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Essentials of Behavioral Science Research:

A First Course in Research Methodology

Howard Lee
California State University

Distributed by
Morrisville, NC 27560
Essentials of Behavioral Science Research:
A First Course in Research Methodology

Copyright © 2007 by Howard Lee.

All rights reserved.

Published and Distributed by

3131 RDU Center Drive, Suite 210
Morrisville, NC 27560

Printed in the United States of America

Table of Contents Chapter 4 39

Calculation of Means and Variances 39

Kinds of Variance 40
Chapter 1 1 Population and Sample Variances 41
Science and the Scientific Approach 1 Between-Groups (Experimental) Variance 41
Science and Common Sense 1 Error Variance 43
Four Methods of Knowing 3 Components of Variance 48
Science and Its Functions 4 Covariance 49
The Aims of Science, Scientific Explanation, and Study Suggestions 50
Theory 5 Chapter Summary 51
Scientific Research a Definition 7
The Scientific Approach 8 Chapter 5 53
Problem-Obstacle-Idea 8
Hypothesis 8 Sampling and Randomness 53
Reasoning-Deduction 8 Sampling, Random Sampling, and Representa-
Observation-Test-Experiment 10 tiveness 53
Chapter Outline-Summary 12 randomness 55
An Example of Random Sampling 55
Chapter 2 13 Randomization 56
Problems and Hypotheses 13 Sample Size 60
Criteria of Problems and Problem Statements 14 Kinds of Samples 62
Hypotheses 14 Some books on sampling. 67
The Importance of Problems and Hypotheses 15 Chapter Summary 68
Virtues of Problems and Hypotheses 15
Problems, Values, and Definitions 17 Chapter 6 69
Generality and Specificity of Problems and Hy-
potheses 17 Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral
Concluding Remarks-the Special Power of Hy- Science Research 69
potheses 19 A Beginning? 70
Chapter Summary 21 General Considerations 72
Deception 73
Chapter 3 23 Freedom from Coercion 73
Constructs, Variables and Definitions 23 Debriefing 73
Concepts and Constructs 23 Protection of Participants 73
Constitutive and Operational Definitions of Con- Confidentiality 73
structs and Variables 24 Ethics of Animal Research 74
Types of Variables 28 Study Suggestions 74
Independent and Dependent Variables 28 tChapter Summary 75
Active and Attribute Variables 30
Continuous and Categorical Variables 32 Chapter 7 77
Constructs, Observables, and Latent Variables 33
Examples of Variables and Operational Defini- Research Design: Purpose and Principles 77
tions 34 Purposes of Research Design 77
A Stronger Design 78 Chapter Summary 109
Research Design As Variance Control 80
A Controversial Example 81 Chapter 10 111
Maximization of Experimental Variance 82
Control of Extraneous Variables 83 Research Design Applications: 111
Minimization of Error Variance 85 simple Randomized Subjects Design 111
Chapter Summary 86 Factorial Designs 113
Factorial Designs with More than Two Variables
Chapter 8 87 114
Inadequate Designs and Design Criteria 87 Research Examples of Factorial Designs 114
Experimental and Nonexperimental Approaches Flowers: Groupthink 114
87 Correlated Groups 120
Symbolism and Definitions 88 the General Paradigm 120
Faulty Designs 89 One group Repeated Trials Design 121
Measurement, History, Maturation 90 Two group, Experimental Group-Control Group
The Regression Effect 90 Designs 122
Criteria of Research Design 91 Research Examples of Correlated-groups Designs
Answer Research Questions? 91 122
Control of Extraneous Independent Variables 92 Multigroup Correlated-groups Designs 125
Generalizability 93 Units Variance 125
Internal and External Validity 93 Factorial Correlated Groups 125
Analysis of Covariance 127
Chapter 9 97 Chapter Summary 133

General Designs of Research 97 Chapter 11 135

Conceptual Foundations of Research Design 97
A Preliminary Note: Experimental Designs and Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Re-
Analysis Of Variance 99 search 135
The Designs 99 Variants of Basic Designs 135
The Notion of the Control Group and Extensions Compromise Designs a.k.a. Quasi Experimental
of Design 9.1 100 Designs 135
Matching versus Randomization 102 Nonequivalent Control Group Design 135
Some ways of matching groups. 102 No-treatment Control Group Design 136
Matching by Equating Participants 102 Time Designs 140
The Frequency Distribution Matching Method
Matching by Holding Variables Constant 104
Matching by incorporating the Nuisance Variable
into the Research Design 104
Participant as Own Control 104
Additional Design Extensions: Design 9.3 using a
Pretest 105
Difference Scores 106
Concluding Remarks 108
Study Suggestions 108
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 1

Whitehead (1911/1992, p. 157) at the beginning

Chapter 1 of the 20th Century pointed out that in creative
thought common sense is a bad master. “Its sole
Science and the Scientific Approach criterion for judgment is that the new ideas shall look
like the old ones.” This is well said. Common sense
may often be a bad master for the evaluation of
TO UNDERSTAND any complex human activity one knowledge. But how are science and common sense
must grasp the language and approach of the alike and how are they different? From one viewpoint,
individuals who pursue it. So it is with understanding science and common sense are alike. This view would
science and scientific research. One must know and say that science is a systematic and controlled
understand, at least in part, scientific language and the extension of common sense. James Bryant Conant
scientific approach to problem-solving. (1951) states that common sense is a series of
One of the most confusing things to the student of concepts and conceptual schemes1 satisfactory for the
science is the special way scientists use ordinary practical uses of humanity. However, these concepts
words. To make matters worse, they invent new and conceptual schemes may be seriously misleading
words. There are good reasons for this specialized use in modern science-and particularly in psychology and
of language; they will become evident later. For now, education. To many educators in the 1800’s, it was
suffice it to say that we must understand and learn the common sense to use punishment as a basic tool of
language of social scientists. When investigators tell pedagogy. However, in the mid 1900’s evidence
us about their independent and dependent variables, emerged to show that this older commonsense view of
we must know what they mean. When they tell us that motivation may be quite erroneous. Reward seems
they have randomized their experimental procedures, more effective than punishment in aiding learning.
we must not only know what they mean-we must However, recent findings suggest that different forms
understand why they do as they do. of punishment are useful in classroom learning
Similarly, the scientist's approach to problems (Tingstrom, et al., 1997; Marlow, et al., 1997).
must be clearly understood. It is not so much that this Science and common sense differ sharply in five
approach is different from the layperson. It is ways. These disagreements revolve around the words
different, of course, but it is not strange and esoteric. "systematic" and “controlled.” First, the uses of
This is quite the contrary. When understood, it will conceptual schemes and theoretical structures are
seem natural and almost inevitable what the scientist strikingly different. The common person may use
does. Indeed, we will probably wonder why much "theories" and concepts, but usually does so in a loose
more human thinking and problem-solving are not fashion. This person often blandly accepts fanciful
consciously structured along such lines. explanations of natural and human phenomena. An
The purpose of Chapters 1 and 2 of this book is to
help the student learn and understand the language and
approach of science and research. In the chapters of 1. A concept is a word that expresses an
this part many of the basic constructs of the social, abstraction formed by generalization from particulars.
behavioral and educational scientist will be studied. In "Aggression" is a concept, an abstraction that expresses a
some cases it will not be possible to give complete and number of particular actions having the similar
satisfactory definitions. This is due to the lack of characteristic of hurting people or objects. A conceptual
background at this early point in our development. In scheme is a set of concepts interrelated by hypothetical and
such cases an attempt will be made to formulate and theoretical propositions. A construct is a concept with the
use reasonably accurate first approximations to later, additional meaning of having been created or appropriated
more satisfactory definitions. Let us begin our study for special scientific purposes. "Mass," "energy,"
by considering how the scientist approaches problems "hostility," "introversion," and "achievement" are
and how this approach differs from what might be constructs. They might more accurately be called
called a common sense approach. "constructed types" or "constructed classes," classes or
sets of objects or events bound together by the possession
SCIENCE AND COMMON SENSE of common characteristics defined by the scientist. The
term "variable" will be defined in a later chapter. For now
let it mean a symbol or name of a characteristic that takes
on different numerical values.
2 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

illness, for instance, may be thought to be a the scientist is constantly preoccupied with relations
punishment for sinfulness (Klonoff & Landrine, among phenomena. The layperson also does this by
1994). Jolliness is due to being overweight. using common sense for explanations of phenomena.
Scientists, on the other hand, systematically build But the scientist consciously and systematically
theoretical structures, test them for internal pursues relations. The layperson’s preoccupation with
consistency, and put aspects of them to empirical test. relations is loose, unsystematic, and uncontrolled. The
Furthermore, they realize that the concepts they use layperson often seizes, for example, on the fortuitous
are man-made terms that may or may not exhibit a occurrence of two phenomena and immediately links
close relation to reality. them indissolubly as cause and effect.
Second, scientists systematically and empirically Take the relation tested in the classic study done
test their theories and hypotheses. Nonscientists test many years ago by Hurlock (1925). In more recent
"hypotheses," too, but they test them in a selective terminology, this relation may be expressed: Positive
fashion. They often "select" evidence simply because reinforcement (reward) produces greater increments of
it is consistent with the hypotheses. Take the learning than does punishment. The relation is
stereotype: Asians are science and math oriented. If between reinforcement (or reward and punishment)
people believe this, they can easily "verify" the belief and learning. Educators and parents of the nineteenth
by noting that many Asians are engineers and century often assumed that punishment was the more
scientists (see Tang, 1993). Exceptions to the effective agent in learning. Educators and parents of
stereotype, the non-science Asian or the the present often assume that positive reinforcement
mathematically challenged Asian, for example, are not (reward) is more effective. Both may say that their
perceived. Sophisticated social and behavioral viewpoints are "only common sense." It is obvious,
scientists knowing this "selection tendency" to be a they may say, that if you reward (or punish) a child, he
common psychological phenomenon, carefully guard or she will learn better. The scientist, on the other
their research against their own preconceptions and hand, while personally espousing one or the other or
predilections and against selective support of neither of these viewpoints, would probably insist on
hypotheses. For one thing, they are not content with systematic and controlled testing of both (and other)
armchair or fiat exploration of relations; they must test relations, as Hurlock did. Using the scientific method
the relations in the laboratory or in the field. They are Hurlock found incentive to be substantially related to
not content, for example, with the presumed relations arithmetic achievement. The group receiving praise
between methods of teaching and achievement, scored higher than the reproof or ignored groups.
between intelligence and creativity, between values A final difference between common sense and
and administrative decisions. They insist upon science lies in different explanations of observed
systematic, controlled, and empirical testing of these phenomena. The scientist, when attempting to explain
relations. the relations among observed phenomena, carefully
A third difference lies in the notion of control. In rules out what have been called "metaphysical
scientific research, control means several things. For explanations." A metaphysical explanation is simply a
the present, let it mean that the scientist tries proposition that cannot be tested. To say, for example,
systematically to rule out variables that are possible that people are poor and starving because God wills it,
"causes" of the effects under study other than the or that it is wrong to be authoritarian, is to talk
variables hypothesized to be the "causes." Laypeople metaphysically.
seldom bother to control systematically their None of these propositions can be tested; thus they
explanations of observed phenomena. They ordinarily are metaphysical. As such, science is not concerned
make little effort to control extraneous sources of with them. This does not mean that scientists would
influence. They tend to accept those explanations that necessarily spurn such statements, say they are not
are in accord with their preconceptions and biases. If true, or claim they are meaningless. It simply means
they believe that slum conditions produce that as scientists they are not concerned with them. In
delinquency, they tend to disregard delinquency in short, science is concerned with things that can be
nonslum neighborhoods. The scientist, on the other publicly observed and tested. If propositions or
hand, seeks out and "controls" delinquency incidence questions do not contain implications for such public
in different kinds of neighborhoods. The difference, of observation and testing, they are not scientific
course, is profound. propositions or questions.
Another difference between science and common
sense is perhaps not so sharp. It was said earlier that
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 3

FOUR METHODS OF KNOWING education-does this mean it is so? According to the a

priori method, it does-it just "stands to reason."
Charles Sanders Peirce as reported in Buchler (1955) The fourth method is the method of science. Peirce
said that there are four general ways of knowing or, as says:
he put it, fixing belief. In the ensuing discussion, the “To satisfy our doubts, . . . therefore, it is necessary
authors are taking some liberties with Peirce's original that a method should be found by which our beliefs
formulation in an attempt to clarify the ideas and to may be determined by nothing human, but by some
make them more germane to the present discussion. external permanency-by something upon which our
The first is the method of tenacity. Here people hold thinking has no effect. . . . The method must be such
firmly to the truth, the truth that they know to be true that the ultimate conclusion of every man shall be the
because they hold firmly to it, because they have same. Such is the method of science. Its fundamental
always known it to be true. Frequent repetition of such hypothesis. . . is this: “There are real things, whose
"truths" seems to enhance their validity. People often characters are entirely independent of our opinions
cling to their beliefs in the face of clearly conflicting about them. . . .” (Buchler 1955, p.18)
facts. And they will also infer "new" knowledge from The scientific approach has a characteristic that no
propositions that may be false. other method of attaining knowledge has: self
A second method of knowing or fixing belief is correction. There are built-in checks all along the way
the method of authority. This is the method of to scientific knowledge. These checks are so
established belief. If the Bible says it, it is so. If a conceived and used that they control and verify
noted physicist says there is a God, it is so. If an idea scientific activities and conclusions to the end of
has the weight of tradition and public sanction behind attaining dependable knowledge. Even if a hypothesis
it, it is so. As Peirce points out, this method is seems to be supported in an experiment, the scientist
superior to the method of tenacity, because human will test alternative plausible hypotheses that, if also
progress, although slow, can be achieved using this supported, may cast doubt on the first hypothesis.
method. Actually, life could not go on without the Scientists do not accept statements as true, even
method of authority. Dawes (1994) states that as though the evidence at first looks promising. They
individuals, we cannot know everything. We accept insist upon testing them. They also insist that any
the authority of the U.S. Drug and Food testing procedure be open to public inspection. One
Administration in determining what we eat and drink interpretation of the scientific method and scientific
are safe. Dawes states that the completely open mind method is that there is no one scientific method as
that questions all authority does not exist. We must such. Rather, there are a number of methods that
take a large body of facts and information on the basis scientists can and do use, but it can probably be said
of authority. Thus, it should not be concluded that the that there is one scientific approach.
method of authority is unsound; it is unsound only As Peirce says, the checks used in scientific
under certain circumstances. research are anchored as much as possible in reality
The a priori method is the third way of knowing lying outside the scientist's personal beliefs,
or fixing belief. Graziano and Raulin (1993) call it perceptions, biases, values, attitudes, and emotions.
the method of intuition. It rests its case for superiority Perhaps the best single word to express this is
on the assumption that the propositions accepted by "objectivity." Objectivity is agreement among
the "a priorist" are self-evident. Note that a priori "expert" judges on what is observed or what is to be
propositions "agree with reason" and not necessarily done or has been done in research (see Kerlinger, 1979
with experience. The idea seems to be that people, for a discussion of objectivity, its meaning and its
through free communication and intercourse, can controversial character.). According to Sampson
reach the truth because their natural inclinations tend (1991, p.12) objectivity “ refers to those statements
toward truth. The difficulty with this position lies in about the world that we currently can justify and
the expression “agree with reason.” Whose reason? defend using the standards of argument and proof
Suppose two honest and well-meaning individuals, employed within the community to which we belong -
using rational processes, reach different conclusions, for example, the community of scientists.” But, as we
as they often do. Which one is right? Is it a matter of shall see later, the scientific approach involves more
taste, as Peirce puts it? If something is self-evident to than both of these statements. The point is that more
many people-for instance, that learning hard subjects dependable knowledge is attained because science
trains the mind and builds moral character, that ultimately appeals to evidence: propositions are
American education is inferior to Asian and European subjected to empirical test. An objection may be
4 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

raised: Theory, which scientists use and exalt, comes laypeople and students, is that science is an activity
from people, the scientists themselves. But, as Polanyi that contributes systematized information to the world.
(1958/1974, p. 4) points out, "A theory is something The scientist's job is to discover new facts and to add
other than myself.” Thus a theory helps the scientist to them to the already existing body of information.
attain greater objectivity. In short, scientists Science is even conceived to be a body of facts. In this
systematically and consciously use the self-corrective view, science is also a way of explaining observed
aspect of the scientific approach. phenomena. The emphasis, then, is on the present
state of knowledge and adding to it and on the present
SCIENCE AND ITS FUNCTIONS set of laws, theories, hypotheses, and principles.
The dynamic view, on the other hand, regards
What is science? The question is not easy to answer. science more as an activity, what scientists do. The
Indeed, no definition of science will be directly present state of knowledge is important, of course. But
attempted. We shall, instead, talk about notions and it is important mainly because it is a base for further
views of science and then try to explain the functions scientific theory and research. This has been called a
of science. heuristic view. The word “heuristic,” meaning serving
Science is a badly misunderstood word. There seem to discover or reveal, now has the notion of self-
to be three popular stereotypes that impede discovery connected with it. A heuristic method of
understanding of scientific activity. One is the white teaching, for instance, emphasizes students'
coat-stethoscope-laboratory stereotype. Scientists are discovering things for themselves. The heuristic view
perceived as individuals who work with facts in in science emphasizes theory and interconnected
laboratories. They use complicated equipment, do conceptual schemata that are fruitful for further
innumerable experiments, and pile up facts for the research. A heuristic emphasis is a discovery
ultimate purpose of improving the lot of humanity. emphasis.
Thus, while somewhat unimaginative grubbers after It is the heuristic aspect of science that
facts, they are redeemed by noble motives. You can distinguishes it in good part from engineering and
believe them when, for example, they tell you that technology. On the basis of a heuristic hunch, the
such-and-such toothpaste is good for you or that you
scientist takes a risky leap. As Polanyi (1958/1974, p.
should not smoke cigarettes.
123) says, “It is the plunge by which we gain a
The second stereotype of scientists is that they are
brilliant individuals who think, spin complex theories, foothold at another shore of reality. On such plunges
and spend their time in ivory towers aloof from the the scientist has to stake bit by bit his entire
world and its problems. They are impractical theorists, professional life.” Michel (1991, p. 23) adds “anyone
even though their thinking and theory occasionally who fears being mistaken and for this reason study a
lead to results of practical significance like atomic “safe” or “certain” scientific method, should never
energy. enter upon any scientific enquiry.” Heuristic may also
The third stereotype equates science with be called problem-solving, but the emphasis is on
engineering and technology. The building of bridges, imaginative and not routine problem-solving. The
the improvement of automobiles and missiles, the heuristic view in science stresses problem-solving
automation of industry, the invention of teaching
rather than facts and bodies of information. Alleged
machines, and the likes are thought to be science. The
established facts and bodies of information are
scientist's job, in this conception, is to work at the
improvement of inventions and artifacts. The scientist important to the heuristic scientist because they help
is conceived to be a sort of highly skilled engineer lead to further theory, further discovery, and further
working to make life smooth and efficient. investigation.
These notions impede student understanding of Still avoiding a direct definition of science-but
science, the activities and thinking of the scientist, and certainly implying one-we now look at the function of
scientific research in general. In short, they make the science. Here we find two distinct views. The practical
student's task harder than it would otherwise be. Thus person, the nonscientist generally, thinks of science as
they should be cleared away to make room for more a discipline or activity aimed at improving things, at
adequate notions. making progress. Some scientists, too, take this
There are two broad views of science: the static and position. The function of science, in this view is to
make discoveries, to learn facts, to advance
the dynamic. According to Conant (1951, pp. 23-27)
knowledge in order to improve things. Branches of
the static view, the view that seems to influence most
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 5

science that are clearly of this character receive wide THE AIMS OF SCIENCE, SCIENTIFIC
and strong support. Witness the continuing generous EXPLANATION, AND THEORY
support of medical and meteorological research. The
criteria of practicality and "payoff" are preeminent in The basic aim of science is theory. Perhaps less
this view, especially in educational research (see cryptically, the basic aim of science is to explain
Kerlinger, 1977; Bruno, 1972). natural phenomena. Such explanations are called
A very different view of the function of science is theories. Instead of trying to explain each and every
well expressed by Braithwaite (1953/1996, p. 1): separate behavior of children, the scientific
"The function of science. . . is to establish general psychologist seeks general explanations that
laws covering the behaviors of the empirical events or encompass and link together many different
objects with which the science in question is behaviors. Rather than try to explain children's
concerned, and thereby to enable us to connect methods of solving arithmetic problems, for example,
together our knowledge of the separately known the scientist seeks general explanations of all kinds of
events, and to make reliable predictions of events as problem-solving. It might be called a general theory of
yet unknown. “ The connection between this view of problem-solving.
the function of science and the dynamic-heuristic view This discussion of the basic aim of science as
discussed earlier is obvious, except that an important theory may seem strange to the student, who has
element is added: the establishment of general laws-or probably been inculcated with the notion that human
theory, if you will. If we are to understand modern activities have to pay off in practical ways.
behavioral research and its strengths and weaknesses, If we said that the aim of science is the betterment of
we must explore the elements of Braithwaite's humanity, most readers would quickly read the words
statement. We do so by considering the aims of and accept them. But the basic aim of science is not
science, scientific explanation, and the role and the betterment of humanity. It is theory.
importance of theory. Unfortunately, this sweeping and really complex
Sampson (1991) discusses two opposing views of statement is not easy to understand. Still, we must try
science. There is the conventional or traditional because it is important. More on this point is given in
perspective and then there is the sociohistorical chapter 16 of Kerlinger (1979).
perspective. The conventional view perceives Other aims of science that have been stated are:
science as a mirror of nature or a windowpane of clear explanation, understanding, prediction, and control. If
glass that presents nature without bias or distortion. we accept theory as the ultimate aim of science,
The goal here is to describe with the highest degree of however, explanation and understanding become
accuracy what the world really looks like. Here subaims of the ultimate aim. This is because of the
Sampson states that science is an objective referee. Its definition and nature of theory: A theory is a set of
job is to “resolve disagreements and distinguish what interrelated constructs (concepts), definitions, and
is true and correct from what is not.” When the propositions that present a systematic view of
conventional view of science is unable to resolve the phenomena by specifying relations among variables,
dispute, it only means that there is insufficient data or with the purpose of explaining and predicting the
information to do so. Conventionalists, however, feel phenomena.This definition says three things. One, a
it is only a matter of time before the truth is apparent. theory is a set of propositions consisting of defined
The sociohistorical view sees science as a story. and interrelated constructs. Two, a theory sets out the
The scientists are storytellers. Here the idea is that interrelations among a set of variables (constructs),
reality can only be discovered by the stories that can and in so doing, presents a systematic view of the
be told about it. Here, this approach is unlike the phenomena described by the variables. Finally, a
conventional view in that there is no neutral arbitrator. theory explains phenomena. It does so by specifying
Every story will be flavored by the storyteller’s what variables are related to what variables and how
orientation. As a result there is no single true story. they are related, thus enabling the researcher to predict
Sampson’s table comparing these two are reproduced from certain variables to certain other variables. One
in Table 1. might, for example, have a theory of school failure.
Even though Sampson gives these two views of One's variables might be intelligence, verbal and
science in light of social psychology, his presentation numerical aptitudes, anxiety, social class membership,
has applicability in all areas of the behavioral science. nutrition, and achievement motivation.
6 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

Table 1. Sampson’s Two Views of the Science of It is obvious that explanation and prediction can be
Social Psychology. subsumed under theory. The very nature of a theory
lies in its explanation of observed phenomena. Take
reinforcement theory. A simple proposition flowing
Conventional Sociohistorical from this theory is: If a response is rewarded
Primary Goal To describe the world To describe the
of human social various accounts of
(reinforced) when it occurs, it will tend to be repeated.
experience and activity human social The psychological scientist whom first formulated
as it really is and as it
experience and some such proposition did so as an explanation of the
really functions activity; to observed repetitious occurrences of responses. Why
understand both their did they occur and reoccur with dependable
social and historical regularity? Because they were rewarded. This is an
bases and the role explanation, although it may not be a satisfactory
they play in human explanation to many people. Someone else may ask
life. why reward increases the likelihood of a response's
Governing belief There is a place from We can only
which to see reality that encounter reality
occurrence. A full-blown theory would have the
is independent of that from some explanation. Today, however, there is no really
reality; thus, there can standpoint; thus, the satisfactory answer. All we can say is that, with a high
be a nonpositioned observer is always degree of probability, the reinforcement of a response
observer who can grasp standing somewhere makes the response more likely to occur and reoccur
reality as it is without and is thereby (see Nisbett & Ross, 1980). In other words, the
occupying any necessarily a propositions of a theory, the statements of relations,
particular biasing positioned observer constitute the explanation, as far as that theory is
standpoint. concerned, of observed natural phenomena.
Guiding Metaphor Science is like a mirror Science is like a
Now, on prediction and control, it can be said that
designed to reflect storyteller proposing
things as they really accounts and versions
scientists do not really have to be concerned with
are. of reality. explanation and understanding. Only prediction and
Methodological Methods are designed Broad social and control are necessary. Proponents of this point of view
Priorities to control those factors historical factors may say that the adequacy of a theory is its predictive
that would weaken the always frame the power. If by using the theory we are able to predict
investigator’s ability to investigator’s successfully, then the theory is confirmed and this is
discern the true shape understanding; the enough. We need not necessarily look for further
of reality. best we can achieve is
underlying explanations. Since we can predict
a richer and deeper
reliably, we can control because control is deducible
understanding based
on encountering the
from prediction.
historically and The prediction view of science has validity. But
culturally diverse as far as this book is concerned, prediction is
accounts that people considered to be an aspect of theory. By its very
use in making their nature, a theory predicts. That is, when from the
lives sensible. primitive propositions of a theory we deduce more
complex ones, we are in essence "predicting." When
The phenomenon to be explained, of course, is
we explain observed phenomena, we are always
school failure or, perhaps more accurately, school
stating a relation between, say, the class A and the
achievement. That is, school failure could be
class B. Scientific explanation inheres in specifying
perceived as being at one end of the school
the relations between one class of empirical events
achievement continuum with school success being at
and another, under certain conditions. We say: If A,
the other end. School failure is explained by specified
then B, A and B referring to classes of objects or
relations between each of the seven variables and
school failure, or by combinations of the seven events.1 But this is prediction, prediction from A to B.
variables and school failure. The scientist, Thus a theoretical explanation implies prediction. And
successfully using this set of constructs, then we come back to the idea that theory is the ultimate
"understands" school failure. He is able to "explain" aim of science. All else flows from theory.
There is no intention here to discredit or denigrate
and, to some extent at least, "predict" it.
research that is not specifically and consciously
theory-oriented. Much valuable social scientific and
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 7

educational research is preoccupied with the shorter- saw N-Rays only added support to Blondlot’s theory
range goal of finding specific relations; that is, and findings. However, when a person did not see N-
merely to discover a relation is part of science. The Rays, Blondlot claimed that the person’s eyes were
ultimately most usable and satisfying relations, not sensitive enough or the person did not set up the
however, are those that are the most generalized, instrument correctly. No possible outcome was taken
those that are tied to other relations in a theory. as evidence against the theory. In more recent times,
The notion of generality is important. Theories, another faulty theory that took over 75 years to
because they are general, apply to many phenomena debunk concerned the origin of peptic ulcers. In 1910
and to many people in many places. A specific Schwartz (as reported in Blaser, 1996) had claimed
relation, of course, is less widely applicable. If, for that he had firmly established the cause of ulcers. He
example, one finds that test anxiety is related to test stated that peptic ulcers were due to stomach acids. In
performance. This finding, though interesting and the years that followed, medical researchers devoted
important, is less widely applicable and less their time and energy toward treating these ulcers by
understood than finding a relation in a network of developing medication to either neutralize the acids or
interrelated variables that are parts of a theory. block them. These treatments were never totally
Modest, limited, and specific research aims, then, are successful and they were expensive. However in
good. Theoretical research aims are better because, 1985, J. Robin Warren and Barry Marshall (as
among other reasons, they are more general and can be reported in Blaser, 1996) discovered that the helioc
applied to a wide range of situations. Additionally, bacter pylori was the real culprit for stomach ulcers.
when both a simple theory and a complex one exist Almost all cases of this type of ulcers were
and both account for the facts equally well, the simple successfully treated with anti-biotics and for a
explanation is preferred. Hence in the discussion of considerably lower. For 75 years no possible outcome
generalizability, a good theory is also parsimonious. was taken as evidence against this stress-acid theory
However, a number of incorrect theories concerning of ulcers.
mental illness persist because of this parsimony
feature. Some still believe that individuals are SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A DEFINITION
possessed with demons. Such an explanation is
simple when compared to psychological and/or It is easier to define scientific research than it is to
medical explanations. define science. It would not be easy, however, to get
Theories are tentative explanations. Each theory scientists and researchers to agree on such a definition.
is evaluated empirically to determine how well it Even so, we attempt one here:
predicts new findings. Theories can be used to guide Scientific research is systematic, controlled,
one’s research plan by generating testable hypotheses empirical, amoral, public and critical investigation of
and to organize facts obtained from the testing of the natural phenomena. It is guided by theory and
hypotheses. A good theory is one that cannot fit all hypotheses about the presumed relations among such
observations. One should be able to find an phenomena.
occurrence that would contradict it. Blondlot’s theory This definition requires little explanation since it is
of N-Rays is an example of a poor theory. Blondlot mostly a condensed and formalized statement of much
claimed that all matter emitted N-Rays (Weber, 1973). that was said earlier or that will be said soon. Two
Although N-Rays was later demonstrated to be points need emphasis, however. First, when we say
nonexistent, Barber (1976) reported that nearly 100 that scientific research is systematic and controlled,
papers were published in a single year on N-Rays in we mean, in effect, that scientific investigation is so
France. Blondlot even developed elaborate equipment ordered that investigators can have critical confidence
for the viewing of N-Rays. Scientists claiming they in research outcomes. As we shall see later, scientific
research observations are tightly disciplined.
1. Statements of the form "If p, then q," called Moreover, among the many alternative explanations
conditional statements in logic, are the core of of a phenomenon, all but one are systematically ruled
scientific inquiry. They and the concepts or out. One can thus have greater confidence that a tested
variables that go into them are the central ingredient of relation is as it is than if one had not controlled the
theories. The logical foundation of scientific inquiry observations and ruled out alternative possibilities. In
that underlies much of the reasoning in this book is some instances a cause-and-effect relationship can be
outlined in Kerlinger(1977). established.
8 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

