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The Bridge, September 20, 2018

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Wood Mountain Ferries Fish From Bait to Plate • Page 11

a l l
S eptember 20–O ctober 3, 2018

Despite Challenges, Local Restaurants Thrive
Pg. 4 Proposed Parking
Garage on Relationships by Sarah Davin

wo days after DeMena’s closing, comedian Kathleen Crystal Maderia, owner of Kismet, which has been in business for
Pg. 10 Lawson’s New Kanz, enjoying some recently purchased Positive Pie pizza 12 years, said transportation, or lack thereof, is a huge challenge for
and looking for some calm and quiet, ventured up to the cooks who work unusual hours.
Brewery and Taproom restaurant’s oddly vacant deck. As she ate, a person appeared, possibly “When you [a chef] start your day at 3 pm and end your day at
an employee, who tried the door and was seemingly surprised to find midnight, that’s a particular lifestyle. We don’t have any public
Pg. 14 Scenic Autumn it locked. Whatever this individual was trying to retrieve was gone transportation that happens on those hours. That really limits who in
forever, trapped inside. our community can have this kind of job,” she noted.
Routes for Cyclists It was a feeling Kanz could relate to: “Off and on since 2007, I’ve told Mary Alice Proffitt, owner of Down Home Kitchen, which opened
jokes in that third-floor gem, so something of mine will always be in in 2015, emphasized the importance of encouraging diversity in
there. I didn’t lose anything irreplaceable, I have my memories, but
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Montpelier, indicating that restaurants also benefit when we bring

Permit NO. 123
Montpelier, VT

sometimes, in real estate relations, people suffer losses.”


new people into town. She also hopes the community will consider
In an industry that sees establishments come and go fairly often, the the need for more affordable housing, which also affects restaurants:
recent closing of four local eateries, Asiana House, Banchan, Beau, “Where are the people who are doing the dishes and cooking living?
and DeMena’s, prompted us to wonder what are the keys to running Are they living in Montpelier where they can walk to work? Where’s
a successful, enduring restaurant in Montpelier. the affordable housing?”
Fewer than 8,000 people live in Montpelier, and with a daytime Existence as a small restaurant is also difficult to sustain on a
population of 21,000 with commuters working in the capital city, it financial level. As it stands, larger businesses are more likely to get
means that our restaurants have to work harder than they would in a financial assistance than small businesses like restaurants. In addition,
larger city because they have a smaller population of potential diners affording labor costs and credit card fees presents a serious problem.
to support them. The struggle will be felt more acutely in winter, when the weather is
Nate Morris, director of restaurant operations for Skinny Pancake, bad and business slows down. These aren’t the only financial hurdles
which has had its Montpelier location for eight years, explained, restaurants in our area face.
“The most obvious challenge I have seen is the amount of restaurants Brian Zecchinelli, who with his wife, Karen Zecchinelli, owns the
compared to our population. It seems that over the last 10 years, this 100-year-old Wayside in Berlin, recounted, “I remember there was once
influx has been more apparent. That said, as a consumer, it is fun a restaurant, and their portions were too big for the price, and while
to see the diversity of the new eateries in town, I just wish there was everyone was all excited to go there, they ultimately had issues with cash
Montpelier, VT 05601

more consumers for everyone, not that I want to lose the small town flow and had too close. You want to have a fair price and a consistent
feel we have.” portion.” Zecchinelli’s story may serve as a cautionary warning to other
P.O. Box 1143

This small population not only limits who comes to eat, but the food restaurants about managing the price of a dish, which can be especially
challenging when trying to incorporate quality, local ingredients, due
The Bridge

service employment pool as well, as local restaurants struggle to keep

their kitchens staffed with qualified workers. to seasonally availability and higher cost.
Continued on Page 12
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PAG E 2 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

Nature Watch
by Nona Estrin

Signs of Summer’s End

ast glories of summer. Even
on out highest mountains,
the occasional monarch
butterfly or a small group of blue
jays join broad-winged hawks
and others heading south. Close
to home, you might try Mount
Philo, or down I 91, to Putney
Mountain Hawk Watch, with
an online daily count reported
for the entire month. They are
novice-friendly and it’s an easy
short walk to the “top.” Either one
puts you up where the action is,
just don’t go when there’s a flow
of weather from the south.
Watercolor by Nona Estrin
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Morse Farm Ski Touring Center Closing Shocks Skiers Charter Change to Allow Plastic Bag Ban Approved by Montpelier City Council
Local cross-country skiers and snowshoers were saddened to learn this week that the The City Council has approved the concept of proposing a city charter change to voters
Morse Farm Ski Touring Center in East Montpelier will not reopen this winter, after that would allow the council to ban plastic bags from being provided to customers
17 years of operation. A statement emailed to customers by the five partners of the ski by Montpelier retailers. The City Council set a priority in its 2018 Strategic Plan to
operation, and also posted on the center’s Facebook page, said the decision was reached ban plastic bags. If the charter change is accomplished, the city will still need to take
“after exploring countless options and avenues, after much soul searching and deep additional steps to put a ban in place.
deliberation.” The exact language of the “sustainability” charter change has not been settled on, but will
The statement—signed by Nat Winthrop, Chip Stone, Bill Kaplan, Burr Morse, and be by the time of an October 3 meeting to warn the ballot for the November 6 election.
Tom Morse—said that poor snow conditions in recent years were driving the decision. Some councilors said at the Council’s September 12 meeting that while they supported
“For the project to work we needed bad weather years to be the exception,” they wrote. the charter change, the proposed language was too broad.
“Unfortunately, now the good years are the exception. To reliably deliver the minimum Any change to Montpelier’s charter must be approved by several players: the City
level of skiing, staff, equipment and maintenance the ski area requires is simply more than Council, city voters, the state legislature, and finally the governor, according to City Clerk
the climate is now offering in snow.” John Odom. If passed by voters November 6, the next step will be for any charter changes
to be introduced in the House and Senate Government Operations committees, he said.
Burr Morse, 70, told the Times Argus that the age of the partners was also a factor. “It
reached a point where we were just feeling like there was too much to do to keep it going Petition-Driven Charter Change Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote
in view of our ages,” he said. Morse Farm plans to “pull in our horns” and focus on the Will Be on Montpelier Ballot
farm’s core maple sugaring business, he said. The “sustainability” charter change will not be the only one on the November 6 ballot in
Former Montpelier High School cross-country ski coach Greg Gerdel, who was part-time Montpelier. City Clerk John Odom has determined that sufficient voter signatures were
operations manager at the ski center last winter, told the Times Argus that the closing “will obtained on a petition to place another charter change on the ballot, to allow non-citizens
be a blow to some people, I’m sure.” who are legally here, such as with a green card or legal visa, to vote in municipal elections.
The charter amendment would allow voting on municipal issues by anyone who is a
Montpelier Readers Devour Trump Books non-citizen but a legal resident of the United States on a permanent or indefinite basis,
A flurry of new releases chronicling turmoil in the Donald Trump White House are 18 years of age or older, in compliance with federal immigration laws, a resident of
proving to be a boon for booksellers. The latest expose, Fear: Trump in the White House, Montpelier, and has taken the voter’s oath,
by veteran Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward, was flying off the shelves at Bear According to Odum, if the charter change is adopted the city will need to keep a
Pond Books. Owner Claire Benedict said the store sold 45 copies on the first day of its separate voter registry for non-citizens, who will only be allowed to vote on city
release, and the book continues to be in high demand. “It’s definitely sold more, the most matters and not on school issues or in state or federal elections.
of any of the recent political books,” she said. Other hot Trump-related books include
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, by Michael Wolff, and A Higher Loyalty:
Truth, Lies, and Leadership, by former FBI Director James Comey, have also spiced up
summer sales.

BTV to Orlando Route Revived

Non-stop airline service from Burlington to Orlando, Florida, will return just in time for
spring break. Frontier Airlines will offer two flights a week to the land of Mickey Mouse,
beginning February 9. The Wednesday and Sunday flights will mark the first non-stop
service from Burlington to Orlando since Allegiant Airlines pulled out two years ago.
Introductory fares will start at $59 each way.

Bridge Community Media, Inc.

P.O. Box 1143, Montpelier, VT 05601
Ph: 802-223-5112
Editor in Chief: Mike Dunphy
Managing Editor: Tom Brown
Publisher Emeritus: Nat Frothingham
Copy Editor: Sarah Davin, Larry Floersch, Valentyn Smith
Proofreader, Calendar Editor: Sarah Davin
Layout: Marichel Vaught
Sales Representatives: Rick McMahan, Dot Helling, Lee Wilschek
Distribution: Sarah Davin, Amy Lester, Daniel Renfro
Board Members: Chairman Donny Osman, Jake Brown, Phil Dodd, Josh Fitzhugh, Larry Floersch, Greg
Gerdel, Irene Racz, Ivan Shadis, Tim Simard, Ashley Witzenberger
Editorial: 223-5112, ext. 14 • mdunphy@montpelierbridge.com
Location: The Bridge office is located at the Vermont College of Fine Arts, Stone Science Hall.
Subscriptions: You can receive The Bridge by mail for $50 a year. Make out your check to The Bridge,
and mail to The Bridge, PO Box 1143, Montpelier VT 05601.
montpelierbridge.com • facebook.com/thebridgenewspapervt Copyright 2018 by The Bridge
Twitter: @montpbridge • Instagram@montpelierbridge
PAG E 4 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

Council to Decide on Design for Proposed Parking Garage

by Tom Brown

ontpelier officials expect to will likely feature ivy and other greenery “I think $10 million would be better 150 spaces and expects to sell about 80
settle this week on the design on site, which faces the Winooski River spent on a smart microtransit system that monthly parking permits. Another 60 to
for a proposed $10 million and Memorial Drive. could move 1,000 people in and around 70 surface spaces around the structure will
parking garage to be built in conjunction Once a design is chosen, the council will town and leave $8 million to go toward go to the city, Capitol Plaza owner Fred
with a privately owned 80-room hotel vote October 3 on whether to present affordable housing,” he said. Bashara said.
complex. the $10 million bond issue to voters in City Councilor Ashley Hill is the only Bashara does not believe the process has
The City Council scheduled a special November. member of the council to publicly oppose been rushed.
session for Wednesday, September 19, to The garage proposal is a major attempt the parking structure and has said the “We signed an agreement with Hilton in
take public input and hoped to reach a to address perennial concerns about project needed more public discussion up June 2017 and have had five and a half
decision on the final concept for the 348- inadequate parking in downtown front. months in the planning process (with the
space garage shortly thereafter. Among Montpelier, but it has also raised concerns “I’m not sure this project is the best thing to parking garage),” he said, adding that there
the design options are the number of over its location, appearance, the speed address our needs,” she said. “ If we intend to have been public hearings all along the way.
stories, likely either four or five, and of the process, and the public-private be a leader in net zero it seems that this will
whether the structure will have flat floors City officials believe the garage is consistent
relationship it represents. allow the status quo to continue rather than with the city’s goals to develop downtown
with external ramps, graded floors with looking to better public transportation.”
interior access, or some combination City Manager Bill Fraser acknowledges and that the process has been open.
of those features. Plans also need to be that the pace might feel hurried but The proposal is directly tied to construction “Given the stated priorities of city residents
finalized for the building’s facade, which believes the project is a good opportunity of a Hampton Inn hotel by the owners of we think it would be wrong not to support
to address a longstanding issue. the adjacent Capitol Plaza. The Bashara a hotel and garage,” Fraser said.
“People sometimes say government is not family is donating the land for the garage
and has acknowledged that there would be After the council selects a design the plan
responsive, they can’t get stuff done in will be submitted for permitting.
time,” Fraser said. “This time we had an no hotel without the parking structure.
opportunity, we put something together, Their appeal to the city led to the adoption The city has set an annual maintenance
and the criticism is ‘they’re going too fast, of a special Tax Increment Financing budget of $90,000, and Fraser said no
not enough public input,’ but we have district, or TIF, in which the city can use employees will be added for the garage.
been talking about this for a long time.” increased property tax revenue from the $15 The garage bond is one of four measures to be
Some of the critics say the proposal is million hotel to pay for the parking garage placed on the November ballot, along with
inconsistent with Montpelier’s net zero bond. Under its agreement with Hilton, the a $16.75 million wastewater improvement
energy goals and fails to support the ideal parent company of Hampton Inn, the hotel bond, a charter change proposal dealing
of having fewer cars in the downtown developer must get the project “underway” with a ban on single use plastic bags, and
area. by November. an item that would allow non-U.S. citizens
The family will pay $450,000 annually living in Montpelier to vote on city issues.
Resident Dan Jones, who calls the garage Public information sessions on all of the
“a concrete box with green lipstick,” toward the 30-year bond—$150,000 in
TIF tax money and $300,000 for for 20 ballot items will be held in late October and
said the $10 million could be directed early November.
elsewhere. years for the use of 200 parking spaces in
the facility. The city will control roughly
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Council Approves Wastewater Plant Upgrade;

