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Enzyme Inhibitors. Definition, Classification, and Main Properties

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Enzyme inhibitors.

Definition, classification, and main

Enzymes are different chemical compounds that are combined into a group because of their only
feature—they can suppress enzyme activity. The suppression of the activity is the result of the binding
of inhibitor to the enzyme molecule that arrests catalytic reaction. Because enzymes catalyze most part
of chemical reactions in living organisms, the enzyme inhibitors play an important role in the
development of different sciences (biochemistry, physiology, pharmacy, agriculture, ecology) as well as
the technologies (production of pharmaceutical drugs, insecticides, pesticides, chemical weapons, etc.).
Many pharmacological drugs are enzyme inhibitors. The group of well-known pharmaceutical agents
with name nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) includes inhibitors of enzyme cyclooxygenase
that catalyzes a first step of synthesis of biologically active compounds prostaglandins that are
responsible for the development of pain, inflammation, fever, contraction of smooth muscle, formation
of blood clots, and others [5]. All inhibitors may be combined in different groups in accordance with
their chemical structure: ions of metals (Hg+ , Fe2+, Cu+ , Pb2+), organic compounds (e.g., N-
ethylmaleimide, diisopropyl phosphofluoridate, oligomycin), and large bioorganic molecules, (peptides,
proteins, etc). However, this classification does not reflect mechanism of their interaction with enzyme.
In accordance with the mode of action, enzyme inhibitors may be divided into two different groups
(reversible and irreversible inhibitors). Reversible inhibitors, in turn, may be combined in four groups in
accordance with kinetic behavior (competitive, uncompetitive, noncompetitive, and mixed inhibitors)
[6]. The mechanism of action of enzyme inhibitors includes a step of enzyme-inhibitor complex
formation (EI complex) that has no (or low) enzyme activity. An irreversible inhibitor dissociates from
this complex very slow because it is tightly bound to the enzyme. Mainly this mode of inhibition is
connected with the formation of covalent bond or hydrophobic interaction between 244 Enzyme
Inhibitors and Activators enzyme and inhibitor. Irreversible inhibitors usually react with the enzyme and
change it chemically. These inhibitors often contain reactive functional groups that modify amino acid
residues of enzyme that are essential for its activity. They also can provide inhibition affecting the
enzyme conformation. An example of irreversible inhibitor is N-ethylmaleimide that covalently interacts
with SH-group of cysteine residues of enzyme molecules, like peptidase (insulin-degrading enzyme) [7],
3-phosphoglyceraldehyde dehydrogenase [8], or hydrophobic compound from group of cardiotonic
steroids that at the last bind to Na,K-ATPase using hydrophobic interactions [9]. Another well-known
irreversible inhibitor is diisopropyl phosphofluoridate that modifies OH-group of serine residue in active
site of such enzymes as chymotrypsin and other serine proteases [10, 11] or acetylcholine esterase in
cholinergic synapsis of the nervous system being a potent neurotoxin [12]. Inhibition of this enzyme
causes an increase in the acetylcholine neurotransmitter concentration that results in muscular paralysis
and death. Inhibitor of cyclooxygenase aspirin (acetyl salicylic acid) covalently modifies OH-group of
serine residue located in a close proximity to the active site of cyclooxygenase [13]. Irreversible
inhibition is different from irreversible enzyme inactivation. Irreversible inhibitors are generally specific
for one class of enzymes and do not inactivate all proteins. In contrast to denature agents such as urea,
detergents do not destroy protein structure but specifically alter the active site of the target enzyme.
Consequently because of tight binding, it is difficult to remove an irreversible inhibitor from the EI
complex after its formation [14]. So, we can refer some chemical compound to irreversible enzyme
inhibitor, if after the formation of EI complex, the dilution of it with significant amount of water (100–
200 excess) does not restore enzyme activity. Irreversible inhibitors display time-dependent loss of
enzyme activity. Interaction of irreversible inhibitor with enzyme is a bimolecular reaction: E + I k ⟶I EI,
(1) where E is enzyme, I is inhibitor, EI is complex of enzyme-inhibitor, and ki is a constant of the velocity
of this reaction. However, usually the action of irreversible inhibitors is characterized by the constant of
observed pseudo-first order reaction under conditions when concentration of inhibitor is significantly
higher than concentration of the enzyme. The value of pseudo-first order rate of inhibition may be
measured by plotting of the ln of enzyme activity (in % relatively enzyme activity in the absence of
inhibitor) vs. time. Tangent of slope angle of straight line obtained by this way will be equal to value of
constant of pseudo-first order inhibition. The value of rate constant of bimolecular reaction for
irreversible inhibition may be then calculated by dividing the obtained value of constant of pseudo-first
order reaction per inhibitor concentration. Reversible inhibitor binds to the enzyme reversibly [6, 14]. It
means that there is equilibrium between the formation and dissociation of EI complex: E + I ↔k2 k1 EI
(2) Enzyme Inhibitors and Activators http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/67248 245 where k1 is a constant of the
