Medieval English
Medieval English
Medieval English
This list covers the English medieval armies, from the reign of Edward I and the wars against Scotland to their
defeat at Castillon during the Hundred Years War. This period is famous for the ascendancy of the English armies
over all their enemies (France, Scotland and Wales), thanks to their supreme mastery of the longbow. The army
adopted the controversial deployment in Herce based on a close collaboration between the men at arms and
the archers, which resulted in the crushing victories at battles like Crecy, Poitiers and Agincourt. Most of the army
was mounted, but dismounted prior to battle.
ARMY COMPOSITION (+2) and may then have heavy armour (+4).
Commanders: Up to 6
Cavalry: Up to 25% ARCHERS
Men at Arms: Up to 50% D C Pts
Archers: At least 50% Longbowmen 7 12
Allies & Mercenaries: Up to 25% Seasoned Archers 6 8 18
0-1 Mounted
5 8 20
COMMANDERS Seasomed Archers
Levy Archers 5 8
A C Pts
0-1King +2 10 50 Longbowmen have a longbow. Open Order. They
may have a hand-and-a half sword (+2, counts as
or 0-1 General +3 9 0 halberd), shield (+2) and light armour (+2). May be
Captain +2 +2 20 Riding Horses (+1) or have Stakes (+2).
- May ride a horse. The King may have Stratagem Seasoned Archers have light armour and longbow.
(+50). Open Order. Veteran. They may have a hand-and-a
half sword (+2, counts as halberd), and shield (+2).
CAVALRY May have heavy armour (+2). May be Stubborn (+2).
May be Riding Horses (+1) or have Stakes (+2).
D C Pts
Mounted Seasoned Archers have light armour and
Knights 3 8 26 spear. Veteran.
Hobilars 5 6 16
Levy Archers have a longbow. Inferior Fighters. Levies.
0-1 Irish Horse 5 6 18 If the army includes Levy Archers, it may not include
Seasoned Archers, or any Allies & Mercenaries.
Knights have partial plate armour, lance and shield.
Shock Cavalry. May have cloth barding (+1). May ALLIES & MERCENARIES
replace shield and partial plate armour with full plate
armour (free) Gascon & False French
Hobilars have spear and shield. May have light D C Pts
armour (+1). May be fielded as Skirmishers.
Gascon Mounted
Irish Horse have spear and shield. Evade. May be 3 8 28
fielded as Skirmishers at a cost of 16 points per base.
Gascon Brigans 5 6 11
MEN-AT-ARMS Gascon Skirmishers 6 6