Sewer Rates Would Increase by Phil Dodd

he Montpelier City Council voted unanimously to put a $16.75 million bond $255,000 per year in hauled waste-tipping fees, and officials believe that number could
on the November 6 ballot to pay for a major upgrade to the city’s wastewater easily be exceeded, with any extra revenues going to the city. In the last fiscal year,
plant, one that will replace aging infrastructure at the plant and allow the city Montpelier took in about $1 million in tipping fees.
to move toward an “organics to energy” future. The bond’s size is an increase from a Currently, Motyka said, Montpelier can only accept hauled waste such as septic tank
$16.1 million estimate presented to the council in June. pump-outs, which it receives from as far away as New Hampshire. The new plant
City officials say Montpelier needs to spend at least $8 million or $9 million just for would be able to accept high strength waste (HSW), including grease, dairy waste,
basic upgrades on the 45-year-old plant, but they endorsed an upgrade at twice the cost, and the like.
in part because they say it will allow the plant to accept more hauled waste and thus Taking in HSW means the upgraded plant will generate more methane, a potent
bring in more “tipping fee” revenue, enough to offset the extra expense of the $16.7 greenhouse gas. Today, the plant already creates some methane; part of it is used to heat
million upgrade. buildings and the rest is flared off. With the upgrade, Motyka said more buildings can
The proposed project will also mean the city would produce more methane from the be heated, but the plant will also be flaring off more methane.
plant, some of which will be stored to heat more buildings on the plant property. In If and when Phase 2 of the “organics to energy” plant is built, the excess methane will
a few years, a further upgrade–at a cost of perhaps an additional $3.6 million–would all be put to use. Using the methane for cogeneration could be “cash negative,” Motyka
allow the city to make use of all the increased methane, either to create compressed has said, meaning Phase 2 would be a money loser under that scenario. Other options
gas for sale, convert to heat for sludge drying, or convert to heat and power through such as making and selling compressed gas look more promising financially, he said.
cogeneration. Using the extra methane in a productive manner would also move the city closer to its
The wastewater plant upgrade, if approved by voters, will require sewer rate increases, goal of getting to a net-zero energy status, he said.
potentially significant ones. A PowerPoint presentation shown to the City Council by According to Motyka, a lawsuit filed by the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF)
City Engineer Kurt Motyka on September 12 indicated that, under one scenario, rates challenging the plant’s phosphorus discharge permit is not likely to affect plans for the
could roughly double in 10 years, rising 8 percent the first year and 7 percent per year upgrade. He said there are other ways Montpelier could reduce the levels of phosphorus
in each of years two through 10. The current average residential sewer bill is $645 entering the Winooski River, such as better stormwater treatment, that would likely
per year. Ten years out, the annual sewer bill could be about $1,281, according to the satisfy CLF if the city loses the lawsuit.
At the September 12 City Council meeting, Councilor Ashley Hill asked whether the
Motyka said at the hearing that the rate increases could end up lower than that, combination of the wastewater plant bond and the proposed $10.1 million parking
especially if tipping revenues rise as much as the city hopes. After the meeting, City garage bond, which she noted she opposes, would keep the city within the council’s
Finance Director Todd Provencher explained that the rate forecast shown in the guidelines for maximum debt.
presentation was conservative and “is one of many possible solutions in an attempt
to provide an approximate impact to ratepayers.” He said that the projection assumes Provencher said the council guideline calls for debt not to exceed 15 percent of total
no increase in usage, and thus does not include new projects like the French Block, 1 budget revenues, and that the combination of these two bonds, along with existing
Taylor Street, Caledonia Spirits, and a possible new hotel. bond debt, would put Montpelier at just under an 18 percent level. But he noted this
estimate does not include potential parking garage revenues from the Education Fund
Provencher and Motyka also noted that it was likely that the Water and Sewer Rate (for the TIF district) and from tenants of the garage, such as the hotel. “I think we will
Committee would look at new ways to structure sewer rates that could change or be within the scope or close to it, given these factors,” he said.
improve the picture for residential sewer users. According to Provencher, the financing
structure is expected to be a 25-year bond with interest-only payments in the first five The City Council will make a final decision about putting both bonds on the ballot
years. Construction is expected to take approximately two years to complete. at a special meeting October 3. There will be an additional public hearing on the two
bonds after that, and then Montpelier voters will weigh in on November 6.
Montpelier city officials are working closely on the planned project with Indiana-based
Energy Systems Group, which is guaranteeing that the plant will see an increase of

Cody Chevrolet Congratulates
The Bridge On 25 Years of Business!
PAG E 6 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

A Message From City Hall

This page was paid for by the City of Montpelier.

Proposed Parking Garage Q & A

by William Fraser, City Manager

A Frequently Asked Questions

s most people are aware, the City is planning to have a bond vote on November
6th—in conjunction with the Vermont general election—to consider two major
• Will my taxes go up to pay for this?
bond articles. One is $16.75 Million for upgrades at the Water Resource Recovery
As mentioned above, the only tax dollars
Facility (wastewater plant) and the other is $10 Million for a new Parking Garage. I will
being proposed are those from the new hotel
outline the WRRF proposal next month. Two charter change proposals are also expected.
through TIF. The remainder is anticipated
Parking Garage Proposal Basics to come from permits and fees.
Who? The City will construct, own, operate, manage, and maintain the garage. The garage • Why is the hotel project influencing the
property is being donated to the City by the Capitol Plaza for the purpose of building the schedule? Although the hotel is private
facility. and the garage public, they rely on each
other. The garage does not work financially
What? The building will contain 348 parking spaces. In addition, 50 surface parking spaces
without the 200 permits purchased by the
will be leased by the city for public parking. The project will result in 160 net new parking
hotel. The new hotel does not work without
spaces in downtown. A private 80-room Hampton Inn will constructed by the Capitol Plaza
adequate parking. The hotel does not work
next to the garage.
financially if they build the garage on their
When? The Council will be holding a public hearing on October 3 prior to making a own.
final decision whether to place this $10,000,000 bond issue on the ballot. There will be an
• Is the City doing this just for the hotel? Parking has been a chronic issue in Montpelier. The
additional public hearing between October 27 and November 5 (date to be determined)
hotel development has created an opportunity to increase downtown parking by 26% and
about all ballot items. Voting day is November 6th. If the bond passes, construction is
making additional development possible. Both the public and hotel benefit.
expected to begin as early as December.
• Is the City giving the hotel a “sweet deal”? The hotel is donating land worth approximately
Where? The Garage will be located behind Christ Church in the current Capitol Plaza
$500,000. They are paying $300,000 annually for permits and an additional $150,000
parking lot and also into the 60 State Street parking lot. The Hampton Inn will be next to
annually in new property taxes. These two sources represent 62% of the project funding.
the Garage and behind the Capitol Plaza. The new site design will result on approximately
That is equivalent to $6.2 Million of the $10 Million project cost.
60 surface parking spaces, 50 of which will be leased by the city for public use.
• Isn’t the Hilton Corporation bankrolling all of this? Hilton is not paying anything for either
Why? The City’s Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) adopted in June of 2016
the hotel or the garage. The Capitol Plaza owners have purchased a Hampton Inn franchise
after an extensive public process set out priorities. The EDSP specifically called for a new
from Hilton but are financing this project on their own backed by their own assets and using
Hotel as the top desired transformational downtown project. The Plan identified parking and
local lenders.
housing as key community needs.
• What is the traffic impact? Traffic studies were conducted for One Taylor St, the new hotel
The 160 net new parking spaces will increase the inventory of city managed (meters, permits,
and the original smaller garage. An updated study is being conducted now and is necessary
lots) spaces by 26 % and will free up surface spaces for short term use. The project is also
for permitting. The city has a strong interest in assuring that traffic is managed effectively.
being designed to allow new housing (with garage parking) at Christ Church.
• What are the storm water impacts? The project is meeting all storm water management
The 80 new hotel rooms will bring additional people into downtown for more economic
requirements and incorporating green drainage areas where possible. The current location
activity while adding to local rooms, meals and alcohol tax revenue.
is already a paved impervious surface, the building will not create any new impervious area.
Finally, the project will create an ADA compliant bike path connection with a small park.
• Has the City considered other locations for a garage such as the “pit” on Court Steet?
There will likely be green space behind the garage creating symmetry with the proposed
The City has looked at virtually all potential locations for parking solutions including and
confluence park. The garage construction also allows the city to eliminate six parking spaces
especially the “pit”. Each present their own opportunity and challenges both logistically
in the One Taylor Street project thereby opening up another 1600 square feet of green space.
and financially. There is no one ideal location. The original One Taylor St (then Carr Lot)
How? The project is paid for with permits and fees ($575,000, 80%) and Tax Increment project study identified this Capitol Plaza location as a top alternative. This is the most viable
Financing (TIF) revenue ($150,000, 20%). Without going into detail about TIF, (see October opportunity that has presented itself to the City.
19, 2017 City Bridge page for full TIF description) the only taxes paying for the project are
• Can the garage be constructed to allow for future re-use? The current project budget and
those from the new hotel. No additional property taxes will be raised for this project. Capitol
resources does not allow for the additional load bearing capacity needed for future housing or
Plaza/Hampton Inn have committed to purchasing 200 permits annually for 30 years. We
office space. This could be done but would need additional funding sources, likely property
project to sell an additional 80 permits. The monthly permit rate is $125 per month which
will generate $420,000 per year. Christ Church’s affordable housing project will be allocated
30 permits at $50 per month. Public parking is projected to generate approximately $136,000 • What will the garage look like? Final design details are being selected as this article is
in revenue. written. Generally, however, the building is expected to be 4 to 4 ½ stories high which will
be lower than the new Hampton Inn. It is proposed to have a green wall exterior made up of
Expenses for the garage are debt service (78%), operations (14%) and capital reserve (8%).
ivies and plants with structural accenting at the corners. A rendering provided by Rabideau
Budget, cash flow and other financial details are available on the city’s web site.
Architects is included with this article.
• Can Net Zero principles be applied? The building will have
solar panels on the top floor and may use district heating to
assist with snow removal in exposed areas.
• What happens if car use goes down? If there is a long term
reduction in car use, the City will systematically reduce
parking in other surface lots and on streets to open up new
re-use opportunities.
As always, thank you for reading this article and for your
interest in Montpelier City Government. Please feel free
to contact me at wfraser@montpelier-vt.org or 802-223-
9502. City information can be found on our web site www.
montpelier-vt.org our Facebook page, City of Montpelier
–Official, on Twitter @vtmontpelier and on Front Porch
Forum. For emergency notifications, including winter
parking ban notices, please sign up for Vermont Alerts.
T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 7