velocity of direct reaction and k2 is a constant of the velocity of reverse reaction. The effect of reversible
inhibitors is characterized by the constant of dissociation of EI complex that is equal to [E] [I]/[EI] or k1
/k2 . Usually reversible inhibitor binds to the enzymes using non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen
or ionic bonds. Different types of reversible inhibition are produced depending on whether these
inhibitors bind to the enzyme, the enzyme-substrate complex, or both. One type of reversible inhibition
is called competitive inhibition. In this case, there are two types of complexes: enzyme inhibitor (EI) and
enzyme substrate (ES); complex EI has no enzyme activity. The substrate and inhibitor cannot bind to
the enzyme at the same time. This inhibition may be reversed by the increase of substrate
concentration. However, the value of maximal velocity (Vmax) remains constant. The value of apparent
Km will increase; however, the value of maximal velocity (Vmax) remains constant (Figure 1). It can be
competitive inhibition not only in relation to substrate but also to cofactors, as well as to activators.
Another type of reversible inhibition is uncompetitive inhibition. In this case, the inhibitor binds only to
the substrate-enzyme complex; it does not interfere with the binding of substrate with active site but
prevents the dissociation of complex enzyme substrate: it resulted in the dependence of the inhibition
only upon inhibitor concentration and its Ki value. This type of inhibition results in Vmax decrease and
Km decrease (Figure 1, B). Figure 1. Kinetic test for reversible inhibitor classification. Double reciprocal
plot (1/Vo ) vs. (1/s) for competitive (A), uncompetitive (B), noncompetitive (C), and mixed (D) enzyme
inhibition [14]. 246 Enzyme Inhibitors and Activators The third type of inhibition is noncompetitive. This
type of inhibition results in the inability of complex enzyme (E) inhbitor (I) substrate (EIS) to dissociate
giving a product of reaction. In this case, inhibitor binds to E or to ES complex. The binding of the
inhibitor to the enzyme reduces its activity but does not affect the binding of substrate. As a result, the
extent of the inhibition depends only upon the concentration of the inhibitor. In this case, Vmax will
decrease, but Km will remain the same (Figure 1, C). In some cases, we can see mixed inhibition, when
the inhibitor can bind to the enzyme at the same time as to enzyme-substrate complex. However, the
binding of the inhibitor effects on the binding of the substrate and vice versa. This type of inhibition can
be reduced, but not overcome by the increase of substrate concentrations. Although it is possible for
mixed-type inhibitors to bind in the active site, this inhibition generally results from an allosteric effect
of inhibitor (see below). An inhibitor of this kind will decrease Vmax, but it will increase Km (Figure 1, C).
Special case of enzyme inhibition is inhibition by the excess of substrate or by the product. This
inhibition may follow the competitive, uncompetitive, or mixed patterns. Inhibition of enzyme by its
substrate occurs when a dead-end enzyme-substrate complex forms. Often in the case of substrate
inhibition, a molecule of substrate binds to active site in two points (e.g., by the “head” and by the “tail”
of molecule). At high concentrations, two substrate molecules bind in active site the following manner:
one substrate molecule binds using the “head” and another molecule using the “tail.” This binding is
nonproductive and substrate cannot be converted to the product (Figure 2). An example of such
inhibition is inhibition of acetyl cholinesterase by the excess of acetylcholine [15]. Competitive inhibitors
mainly interact with enzyme active site preventing binding of real substrate. Classical example of
competitive inhibition is inhibition of fumarate hydratase by maleate that is a substrate analog (Figure
3). Enzyme is highly stereospecific; it catalyzes the Figure 2. Enzyme inhibition by substrate. Productive
binding of one substrate molecule with two points of enzyme active site (A) and unproductive binding of
two substrate molecules with the same site (B). Enzyme Inhibitors and Activators
http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/67248 247 hydration of the trans-double bound of fumarate but not maleate
(cis-isomer of fumarate). Maleate binds to active site with high affinity preventing the binding of
fumarate. Despite the binding maleate to active site, it cannot be converted into the product of
reaction. However, maleate occupies active site making it inaccessible for real substrate and providing
by this way the inhibition [16]. Some reversible inhibitors bind so tightly to the enzyme that they are
essentially irreversible. It is known that proteolytic enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract are secreted
from the pancreas in an inactive form. Their activation is achieved by restricted trypsin digestion of
proenzymes. To stop activation of proteolytic enzymes, the pancreas produces trypsin inhibitor. It is a
small protein molecule (it consists of 58 amino acid residues) [17]. This inhibitor binds directly to trypsin
active site with Kd value that is equal to 0.1 pM. The binding is almost irreversible; complex EI does not
dissociate even in solution of 6 M urea. The inhibitor is a very effective analog of trypsin substrates;
amino acid residue Lys-15 of inhibitor molecule interacts with aspartic residue located in a pocket of
enzyme surface destined for substrate binding, thereby preventing its binding and conversion into the

