Customer Interface Error Messages (Oracle Receivables Help)
Customer Interface Error Messages (Oracle Receivables Help)
Customer Interface Error Messages (Oracle Receivables Help)
The text of each error message in this section appears in bold text; additional information appears in plain text.
Error Messages
A1 - The customer reference for update does not exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS - Please specify a customer reference
that exists in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. You attempted to update a value in the column ORIG_SYSTEM_CUSTOMER_REF.
However, a value does not exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS to uniquely identify this customer in your original system.
a1 - Customer record for insert must have validated profile record defined - A customer level profile must exist in
RA_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INTERFACE for new customers and each Bill-To Business Purpose.
A2 - The address reference for update does not exist in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES - Please specify an address reference
that exists in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES. You attempted to update a value in the column ORIG_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_REF.
However, this address reference does not exist in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES. Enter the value that represents the customer Bill-
To address for which you are inserting or updating customer profile information.
a2 - TAX_PRINTING_OPTION has an invalid value - Enter a valid tax printing option (for example: European Tax Format;
Itemize By Line; Itemize and Summarize; Summarize by Tax Code; Summarize By Tax Name; Total Tax Only).
A3 - Customer reference for insert is already defined in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS - Please specify a customer reference
that does not exist in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. Each customer attribute must be unique. See: Creating Unique Customer
a3 - The customer profile for this customer reference already exists - Each customer attribute must be unique. See:
Creating Unique Customer References.
A4 - Site use for this address reference already exists in the database
a4 - The customer profile class for update does not exist - Enter profile class information.
A5 - Customer Number already assigned to a different customer - You attempted to insert a value in the column
CUSTOMER_NUMBER that already exists in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS. This value must be unique within
B1 - ORIG_SYSTEM_ADDRESS_REF is mandatory when specifying an address - Enter the value that represents the
customer bill-to address for which you are inserting or updating customer profile information. For update, this address
reference must exist in HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL.
b1 - Both TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT and OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT must be populated - You must provide values for both the
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT and OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT columns or leave both columns null.
b2 - TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT may not be greater than the OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT - The value you enter for a customer's
transaction credit limit cannot be greater than their overall credit limit.
B4 - SITE_USE_CODE is mandatory when inserting an address - Enter the business purpose for this customer's address.
For example, Bill-To, Ship-To, Statements, or Dunning. 1/7
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B5 - PRIMARY_SITE_USE_FLAG is mandatory when inserting an address - If you are importing an address and a
business purpose, you must provide a value for this column. This is a Yes/No flag to indicate whether this is the primary site
for this address.
b5 - STANDARD_TERM_NAME must have a unique value - Enter the standard payment terms for this customer. This
column is found in the RA_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_INT_ALL table.
B6 - CUSTOMER_CLASS_CODE is not defined in AR_LOOKUPS - The value you entered for the customer class for this
customer does not exist in Receivables. This column is found in the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
b6 - STATEMENT_CYCLE_NAME must have a unique value - Enter a valid statement cycle to associate with this
customer. Use statement cycles that you previously defined in the Statement Cycles window. This column is found in the
B7 - CUSTOMER_PROFILE_CLASS_NAME has an invalid value - Enter a unique profile class name to associate with this
customer. Use profile classes that you previously defined in the Customer Profile Classes window. This column is found in the
b7 - BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM is mandatory when creating a new bank account - This column is found in the
B8 - STATE is not defined in AR_LOCATION_VALUES - You must enter a value for each address component on which your
tax location flexfield structure is based. This column is found in the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
b8 - AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG has an invalid value - Must equal 'Y' (Yes) or 'N' (No). This column is found in
B9 - COUNTRY is not defined in fnd_territories - The value you entered for the country column does not exist in the table
FND_TERRITORIES. This column is required in the RA_CUSTOMERS_INTERFACE_ALL table.
B0 - SITE_USE_CODE is not defined in AR_LOOKUPS - Use business purposes you previously defined in the Receivables
QuickCodes window.
C5 - Customer reference has two different customer class codes defined - Use customer classes that you defined in the
QuickCodes window.
C6 - This customer reference has two identical primary site uses defined 2/7
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f1 - You may have only one active Dunning site use for each customer
f2 - For each customer, you may only have one active "Statements" type - You can only assign one type of business
purpose (e.g. 'statements') to each address.
f3 - For each customer, you may only have one active Legal site - You can only assign one type of business purpose (e.g.
'Legal') to each address.
F4 - TELEPHONE_TYPE is not defined in AR_LOOKUPS - Please use the Receivables Lookup window to define a new
F5 - Telephone reference for insert is already defined in HZ_CONTACT_POINTS. Please specify a unique telephone
f5 - Address language is not installed - The language used by a customer site must exist in FND_LANGUAGES.
F6 - Telephone reference for update does not exist in HZ_CONTACT_POINTS - Please specify a telephone reference that
f6 - Address reference has different languages - An address can only have one language defined.
f8 - A bank and branch with this bank number and branch number already exists
G4 - Contact reference for insert is already defined in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES. Please enter a unique contact
G5 - Contact reference for update is not defined in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES. Please specify a contact reference
that exists in HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES. 3/7
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K3 - This customer reference has two different customer types defined - Multiple rows with the same customer reference
must have the same customer type (Internal or External). 4/7
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P1 - The Postal Code is not in the defined range of system option - Refer to the System Options window, Tax tabbed
region for the postal code range that you defined. (Address Validation system option is set to Error if you receive this
P2 - Warning: The Postal Code is not in the defined range of system option - Refer to the System Options window, Tax
tabbed region for the postal code range that you defined. This message also indicates that the Address Validation system
option is set to Warning.
R8 - Invalid demand class code - You define demand classes in the Demand Classes window.
Q1 - A new location was created for a value in an address segment field - You must enter values that have already been
defined in AR_LOCATION_VALUES if Address Validation is set to 'Error' and you are calculating sales tax. 5/7
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T1 - Customer payment method already active between the dates specified - Customer payment method conflicts with
another payment method (overlapping date range).
T2 - Customer site payment method already active between the dates specified - Customer site payment method
conflicts with another payment method (overlapping date range).
T3 - Customer already has a primary payment method for specified dates - Only one primary payment method can exist
at either the customer or Bill-To address level.
T4 - Customer site has a primary payment method on the dates specified - Only one primary payment method can exist
at either the customer or Bill-To address level.
V5 - This customer already has primary bank account for specified dates
V6 - Customer site can have only 1 primary bank account for the dates specified
V7 - Duplicate rows exist in Interface table for this Customer Bank and date range
W9 - Duplicate Location
X1 - AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG mandatory when profile class is null - You must specify whether to include
debit items that have been placed in dispute when you create automatic receipts for your customers if profile class is null. 6/7
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X5 - GROUPING_RULE_NAME has an invalid value - Use grouping rules that you defined in the Grouping Rules window.
X6 - CURRENCY_CODE has an invalid value - Use currency codes that you defined in the Currencies window.
X9 - STATEMENT_CYCLE_NAME must be null when STATEMENTS is "No" - Setting STATEMENTS to No indicates you
will not send statements to this customer.
Z1 - CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS must be null when STATEMENTS is null - A null value for STATEMENTS
indicates you will not send statements to this customer.
Z2 - STATEMENT_CYCLE_NAME must be null when STATEMENTS is null - A null value for STATEMENTS indicates you
will not send statements to this customer.
Z5 - DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS must be null when DISCOUNT_TERMS is null - A null value for DISCOUNT_TERMS
indicates you will not allow discounts for this customer. 7/7