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h e Bridge is our hometown newspaper, connecting us to each other—the people, businesses, schools and cultural institutions that
define and strengthen our community. Since its founding 25 years ago, The Bridge has pursued that mission with energy and a full
heart, embracing the truth that “community” and “communication” grow from the same root.
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Thanks to the tireless work of readers, advertisers, donors, and volunteers, The Bridge remains a free, independent, and local newspaper—
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help bridge the gap.
“With Global news today we sure
A Time of Transition know what’s going on in Macao,
With the retirement of editor/publisher Nat Frothingham and the hiring of editor-in-chief Mike Dunphy and other staff, The Bridge is Mozambique, or the Marshall Islands,
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“Our small town of Montpelier is

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“The Bridge continues to be relevant, “The City’s partnership with The “The Bridge is one of those essential incredible, independent-thinking
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Montpelier Vermont College of Fine Arts Home Kitchen

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a community newspaper should be,
and I look forward to it becoming “The Bridge is relevant and has “The Bridge offers a unique “I am grateful to have The Bridge as
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community. Dailies may be a thing community. Newsworthy is more than can’t be found anywhere else. We are They are an important source of news
of the past. But weeklies, with the the obvious news, it’s finding the gems fortunate to have a local newspaper and opinions from Central Vermont
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community together. Thank goodness - Lauren Parker, owner of The North great place to live.”
- Kari Bradley, general manager of
for The Bridge.” Branch Cafe - John Holler, former mayor of Hunger Mountain Co-op
- Kevin Ellis, founder of Ellis Strategy, Montpelier and attorney
a communications consulting firm in
PAG E 8 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

Fighting the Real Lake Champlain Monster—Pollution

by Mike Dunphy

S ome art looks best from a distance, and thanks

to pollution, the same might be said for Lake
the decades. “If we continue with the same practices...
we are absolutely treading water at great expense,” he
Indeed, 2018 has seen numerous spills of un- or Revising these practices is a huge part of the Lake
partially treated water into the lake thanks to Champlain Basin Program’s efforts, particularly to
malfunctions and overflows at sewage treatment Vermont’s farmers, who account for the biggest slice
plants—7.1 million gallons of “treated and partially of the phosphorus pie, at 38 percent of the total that
disinfected effluent” in April; 1.8 million gallons of enters the lake. Apart from isolated cases of “get off my
partially treated wastewater in June; and 3.3 million lawn,” most farmers are receptive.
of the same in July. Add to that the 921 metric tons (2 “We more often see farmers asking what they can do,”
million pounds) of phosphorus delivered into the lake Howe said, “but also recognizing that a lot of what
through its tributaries, simmer it under the hot sun of we ask them to do is expensive, like a two-million-
climate change, and it’s no wonder that dreaded blue- gallon manure pit, or new tractor, and low milk prices
green algae, or cyanobacteria, is blooming, causing don’t help.” Complicating that is the confusion from
ever more beaches to close in summer. when the U.S. government for so long told them to
Solving the problem is a daunting—and sometimes add more phosphorus-laden fertilizers to their fields.
overwhelming—task, especially when considering the “In their minds, what they are being told to do now
$1.3 billion price tag state officials put on cleaning is contradictory to what they were told when they first
up the lake, a president actively hostile to any climate started farming.”
“Sunny Oakledge Beach”, 2012, oil on canvas, by Brooke Monte. brookemonte.com
protection rules, and weak-kneed congressional A new effort to reach a broad spectrum of Vermonters
representatives afraid to cross him, or the aisle. was launched by LCBP in September, with a 30-second commercial in three area movie
In such conditions, it’s particularly notable that Vermont Rep. Peter Welch achieved a theaters: the Roxy in Burlington, the Majestic in Williston, and Palace 9 in South
bipartisan amendment with New York Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) to appropriate $8.4 Burlington. “Get involved and be part of the solution” flashes across the screen in large
million in fiscal year 2019 for the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), nearly doubling letters to images of happy young people checking water quality, pulling up weeds, and
the original figure of $4.4 million. measuring streams.
“I approached Congresswoman Stefanik for two reasons,” Welch told The It also underscores the need for individual Vermonters to take responsibility.
Bridge. “One, we share the lake. Her district is all along the New York side of “It’s always easier to point at someone else down the road, across the state,
Lake Champlain. Number two, she’s a Republican colleague in a Republican- and across the lake,” Howe explains. “Even if they don’t see the lake or access
majority House. Her co-sponsorship with me on a funding amendment was the lake, if they live in the watershed, like Greensboro, they have an effect.
extremely helpful in getting the Republican leadership to agree.” The rarity Anything they do on their property drains down to Lake Champlain.”
of the partnership in these times is not lost on Welch. “It’s quite unusual for The data in the 2018 State of the Lake report, published by LCBP, also
the Republican House to entertain an amendment that boosts spending on emphasizes the point. Vermont has a far greater impact on the lake than New
an environmental measure. So Elise’s co-sponsorship with me was critical for York or Quebec. This is stark when looking at the mean annual phosphorus
getting it passed.” load coming from the main tributaries. On the New York side, the highest
It becomes all the more laudable when considering the appropriation started at amount, 41 metric tons per year, comes from the Ausable River. In Vermont,
$0 in the president’s budget for fiscal years 2017, ‘18, and ‘19. four rivers dwarf that amount with both the Missisquoi and Winooski
“In the first federal budget with the current administration, in 2017,” explains topping out at 170 metric tons. “That is primarily because of the land uses but
Eric Howe, director of the Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP), “we were primarily because Vermont has 60 percent of the watershed,,” Howe explains.
zeroed-out. The LCBP has a line in the president’s budget...and the number “In New York, a higher percentage of their share of the watershed is forested.”
next to us was $0. In 2018 and ‘19, we were zeroed out again.” For Welch, many of these efforts may come to naught without addressing
Compared to the $1.3 billion cleanup cost, however, $8.4 million is just a the larger issue of climate change. “We’ve got to do what we can locally to
drop in the bucket—or a spit in the lake—so it’s an ongoing debate where address what goes into the water,” Welch said, “but we also have to do what
the rest of the money will come from. “The money is there,” Welch stresses, we can globally to address climate change.” Indeed, the effect of climate
“the question is where to put it,” noting the $2.3 trillion cost of the cost of change on the lake is already making things worse, from increased storms
the Trump tax cut. “In order to have the money to do the things we need... and flooding, disruption of wildlife breeding cycles, invasive species, erosion
we have to be getting away from these tax cuts for corporations and very and sedimentation, cyanobacterial blooms, deep-water hypoxia (low-oxygen
wealthy people and putting our money into long-term improvement of our conditions), not to mention the millions of recreation dollars lost.
infrastructure, which would include water quality.” For that, Welch puts his hope in the “blue wave” in November. “This midterm
Vermont State Treasurer Beth Pearce has called for an “all-in” approach, with election is an opportunity for Americans to let them send a message that they
a number of ideas on the table, including taxes on bottled water, alcohol, want to make course correction.” Although Trump will still be in the White
gas, and pet care; a per-parcel landowner fee; a dollar-per-night fee on hotel House, a Democratic House majority would be a step in the right direction,
stays; and even the possibility of a toll on the Lake Champlain Bridge. Several Welch believes, with effects that could be felt immediately. “It would really
candidates for this year’s election are also eyeing the potential revenue from help, because I think what we could do, if we have a Democratic majority in the
a tax-and-regulate marijuana market. An effort to create a long-term funding House, is start passing practical legislation and budgets that meet environmental
plan, legislative bill S.260, was attempted but rejected by Governor Phil needs, among other things.”
Scott until the Senate stripped all the actual funding mechanisms, leaving A summer experience made it particularly personal to Welch.
a watered-down bill that creates a “Clean Water Planning, Funding, and “I took a trip out on the lake on a beautiful day. It was pre-algae bloom season
Implementation Committee to recommend to the General Assembly draft but it was just beginning; I believe they call is speckling, where you could see
legislation to establish an equitable and effective long-term funding.” Thus far, these tiny organisms in the water that eventually come together and congeal into
as several environmental advocates have pointed out, it does little to nothing this horrible bloom. The contrast of being out on the lake on one of the most
to solve the problem. beautiful days of the summer and seeing people enjoy the lake so much...but
That said, even if the money were raised, it’s no silver bullet, as Howe explains. then to look into the water and see the beginning of these massive algae blooms
“Even if we were able to spend that $1 billion today, and fix all the problems that really threaten the fish and access—that really moved me. Time’s a wastin’
in the watershed, there’s still a lot of phosphorus and other nutrients that have and we need to get on this yesterday.”
accumulated in the sediments for a long time. This has been a problem that’s For Howe, when the mountaintop seems too high, he finds inspiration and
been building for the last 400 years. It’s going to take a long time for all that motivation in the lake itself.
to be fixed.”
“It can certainly be overwhelming, and honestly, when I see myself going down
Plus, Welch warns, dumping all the money in the world into the cleanup is that road; we are fortunate that our office is on the lake, and actually I just walk
useless if there’s no change in the practices that have caused the pollution over down to the lake and sit and reflect on the lake, and that restores my hope.”
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Wellness Walk Invites Public

to Alternative Health Fair
Compiled by Valentyn Smith

orpse pose enthusiasts, Rising Scorpios, roasted dandelion tea, third-eye
chakra stones, and tarot—all things healing and spiritual, or just holistic and
curious, find their way to Montpelier’s first Wellness Walk to be held on Friday,
September 28, 3-7 pm. The event paves the way for anyone to connect with the local
natural health community and learn mindful practices through alternative medicine,
exercise, philosophy, and other therapeutic support forms that have been improving
lives globally for ages.
With more than 100 health and wellness businesses in Montpelier, Vermont’s capital
city is recognized as a healing destination for people who value, and are in need
of, diverse health and wellness options. The mind-body-spirit connection is being
recognized as beneficial for people navigating health challenges—from overall well-
being and stress management to injury and long-term illness.
Think of it as a chance to visit and chat with all those places and practitioners you’ve
been curious about. The Wellness Walk is an opportunity to meet practitioners, ask
questions, and learn more about alternative health and wellness options that can
provide support for the entire being. In addition, keep an eye out for special discounts
and package offers happening only at this event.
Services available at the 22 venues on the walk include exercise and movement
(yoga, pilates, zumba, physical therapy); massage therapy and bodywork (oncology,
orthopedic, relaxation, Ashiatsu, craniosacral therapy, myofascial release); holistic
health care (concierge primary care, fertility and pregnancy support, nutritional
counseling, Ayurvedic counseling, Gua Sha facials, health coaching); energy medicine
(Reiki, Energy Genesis chamber); herbalism (herbal medicine, trainings); spiritual
guidance (shamanism, astrology, medium/tarot/oracle readings, hand analysis); and
healing products (body care, CBD, herbs, aromatherapy, supplements).
Those attending receive a “Wellness Passport” and will be entered into a drawing for
gift certificates and products from participating Wellness Walk businesses. A Wellness
Passport can be picked up at any of the participating businesses and includes details
on how to enter. Attendees are invited to visit with the staffs of businesses they may be
curious about to learn more about options through demos and individual conversations.
The walk is kid-friendly, and the cost of attendance is free. The event is a collaborative
effort presented by the Vermont Wise Women Entrepreneurs and the participating
businesses in the Montpelier Wellness Walk.