3. Enzyme activators
3.1. Definition and mechanisms of action Enzyme activators are chemical compounds that increase a
velocity of enzymatic reaction. Their actions are opposite to the effect of enzyme inhibitors. Among
activators we can find ions, small organic molecules, as well as peptides, proteins, and lipids. 252
Enzyme Inhibitors and Activators There are many enzymes that are specifically and directly activated by
small inorganic molecules, mainly by cations such as Ca2+ which is a the second messenger (among
enzymes activated by Ca2+, we can find different regulatory enzymes, in particular phospholipases II,
protein kinases C, adenylyl cyclases, etc.). These enzymes usually have special site for Ca2+ binding; the
binding of Ca2+ with it results in the change of enzyme conformation that increase enzyme activity [33].
Cations can bind not only with enzyme but also with the substrate increasing its affinity to the enzyme
that activate enzyme. For example, magnesium ions interact with ATP or with other nucleotides that are
negatively charged molecules, decreasing their charge that provides effective binding of nucleotides in
substrate binding site of various enzymes and increasing their activity. In some cases, activation of
enzymes is due to the elimination of enzyme inhibitors. In total this effect looks as enzyme activation.
Some cations including heavy metal cations inhibit definite enzymes. Small organic compounds like
ethylene glycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′- tetraacetic acid (EGTA) and
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) that are known as chelating agents bind these inhibitory cations
and by this way can eliminate their inhibitory effect. Special group of activators can produce activation
of target enzymes only after the formation of complex with another molecule. This complex, in turn,
binds to enzyme and increases the velocity of enzymatic reaction. The most well-known example of such
type of activators is Ca-binding protein calmodulin (calcium-modulated protein) that is expressed in all
eukaryotic cells. Calmodulin is a small protein containing 148 amino acids (16.7 kDa). Its molecule
consists of two symmetrical globular domains each with two Ca-binding motifs (EF-hand) located on N-
and C-domains that are jointed by flexible linker. Flexibility of calmodulin molecule and the presence of
nonpolar grooves in the middle part of the protein allow it to bind a large variety of proteins [33]. The
binding of Ca2+ to calmodulin changes its conformation. These, in turn, make complex calmodulin-Ca2+
suitable for interaction with target enzymes (calmodulin-dependent protein kinases and
phosphatases,Ca-ATPase of plasma membrane, etc.), by this manner increasing their activity. Therefore
calmodulin is considered as a participant of calcium signal transduction pathway that provides enforcing
and prolongation of the effect of Ca2+ as a second messenger [34]

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