Second, scientific investigation is empirical. If the The scientific approach is a special systematized form
scientist believes something is so, that belief must of all-reflective thinking and inquiry. Dewey (1933/
somehow or other put to an outside independent test. 1991), in his influential How We Think, outlined a
Subjective belief, in other words, must be checked general paradigm of inquiry. The present discussion
against objective reality. Scientists must always of the scientific approach is based largely on Dewey's
subject their notions to the court of empirical inquiry analysis.
and test. Scientists are hypercritical of the results of
their own and others' research. Every scientist writing Problem-Obstacle-Idea
a research report has other scientists reading what one
writes while he or she writes it. Though it is easy to The scientist will usually experience an obstacle to
err, to exaggerate, to overgeneralize when writing up understanding, a vague unrest about observed and
one's own work, it is not easy to escape the feeling of unobserved phenomena, a curiosity as to why
scientific eyes constantly peering over one's shoulder. something is as it is. The first and most important step
In science there is peer review. This means that is to get the idea out in the open, to express the
others of equal training and knowledge are called problem in some reasonably manageable form. Rarely
upon to evaluate another scientists work before it is or never will the problem spring full-blown at this
published in scientific journals. There are both stage. The scientist must struggle with it, try it out, and
positive and negative points concerning this. It is live with it. Dewey (1933/1991, p. 108) says, "There is
through peer review that fraudulent studies have been a troubled, perplexed, trying situation, where the
exposed. The essay written by R. W. Wood (1973) on difficulty is, as it were, spread throughout the entire
his experiences with Professor Blondlot of France
situation, infecting it as a whole." Sooner or later,
concerning the nonexistence of N-rays gives a clear
explicitly or implicitly, the scientist states the
demonstration of peer review. Peer review works very
problem, even if the expression of it is inchoate and
well for science and it promotes quality research. The
tentative. Here the scientist intellectualizes, as (1933/
system however is not perfect. There are occasions
1991 p. 109) puts it, "what at first is merely an
where peer review worked against science. This is
documented throughout history with people such as emotional quality of the whole situation."' In some
Kepler, Galileo, Copernicus, Jenner, and Semelweiss. respects, this is the most difficult and most important
The ideas of these individuals were just not popular part of the whole process. Without some sort of
with their peers. More recently in psychology, the statement of the problem, the scientist can rarely go
works of John Garcia on the biological constraints on further and expect the work to be fruitful. With some
learning went contrary to his peers. Garcia managed researchers, the idea may come from speaking to a
to publish his findings in a journal (Bulletin of the colleague or observing a curious phenomenon. The
Psychonomic Society) that did not have peer review. idea here is that the problem usually begins with
Others who read Garcia’s work and replicated it found vague and/or unscientific thoughts or unsystematic
Garcia’s work to be valuable. In the large majority of hunches. It then goes through a step of refinement.
cases, peer review of science is beneficial. Hypothesis
Thirdly, knowledge obtained scientifically is not
After intellectualizing the problem, after referring to
subject to moral evaluation. The results are neither
past experiences for possible solutions, after observing
considered “bad” or “good,” but in terms of its validity relevant phenomena, the scientist may formulate a
and reliability. The scientific method is however hypothesis. A hypothesis is a conjectural statement, a
subject to issues of morality. That is, scientists are tentative proposition about the relation between two or
held responsible for the methods used in obtaining more phenomena or variables. Our scientist will say,
scientific knowledge. In psychology, codes of ethics "If such-and-such occurs, then so-and-so results."
are enforced to protect those under study. Science is a
cooperative venture. Information obtained from Reasoning-Deduction
science is available to all. Plus the scientific method is
well known and available to all that chooses to use it. This step or activity is frequently overlooked or
underemphasized. It is perhaps the most important
THE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH part of Dewey's analysis of reflective thinking. The
scientist deduces the consequences of the hypothesis
he has formulated. Conant (1951), in talking about the
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 9

rise of modern science, said that the new element schools that are restrictive, schools that do not permit
added in the seventeenth century was the use of children much freedom and self-expression.
deductive reasoning. Here is where experience, Similarly, in difficult social situations assuming such
knowledge, and perspicacity are important. situations are frustrating, we should expect more
Often the scientist, when deducing the aggression than is "usual." Reasoning further, if we
consequences of a formulated hypothesis, will arrive give experimental subjects interesting problems to
at a problem quite different from the one started with. solve and then prevent them from solving them, we
On the other hand, the deductions may lead to the can predict some kind of aggressive behavior. In a
belief that the problem cannot be solved with present nutshell, this process of moving from a broader
technical tools. For example, before modern statistics picture to a more specific one is called deductive
was developed, certain behavioral research problems reasoning.
were insoluble. It was difficult, if not impossible, to Reasoning may, as indicated above, change the
test two or three interdependent hypotheses at one problem. We may realize that the initial problem was
time. It was next to impossible to test the interactive only a special case of a broader, more fundamental
effect of variables. And we now have reason to believe and important problem. We may, for example start
that certain problems are insoluble unless they are with a narrower hypothesis: Restrictive school
tackled in a multivariate manner. An example of this is situations lead to negativism in children. Then we can
teaching methods and their relation to achievement generalize the problem to the form: Frustration leads
and other variables. It is likely that teaching methods, to aggression. While this is a different form of
per se, do not differ much if we study only their simple thinking from that discussed earlier, it is important
effects. Teaching methods probably work differently because of what could almost be called its heuristic
under different conditions, with different teachers, and quality. Reasoning can help lead to wider, more basic,
with different pupils. It is said that the methods and thus more significant problems, as well as provide
"interact" with the conditions and with the operational (testable) implications of the original
characteristics of teachers and of pupils. Simon hypothesis. This type of reasoning is called inductive
(1987) stated another example of this. Simon (1987) reasoning. It starts from particular facts and moves to
pointed out that a research on pilot training proposed a general statement or hypothesis. If one is not
by Williams and Adelson in 1954 could not be carried careful, this method could lead to faulty reasoning.
out using traditional experimental research methods. This is due to the method’s natural tendency to
The study proposed to study 34 variables and their exclude other data that do not fit the hypothesis. The
influence on pilot training. Using traditional research inductive reasoning method is inclined to look for
methods, the number of variables under study was too supporting data rather than refuting evidence.
overwhelming. Over 20 years later, Simon (1976, Consider the classical study by Peter Wason
1984) showed that such studies could be effectively (Wason and Johnson-Laird, 1972) that has been a
studied using economical multifactor designs. topic of much interest (Hoch, 1986; Klayman and Ha,
An example may help us understand this 1987). In this study, students were asked to discover a
reasoning-deduction step. Suppose an investigator rule the experimenter had in mind that generated a
becomes intrigued with aggressive behavior. The sequence of numbers. One example was to generate a
investigator wonders why people are often aggressive rule for the following sequence of numbers: “3, 5, 7.”
in situations where aggressiveness may not be Students were told that they could ask about other
appropriate. Personal observation leads to the notion sequences. Students would receive feedback on each
that aggressive behavior seems to occur when people sequence proposed as to whether it fits or does not fit
have experienced difficulties of one kind or another. the rule the experimenter had in mind. When the
(Note the vagueness of the problem here.) After students felt confident, they could put forth the rule.
thinking for some time, reading the literature for clues, Some students would offer “9, 11, 13.” They are told
and making further observations, the hypothesis is that this sequence fits the rule. They may then follow
formulated: Frustration leads to aggression. with “15, 17, 19.” And again they are told that this
"Frustration" is defined as prevention from reaching a sequence fits. The students then may offer as their
goal and "aggression" as behavior characterized by answer: “The rule is three consecutive odd numbers.”
physical or verbal attack on other persons or objects. They would be told that this is not the rule. Others
What follows from this is a statement like: If that would be offered after some more proposed
frustration leads to aggression, then we should find a sequences are “increasing numbers in increments of
great deal of aggression among children who are in two, or odd numbers in increments of two.” In each of
10 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

these, they are told that it is not the rule that the unwanted thoughts and the level of preoccupation.
experimenter was thinking of. The actual rule in mind (see Wegner, Schneider, Carter and White, 1987;
was “any three increasing positive numbers.” Had the Wegner, 1989)
students’ proposed the sequences “8, 9, 10” or “1, 15, Dewey emphasized that the temporal sequence of
4500” they would have been told that these also fit the reflective thinking or inquiry is not fixed. We can
rule. Where the students made their error was in repeat and reemphasize what he says in our own
testing only the cases that fitted their first proposed framework. The steps of the scientific approach are
sequence that confirmed their hypothesis. not neatly fixed. The first step is not neatly completed
Although oversimplified, the Wason study before the second step begins. Further, we may test
demonstrated what could happen in actual scientific before adequately deducing the implications of the
investigations. A scientist could easily be locked into hypothesis. The hypothesis itself may seem to need
repeating the same type of experiment that always elaboration or refinement as a result of deducing
supports the hypothesis.
implications from it. Hypotheses and their
expression will often be found inadequate when
implications are deduced from them. A frequent
difficulty occurs when a hypothesis is so vague that
one deduction is as good as another-that is, the
It should be clear by now that the observation-test-
hypothesis may not yield to precise test.
experiment phase is only part of the scientific
Feedback to the problem, the hypotheses, and,
enterprise. If the problem has been well stated, the
finally, the theory of the results of research is highly
hypothesis or hypotheses adequately formulated, and
important. Learning theorists and researchers, for
the implications of the hypotheses carefully deduced,
example, have frequently altered their theories and
this step is almost automatic-assuming that the
investigator is technically competent. research as a result of experimental findings (see
The essence of testing a hypothesis is to test the Malone, 1991; Schunk, 1996; Hergenhahn, 1996).
relation expressed by the hypothesis. We do not test Theorists and researchers have been studying the
variables, as such; we test the relation between the effects of early environment and training on later
variables. Observation, testing, and experimentation development. Kagan and Zentner (1996) reviewed the
are for one large purpose: putting the problem relation results of 70 studies concerned with the relation
to empirical test. To test without knowing at least between early life experiences and psychopathology in
fairly well what and why one is testing is to blunder. adulthood. They found that juvenile delinquency
Simply to state a vague problem, like ‘ How does could be predicted by the amount of impulsivity
Open Education affect learning?’ and then to test detected at preschool age. Lynch, Short and Chua
pupils in schools presumed to differ in "openness," or (1995) found that musical processing was influenced
to ask: What are the effects of cognitive dissonance? by perceptual stimulation an infant experienced at age
and then, after experimental manipulations to create 6 months to 1 year. These and other research have
dissonance, to search for presumed effects could lead yielded varied evidence converging on this extremely
only to questionable information. Similarly, to say one important theoretical and practical problem. Part of
is going to study attribution processes without really the essential core of scientific research is the constant
knowing why one is doing it or without stating effort to replicate and check findings, to correct theory
relations between variables is research nonsense. on the basis of empirical evidence, and to find better
Another point about testing hypotheses is that we explanations of natural phenomena. One can even go
usually do not test hypotheses directly. As indicated in so far as to say that science has a cyclic aspect. A
the previous step on reasoning, we test deduced researcher finds, say, that A is related to B in such-
implications of hypotheses. Our test hypothesis may and-such a way. Then more research is conducted to
be: "Subjects told to suppress unwanted thoughts will determine under what other conditions A is similarly
be more preoccupied with them than subjects who are related to B. Other researchers challenge this theory
given a distraction." This was deduced from a broader and this research, offering explanations and evidence
and more general hypothesis: “Greater efforts to of their own. The original researcher, it is hoped, alters
suppress an idea leads to greater preoccupation with one’s work in the light of new data. The process never
the idea." We do not test "suppression of ideas" nor ends.
"preoccupation." We test the relation between them, Let us summarize the so-called scientific approach
in this case the relation between suppression of to inquiry. First there is doubt, a barrier, an
Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach 11

indeterminate situation crying out to be made report in Scientific American. All are pertinent to this
determinate. The scientist experiences vague doubts, chapter's substance.
emotional disturbance, and inchoate ideas. There is a
struggle to formulate the problem, even if Barinaga, M. (1993). Philosophy of science:
inadequately. The scientist then studies the literature, Feminists find gender everywhere in science.
scans one’s own experience and the experience of Science, 260, 392-393. Discusses the difficulty
others. Often the researcher simply has to wait for an
of separating cultural views of women and
inventive leap of the mind. Maybe it will occur;
science. Talks about science as a
maybe not. With the problem formulated, with the
basic question or questions properly asked, the rest is predominantly male field.
much easier. Then the hypothesis is constructed, after Editors of Scientific American. Science versus
which its empirical implications are deduced. In this antiscience. (Special report). January 1997, 96-
process the original problem, and of course the 101. Presents three different anti-science
original hypothesis, may be changed. It may be movements: creationist, feminist, and media.
broadened or narrowed. It may even be abandoned. Hausheer, J. & Harris, J. (1994). In search of a
Last, but not finally, the relation expressed by the brief definition of science. The Physics
hypothesis is tested by observation and Teacher, 32(5), 318. Mentions that any
experimentation. On the basis of the research definition of science must include guidelines
evidence, the hypothesis is supported or rejected. This for evaluating theory and hypotheses as either
information is then fed back to the original problem, science or nonscience.
and the problem is kept or altered as dictated by the
Holton, G. (1996). The controversy over the end
evidence. Dewey pointed out that one phase of the
of science. Scientific American, 273(10), 191.
process may be expanded and be of great importance,
another may be skimped, and there may be fewer or This is an article concerned with the
more steps involved. Research is rarely an orderly development of two camps of thought: the
business anyway. Indeed, it is much more disorderly linearists and the cyclists. The Linearists take a
than the above discussion may imply. Order and more conventional perspective of science. The
disorder, however, are not of primary importance. cyclists see science as degenerating within
What is much more important is the controlled itself.
rationality of scientific research as a process of Horgan, J. (1994). Anti-omniscience: An
reflective inquiry, the interdependent nature of the eclectic gang of thinkers pushes at knowledge’s
parts of the process, and the paramount importance of limits. Scientific American, 271, 20-22.
the problem and its statement. Discusses the limits of science. Also see
Horgan, J. (1997). The end of science. New
Study Suggestion York: Broadway Books.
Miller, J. A (1994). Postmodern attitude toward
Some of the content of this chapter is highly science. Bioscience, 41(6), 395.
controversial. The views expressed are accepted by Discuses the reasons some educators and
some thinkers and rejected by others. Readers can scholars in the humanities have adopted a
enhance understanding of science and its purpose, the hostile attitude toward science.
relation between science and technology, and basic Smith, B. (1995). Formal ontology, common
and applied research by selective reading of the sense and cognitive science. International
literature. Such reading can be the basis for class Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 43(5-6),
discussions. Extended treatment of the controversial 641-667. An article examining common sense
aspects of science, especially behavioral science, is and cognitive science.
given in the first author’s book, Behavioral Research: Timpane, J. (1995). How to convince a reluctant
A Conceptual Approach. New York: Holt, Rinehart scientist. Scientific American, 272, 104. This
and Winston, 1979, chaps. 1, 15, and 16. Many fine article warns that too much originality in
articles on science and research have been published science would lead to non-acceptance and
in science journals and philosophy of science books. difficulty of understanding. It also discusses
Here are some of them. Included is also a special how scientific acceptance is governed by both
12 Chapter 1: Science and the Scientific Approach

old and new data and the reputation of the 8. Scientific research is systematic, controlled,
scientist. empirical and critical investigation of natural
phenomenon. It is guided by theory and hypotheses
Chapter Outline-Summary about presumed relations among such phenomenon.
It is also public and amoral.
1. To understand complex human behavior, one must 9. The scientific approach according to Dewey is
understand the scientific language and approach. made up of the following:
2. Science is a systematic and controlled extension of a) Problem-Obstacle-Idea -- formulate the
common sense. There are 5 differences between research problem or question to be solved.
science and common sense b) Hypothesis -- formulate a conjectural statement
a) science uses conceptual schemes and about the relation between phenomenon or
theoretical structures variables
b) science systematically and empirically tests c) Reasoning-Deduction -- scientist deduces the
theories and hypotheses consequences of the hypothesis. This can lead to
c) science attempts to control possible extraneous a more significant problem and provide ideas on
causes how the hypothesis can be tested in observable
d) science consciously and systematically pursues terms.
relations d) Observation-Test-Experiment- this is the data
e) science rules out metaphysical (untestable) collection and analysis phase. The results of the
explanations research conducted are related back to the
3. Peirce’s Four Methods of Knowing problem.
a) method of tenacity -- influenced by established
past beliefs
b) method of authority -- influenced by the weight
of tradition or public sanction
c) a priori method -- also known as the method of
intuition. Natural inclination toward the truth.
d) method of science - self-correcting. Notions
are testable and objective
4. The stereotype of science has hindered
understanding of science by the public
5. Views, functions of science
a) static view sees science contributing scientific
information to world. Science adds to the body of
information and present state of knowledge.
b) dynamic view is concerned with the activity of
science. What scientists do. With this comes the
heuristic view of science. This is one of self-
discovery. Science takes risks and solves problems.
6. Aims of science
a) develop theory and explain natural
b) promote understanding and develop predictions
7. A theory has 3 elements
a) set of properties consisting of defined and
interrelated constructs
b) systematically sets the interrelations among a
set of variables.
c) explains phenomenon
Chapter 2: Problems and Hypothese 13

Chapter 2 or three examples of published research problems and

study their characteristics. First, take the problem of
the study by Hurlock (1925)1 mentioned in Chapter 1:
Problems and Hypotheses What is the effects on pupil performance of different
types of incentives? Note that the problem is stated in
question form. The simplest way is here the best way.
MANY PEOPLE think that science is basically a fact- Also note that the problem states a relation between
gathering activity. It is not. As M. R. Cohen (1956/ variables, in this case between the variables incentives
1997, p. 148) says: and pupil performance (achievement). ("Variable"
There is.. no genuine progress in scientific insight will be formally defined in Chapter 3. For now, a
through the Baconian method of accumulating variable is the name of a phenomenon, or a construct,
empirical facts without hypotheses or anticipation that takes a set of different numerical values.)
of nature. Without some guiding idea we do not A problem, then, is an interrogative sentence or
know what facts to gather... we cannot determine statement that asks: What relation exists between two
what is relevant and what is irrelevant. or more variables? The answer is what is being sought
in the research. A problem in most cases will have two
The scientifically uninformed person often has the or more variables. In the Hurlock example, the
idea that the scientist is a highly objective individual problem statement relates incentive to pupil
who gathers data without preconceived ideas. performance. Another problem, studied in an
Poincare (1952/1996, p. 143) long ago pointed out influential experiment by Bahrick (1984, 1992), is
how wrong this idea is. He said: “It is often said that associated with the age-old questions: How much of
experiments should be made without preconceived what you are studying now will you remember 10
ideas. That is impossible. Not only would it make years from now? How much of it will you remember
every experiment fruitless, but even if we wished to do 50 years from today? How much of it will you
remember later if you never used it? Formally Bahrick
so, it could not be done.”
asks: Does semantic memory involve separate
processes? One variable is the amount of time since
PROBLEMS the material was first learned, a second would be the
quality of original learning and the other variable is
It is not always possible for a researcher to formulate remembering (or forgetting). Still another problem, by
the problem simply, clearly, and completely. The Little, Sterling and Tingstrom (1996), is quite
research may often have only a rather general, diffuse, different: Does geographic and racial cues influence
even confused notion of the problem. This is in the attribution (perceived blame)? One variable
nature of the complexity of scientific research. It may geographical cues, a second would be racial
even take an investigator years of exploration, information and the other is attribution. Not all
thought, and research before the researcher can clearly research problems clearly have two or more
state the questions. Nevertheless, adequate statement variables. For example, in experimental
of the research problem is one of the most important psychology, the research focus is often on
parts of research. The difficulty of stating a research
psychological processes like memory and
problem satisfactorily at a given time should not allow
categorization. In her justifiably well known and
us to lose sight of the ultimate desirability and
influential study of perceptual categories,
necessity of doing so.
Rosch(1973) in effect asked the question: Are there
Bearing this difficulty in mind, a fundamental
nonarbitrary ("natural") categories of color and form?
principle can be stated: If one wants to solve a
Although the relation between two or more variables
problem, one must generally know what the problem
is not apparent in this problem statement, in the actual
is. It can be said that a large part of the solution lies in
research the categories were related to learning.
knowing what it is one is trying to do. Another part
lies in knowing what a problem is and especially what
a scientific problem is. 1. When citing problems and hypotheses from the
What is a good problem statement? Although literature, we have not always used the words of the
research problems differ greatly and there is no one authors. In fact, the statements of many of the problems are
"right" way to state a problem, certain characteristics ours and not those of the cited authors. Some authors use
of problems and problem statements can be learned only problem statements; some use only hypotheses; others
and used to good advantage. To start, let us take two use both.
14 Chapter 2: Problems and Hypotheses

Toward the end of this book we will see that factor

analytic research problems also lack the relation form HYPOTHESES
discussed above. In most behavioral research
problems, however, the relations among two or more A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the
variables are studied, and we will therefore emphasize relation between two or more variables. Hypotheses
such relation statements. are always in declarative sentence form, and they
relate, either generally or specifically, variables to
variables. There are two criteria for "good" hypotheses
Criteria of Problems and Problem Statements and hypothesis statements. They are the same as two
of those for problems and problem statements. One,
There are three criteria of good problems and hypotheses are statements about the relations between
problem statements. One, the problem should express variables. Two, hypotheses carry clear implications
a relation between two or more variables. It asks, in for testing the stated relations. These criteria mean,
effect, questions like: Is A related to B? How are A then, that hypothesis statements contain two or more
and B related to C? How is A related to B under variables that are measurable or potentially
conditions C and D? The exceptions to this dictum measurable and that they specify how the variables are
occur mostly in taxonomic or methodological related.
research. Let us take three hypotheses from the literature
Two, the problem should be stated clearly and and apply the criteria to them. The first hypothesis
unambiguously in question form. Instead of saying, from a study by Wegner, et al (1987). seems to defy
for instance, "The problem is...” or "The purpose of common sense: The greater the suppression of
this study is... “, ask a question. Questions have the unwanted thoughts, the greater the preoccupation with
virtue of posing problems directly. The purpose of a those unwanted thoughts (suppress now; obsess later).
study is not necessarily the same as the problem of a Here a relation is stated between one variable,
study. The purpose of the Hurlock study, for instance, suppression of an idea or thought, and another
was to throw light on the use of incentives in school variable, preoccupation or obsession. Since the two
situations. The problem was the question about the variables are readily defined and measured,
relation between incentives and performance. Again, implications for testing the hypothesis, too, are readily
the simplest way is the best way: ask a question. conceived. The criteria are satisfied. In the Wegner,
The third criterion is often difficult to satisfy. It et al study, subjects were asked to not think about a
demands that the problem and the problem statement “white bear.” Each time they did think of the white
should be such as to imply possibilities of empirical bear, they would ring a bell. The number of bell rings
testing. A problem that does not contain implications indicated the level of preoccupation. A second
for testing its stated relation or relations is not a hypothesis is from a study by Ayres and Hughes
scientific problem. This means not only that an actual (1986). This study’s hypothesis is unusual. It states a
relation is stated, but also that the variables of the relation in the so-called null form: Levels of noise or
relation can somehow be measured. Many interesting music has no effect on visual functioning. The
and important questions are not scientific questions relation is stated clearly: one variable, loudness of
simply because they are not amenable to testing. sound (like music), is related to another variable,
Certain philosophic and theological questions, while visual functioning, by the words "has no effect on."
perhaps important to the individuals who consider On the criterion of potential testability, however, we
them, cannot be tested empirically and are thus of no meet with difficulty. We are faced with the problem of
interest to the scientist as a scientist. The defining "visual functioning" and “loudness" so they
epistemological question, "How do we know?," is can be are measured. If we can solve this problem
such a question. Education has many interesting but satisfactorily, then we definitely have a hypothesis.
nonscientific questions, such as, "Does democratic Ayres and Hughes did solve this by defining loudness
education improve the learning of youngsters?" "Are as 107 decibels and visual functioning in terms of a
group processes good for children?" These questions score on a visual acuity task. And this hypothesis did
can be called metaphysical in the sense that they are, lead to answering a question that people often ask:
at least as stated, beyond empirical testing “Why do we turn down the volume of the car stereo
possibilities. The key difficulties are that some of when we are looking for a street address?” Ayres and
them are not relations, and most of their constructs are Hughes found a definite drop in perceptual
very difficult or impossible to so define that they can
be measured.
Chapter 2: Problems and Hypothese 15

functioning when the level of music was at 107 aggression (Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer & Sears,
decibels. 1939; Berkowitz, 1983; Dill & Anderson, 1995). From
The third hypothesis represents a numerous and this broad hypothesis we may deduce more specific
important class. Here the relation is indirect, hypotheses, such as: To prevent children from
concealed, as it were. It customarily comes in the form reaching desired goals (frustration) will result in their
of a statement that Groups A and B will differ on some fighting each other (aggression); if children are
characteristic. For example: Women more often than deprived of parental love (frustration), they will react
men believe they should lose weight even though their in part with aggressive behavior.
weight is well within normal bounds (Fallon & Rozin, The second reason is that hypotheses can be tested
1985). That is, women differ from men in terms of and shown to be probably true or probably false.
their perceived body shape. Note that this statement is Isolated facts are not tested, as we said before; only
one step removed from the actual hypothesis, which relations are tested. Since hypotheses are relational
may be stated: Perceived body shape is in part a propositions, this is probably the main reason they are
function of gender. If the latter statements were the used in scientific inquiry. They are, in essence,
hypothesis stated, then the first might be called a predictions of the form, "If A, then B," which we set
subhypothesis, or a specific prediction based on the up to test the relation between A and B. We let the
original hypothesis. facts have a chance to establish the probable truth or
Let us consider another hypothesis of this type but falsity of the hypothesis.
removed one step further. Individuals having the same Three, hypotheses are powerful tools for the
or similar characteristics will hold similar attitudes advancement of knowledge because they enable
toward cognitive objects significantly related to the scientists to get outside themselves. Though
occupational role (Saal and Moore, 1993). ("Cognitive constructed by humans, hypotheses exist, can be
objects" are any concrete or abstract things perceived tested, and can be shown to be probably correct or
and "known" by individuals. People, groups, job or incorrect apart from person's values and opinions. This
grade promotion, the government, and education are is so important that we venture to say that there would
examples.) The relation in this case, of course, is be no science in any complete sense without
between personal characteristics and attitudes (toward hypotheses.
a cognitive object related to the personal Just as important as hypotheses are the problems
characteristic, for example, gender and attitudes behind the hypotheses. As Dewey (1938/1982, pp.
toward others receiving a promotion). In order to test 105-107) has well pointed out, research usually starts
this hypothesis, it would be necessary to have at least with a problem. He says that there is first an
two groups, each with a different characteristic, and indeterminate situation in which ideas are vague,
then to compare the attitudes of the groups. For doubts are raised, and the thinker is perplexed.
instance, as in the case of the Saal and Moore study, Dewey further points out that the problem is not
the comparison would be between men and women. enunciated, indeed cannot be enunciated, until one has
They would be compared on their assessment of experienced such an indeterminate situation.
fairness toward a promotion given to a co-worker of The indeterminacy, however, must ultimately be
the opposite or same sex. In this example, the criteria removed. Though it is true, as stated earlier, that a
are satisfied. researcher may often have only a general and diffuse
notion of the problem, sooner or later he or she has to
THE IMPORTANCE OF PROBLEMS AND have a fairly clear idea of what the problem is. Though
HYPOTHESES this statement seems self-evident, one of the most
difficult things to do is to state one's research problem
There is little doubt that hypotheses are important clearly and completely. In other words, you must
and indispensable tools of scientific research. There know what you are trying to find out. When you
are three main reasons for this belief. One, they are, so finally do know, the problem is a long way toward
to speak, the working instruments of theory. solution.
Hypotheses can be deduced from theory and from
other hypotheses. If, for instance, we are working on a VIRTUES OF PROBLEMS AND
theory of aggression, we are presumably looking for HYPOTHESES
causes and effects of aggressive behavior. We might
have observed cases of aggressive behavior occurring Problems and hypotheses, then, have important
after frustrating circumstances. The theory, then, virtues. One, they direct investigation. The relations
might include the proposition: Frustration produces
16 Chapter 2: Problems and Hypotheses

