P ercept([Smell, Breeze, N one], 5))
Ask(KB, ∃ a BestAction(a, 5))
I.e., does KB entail any particular actions at t = 5? For example,
Answer: Y es, {a/Shoot} ← substitution (binding list)
Given a sentence S and a substitution σ,
Sσ denotes the result of plugging σ into S; e.g.,
S = Smarter(x, y)
σ = {x/Hillary, y/Bill}
Sσ = Smarter(Hillary, Bill)
Ask(KB, S) returns some/all σ such that KB |= Sσ

FOL and situation calculus 9

Knowledge base for the wumpus world
∀ b, g, t P ercept([Smell, b, g], t) ⇒ Smelt(t)
∀ s, b, t P ercept([s, b, Glitter], t) ⇒ AtGold(t)
Reflex: ∀ t AtGold(t) ⇒ Action(Grab, t)
Reflex with internal state: do we have the gold already?
∀ t AtGold(t) ∧ ¬Holding(Gold, t) ⇒ Action(Grab, t)
Holding(Gold, t) cannot be observed
⇒ keeping track of change is essential

FOL and situation calculus 10

Deducing hidden properties
Properties of locations:
∀ x, t At(Agent, x, t) ∧ Smelt(t) ⇒ Smelly(x)
∀ x, t At(Agent, x, t) ∧ Breeze(t) ⇒ Breezy(x)
Squares are breezy near a pit:
Diagnostic rule—infer cause from effect
∀ y Breezy(y) ⇒ ∃ x P it(x) ∧ Adjacent(x, y)
Causal rule—infer effect from cause
∀ x, y P it(x) ∧ Adjacent(x, y) ⇒ Breezy(y)
Neither of these is complete—e.g., the causal rule doesn’t say whether
squares far away from pits can be breezy
Definition for the Breezy predicate:
∀ y Breezy(y) ⇔ [∃ x P it(x) ∧ Adjacent(x, y)]

FOL and situation calculus 11

Keeping track of change
Facts hold in situations, rather than eternally
E.g., Holding(Gold, N ow) rather than just Holding(Gold)
Situation calculus is one way to represent change in FOL:
Adds a situation argument to each non-eternal predicate
E.g., N ow in Holding(Gold, N ow) denotes a situation
Situations are connected by the Result function
Result(a, s) is the situation that results from doing a in s


Gold PIT

Gold PIT



FOL and situation calculus 12

Time points vs situations
At(x, y, z, t) ∧ M ovedT o(x1, y1, z, t) ⇒ At(x1, y1, z, t + 1))
(if some z is located at coordinates (x, y) at time t, and at t it is moved to
(x1,y1), then at the next moment it is located at (x1, y1)).
However this does not distinguish between actions and static properties of
the state, and identifies a ‘state of the world’ with a time point.

FOL and situation calculus 13

Situation calculus
Situation calculus is a dialect of FOL where situations (static states of the
world) and actions are basic terms:
variables over situations are denoted s, s1, s2, . . . ,.
a distinguished initial situation is denoted by a constant S0.
actions are terms like move(x, y, z) (move thing z to coordinates x, y) etc.
Note that actions are also terms, not formulas: they denote an ‘action’ and
are not true or false.
a special function Result takes an action and a situation and returns a new
situation: Result(a, s) denotes a new situation which results from perform-
ing an action a in a situation s.

FOL and situation calculus 14

Predicates and functions whose values vary from situation to situation are
called fluents.
Last argument in a fluent is a situation:
¬Holding(r, x, s) ∧ Holding(r, x, Result(pickup(r, x), s))
(a robot r is not holding x in s but is holding it in the situation resulting
from s by picking x up).
A distinguished fluent P oss says which actions are possible in a given situ-
P oss(pickup(r, blockA), S0)

FOL and situation calculus 15

Preconditions of actions
A precondition is a condition which makes an action possible.
It can be expressed by a formula, sometimes called precondition axiom.
For example:
∀r∀x∀s P oss(pickup(r, x), s) ⇔ ∀z(¬Holding(r, z, s)∧¬Heavy(x)∧
N extT o(r, x, s)
(a robot can pick x up if it is not holding anything else, x is not heavy, and
the robot is next to it).

FOL and situation calculus 16

Postconditions or effects of actions
A postcondition or effect of an action is a change resulting from executing
the action.
Formulas expressing postconditions are sometimes called effect axioms.
For example, ∀x∀s∀r(F ragile(x) ⇒ Broken(x, Result(drop(r, x), s)))
Effect axioms for fluents which become true as a result of an action are called
positive, and those where the fluent becomes false are called negative.

FOL and situation calculus 17

Frame axioms
We are considering a very simple world: actions have clearly predefined effects
(no non-determinism), and the world changes only as a result of clearly
specified actions.
For every action, we can also say which fluents it does not affect.
The formulas which specify which properties are not changed as a result of
an action are called frame axioms.
For example,
¬Broken(x, s)∧x 6= y∨¬F ragile(x)) ⇒ ¬Broken(x, Result(drop(r, y), s))
Frame axioms do not logically follow from precondition and effect axioms.
They are called frame axioms because they limit or frame the effects of

FOL and situation calculus 18

Why do we need frame axioms
A typical kind of task in reasoning about actions is to check whether
(1) a certain sequence of actions a1, . . . , an will succeed (bring about some
desired state of the world)
(2) a certain sequence of actions is possible
In both cases, some relevant information about S0 is given (which fluents
hold in S0).
The precondition and effects of actions are used to determine which fluents
will be true in Result(an, Result(an−1, . . . Result(a1, S0) . . .).
Some fluent may be a precondition of some action ai which is true in S0 and
is unchanged by a1, . . . , ai−1.
However we cannot derive that it is unchanged from just the precondition
and effect axioms for a1, . . . , ai−1: need to also have explicit frame axioms.