The Bridge is always willing to admit to mistakes. Here are two from previous
In the article “Living a Car-Free Life in Montpelier” in our Sept 6 issue, it’s written
“Glennie has a specialist in Williston.” The name should be Glen, not Glennie.
In the Heard on the Street section in our August 23 issue, it was implied that Magical
Falafel was open every weekday. It is only open one day a week, on Mondays.
If you spot an error in The Bridge, feel free to notify us at
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Lawson’s Finest Set to Open New Waitsfield

Brewery and Taproom by Mike Dunphy

mong the faces carved into Vermont’s Mount As for the timber-structured, grand-hall style, taproom
Rushmore of Craft Beer is Sean Lawson’s. itself, the intention is to wow.
Together with his wife, Karen, they transformed “We first want to see them walk through that front door,
a tiny one-barrel nano-brewery at their Warren home look at the fireplace, and then around to the timber
in 2008 into a 30-barrel, 7,500-square-foot brewery frame and see their jaw drop and say, ‘Wow, this is
and taproom set to open this fall along Route 100 amazing,’” she said. Certainly, the vast space—capable
in Waitsfield. In between, the couple established an of holding nearly 200 people—looks the part with
“alternating proprietorship” at Two Roads Brewing high, pitched ceilings, ample light through wrap-around
Company in Stratford, Connecticut, where they brew windows, a central bar, games area, communal picnic
their flagship “Sip of Sunshine IPA” and “Super Session” tables, and an outdoor beer garden.
series. That’s tremendous growth for just 10 short years,
and any search for the explanation ends with a single sip Attention to the structure itself, designed in collaboration
of the sunshine—a rite of passage for anyone exploring with Brattleboro-based Austin Design, also reveals
Vermont’s vaunted craft beer industry. much about the personalities of Sean and Karen. “Our
construction manager tells us all the time that Sean and
With so much success and such a solid reputation, the I are a rare breed in the sense that we made every single
Lawsons could have chosen almost anywhere to open decision. He said he’s used to owners letting other people
the new brewery and taproom, but no other place than make those decisions, and Sean and I are so particular
Waitsfield came into serious consideration. about what we wanted this to be. Our fingerprints are all over this.”
“Sean and I live in the [Mad River] valley,” explains Karen Lawson. “That’s where our original That includes the slaps of Vermont verde, antique, serpentine stone; chandeliers of blown
brewery was. We were very clear that we wanted to create a public space in the same area as we Simon Pearce glass (with direct breaths from Karen and Sean); acoustical tiles in the ceiling to
live. We could have gone anywhere, but it’s not home. This is home.” absorb sound; local artwork by Erin Bundock, a studio art major at UVM; and a tall, stone,
Indeed, it might seem like destiny when considering the fact that the land’s previous owner, gas fireplace (because wood would alter the senses, and therefore the taste of the beer), a games
James Kohl, had actually set aside approximately half of the on-site wastewater system years area for kids with foosball table and more, allows parents—as the Lawsons are—to have mini-
ago, hoping that Lawson’s Finest Liquids would purchase the property. “He had asked years dates. Adjacent to that is the retail area, with take-home packs of beer, T-shirts, jerseys, hats,
ago when we weren’t ready,” Karen said. “He put it aside and purchased that quantity, hoping and assorted beery schwag. It’s important to note that there will be no growler filling station,
that we would get here, which we did, and he was patient, so really the stars aligned in terms though, as they can’t control the quality.
of the actual location.” Indeed, it’s the attention to quality that Karen claims will keep Lawson’s Finest from expanding
And, according to Karen, the home area is just as happy as they are with the new complex, any further. “We do not have any goals of getting bigger and adding locations.” A good example
larger than any other structure in town, particularly as a stabilizing force for the dips in tourism of this is the distribution from the Two Roads brewery, which now covers New England and
and their attending dollars between the seasons. New York. “We require our distributors to
“What we are hoping is that we will help keep our beer cold from the minute it leaves
stabilize the ups and downs of the tourism in the dock to our account. We are unique in
our area because during May and November, that way.”
things really drop off. A lot of restaurants close. Also worked into the design is a wastewater
It’s difficult for employees at the mountain to filtration system to address the problem
plan their income.” stressing wastewater facilities around the state,
Furthermore, the Lawsons are making a point as beer waste has been causing numerous
of working with local businesses, not against problems, including 1.8 million gallons of
them. A big example of this is the dining options in the taproom, which will keep to tasting dirty water flowed into the Lake Champlain during three days in June. Happily, a new
plates of Green Mountain Twisters pretzels, smoked meats, and cheese. “Our vision is really 9,000-gallon-per-day wastewater system was built on the Winter Park property, where the
‘come here, have a few drinks, some smoked meats and cheese, but then go and visit any of the brewery is located, in 2017. The Lawsons went one step further, installing a pre-treatment plant
existing, great, local restaurants for your meal,” Karen explains. that removes the biological solids—like yeast—and “digests” the organic load. “Being a brewery
Locals no doubt also appreciate the 30 to 40 jobs coming with the business, all with hourly and using a lot of water and waste, it’s our job to make sure it’s filtered out to go above and
wages that exceed $15 per hour, healthcare, dental, vision, and even 401(k) plans. This also beyond what we need to do to make sure it’s clean going into the town system.”
allows Lawson’s Finest to forgo tipping altogether. However, should customers feel compelled Once the brewery is up and running, it will draw water from a Scrag Mountain aquifer to
to give, all tips will go to supporting local non-profits. produce 12 recipes, including fan favorites and new varieties, including Double and Triple
Understandably, it’s generated a lot of response to the many job advertisements filling local Sunshine, Maple Imperial Stout, “Hopzilla” [IPA], Knockout Blonde [ale], and “Maple Nipple”
papers, although not always with the needed qualifications. “Some people just want to be [amber ale]. However, distribution will be more limited than the Two Roads brewery, with sales
part of the Lawson’s Finest but don’t necessarily have the skills and knowledge needed for primarily on the premises and at some yet-unspecified local purveyors.
a particular role,” Karen reflects, “so that has been a little challenging. Some jobs are more For Karen, the entire project, now coming to close two years after the first sit-down with the
trainable than others.” project manager, has been an education in business. “We don’t have enough time for me to tell
you all the things I’ve had to learn. I’ve had to learn about the industry, running a business, you
name it, the list is long.” It’s this experience that also gives her some insight into the “bubble” of
breweries popping up almost everywhere in the state.
“The statistic of those that open and close within a year or three years is high,” she said. “I think
what people don’t realize is that you are running a business. I think a lot of folks get into starting
a brewery because they like to home brew but the business acumen that is required to have this
be sustainable and a quality operation is not to be underestimated. I wonder if some people get
into it and don’t realize it’s not just showing up and making beer. There’s a business to run.”
It’s perhaps also instructive that the Lawsons focused not only on direction, but also
destination—a small and family-focused business. “We have been approached countless times
by investors, and we made a very clear decision early on that Sean and I were going to maintain
ownership, and the importance of an independent brewer is not to be underestimated as well.
When brewers sell out to Anheuser Busch, people will stop buying their product. So, Sean and
I are extremely cognizant of keeping it a family business. This is really what we’ve been working
so hard for over the last ten years.”
For beer lovers statewide, the only remaining question is “When do you open?” At the moment,
there’s still no clear answer. “We are publicly saying ‘autumn,’ Karen says with a grin, “and every
day is a day closer.”
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Wood Mountain Ferries Fish From Bait to Plate by Gail Callahan

here does Montpelier’s fish come from? For many caught the fish and the time it came. Our work is personal,
local restaurants, the answer is Massachusetts- and I think it shows,” Wood stresses.
based wholesaler Wood Mountain Fish helmed Wood emphasizes that he doesn’t have a warehouse, and he
by Ethan Wood, who pursues a “bait-to-plate” philosophy notes that when potential customers call, they speak with
that pulls the fish from the water in the morning and gets a person without pushing buttons and interacting with
them in Vermont kitchens by evening. automated voicemail prompts. Wood delivers to between
David Huck, worker-owner of Woodbelly Pizza & Catering 50 and 100 customers in the Green Mountain State, mostly
in Montpelier, knows Wood’s products well. The Barre along the I-89 corridor, depending on the season.
Street business has sourced fish exclusively from Wood for That’s a large amount of growth since starting the business
more than four years. nearly 15 years ago with a humble pickup truck brimming
“Ethan is very knowledgeable about sustainable fishing, with fish. “Our growth has come from word-of-mouth.”
is honest, and provides an incredibly fresh product at a Wood points out. “People are still pretty passionate about
reasonable price,” Huck says. “Ethan helps us use less- food in Vermont. For us, we want to make our customers
threatened whitefish species and sustainable shellfish happy. There’s a lot of ways to market fish on a large scale,
when we serve large events, while also offering premium and you have to make it easy for the clients.”
fillets and whole oven-baked fish at the request of other The state’s foodie culture and demand for high quality,
customers. The striper is fantastic.” artisanal products is a big help, says Wood. “Vermont is, for
Dreux Potvin, a kitchen manager at Three Penny Taproom the most part, a food-driven economy. I’m not going to take
on Main Street, said Wood Mountain Fish, like Woodbelly the risk in supplying below-standard fish to customers.”
Pizza, supplies the restaurant with all of its fish needs. “The Wood is also committed to selling sustainable products.
quality is always there,” says Potvin, noting he’s dealt with The relationships he’s built with Vermont customers over
Wood for four years. The main staples ordered include time paves the way for a sustainable market:
hake, pollack, oysters, mussels, and smoked fish.
“We service like-minded customers. They have the same
The “bait-to-plate” approach has a lot to do with it, approach to bringing local, quality, sustainable products to
developed during the years Wood worked for Legal Sea their businesses. We’re educating ourselves and we aim to
Foods, sharpening his skills and his reputation for acquiring feel good about everything we’re selling.”
the finest products New England fishermen catch in their Photo courtesy of Wood Mountain Fish
“The day I get it, you get it,” Wood explains. In other words, the fish starts the day
in the water, goes to the fisherman’s boat, is packed into refrigerator boxes, passed
to delivery vans, and driven north to Vermont restaurants. “I can tell you about who
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Despite Challenges, Local Restaurants Thrive on Relationships Continued from Page 1

In the face of all these challenges, Montpelier’s successful restaurants also have a lot of
strengths. For example, while the population is small, the connections between customers
and staff run deep. For this reason, Maderia prefers not to refer to her clientele as customers,
but guests, acknowledging that Kismet doesn’t only serve food, but plays a part in a larger
“People come to Kismet to celebrate, to mourn, to mark milestones in their life, and to just
visit,” Maderia said. “We are here for them. We can be witnesses for our community. It is a
really amazing relationship.”
Kismet is not alone. Morris also affirmed Skinny Pancake’s policy of referring to customers
as guests, and every business emphasized the importance of forming lasting friendships and
listening to the community.
One recurring theme that emerges while talking to local, successful restaurant owners is the
importance of having well-trained and enthusiastic staff.
Carol Paquette, owner of Sarducci’s, which opened its doors 25 years ago, says her restaurant