expressed in the hypotheses tell the investigator what investigator had hypothesized the relation on the basis
to do. Two, problems and hypotheses, because they of theory, the investigator could have greater
are ordinarily generalized relational statements, enable confidence in the results. Investigators who do not
hypothesize relations in advance, in short, do not give
the researcher to deduce specific empirical
the facts a chance to prove or disprove anything. The
manifestations implied by the problems and
words "prove" and "disprove" are not to be taken here
hypotheses. We may say, following Guida and in their usual literal sense. A hypothesis is never really
Ludlow (1989): If it is indeed true that children in one proved or disproved. To be more accurate we should
type of culture (Chile) have higher test anxiety than probably say something like: The weight of evidence
children of another type of culture (White- is on the side of the hypothesis, or the weight of the
Americans), then it follows that children in the evidence casts doubt on the hypothesis.
Chilean culture should do more poorly in academics Braithwaite(1953/1996 p. 14) says:
than children in the American culture. They should “Thus the empirical evidence of its instance
perhaps also have a lower self-esteem or more never proves the hypothesis: in suitable
external locus-of-control when it comes to school and cases we may say that it establishes the
hypothesis, meaning by this that the
There are important differences between problems evidence makes it reasonable to accept the
and hypotheses. Hypotheses, if properly stated, can be hypothesis; but it never proves the
tested. While a given hypothesis may be too broad to hypothesis in the sense that the hypothesis
be tested directly, if it is a "good" hypothesis, then is a logical consequence of the evidence."
other testable hypotheses can be deduced from it. This use of the hypothesis is similar to playing a
Facts or variables are not tested as such. The relations game of chance. The rules of the game are set up
stated by the hypotheses are tested. And a problem in advance, and bets are made in advance. One
cannot be scientifically solved unless it is reduced to cannot change the rules after an outcome, nor can
hypothesis form, because a problem is a question, one change one's bets after making them. That
usually of a broad nature, and is not directly testable. would not be "fair." One cannot throw the dice
One does not test the questions: Does the presence or first and then bet. Similarly, if one gathers data
absence of a person in a public restroom alter personal first and then selects a datum and comes to a
conclusion on the basis of the datum, one has
hygiene (Pedersen, Keithly and Brady, 1986)? Does violated the rules of the scientific game. The game
group counseling sessions reduce the level of is not "fair" because the investigator can easily
psychiatric morbidity in police officers? (Doctor, capitalize on, say, two significant relations out of
Cutris and Issacs, 1994)? Instead, one tests one or five tested. What happens to the other three? They
more hypotheses implied by these questions. For are usually forgotten. But in a fair game every
example, to study the latter problem, one may throw of the dice is counted, in the sense that one
hypothesize that police officers who attend stress either wins or does not win on the basis of the
reduction counseling sessions will take fewer sick outcome of each throw.
days off than those police officers who did not attend Hypotheses direct inquiry. As Darwin pointed out
counseling sessions. The hypothesis in the former over a hundred years ago, observations have to be for
problem could state that the presence of a person in a or against some view if they are to be of any use.
public restroom will cause the other person to wash Hypotheses incorporate aspects of the theory under
their hands. test in testable or near-testable form. Earlier, an
Problems and hypotheses advance scientific example of reinforcement theory was given in which
knowledge by helping the investigator confirm or testable hypotheses were deduced from the general
disconfirm theory. Suppose a psychological problem. The importance of recognizing this function
investigator gives a number of subjects three or four of hypotheses may be shown by going through the
tests, among which is a test of anxiety and an back door and using a theory that is very difficult, or
arithmetic test. Routinely computing the perhaps impossible, to test. Freud's theory of anxiety
intercorrelations between the three or four tests, one includes the construct of repression. Now, by
finds that the correlation between anxiety and repression Freud meant the forcing of unacceptable
arithmetic is negative. One concludes, therefore that ideas deep into the unconscious. In order to test the
the greater the anxiety the lower the arithmetic score. Freudian theory of anxiety it is necessary to deduce
But it is quite conceivable that the relation is relations suggested by the theory. These deductions
fortuitous or even spurious. If, however, the will, of course, have to include the repression notion,
Chapter 2: Problems and Hypothese 17

which includes the construct of the unconscious. the unique individual is self-realization; Prejudice is
Hypotheses can be formulated using these constructs; related to certain personality traits.
in order to test the theory, they have to be so Another common defect of problem statements
formulated. But testing them is another, more difficult often occurs in doctoral theses: the listing of
matter because of the extreme difficulty of so defining methodological points or "problems" as subproblems.
terms such as "repression" and "unconscious" that These methodological points have two characteristics
they can be measured. To the present, no one has that make them easy to detect: (1) they are not
succeeded in defining these two constructs without substantive problems that spring from the basic
seriously departing from the original Freudian problem; and (2) they relate to techniques or methods
meaning and usage. Hypotheses, then, are important of sampling, measuring, or analyzing. They are
bridges between theory and empirical inquiry. usually not in question form, but rather contain the
words "test," "determine," "measure," and the like.
"To determine the reliability of the instruments used in
PROBLEMS, VALUES, AND DEFINITIONS this research," "To test the significance of the
differences between the means," and "To assign pupils
To clarify further the nature of problems and at random to the experimental groups" are examples of
hypotheses, two or three common errors will now be this mistaken notion of problems and subproblems.
discussed. First, scientific problems are not moral and
ethical questions. Are punitive disciplinary measures GENERALITY AND SPECIFICITY OF
bad for children? Should an organization's leadership PROBLEMS AND HYPOTHESES
be democratic? What is the best way to teach college
students? To ask these questions is to ask value and One difficulty that the research worker usually
judgmental questions that science cannot answer. encounters and that almost all students working on a
Many so-called hypotheses are not hypotheses at all. thesis find annoying is the generality and specificity of
For instance: The small-group method of teaching is problems and hypotheses. If the problem is too
better than the lecture method. This is a value general, it is usually too vague to be tested. Thus, it is
statement; it is an article of faith and not a hypothesis. scientifically useless, though it may be interesting to
If it was possible to state a relation between the read. Problems and hypotheses that are too general or
variables, and if it was possible to define the variables too vague are common. For example: Creativity is a
so as to permit testing the relation, then we might have function of the self-actualization of the individual;
a hypothesis. But there is no way to test value Democratic education enhances social learning and
questions scientifically. citizenship; Authoritarianism in the college classroom
A quick and relatively easy way to detect value inhibits the creative imagination of students. These are
questions and statements is to look for words such as interesting problems. But, in their present form, they
"should," "ought," "better than" (instead of "greater are worse than useless scientifically, because they
than"). Also one can look for similar words that cannot be tested and because they give one the
indicate cultural or personal judgments or preferences. spurious assurance that they are hypotheses that can
Value statements, however, are tricky. While a "some day" be tested.
"should" statement is obviously a value statement, Terms such as "creativity," "self-actualization,"
certain other kinds of statements are not so obvious. "democracy," "authoritarianism," and the like have, at
Take the statement: Authoritarian methods of teaching the present time at least, no adequate empirical
lead to poor learning. Here there is a relation. But the 2
referents. Now, it is quite true that we can define
statement fails as a scientific hypothesis because it
"creativity," say, in a limited way by specifying one or
uses two value expressions or words, "authoritarian
two creativity tests. This may be a legitimate
methods of teaching" and "poor learning." Neither of
which can be defined for measurement purposes
without deleting the words "authoritarian" and 1. An almost classic case of the use of the word
"poor."1 "authoritarian" is the statement sometimes heard among
Other kinds of statements that are not hypotheses educators: The lecture method is authoritarian. This seems
or are poor ones are frequently formulated, especially to mean that the speaker does not like the lecture method
in education. Consider, for instance: The core and is telling us that it is bad. Similarly, one of the most
curriculum is an enriching experience. Another type, effective ways to criticize a teacher is to say that teacher is
too frequent, is the vague generalization: Reading authoritarian.
skills can be identified in the second grade; the goal of
18 Chapter 2: Problems and Hypotheses

procedure. Still, in so doing, we run the risk of getting 1. Too General: There are gender differences in game
far away from the original term and its meaning. This playing.
is particularly true when we speak of artistic Too Specific: Tommy’s score will be 10 points
creativity. We are often willing to accept the risk in higher than Carol’s on Tetris Professional Gold.
order to be able to investigate important problems, of About Right: Video game playing will result in a
course. Yet terms like "democracy" are almost higher transfer of learning for boys than girls.
hopeless to define. Even when we do define it, we
often find we have destroyed the original meaning of 2. Too General: People can read large size letters
the term. An outstanding exception to this statement faster than small size letters.
is Bollen's (1980) definition and measurement of Too Specific: Seniors at Duarte High School can
"democracy." We will examine both in subsequent read 24 point fonts faster than 12 point fonts.
chapters. About Right: A comparison of three different font
The other extreme is too great specificity. Every sizes and visual acuity on reading speed and
student has heard that it is necessary to narrow comprehension.
problems down to workable size. This is true. But,
unfortunately, we can also narrow the problem out of THE MULTIVARIABLE NATURE OF
existence. In general, the more specific the problem or BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH AND PROBLEMS
hypothesis the clearer are its testing implications. But
triviality may be the price we pay. Researchers cannot Until now the discussion of problems and
handle problems that are too broad because they tend hypotheses has been pretty much limited to two
to be too vague for adequate research operations. On variables, x and y. We must hasten to correct any
the other hand, in their zeal to cut the problems down impression that such problems and hypotheses are the
to workable size or to find a workable problem, they norm in behavioral research. Researchers in
may cut the life out of it. They may make it trivial or psychology, sociology, education, and other
inconsequential. A thesis for instance, on the simple behavioral sciences have become keenly aware of the
relation between the speed of reading and size of type, multivariable nature of behavioral research. Instead of
while important and maybe even interesting, is too saying: If p, then q, it is often more appropriate to say:
thin by itself for doctoral study. The doctoral student If p1, p2,..., pk, then q; or: If p then q, under
would need to expand on the topic by also conditions r, s, and t.
recommending a comparison between genders and An example may clarify the point. Instead of
considering variables such as culture and family simply stating the hypothesis: If frustration, then
background. The researcher could possibly expand the aggression, it is more realistic to recognize the
study to look at levels of illumination and font types. multivariable nature of the determinants and
Too great specificity is perhaps a worse danger than influences of aggression. This can be done by saying,
too great generality. The researcher may be able to for example: If high intelligence, middle class, male,
answer the specific question but will not be able to and frustrated, then aggression. Or: If frustration, then
generalize the finding to other situations or groups of aggression, under the conditions of high intelligence,
people. At any rate, some kind of compromise must be middle class, and male. Instead of one x, we now have
made between generality and specificity. The ability four x's. Although one phenomenon may be the most
effectively to make such compromises is a function important in determining or influencing another
partly of experience and partly of critical study of phenomenon, it is unlikely that most of the
research problems. phenomena of interest to behavioral scientists are
Here are a few examples contrasting research determined simply. It is much more likely that they are
problems stated as too general or too specific: determined multiply. It is much more likely that
aggression is the result of several influences working
in complex ways. Moreover, aggression itself has
2. Although many studies of authoritarianism have been multiple aspects. After all, there are different kinds of
done with considerable success, it is doubtful that we know aggression.
what authoritarianism in the classroom means. For instance, Problems and hypotheses thus have to reflect the
an action of a teacher that is authoritarian in one classroom multivariable complexity of psychological,
may not be authoritarian in another classroom. The alleged sociological, and educational reality. We will talk of
democratic behavior exhibited by one teacher may even be one x and one y, especially in the early part of the
called authoritarian if exhibited by another teacher. Such book. However, it must be understood that behavioral
elasticity is not the stuff of science. research, which used to be almost exclusively
Chapter 2: Problems and Hypothese 19

univariate in its approach, has become more and more evidence than simply observing, without prediction,
multivariable. We have purposely used the word the covarying of x and y. It is more powerful in the
“multivariable” instead of “multivariate” for an betting-game sense discussed earlier. The scientist
important reason. Traditionally, “multivariate” studies makes a bet that x leads to y. If, in an experiment, x
are those that have more than one y variable and one does lead to y, then one has won the bet. A person
or more x variables. When we speak of one y and cannot just enter the game at any point and pick a
more than one x variable, we use the more appropriate perhaps fortuitous common occurrence of x and y.
term “multivariable” to make the distinction. For now, Games are not played this way (at least in our culture).
we will use "univariate" to indicate one x and one y. This person must play according to the rules, and the
"Univariate," strictly speaking, also applies to y. We rules in science are made to minimize error and
will soon encounter multivariate conceptions and fallibility. Hypotheses are part of the rules of the
problems. And later parts of the book will be science game.
especially concerned with a multivariate approach and Even when hypotheses are not confirmed, they
emphasis. For a clear explanation on the differences have power. Even when y does not covary with x,
between multivariable and multivariate see knowledge is advanced. Negative findings are
Kleinbaum, Kupper, Muller and Nizam (1997). sometimes as important as positive ones, since they
cut down the total universe of ignorance and
CONCLUDING REMARKS-THE SPECIAL sometimes point up fruitful further hypotheses and
POWER OF HYPOTHESES lines of investigation. But the scientist cannot tell
positive from negative evidence unless one uses
One will sometimes hear that hypotheses are hypotheses. It is possible to conduct research without
unnecessary in research. Some feel that they hypotheses, of course, particularly in exploratory
unnecessarily restrict the investigative imagination, investigations. But it is hard to conceive modern
and that the job of science and scientific investigation science in all its rigorous and disciplined fertility
is to find out things and not to belabor the obvious. without the guiding power of hypotheses.
Some feel that hypotheses are obsolete, and the like.
Such statements are quite misleading. They Study Suggestions
misconstrue the purpose of hypotheses.
It can almost be said that the hypothesis is one of 1. Use the following variable names to write
the most powerful tools yet invented to achieve research problems and hypotheses: frustration,
dependable knowledge. We observe a phenomenon. academic achievement, intelligence, verbal ability,
We speculate on possible causes. Naturally, our
race, social class (socioeconomic status), sex,
culture has answers to account for most phenomena,
reinforcement, teaching methods occupational choice,
many correct, many incorrect, many a mixture of fact
and superstition, many pure superstition. It is the conservatism, education, income, authority, need for
business of scientists to doubt most explanations of achievement, group cohesiveness, obedience, social
phenomena. Such doubts are systematic. Scientists prestige, permissiveness.
insist upon subjecting explanations of phenomena to 2. Ten problems from the research literature are
controlled empirical test. In order to do this, they given below. Study them carefully, choose two or
formulate the explanations in the form of theories and three, and construct hypotheses based on them.
hypotheses. In fact, the explanations are hypotheses. (a) Do children of different ethnic groups have
Scientists simply discipline the business by writing different levels of test anxiety? (Guida and
systematic and testable hypotheses. If an explanation Ludlow, 1989).
cannot be formulated in the form of a testable (b) Does cooperative social situations lead to
hypothesis, then it can be considered to be a higher levels of intrinsic motivation? (Hom,
metaphysical explanation and thus not amenable to
scientific investigation. As such, it is dismissed by Berger, et al., 1994).
scientists as being of no interest. (c) Are affective responses influenced by
The power of hypotheses goes further than this, people’s facial activity? (Strack, Martin and
however. A hypothesis is a prediction. It says that if x Stepper, 1988).
occurs, y will also occur. That is, y is predicted from (d) Will jurors follow prohibitive judicial
x. If, then, x is made to occur (vary), and it is observed instructions and information? (Shaw and
that y also occurs (varies concomitantly), then the Skolnick, 1995).
hypothesis is confirmed. This is more powerful
20 Chapter 2: Problems and Hypotheses

(e) What are the positive effects of using alternating stowing valuable items in usual locations.
pressure pads to prevent pressure sores in (Winograd and Soloway, 1986).
homebound hospice patients? (Stoneberg, (j) Gay men with symptomatic HIV disease are
Pitcock, and Myton, 1986). significantly more distressed than gay men whose
(f) What are the effects of early Pavlovian HIV status is unknown. (Cochran and Mays, 1994).
conditioning on later Pavlovian conditioning?
(Lariviere and Spear, 1996). 4. Multivariate (for now, more than two dependent
(g) Does the efficacy of encoding information into variables) problems and hypotheses have become
long-term memory depend on the novelty of the common in behavioral research. To give the student a
information? (Tulving and Kroll, 1995). preliminary feeling for such problems, we here append
(h) What is the effect of alcohol consumption on the several of them. Try to imagine how you would do
likelihood of condom use during causal sex? research to study them.
(MacDonald, Zanna and Fong, 1996).
(I) Are there gender differences in predicting (a) Do men and women differ in their perceptions
retirement decisions? (Talaga and Beehr, 1995). of their genitals, sexual enjoyment, oral sex and
(j) Is the Good Behavior Game a viable masturbation? (Reinholtz and Muehlenhard,
intervention strategy for children in a classroom 1995).
that require behavior change procedures? (b) Are youthful smokers more extroverted while
(Tingstrom, 1994). older smokers are more depressed and withdrawn
(Stein, Newcomb and Bentler, 1996)?
3. Ten hypotheses are given below. Discuss (c) How much do teacher’s ratings of social skills
possibilities of testing them. Then read two or three of for popular students different from rejected
the studies to see how the authors tested them. students? (Stuart, Gresham and Elliot, 1991);
(Frentz, Gresham, and Elliot, 1991).
(a) Job applicants who claim a great deal of (d) Do counselor-client matching on ethnicity,
experience at nonexistent tasks overstate their gender and language influence treatment
ability on real tasks. (Anderson, Warner and outcomes of school aged children? (Hall, Kaplan
Spencer, 1984). and Lee, 1994).
(b) In social situations, men misread women’s (e) Are there any differences in the cognitive and
intended friendliness as a sign of sexual interest. functional abilities of Alzheimer’s patients who
(Saal, Johnson and Weber, 1989) reside at a special care unit versus those residing
(c) The greater the team success, the greater the at a traditional care unit? (Swanson, Maas, and
attribution of each team member toward one’s Buckwalter, 1994).
ability and luck. (Chambers and Abrami, 1991). (f) Do hyperactive children with attention deficit
(d) Increasing interest in a task will increase differ from nonhyperactive children with attention
compliance. (Rind, 1997). deficit on reading, spelling and written language
(e) Extracts from men’s perspiration can affect achievement? (Elbert, 1993).
women’s menstrual cycle. (Cutler, Preti, Kreiger (g) Will perceivers see women who prefer the
and Huggins, 1986). courtesy title of Ms. as being higher on
(f) Physically attractive people are viewed with instrumental qualities and lower on expressiveness
higher intelligence than non-attractive people. qualities than women who prefer traditional
(Moran and McCullers, 1984). courtesy titles? (Dion and Cota, 1991).
(g) One can receive help from a stranger if that (h) Will an empowering style of leadership increase
stranger is similar to oneself, or if the request is team member satisfaction and perceptions of team
made at a certain distance. (Glick, DeMorest and efficacy to increase team effectiveness? (Kumpfer,
Hotze, 1988). Turner, Hopkins, and Librett, 1993)
(h) Cigarette smoking (nicotine) improves mental (i) How do ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic
performance. (Spilich, June, and Remer, 1992). background influence psychosis-proneness:
(i) People stowing valuable items in unusual locations perceptual aberration, magical ideation and
will have better memory of that location than
Chapter 2: Problems and Hypothese 21

schizotypal personality (Porch, Ross, Hanks and 6. Scientific problems are not moral or ethical
Whitman, 1995). questions. Science cannot answer value or
(j) Does stimulus exposure have two effects, one judgmental questions.
cognitive and one affective, which in turn affect 7. Detection of value questions: Look for words such
liking, familiarity, and recognition confidence as “better than”, “should”, or “ought.”
and accuracy (Zajonc, 1980)? 8. Another common defect of problem statements is
the listing of methodological points as
The Last two problems and studies are quite subproblems.
complex because the relations stated are complex. The a) they are not substantive problems that come
other problems and studies, though also complex, directly from the basic problem
have only one phenomenon presumably affected by b) they relate to techniques or methods of
other phenomena, whereas the last two problems have sampling, measuring, or analyzing. Not in
several phenomena influencing two or more other question form.
phenomena. Readers should not be discouraged if they 9. On problems, there is a need to compromise
find these problems a bit difficult. By the end of the between being too general and too specific. The
book they should appear interesting and natural. ability to do this comes with experience.
10. Problems and hypotheses need to reflect the
Chapter Summary multivariate complexity of behavioral science
1. Formulating the research problem is not an easy 11. The hypothesis is one of the most powerful tools
task. Researcher starts with a general, diffused and invented to achieve dependable knowledge. It has
vague notion and then gradually refines it. the power of prediction. Negative finding for a
Research problems differ greatly and there is no hypothesis can serve to eliminate one possible
one right way to state the problem. explanation and open up other hypotheses and
2. Three criteria of a good problem and problem lines of investigation.
a) The problem should be expressed as a
relation between two or more variables.
b) The problem should be put in the form of a
c) The problem statement should imply the
possibilities of empirical testing.
3. A hypothesis is a conjectural statement of the
relation between two or more variables. It is put in
the form of a declarative statement. A criteria for a
good hypothesis is the same as a) and b) in criteria
of a good problem.
4. Importance of problems and hypotheses.
a) It is a working instrument of science. It is a
specific working statement of theory.
b) Hypotheses can be tested and be predictive.
c) Advances knowledge.
5. Virtues of problems and hypotheses
a) Directs investigation and inquiry
b) Enables research to deduce specific
empirical manifestations
c) Serves as the bridge between theory and
empirical inquiry.
22 Chapter 2: Problems and Hypotheses
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 23

mastery or "learning" of school tasks-reading

Chapter 3 words, doing arithmetic problems, drawing
pictures, and so on. The various observed
behaviors are put together and expressed in a word.
Constructs, Variables and Definitions "Achievement," "intelligence," "aggressiveness,"
"conformity," and "honesty" are all concepts used
to express varieties of human behavior.
SCIENTISTS operate on two levels: theory- A construct is a concept. It has the added
hypothesis-construct and observation. More meaning, however, of having been deliberately and
accurately, they shuttle back and forth between consciously invented or adopted for a special
these levels. A psychological scientist may say, scientific purpose. "Intelligence" is a concept, an
"Early deprivation produces learning deficiency." abstraction from the observation of presumably
This statement is a hypothesis consisting of two intelligent and nonintelligent behaviors. But as a
concepts, "early deprivation" and "learning scientific construct, "intelligence" means both
deficiency," joined by a relation word, "produces." more and less than it may mean as a concept. It
It is on the theory hypothesis-construct level. means that scientists consciously and
Whenever scientists utter relational statements and systematically use it in two ways. One, it enters
whenever they use concepts, or constructs as we into theoretical schemes and is related in various
shall call them, they are operating at this level. ways to other constructs. We may say, for example,
Scientists must also operate at the level of that school achievement is in part a function of
observation. They must gather data to test intelligence and motivation. Two, "intelligence" is
hypotheses. To do this, they must somehow get so defined and specified that it can be observed and
from the construct level to the observation level. measured. We can make observations of the
They cannot simply make observations of "early intelligence of children by administering an
deprivation" and "learning deficiency." They must intelligence test to them, or we can ask teachers to
so define these constructs that observations are tell us the relative degrees of intelligence of their
possible. The problem of this chapter is to examine pupils.
and clarify the nature of scientific concepts or
constructs. Also, this chapter will examine and VARIABLES
clarify the way in which behavioral scientists get
from the construct level to the observation level, Scientists somewhat loosely call the constructs or
how they shuttle from one to the other. properties they study "variables." Examples of
important variables in sociology, psychology,
political science and education are gender, income,
CONCEPTS AND CONSTRUCTS education, social class, organizational productivity,
The terms "concept" and "construct" have similar occupational mobility, level of aspiration, verbal
meanings. Yet there is an important distinction. A aptitude, anxiety, religious affiliation, political
concept expresses an abstraction formed by preference, political development (of nations), task
generalization from particulars. "Weight" is a orientation, racial and ethnic prejudices,
concept. It expresses numerous observations of conformity, recall memory, recognition memory,
things that are “more or less” and “heavy or light.” achievement. It can be said that a variable is a
“Mass,” “energy,” and “force” are concepts used property that takes on different values. Putting it
by physical scientists. They are, of course, much redundantly, a variable is something that varies.
more abstract than concepts such as “weight,” While this way of speaking gives us an intuitive
“height,“ and “length.” notion of what variables are, we need a more
A concept of more interest to readers of this general and yet more precise definition.
book is "achievement." It is an abstraction formed A variable is a symbol to which numerals or
from the observation of certain behaviors of values are assigned. For instance, x is a variable: it
children. These behaviors are associated with the is a symbol to which we assign numerical values.
24 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

The variable x may take on any justifiable set of The distinction made earlier between "concept"
values, for example, scores on an intelligence test and "construct" leads naturally to another important
or an attitude scale. In the case of intelligence we distinction between kinds of definitions of
assign to x a set of numerical values yielded by the constructs and variables. Words or constructs can
procedure designated in a specified test of be defined in two general ways. First, we can
intelligence. This set of values ranges from low to define a word by using other words, which is what
high, from, say, 50 to 150. a dictionary usually does. We can define
A variable, x, however, may have only two "intelligence" by saying it is "operating intellect,"
values. If gender is the construct under study, then "mental acuity," or "the ability to think abstractly."
x can be assigned 1 and 0, where 1 standing for one Such definitions use other concepts or conceptual
of the genders and 0 standing for the other. It is still expressions in lieu of the expression being defined.
a variable. Other examples of two-valued variables Second, we can define a word by telling what
are in-out, correct-incorrect, old-young, citizen- actions or behaviors it expresses or implies.
noncitizen, middle class-working class, teacher- Defining "intelligence" this way requires that we
nonteacher, Republican-Democrat, and so on. Such specify what behaviors of children are "intelligent"
variables are called dichotomies, dichotomous, or and what behaviors are "not intelligent." We may
binary variables. say that a seven-year-old child who successfully
Some of the variables used in behavioral reads a story is "intelligent.” If the child cannot
research are true dichotomies, that is, they are read the story, we may say the child is "not
characterized by the presence or absence of a intelligent." In other words, this kind of definition
property: male-female, home-homeless, employed- can be called a behavioral or observational
unemployed. Some variables are polytomies. A definition. Both "other word" and "observational"
good example is religious preference: Protestant, definitions are used constantly in everyday living.
Catholic, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Other. Such There is a disturbing looseness about this
dichotomies and polytomies have been called discussion. Although scientists use the types of
"qualitative variables." The nature of this definition just described they do so in a more
designation will be discussed later. Most variables, precise manner. We express this usage by defining
however, are theoretically capable of taking on and explaining Margenau’s (1950/1977) distinction
continuous values. It has been common practice in between constitutive and operational definitions. A
behavioral research to convert continuous variables constitutive definition defines a construct with
to dichotomies or polytomies. For example, other constructs. For instance, we can define
intelligence, a continuous variable, has been "weight" by saying that it is the "heaviness" of
broken down into high and low intelligence, or into objects. Or we can define "anxiety" as "subjectified
high, medium, and low intelligence. Variables such fear." In both cases we have substituted one
as anxiety, introversion, and authoritarianism have concept for another. Some of the constructs of a
been treated similarly. While it is not possible to scientific theory may be defined constitutively.
convert a truly dichotomous variable such as Torgerson (1958/1985), borrowing from
gender to a continuous variable, it is always Margenau, says that all constructs, in order to be
possible to convert a continuous variable to a scientifically useful, must possess constitutive
dichotomy or a polytomy. As we will see later, meaning. This means that they must be capable of
such conversion can serve a useful conceptual being used in theories.
purpose, but is poor practice in the analysis of data An operational definition assigns meaning to a
because it throws away information. construct or a variable by specifying the activities
or “operations” necessary to measure it and
evaluate the measurement. Alternatively, an
CONSTITUTIVE AND OPERATIONAL operational definition is a specification of the
DEFINITIONS OF CONSTRUCTS AND activities of the researcher in measuring a variable
VARIABLES or in manipulating it. An operational definition is
a sort of manual of instructions to the investigator.
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 25

It says, in effect, "Do such-and-such in so-and-so Sterling and Tingstrom (1996) studied the effects
a manner." In short, it defines or gives meaning to of race and geographic origin on attribution.
a variable by spelling out what the investigator Attribution was operationally defined as a score on
must do to measure it and evaluate that the Attributional Style Questionnaire. A study may
measurement. include the variable consideration. It can be
Michel (1990) gives an excellent historical defined operationally by listing behaviors of
account on how operational definitions became children that are presumably considerate behaviors
popular in the social and behavioral sciences. and then requiring teachers to rate the children on a
Michel cites P. W. Bridgeman, a Nobel laureate, five-point scale. Such behaviors might be when the
for creating the operation definition in 1927. children say to each other, "I’m sorry," or "Excuse
Bridgeman as quoted in Michel (1990, p. 15) me." Or when one child yields a toy to another on
states: “In general we mean by any concept request (but not on threat of aggression), or when
nothing more than a set of operations; the concept one child helps another with a school task. It can
is synonymous with the corresponding set of also be defined as counting the number of
operations.” Each different operation would considerate behaviors. The greater the number, the
define a different concept. higher the level of consideration.
A well-known, if extreme, example of an An experimental operational definition spells
operational definition is: Intelligence (anxiety, out the details (operations) of the investigator’s
achievement, and so forth) is scores on X manipulation of a variable. Reinforcement can be
intelligence test, or intelligence is what X operationally defined by giving the details of how
intelligence test measures. Also high scores subjects are to be reinforced (rewarded) and not
indicate a greater level of intelligence than lower reinforced (not rewarded) for specified behaviors.
scores. This definition tells us what to do to Hom, Berger, Miller, & Belvin (1994) defined
measure intelligence. It says nothing about how reinforcement experimentally in operational terms.
well intelligence is measured by the specified In this study, children were assigned to one of four
instrument. (Presumably the adequacy of the test groups. Two of the groups received a cooperative
was ascertained prior to the investigator’s use of reward condition while the other two groups got an
it.). In this usage, an operational definition is an individualistic reward condition. Bahrick (1984)
equation where we say, "Let intelligence equal the defines long-term memory in terms of at least two
scores on X test of intelligence and higher scores processes when in comes to the retention of
indicate a higher degree of intelligence than lower academically oriented information. One process
scores." We also seem to be saying, "The meaning called “permastore” selectively chooses some
of intelligence (in this research) is expressed by the information to be stored permanently and is highly
scores on X intelligence test." resistant to decay (forgetting). The other process
There are, in general, two kinds of operational seems to select certain information that is
definitions: (1) measured and (2) experimental. apparently less significant and hence is less
The definition given above is more closely tied to resistant to forgetting. This definition contains
measured than to experimental definitions. A clear implications for experimental manipulation.
measured operational definition describes how a Strack, Martin, and Stepper (1988) operationally
variable will be measured. For example, defined smiling as the activation of the muscles
achievement may be defined by a standardized associated with the human smile. This was done by
achievement test, by a teacher-made achievement having a person hold a pen in a person’s mouth in a
test, or by grades. Doctor, Cutris and Isaacs (1994), certain way. This was unobtrusive in that the
studying the effects of stress counseling on police subjects in the study were not asked to pose in a
officers, operationally defined psychiatric smiling face. Other examples of both kinds of
morbidity as scores on the General Health operational definitions will be given later.
Questionnaire and the number of sick leave days Scientific investigators must sooner or later
taken. Higher scores and large number of days face the necessity of measuring the variables of the
indicated elevated levels of morbidity. Little, relations they are studying. Sometimes
26 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

measurement is easy, sometimes difficult. To 1977, p. 232) makes the same point in his
measure gender or social class is easy; to measure extended discussion of scientific constructs.
creativity, conservatism, or organizational Despite the dangers of extreme operationism, it
effectiveness is difficult. The importance of can be safely said that operationism has been and
operational definitions cannot be overemphasized. still is a healthy influence. As Skinner (1945, p.
They are indispensable ingredients of scientific 274) puts it, “The operational attitude, in spite of its
research because they enable researchers to shortcomings, is a good thing in any science but
measure variables and because they are bridges especially in psychology because of the presence
between the theory-hypothesis-construct level and there of a vast vocabulary of ancient and
the level of observation. There can be no scientific nonscientific origin." When the terms used in
research without observations, and observations are education are considered, clearly education, too,
impossible without clear and specific instructions has a vast vocabulary of ancient and nonscientific
on what and how to observe. Operational terms. Consider these: the whole child, horizontal
definitions are such instructions. and vertical enrichment, meeting the needs of the
Though indispensable, operational definitions learner, core curriculum, emotional adjustment,
yield only limited meanings of constructs. No and curricular enrichment. This is also true in the
operational definition can ever express all of a field of geriatric nursing. Here nurses deal with
variable. No operational definition can ever express such terms as the aging process, self-image,
the rich and diverse aspects of human prejudice, for attention-span and unilateral neglect (Eliopoulos,
example. This means that the variables measured 1993; Smeltzer and Bare, 1992).
by scientists are always limited and specific in To clarify constitutive and operational
meaning. The "creativity" studied by psychologists definitions (and theory too) look at Figure 3.1,
is not the "creativity" referred to by artists, though which has been adapted after Margenau (1950/
there will of course be common elements. A 1977) and Torgerson (1958/1985). The diagram is
person who thinks of a creative solution for a math supposed to illustrate a well-developed theory. The
problem may show little creativity as a poet single lines represent theoretical connections or
(Barron and Harrington, 1981). Some relations between constructs. These constructs,
psychologists have operationally defined creativity labeled with lower-case letters, are defined
as performance on the Torrance Test of Creative constitutively; that is, c4 is defined somehow by c3,
Thinking (Torrance, 1982). Children who score or vice versa. The double lines represent
high on this test are more likely to make creative operational definitions. The C constructs are
achievements as adults. directly linked to observable data; they are
Some scientists say that such limited indispensable links to empirical reality. However,
operational meanings are the only meanings that not all constructs in a scientific theory are defined
"mean" anything, that all other definitions are operationally. Indeed, it is a rather thin theory that
metaphysical nonsense. They say that discussions has all its constructs so defined.
of anxiety are metaphysical nonsense, unless Let us build a "small theory" of
adequate operational definitions of anxiety are underachievement to illustrate these notions.
available and are used. This view is extreme, Suppose an investigator believes that
though it has healthy aspects. To insist that every underachievement is, in part, a function of pupils'
term we use in scientific discourse be self-concepts. The investigator believes that pupils
operationally defined would be too narrowing, too who perceive themselves as inadequate and have
restrictive, and, as we shall see, scientifically negative self-percepts, also tend to achieve less
unsound. Northrop (1947/1983 p. 130) says, for than their potential capacity and aptitude indicate
example, "The importance of operational they should achieve. It follows that ego-needs
definitions is that they make verification possible (which we will not define here) and motivation for
and enrich meaning. They do not, however, achievement (call this n-ach, or need for
exhaust scientific meaning.” Margenau (1950/ achievement) are tied to underachievement.
Naturally, the investigator is also aware of the
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 27

relation between aptitude and intelligence and between C1 and C2 and between C2 and C3 indicate
achievement in general. A diagram to illustrate this obtained relations between the test scores of these
"theory" might look like Figure 3.2. measures. (The lines between C1 and C2 and
between C2 and C3 are labeled r for "relation," or
"coefficient of correlation.")