FOL and situation calculus 19

Frame problem
Frame problem is the problem of representing frame conditions coincisely
(not with an axiom for each pair of action and fluent!).

FOL and situation calculus 20

Solution to the frame problem
For each fluent F (x̄, s) (where x̄ are all the free variables of the fluent) we
collect together all positive effect axioms. For example, if Broken(x, s) has
two positive effect axioms:
∀x∀s F ragile(x) ⇒ Broken(x, Result(drop(x), s))
∀x∀s Broken(x, Result(break(x), s))
then together they can be written as:
∀x∀a∀s(F ragile(x)∧a = drop(x))∨(a = break(x)) ⇒ Broken(x, Result(a, s))
In general, have an expression ∀x̄∀a∀s(ΠF (x̄, a, s) ⇒ F (x̄, Result(a, s)))

FOL and situation calculus 21

Solution to the frame problem continued
Same for the negative effect axioms:
∀x̄∀a∀s(NF (x̄, a, s) ⇒ ¬F (x̄, Result(a, s)))
For example:
∀x̄∀a∀s(a = f ix(x) ⇒ ¬Broken(x, Result(a, s)))

FOL and situation calculus 22

Solution to the frame problem continued
Once we have a single formula ΠF for all actions which make F (x, s) true
and a single formula NF for all actions which make F false, we can write
explanation closure axioms:
∀x̄∀a∀s(¬F (x̄, s) ∧ F (x̄, Result(a, s)) ⇒ ΠF (x̄, a, s))
∀x̄∀a∀s(F (x̄, s) ∧ ¬F (x̄, Result(a, s)) ⇒ NF (x̄, a, s))
They replace all frame axioms by saying that
F only becomes true if ΠF holds (only certain actions in certain circum-
stances make F true)
F only becomes false if NF is true
ΠF and NF are short, and explanation axioms entail all the frame axioms
(so the frame problem solved - for this simple case anyway).
One of the assumptions is that all actions are deterministic.

FOL and situation calculus 23

Successor state axioms
If some additional assumptions hold, namely:
(1) no action has both a positive and negative effect on a fluent F ,
(2) action terms can only be equal if they are the same action name applied
to the same arguments
then explanation closure axioms can be combined into a successor state
axiom for a fluent: ∀x̄∀a∀s(F (x̄, do(a, s)) ⇔ ΠF (x̄, a, s) ∨ (F (x̄, s) ∧
¬NF (x̄, a, s)))
Under those assumptions, all that is needed to solve the frame problem and
describe the actions and fluents completely are: precondition axioms and
successor state axioms

FOL and situation calculus 24

Summary: Describing actions I
“Effect” axiom—describe changes due to action
∀ s AtGold(s) ⇒ Holding(Gold, Result(Grab, s))
“Frame” axiom—describe non-changes due to action
∀ s HaveArrow(s) ⇒ HaveArrow(Result(Grab, s))
Frame problem: find an elegant way to handle non-change
(a) representation—avoid frame axioms
(b) inference—avoid repeated “copy-overs” to keep track of state
Qualification problem: true descriptions of real actions require endless caveats—
what if gold is slippery or nailed down or . . .
Ramification problem: real actions have many secondary consequences—
what about the dust on the gold, wear and tear on gloves, . . .

FOL and situation calculus 25

Summary: Describing actions II
Successor-state axioms solve the representational frame problem
Each axiom is “about” a predicate (not an action per se):
P true afterwards ⇔ [an action made P true
∨ P true already and no action made P false]

For holding the gold:

∀ a, s Holding(Gold, Result(a, s)) ⇔
[(a = Grab ∧ AtGold(s))
∨ (Holding(Gold, s) ∧ a 6= Release)]

FOL and situation calculus 26

Making plans
Initial condition in KB:
At(Agent, [1, 1], S0)
At(Gold, [1, 2], S0)
Query: Ask(KB, ∃ s Holding(Gold, s))
i.e., in what situation will I be holding the gold?
Answer: {s/Result(Grab, Result(F orward, S0))}
i.e., go forward and then grab the gold

FOL and situation calculus 27

Making plans: A better way
Represent plans as action sequences [a1, a2, . . . , an]
P lanResult(p, s) is the result of executing p in s
Then the query Ask(KB, ∃ p Holding(Gold, P lanResult(p, S0)))
has the solution {p/[F orward, Grab]}
Definition of P lanResult in terms of Result:
∀ s P lanResult([ ], s) = s
∀ a, p, s P lanResult([a|p], s) = P lanResult(p, Result(a, s))
Planning systems are special-purpose reasoners designed to do this type of
inference more efficiently than a general-purpose reasoner

FOL and situation calculus 28

First-order logic:
– objects and relations are semantic primitives
– syntax: constants, functions, predicates, equality, quantifiers
Increased expressive power: sufficient to define wumpus world
Situation calculus:
– conventions for describing actions and change in FOL
– can formulate planning as inference on a situation calculus KB

FOL and situation calculus 29

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