Brian and Karen Zecchinelli. Photo courtesy of the Wayside Restaurant

has been successful because of the hard work her team puts in. “The chef, Jeff Butterfield,
runs a tight kitchen. He is creative especially with his specials. Every week, when I read what
he is featuring, I get so excited.”
She also cited continuity as a key to success. “ I now have the younger generation head up
the front,” she said. “Our servers are the best and we take training them very seriously. We
have some staff that has been with us over 20 years.”
Having a passionate owner is also important to the longevity of a restaurant. Many of our
local restaurants are independent and owner-operated, meaning that unlike in some large
establishments and chains, the owner is in the restaurant, working with the staff. It takes
an impressive amount of endurance to work in the restaurant business, and an immense
amount of dedication to be a restaurant owner.
Proffitt reflected on her choice to start a restaurant in Montpelier, “I wanted to be a part of
the community and serve people. It was a great decision.”
With the recent closings, it is easy to overlook the noteworthiness of our local restaurants in
favor of dwelling on the past. According to the Wayside’s Brian Zecchinelli, moving forward
is an essential part of a successful restaurant’s philosophy.
“The old restaurant proverb is ‘You’re only as good as your last meal,’” he said. “I compare
it to a Broadway show. Every day is a new night; every day is a new breakfast.”
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Looking Forward and Back on

Montpeculiar’s Eateries by Dot Helling

grew up in the 1960s. I did not attend Goddard College, but the reasons that drew me Another round of epicurean experiences came with the closing of M.J. Friday’s and the
to Central Vermont and Montpelier were similar to those that brought many students opening of Sarducci’s and Julio’s. Capitol Plaza’s J. Morgan’s Steakhouse has a place in
and activists to our area. Fifty years ago, Vermont became a bastion of co-op startups, that time period, as does the Thrush Tavern, which has been around forever in different
organic farming, and alternative lifestyles. iterations. Nothing is like the Thrush's first bar and restaurant, a watering hole and lobbying
Last month, I sat through a City Council meeting that addressed the latest rendition of the center for our legislators.
Hampton Inn, transit center, and parking garage projecst. To some, the proposed complex When establishments like these change or close, there is a tizzy of activity until patrons settle
is monolithic, particularly with the proposed increase in size and height of the garage and on their next established meeting place. Today it's become harder for the morning folks who
the area that will be covered by buildings along the downtown river corridor. gather at places such as Bagitos, Capitol Grounds, Skinny Pancake, and J. Morgan’s, none of
The proposed Confluence Park to be located next to it sounds lovely, but how will it resonate which are as central a hub as the Coffee Corner, or open as early. Lunchtime in the warmer
with the project? Will folks really want to swim and kayak in a park stuck between a large seasons brings crowds to the outdoor seating areas and pop-ups. In colder months, there are
concrete building complex and Memorial Drive, along and in a river with questionable good soup and sandwich places, but many are take-out.
water quality? My current dinner favorites include Pho Capital, a BYOB where you can get a reasonably
In thinking about this project, my mind traveled to all of the changes in our capital city that priced dish with lots of vegetables, located in the historic Thrush Tavern building.
have altered the daily lives of our residents over the past decades. Many of the changes had Unfortunately, the building is at risk. The Gulf station in front of it recently was sold, and
to do with places where we congregate to dine and converse. Food and dining have always new owner, Thom Lauzon, plans to erect an office building that could block the Thrush
been a hub for socialization. building and its historic facade from public view. The Thrush once sat closer to State Street
on the Lauzon site.
Notable restaurants of the past included the Stockyard, now the site of the Vermont State
Employees Credit Union, and the Lobster Pot, which is now NECI on Main. Next door Were the future of the building up to me, I would swap the parcels and put the Thrush
to the Lobster Pot was Central Market, where we bought fresh cuts of butchered meat and back on State Street and place Lauzon’s new building behind it and next to the government’s
cheddar cheese off the wheel while catching up on local news. We also had the Country parking pit. However, that’s not my decision, and I can only hope developers like Lauzon
Store selling live lobster and catfish sandwiches, the Coffee Corner for breakfast, and and our city leaders will use vision and move in a manner that preserves our heritage and
Angeleno’s for pizza. fits what keeps “Montpeculiar” historic and unique.
Then there was the one and only, nationally known Horn of the Moon restaurant on In June, Beau Butchery on Barre Street closed, followed later this summer by Banchan
Langdon Street, Ginny Callan’s creation and still the subject of best-selling vegetarian on Elm Street. Just recently the doors closed at DeMena’s on Main and Asiana House on
cookbooks. It was my “go-to” place, especially when I practiced law across the street. State. To me, the closure of four seemingly popular restaurants in four months is too much
change. With change comes a shift. I’m not sure I like the direction Montpelier is going
Of all the local, cherished meeting places over the past 50 or so years, only the Wayside in, but, in the meantime, let’s wine and dine and celebrate our uniqueness and small town
Restaurant on the Barre-Montpelier Road carries on. No place remaining in our downtown virtues. After all, in what other state capital without a McDonald’s or Burger King can your
has the longevity and history of our special drinking and eating meccas that have closed. palate salivate on such international, wholesome, and local cuisine?
Capitol Plaza was home to the Montpelier Tavern, an interesting eating establishment with To keep our potpourri of delectables alive, we need to treat ourselves and partake. Nothing
a giant fish tank at the bar and an adjoining swimming pool for entertainment, plus a is better for the soul and our winter comfort than good food and libations served in cozy,
gaggle of politicians as regular patrons. When a train went by, the lights would blink and local venues.
the uneven floor would vibrate. I remember that the toy train circled the eating area back
then just as it does now.
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Autumn is a Great Ride for Central Vermont Cyclists by Kip Roberts

t’s no secret that Vermont has some of the best fall foliage tours in New England. take you down to Onion River Road and
On the seat of a bicycle, with the wind in your hair, is a great way to experience the back to the more adventurous stretch of the
landscape. But while gravel bicycling is seeing huge participation gains across the pond. Caution is advised and care should
country, Vermont’s most scenic back-road foliage rides require quite a lot of climbing. be taken on the stream crossing and rocky
Enter electric-assist bicycles, or “e-bikes.” No longer are some of the best loops from sections. Upon successful navigation, the
town only accessible by car. E-bikes successfully expand ranges, open possibilities, honks of the departing geese will cheer you
and make gravel road cycling more accessible to more people. Stop into Onion River home along Hill Street and its gravel road
Outdoors this fall to rent or purchase e-bikes for these five local fall foliage loops. overpass—a Vermont oddity. Take ‘er slow
Muddy Onion Hibernator Loop down the big hill to town!
Unveiled this past April as the “short option” for gravel riders awakening from a long Horn of the Bear Swamp
winter, or those without enough riding under their belt to tackle the full 37-mile Terrace Street to East Hill offers five miles
Muddy Onion, this loop climbs past ancient rock walls, sneaks around the back of of nearly undisturbed climbing on this
Sodom Pond on an especially quiet stretch of gravel, and yields sweeping views of favorite loop from Montpelier. Bring your
mountains to the south and west via North Street. Be sure to swing by the quaint and climbing legs and/or your specialized e-bike
lively Adamant Co-op for a mid-ride snack, but leave room for a creemee at Morse for this route that takes you close to Mount
Farm on your cruise back to town. Cap the adventure with a well-earned bite and drink Hunger via a small section of the Class
at Three Penny Taproom. 4 (unmaintained) road. The massive (and
Red Hen Rise paved) descent of Shady Rill and views via
the dam at the south end of Wrightsville
There are only a few options out of Montpelier that don’t require a solid climbing Reservoir will get you set to tackle Horn of
effort, and this is one of them. Meander along the Winooski River via the gravel River The Moon. Get ready for more spectacular
Road on your way to Middlesex for a quick scone and dark cup of artisan coffee. Linger views on North Street before a hasty retreat Bear Swamp. Courtesy of Onion River Outdoors
in the café for a bit or saddle right back up, ‘cause the Great Brook climb awaits. With a to town.
steady pitch up to Center Road, you’ll be fully warmed up for the Molly Supple climb.
Be sure to enjoy the coast’s view along Culver Road when looking over your shoulder Maple Corner Loop de Loop
to see Mount Hunger peeking out the clouds. Tip: The 14-mile round-trip to Red Hen This wandering loop has multiple options for shorter loops, route adjustment, or
Bakery and back is a solid morning “coffee run.” If you’re not feeling up to tackling additional exploring. If you make it all the way out to Maple Corner, reward yourself
the Middlesex climbs, spinning back around on River Road is completely acceptable. with a swim and a bite to eat at the general store. History abounds in Kents Corners.
Brook Road and Molly Supple will still be there for next time. Don’t pass up the small detour up Robinson Cemetery Road to check out the “thunder
Chasing Berlin Pond mill.” Zip by the Old West Church on your way to skirting Bliss Pond and taking a
little long cut up Wheeler Road for a bit more exploration of this Class 4road. Adamant
Possibly better done as two separate loops, this ride gets a bit adventurous after leaving and its serene pond offer a quick break before you rollercoaster past farms and sugaring
River Road. The maximum grade of 16.6 percent on the switchbacks of Chase Road operations on Center Road. Get blissed out on Bliss Road before shooting down Main
will make even the hardiest rider question the route choice, or at least require those Street into town.
on e-bikes to click their motor into its highest mode to crest this hill. As you swiftly
descend into Riverton, be sure to look left at the canyon carved by eons of spring melt. Kip Roberts was a 15-year employee at Onion River Sports and now owns Onion River
Berlin Pond awaits your climb up Crosstown Road (best done during low traffic times) Outdoors with his wife Jennifer. No stranger to gravel, mountain, cyclocross, and road
and offers glimpses of fall colors perfectly mirrored in its cool waters. Rolling climbs riding, Kip personally recommends these loops from experience.

Maple Corner Loop de Loop. Courtesy of Onion River Outdoors

T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 15

Ben Dunham Music Announces New Album Collaboration

and Release Party
ontpelier-based producer and musician Ben Dunham will release his new
album, Collaboration, on Friday, September 21, 2018. The album features 10
of the leading musicians from around New England. The musicians include
Dave Gutter, Sara Grace, Rob O’Dea, Robinson Morse, Andrew Suits, Gabe Halberg,
Alex Gill, Jonas Eno-Van Fleet, Brandon Klarich and Ben Dunham.
Speaking of the album, Dunham recounted, “Collaboration was exciting to create,
we’ve been writing and in the studio non-stop since Backline Collective [2017] was
released challenging ourselves to one-up that success. We have an amazing group of
people that can put their heads together and make great things happen.”
The album release party will be hosted by actor Luis Guzmán (Traffic, Boogie Nights,
Carlito’s Way) at 495 South Walden Road in Cabot on September 21, from 8:30 pm to
midnight. The Release Party will feature original live music and is open to the public
with a $10 cover charge at the door.
Starting September 21, Collaboration can be found for download at reverbnation.com/ Photo courtesy of Ben Dunham

Advertise in the NEXT ISSUE:

In Circulation October 4–October 17
For more information about advertising deadlines, rates,and the design of your ad, contact
Rick McMahan • 802-249-8666 • rick@montpelierbridge.com
Dot Helling • 802-881-8832 • dot@montpelierbridge.com
PAG E 16 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

Calendar of Events
Community Events
Justice for All's 4th Birthday Party. Celebrate 7 pm, tickets: $25. Spruce Peak Performing