The investigator has no direct measure of self-

concept, but assumes that inferences can be drawn
about an individual’s self concept from a figure-
drawing test. Self-concept is operationally defined,
then, as certain responses to the figure-drawing
test. This is probably the most common method of The broken single lines indicate postulated
measuring psychological (and educational) relations between constructs that are not relatively
constructs. The heavy single line between c1 and well established. A good example of this is the
C1 indicates the relatively direct nature of the postulated relation between self-concept and
achievement motivation. One of the aims of
presumed relation between self-concept and the
science is to make these broken lines solid lines by
test. (The double line between C1 and the level of
bridging the operational definition-measurement
observation indicates an operational definition, as it gap. In this case, it is quite conceivable that both
did in Figure 3.1.) self-concept and achievement motivation can be
Similarly, the construct achievement (c4) is operationally defined and directly measured.
operationally defined as the discrepancy between In essence, this is the way the behavioral
measured achievement (C2) and measured aptitude scientist operates. The scientist shuttles back and
(c5). In this model the investigator has no direct forth between the level of theory-constructs and the
measure of achievement motivation, no operational level of observation. This is done by operationally
definition of it. In another study, naturally, the defining the variables of the theory that are
investigator may specifically hypothesize a relation amenable to such definition. Then the relations are
between achievement and achievement motivation, estimated between the operationally defined and
in which case one will try to define achievement measured variables. From these estimated relations
motivation operationally. the scientist makes inferences as to the relations
A single solid line between concepts, for between the constructs. In the above example, the
example, the one between the construct behavioral scientist calculates the relation between
achievement (c4) and achievement test (C2), C1 (figure-drawing test) and C2 (achievement test).
indicates a relatively well established relation If the relation is established on this observational
between postulated achievement and what standard level, the scientist infers that a relation exists
achievement tests measure. The single solid lines between c1 (self-concept) and c4 (achievement).
28 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

different teaching methods on math test

performance, they would vary the method of
TYPES OF VARIABLES teaching. In one condition they may have lecture
only and in the other it would be lecture plus video.
Independent and Dependent Variables Teaching method is the independent variable. The
outcome variable, test score, is the dependent
With definitional background behind us, we variable.
return to variables. Variables can be classified in The assignment of participants to different
several ways. In this book three kinds of variables groups based on the existence of some
are very important and will be emphasized: (1) characteristic is an example of where the researcher
independent and dependent variables, (2) active was not able to manipulate the independent
and attribute variables and (3) continuous and variable. The values of the independent variable in
categorical variables. this situation pre-exist. The participant either has
The most useful way to categorize variables is
the characteristic or not. Here, there is no
as independent and dependent. This categorization
possibility of experimental manipulation, but the
is highly useful because of its general applicability,
simplicity, and special importance in variable is considered to "logically" to have some
conceptualizing and designing research and in effect on a dependent variable. Subject
communicating the results of research. An characteristic variables make up most of these
independent variable is the presumed cause of the types of independent variables. One of the more
dependent variable, the presumed effect. The common independent variables of this kind is
independent variable is the antecedent; the gender (Female and Male). So if a researcher
dependent is the consequent. Since one of the goals wanted to determine if females and males differ on
of science is to find relations between different math skills, a math test would be given to
phenomena looking at the relation between representatives of both groups and then the test
independent and dependent variables does this. It is
scores are compared. The math test would be the
the independent variable that is assumed to
dependent variable. A general rule is that when the
influence the dependent variable. In some studies,
the independent variable “causes” changes in the researcher manipulates a variable or assigns
dependent variable. When we say: If A, then B, we participants to groups according to some
have the conditional conjunction of an independent characteristic, that variable is the independent
variable (A) and a dependent variable (B). variable. Table 3.1 gives a comparison between
The terms "independent variable" and the two types of independent variable and its
"dependent variable" come from mathematics, relation to the dependent variable. The independent
where X is the independent and Y the dependent variable must have at least two levels or values.
variable. This is probably the best way to think of Notice in Table 3.1 that both situations have two
independent and dependent variables because there levels for the independent variable.
is no need to use the touchy word "cause" and
related words, and because such use of symbols
Table 3.1. Relation of manipulated & Non-
applies to most research situations. There is no
manipulated IVs to the dependent variable.
theoretical restriction on numbers of X’s and Y’s.
When, later, we consider multivariate thinking and
analysis, we will deal with several independent and Levels of Independent Variable
several dependent variables.
In experiments the independent variable is the
variable manipulated by the experimenter. Changes
in the values or levels of the independent variable
produces changes in the dependent variable. When
educational investigators studied the effects of
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 29

variable and aggression the dependent variable.

Teaching Method Gender Sometimes a phenomenon is studied by itself, and
Lecture Lecture Female Male either an independent or a dependent variable is
Only plus Video implied. This is the case when teacher behaviors
Math Test Math Test Math Math and characteristics are studied. The usual implied
Scores Scores Test Test dependent variable is achievement or child
Scores Scores behavior. Teacher behavior can of course be a
dependent variable. Consider an example in
nursing science. When cognitive and functional
Dependent variables measures of Alzheimer patients are compared
between traditional nursing homes and special care
The dependent variable, of course, is the units (SCU), the independent variable is the place
variable predicted to, whereas the independent of care. The dependent variables are the cognitive
variable is prdicted from. The dependent variable, and functional measures (Swanson, Maas, and
Y, is the presumed effect, which varies Buckwalter, 1994).
concomitantly with changes or variation in the The relation between an independent variable
independent variable, X. It is the variable that is and a dependent variable can perhaps be more
observed for variation as a presumed result of clearly understood if we lay out two axes at right
variation in the independent variable. The angles to each other. One axis represents the
dependent variable is the outcome measure that the independent variable and the other axis represents
researcher uses to determine if changes in the the dependent variable. (When two axes are at
independent variable had an effect. In predicting right angles to each other, they are called
from X to Y, we can take any value of X we wish, orthogonal axes.) Following mathematical custom,
whereas the value of Y we predict to is "dependent X, the independent variable, is the horizontal axis
on" the value of X we have selected. The and Y, the dependent variable, the vertical axis. (X
dependent variable is ordinarily the condition we is called the abscissa and Y the ordinate.) X values
are trying to explain. The most common dependent are laid out on the X-axis and Y values on the Y-
variable in education, for instance, is achievement axis.
or "learning." We want to account for or explain A very common and useful way to "see" and
achievement. In doing so we have a large number interpret a relation is to plot the pairs of XY values,
of possible X’s or independent variables to choose using the X and Y axes as a frame of reference. Let
from. us suppose, in a study of child development, that
When the relation between intelligence and we have two sets of measures. The X measures
school achievement is studied, intelligence is the chronological age and the Y measures reading age.
independent and achievement is the dependent Reading age is a so-called growth age. Seriatim
variable. (Is it conceivable that it might be the other measurements of individuals growths-in height,
way around?) Other independent variables that can weight intelligence, and so forth-are expressed as
be studied in relation to the dependent variable, the average chronological age at which they appear
achievement, are social class, methods of teaching, in the standard population.
personality types, types of motivation (reward and
punishment), attitudes toward school, class
atmosphere, and so on. When the presumed X: Chronological Age Y: Reading Age
determinants of delinquency are studied, such (in Months) (in Months)
determinants as slum conditions, broken homes, 72 48
lack of parental love, and the like, are independent 84 62
variables and, naturally, delinquency (more 96 69
108 71
accurately, delinquent behavior) is the dependent
120 100
variable. In the frustration-aggression hypothesis 132 112
mentioned earlier, frustration is the independent
30 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

attitudes was job satisfaction. Likewise Hodson

(1989) studies gender differences in job
These measures are plotted in Figure 3.3. satisfaction. Scott, Moore and Miceli (1997) found
job satisfaction linked to the behavior patterns of
workaholics. There have been studies where job
satisfaction was used as an independent variable.
Meiksins and Watson (1989) showed how much
job satisfaction influenced the professional
autonomy of engineers. Studies by Somers (1996),
Francis-Felsen, Coward, Hogan and Duncan
(1996) and Hutchinson and Turner (1988)
examined job satisfaction’s effect on nursing
personnel turnover.
Another example is anxiety. Anxiety has been
studied as an independent variable affecting the
dependent variable achievement. Oldani (1997)
found mother’s anxiety during pregnancy
influenced the achievement (measured as success
in the music industry) of the offspring. Capaldi,
Crosby and Stoolmiller (1996) used the anxiety
levels of teenage boys to predict the timing of their
first sexual intercourse. Onwuegbuzie and Seaman
(1995) studied the effects of test anxiety on test
The relation between chronological age (CA) performance in a statistics course. It can also
and reading age (RA) can now be "seen" and readily be conceived and used as a dependent
roughly approximated. Note that there is a variable. For example, it could be used to study the
pronounced tendency, as might be expected for difference between types of culture, socioeconomic
more advanced CA to be associated with higher status and gender (see Guida and Ludlow, 1989;
RA, medium CA with medium RA, and less Murphy, Olivier, Monson, and Sobol, 1991). In
advanced CA with lower RA. In other words, the other words, the independent and dependent
relation between the independent and dependent variable classification is really a classification of
variables, in this case between CA and RA, can be uses of variables rather than a distinction between
seen from a graph such as this. A straight line has different kinds of variables.
been drawn in to "show" the relation. It is a rough
average of all the points of the plot. Note that if one
has knowledge of independent variable measures Active and Attribute Variables
and a relation such as that shown in Figure 3.3, one
can predict with considerable accuracy the A classification that will be useful in our later
dependent variable measures. Plots like this can of study of research design is based on the distinction
course be used with any independent and between experimental and measured variables. It
dependent variable measures. is important when planning and executing
The student should be alert to the possibility of research to distinguish between these two types of
a variable being an independent variable in one variables. Manipulated variables will be called
study and a dependent variable in another, or even active variables; measured variables will be called
both in the same study. An example is job attribute variables. For example, Colwell,
satisfaction. A majority of the studies involving Foreman and Trotter (1993) compared two
job satisfaction use it as a dependent variable. Day methods of treating pressure ulcers of bed-ridden
and Schoenrade (1997) showed the effect of sexual patients. The dependent variables were efficacy
orientation on work attitudes. One of those work and cost-effectiveness. The two methods were
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 31

moist gauze dressing and hydrocolloid wafer have made individuals what they are. Such
dressing. The researchers had control over which variables are also called organismic variables. Any
patients got which type of treatment. As such, the property of an individual, any characteristic or
treatment or independent variable was an active or attribute, is an organismic variable. It is part of the
manipulated variable. organism, so to speak. In other words, organismic
Any variable that is manipulated, then, is an variables are those characteristics that individuals
active variable. "Manipulation" means, essentially, have in varying degrees when they come to the
doing different things to different groups of research situation. The term individual differences
subjects, as we will see clearly in a later chapter imply organismic variables. One of the more
where we discuss in depth the differences between common attribute variables in the social and
experimental and nonexperimental research. When behavioral sciences is gender: female-male.
Studies designed to compare gender differences
a researcher does one thing to one group, for
involve an attribute variable. Take for example the
example, positively reinforces a certain kind of study by de Weerth and Kalma (1993). These
behavior, and does something different to another researchers compared females to males on their
group or has the two groups follow different response to spousal or partner infidelity. Gender is
instructions, this is manipulation. When one uses the attribute variable here. Gender is not a
different methods of teaching, or rewards the manipulated variable There are studies where a
subjects of one group and punishes those of test score or a collection of test scores were used to
another, or creates anxiety through worrisome divide a group of people into two or more groups.
instructions, one is actively manipulating the In this case the group differences are reflected in an
variables methods, reinforcement, and anxiety. attribute variable. For example, the study by Hart,
Another related classification, used mainly by Forth and Hare (1990) administered a
psychopathology test to male prison inmates.
psychologists, is stimulus and response variables. A
Based on their scores inmates were assigned to one
stimulus variable is any condition or manipulation of three groups: low, medium and high. They were
by the experimenter of the environment that evokes then compared on their score on a battery of
a response in an organism. A response variable is neuropsychological tests. The level of
any kind of behavior of the organism. The psychopathology pre-exists and is not manipulated
assumption is made that for any kind of behavior by the researcher. If an inmate scored high, he was
there is always a stimulus. Thus the organism’s placed in the high group. Hence psychopathology
behavior is a response. This classification is is an attribute variable in this study. There are some
reflected in the well-known equation: R = f(O, S), studies where the independent variable could have
which is read: "Responses are a function of the been manipulated. However, for logistic or legal
organism and stimuli," or "Response variables are a reasons they were not. An example of where the
independent variable could have been manipulated
function of organismic variables and stimulus
but was not is the study by Swanson, Maas and
variables." Buckwalter (1994). These researchers compared
Variables that cannot be manipulated are
different care facilities effect on cognitive and
attribute variables or subject-characteristic
functional measures of Alzheimer patients. The
variables. It is impossible, or at least difficult, to
attribute variable was the type of facility. The
manipulate many variables. All variables that are
researchers were not allowed to place patients into
human characteristics such as intelligence,
the two different care facilities (traditional nursing
aptitude, gender, socioeconomic status,
home versus special care unit). The researchers
conservatism, field dependence, need for
were forced to study the subjects after they had
achievement, and attitudes are attribute variables.
been assigned to a care facility. Hence the
Subjects come to our studies with these variables
independent variable can be thought of as a non-
(attributes) ready-made or pre-existing. Early
manipulated one. The researcher inherited groups
environment, heredity, and other circumstances
that were intact.
32 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

The word "attribute," moreover, is accurate dependency from high through medium to low.
enough when used with inanimate objects or Second, continuous measures in actual use are
referents. Organizations, institutions, groups, contained in a range, and each individual obtains a
populations, homes, and geographical areas have "score" within the range. A scale to measure
attributes. Organizations are variably productive; dependency may have the range 1 through 7. Most
institutions become outmoded; groups differ in scales in use in the behavioral sciences also have a
cohesiveness; geographical areas vary widely in third characteristic: there is a theoretically infinite
resources. set of values within the range. (Rank-order scales
This active-attribute distinction is general, are somewhat different` they will be discussed later
flexible, and useful. We will see that some in the book.) That is, a particular individual’s score
variables are by their very nature always attributes, may be 4.72 rather than simply 4 or 5.
but other variables that are attributes can also be Categorical variables, as we will call them,
active. This latter characteristic makes it possible to belong to a kind of measurement called nominal.
investigate the "same" relations in different ways. In nominal measurement, there are two or more
A good example, again, is the variable anxiety. We subsets of the set of objects being measured.
can measure the anxiety of subjects. Anxiety is in Individuals are categorized by their possession of
this case obviously an attribute variable. However, the characteristic that defines any subset. "To
we can manipulate anxiety, too. We can induce categorize" means to assign an object to a subclass
different degrees of anxiety, for example, by telling or subset of a class or set on the basis of the
the subjects of one experimental group that the task object’s having or not having the characteristic that
they are about to do is difficult, that their defines the subset. The individual being
intelligence is being measured, and that their categorized either has the defining property or does
futures depend on the scores they get. The subjects not have it; it is an all-or-none kind of thing. The
of another experimental group are told to do their simplest examples are dichotomous categorical
best but to relax. They are told the outcome is not variables: female-male, Republican-Democrat,
too important and will have no influence on their right-wrong. Polytomies, variables with more than
futures. Actually, we cannot assume that the two subsets or partitions, are fairly common,
measured (attribute) and the manipulated (active) especially in sociology and economics: religious
"anxieties" are the same. We may assume that both preference, education (usually), nationality,
are "anxiety" in a broad sense, but they are occupational choice, and so on.
certainly not the same. Categorical variables and nominal
measurement have simple requirements: all the
members of a subset are considered the same and
CONTINUOUS AND CATEGORICAL all are assigned the same name (nominal) and the
VARIABLES same numeral. If the variable is religious
preference, for instance, all Protestants are the
A distinction especially useful in the planning same, all Catholics are the same, and all "others"
of research and the analysis of data between are the same. If an individual is a
continuous and categorical variables has already Catholic(operationally defined in a suitable way)
been introduced. Its later importance, however, that person is assigned to the category "Catholic"
justifies more extended consideration. and also assigned a "1" in that category. In brief,
A continuous variable is capable of taking on an that person is counted as a "Catholic." Categorical
ordered set of values within a certain range. This variables are "democratic. There is no rank order
definition means, first, that the values of a or greater than and less-than among the categories,
continuous variable reflect at least a rank order, a and all members of a category have the same value.
larger value of the variable meaning more of the The expression "qualitative variables" has
property in question than a smaller value. The sometimes been applied to categorical variables,
values yielded by a scale to measure dependency, especially to dichotomies, probably in contrast to
for instance, express differing amounts of "quantitative variables" (our continuous variables).
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 33

Such usage reflects a somewhat distorted notion of variables. The best-known example of an important
what variables are. They are always quantifiable, or latent variable is "intelligence." We can say that
they are not variables. If x has only two subsets and three ability tests, verbal, numerical, and spatial,
can take on only two values, 1 and 0, these are still are positively and substantially related. This
values, and the variable varies. If x is a polytomy, means, for the most part, that people high on one
like political affiliation, we quantify again by tend to be high on the others; similarly, persons low
assigning integer values to individuals. If an on one tend to be low on the others. We believe that
individual, say, is a Democrat, then put that person something is common to the three tests or observed
in the Democrat subset. That individual is assigned variables and name this something "intelligence." It
a 1. All individuals in the Democrat subset would is a latent variable.
be assigned a value of 1. It is extremely important We have encountered many examples of latent
to understand this because, for one thing, it is the variables in previous pages: achievement,
basis of quantifying many variables, even creativity, social class, job satisfaction, religious
experimental treatments, for complex analysis. In preference, and so on. Indeed, whenever we utter
multiple regression analysis, as we will see later in the names of phenomena on which people or
the book, all variables, continuous and categorical, objects vary, we are talking about latent variables.
are entered as variables into the analysis. Earlier, In science our real interest is more in the relations
the example of gender was given, 1 being assigned among latent variables than it is in the relations
to one gender and 0 to the other. We can set up a among observed variables because we seek to
column of 1’s and 0’s just as we would set up a explain phenomena and their relations. When we
column of dependency scores. The column of 1’s enunciate a theory, we enunciate in part systematic
and 0’s is the quantification of the variable gender. relations among latent variables. We are not too
There is no mystery here. Such variables have been interested in the relation between observed
called "dummy variables." Since they are highly frustrated behaviors and observed aggressive
useful and powerful, even indispensable, in modern behaviors, for example, though we must of course
research data analysis they need to be clearly work with them at the empirical level. We are
understood. A deeper explanation of this can be really interested in the relation between the latent
found in Kerlinger and Pedhazur (1973). The variable frustration and the latent variable
method is easily extended to polytomies. A aggression.
polytomy is a division of the members of a group We must be cautious, however, when dealing
into three or more subdivisions. with nonobservables. Scientists, using such terms
as "hostility," "anxiety," and "learning," are aware
that they are talking about invented constructs. The
CONSTRUCTS, OBSERVABLES, AND “reality” of these constructs is inferred from
LATENT VARIABLES behavior. If they want to study the effects of
In much of the previous discussion of this chapter it different kinds of motivation, they must know that
has been implied, though not explicitly stated, that "motivation" is a latent variable, a construct
there is a sharp difference between constructs and invented to account for presumably "motivated"
observed variables. Moreover, we can say that behavior. They must know that its "reality" is only
constructs are nonobservables, and variables, when a postulated reality. They can only judge that
operationally defined, are observables. The youngsters are motivated or not motivated by
distinction is important, because if we are not observing their behavior. Still, in order to study
always keenly aware of the level of discourse we motivation, they must measure it or manipulate it.
are on when talking about variables, we can hardly But they cannot measure it directly because it is an
be clear about what we are doing. "in-the-head" variable, an unobservable entity, a
An important and fruitful expression, which we latent variable, in short. The construct was invented
will encounter and use a good deal later in the for "something" presumed to be inside individuals,
book, is "latent variable." A latent variable is an "something" prompting them to behave in such-
unobserved "entity" presumed to underlie observed and-such manners. This means that researchers
34 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

must always measure presumed indicators of in which the distinction was made between
motivation and not motivation itself. They must, in experimental and measured variables and between
other words, always measure some kind of constructs and operationally defined variables,
behavior, be it marks on paper, spoken words, or several examples of constructs or variables and
meaningful gestures, and then make inferences operational definitions are given below. If a
about presumed characteristics-or latent variables. definition is experimental, it is labeled (E); if it is
Other terms have been used to express more or measured, it is labeled (M).
less the same ideas. For example, Tolman (1951 Operational definitions differ in degree of
pp. 115-129.) calls constructs intervening specificity. Some are quite closely tied to
variables. Intervening variable is a term invented observations. "Test" definitions, like "Intelligence
to account for internal, unobservable psychological is defined as a score on X intelligence test " are
processes that in turn account for behavior. An very specific. A definition like "Frustration is
intervening variable is an "in-the-head" variable. It prevention from reaching a goal" is more general
cannot be seen, heard, or felt. It is inferred from and requires further specification to be measurable.
behavior. "Hostility" is inferred from presumably Social Class “. . . two or more orders of people
hostile or aggressive acts. "Anxiety" is inferred who are believed to be, and are accordingly ranked
from test scores, skin responses, heart beat, and by the members of a community, in socially
certain experimental manipulations. Another term superior and inferior positions." (M) Warner and
is "hypothetical construct." Since this expression Lunt, 1941 p. 82). To be operational, this definition
means much the same as latent variable with has to be specified by questions aimed at people’s
somewhat less generality, we need not pause over beliefs about other people’s positions. This is a
it. We should mention, however, that "latent subjective definition of social class. Social class, or
variable" appears to be a more general and social status, is also defined more objectively by
applicable expression than "intervening variable" using such indices as occupation, income, and
and "hypothetical construct." This is because it education, or by combinations of such indices. For
can be used for virtually any phenomena that example, ". . . we converted information about the
presumably influence or are influenced by other education, occupation and income of the parents of
phenomena. In other words, "latent variable" can the NLSY youths into an index of socioeconomic
be used with psychological, sociological, and other status (SES) in which the highest scores indicate
phenomena. "Latent variable" seems to be the advanced education, affluence and prestigious
preferable term because of its generality. Also, occupations. Lowest scores indicate poverty,
because it is now possible in the analysis of meager education and the most menial jobs." (M)
covariance structures approach to assess the effects (Herrnstein and Murray, 1996, p. 131).
of latent variables on each other and on so-called Achievement (School, Arithmetic, and Spelling)
manifest or observed variables. This rather abstract Achievement is customarily defined operationally
discussion will later be made more concrete and, it by citing a standardized test of achievement (for
is hoped, meaningful. We will then see that the idea example, Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Elementary or
of latent variables and the relations between them the Achievement Test of the Kaufman Assessment
is an extremely important, fruitful, and useful one Battery for Children (K-ABC), by grade-point
that is helping to change fundamental approaches averages, or by teacher judgments. “Student
to research problems. achievement was measured by the combined test
scores of reading and mathematics.” (M) (Peng and
Wright, 1994). Occasionally achievement is in the
EXAMPLES OF VARIABLES AND form of a performance test. Silverman (1993)
OPERATIONAL DEFINITIONS examined students on two skills in volleyball: The
serve test and the forearm passing test. In the serve
A number of constructs and operational test, students received a score between 0 and 4
definitions have already been given. To illustrate depending on where the served ball dropped. The
and clarify the preceding discussion, especially that forearm passing test involved bouncing the ball off
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 35

of one’s forearm. The criteria used was to count you’re right," "That’s so," or the like, or by
the number of times the student can pass the ball nodding and smiling affirmation if he could not
above a 8 foot line against the wall within a 1 interrupt. (E) the model and the child were
minute period. (M) Also used in some administered alternately 12 different sets of
educational studies is an operational definition of story items. To each of the 12 items, the model
the concept student achievement perception. Here consistently expressed judgmental responses in
the students are asked to evaluate themselves. The opposition to the child’s moral orientation. . .
question used by Shoffner (1990) was “What kind and the experimenter reinforced the models
of student do you think you are?” The response behavior with verbal approval responses such
choices available were “A student,” “B student,” as "Very good," "That’s fine," and "That’s
and “C student.” (M) good." The child was similarly reinforced
Achievement (Academic Performance) “As a whenever he adopted the models class of moral
result, grades for all students in all sections were judgments in response to his own set of items.
obtained and used to determine the section-rank for (E) [This is called "social reinforcement."]
each student participating in the study. Section (Bandura and MacDonald, 1994).
percentile rank was computed for each of these
students and was used as the dependent measure of Another example: The teacher gives verbal
achievement in the final data analysis.” (M) praise each time the child exhibits the target
(Strom, Hocevar, and Zimmer, 1990). behavior. The target behaviors are attending to
Hom, Berger, et al (1994) operationally define instruction, school work, and responding aloud.
intrinsic Motivation as “The cumulative amount of The recording is done every 15 seconds. (E)
time that each student played with the pattern (Martens, Hiralall, and Bradley, 1997).
blocks with the reward system absent.” (M). Attitudes Toward AIDS is defined by an 18-item
Popularity. Popularity is often defined scale. Each item consisted of a Likert-type format
operationally by the number of sociometric choices reflecting different attitudes toward AIDS patients.
an individual receives from other individuals (in Some sample items are “People with AIDS should
his class, play group, and so on). Individuals are not be permitted to use public toilets,” and “There
asked: "With whom would you like to work?," should be mandatory testing of all Americans for
"With whom would you like to play?,” and the AIDS.” (M) (Lester, 1989).
like. Each individual is required to choose one, Comrey (1993) defines borderline Personality
two, or more individuals from his group on the as having low scores on three scales of the Comrey
basis of such criterion questions. (M) Personality Scales. The three scales are Trust
Task Involvement ". . . each child’s behavior versus Defensiveness, Social Conformity versus
during a lesson was coded every 6 sec as being Rebelliousness and Emotional Stability versus
appropriately involved, or deviant. The task Neuroticism.
involvement scores for a lesson was the percentage Employee delinquency is operationally defined
of 6-sec units in which the children were coded as as a combination of three variables. The variables
appropriately involved.” (M) (Kounin and Doyle, are the number of chargeable accidents, the number
1975). of warning letters and the number of suspensions.
Reinforcement. Reinforcement definitions come (M) (Hogan and Hogan, 1989).
in a number of forms. Most of them involve, in one Religiosity is defined as a score on the Francis
way or another, the principle of reward. However, Scale of Attitudes toward Christianity. This scale
both positive and negative reinforcement may be consists of 24 items. Each item has a Likert-type
used. The author gives specific experimental response scale. Sample items include: “Saying my
definitions of "reinforcement. " For example, prayers helps me a lot.” and “God helps me to lead
In the second 10 minutes, every opinion a better life.” (M) (Gillings and Joseph, 1996).
statement S made was recorded by E and Religiosity should not be confused with religious
reinforced. For two groups, E agreed with preference. Here religiosity refers to the strength
every opinion statement by saying: "Yes, of devotion to one’s chosen religion.
36 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

