Liberation of The People in South Travancore
Liberation of The People in South Travancore
Liberation of The People in South Travancore
formed the State of Travancore and Cochin. Again due to the demand for
Kerala was formed with the area of Malabar being merged with the State
the people speak Tamil, were formed as Kanyakumari District, and on 1st
November 1956 merged with the Madras State.1 For the merger,
lying between 05’ and 77 36’of the eastern longitude and 8 03’ and 8 35’
Kerala in the north, but the sea had washed away the west and south. The
The District has the highest population of 992 persons per square
literacy is 63.86, next to Chennai city, far above the state average of 46.76
the Census from 1951 to 2001 indicates the unprecedented rise of Christian
per cent in 1961, from 48 per cent in 1971 to 52 per cent in 1981, and from
denied to cover their bosoms and wear upper clothes. For centuries caste
them covering their bosom.5 The socio-cultural and politico–economic
Christian faith in the Indian culture and in the religious life of the people.7
played an active role in shaping and sharpening the socio- economic life of
the people. The grass – root level organizing structure of the Catholic
they brought into the Church questioned the monopoly of the Priestly
hierarchy and its arbitrary stand on issues affecting the welfare of the
new Diocese was carved out of the Diocese of Quilon to promote the
Kottar. The newly formed Diocese had 95,000 Catholics, 25 parishes, and
in the mission centres, as neither did the coastal parishes nor did the settled
parishes of the interior gave scope for fresh conversions. When he took
charge of the Diocese in 1939, there were 39 parishes, but at the time of
his retirement in 1971 the number of parishes were 68, the number of
Churches and chapels had risen from 123 to 257, the number of priests
of Kottar. He kept many personal contacts with the people in various walks
of life, particularly with the religious, whom he inspired, encouraged and
the fourth Bishop of Kottar and took charge on 5th February 1989.16 By his
vision and mission, the Basic Christian Communities became the way of
life of the Diocese.17 The present Bishop Peter Remigius took the
This study aims at finding out how much the Diocese of Kottar
mission was to promote lay leadership in the Church and society. They
devolved 75 – 80 per cent of their mission plan outlay for projects and
of Kottar during the period from 1978 to 2013. The performance of the
Bishops stand out superior to that of its predecessors and successors, and
parishes of the Diocese. Anbiyams have been accorded top priority in the
Diocese. The Anbiyams has come to stay as the democratic way of life,
21. Ibid.
and it became a decision making centre from bottom to top in the
the society and Church and collective planning for social change. Anbiyam
cells in 175 Parishes and its substations in the Diocese of Kottar.24 The
decentralization and paved the way for the development of the Vicariate
After the establishment of Anbiyams in twenty seven zones, there has been
22. Conclusions of Diocesan Synod – 2000, Bishop’s House, Nagercoil, 2001, p. 25.
23. Maria David, A., Beyond Boundaries: Hindu Christian Relationship and Basic
Christian Communities, Delhi, 2009, p. 117.
24. Annual Report of Anbiyam, Bishop’s House, Nagercoil, 2013, p. 75.
decentralization through the Basic Christian Communities.25 Though it is
an ideal in its own right, its instrumental significance depends upon the
linkages with socio- political and cultural life of the people. It is an attempt
to solve some of the keenly felt need of grass – root people through mass
The research work analyses the various factors that contributed for
the decentralization process. In the past, the Diocese of Kottar ignored the
remain static, but it keeps changing in tune with the progress of man’s
A. Tharmaraj in their period acquainted well in fulfilling this obligation on
their part. They could achieve all- round developments of the Diocese as
at Parish, Vicariate and Diocesan levels. With this frame work, democracy
principle, laity now argue, in practice one must appease religious and
Christian Communities with the aims and goals of the Diocese. The priests
perceived Anbiyams as the only means to reform the Church and society.
The study reveals the fact that the social transformation in the
and interrelationship among the people and the Anbiyams came into being.
in Kanyakumari District.
priestly hierarchy.
people, and to explore how much social change has taken place
7. To evaluate the activities of diocesan administration, after the
dream of developing the Diocese of Kottar not only to preach the word of
God but also to promote participation of the people in Church and society.
In all spheres they were fortunate to become the Diocesan Bishops in 1971
and 1988. They were best administrators to push forward the vision and
mission of the Church. By their hard and sacrificing works, they succeeded
the local population. It is hoped that this study will provide the first level
of information from the communities for the purpose of planning to social
change. It is also possible that the contents and approach adopted for
decentralization in this study will encourage Catholics all over the country
to study Anbiyam.
understand the forces that shape the present method of Anbiyam and to
fervent desire that readers will find this study useful and thought
rural areas of Kanyakumari District, which had been prevailing in the last
to initiate concrete steps to address these twin issues. The two Bishops, M.
necessary supports.
Several non - formal studies have already been undertaken about the
Bishops. But sormal study on this was not systematically done so far. A
study on the grass – root development of any region will be complete only
if it covers all the aspects connected with the establishment and the nature
executed from the Basic Christian Communities. In this aspect, this study
laity as well as the students of Church history and other historians and
scholars today.
democratization, Hypothesis, Objectives, Scope of the Study and
Methodology adopted for the preparation of the thesis are dealt with. The
culture of the people, cultural profile of the coastal people, the profile of
the Catholic people of the interior and adaptation of local culture and
indigenous cultural religion from the beginning. People from all sections
of the society embraced the new Diocese attracted by the inculturation. Its
from New Testament of the Holy Bible. The programme of Basic Christian
ministries were established on the line of Vatican II and achieved many
things in history. All these are examined in the second chapter, ‘Historical
– centred Church.
training programmes for establishing BCCs, activities of BCCs, Parish
Kuzhithurai Integral Society, Basic Integral Society and its powers and
Communities’ resolves to eradicate the social evils and work for the up-
Anbiyam. There are clear cut instructions and guidance for sensitization
and the concern for the needy has become the regular feature of the BCCs.
They work for the poor towards empowerment programmes. Finally, the
democratization of diocesan administration is the Basic Christian
and analytical and facts are presented with objective look out. An orderly
based on relevant data. By and large, record based study has been
developed for this work. However, the records which provided the
The situation with the Diocese with regard to information has been
parishes, Souvenirs and Kottar News Letters were the only records
pertaining to decentralization. In such cases, method of collecting the
also used. The primary sources are circular letters, personal interviews and
history of the Diocese of Kottar are also consulted. The secondary sources
has helped to form an idea of the late Bishops’ personality and religious
Commissions and Parish Pastoral Council specifically in the written
of Parish, Zones, Vicariates and Diocese. The researcher spent five years
Kanyakumari District. The most important among them are Nagam Ayia’s
Travancore State Manual, T.K. Velu Piillai’s Kerala State and Tamil
Diocese of Kottar, Fr. R. Paul Richard Joseph’s From the Venadu Roots,
Communities, Kottar Diocesan Platinum Jubilee Souvenir 1930–2005,
T. Sunderaraj’ Some Social Priests of Tamil Nadu (ed), and Then Oli a
Africa, Fr. G. Patrick’ Religion and Subaltern Agency, KIDS Special Issue
– 2005, Diocesan Pastoral and Circular Letters and Adithalam are also
Catholic Diocese District shed light on the study. The secondary sources