Events happening
Justice For All’s accomplishments and learn
how to get involved in their ongoing 40 Days of
Fire Campaign. Enjoy soul and blues by Dave
Arts Center, 122 Hourglass Dr., Stowe.
Steak Barbecue Fundraiser. Menu includes
Performing Arts
September 20–October 6
Keller. 6–9 pm. Sweet Melissa’s, 4 Langdon
St., Montpelier. No cover. Non-perishable food
sirloin strip steak, baked potato, corn on the THEATER, DANCE,
donations accepted for Capstone Community
cob, green salad, rolls, dessert, and tea or coffee.
Seatings: 4 pm and 6 pm. Twin Valley Senior
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Action. 532-3030 Sept 21–23: The Surrealist Cabaret.
Open Ears at Bagitos. Join Montpelier city Center, Blueberry Commons, Rt. 2, East
Presented by the Royal Frog Ballet. A
councilor Glen Coburn Hutcheson to talk Montpelier. $20. 223-3322.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 walking performance and installation event
about the city or anything else. 8:30–9:30 am. 4th Annual Vermont Book Award Gala. that weaves storytelling, movement, music,
Barre Congregational Church Community
Bagitos, 28 Main St., Montpelier. ghutcheson@ Celebrate Vermont writers! This year’s finalists surrealism, song, and sculpture through a
Meal. 7:30 am–9:00 am. 35 Church St., Barre.
montpelier-vt.org, 839-5349. are Katherine Arden, Jason Chin, Greg Delanty, farm landscape at sunset in a folky, comedic,
Fall Open House. Learn all about VCFA. Adam Federman, April Ossman, Martin Philip, and ritualistic evening for all ages. 5 pm.
Trinity United Methodist Church Community
Experience life at VCFA with workshops and and Tanya Lee Stone. Hors d’oeuvres and During the Feast and Field Market, 1544
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
information sessions; get a practical, real-world, cash bar beginning 6 pm. Reading and award Royalton Turnpike Rd., Barnard. $18;
breakdown of financial aid with our director presentation at 7 pm. Music by the Geza Carr children $9. theroyalfrogballet.com.
Central Vermont Climate Action Monthly of Admissions; meet faculty and alumni for Quintet throughout. VCFA Alumni Hall,
Meeting. Take action for climate justice locally. an informal Q&A; join program directors for Oct. 6: Magic and Illusion with Jason
45 College St., Montpelier. $45. vcfa.edu
Node group of 350Vermont meets every third presentations; view an exhibition of student and Bishop Saturday. State of the art magic and
Sunday. 7:00–8:30 pm. Unitarian Church, 130 alumni artwork in our College Hall gallery; illusions. Amazing sleight of hand, exclusive
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 grand illusions and even close-up magic
Main St., Montpelier. learn how our low-residency MFA programs Race Against Racism. 5K walk/run through projected onto a huge screen. 7 pm. Spruce
Vermont Author Robin MacArthur. fit your life; explore our campus and the the streets of Montpelier followed by a rally at
community. 9 am–4 pm. Vermont College of Peak Performing Arts Center, 122 Hourglass
MacArthur will discuss her books Half Wild and Montpelier High School. 11:30 am. 5 High Dr., Stowe. $35–50. One free kids ticket with
Heart Spring Mountain. 7–8 pm. Stowe Free Fine Arts, 36 College St., Montpelier. Register School Dr., Montpelier. Registration: adults
at: vcfa.edu purchase of adult ticket. sprucepeakarts.org.
Library, 90 Pond St., Stowe. stowelibrary.org $10; youth $5. Day-of registration: adults $15;
Capital City Farmers’ Market. Market youth $10. raceagainstracismvt.wordpress.com. Oct. 6: Mary Stuart by Frederic Schiller
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 vendors, music, and events. 9 am–1 pm. State raceagainstracismvt@gmail.com in a new version by David Harrower. A
St., Montpelier.montpelierfarmersmarket.com staged reading, this is the latest in Vermont
Friday Morning Fall Migration Bird Walks. Trinity United Methodist Church Community Shakespeare’s Salon Series. This is a rarely
Weekly walks with NBNC naturalists to search Ghost Orchards and Feral Apples. Join NBNC Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., seen epic in a fresh and lean adaptation of
for migratory fall birds at the nature center. naturalists on an exploration of derelict orchards Montpelier. the only classical play starring two women
7:00–8:30 am. North Branch Nature Center, to learn about the natural and cultural history WORDS OUT LOUD. This annual reading in power. A short discussion follows. 7:30
713 Elm St., Montpelier. $10 non-members; free of our venerable state fruit. Do some wild-style series accompanies the Art at the Kent exhibit pm. Highland Center for the Arts, 2875
for members. apple picking and return to the trailhead to “Backstory” at the Kent Museum. Readings Hardwick St., Greensboro. Adults $15; seniors
Stay Steady VT. There are so many things you press fresh cider and more. 9 am–3 pm. North by Karla Van Vliet and George Longenecker. $12; students $10. Highlandartsvt.org.
can do to stay steady and prevent a fall. Learn Branch Nature Center, 713 Elm St., Montpelier. 3 pm. Old West Church, 758 Old West
NorthBranchNatureCenter.org Oct. 6: FEMCOM. All-female standup
about reducing your risk for falling and have an Church Rd., Calais. Free; donations welcome. comedy. 8:30 pm. Espresso Bueno, 248 N.
individualized screening by volunteer physical Fostering Learning Partnerships Between thekentmuseum@gmail.com Main St., Barre. Free/by donation. 479-0896.
therapists and student PTs. 10 am–noon. Twin Classrooms and Authors (and Illustrators). Eat Up on The Green at Camp Meade. Weekly espressobueno.com.
Valley Senior Center, Blueberry Commons, Rt. An Educator Series Workshop with local author
2, East Montpelier. community event series. 4–9 pm. 961 Rt. 2,
Christy Mihaly and elementary school teacher Middlesex.
Cycles of Life. Join TVSC in this place of Susan Koch. 11 am. Bear Pond Books, 77 Main
comfort where we can all come together to
listen, talk and share about the things in life’s
St., Montpelier, Free. bearpondbooks.com
Trinity United Methodist Church Community
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Send your event
Community Lunch at Unitarian Church
cycle we are all experiencing in our own way
now for ourselves and the earth we live on.
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
Montpelier. 11:00 am–12:30 pm. 130 Main St., listing to calendar@
11:45 am–1:00 pm. Twin Valley Senior Center,
Blueberry Commons, Rt. 2, East Montpelier. Mountainfilm on Tour. Enjoy a selection of Trinity United Methodist Church Community
223-3322 culturally rich, adventure-packed and incredibly
inspiring documentary short films. Family
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
Deadline for print in
Oysters & Wine. Starting 3 pm. North Branch
Café, 41 State St., Montpelier. north-branch.com
Friendly Matinee at 3 pm, tickets: $15 adults, $5
ages 12 and under. Evening screening, Salvation Army Community Lunch. Noon–1 the next issue
pm. 25 Keith Ave., Barre.
is Sept. 28.
T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 17

Calendar of Events
Visual Arts
Through Sept. 28: Northern Vermont Through Oct. 30: Sumi-e Meditations. Smith have developed over the last 20 years.
Art Association Exhibition. T. W. Wood Oriental brush paintings by Ronda Stoll. Opening reception: Sept. 21, 5–7 pm. Helen
Gallery, 46 Barre St., Montpelier. 262-6035. The Morrisville Post Office, 16 Portland St., Day Art Center Main Gallery, 90 Pond St.,
twwoodgallery@gmail.com. twwoodgallery.org Morrisville. 888-1261. riverartsvt.org Stowe. mail@helenday.com
EXHIBITS Through Sept. 30: James Peterson, Through Oct. 31: Abstract within the Square. Through Nov. 9: Mountains, Mesas, and
Through Sept. 26: Oil Paint & Black Walnut: Dreamcatcher. Large-scale interactive Paintings by Maggie Neale. Jaquith Library, Monoliths: Gold-toned Brownprints of Zion
Abstracts, Works on Paper. Dian Parker’s installation that was inspired by the magical Old Schoolhouse Common, Marshfield. Canyon by Matt Larson. 18 framed, smaller-
exhibit features abstract oil paintings on canvas, ice caves of Kamchatka in Siberia. The grounds scaled gold-toned brownprints and 8 large-scale,
as well as mixed media works on black walnut Through Oct. 31: Flea Market Finds.
of Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, 122 Photographs by Mark Dixon. Chelsea Public unframed gold-toned brownprints of Zion
stained paper. Zollikofer Gallery at Hotel Hourglass Dr., Stowe. helenday.com Canyon, Utah. Morse Block Deli, 260 N. Main
Coolidge, 39 S. Main St., White River Junction Library, 296 Rt. 110, Chelsea. 685-2188.
Through Sept. 30: Show 27 at The Front. markdixonphotography.com St., Barre.
Through Sept. 27: Nick DeFriez, Hillsides and The collective gallery’s latest show. Now open Through Nov. 30: Carole Naquin Exhibition.
Hexagons. Paintings. Governor’s Gallery, 109 Through Nov. 2: Macaulay in Montpelier:
weekends: Fri., 4–7 pm; Sat.–Sun., 11 am–5 pm. selected sketches and drawings. Soft pastel paintings that capture the energy
State St., Montpelier. Photo ID required for 6 Barre St., Montpelier. thefrontvt.com of sky, river, and field. Artisans Hand Gallery,
entry. Internationally recognized author and illustrator
Through Sept. 30: Anita Zotkina. The will exhibit images from eight of his books, Main St. Montpelier
Through Sept. 27: Harry A. Rich, The Cheshire Cat, 28 Elm St., Montpelier. including preliminary sketches and finished Through Jan. 7: Altered Spaces Group
Vermont Years, So Far… Large-scale acrylic- 223-1981. cheshirecatclothing.com. art created between 1982 and 2010. Vermont Exhibition. The exhibition opens with
on-canvas paintings. Vermont Supreme Court Arts Council Spotlight Galler, 136 State St., a dynamic collection of work—collage,
Gallery, 111 State St., Montpelier. Through Oct. 5: Outside Inside Out. Barre
artist Sabrina Fadial’s sculpture, installation art Montpelier. photography, painting, and multimedia
Through Sept. 27: Possibilitarian Uprising: and drawings. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Through Nov. 3: Exhibits at Studio Place installation in September which will build in
Post-Apocalypse for ¾ Empire. Peter Northern Vermont University-Johnson. Arts. Opening reception: Sept. 21, layers throughout the fall—inviting the public to
Schumann’s woodcuts. Exhibition of woodcuts 635-1469. sabrinafadial.com 5:30–7:30 pm. 201 N. Main St., Barre. revisit and interact as the exhibition continues.
on cloth banners, inspired by Albrecht Opening reception: Oct. 6, 5:30 pm.
Durer’s (1471–1528) engravings depicting Thorugh Oct. 7: Backstory—Art at the Kent. studioplacearts.com Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, 122
Backstory is about the artist’s history as well as Rock Solid XVIII. Annual stone sculpture
the Apocalypse as envisioned in the Book of exhibit showcases stone sculptures and Hourglass Dr., Stowe. sprucepeakarts.org
Revelation. Goddard College Art Gallery, of the materials used. Kent Museum,
Pratt Center, 123 Pitkin Rd., Plainfield. 7 Old West Church Rd., Calais. kentscorner.org assemblages by area artists and other work
that depicts the beautiful qualities of stone.
artcommittee@goddard.edu. 322-1604 Through Oct. 20: Exposed. Outdoor sculpture Oct. 3: Art Gallery Opening and Reception:
Find the Quiet. Works in rust, eucalyptus,
exhibition. Helen Day Art Center, Pond St., Linda Mirabile. Pubic exhibition and
Through Sept. 28: Social Justice Art Exhibit. and indigo by Linda Finkelstein
Stowe. helenday.com. refreshments open at 5 pm. Artist’s remarks
Social justice-themed work by Jerry Ralya. TENSION. Site-specific installation art of
at 6:30 pm. Optional bird walks by NBNC
Quimby Gallery at Northern Vermont Through Oct. 26: An Artists Journey. A socio-cultural and environmental datascapes
naturalists departing from nature center at
University-Lyndon. 626-6487. jerryralya.com. Warren Kimble exhibit. More than 50 years by Tuyen Nguyen and Misook Park.
5:30 pm. Optional owl banding demonstration
Through Sept. 28: Maggie Neale. 28 abstract of Kimble’s experience as a fine artist, educator Through Nov. 3: Familiars: Valerie Hammond follows the reception. North Branch Nature
oil paintings using color, form and texture to and antiques collector. T. W. Wood Gallery, and Kiki Smith. This exhibition demonstrates Center, 713 Elm St., Montpelier.
express the inner dance of the subconscious. 46 Barre St., Montpelier. 262-6035 gcallan@ the uniqueness, as well as the intersections, of
City Center, Montpelier. twwoodgallery.org twwoodgallery.org the printmaking practices that Hammond and

positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry products. Lunch is served all day. All proceeds Trinity United Methodist Church Community
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 (AI), a successful methodology embraced by go towards scholarships offered at Hazen Union Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
Barre Congregational Church Community organizations, communities and individuals High School to Woodbury Students. South Montpelier.
Meal. 7:30 am–9:00 am. 35 Church St., Barre. around the world to lead positive change. Woodbury Church, Woodbury. 456-8108 or Montpelier Wellness Walk. An opportunity for
Trinity United Methodist Church Community 6–7 pm. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier. 472-5051. Vermonters and visitors to explore the diversity
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., $5 members; $12 non-members. Open Ears at Bagitos. See description under of alternative health and wellness services and
Montpelier. Love of Fermentation with Gabriela Mendez. Sept. 20 products available in Montpelier. Attendees
Abdi Nor Iftin: "Call Me American.” Author Learn the wonderful way of nourishing our gut Trinity United Methodist Church Community can pick up a Wellness Passport at any of the
Abdi Nor Iftin who will talk about his memoir, microbiome and ourselves through fermentation. Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., participating businesses and stroll through
“Call Me American,” an incredible true story 6–8 pm. 250 Main St., Montpelier. $17 Montpelier. town to discover an abundance of options.
of a boy living in war-torn Somalia who members; $20 non-members. Massage, yoga, herbalism, reiki, acupuncture,
escapes to America–first by way of the movies; Making Herbal Bliss Balls with Donna aromatherapy, therapists, exercise, readings,
Bereavement and Grief Equine Support Derenthal. Bliss balls are a tasty way to take
years later, through a miraculous green card. Group. For those who are having a hard time shamanism, spiritual guidance, energy medicine,
Refreshments, Q&A, and book signing. 7 pm. herbs for supporting immunity, reducing stress, and products that support health and wellness are
in the grieving process, sometimes interaction boosting energy and so much more. 6:30–8:30
Bear Pond Books, 77 Main St., Montpelier. Free. with a horse can help where other interventions all included in the Wellness Walk. Attendees can
bearpondbooks.com pm. 250 Main St., Montpelier. $17 members; visit with businesses they may be curious about
have fallen short. 6:30–7:30 pm. Rhythm of the $20 non-members.
Rein Therapeutic Riding and Driving Program, to learn more through demos and individual
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Water Tower Farm, 386 Rt. 2, Marshfield. Free. Gordon Haywood at the Stowe Free Library. conversations. 3–7 pm. Downtown Montpelier.
Mystery Trip at Barre Area Senior Center. Register: 426-3781. Garden designer and author Gordon Haywood Free.
8:30 am. 135 S. Main St., Barre. discusses “The Inevitable Garden.” 7 pm. Athenaeum Game Night. Fun night of board
Landscapes for Change. Learn about designing 90 Pond St., Stowe. Free. stowelibrary.org
The Christ Church Community Lunch. landscapes and public spaces to create positive games. Play our games or bring your own.
11:00 am–12:30 pm. 64 State St., Montpelier change for both people and nature. With Scott Adults, youth, and kids are encouraged to attend.
Bishop of Northeastern University and Bishop FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1171 Main St.,
Trinity United Methodist Church Community Friday Morning Fall Migration Bird Walks. See St. Johnsbury.
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., Land Design. Part of the Yestermorrow Design/
Build School speaker series. 7 pm. North Branch description under Sept. 21.
Nature Center, 713 Elm St., Montpelier. Free.
Salvation Army Community Lunch.
Noon–1 pm. 25 Keith Ave., Barre.
Introduction to Appreciative Living. Bressie Drennen Exhibit and Luncheon.
Introduces participants to the science of Sept. 27–30. Local artists display and sell their
PAG E 18 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

Calendar of Events
Sept. 28: Acoustic Dinner Set - Ted Sept. 21: Ben Dunham Album Release Party. Sept. 27: Cajun Band Chaque Fois plays

Live Music
Mortimer, 5–7 pm; Party Crashers (classic For the album Collaboration. 8:30 pm. 495 S. at Feast and Field. 5–7 pm. 1544 Royalton
rock) $5 Walden Rd., Cabot. $10. Turnpike Rd., Barnard. feastandfield.com
Sept. 29: Dance Party w/ DJ LaFountaine Sept. 22: Elizabeth Renaud. Acoustic. 6–8 Sept. 27: Neko Case. 7 pm. Fuller Hall,
VENUES Whammy Bar. 31 County Rd., Calais. pm. Dog River Brewery, Barre-Montpelier Rd., St. Johnsbury Academy, 1052 Main St., St.
Charlie O’s World Famous. 70 Main St. Free. whammybar1.com. Berlin. Ages 21+ Johnsbury.
Montpelier. Free. 223-6820. Every Thurs.: Open Mic, 7 pm Sept. 22: Faculty Concert at Adamant Sept. 29: Joe Sabourin. Acoustic. 6–8 pm.
Every Tues.: Karaoke with DJ Vociferious Sept. 21: Bella and the Notables (jazz Music School. 7 pm. Adamant Music School, Dog River Brewery, Barre-Montpelier Rd.,
9:30 pm standards) 7:30 pm Waterside Hall, 1241 Haggett Rd., Adamant. Berlin. Ages 21+
Sept. 21: Chicky Stoltz (blues) 6 pm; Hessian Sept. 22: Bob Hannan and Friends,
7:30 pm Sept. 22: Harmony Survivor: Barre-Tones Sept. 29: Live Jazz at Studio C. Featuring
w/ Seax & Reckless Force (metal) 9 pm
Sept. 28: Them Boys w/ Danny Coane Annual Show. Featuring Women’s Quartet Allison Mann, Colin McCaffrey and Chris
Sept. 22: Tail Light Rebellion (folk punk) 9 pm
(bluegrass) 7:30 pm Champions: Charisma! 7 pm. Barre Opera Peterman. 7 pm. 18 Langdon St., 2nd fl.,
Sept. 28: Z-Jaz (jazz) 6 pm; Ku Fui w/ The
Sept. 29: Jenn and John, 7:30 pm House, 6 N. Main St., Barre. $18; seniors $12; Montpelier. $15. Reservations suggested:
Screwtape Letters (post punk) 9 pm
ages 18 and under $7. barreoperahouse.org. allisonjoymann@ comcast.net
Espresso Bueno. 248 N. Main St., Barre. SPECIAL EVENTS 223-2039 Oct. 4: BarnArts Music at Feast and Field
479-0896. espressobueno.com. Sept. 20: BarnArts Music at Feast and Field Sept. 22: Willa Mamet & Paul Miller. Folk, Market. See description under Sept. 20.
Oct. 6: Olive Tiger & Treya Lam (indie Market. Weekly eclectic music series with a country, Americana, and grassy soul in one Oct. 5: David & Tracy Grisman Benefit
chamber folk) 7:30 pm unique farmers market hosted on a working intimate, acoustic evening. 7:30 pm. Highland Concert. David Grisman is a brilliant
Gusto’s. 28 Prospect St., Barre. 476-7919. farm. 4:30–7:30 pm. Fable Farm, Royalton Center for the Arts, 2875 Hardwick St.,
Turnpike, South Royalton. mandolinist who combines elements of
Ages 21+. No cover unless indicated. Greensboro. $10. Highlandartsvt.org bluegrass, folk, jazz, Latin, gypsy, and swing
Sept. 21: Acoustic Dinner Set - Elizabeth Sept. 21: Marc Ponthus Concert. Works in Sept. 23: Participants’ Concerts at into a genre he calls “Dawg Music.” All
Renaud, 5–7 pm. All ages; Bad Horsey concert by guest artist. 7 pm. Adamant Music Adamant Music School. Works in progress. proceeds benefit the mission of Goddard
(classic rock) 9 pm, $5 School, Waterside Hall, 1241 Haggett Rd., 3 pm and 7 pm. Adamant Music School, College. 7:30 pm. Haybarn Theatre at
Sept. 22: Robin Sunquiet (pop dance) Adamant. Waterside Hall, 1241 Haggett Rd., Adamant. Goddard College, Pitkin Rd., Plainfield.
9:30 pm
$30–50. goddard.edu

Capital City Farmers' Market. See description Eat Up on The Green at Camp Meade. See is the Vermont Reads 2018 book. Come join in
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 under Sept. 22 description under Sept. 23 a lively discussion of the book in an informal
30th Annual Sheep & Wool Festival. setting. Adults and youths are invited to
Sept. 29–30. Tunbridge Fairgrounds, Tunbridge. Trinity United Methodist Church Community
vtsheepandwoolfest.org Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., MONDAY, OCTOBER 1 participate. Books are available for checkout at the
Montpelier. Community Lunch at Unitarian Church front circulation desk. Pizza dinner and beverages
Barre Congregational Church Community Montpelier. 11:00 am–12:30 pm. 130 Main St., provided. 6 pm. St Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1171
Meal. 7:30 am–9:00 am. 35 Church St., Barre. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Montpelier. Main St., St. Johnsbury. Register: 745-1392 or
CVSWMD Hazardous Waste Collection. 30th Annual Sheep & Wool Festival. awestfisher@stjathenaeum.org
Trinity United Methodist Church Community
Last collection of the season. 9 am–1 pm. VT Sept. 29–30. Tunbridge Fairgrounds, Tunbridge. Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
Dept. of Labor Parking Lot, 5 Green Mountain vtsheepandwoolfest.org TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2
Montpelier. Barre Congregational Church Community
Dr., Montpelier. Disposal costs: $20 per car, Trinity United Methodist Church Community
in-district residents. $100 per car, out-of-district Salvation Army Community Lunch. Meal. 7:30 am–9:00 am. 35 Church St., Barre.
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., Noon–1 pm. 25 Keith Ave., Barre.
residents. Businesses must call ahead for pricing Montpelier. Trinity United Methodist Church Community
and to pre-register. 229-9383. cvswmd.org Hunger Mountain Co-op Council Meeting. The Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
WORDS OUT LOUD. This annual reading community meal begins at 5 pm, followed by the
Twin Valley Senior Center Flea Market. Montpelier.
series accompanies the Art at the Kent exhibit business meeting at 5:30 pm. Call 262-3242 or
9 am–2 pm. TVSC, Blueberry Commons, Rt. 2, Backstory at the Kent Museum. Readings Volunteer Meeting at Central VT Adult
East Montpelier. 223-3322 email info@hungermountain.coop to confirm Basic Education. Discover CVABE’s volunteer
by Rick Agran and Elena Georgiou. 3 pm. your spot. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier.
Old West Church, 758 Old West Church opportunities. New volunteers welcome.
Rd., Calais. Free; donations welcome. Vermont Reads: “Bread and Roses, Too.” 4:30–5:30 pm. 100 State St., Suite 3, Montpelier.
thekentmuseum@gmail.com “Bread and Roses, Too” by Katherine Paterson 476-4588, grome@cvabe.org