Self Esteem. Self-Esteem is a manipulated ratings with true ratings provided by expert raters.”
independent variable in the study by Steele, (M).
Spencer and Lynch (1993). Here subjects are Memory: Recall and Recognition ". . . recall, is
given a self-esteem test, but when they are given to ask the subject to recite what he remembers of
feedback, the information on the official looking the items shown him, giving him a point for each
feedback report was bogus. Subjects of the same item that matches one on the stimulus list. (M)
measured level of self-esteem are divided into 3 (Norman, 1976 p. 97.). “The recognition test
feedback groups: positive, negative and none. In consisted of 62 sentences presented to all subjects. .
the positive feedback condition (positive self- . . . subjects were instructed to rate each sentence
esteem), subjects are described with statements on their degree of confidence that the sentence had
such as “clear thinking.” Those in the negative been presented in the acquisition set.” (M) (Richter
group (negative self-esteem) are given adjectives and Seay, 1987).
like “passive in action.” The no feedback group are Social Skills. This can be operationally defined
told that their personality profile (self-esteem) were as a score on the Social Skills Rating Scale
not ready due to a backlog in scoring and (Gresham and Elliot, 1990). There is the
interpretation. (E). Most studies on self-esteem possibility of input from the student, parent and
use a measured operational definition. In the above teacher. Social behaviors are rated in terms of
example, Steele, Spencer and Lynch used the Janis- frequency of occurrence and also on the level of
Field Feelings of Inadequacy Self-Esteem scale. importance. Some social skill items include: “Gets
(M) In another example, Luhtanen and Crocker along with people who are different, (Teacher),”
(1992) defines collective self-esteem as a score on “Volunteers to help family members with tasks,
a scale containing 16 Likert-type items. These (Parent)” and “I politely question rules that may be
items ask respondents to think about a variety of unfair. (Student)” (M).
social groups and membership such as gender, Ingratiation. One of many impression
religion, race and ethnicity. (M). management techniques (see Orpen, 1996 and
Race. Race is usually a measured variable. Gordon, 1996). Ingratiation is operationally
However, in a study by Annis and Corenblum, defined as a score on the Kumar and Beyerlein
(1986), 83 Canadian Indian kindergartners and first (1991) scale. This scale consisted of 25 Likert-type
graders were asked questions on racial preferences items and designed to measure the frequency that
and self-identity by either a White or Indian subordinates in a superior-subordinate relationship
experimenter. (E). The interest here was on use ingratiatory tactics. (M). Strutton, Pelton and
whether the race of the experimenter influenced Lumpkin (1995) modified the Kumar-Beyerlein
responses. scale. Instead of measuring ingratiation between
Loneliness. One definition of this is a score on and employee and employer-supervisor, it
the UCLA Loneliness Scale. This scale includes measured ingratiation behavior between a
items such as “No one really knows me well,” or “I salesperson and a customer. (M).
lack companionship.” There is also the Feminism. This is defined by a score on the
Loneliness Deprivation Scale that has items such as Attitudes Toward Women Questionnaire. This
“I experience a sense of emptiness,” or “There is no instrument consists of 18 statements to which the
one who shows a particular interest in me.” (M) respondent registers agreement on a 5-point scale.
(Oshagan and Allen, 1992). Items include ‘Men have held power for too long’;
Halo. There have been many operational ‘Beauty contests are degrading to women,'
definitions of the halo effect. Balzer and Sulsky ‘Children of working mothers are bound to suffer.’
(1992) summarize them. They found 108 “ (Wilson and Reading, 1989).
definitions that fit into 6 categories. One of the Values. "Rank the ten goals in the order of
definitions states that halo is “ . . . the average their importance to you. (1) financial success; (2)
within-ratee variance or standard deviation of being liked; (3) success in family life; (4) being
ratings.” Another would be “comparing obtained intellectually capable; (5) living by religious
principles; (6) helping others; (7) being normal,
Chapter 3: Constructs, Variables and Definitions 37

well-adjusted; (8) cooperating with others; (9) achievement reading ability

doing a thorough job; (10) occupational success." underachievement needs
(M) (Newcomb, 1978). leadership interests
Democracy (Political Democracy) "The index transfer of training delinquency
[of political democracy] consists of three indicators level of aspiration need for affiliation
of popular sovereignty and three of political organizational conflict conformity
liberties. The three measures of popular political preference marital satisfaction
sovereignty are: (1) fairness of elections, (2)
effective executive selection, and (3) legislative Some of these concepts or variables-for example,
selection. The indicators of political liberties are: needs and transfer of training-may be difficult to define
(4) freedom of the press, (5) freedom of group operationally. Why?
opposition, and (6) government sanctions." (M).
Bollen (1979) gives operational details of the six 2. Can any of the variables in 1, above, be both
social indicators in an appendix (pp. 585-586). This independent and dependent variables? Which ones?
is a particularly good example of the operational
definition of a complex concept. Moreover, it is an 3. It is instructive and broadening for specialists to read
excellent description of the ingredients of outside their fields. This is particularly true for
democracy. students of behavioral research. It is suggested that
The benefits of operational thinking have been the student of a particular field read two or three
great. Indeed, operationism has been and is one of research studies in one of the best journals of another
the most significant and important movements of field. If you are in psychology, read a sociology
our times. Extreme operationism, of course, can be journal, say the American Sociological Review. If you
dangerous because it clouds recognition of the are in education or sociology, read a psychology
importance of constructs and constitutive journal say the Journal! of Personality and Social
definitions in behavioral science, and because it Psychology or the Journal of Experimental
can also restrict research to trivial problems. There Psychology. Students not in education can sample the
can be little doubt, however, that it is a healthy Journal of Educational Psychology or the American
influence. It is the indispensable key to achieving Educational Research Journal. When you read, jot
objectivity (without which there is no science) down the names of the variables and compare them to
because its demand that observations must be the variables in your own field. Are they primarily
public and replicable helps to put research active or attribute variables? Note, for instance, that
activities outside of and apart from researchers and psychology’s variables are more "active" than
their predilections. And, as Underwood (1957 p. sociology’s. What implications do the variables of a
53) has said in his classical text on psychological field have for its research?
. . . I would say that operational thinking makes 4. Reading the following articles is useful in learning
better scientists. The operationist is forced to and developing operational definitions.
remove the fuzz from his empirical concepts. . . . .
. operationism facilitates communication among Kinnier, R. T. (1995). A reconceptualization of
scientists because the meaning of concepts so values clarification: Values conflict resolution.
defined is not easily subject to misinterpretation. Journal of Counseling and Development, 74(1), 18-
Study Suggestions
Lego, S. (1988). Multiple disorder: An
interpersonal approach to etiology, treatment and
1. Write operational definitions for five or six of the
nursing care. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2(4),
following constructs. When possible, write two
such definitions: an experimental one and a
Lobel, M. (1994). Conceptualizations, measurement,
measured one.
and effects of prenatal maternal stress on birth
reinforcement punitiveness
38 Chapter 3: Construct, Variables and Definitions

outcomes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17(3), a) The independent variable is a variable that is
225-272. varied and has a presumed cause on another
Navathe, P. D. & Singh, B. (1994). An variable, the dependent variable. In an
operational definition for spatial disorientation. experiment, it is the manipulated variable. It is
Aviation, Space & Environmental Medicine, 65(12), the variable under the control of the experimenter.
1153-1155. In a non-experimental study, it is the variable that
Sun, K.(1995). The definition of race. American has a logical effect on the dependent variable.
Psychologist, 50(1), 43-44. b) dependent variable is a variable whose effect
Talaga, J. A. & Beehr, T. A. (1995). Are there gender varies concomitantly with changes or variations
differences in predicting retirement decisions? in the independent variable.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 80(1), 16-28. c) An active variable is a variable that is
Woods, D. W., Miltenberger, R. G. & Flach, A. D. manipulated. Manipulation means that the
(1996). Habits, tics, and stuttering: Prevalence and experimenter has control over how the values
relation to anxiety an somatic awareness. Behavior change.
Modification, 20(2), 216-225. d) An attributive variable is one that is
measured and cannot be manipulated. A variable
Chapter Summary that cannot be manipulated is one where the
experimenter has no control over the values of the
1. A concept is an expression of an abstraction formed variable.
from generalization of particulars, e.g., weight. This e) A continuous variable is one capable of
expression is from observations of certain behaviors taking on an ordered set of values within a certain
or actions. range. These variables reflect at least a rank order.
2. A construct is a concept that has been formulated so f) Categorical variables belong to a kind of
that it can be used in science. It is used in measurement where objects are assigned to a
theoretical schemes. It is defined so that it can be subclass or subset The subclasses are distinct and
observed and measured. non-overlapping. All objects put into the same
3. A variable is defined as a property that can take on category are considered to have the same
different values. It is a symbol to which values are characteristic.
assigned. g) Latent variables are unobservable entities.
4. Constructs and words can be defined by They are assumed to underlie observed variables.
a) other words or concepts h) Intervening variables are constructs that
b) description of an implicit or explicit action or account for internal unobservable psychological
behavior processes that account for behavior. It is a variable
5. A constitutive definition is one where constructs are that cannot be seen but inferred from behavior.
defined by other constructs.
6. An operational definition is one where meaning is
assigned by specifying the activities or operations
necessary to measure and evaluate the construct.
Operational definitions can give only limited
meaning of constructs. They cannot completely
describe a construct or variable. There are two
types of operational definitions:
a) measured - tells us how the variable or
construct will be measured
b) experimental - lays out the details of how the
variable (construct) is manipulated by the
7. Types of variables
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 39

the scores, that is, each score is an X. The formula then,

Chapter 4
says, "Add the scores and divide by the number of cases
in the set." Thus:
Variance and Covariance
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 15
M= = =3
TO STUDY scientific problems and to answer 5 5
scientific questions, we must study differences among
The mean of the set X is 3. “M” will be used to
phenomena. In Chapter 5, we examined relations among
represent the mean in this book. Other symbols that are
variables; in a sense, we were studying similarities.
commonly used are and m.
Now we concentrate on differences because without
Calculating the variance, while not as simple as
differences and without variation, there is no technical
calculating the mean, is still simple. The formula is:
way to determine the relations among variables. If we
want to study the relation between race and
achievement, for instance, we are helpless if we have ∑ x2
V= (4.2)
only achievement measures of White-American n
children. We must have achievement measures of
children of more than one race. In short, race must vary;
V means variance; n and Σ are the same as in Equation
it must have variance. It is necessary to explore the
variance notion analytically and in some depth. To do so 4.1. Σx2 is called the sum of squares; it needs some
adequately, it is also necessary to skim some of the explanation. The scores are listed in a column:
cream off the milk of statistics.
Studying sets of numbers as they are is unwieldy. It X x x2
is usually necessary to reduce the sets in two ways: by 1 -2 4
calculating averages or measures of central tendency, 2 -1 1
and by calculating measures of variability. The measure 3 0 0
of central tendency used in this book is the mean. The 4 1 1
measure of variability most used is the variance. Both 5 2 4
ΣX: 15
kinds of measures epitomize sets of scores, but in
M: 3
different ways. They are both "summaries" of whole
Σx2: 10
sets of scores, "summaries" that express two important
facets of the sets of scores: their central or average
tendency and their variability. Solving research In this calculation x is a deviation from the mean. It is
problems without these measures is extremely difficult. defined:
We start our study of variance, then, with some simple
computations. x =X-M (4.3)

CALCULATION OF MEANS AND VARIANCES Thus, to obtain x, simply subtract from X the mean of all
the scores. For example, when X = 1, x = 1 - 3 = -2;
Take the set of numbers X = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. The mean is when X = 4, x = 4 - 3 = 1; and so on. This has been done
defined: above. Equation 4.2, however, says to square each x.
This has also been done above. (Remember, that the
∑X square of a negative number is always positive.) In other
M= ( 4.1)
n words, Σx2 tells us to subtract the mean from each score
n = the number of cases in the set of scores; Σ means to get x, square each x to get x2, and then add up the
"the sum of" or "add them up." X stands for any one of
40 Variance and Covariance

x2's. Finally, the average of the x2's is taken by dividing compared to study relations, as pointed out in Chapter 5.
We may be testing the relation between organizational
Σx2 by n, the number of cases. Σx2, the sum of squares,
climates and productivity, for instance. We may have
is a very important statistic that we will use often.
used three kinds of climates and may be interested in the
The variance, in the present case, is
question of which climate has the greatest effect on
productivity. In such cases means are customarily
2 2 2 2 2
(-2 ) + (-1 ) + (0 ) + (1 ) + (2 ) compared. For instance, of three groups, each operating
V= =
5 under one of three climates, A1, A2, and A3, which has
4 + 1+ 0 + 1+ 4 10 the greatest mean on, say, a measure of productivity?
= =2 The rationale for computing and using the variance
5 5
in research is more difficult to explain. In the usual
case of ordinary scores the variance is a measure of the
"V" will be used for variance in this book. Other
dispersion of the set of scores. It tells us how much the
symbols commonly used are s2 and s2. The former is a scores are spread out. If a group of pupils is very
so-called population value; the latter is a sample value. heterogeneous in reading achievement, then the
N is used for the total number of cases in a total sample variance of their reading scores will be large compared
or in a population. ("Sample" and "population" will be to the variance of a group that is homogeneous in
defined in a later chapter.) n is used for a subsample or reading achievement. The variance, then, is a measure
subset of U of a total sample. Appropriate subscripts of the spread of the scores; it describes the extent to
will be added and explained as necessary. For example,
which the scores differ from each other. For
if we wish to indicate the number of elements in a set A,
descriptive purposes, the square root of the variance is
a subset of U, we can write nA or na. Similarly we
ordinarily used. It is called the standard deviation.
attach subscripts to x, V, and so on. When double
Certain mathematical properties, however, make the
subscripts are used, such as rxy, the meaning will
variance more useful in research. It is suggested that
usually be obvious. the student supplement this topic of study with the
The variance is also called the mean square (when appropriate sections of an elementary statistics text
calculated in a slightly different way). It is called this (see Comrey and Lee, 1995). It will not be possible in
because, obviously, it is the mean of the x2 's. Clearly it this book to discuss all the facets of meaning and
is not difficult to calculate the mean and the variance.1 interpretation of means, variances, and standard
The question is: Why calculate the mean and the deviations. The remainder of this chapter and later
variance? The rationale for calculating the mean is parts of the book will explore other aspects of the use
easily explained. The mean expresses the general level, of the variance statistic.
the center of gravity, of a set of measures. It is a good
representative of the level of a group's characteristics or KINDS OF VARIANCE
performance. It also has certain desirable statistical
properties, and is the most ubiquitous statistic of the
behavioral sciences. In much behavioral research, for Variances come in a number of forms. When you read
the research and technical literature, you will frequently
example, means of different experimental groups are
come across the term, sometimes with a qualifying
adjective, sometimes not. To understand the literature, it
1. The method of calculating the variance used in this
is necessary to have a good idea of the characteristics
chapter differs from the methods ordinarily used. In fact, the
and purposes of these different variances. And to design
method given above is impracticable in most situations. Our
purpose is not to learn statistics, as such. Rather, we are
and do research, one must have a rather thorough
pursuing basic ideas. Methods of computation, examples, and understanding of the variance concept as well as
demonstrations have been constructed to aid this pursuit of considerable mastery of statistical variance notions and
basic ideas. manipulations.
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 41

achievement test scores of the children in a wealthy

Population and Sample Variances suburban school will tend to be systematically higher
than the scores of the children in a city slum area school.
The population variance is the variance of U, a universe Adept teaching may systematically influence the
or population of measures. Greek symbols are usually achievement of children, as compared to the
used to represent population parameters or measures. achievement of children who are ineptly taught.
For the population variance the symbol s2 (sigma There are many, many causes of systematic
squared) is used. The symbol s is used for the variance. Scientists seek to separate those in which they
population standard deviation. The population mean is are interested from those in which they are not
m (mu). If all the measures of a defined universal set, U, interested. They also try to separate from systematic
are known, then the variance is known. More likely, variance, variance that is random. Indeed, research may
however, all the measures of U are not available. In narrowly and technically be defined as the controlled
such cases the variance is estimated by calculating the study of variances.
variance of one or more samples of U. A good deal of
statistical energy goes into this important activity. A Between-Groups (Experimental) Variance
question may arise: How variable is the intelligence of
the citizens of the United States? This is a U or
population question. If there were a complete list of all One important type of systematic variance in
the millions of people in the United States—and there research is between-groups or experimental variance.
were also a complete list of intelligence test scores of Between-groups or experimental variance, as the name
these people—the variance could be simply if wearily indicates, is the variance that reflects systematic
computed. No such list exists. So samples, differences between groups of measures. The variance
representative samples, of Americans are tested and discussed previously as score variance reflects the
means and variances computed. The samples are used to differences between individuals in a group. We can say,
estimate the mean and variance of the whole population. for instance, that, on the basis of present evidence and
These estimated values are called statistics (in the current tests, the variance in intelligence of a random
population they are called parameters). The sample sample of eleven-year-old children is about 225 points.
mean is denoted by the symbol M and the sample (This is obtained by squaring the standard deviation
variance is denoted by S.D.2 or s2. A number of reported in a test manual. The standard deviation of the
California Test of Mental Maturity for 11-year-old
statistics textbooks use the X (X-bar) to represent the children, for instance, is about 15, and 152 = 225.) This
sample mean. figure is a statistic that tells us how much the
Sampling variance is the variance of statistics
computed from samples. The means of four random 1. Unfortunately, in much actual research only one sample
samples drawn from a population will differ. If the is usually available—and this one sample is frequently small.
sampling is random and the samples are large enough, We can, however, estimate the sampling variance of the
the means should not vary too much. That is, the means by using what is called the standard variance of the
1 mean. (The term "standard error of the mean" is usually used.
variance of the means should be relatively small.
The standard error of the mean is the square root of the
standard variance of the mean.) The formula is VM = VS / nS
Systematic Variance
where VM is the standard variance of the mean, VS the
Perhaps the most general way to classify variance is as variance of the sample, and nS, the size of the sample. Notice
systematic variance and error variance. Systematic an important conclusion that can be reached from this
variance is the variation in measures due to some equation. If the size of the sample is increased, VM is
known or unknown influences that "cause" the scores to decreased. In other words, to be more confident that the
lean in one direction more than another. Any natural or sample is close to the population mean, make n large.
man-made influences that cause events to happen in a Conversely, the smaller the sample, the riskier the estimate.
(See Study Suggestions 5 and 6 at the end of the chapter.)
certain predictable way are systematic influences. The
42 Variance and Covariance

individuals differ from each other. Between-groups deliberately manipulated by the experimenter with the
variance, on the other hand, is the variance due to the conscious intent to "bias" the scores differentially.
differences between groups of individuals. If the Prokasy (1987) for example, helps solidify this point by
achievement of northern region and southern region summarizing the number of variations of reinforcement
children in comparable schools is measured, there within the Pavlovian paradigm in the study of skeletal
would be differences between the northern and southern responses. Thus any experimenter-manipulated
groups. Groups as well as individuals differ or vary, and variables are intimately associated with systematic
it is possible and appropriate to calculate the variance variance. When Camel, Withers and Greenough (1986)
between these groups. gave their experimental group of rats different degrees
Between-groups variance and experimental of early experience-environmental (enriched
variance are fundamentally the same. Both arise from experiences such as a large cage with other rats and
differences between groups. Between-groups variance opportunities for exploration), and the control group a
is a term that covers all cases of systematic differences condition of reduced experience (isolation, kept in
between groups, experimental and nonexperimental. individual cages), they were deliberately attempting the
Experimental variance is usually associated with the build systematic variance into their outcome measures
variance engendered by active manipulation of (pattern and number of dendrite branching. Dendrites
independent variables by experimenters. are the branching structures of a neuron.) The basic
Here is an example of between-groups variance—in idea behind the famous "classical design" of scientific
this case experimental variance. Suppose an investigator research, in which experimental and control groups are
tests the relative efficacies of three different kinds of used, is that, through careful control and manipulation,
reinforcement on learning. After differentially the experimental group's outcome measures (also called
reinforcing the three groups of subjects, the "criterion measures") are made to vary systematically,
experimenter calculates the means of the groups. to all go up or down together, while the control group's
Suppose that they are 30, 23, and 19. The mean of the measures are ordinarily held at the same level. The
three means is 24, and we calculate the variance variance, of course, is between the two groups, that is,
between the means or between the groups: the two groups are made to differ. For example, Braud
and Braud (1972) manipulated experimental groups in a
X x most unusual way. They trained the rats of an
x2 experimental group to choose the larger of two circles in
30 6 36
a choice task; the control group rats received no
23 -1 1
19 -5 25 training. Extracts from the brains of the animals of
ΣX: 72 both groups were injected into the brains of two new
M: 24 groups of rats. Statistically speaking, they were trying to
62 increase the between-groups variance. They succeeded:
the new "experimental group" animals exceeded the
In the experiment just described, presumably the new "control group" animals in choosing the larger
different methods of reinforcement tend to "bias" the circle in the same choice task!
scores one way or another. This is, of course, the This is clear and easy to see in experiments. In
experimenter's purpose. The goal of Method A is to research that is not experimental, in research where
increase all the learning scores of an experimental already existing differences between groups are studied,
group. The experimenter may believe that Method B it is not always so clear and easy to see that one is
will have no effect on learning, and that Method C will studying between-groups variance. But the idea is the
have a depressing effect. If the experimenter is correct, same. The principle may be stated in a somewhat
the scores under Method A should all tend to go up, different way: The greater the differences between
whereas under Method C they should all tend to go groups, the more an independent variable or variables
down. Thus the scores of the groups, as wholes –and, of can be presumed to have operated. If there is little
course, their means differ systematically. difference between groups, on the other hand, then the
Reinforcement is an active variable. It is a variable presumption must be that an independent variable or
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 43

variables have not operated. That is, their effects are study where all participants were treated equally is
too weak to be noticed, or that different influences have considered error variance. Some of these fluctuations
canceled each other out. We judge the effects of are due to chance. In this case, error variance is random
independent variables that have been manipulated or variance. It is the variation in measures due to the
that have worked in the past, then, by between-groups usually small and self-compensating fluctuations of
variance. Whether the independent variables have or measures-now here, now there; now up, now down.
have not been manipulated, the principle is the same. The sampling variance discussed earlier in the chapter,
To illustrate the principle, we use the well-studied for example, is random or error variance.
problem of the effect of anxiety on school achievement. To digress briefly before continuing, it is necessary
It is possible to manipulate anxiety by having two in this chapter and the next to use the notion of
experimental groups and inducing anxiety in one and "random" or "randomness." Ideas of randomness and
not in the other. This can be done by giving each group randomization will be discussed in considerable more
the same test with different instructions. We tell the detail in a ;ater chapter. For the present, however,
members of one group that their grades depend wholly randomness means that there is no known way that can
on the test. We tell the members of the other group that be expressed in language of correctly describing or
the test does not matter particularly, that its outcome explaining events and their outcomes. In different
will not affect grades. On the other hand, the relation words, random events cannot be predicted. A random
between anxiety and achievement may also be studied sample is a subset of a universe. Its members are so
by comparing groups of individuals on whom it can be drawn that each member of the universe has an equal
assumed that different environmental and psychological chance of being selected. This is another way of saying
circumstances have acted to produce anxiety. (Of that, if members are randomly selected, there is no way
course, the experimentally induced anxiety and the to predict which member will be selected on any one
already existing anxiety—— the stimulus variable and selection-other things equal.
the organismic variable, are not assumed to be the However, one should not think that random
same.) A study to test the hypothesis that different variance is the only possible source of error variance.
environmental and psychological circumstances act to Error variance can be also consist of other components
produce different levels test anxiety was done by Guida as pointed out by Barber (1976). What gets “pooled”
and Ludlow (1989). These investigators hypothesized into the term called error variance can include
that students in the United States culture would show a measurement errors within the measuring instrument,
lower level of test anxiety than students from the procedural errors by the researcher, misrecording of
Chilean culture. Using the language of this chapter, the responses, and the researcher’s outcome expectancy. It
investigators hypothesized a larger between-groups is possible that “equal” subjects differ on the dependent
variance than could be expected by chance because of variable because one may be experiencing a different
the difference between Chilean and American physiological and psychological functioning at the time
environmental, educational and psychological the measurements were taken.
conditions. (The hypothesis was supported. Chilean Returning to our main discussion, it can be said that
students exhibited a higher level of test anxiety than error variance is the variance in measurements due to
students from the United States. However, when ignorance. Imagine a great dictionary in which
considering only the lower socio-economic groups of everything in the world—every occurrence, every
each culture, the United States students had higher test event, every little thing, every great thing—is given in
anxiety than the Chilean students.) complete detail. To understand any event that has
occurred, that is now occurring, or that will occur, all
one needs to do is look it up in the dictionary. With this
Error Variance
dictionary there are obviously no random or chance
occurrences. Everything is accounted for. In brief, there
Error variance is the fluctuation or varying of measures is no error variance; all is systematic variance.
that is unaccounted for. The fluctuations of the Unfortunately, (or more likely, fortunately) we do not
measurements in the dependent variable in a research have such a dictionary. Many, many events and
occurrences cannot be explained. Much variance eludes
44 Variance and Covariance

identification and control. This is error variance as long

as identification and control elude us. Suppose we are interested in knowing whether
While seemingly strange and even a bit bizarre, this politeness in the wording of instructions for a task
mode of reasoning is useful, provided we remember that affects memory of the polite words. Call "politeness"
some of the error variance of today may not be the error and "impoliteness" the variable A partitioned into A1
variance of tomorrow. Suppose that we do an and A2. (this idea was from Holtgraves, 1997.) The
experiment on teaching problem solving in which we
students are assigned at random to two groups.
assign pupils to three groups at random. After we finish
Treatments A1 and A2 are assigned at random to the
the experiment, we study the differences between the
three groups to see if the teaching has had an effect. We two groups. In this experiment the students of A1
know that the scores and the means of the groups will received instructions that were worded impolitely, such
always show minor fluctuations, now plus a point or as, “You must write out the full name for each state you
two or three, now minus a point or two or three, which remember.” The students of A2, on the other hand,
we can probably never control. Something or other received instructions that were of the same meaning as
makes the scores and the means fluctuate in this fashion. those received by A1 students. However, the wording
According to the view under discussion, they do not just
of the instructions was in a polite form, such as, “It
fluctuate for any reason; there is probably no "absolute
would help if you write out the full name for each state
randomness." Assuming determinism, there must be
you recall.” After reading the instructions, the subjects
some cause or causes for the fluctuations. True, we can
are given a distracter task. This task involved recalling
learn some of them and possibly control them. When we
the 50 states of the United States. The students are
do this, however, we have systematic variance.
subsequently given a recognition memory test. This test
We find out, for instance, that gender "causes" the
was used to determine the overall memory of the polite
scores to fluctuate, since males and females are mixed
words. The scores are as follows:
in the experimental groups. (We are, of course, talking
figuratively here. Obviously gender does not make
scores fluctuate.) So we do the experiment and control A1 A2
gender by using, say, only males. The scores still 3 6
fluctuate, though to a somewhat lesser extent. We 5 5
remove another presumed cause of the perturbations: 1 7
intelligence. The scores still fluctuate, though to a still 4 8
lesser extent. We go on removing such sources of 2 4
variance. We are controlling systematic variance. We M 3 6
are also gradually identifying and controlling more and The means are different; they vary. There is
more unknown variance. between-groups variance. Taking the difference
Now note that before we controlled or removed between the means at face value—later we will be more
these systematic variances, before we "knew" about precise—we may conclude that vagueness in lecturing
them, we would have to label all such variance as “error had an effect. Calculating the between-groups variance
variance”—partly through ignorance and partly through just as we did earlier, we get:
inability to do anything about such variance. We could
go on and on doing this and there will still be variance
left over. Finally we give in; we "know" no more; we x x2
have done all we can. There will still be variance. A 3 1.5 2.25
practical definition of error variance, then, would be: 6 1.5 2.25
Error variance is the variance left over in a set of M 4.5
measures after all known sources of systematic variance Σx2 4.50
have been removed from the measures. This is so
important it deserves a numerical example. 4.5
V= = 2.25
An Example of Systematic and Error Variance
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 45

Let us calculate still another variance. We do this by

In other words, we calculate the between-groups calculating the variance of A1 alone and the variance of
variance just as we earlier calculated the variance of the A2 alone and then averaging the two:
five scores 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. We simply treat the two
means as though they were individual scores, and go
ahead with an ordinary variance calculation. The A1 x x2 A2 x x2
between-groups variance, Vb, is, then, 2.25. An 3 0 0 6 0 0
appropriate statistical test would show that the 5 2 4 5 -1 1
difference between the means of the two groups is what 1 -2 4 7 1 1
is called a "statistically significant" difference. (The 4 1 1 8 2 4
meaning of this will be taken up in another chapter.)
1 2 -1 1 4 -2 4
Evidently, using polite words in instructions helped ΣX 15 30
increase the memory scores of the students. M 3 6
If we put the 10 scores in a column and calculate the Σx2 10 10
variance we get:
10 10
V A1 = =2 V A2 = =2
5 5
X x x2
3 -1.5 2.25 The variance of A1 is 2, and the variance of A2 is 2.
5 .5 .25 The average is 2. Since each of these variances was
1 -3.5 12.25 calculated separately and then averaged, we call the
4 -.5 .25 average variance calculated from them the "within-
2 -2.5 6.25 groups variance." We label this variance Vw meaning
6 1.5 2.25 within variance, or within-groups variance. Thus Vw =
5 .5 .25
7 2.5 6.25 2. This variance is unaffected by the difference between
8 3.5 12.25 the two means. This is easily shown by
4 -.5 .25 subtracting a constant of 3 from the scores of A2. This
M: 4.5 makes the mean of A2 equal to 3. Then, if the variance
Σx2 42.50 of A2 is calculated, it will be the same as before: 2.
Obviously the within-groups variance will be the same:
42.5 2.
Vt = = 4.25
10 Now write an equation: Vt = Vb + Vw. This equation
This is the total variance, Vt . Vt = 4.25 contains all says that the total variance is made up of the variance
sources of variation in the scores. We already know that between the groups and the variance within the groups.
one of these is the between-groups variance, Vb = 2.25. Is it? Substitute the numerical values: 4.25 = 2.25 +
2.00. Our method works—it shows us, too, that these
1. The method of computation used here is not variances are additive (as calculated).
what would be used to test statistical significance. It is used The variance ideas under discussion can perhaps be
here purely as a pedagogical device. Note, too, that the small clarified with a diagram. In Figure 4.1, a circle broken
numbers of cases in the examples given and the small size of up into two parts has been drawn. Let the area of the
the numbers are used only for simplicity of demonstration. total circle represent the total variance of the 10 scores,
Actual research data, of course, are usually more complex, or Vt. The larger shaded portion represents the between-
and many more cases are needed. In actual analysis of
variance the correct expression for the between sum of
groups variance, or Vb. The smaller unshaded portion
squares is: SSb = nΣxb2. For pedagogical simplicity, represents the error variance, or Vw or Ve. From the
diagram one can see that Vt = Vb + Ve. (Note the
however, we retain Σxb2, later replacing it with SSb
similarity to set thinking and the operation of union.)
46 Variance and Covariance

scores. The mean of A2 is 6, and 6 - 4.5 = 1.5 is the

constant to be subtracted from each of the A2 scores.
Study the "corrected" scores. Compare them with the
original scores. Note that they vary less than they did
before. Naturally. We removed the between-groups
variance, a sizable portion of the total variance. The
variance that remains is that portion of the total variance
due, presumably, to chance. We calculate the variance
of the "corrected" scores of A1, A2, and the total, and
note these surprising results:
A measure of all sources of variance is represented
by Vt and a measure of the between-groups variance (or
Correction: + 1.5 −1.5
a measure of the effect of the experimental treatment)
A1 A2
by Vb. But what is Vw, the within-groups variance?
Since, of the total variance, we have accounted for a
3 + 1.5 = 4.5 5 − 1.5 = 3.5
5 + 1.5 = 6.5 5 − 1.5 = 3.5
known source of variance, via the between-groups
1 + 1.5 = 2.5 7 − 1.5 = 5.5
variance, we assume that the variance remaining is due
4 + 1.5 = 5.5 8 − 1.5 = 6.5
to chance or random factors. We call it error variance.
2 + 1.5 = 3.5 4 − 1.5 = 2.5
But, you may say, surely there must be other sources of
variance? How about individual differences in ΣX 22.5 22.5
intelligence, gender, and so on? Since we assigned the M 4.5 4.5
students to the experimental groups at random, assume
that these sources of variance are equally, or
approximately equally, distributed between A1 and A2. A1 x x2 A2 x x2
And because of the random assignment we cannot 4.5 0 0 4.5 0 0
isolate and identify any other sources of variance. So we 6.5 2 4 3.5 −1 1
call the variance remaining error variance, knowing full 2.5 −2 4 5.5 1 1
well that there are probably other sources of variance 5.5 1 1 6.5 2 4
but assuming, and hoping our assumption is correct, 3.5 −1 1 2.5 −2 4
that they have been equally distributed between the two
ΣX 22.5 22.
groups. 4.5 5
Σx2 10 4.5 10
A Subtractive Demonstration: Removing Between-
Groups Variance from Total Variance
10 10
Let us demonstrate all this another way by removing V A1 = =2 V A2 = =2
from the original set of scores the between-groups 5 5
variance, using a simple subtractive procedure. First, we The within-groups variance is the same as before. It is
let each of the means of A1 and A2 be equal to the total unaffected by the correction operation. Obviously the
mean; we remove the between-groups variance. The between-groups variance is now zero. What about the
total mean is 4.5. (See above where the mean of all 10 total variance, Vt? Calculating it, we obtain Sxt2 = 20,
scores was calculated.) Second, we adjust each and Vt = 20 ³10 = 2. Thus the within-groups variance is
individual score of A1 and A2 by subtracting or adding,
now equal to the total variance. The reader should study
as the case may be, an appropriate constant. Since the this example carefully until one has a firm grasp of what
mean of A1 is 3, we add 4.5 -3 = 1.5 to each of the A1 has happened and why.
Although the previous example is perhaps sufficient
to make the essential points, it may solidify the student's
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 47

understanding of these basic variance ideas if we extend Second, by equalizing the rows (making each row mean
the example by putting in and pulling out another source equal to 4.5 and "correcting" the row scores
of variance. The reader may recall that we knew that the accordingly) we find the following data:
within-groups variance contained variation due to
individual differences. Now assume that, instead of
Correction A1 A2
randomly assigning the students to the two groups, we
had matched them on intelligence–and intelligence is 0 4.5 + 0 = 4.5 4.5 + 0 = 4.5
related to the dependent variable. That is, we put pair +1.5 2.5 + 1.5 = 4.0 3.5 + 1.5 = 5.0
members with approximately equal intelligence test −1.0 5.5 − 1.0 = 4.5 5.5 − 1.0 = 4.5
scores into the two groups. The outcome of the +1.5 3.5 + 1.5 = 5.0 2.5 + 1.5 = 4.0
experiment might be: −2.0 6.5 − 2.0 = 4.5 6.5 − 2.0 = 4.5
M 4.5 4.5
A1 A2
3 6
1 5 Original Corrected
4 7 Means Means
2 4 4.5 4.5
5 8 3.0 4.5
M 3 6 5.5 4.5
3.0 4.5
Note carefully that the only difference between this 6.5 4.5
setup and the previous one is that the matching has 4.5 4.5
caused the scores to covary. The A1 and A2 measures
now have nearly the same rank order. In fact, the The doubly corrected measures now show very little
coefficient of correlation between the two sets of scores variance. The variance of the 10 doubly corrected scores
is 0.90. We have here another source of variance: that is 0.10, very small indeed. There is no between-groups
due to individual differences in intelligence which is (columns) or between-individuals (rows) variance left
reflected in the rank order of the pairs of criterion in the measures, of course. After double correction, all
measures. (The precise relation between the rank order of the total variance is error variance. (As we will see
and matching ideas and their effects on variance will be later, when the variances of both columns and rows are
taken up in another chapter. The student should take it extracted like this—although with a quicker and more
on faith for the present that matching produces efficient method—there is no within-groups variance.)
systematic variance.) This has been a long operation. A brief
This variance can be calculated and extracted as recapitulation of the main points may be useful. Any set
before, except that there is an additional operation. First of measures has a total variance. If the measures from
equalize the A1and A2 means and "correct" the scores which this variance is calculated have been derived
from the responses of human beings, then there will
as before. This yields:
always be at least two sources of variance. One will be
due to systematic sources of variation like individual
Correction + 1.5 −1.5 differences of the subjects whose characteristics or
: accomplishments have been measured and differences
4.5 4.5 between the groups or subgroups involved in research.
2.5 3.5 The other will be due to chance or random error,
5.5 5.5 fluctuations of measures that cannot currently be
3.5 2.5 accounted for. Sources of systematic variance tend to
6.5 6.5 make scores lean in one direction or another. This is
M 4.5 4.5 reflected in differences in means, of course. If gender is
a systematic source of variance in a study of school
48 Variance and Covariance

achievement, for instance, then the gender variable will The set of scores in the 3 ¥ 3 matrix (a matrix is any
tend to act in such a manner that the achievement scores rectangular set or table of numbers) is the set of Z
of females will tend to be higher than those of males. scores. The purpose of this example will be lost unless
Sources of random error, on the other hand, tend to the reader remembers that in practice we do not know
make measures fluctuate now this way now that way. the X and Y scores; we only know the Z scores. In actual
Random errors, in other words, are self-compensating; experimental situations we manipulate or set up X and
they tend to balance each other out. Y. But we only hope they are effective. They may not
In any experiment or study, the independent be. In other words, the sets X = {0, 1, 2} and Y = {0, 2,
variable (or variables) is a source of systematic 4} can never be known like this. The best we can do is
variance—at least it should be. The researcher "wants" to estimate their influence by estimating the amount of
the experimental groups to differ systematically. The variance in Z due to X and to Y.
researcher usually seeks to maximize such variance
while controlling or minimizing other sources of Y
variance, both systematic and error. The experimental 0 2 4
example given above illustrates the additional idea that 0 0+0 0+2 0+4
these variances are additive, and that because of this X 1 1+0 1+2 1+4 =
additive property, it is possible to analyze a set of scores 2 2+0 2+2 2+4
into systematic and error variances.

0 2 4
0 0 2 4
The discussion so far may have convinced the student 1 1 3 5
that any total variance has "components of variance." 2 2 4 6
The case just considered, however, included one
experimental component due to the difference between
A1 and A2 , one component due to individual The sets X and Y have the following variances:
differences, and a third component due to random error.
We now study the case of two components of X x x2
systematic experimental variance. To do this, we 0 1
synthesize the experimental measures, creating them
1 0 0
from known variance components. In other words, we
2 1 1
go backwards. We start from "known" sources of
variance, because there will be no error variance in the ΣX: 3
synthesized scores. M: 1
We have a variable X that has three values. Let X = Σx2: 2
{0,1, 2}. We also have another variable Y, which has
three values. Let Y = {0, 2, 4}. X and Y, then, are known
sources of variance. We assume an ideal experimental Y y y2
situation where there are two independent variables 0 −2 4
acting in concert to produce effects on a dependent 2 0 0
variable, Z. That is, each score of X operates with each 4 4
score of Y to produce a dependent variable score Z. For 6
example, the X score, 0, has no influence. The X score,
M: 2
1, operates with Y as follows: {(1 + 0), (1 + 2), (1 + 4)}.
Σy2: 8
Similarly, the X score, 2, operates with Y: {(2 + 0), (2 +
2), and (2 + 4)}. All this is easier to see if we generate Z
in clear view.
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 49

The set Z has variance as follows: measure placed first. Assume that this yields R = {(0, 2),
(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4)}. By our previous definition of
2 8
V x = = .67 V y = = 2.67 relation, this set of ordered pairs is a relation, in this
3 3 case the relation between X and Y. The results of the
calculations of the variance of X and the variance of Y
Z z z2
0 −3 9
2 −1 1 X x x2 Y y y2
4 1 1 0 −1.5 2.25 2 −.5 .25
1 −2 4 1 −.5 .25 1 −1.5 2.2
3 0 0 2 .5 .25 3 .5 .25
5 2 4 3 1.5 2.25 4 1.5 2.2
2 1
−1 ΣX: 6 10
4 1 1 M: 1.5 2.5
6 9 5 5
3 Σx2
ΣZ: 27 :
M: 3
Σz2 20
We now set ourselves a problem. (Note carefully in
what follows that we are going to work with deviations
Now, 67 + 2.67 = 3.34, or Vz= Vx + Vy , within errors from the mean, x's and y's, and not with the original raw
scores.) We have calculated the variances of X and Y
of rounding.
above by using the x's and y's, that is, the deviations
This example illustrates that, under certain
from the respective means of X and Y. If we can
conditions, variances operate additively to produce the
calculate the variance of any set of scores, is it not
experimental measures we analyze. While the example
possible to calculate the relation between any two sets
is "pure" and therefore unrealistic, it is not
of scores in a similar way? Is it conceivable that we can
unreasonable. It is possible to think of X and Y as
calculate the variance of the two sets simultaneously?
independent variables. They might be level of aspiration
And if we do so, will this be a measure of the variance
and pupil attitudes. And Z might be verbal achievement,
of the two sets together? Will this variance also be a
a dependent variable. That real scores do not behave
measure of the relation between the two sets?
exactly this way does not alter the idea. They behave
What we want to do is to use some statistical
approximately this way. We plan research to make this
operation analogous to the set operation of intersection,
principle as true as possible, and we analyze data as
X « Y. To calculate the variance of X or of Y, we squared
though it were true. And it works!
the deviations from the mean, the x's or the y's, and then
added and averaged them. A natural answer to our
COVARIANCE problem is to perform an analogous operation on the x's
and y's together. To calculate the variance of X, we did
Covariance is really nothing new. Recall, in an earlier this first: (x1 · x1), . . . , (x4 · x4) = x12, . . . , x42. Why,
discussion of sets and correlation that we talked about then not follow this through with both x's and y's,
the relation between two or more variables being multiplying the ordered pairs like this: (x1 · y1), . . . , (x4
analogous to the intersection of sets. Let X be {0, I, 2,
· y4)? Then, instead of writing Sx2 or Sy2, we write Sxy,
3}, a set of attitude measures for four children. Let Y be
{1, 2, 3, 4}, a set of achievement measures of the same as follows:
children, but not in the same order. Let R be a set of
ordered pairs of the elements of X and Y, the rule of
pairing being: each individual's attitude and
achievement measures are paired, with the attitude
50 Variance and Covariance

deviation scores. The variation is aptly called

covariance and is a measure of the relation between the
x y = xy
sets of scores.
−1.5 −.5 = .75
= .75 It can be seen that the definition of relation as a set
−.5 −1.5
.5 .5 = .25 of ordered pairs leads to several ways to define the
1.5 1.5 = 2.25 relation of the above example:
Σxy = 4.00
R = {(x, y); x and y are numbers, x always coming
first} xRy = the same as above or "x is related
4 to y"
V xy = CoV xy = = 1.00 R = {(0, 2), (1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 4)}
R = { (-1.5,-.5), (-.5,-1.5), (.5, .5), (1.5, 1.5)}
Let use give names to Sxy and Vxy. Sxy is called
the cross product, or the sum of the cross products. Vxy. CoV xy 1.00
R= = = .80
is called the covariance. We will write it CoV with V x .V y 1.25
suitable subscripts. If we calculate the variance of these
products-symbolized as Vxy, or CoVxy—we obtain
Variance and covariance are concepts of the highest
1.00, as indicated above. This 1.00, then, can be taken
importance in research and in the analysis of research
as an index of the relation between two sets. But it is an
data. There are two main reasons. One, they
unsatisfactory index because its size fluctuates with the
summarize, so to speak, the variability of variables and
ranges and scales of different X's and Y's. That is, it
the relations among variables. This is most easily seen
might be 1.00 in this case and 8.75 in another case,
when we realize that correlations are covariances that
making comparisons from case to case difficult and
have been standardized to have values between -1 and
unwieldy. We need a measure that is comparable from
+1. . But the term also means the covarying of
problem to problem. Such a measure —an excellent
variables in general. In much or most of our research
one, too–is obtained simply by writing a fraction or
we literally pursue and study covariation of
ratio. It is the covariance, CoVxy divided by an average
phenomena. Two, variance and covariance form the
of the variances of X and Y. The average is usually in the statistical backbone of multivariate analysis, as we will
form of a square root of the product of Vx and Vy. The see toward the end of the book. Most discussions of the
whole formula for our index of relation, then, is analysis of data are based on variances and
covariances. Analysis of variance, for example, studies
CoV xy different sources of variance of observations, mostly in
R= experiments, as indicated earlier. Factor analysis is in
V x .V y effect the study of covariances, one of whose major
This is one form of the well-known product-moment purposes is to isolate and identify common sources of
coefficient of correlation. Using it with our little variation. The contemporary ultimate in analysis, the
problem, we obtain: most powerful and advanced multivariate approach yet
devised, is called analysis of covariance structures
because the system studies complex sets of relation by
CoV xy 1.00 analyzing the covariances among variables. Variances
R= = = .80
V x .V y 1.25 and covariances will obviously be the core of much of
our discussion and preoccupation from this point on.
This index, usually written r, can range from + 1.00
through 0 to -1.00, as we learned in Chapter 5. Study Suggestions
So we have another important source of variation in sets
of scores, provided the set elements, the X's and Y's, 1. A social psychologist has done an experiment
have been ordered into pairs after conversion into in which one group, A1, was given a task to do in the
Chapter 4: Variance and Covariance 51

presence of an audience, and another group, A2, was variances, and between-groups and error
given the same task to do without an audience. The variances. Appendix C contains 40 sets of 100
scores of the two groups on the task, a measure of random numbers 0 through 100, with calculated
digital skill, were: means, variances, and standard deviations. Draw
10 sets of 10 numbers each from 10 different
places in the table.
A1 A2
5 3 a. Calculate the mean, variance, and standard
5 4 deviation of each of the 10 sets. Find the
9 7 highest and lowest means and the highest and
8 4
lowest variances. Do they differ much from
3 2
each other? What value "should" the means
be? (50) While doing this, save the 10 totals
(a) Calculate the means and variances of A1 and and calculate the mean of all 100 numbers. Do
A2, using the method described in the text. the 10 means differ much from the total
mean? Do they differ much from the means
(b) Calculate the between-groups variance, Vb, and
reported in the table of means, variances, and
the within-groups variance, Vw,. standard deviations given after the random
(c) Arrange all ten scores in a column, and numbers?
calculate the total variance, Vt. b. Count the odd and even numbers in each of the
(d) Substitute the calculated values obtained in (b) 10 sets. Are they what they "should be"?
and (c), above, in the equation: Vt = Vb + Vw,. Count the odd and even numbers of the 100
Interpret the results. numbers. Is the result "better" than the results
[Answers: (a) Va1, = 4.8; Va2 = 2.8; (b) Vb = 1.0; of the 10 counts? Why should it be?
c. Calculate the variance of the 10 means. This is,
Vw = 3.8; (c) Vt = 4.8.]
of course, the between-groups variance, Vb.
2. Add 2 to each of the scores of A1 in 1, above, and Calculate the error variance, using the
calculate Vt, Vb, and Vw. Which of these formula: Ve = Vt - Vb.
variances changed? Which stayed the same? d. Discuss the meaning of your results after
Why? [Answers: Vt = 7.8; Vb = 4.0; Vw = 3.8.] reviewing the discussion in the text.
3. Equalize the means of A1 and A2, in 1, above, by 6. As early as possible in their study, students of
adding a constant of 2 to each of the scores of A2. research should start to understand and use the
computer. Study Suggestion 5 can be better and
Calculate Vt, Vb, and Vw. What is the main
less laboriously accomplished with the computer.
difference between these results and those of 1, It would be better, for example, to draw 20
above? Why? samples of 100 numbers each. Why? In any case,
4. Suppose a sociological researcher obtained students should learn how to do simple statistical
measures of conservatism (A), attitude toward operations using existing computer facilities and
religion (B), and anti-Semitism (C) from 100 programs at their institutions. All institutions
individuals. The correlations between the have programs for calculating means and standard
variables were: rab = .70; rac = .40; rbc = .30. deviations (variances can be obtained by squaring
What do these correlations mean? [Hint: Square the standard deviations)1 and for generating
the r's before trying to interpret the relations. random numbers. If you can use your institution's
Also, think of ordered pairs.] facilities, use them for Study Suggestion 5, but
5. The purpose of this study suggestion and Study increase the number of samples and their n's.
Suggestion 6 is to give the student an intuitive
feeling for the variability of sample statistics, the Chapter Summary
relation between population and sample
52 Variance and Covariance

1. Differences between measurements are needed in procedure of the study, the measuring instrument
order to study the relations between variables. and the researcher’s outcome expectancy.
2. A statistical measure used in studying differences is
the variance. 5. Variances can be broken down into components. In
3. The variance along with the mean is used to solve this case, the term variance is referred to as total
research problems. variance. The partitioning of total variance into
4. Kinds of variance. components of systematic and error variances plays
(a) The variability of a variable or characteristic in an important role in statistical analyses of research
the universe or population is called the data.
population variance 6. Covariance is the relationship between two or more
(b) A subset of the universe is called a sample and variables.
that sample also has variability. That variability (a) it is an unstandardized correlation coefficient
is referred to as sample variance. (b) covariance and variance are the statistical
(c) Since the statistic computed from sample-to- foundations of multivariate statistics (to be
sample differs, this difference is referred to as presented in later chapters).
sampling variance.
(d) Systematic variance is the variation that can be
accounted for. It can be explained. Any natural
or human made influences that causes events to
happen in a predictable way is systematic
(e) A type of systematic variance is called between-
groups variance. When there are differences
between groups of subjects, and the cause of that
difference is known, it is referred to as between-
group variance.
(f) A type of systematic variance is called
experimental variance. Experimental variance is
a bit more specific than between-groups variance
in that it is associated with variance engendered
by active manipulation of the independent
(g) Error variance is the fluctuation or varying of
measures in the dependent variable that cannot be
directly explained by the variables under study.
One part of error variance is due to chance. This
is also known as random variance. The source of
this fluctuation is generally unknown. Other
possible sources for error variance include the

1. There may be small discrepancies between your hand-

calculated standard deviations and variances and those of the
computer because existing programs and built-in routines of
hand-held calculators usually use a formula with N - 1 rather
than N in the denominator of the formula. The discrepancies
will be small, however, especially if N is large. (The reason
for the different formulas will be explained later when we
take up sampling and other matters.)
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 53

taken-or drawn, as researchers say—is representative.

Chapter 5 It says, rather, taking a portion of the population and
considering it to be representative. When a school
Sampling and Randomness administrator visits certain classrooms in the school
system "to get the feel of the system," that
administrator is sampling classes from all the classes
IMAGINE the many situations in which we want in the system. This person might assume that by
to know something about people, about events, about visiting, say, eight to ten classes out of forty "at
things. To learn something about people, for instance, random," he or she will get a fair notion of the quality
we take some few people whom we know—or do not of teaching going on in the system. Or another way
know—and study them. After our "study," we come to would be to visit one teacher's class two or three times
certain conclusions, often about people in general. to sample teaching performance. By doing this, the
Some such method is behind much folk wisdom. administrator is now sampling behaviors, in this case
Commonsensical observations about people, their teaching behaviors, from the universe of all possible
motives, and their behaviors derive, for the most part, behaviors of the teacher. Such sampling is necessary
from observations and experiences with relatively few and legitimate. However, you can come up with some
people. We make such statements as: "People situations where the entire universe could be
nowadays have no sense of moral values"; "Politicians measured. So why bother with samples? Why not just
are corrupt"; and "Public school pupils are not measure every element of the universe? Take a
learning the three R's." The basis for making such census? One major reason is one of economics. The
statements is simple. People, mostly through their second author (HBL) worked in a marketing research
limited experiences, come to certain conclusions about department of a large grocery chain in southern
other people and about their environment. In order to California. This chain consisted of 100 stores.
come to such conclusions, they must sample their Research on customers and products occasionally take
"experiences" of other people. Actually, they take the form of a controlled-store test. These are studies
relatively small samples of all possible experiences. conducted in a real day-to-day grocery store operation.
The term "experiences" here has to be taken in a broad Perhaps one might be interested in testing a new dog
sense. It can mean direct experience with other food. Certain stores would be chosen to receive the
people—for example, first-hand interaction with, say, new product while another set of stores will not carry
Moslems or Asians. Or it can mean indirect the new product. Secrecy is very important in such
experience: hearing about Moslems or Asians from studies. If a competing manufacture of dog food
friends, acquaintances, parents, and others. Whether received information that a marketing test was being
experience is direct or indirect, however, does not done at such-and-such store, they can contaminate the
concern us too much at this point. Let us assume that results. To conduct controlled stored tests of cents-off
all such experience is direct. An individual claim to coupons, or new products, or shelf allocation space, a
"know" something about Asians and says “ I ‘know’ research study could be conducted with two groups of
they are clannish because I have had direct experience 50 stores each. However, the labor and administrative
with a number of Asians.” Or, "Some of my best costs alone would be prohibitive. It would make a lot
friends are Asians, and I know that. . . " The point is more sense to use samples that are representative of
that this person’s conclusions are based on a sample the population. Choosing 10 stores in each group to
of Asians, or a sample of the behaviors of Asians, or conduct the research would cut down the costs of
both. This individual can never "know" all Asians; and doing the study. Smaller studies are more manageable
must depend, in the last analysis, on samples. Indeed, and controllable. The study using samples can be
most of the world's knowledge is based on samples, completed on a timely manner. In some disciplines,
most often on inadequate samples. such as quality control and education-instructional
evaluation, sampling is essential. In quality control
SAMPLING, RANDOM SAMPLING, AND there is a procedure called destructive testing. One
way to determine whether a product meets
REPRESENTATIVENESS specification is to put it through an actual performance
test. When the product is destroyed (fails), the
Sampling refers to taking a portion of a population or
product can be evaluated. In testing tires, for example,
universe as representative of that population or
it would make little sense to destroy every tire just to
universe. This definition does not say that the sample
determine if the manufacturer has adequate quality
54 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

control. Likewise the teacher who wants to determine definition, then, is a special case of the second general
if the child has learned the material will give an definition-the special case in which n = 1.
examination. It would be difficult to write an Unfortunately, we can never be sure that a random
examination that covers every aspect of instruction sample is representative of the population from which
and knowledge retention of the child. it is drawn. Remember that any particular sample of
Random sampling is that method of drawing a size n has the same probability of being selected as
portion (or sample) of a population or universe so that any other sample of the same size. Thus, a particular
each member of the population or universe has an sample may not be representative at all. We should
equal chance of being selected. This definition has the know what "representative" means. Ordinarily,
virtue of being easily understood. Unfortunately, it is "representative" means to be typical of a population,
not entirely satisfactory because it is limited. A better that is, to exemplify the characteristics of the
definition is by Kirk (1990, p. 8). population. From a research point of view,
The method of drawing samples from a population "representative" must be more precisely defined,
such that every possible sample of a particular size though it is often difficult to be precise. We must ask:
has an equal chance of being selected is called What characteristics are we talking about? So, in
random sampling, and the resulting samples are research, a "representative sample" means that the
random samples. sample has approximately the characteristics of the
population relevant to the research in question. If sex
This definition is general and thus more satisfactory and socioeconomic class are variables (characteristics)
than the earlier definition. relevant to the research, a representative sample will
Define a universe to be studied as all fourth-grade have approximately the same proportions of men and
children in X school system. Suppose there are 200 women and middle-class and working class
such children. They comprise the population (or individuals as the population. When we draw a
universe). We select one child at random from the random sample, we hope that it will be representative.
population. His (or her) chance of being selected is 1/ We hope that the relevant characteristics of the
200, if the sampling procedure is random. Likewise, a population will be present in the sample in
number of other children are similarly selected. Let us approximately the same way they are present in the
assume that after selecting a child, the child is returned population. But we can never be sure. There is no
(or the symbol assigned to the child) to the population. guarantee.
Then the chance of selecting any second child is also What we rely on is the fact, as Stilson (1966)
1/200. (If we do not return this child to the population, points out, that the characteristics typical of a
then the chance each of the remaining children has, of population are those that are the most frequent and
course, is 1/199. This is called sampling without therefore most likely to be present in any particular
replacement. When the sample elements are returned random sample. When sampling is random, the
to the population after being drawn, the procedure is sampling variability is predictable. We learned in
called sampling with replacement.) Chapter 7, for example, that if we throw two dice a
Suppose from the population of the 200 fourth- number of times, the probability of a 7 turning up is
grade children in X school system we decide to draw a greater than that of a 12 turning up. (See Table 7.1.)
random sample of 50 children. This means, if the
A sample drawn at random is unbiased in the sense
sample is random, that all possible samples of 50 have
that no member of the population has any more chance
the same probability of being selected—a very large
number of possible samples. To make the ideas of being selected than any other member. We have
involved comprehensible, suppose a population here a democracy in which all members are equal
consists of four children, a, b, c, and d, and we draw a before the bar of selection. Rather than using coins or
random sample of two children. Then the list of all the dice, let's use a research example. Suppose we have a
possibilities, or the sample space, is: (a, b), (a, c), (a, population of 100 children. The children differ in
d), (b, c), (b, d), (c, d). There are six possibilities. If intelligence, a variable relevant to our research. We
the sample of two is drawn at random, then its want to know the mean intelligence score of the
probability is 1/6. Each of the pairs has the same population, but for some reason we can only sample
probability of being drawn. This sort of reasoning is 30 of the 100 children. If we sample randomly, there
needed to solve many research problems, but we will
are a large number of possible samples of 30 each. The
usually confine ourselves to the simpler idea of
samples have equal probabilities of being selected.
sampling connected with the first definition. The first
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 55