To see weekly events and

more detailed event listings
visit montpelierbridge.com
T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 19

5 Steps to Cope with Chronic Pain. Are you

Calendar of Events
how the South effectively won the war and why it Chicken Pie Lunch and Dinner. Traditional Send your event
struggling with chronic pain or struggling with matters. 7 pm. Unitarian Church, 130 Main St., chicken and biscuits, squash, peas, cranberry
how to support a loved one with it? Go over Montpelier. sauce, coleslaw, and apple crisp for dessert. listing to calendar@
simple techniques with Ragan Sheridan C-IAYT, Three seatings: Noon, 5 pm, and 7 pm. The
yoga therapist, that you can apply to ease stress, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4 Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Rd., East montpelierbridge.com.
reduce pain, cultivate peace and restore hope.
6:00–7:15 pm. Hunger Mountain Co-op,
Open Ears at Bagitos. See description under Montpelier. Adults $15; children under 12 $8.
Take-out available. Reservations required:
Deadline for print in
Sept. 20
Montpelier. Free.
Trinity United Methodist Church Community
223-6934. oldmeetinghouse.org the next issue
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3 Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., is Sept. 28.
Hike Stowe with Green Mountain Club. Easy
about 1.5 miles. Easy distance with a moderate Winter Wellness. How can you boost your
climb. New Barnes Camp Loop on the Long immune system during flu season? Learn about
Trail. Meet at the Dept. of Labor at 9 am or the herbs and supplements to take all year long to
new Long Trail parking lot across from Barnes stay healthy. 6:00–7:30 pm. Hunger Mountain
Camp at 10 am. Contact Charlene Bohl, Co-op, Montpelier. Free.
229-9908 or charlenebohl@comcast.net.
Flu Clinic. All seniors welcome and remember to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5
bring your Medicare Cards. 10 am–noon. Twin Friday Morning Fall Migration Bird Walks. See
Valley Senior Center, Blueberry Commons, description under Sept. 21.
Rt. 2, East Montpelier. Trinity United Methodist Church Community
The Christ Church Community Lunch. Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St.,
11:00 am–12:30 pm. 64 State St., Montpelier. Montpelier.
Trinity United Methodist Church Community Bethel First Friday Flicks - Free Family Movie.
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., Bring a blanket or beanbag if you want to get
Montpelier. comfy (regular chairs available too). Popcorn &
drinks for sale; donations gladly accepted to cover
Salvation Army Community Lunch. movie cost. 6:30–8:30 pm. Bethel Town Hall,
Noon–1 pm. 25 Keith Ave., Barre. 134 S. Main St., Bethel. bri-vt.org/events
Nourish your Liver Naturally with Aurora
Sun. They will talk about the role of the body’s SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6
largest internal organ, and which herbs you can Hike Hunger & Worcester Mountains with
use to support healthy liver function. 6–8 pm. Green Mountain Club. Middlesex. About 11.8
250 Main St., Montpelier. $17 members; $20 mile loop. Difficult ascent and descent, Moderate
non-members. crossover. Bring lunch and water. Contact
Practical Bio-Resonance: Vibration Medicine. Morgan Irons, 223-7044 or morgan.irons@
Addresses illness and wellbeing in all aspects of our myfairpoint.net for meeting time and place.
humanness: physical, emotional, psychological, NASA 60th Anniversary Celebration. Videos
energetic, and inner. 6:00–7:30 pm. and exhibits. The Hub at Berlin Mall, Berlin.
Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier. Free. Free. Design & Build • New Construction
Bereavement and Grief Equine Support Barre Congregational Church Community
Group. See description under Sept. 26. Meal. 7:30 am–9:00 am. 35 Church St., Barre.
Custom Energy-Efficient Homes • Renovations
How the South Won the Civil War and Why It
Matters. Most Americans were taught that the
Capital City Farmers' Market. See description Additions • Timber Frames • Woodworking
under Sept. 22
Weatherization • Remodeling
North won and the South lost the Civil War. But
what if its underlying issues were never resolved?
Trinity United Methodist Church Community • General Contracting
Lunch. 11:30 am–1:00 pm. 137 Main St., Kitchens • Bathrooms • Flooring
Harvard professor John Stauffer connects the
Civil War era with current events, highlighting Tiling • Cabinetry • Fine Woodwork

PAG E 2 0 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE
T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 21

Food As Medicine by Iris Gage

“Dear Iris, diet, with fortified foods and supplements. Contrary to what
I have been taking supplements for many years now and you might hear, soy products aren’t a good source of B12, as
they are taking a toll on my wallet. Is there another way I it is an inactive form of the vitamin.
can get the nutrients I need?” - K. Skomitz Calcium is interestingly the most abundant mineral in the

ou’re sitting in a cafe on a rainy afternoon with a close body, and roughly 99 percent is stored in our teeth and
friend. While sipping on your green tea and catching bones (then released into the bloodstream as needed). Not
up, your friend tells you about how she started to take only is calcium paramount for bone and teeth health but also
a vitamin C supplement. “I read online that vitamin C can for the nervous system and muscle contractions. Without
boost my immune system, so I drove to the natural food calcium, our nerve communication would be far less optimal.
store and bought a bottle. I just started to take it; I think Some foods that are high in calcium include sardines (with
it’s helping,” says your friend with such glee and admiration. bones), yogurt or kefir, nettles, raw milk, kale, and almonds.
Hmmm, I have been getting sick a lot, you think to yourself, In order to absorb calcium efficiently, we need to also have
maybe I need vitamin C also? After your meetup, you beeline magnesium, vitamin D, and vitamin K. I like to think of this
group as inseparable best friends. This is a superb example of

sage advice
it to the natural food store and buy a bottle of vitamin C
that’s on sale. Great, healthy me, here I come! why it is so important to get nutrients from food instead of
isolated supplements.
While supplements can be effective at filling nutrient gaps not
supplied by the diet, they are not the panacea they can appear to be. For example, our Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body
bloodstream can only absorb roughly 200 mg of vitamin C at any given time. If we and a crucial electrolyte. Like calcium, most of our magnesium is stored in the bones,
take a 1000 mg supplement, the body will try to excrete the excess, taxing our body, along with muscles and tissue. Magnesium’s role in our bodies is never ending, from
and possibly leading to toxic levels if consumed routinely. The same goes for nearly all insulin metabolism and muscle contractions to DNA synthesis and blood pressure
vitamins and minerals. Plus, a number of studies question the benefits of supplements regulation. Unfortunately, it is possible to be deficient in magnesium even with a
altogether. No one, however, questions the health benefits of a better and more varied healthy diet, so it's important to know you are eating plenty of magnesium-rich foods,
diet. Whole foods should be our first line of medicine, like the adage suggests, “nature such as spinach, swiss chard, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, basil, and black beans.
knows best.” Note: magnesium oil, a topical form, is readily available for people with moderate to
severe magnesium deficiencies.
Below are five essential nutrients and some corresponding foods that pack a replenishing
punch: Potassium is a mineral and electrolyte that is essential for maintaining fluid and
electrolyte balance. It’s the third most abundant mineral in the body and is supportive
Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an to the kidneys, heart, muscles, and brain. Potassium also helps the body stay hydrated
antioxidant and supports our body's connective tissue. Vitamin C also increases the because of its friendship with sodium (if that’s confusing, look up the word osmosis).
absorption of other nutrients, like iron, protects the heart, and boosts the immune Foods high in potassium are: avocado, acorn squash, sweet potato, salmon, apricots
system. Foods that are highest in vitamin C include: black currant, amla berry, red (sulfite free), and coconut water. Notice how I didn’t include bananas? Marketing has
and green pepper, cilantro, rose hips, kiwi, and broccoli. Some of the most common done a great job at making the banana associated with potassium. The truth, however,
signs of vitamin C deficiency are bruising easily, bleeding gums, and getting sick often. is that it's relatively low on the list of foods high in potassium.
Lack of Vitamin B12 is thought to be one of the leading nutrient deficiencies in the Iris Gage is a registered clinical herbalist and owner of the Grian Herbs Apothecary in
world. This overlooked vitamin does many wonderful things for us: It regulates mood Montpelier.
and energy levels, keeps skin looking young and vibrant, modulates energy levels,
supports digestion and absorption, increases memory, and much more. Foods high Have a health-related question you would like Iris to answer in this column? Then email
in vitamin B12 include: animal liver, fish (salmon, trout, sardines, herring), turkey, mail@grianherbs.com or stop by the apothecary.
dairy, lamb, and egg yolks. If you are a vegetarian or vegan, you are at a higher risk
for vitamin B12 deficiency and have to be super diligent about getting enough in your

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PAG E 2 2 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

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Support Community Radio
Community radio became an American institution in the 20th century for many
reasons, but at its core, these reasons tie to connection. Small, independent radio
stations are hubs for honest, real, accessible, 24/7 community dialogue and information
sharing, affording communities that have them a level of civic sovereignty from the
often deceptive measures of corporate media.
Since 1973, WGDR, Goddard College Community Radio, has been this hub for
Central Vermont and beyond. Infused with the licensee’s mission, WGDR provides
programming focused on the collaborative cultivation of tolerance, inquiry, discovery,
freedom, justice for all and the preservation of the natural world. This phenomenal
project in grass-roots, non-corporatized citizen journalism requires your support.
Whether you’re an avid listener, or not, this service is one of the best investments one
can make in the health of their region.
Since 2006, WGDR has realized enormously inspiring innovations. Our youth
journalism programs Indie Kingdom and True Stories became models of national
interest. Our morning drive-time and weekend community public affairs programs,
such as Curse Of The Golden Turnip, Gathering Peace, Relocalizing Vermont, Magical
Mystery Tour and Moccasin Tracks have regular listeners from around the world. Our
educational, one-of-a-kind music programs like Wood Warbler’s Jazz Grass, Geezer
Rock, Trance-Formational Listening, In Common Sounds and Acoustic Harmony
have an unparalleled niche in Vermont, and are being carried by other community
stations around the country.
If this beautiful community radio program is dear to you, your gift today is the best
way to say so. Our fall pledge runs Monday, September 24 through Monday, October
1. To avoid the extra costs and unnecessary use of paper, there will not be a hard copy
appeal arriving in your mailbox this season. Please join me in giving your gift today
by sending a check to WGDR, 123 Pitkin Rd, Plainfield, VT 05667, or through our
secure online donor page at www.wgdr.org.
Kris Gruen, Director, WGDR/WGDH, Goddard College Community Radio

We welcome your letters and opinion pieces. Letters must be fewer than
300 words. Opinion pieces should not exceed 600 words. The Bridge
reserves the right to edit and cut pieces. Send your piece to: editorial@
Deadline for the next issue is September 28
T H E B R I D G E S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 • PAG E 2 3

Montpelier Real Estate Transactions

April 23 – June 29, 2018
PAG E 24 • S E P T E M B E R 2 0 – O C TO B E R 3 , 2 018 THE BRIDGE

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