The means of most of the samples will be relatively The position can be taken that nothing happens at
close to the mean of the population. A few will not be random, that for any event there is a cause. The only
close. If the sampling has been random, the reason, this position might say, that one uses the word
random is that human beings do not know enough. To
probability of selecting a sample with a mean close to
omniscience nothing is random. Suppose an
the population mean is greater than the probability of
omniscient being has an omniscient newspaper. It is a
selecting a sample with a mean not close to the gigantic newspaper in which every event down to the
population mean. last detail—for tomorrow, the next day, and the next
If we do not draw our sample at random, however, day, and on and on into indefinite time—is carefully
some factor or factors unknown to us may predispose
us to select a biased sample. In this case perhaps one inscribed. (see Kemeny, 1959, p. 39). There is
of the samples with a mean not close to the population nothing unknown. And, of course, there is no
mean. The mean intelligence of this sample will then randomness. Randomness is, as it were, ignorance, in
be a biased estimate of the population mean. If we this view.
knew the 100 children, we might unconsciously tend Taking a cue from this argument, we define
to select the more intelligent children. It is not so randomness in a backhand way. We say events are
much that we would do so; it is that our method allows random if we cannot predict their outcomes. For
us to do so. Random methods of selection do not allow instance, there is no known way to win a penny-
our own biases or any other systematic selection tossing game. Whenever there is no system for playing
factors to operate. The procedure is objective, a game that ensures our winning (or losing), then the
divorced from our own predilections and biases. event-outcomes of the game are random. More
The reader may be experiencing a vague and formally put, randomness means that there is no
disquieting sense of uneasiness. If we can't be sure that known law, capable of being expressed in language
random samples are representative, how can we have that correctly describes or explains events and their
confidence in our research results and their outcomes. In a word, when events are random we
applicability to the populations from which we draw cannot predict them individually. Strange to say,
our samples? Why not select samples systematically however, we can predict them quite successfully in the
so that they are representative? The answer is aggregate. That is, we can predict the outcomes of
complex. First—and again—we cannot ever be sure. large numbers of events. We cannot predict whether a
Second, random samples are more likely to include the coin tossed will be heads or tails. But, if we toss the
characteristics typical of the population if the coin 1000 times, we can predict, with considerable
characteristics are frequent in the population. In actual accuracy, the total numbers of heads and tails.
research, we draw random samples whenever we can
and hope and assume that the samples are
representative. We learn to live with uncertainty. We An Example of Random Sampling
try to cut it down whenever we can—just as we do in
ordinary day-to-day living but more systematically
and with considerable knowledge of and experience To give the reader a feeling for randomness and
with random sampling and random outcomes. random samples, we now do a demonstration using a
Fortunately, our lack of certainty does not impair our table of random numbers. A table of random numbers
research functioning. contains numbers generated mechanically so that there
is no discernible order or system in them. It was said
above that if events are random they cannot be
predicted. But now we are going to predict the general
The notion of randomness is at the core of modern nature of the outcomes of our experiment. We select,
probabilistic methods in the natural and behavioral from a table of random digits, 10 samples of 10 digits
sciences. But it is difficult to define "random." The each. Since the numbers are random, each sample
dictionary notion of haphazard, accidental, without "should" be representative of the universe of digits.
aim or direction, does not help us much. In fact, The universe can be variously defined. We simply
scientists are quite systematic about randomness; they define it as the complete set of digits in the Rand
carefully select random samples and plan random Corporation table of random digits. We now draw
procedures. samples from the table. The means of the 10 samples
will, of course, be different. However, they should
56 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

fluctuate within a relatively narrow range, with most nine of them are "good" estimates of the population
of them fairly close to the mean of all 100 numbers mean of 4.5 and one (2.4) is not.
and to the theoretical mean of the whole population of Changing the sampling problem, we can define the
random numbers. The number of even numbers in universe to consist of odd and even numbers. Let's
each sample of 10 should be approximately equal to assume that in the entire universe there is an equal
the number of odd numbers—though. There will be number of both. In our sample of 100 numbers there
fluctuations, some of them perhaps extreme but most should be approximately 50 odd and 50 even numbers.
of them comparatively modest. The samples are given There are actually 54 odd and 46 even numbers. A
in Table 5. l. statistical test shows that the deviation of 4 for odd
and 4 for even does not depart significantly from
TABLE 5.1 Ten Samples of Random Numbers
chance expectation.1
Similarly, if we sample human beings, then the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
numbers of men and women in the samples should be
9 0 8 0 4 6 0 7 7 8
7 2 7 4 9 4 7 8 7 7 approximately in proportion to the numbers of men
6 2 8 1 9 3 6 0 3 9 and women in the population, if the sampling is
7 9 9 1 6 4 9 4 7 7
3 3 1 1 4 1 0 3 9 4
random and the samples are large enough. If we
8 9 2 1 3 9 6 7 7 3 measure the intelligence of a sample, and the mean
4 8 3 0 9 2 7 2 3 2 intelligence score of the population is 100, then the
1 4 3 0 0 2 6 9 7 5
2 1 8 8 4 5 2 1 0 3 mean of the sample should be close to 100. Of course,
3 1 4 8 9 2 9 3 0 1 we must always bear in mind the possibility of
M 5.0 3.9 5.3 2.4 5.7 3.8 5.2 4.4 5.0 4.9 selection of the deviant sample, the sample with a
mean, say, of 80 or less or 120 or more. Deviant
Total Mean = 4.56
samples do occur, but they are less likely to occur. The
reasoning is similar to that for coin-tossing
The means of the samples are given below each demonstrations. If we toss a coin three times, it is less
sample. The mean of U, the theoretical mean of the likely that 3 heads or 3 tails will turn up than it is that
whole population of Rand random numbers, {0,1, 2, 3, 2 heads and 1 tail or 2 tails and 1 head will turn up.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, is 4.5. The mean of all 100 numbers, This is because U = {HHH, HHT, HTH, HTT, THH,
which can be considered a sample of U, is 4.56. This THT, TTH, TTT}. There is only one HHH point and
one TTT point, while there are three points with two
is, of course, very close to the mean of U. It can be
H's and three with two T's.
seen that the means of the 10 samples vary around 4.5,
the lowest being 2.4 and the highest 5.7. Only two of RANDOMIZATION
these means differ from 4.5 by more than 1. A
statistical test (later we will learn the rationale of such Suppose an investigator wishes to test the hypothesis
tests) shows that the 10 means do not differ from each that counseling helps underachievers. The test
other significantly. (The expression "do not differ involves using two groups of underachievers, one to
be counseled, one not to be counseled. Naturally, the
from each other significantly" means that the
wish is to have the two groups equal in other
differences are not greater than the differences that independent variables that may have a possible effect
would occur by chance.) And by another statistical test on achievement. One way this can be done is to assign
the children to both groups at random by, say, tossing
a coin for each child. The child is assigned to one
1. The source of random numbers used was: Rand group if the toss is heads and to the other group if the
Corporation, A Million Random Digits with 700,000
Normal Deviates (1955). This is a large and carefully
constructed table of random numbers. These numbers were 1. The nature of such statistical tests, as well as the
not computer generated. There are many other such tables reasoning behind them. will be explained in detail in Part
however, that are good enough for most practical purposes. Four. The student should not be too concerned if he does
Modem statistics texts have such tables. Appendix C at the not completely grasp the statistical ideas expressed here.
end of this book contains 4,000 computer-generated random Indeed, one of the purposes of this chapter is to introduce
numbers. some of the basic elements of such ideas.
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 57

toss is tails. (Note that if there were three experimental distinguish between systematic or experimental
groups coin tossing would probably not be used. A 6- variance and error variance. Biasing variables are
sided die may be used. Outcomes of 1 or 2 would distributed to experimental groups according to
assign that child to group 1. Outcomes of 3 and 4 chance. The tests of statistical significance that we
would put the child in group 2 and the outcomes 5 and will discuss later logically depend on random
6 would designate the child to be in group 3. Or a assignment. These tests are used to determine whether
table of random numbers can be used to assign the the observed phenomenon is statistically different
children to groups. If an odd number turns up, assign from chance. Without random assignment the
a child to one group, and if an even number turns up, significance tests lack logical foundation. The idea of
assign the child to the other group. The investigator randomization seems to have been discovered or
can now assume that the groups are approximately invented by Sir Ronald Fisher (see Cowles, 1989). It
equal in all possible independent variables. The larger was Fisher who virtually revolutionized statistical and
the groups, the safer the assumption. Just as there is no experimental design thinking and methods using
guarantee, however, of not drawing a deviant sample, random notions as part of his leverage. He has been
as discussed earlier, there is no guarantee that the referred to as “the father of analysis-of-variance.” In
groups are equal or even approximately equal in all any case, randomization and what can be called the
possible independent variables. Nevertheless, it can be principle of randomization is one of the great
said that the investigator has used randomization to intellectual achievements of our time. It is not possible
equalize the groups, or, as it is said, to control to overrate the importance of both the idea and the
influences on the dependent variable other than that of practical measures that come from it to improve
the manipulated independent variable. Although we experimentation and inference.
will use the term “randomization.” a number of Randomization can perhaps be clarified in two or
researchers prefer to use the words “random three ways: by stating the principle of randomization,
assignment.” The procedure calls for assigning by describing how one uses it in practice, and by
participants to experimental conditions on a random demonstrating how it works with objects and numbers.
basis. While some believe that random assignment The importance of the idea deserves all three.
removes variation, in reality it only distributes it. The principle of randomization may be stated as
An "ideal" experiment is one in which all the the following. Since, in random procedures, every
factors or variables likely to affect the experimental member of a population has an equal chance of being
outcome are controlled. If we knew all these factors, selected, members with certain distinguishing
in the first place, and could make efforts to control characteristics—male or female, high or low
them, in the second place, then we might have an ideal intelligence, conservative or liberal, and so on and
experiment. However, the sad case is that we can on—will, if selected, probably be offset in the long
never know all the pertinent variables nor could we run by the selection of other members of the
control them even if we did know them. population with counterbalancing quantities or
Randomization, however, comes to our aid. qualities of the characteristics. We can say that this is
Randomization is the assignment to experimental a practical principle of what usually happens; we
treatments of members of a universe in such a way cannot say that it is a law of nature. It is simply a
that, for any given assignment to a treatment, every statement of what most often happens when random
member of the universe has an equal probability of procedures are used.
being chosen for that assignment. The basic purpose We say that subjects are assigned at random to
of random assignment, as indicated earlier, is to experimental groups, and that experimental treatments
apportion subjects (objects, groups) to treatments. are assigned at random to groups. For instance, in the
Individuals with varying characteristics are spread example cited above of an experiment to test the
approximately equally among the treatments so that effectiveness of counseling on achievement, subjects
variables that might affect the dependent variable can be assigned to two groups at random by using
other than the experimental variables have "equal" random numbers or by tossing a coin. When the
effects in the different treatments. There is no subjects have been so assigned, the groups can be
guarantee that this desirable state of affairs will be randomly designated as experimental and control
attained, but it is more likely to be attained with groups using a similar procedure. We will encounter a
randomization than otherwise. Randomization also number of examples of randomization as we go along.
has a statistical rationale and purpose. If random
assignment has been used, then it is possible to
58 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

A Senatorial Randomization Demonstration Table 5.2. Senatorial Vote per groups of n = 20 on

Senate Vote 266 and 290.
To show how, if not why, the principle of
randomization works, we now set up a sampling and # Name-party 266 290
design experiment. We have a population of 100
73 hatfield-r y n
members of the United States Senate from which we 27 coats-r y n
can sample. In this population (in 1993), there are 56 54 kerrey-d y y
Democrats and 44 Republicans. We have selected two 93 murray-d n y
important votes, one (Vote 266) an amendment to 6 mccain-r y n
prohibit higher grazing fees and the other (Vote 290) 26 simon-d n y
an amendment concerning funding for abortions. The 7 bumpers-d n y
data used in this example are from the 1993 81 daschle-d n y
76 specter-r n y
Congressional Quarterly. These votes were important 38 cohen-r n y
since each of them reflected presidential proposals. A 32 kasselbaum-r y n
Nay vote on 266 and a Yea vote on 290 indicates 44 riegel-d n y
support of the President. Here we ignore their 98 kohl-d n y
substance and treat the actual votes, or rather, the 77 pell-d n y
senators who cast the votes, as populations from 61 bingaman-d y n
16 roth-r n n
which we sample. 24 kempthorne-r y n
We pretend we are going to do an experiment using 100 wallop-r y n
three groups of senators, with 20 in each group. The 15 biden-d n n
nature of the experiment is not too relevant here. We 14 lieberman-d n y
want the three groups of senators to be approximately
equal in all possible characteristics. Using a computer
program written in BASIC we generated random # Name-party 266 290
numbers between 1 and 100. The first 60 numbers 78 chafee-r y y
drawn with no repeated numbers (sampling without 20 coverdell-r y n
replacement), were recorded in groups of 20 each. 25 mosley- n y
Political party affiliation for Democrats and
42 kerry-d n y
Republicans are noted with the senator’s name. Also 68 dorgan-d y n
included are the senators' votes on the two issues, Y = 57 gregg-r y n
Yea and N = Nay. These data are listed in Table 5.2 11 campbell-d y y
How "equal" are the groups? In the total 31 dole-r y n
population of 100 senators, 56 are Democrats and 44 37 mitchell-d n y
are Republicans, or 56 percent and 44 percent. In the 30 grassley-r y n
total sample of 60 there are 34 Democrats and 26 22 inouye-d y y
99 simpson-r y n
Republicans, or 57 percent for Democrats and 43
8 pryor-d n ?
percent for Republicans. There is a difference of 1 4 stevens-r y n
percent from the expectation of 56 percent and 44 23 craig-r y n
percent. The obtained and expected frequencies of 12 brown-r y n
Democrats in the three groups and the total sample are 10 feinstein-d y y
given in Table 5.3. The deviations from expectation 87 bennett-r y n
are small. The three groups are not exactly "equal" in 19 nunn-d n n
the sense that they have equal numbers of Republican 45 wellstone-d n y
senators and Democrats. The first group had 11
Democrats and 9 Republicans, the second group has
10 Democrats and 10 Republicans and the third group
has 13 Democrats and 7 Republicans. This not an
"unusual" outcome that happens with random
sampling. Later we will see that the discrepancies are
not different statistically.
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 59

results are presented in Table 5.4. The original vote on

Vote 266 of the 99 senators who voted were 59 Yeas
# Name-party 266 290
and 40 Nays. These total votes yield expected Yea
58 smith-r y n frequencies in the total group of 59 ÷ 99 = .596, or 60
95 byrd-d n n
percent. We therefore expect 20 × .60 = 12, in each
83 matthews-d y n
52 burns-r y n experimental group. The original vote of the 99
80 thurmond-r y n senators who voted on Vote 290 was 40 Yeas, or 40
13 dodd-d y y percent (40 ÷99 = .404 ). The expected group Yea
88 hatch-r y n frequencies, then, are: 20 × .40 = 8. The obtained and
63 moynihan-d y y expected frequencies and the deviations from
89 leahy-d n y expectation for the three groups of 20 senators and for
75 wofford-d n y the total sample of 60 on Vote 266 and 290 are given
92 warner-r y n
91 robb-d n y
in Table 5.4.
34 mcconnell-r y n
96 rockefeller-d n y TABLE 5.4 Obtained and Expected Frequencies on
28 lugar-r y n Yea Votes on 266 and 290 in Random Groups of
43 levin-d n y Senators
59 bradley-d n y
69 glenn-d n y
9 boxer-d n y Groups
67 conrad-d y n I II III
266 290 266 290 266 290
Obtained 9 10 13 9 11 9
TABLE 5.3 Obtained and Expected Frequencies of
Expecteda 12 8 12 8 12 8
Political Party (Democrats) in Random Samples of 20 Deviation 3 −2 −1 −1 1 −1
U.S. Senators a
Groups Total
266 290
Obtained 11 10 13 34
Obtained 33 28
Expected b 11.2 11.2 11.2 33.6
Expecteda 36 24
Deviation .2 1.2 −1.8 −.4 Deviation 3 −4

a only the larger of the two expectations of the aThe expected frequencies were calculated for Group
Republican-Democrat split, the Democrats (.56), is I, Issue 266, as follows: there were 59 Yeas of a total
reported. of 99 votes or 59/99 = .60; 20 × .60 = 12. For the total
b The expected frequencies were calculated as group, the calculation is: 60 × .60 = 36.
follows: 20 ×.56= 11.2. Similarly, the total is
calculated: It appears that the deviations from chance
60 × .56= 33.6. expectation are all small. Evidently the three groups
Remember that we are demonstrating both are approximately "equal" in the sense that the
random sampling and randomization, but especially incidence of the votes on the two issues is
randomization. We therefore ask whether the random approximately the same in each of the groups. The
assignment of senators to the three groups has resulted deviations from chance expectation of the Yea votes
in "equalizing" the groups in all characteristics. We (and, of course, the Nay votes) are small. So far as we
can never test all characteristics, of course; we can can see, the randomization has been "successful."
only test those available. In the present case we have This demonstration can also be interpreted as a
only political party affiliation, which we tested above, random sampling problem. We may ask, for example,
and the votes on the two issues: prohibition to increase whether the three samples of 20 each and the total
grazing fees (Vote 266) and prohibition of funds for sample of 60 are representative. Do they accurately
certain types of abortions (Vote 290). How did the reflect the characteristics of the population of 100
random assignment work with the two issues? The senators? For instance, do the samples reflect the
60 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

proportions of Democrats and Republicans in the SAMPLE SIZE

Senate? The proportions in the samples were .55 and
.45 (I), .50 and .50 (II), .65 and .35 (III). The actual A rough-and-ready rule taught to beginning students
proportions are .56 and .44. Although there is a 1, 6 of research is: Use as large samples as possible.
and 9 percent deviations in the samples, the deviations Whenever a mean, a percentage, or other statistic is
are within chance expectation. We can say, therefore, calculated from a sample, a population value is being
that the samples are representative insofar as political estimated. A question that must be asked is: How
party membership is concerned. Similar reasoning much error is likely to be in statistics calculated from
applies to the samples and the votes on the two issues. samples of different sizes? The curve of Figure 5.1
We can now do our experiment believing that the roughly expresses the relations between sample size
three groups are "equal." They may not be, of course, and error, error meaning deviation from population
but the probabilities are in our favor. And as we have values. The curve says that the smaller the sample the
seen, the procedure usually works well. Our checking larger the error, and the larger the sample the smaller
the error.
of the characteristics of the senators in the three
groups showed that the groups were fairly "equal" in
political preference and Yea (and Nay) votes on the
two issues. Thus we can have greater confidence that
if the groups become unequal, the differences are
probably due to our experimental manipulation and
not to differences between the groups before we
However, no less an expert than Feller (1967),
writes: "In sampling human populations the
statistician encounters considerable and often
unpredictable difficulties, and bitter experience has
shown that it is difficult to obtain even a crude image
of randomness." Williams (1978) presents a number
examples where “randomization” does not work in
practice. One such example that influenced the lives Consider the following rather extreme example.
of a large number of men was the picking the military Global Assessment Scale (GAS) admission score and
draft lottery numbers in 1970. Although it was never total days in therapy of 3166 Los Angeles County
absolutely proven, the lottery numbers did not appear children seeking help at Los Angeles County Mental
to be random. In this particular instance, the month Health facilities from 1983 to 1988, were made
available to the second author through the generosity
and day of birth for all 366 days was each put into a
of Dr. Stanley Sue. Dr. Sue is Professor of
capsule. The capsules went into a rotating drum. The Psychology and Director of the National Research
drum was turned a number of times so that the Center on Asian American Mental Health at the
capsules would be well mixed. The first capsule University of California, Davis. Dr. Sue granted the
drawn had the highest draft priority, number 1. The second author permission to use the data. The
second capsule drawn had the next highest and so information of Table 5.5 and Table 5.6 were created
forth. The results showed that the dates for later from these data. We express our thanks and
months had a lower median than earlier months. appreciation to Dr. Stanley Sue. The Global
Hence men with later birthdates were drafted earlier. Assessment Scale, hereafter referred to as GAS, is a
If the drawings were completely random, the medians score assigned by a therapist to each client based on
for each month should have been much more equal. psychological, social and occupational functioning.
The GAS score we will use here in our example is the
The point to made here is that many statistical
GAS score the client received at the time of admission
analyses are dependent on successful randomization.
or first visit to the facility.
To have one in practice is not such an easy task. From this "population,” 10 samples of two
children were randomly selected. The random
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 61

selection of these samples and of others were done Total Days in Therapy
using the “sample” function in SPSS (Statistical
Sample Mean Dev.
Package for the Social Sciences, Norusis, 1992). The
1 92 57 74.5 –9.04
sample means were computed by the “descriptive”
routine in SPSS and are given in Table 5.5. The 2 9 58 33.5 –50.04
deviations of the means from the means of the 3 172 38 105 21.46
population are also given in the table. 4 0 70 35 –48.54
5 3 603 303 219.46
6 151 110 125.5 41.96
TABLE 5.5a Samples (n = 2) of GAS Scores of
7 28 0 15 –69.54
3166 Children, Mean of the Samples, and
8 189 51 120 36.46
Deviations of the Sample Means from the
9 28 72 50 -33.54
Population 10 17 398 207.5 123.96

Sample Mean Dev. Total Mean (20) = 106.80
1 61 60 60.5 11.21 Population Mean (3166) = 83.54
2 46 50 48 –1.29
3 65 35 50 0.71
4 50 55 52.5 3.21
The GAS means range from 42.5 to 60.5, and the
5 51 55 53 3.71
Total-days means from 14 to 303. The two total means
6 35 50 42.5 –6.79
(calculated from the 20 GAS and the 20 Total-days
7 45 41 43 –6.29
scores) are 49.9 and 106.8. These small sample means
8 44 47 45.4 –3.79
vary considerably. The GAS and Total-days means of
9 43 50 46.5 –2.79
the population (N = 3166) were 49.29 and 83.54. The
10 60 55 57.5 8.21
deviations of the GAS means range a good deal: from
-6.79 to 11.21. The Total-days deviations range from -
69.54 to 219.46. With very small samples like these
Total Mean (20) = 49.9 we cannot depend on any one mean as an estimate of
Population Mean (3166) = 49.29 the population value. However, we can depend more
on the means calculated from all 20 scores, although
TABLE 5.5b Samples (n = 2) of Total Days in both have an upward bias.
Four more random samples of 20 GAS and 20
Therapy Scores of 3166 Children, Mean of the
total-days scores were drawn from the population. The
Samples, and Deviations of the Sample Means from
four GAS and the four total-days means are given in
the Population Table 5.6. The deviations (Dev.) of each of the means
of the samples of 20 from the population means are
also given in the table, as well as the means of the
sample of 80 and of the total population. The GAS
deviations range from −.39 to 1.31, and the total-days
deviations from −14.14 to 26.41. The mean of the 80
GAS scores is 49.68, and the mean of all 3166 GAS
scores is 49.29. The comparable total-days means are
93.08 (n = 80) and 83.54 (N = 3166). These means are
quite clearly much better estimates of the population

TABLE 5.6a Means and Deviations from Population

Means of Four GAS Samples, n = 20, Sue Data
62 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

the groups was the one with the 10 Democrats and the
other had both Democrats and Republicans. The
results could have been seriously biased, especially if
(n = 20)
the experiment had anything to do with political
1 2 3 4
preference or social attitudes. With large groups, say
GAS 49.35 48.9 49.85 50.6
30 or more, there is less danger. Many psychology
Dev. .06 −.39 .56 1.31
departments at major universities have a research
Total-Days 69.4 109.95 89.55 103.45
requirement for students enrolled in an introductory
Dev. −14.14 26.41 6.01 19.91
psychology class. For such situations, it may be
relatively easy to obtain large samples. However,
certain research studies such as those found in human
TABLE 5.6b Means and Deviations from Population engineering or marketing research, the cost of
Means of Total Sample, n = 80, and Population, N recruiting subjects is high. Remember the Williams
= 3166, Sue Data and Adelson study discussed by Simon (1987) in
Chapter 1? So the rule of getting large samples may
not be appropriate for all research situations. In some
Total (n = 80) Population studies, 30 or more elements, participants or subjects
(N = 3166) may be too little. This is especially true in studies that
are multivariate in nature. Comrey and Lee (1992) for
GAS 49.68 49.29 example states that samples of size 50 or less give
Dev. .385 very inadequate reliability of correlation coefficients.
Total-Days 93.08 83.54 Hence, it may be more appropriate to obtain an
Dev. 9.54
approximation to the sample size needed. The
We can now draw conclusions. First, statistics statistical determination of sample size will be
calculated from large samples are more accurate (other discussed in Chapter 12 for the various kinds of
things equal) than those calculated from small samples.
samples. A glance at the deviations of Tables 5.5 and
5.6 will show that the means of the samples of 20 KINDS OF SAMPLES
deviated much less from the population mean than did
the means of the samples of 2. Moreover, the means The discussion of sampling has until now been
from the sample of 80 deviated little from the confined to simple random sampling. The purpose is
population means (.39 and 9.54). to help the student understand fundamental principles;
It should now be fairly clear why the research and thus the idea of simple random sampling, which is
sampling principle is: Use large samples. Large behind much of the thinking and procedures of
samples are not advocated just because large numbers modern research, is emphasized. The student should
are good in and of themselves. They are advocated in realize, however, that simple random sampling is not
order to give the principle of randomization, or simply the only kind of sampling used in behavioral research.
randomness, a chance to "work," to speak somewhat Indeed, it is relatively uncommon, at least for
anthropomorphically. With small samples, the describing characteristics of populations and the
probability of selecting deviant samples is a greater relations between such characteristics. It is,
than with large samples. For example, in one random nevertheless, the model on which all scientific
sample of 20 senators drawn some years ago, the first sampling is based.
10 senators (of 20) drawn were all Democrats! Such a Other kinds of samples can be broadly classified
run of 10 Democrats is most unusual. But it can and into probability and nonprobability samples (and
does happen. Let’s say we had chosen to do an certain mixed forms). Probability samples use some
experiment with only two groups of 10 each. One of form of random sampling in one or more of their
stages. Nonprobability samples do not use random
sampling; they thus lack the virtues being discussed.
1. The situation is more complex than this simple Still, they are often necessary and unavoidable. Their
statement indicates. Samples that are too large can lead to weakness can to some extent be mitigated by using
other problems; the reasons will be explained in a later knowledge, expertise, and care in selecting samples
chapter. and by replicating studies with different samples. It is
important for the student to know that probability
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 63

sampling is not necessarily superior to nonprobability So-called “accidental" sampling, the weakest
sampling for all possible situations. Also, probability form of sampling, is probably also the most frequent.
sampling does not guarantee samples that are more In effect, one takes available samples at hand; classes
representative of the universe under study. In of seniors in high school, sophomores in college, a
probability sampling the emphasis is placed in the convenient PTA, and the like. This practice is hard to
method and the theory behind it. With nonprobability defend. Yet, used with reasonable knowledge and
sampling the emphasis relies on the person doing the care, it is probably not as bad as it has been said to be.
sampling and that can bring with it entirely new and The most sensible advice seems to be: Avoid
complicated batch of concerns. The person doing the accidental samples unless you can get no others
sampling must be knowledgeable of the population to (random samples are usually expensive and in some
be studied and the phenomena under study. situations, hard to come by). If you do use them, use
One form of nonprobability sampling is quota extreme circumspection in analysis and interpretation
sampling. Here the knowledge of the strata of the of data.
population—sex, race, region, and so on—is used to Probability sampling includes a variety of forms.
select sample members that are representative, When we discussed simple random sampling, we were
"typical," and suitable for certain research purposes. A talking about one version of probability sampling.
strata is the partitioning of the universe or population Some of the other common forms of probability
into two or more non-overlapping (mutually sampling are stratified sampling, cluster sampling,
exclusive) groups. From each partition a sample is two-stage cluster sampling, and systematic sampling.
taken. Quota sampling derives its name from the Some more unconventional methods would include
practice of assigning quotas, or proportions of kinds of the Bayesian approach or the sequential approach.
people, to interviewers. Such sampling has been used The superiority of one method of sampling over
a good deal in public opinion polls. To perform this another is usually evaluated in terms of the amount of
sampling correctly, the researcher would need to have reduced variability in parameters estimated and in
a very complete set of characteristics for the terms of cost. Cost is sometimes interpreted as the
population. Next, the researcher must know the amount of labor in data collection and data analysis.
proportions for each quota. After knowing this, the In stratified sampling, the population is first
next step is to collect the data. Since the proportions divided into strata such as men and women, African-
might be unequal from quota to quota, the sample American and Mexican-American, and the like. Then
elements are assigned a weight. Quota sampling is random samples are drawn from each strata. If the
difficult to accomplish because it requires accurate population consists of 52 percent women and 48
information on the proportions for each quota and percent men, a stratified sample of 100 participants
such information is rarely available. would consist of 52 women and 48 men. The 52
Another form of nonprobability sampling is women would be randomly chosen from the available
purposive sampling, which is characterized by the use group of women and the 48 men would be randomly
of judgment and a deliberate effort to obtain selected from the group of men. This is also called
representative samples by including presumably proportional allocation. When this procedure is
typical areas or groups in the sample. Purposive performed correctly it is superior to simple random
sampling is used a lot in marketing research. To test sampling. When compared to simple random
the reaction of consumers to a new product, the sampling, stratified sampling usually reduces the
researcher may give out the new product to people that amount of variability and reduces the cost in data
fits the researcher’s notion of what the universe looks collection and analyses. Stratified sampling
like. Political polls are another example where capitalizes on the between-strata differences. Figure
purposive sampling is used. On the basis of past 5.2 conveys the basic idea of stratified sampling.
voting results and existing political party registration, Stratified sampling adds control to the sampling
in a given region, the researcher purposively selects a process by decreasing the amount of sampling error.
group of voting precincts. The researcher feels that This design is recommended when the population is
this selection will match the characteristics of the composed of sets of dissimilar groups. Randomized
entire electorate. A very interesting presentation of stratified sampling allows us to study the stratum
how this information was used to help elect a U.S. differences. It allows us to give special attention to
Senator in California is given in Barkan and Bruno certain groups that would otherwise be ignored
(1972). because of their size. Stratified random sampling is
often accomplished through proportional allocation
64 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

procedures (PAP). When using such procedures, the district as a cluster. We would then randomly choose
sample’s proportional partitioning resembles that of k school districts. From these k school districts,
the population. The major advantage in using PAP is instead of measuring every school in the chosen
that it provides a “self-weighted” sample. districts (as in regular cluster sampling), we would
take another random sample of schools within each
district. We would then measure only those schools
Another kind of probability sampling—if indeed,
it can be called probability sampling—is systematic
sampling. This method is a slight variation of simple
random sampling. This method assumes that the
universe or population consists of elements that are
ordered in some way. If the population consists of N
elements and we want to choose a sample of size n, we
first need to form the ratio N ÷ n. This ratio is rounded
to a whole number, k and then used as the sampling
interval. Here the first sample element is randomly
chosen from numbers 1 through k and subsequent
Cluster sampling, the most used method in
elements are chosen at every kth interval. For
surveys, is the successive random sampling of units,
example, if the element randomly selected from the
or sets and subsets. A cluster can be defined as a group
elements 1 through 10 is 6, then the subsequent
of things of the same kind. It is a set of sample
elements are 16, 26, 36, and so on. The
elements held together by some common
representativeness of the sample chosen in this fashion
characteristic(s). In cluster sampling, the universe is
is dependent upon the ordering of the N elements of
partitioned into clusters. Then the clusters are
the population.
randomly sampled. Each element in the chosen
The student who will pursue research further
clusters is then measured. In sociological research,
should, of course, know much more about these
the investigator may use city blocks as clusters. City
methods. The student is encouraged to consult one or
blocks are then randomly chosen and interviewers
more of the excellent references on the subject
then talk to every family in each block selected. This
presented at the end of this chapter. Williams (1978)
type of cluster sampling is sometimes referred to as
gives an interesting presentation and demonstration of
area sampling. If the researcher was to use simple
each sampling method using artificial data.
random sampling or stratified random sampling, that
Another related topic to randomness and sampling
person would need a complete list of families or
is randomization or permutation tests. We will give
household to sample from. Such a list may be very
this topic more extensive treatment when we discuss
difficult to obtain for a large city. Even with such a
the data analysis for quasi-experimental designs. The
list, the sampling costs would be high since it would
proponent of this method in psychology and the
involve measuring households over a wide area of the
behavioral sciences has been Eugene S. Edgington.
city. Cluster sampling is most effective if a large
Edgington (1980, 1996) advocates the use of
number of smaller size clusters are used. In
approximate randomization tests to handle statistical
educational research, for example, school districts of a
analyses of data from non-random samples and single
state or county can be used as clusters and a random
subject research designs. We can briefly mention here
sample of the school districts is taken. Every school
how this procedure works. Take Edgington’s example
within the school district would be measured.
of the correlating the IQ scores of foster parents and
However, school districts may form too large of a
their adopted children. If the sample was not
cluster. In this case using schools as clusters may be
randomly selected, the sample may be biased in favor
of parents who want to have their IQ and the IQ of
In two-stage cluster sampling, we start with a
their adopted child measured. It is likely that some
cluster sampling as described above. Then instead of
foster parents will intentionally lower their scores to
measuring every element of the clusters chosen at
match those of their adopted child. One way of
random, we select a random sample of the elements
handling non-random data like this is to first compute
and measure those elements. In the educational
the correlation between the parents and child. Then
example given above, we would identify each school
one would randomly pair the parents’’ scores with the
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 65

child’s’. That is, parent 1 may in a random pairing get randomness. The beauty of it, as indicated above, is
matched up with the child from parent number 10. that we use this "ignorance" and turn it to knowledge.
After such a random pairing, the correlation is again How we do this should become more and more
computed. If the researcher performs 100 such apparent as we go on with our study.
randomization pairings and computed the correlation
each time, one can then compare the original Study Suggestions
correlation to the 100 created from random pairings.
If the original correlation is the best (highest) the A variety of experiments with chance phenomena are
researcher would have a better idea that the correlation recommended: games using coins, dice, cards, roulette
obtained may be credible. These randomizations or wheels, and tables of random numbers. Such games,
permutation tests have been quite useful in certain
properly approached, can help one learn a great deal
research and data analysis situations. It has been used
about fundamental notions of modern scientific
to evaluate clusters obtained in a cluster analysis (see
Lee and MacQueen, 1980). It has been proposed as a research, statistics, probability, and, of course,
solution to analyzing self-efficacy data that are not randomness. Try the problems given in the
independent (see Cervone, 1987). suggestions below. Do not become discouraged by the
Randomness, randomization, and random seeming laboriousness of such exercises here and later
sampling are among the great ideas of science, as on in the book. It is evidently necessary and, indeed,
indicated earlier. While research can, of course, be helpful occasionally to go through the routine
done without using ideas of randomness, it is difficult involved in certain problems. After working the
to conceive how it can have viability and validity, at problems given, devise some of your own. If you can
least in most aspects of behavioral scientific research. devise intelligent problems, you are probably well on
Modern notions of research design, sampling, and your way to understanding.
inference, for example, are literally inconceivable
without the idea of randomness. One of the most
1. From a table of random numbers draw 50
remarkable of paradoxes is that through randomness,
numbers, 0 through 9. (Use the random numbers of
or "disorder," we are able to achieve control over the
often-obstreperous complexities of psychological Appendix C, if you wish.) List them in columns of 10
sociological and educational phenomena. We impose each.
order, in short, by exploiting the known behavior of
sets of random events. One is perpetually awed by (a) Count the total number of odd numbers;
what can be called the structural beauty of probability, count the total number of even numbers. What
sampling, and design theory and by its great would you expect to get by chance? Compare
usefulness in solving difficult problems of research the obtained totals with the expected totals.
design and planning and the analysis and (b) Count the total number of numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,
interpretation of data. 4. Similarly count 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. How many of
Before leaving the subject, let's return to a view of the first group should you get? The second
randomness mentioned earlier. To an omniscient group? Compare what you do get with these
being, there is no randomness. By definition such a
chance expectations. Are you far off?
being would "know" the occurrence of any event with
(c) Count the odd and even numbers in each
complete certainty. As Poincare (1952/1996) points group of 10. Count the two groups of numbers 0,
out, to gamble with such a being would be a losing
1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in each group of 10. Do
venture. Indeed, it would not be gambling. When a
the totals differ greatly from chance
coin was tossed ten times, he or she would predict
heads and tails with complete certainty and accuracy. expectations?
When dice were thrown, this being would know (d) Add the columns of the five groups of 10
infallibly what the outcomes will be. Every number in numbers each. Divide each sum by 10. (Simply
a table of random numbers would be correctly move the decimal point one place to the left.)
predicted! And certainly this being would have no What would you expect to get as the mean of
need for research and science. What we seem to be each group if only chance were "operating"?
saying is that randomness is a term for ignorance. If What did you get? Add the five sums and
we, like the omniscient being, knew all the divide by 50. Is this mean close to the chance
contributing causes of events, then there would be no
66 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

expectation? [Hint: To obtain the chance means and adding and subtracting two
expectation, remember the population limits.] standard deviations to the total mean.)
(b) On the basis of (a), above, and your
2. This is a class exercise and demonstration. Assign judgment, are the samples "representative"?
numbers arbitrarily to all the members of the class What does "representative" mean?
from 1 through N, N being the total number of (c) Pick out the third, fifth, and ninth group
members of the class. Take a table of random means. Suppose that 300 subjects had been
numbers and start with any page. Have a student assigned at random to the three groups and
wave a pencil in the air and blindly stab at the page that these were scores on some measure of
of the table. Starting with the number the pencil importance to a study you wanted to do.
indicates, choose n two-digit numbers between 1 What can you conclude from the three
and N (ignoring numbers greater than N and means, do you think?
repeated numbers) by, say, going down columns (or
any other specified way). n is the numerator of the 4. Most published studies in the behavioral
fraction n/N, which is decided by the size of the sciences and education have not used random
class. If N = 30, for instance, let n = 10. Repeat the samples, especially random samples of large
process twice on different pages of the random populations. Occasionally, however, studies
numbers table. You now have three equal groups (if based on random samples are done. One such
N is not divisible by 3, drop one or two persons at study is:
random). Write the random numbers on the
blackboard in the three groups. Have each class Osgood, D. W., Wilson, J. K., O’Malley, P. M.,
member call out his height in inches. Write these Bachman, J. G. & Johnston, L. D. (1996).
values on the blackboard separate from the Routine activities and individual deviant
numbers, but in the same three groups. Add the behavior. American Sociological Review, 61,
three sets of numbers in each of the sets on the 635-655.
blackboard, the random numbers and the heights.
Calculate the means of the six sets of numbers. Also This study is worth careful reading, even though
calculate the means of the total sets. its level of methodological sophistication puts a
number of its details beyond our present grasp. Try
(a) How close are the means in each of the sets not to be discouraged by this sophistication. Get
of numbers? How close are the means of the what you can out of it, especially its sampling of a
groups to the mean of the total group? large population of young men. Later in the book
(b) Count the number of men and women in we will return to the interesting problem pursued.
each of the groups. Are the sexes spread fairly At that time, perhaps the methodology will no
evenly among the three groups? longer appear so formidable. (In studying research,
(c) Discuss this demonstration. What do you it is sometimes helpful to read beyond our present
think is its meaning for research? capacity-provided we don't do too much of it!)

3. In Chapter 6, it was suggested that the student Another study random samples from a large
generate 20 sets of 100 random numbers between 0 population is by
and 100 and calculate means and variances. If you
did this, use the numbers and statistics in this Voelkl, K. F. (1995). School warmth, student
exercise. If you did not, use the numbers and participation and achievement. Journal of
statistics of Appendix C at the end of the book. Experimental Education, 63, 127-138.
(a)How close to the population mean are the
means of the 20 samples? Are any of the In this study the researcher gives some detail about
means "deviant"? (You might judge this by using a two-stage stratified random sampling
calculating the standard deviation of the
Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness 67

plan to measure student’s perception of school 7. Another interesting study that uses yet another
warmth. variation of random sampling is

5. Random assignment of subjects to experimental Moran, J. D. & McCullers, J. C. (1984). A

groups is much more common than random comparison of achievement scores in physically
sampling of subjects. A particularly good, even attractive and unattractive students. Home Economics
excellent, example of research in which subjects Research Journal, 13, 36-40.
were assigned at random to two experimental
groups, is: In this study, the researchers randomly selected
photographs from school yearbooks. These
Thompson, S. (1980). Do individualized photographs were then randomly grouped into 10 sets
mastery and traditional instructional systems of 16 pictures. Students who were not familiar with
yield different course effects in college calculus? the students in the photos were then asked to rate each
American Educational Research Journal, 17, person in the photo in terms of attractiveness.
Special Note. In some of the above study
Again, don't be daunted by the methodological suggestions and in those of Chapter 6, instructions
details of this study. Get what you can out of it. were given to draw numbers from tables of random
Note at this time how the subjects were classified numbers or to generate sets of random numbers using
into aptitude groups and then assigned at random to a computer. If you have a microcomputer or have
experimental treatments. We will also return to this access to one, you may well prefer to generate the
study later. At that time, we should be able to random numbers using the built-in random number
understand its purpose and design and be intrigued generator (function) of the microcomputer. An
by its carefully controlled experimental pursuit of a outstanding and fun book to read and learn how to do
difficult substantive educational problem: the this is Walter’s (1997) “The Secret Guide to
comparative merits of so-called individualized Computers.” Walter shows you how to write a simple
mastery instruction and conventional lecture- computer program using the BASIC language, the
discussion-recitation instruction. language common to most microcomputers. How
"good" are the random numbers generated? ("How
6. Another noteworthy example of random good?" means "How random?") Since they are
assignment is done in a study by produced in line with the best contemporary theory
and practice, they should be satisfactory, although
Glick, P., DeMorest, J. A., & Hotze, C. A. (1988). they might not meet the exacting requirements of
Keeping your distance: Group membership, some experts. In our experience, they are quite
personal space, and requests for small favors. satisfactory, and we recommend their use to teachers
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 18, 315-330. and students.

This study is noteworthy because the study takes place Some books on sampling.
in a real setting outside the laboratories of the
university. Also the participants are not necessarily Babbie, E. R. (1990). Survey research methods. (2nd
university students. Participants in this study are Ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
people in a public eating area within a large indoor Babbie, E. R. (1995). The practice of social research,
shopping mall. Participants were chosen and then 7th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
assigned to one of six experimental conditions. This Cowles, M. (1989). Statistics in psychology: A
article is easy to read and the statistics analysis is not historical perspective. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
much beyond the level of elementary statistics. Erlbaum Associates.
Deming, W. E. (1966). Some theory of sampling.
New York: Dover.
68 Chapter 5 Sampling and Randomness

Deming, W. E. (1990). Sampling design in business 10.Random assignment is another term for
research. New York: Wiley. randomization. This is where participants are
Kish, L. (1953). Selection of the sample. In assigned to research groups randomly. It is used
Festinger, L. & Katz, D. Eds., Research methods to control unwanted variances.
in the behavioral sciences. New York: Holt, 11.There are two types of samples: nonprobability and
Rinehart and Winston. probability samples.
Kish, L. (1995). Survey sampling. New York: John 12.Nonprobability samples do not use random
Wiley. assignment, while probability samples do use
Snedecor, G. & Cochran, W. (1989). Statistical random sampling.
Methods. (8th Ed). Ames, IA: Iowa State University 13.Simple random sampling, stratified random
Press. . sampling, cluster sampling and systematic
Stephan, F. & McCarthy, P. (1974). Sampling sampling are four types of probability sampling.
opinions. Westport, CT: Greenwood. 14.Quota sampling, purposive sampling and
Sudman, S. (1976). Applied sampling. New York: accidental sampling are three types of
Academic Press. nonprobability sampling.
Warwick, D. & Lininger, D. (1975). The sample
survey: Theory and practice. New York: McGraw-
Williams, B. (1978). A sampler on sampling. New
York: John Wiley.

Chapter Summary
1. Sampling refers to taking a portion of a population
or universe as representative of that population or
2. Studies using samples are economical, manageable
and controllable.
3. One of the more popular methods of sampling is
random sampling.
4. Random sampling is that method of drawing a
portion (or sample) of a population or universe so
that each member of the population or universe
has an equal chance of being selected
5. The researcher defines the population or universe.
A sample is a subset of the population.
6. We can never be sure that a random sampling is
representative of the population.
7. With a random sampling, the probability of
selecting a sample with a mean close to the
population mean is greater than the probability of
selecting a sample with a mean not close to the
population mean.
8. Nonrandom sampling may be biased and the
chances increase that the sample mean will not be
close to the population mean.
9. We say events are random if we cannot predict
their outcomes.
Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research 69

Chapter 6 The discussion, emphasis and practice of research

ethics are relatively recent events. Before the 20th
Ethical Considerations in Conducting century, those scientists who were caught
experimenting on people without proper consent were
Behavioral Science Research punished. However, there were instances in history
where the violations of research ethics yield fruitful
results. When one thinks about the ethics of doing
Fiction and Reality research on humans or animals one can not avoid mixed
feelings. In examining history, there were those brave
In the previous chapters we have discussed individuals like Edward Jenner who injected a child
science and the variables involved in social and with a weaker form of the smallpox virus and in doing
behavioral sciences. We have also introduced some of so developed a vaccine for small pox. History has it that
the basic statistical methods used to analyze the data Edward Jenner did not get permission from anyone
gathered from such research studies. In the chapters before doing this. Or how about Dr. Barry Marshall
following this one, we will be discussing the actual who in order to show that the peptic ulcer was caused by
conduct of the research process. Before doing this, we bacteria and not acids swallowed the culture of bacteria
must present a very important topic. This topic involves himself and them successfully treated himself with
the issue of research ethics. Some books have placed dosages of anti-biotic drugs. Yet there are documented
this topic in the latter part of the book after the research cases of tragic consequences for researchers who failed
plan and designs have been discussed. We feel that to follow proper ethical principles of research and those
such a topic should be presented earlier. The student of committing scientific fraud in science. Some of these
research needs this information in order to design an are noted and discussed in Shrader-Frechette (1994).
ethically sound study using the methods given in This is an excellent book worth reading as well as
chapters after this one. It would be ideal if the Miller & Hersen (1992) and Erwin, Gendin & Kleiman
researcher read this chapter, then read the chapters on (1994). Evidence of known or suspected fraud can be
research design and then return to re-read the points traced to research done in ancient Greece.
made in this chapter. In conducting research, the sensitive researcher is
What is research ethics? What is research? These often confronted with ethical dilemmas. Prior to the
are two terms that are difficult to define. Shrader- 1960’s researchers from all fields of science were left to
their own conscious in terms of research ethics. The
Frechette (1994) provides a definition by contrasting scholarly publications on the appropriate behavior of
“research” from “practice.” As we saw in an earlier scientists provided some guidance, but none or few of
chapter, research is an activity done to test theories, the guidelines were mandated. An example
make inferences and add or update information on a exemplifying an ethical dilemma can be found in the
fictional story of Martin Arrowsmith, the protagonist in
base of knowledge. Professional practice does not Sinclair Lewis’ novel Arrowsmith. In this novel, Dr.
usually involve testing theories or hypotheses but rather Martin Arrowsmith in a laboratory study discovers by
enhance the welfare of clients using actions and accident a principle that was effective in destroying
information that have been demonstrated to be bacteria. Arrowsmith called it a “phage.” When the
bubonic plague breaks out in a third world country,
successful. Some of these actions were established Arrowsmith is sent to that country to help the afflicted
through earlier scientific research. Even though both and to test his phage. Arrowsmith was taught that the
“research” and “practice” have ethics, the ethics true effectiveness of the phage can be determined by
involved with the research process is directed toward giving it to half of the infected population. The other
half would be given a placebo or no treatment at all.
the individuals who do research and their conduct of the However, Arrowsmith upon seeing the alarming death
research process. . Shrader-Frechette states that research rate, including the death of his wife and close friend
ethics specifies the behavior researchers ought to show decides to give the phage to the entire population. If he
during the entire process of their investigation. Keith- had followed his experimental plan and his phage was
truly effective, the people receiving the phage would
Spiegel & Koocher (1985) discusses the ethics of survive and those receiving the placebo would not.
psychological practice. Dawes (1994) gives a very Arrowsmith’s conscience would not allow him to
critical view of the practice of psychology and deceive half of the population and let them die in the
psychotherapy. Part of Dawes’ discussion concerns name of scientific research. He administered the phage
to everyone. The plague did end after the natives were
ethics of practice. inoculated, but Arrowsmith never really knew whether
70 Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research

his phage was effective. Although this was fiction, One of the most infamous case on the unethical
actual research scientists are at times faced with similar use of deception was the Tuskegee Study (see Brandt,
dilemmas. 1978). In 1932 the U.S. Public Health Service did an
experiment on 399 poor, semiliterate African-American
A Beginning? males who had contracted syphilis. One purpose of this
It was studies done in the 1960’s and 1970’s study was to examine the effects of syphilis on
where there was evidence of research fraud and untreated individuals. In order to get afflicted African-
deception of research participants that led to a demand American males to participate in the study, they were
for specific mandated rules for the conduct of research. told they were being treated when in fact they were not.
In 1974, the United States Congress called for the Symptoms of syphilis were periodically measured and
creation of institutional review boards. The purpose of recorded. Autopsies were performed on each individual
these boards was to review the ethical conduct of those after each death. It would be forty years later before the
research studies that had received federal research public became aware of this research. At the time of
grants. Later in the 1980’s federally funded research disclosure, the study was still in progress. The research
involving humans and animals were reviewed for both was clearly unethical; one reason was because treatment
ethical acceptability and research design. By the 1980’s was still being withheld from the survivors as late as
many of the major universities in the United States had 1972. They could have been effectively treated with
guidelines for dealing with misconduct in research. penicillin that became available in the 1940s. One of
Other countries also began to put forth guidelines and the major outcries of unethical research behavior has
rules. The governments of Sweden and the Netherlands been focused on the use of deception.
required that independent review committees evaluate Deception is still used in some research studies
all biomedical studies. Shrader-Frechette (1994) today. However, the research is critically evaluated
describes two broad categories in terms of ethical before it can be done. All major universities in the
problems in scientific research. The two major United States have a research ethics and human usage
categories are (1) processes and (2) products. The committee that screens and evaluates studies for
research process is deemed harmful if participants do potential deceptions and harmful effects. It is their task
not give informed consent to the procedures used on to make sure no harm is inflicted on any of the
them. The research process is also considered harmful participants.
if the participants were deceived or recruited using One of the most noted studies in psychology that
deceptive methods. The research product is harmful if used deception was conducted by social psychologist
the conduct of that research results in a harmful Stanley Milgram, who recruited participants in a
environment for anyone who comes into contact with it. "learning" experiment (see Milgrim, 1963). Those who
Shrader-Frechette refers to this as “downwinders.” The volunteered were told that some would be teachers and
case of radiation poisoning due to scientific tests of the others would be learners. The teachers were in
nuclear weapons is an example of a research product charge of teaching lists of words to the learners. The
that is harmful. Shrader-Frechette briefly describes this teachers were told to administer increasingly painful
research and the consequences. Saffer & Kelly (1983) shocks every time the learners made an error. The real
give a more complete account in an informative book purpose of the experiment, however, was not to study
titled “Countdown Zero.” Saffer and Kelly describe learning but to study obedience to authority. Milgrim
how the atmospheric tests of the atomic bomb in the was particularly interested in whether there was any
desert of Nevada in the late 1940’s carried over into truth to the claims of Nazi war criminals who said they
other parts of the desert. The crew, staff and actors in did the atrocious acts because they were “ordered” by
the movie The Conqueror were all exposed to their superiors to do so. Unknown to the participants, all
radioactive sand during the filming of the movie in the participants served as "teachers." That is, all
desert. All of these people developed cancer and later participants were told that they were teachers. None of
died from cancer related illnesses. Some of the well- the participants served as “learners.” The learners were
known actors and actresses included John Wayne, confederates of the experimenter. They pretended to be
Susan Hayward and Dick Powell. Saffer and Kelly also participants who were randomly chosen to serve as
describes how the United States military’s research on learners. Furthermore, there were actually no shocks
how to fight a nuclear war in the 1950’s led to the administered at anytime. The teachers were tricked into
exposure of many military personnel to radiation believing that the learners’ cries of pain and requests for
fallout. Saffer himself was one of the soldiers who assistance was real. When instructed to increase the
participated in such studies. He noticed after a number severity of the shocks, some of the participants
of years after leaving the service that fellow soldiers hesitated. However, when they were instructed by the
developed cancer. experimenter to continue, they did so. They even
continued "shocking' the learners beyond the point
Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research 71

where the learners "begged" to be released from the commissioned by Burt’s family to write a biography of
experiment. The results were, to Milgram as well to Burt, claimed to have found evidence of fraud. This
others, almost beyond belief. A great many subjects (the particular view of Burt’s fraud is detailed in Gould
"teachers") unhesitatingly obeyed the experimenter's (1981). However, Jensen (1992) presents a different
"Please continue" or "You have no choice, you must go socio-historical view of Burt. Jensen states that the
on" and continued to increase the level of the shocks no charges against Burt were never adequately proven.
matter how much the learner pleaded with the "teacher" Jensen also gives information concerning Burt that was
to stop. What particularly surprised Milgram was that never mentioned in Gould’s book or in other
no one ever walked out of the laboratory in disgust or publications that were critical of Burt.
protest. This remarkable obedience was seen time and Such events as the Tuskegee, Milgram and Burt
time again in several universities where the experiment brought about the creation of laws and regulations to
was repeated. Public anger over this experiment restrict or stop unethical research behavior in the
centered on the deception that might have caused medical, behavioral and social sciences. Professional
psychological discomforts and harm to the participants. organizations, such as the American Psychological
More than that, some people overgeneralized and Association and the American Physiological Society
thought that many such psychological experiments were
developed commissions to investigate and recommend
being conducted.
For years following the famous study, critics of his action on reported cases of unethical research behavior.
study repeatedly dogged Milgrim. There was very little However, the reported incidence of unethical research
publicity surrounding the fact that Milgrim did a by scientists has been minimal. Amongst the cases that
number of follow-up studies on the participants and have received the most negative publicity in behavioral
found that there were no negative effects. In fact, at the science research involved Steven Breuning of the
conclusion of each experimental session, the University of Pittsburgh. Breuning was convicted in
participants were debriefed and introduced to the 1988 of fabricating scientific data about drug tests
“learner” to show that no dangerous electrical shocks (Ritalin and Dexedrine) on hyperactive children.
were administered. Breuning’s falsified results were widely cited and
Another sensitive area has been one directed at influenced several states to change their regulations on
fraud. This includes situations where the researcher
the treatment of these children. The Breuning case
altered data from a research study in order to show that
a certain hypothesis or theory was true. Other cases of illustrates how dangerous the fraudulent behavior of a
fraud involved the reporting of research findings for scientist can be.
research studies that never took place. History shows In the physical sciences and medicine, Maurice
that there have been a number of prominent individuals Buchbinder, a cardiologist, was broached for research
who have been involved in fraud (see Erwin, Gendin & problems associated with his testing of the Rotablator.
Kleiman, 1994). One of the more sensational cases of This device is a coronary vessel-cleaning device.
alleged fraud comes from psychology. The person Investigation revealed that the device was manufactured
involved was Sir Cyril Burt, a prominent British by a company where Buchbinder owned millions of
psychologist who received knighthood for his work on dollars in stock. Amongst his ethical violations were (1)
statistics and the heritability of intelligence. His work the failure to conduct follow-up examinations on about
was marked by the use of identical twins whose genetic 280 patients, (2) the improper use of the device on
composition was the most alike. Burt supposedly patients with severe heart disease, and (3) not properly
demonstrated that there was a strong genetic component reporting some of the problems experienced by patients.
to intelligence by examining the intelligence of twins
who were raised together versus those who were Douglas Richman was another research physician
separated at birth and hence were reared apart. The who received notoriety in his study of a new hepatitis
intention was to determine how much influence the treatment drug. Richman was cited for failing to report
environment or heredity had on intelligence. In the mid the death of the patients in the study, failing to inform
1970’s after the death of Burt, Leon Kamin (1974) the drug’s manufacturer about the serious side effects,
reported that a number of the correlations that Burt and failing to properly explain risks to patients in the
reported were identical to the third decimal place. By study. Even though the reported incidence of fraud and
chance alone this was highly improbable. Later it was unethical behavior by scientists is scarce, Shrader-
discovered that a few of Burt’s co-authors on research Frechette (1994) has pointed out that many unethical
articles published around the Second World War could
behaviors go unnoticed or unreported. Even research
not be found. Many of Burt’s critics felt that Burt
created these co-authors in order to mislead the journals do not mention anything about requiring the
scientific community. Even Leslie Hearnshaw, who was author to present information that the study was done
ethically (e.g. with informed consent). It is possible that
72 Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research

when a researcher studies the behavior of humans, that

those humans are put at risk through coercion, In 1973 the American Psychological Association
deception, violation of privacy, breaches of published ethical guidelines for psychologists. The
confidentiality, stress, social injury and failure to obtain original guidelines went through a number of revisions
since then. The latest guidelines and principles were
free informed consent.
published in the American Psychologist in the March
1990 issue. The Ethical Principles of Psychologists and
Some General Guidelines Code of Conduct can be found in the 1994 edition of
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
The following guidelines are summaries taken from Association. The following section will give a brief
Shrader-Frechette’s excellent book. Shrader-Frechette discussion of the ethical principles and codes that are
lays down the codes that should be followed by relevant of behavioral science research. These
researchers in all areas of study where animals and guidelines are directed toward both human and animal
humans are used as participants. One of the topics research. All persons working on a research project are
centers on situations where the researcher should not bounded by the ethic codes regardless if they are a
perform the research study. There are five general rules professional psychologist or a member of the American
to follow when determining that the research should not Psychological Association.
be done.
General Considerations
• Scientists should not do research that puts people at
risk The decision to undertake a research project lies
• Scientists should not do research that violates the solely with the researcher. The first question that the
norms of free informed consent. researcher needs to ask oneself is whether or not the
• Scientists should not do research that converts public research is worth doing. Will the information obtained
resources to private gains. from the study be valuable and useful for science and
• Scientists should not do research that could seriously human welfare? Will it help improve the human health
damage the environment. and welfare? If the researcher feels that the research is
• Scientists ought not do biased research. worthwhile, then the research is to be conducted with
respect and concern for the welfare and dignity of the
In the fifth and last point made by Shrader-Frechette,
the implication is toward racial and sexual biases only.
One should realize that in all research studies there are The Participant at Minimal Risk.
biases inherent in the research design itself.
However, one of the major criterion in deciding the One of the major consideration on whether the study
execution of a research study is the consequences from should be conducted or not is the decision as to whether
that study. Shrader-Frechette states that there are the participant will be a "subject at risk" or a "subject at
studies that will put humans and animals at risk, but the minimal risk." If there is the possibility of serious risk
non-execution of that research may lead to even greater for the participant, the possible outcome of the research
risks to humans and animals. In different words, not all should indeed be of considerable value before
potentially dangerous research should be condemned. proceeding. Researchers in this category should consult
Shrader-Frechette states: with colleagues before continuing. At most
universities, there is a special committee that reviews
“Just as scientists have a duty to do research but to research proposals to determine if the value of the
avoid ethically questionable research, so also they have research is worth placing participants at risk. At all
a responsibility not to become so ethically scrupulous times, the researcher must take steps to prevent harm to
about their work that they threaten the societal ends the participant. Student research projects should be
research should serve.” (p. 37). conducted with the minimum amount of risk on the
Hence, the researcher must exercise some degree of
common sense when deciding to do or not do the Fairness, Responsibility and Informed Consent.
research study involving human and animal
Prior to participation, the researcher and the participant
should enter into an agreement that clarifies the
Guidelines from the American Psychological obligation and responsibilities. With certain studies this
Association. involves informed consent. Here the participant agrees
Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research 73

to tolerate deception, discomfort, and boredom for the universities, the introductory psychology course has a
good of science. In return, the experimenter guarantees graded research component. This component cannot be
the safety and well being of the participant. based solely on participation in research studies. For
Psychological research differs from medical research in those that wish so, the research component can be
this regard. Medical research ethics requires the satisfied through other means such as a research paper.
researcher to inform the participant what will be done to Giving extra credit points for participation can be
them and for what purpose. Most behavioral and social
science research is not this restrictive. The behavioral conceived as coercion.
science researcher needs to tell only those aspects of the
study that may influence the participant’s willingness to Debriefing
participate. Informed consent is not required in
minimal-risk research. Still, it is a good idea for the After collecting the data from the participant the nature
investigator in all research to establish a clear and fair of the research is carefully explained to the participant.
agreement with research participants prior to their Debriefing is an attempt to remove any misconceptions
participation. the participant may have about the study. This is an
extremely important element in conducting a research
Deception study. Even the explanation of the study should not be
aversive. It needs to be worded in such a way so that
Demand characteristics exists with many behavioral those that have just been deceived would not feel
science studies. Participants volunteer to participate foolish or stupid or embarrassed. In the event of student
with the knowledge that something not harmful will be researchers, it would be beneficial for both the
done to them. Their expectations and their desire to “do researcher and participant to review the data. The
what the researcher wants” could influence the outcome debriefing session could be used as a learning
of the study. Hence validity of the study would be experience so that the student participant can become
compromised. The famous Hawthorne study is a case in more knowledgeable about behavioral science research.
point. In the Hawthorne study, the factory workers Showing a student around the laboratory and explaining
were told ahead of time that some people will be the apparatus is also advised if time permits.
coming to the factory to do a study on worker For those studies where an immediate debriefing
productivity. The workers knowing that they will be would compromise the validity of the study, the
studied for their productivity behaved in ways that they researcher may delay debriefing. However, the
would not normal behave, i.e. punctual, working harder, researcher must make all possible attempts to contact
shorter breaks, etc. As a result the investigators in the the participant once the entire study (data collection) is
study were unable to get a true measure of worker completed.
productivity. Hence, enters deception. Like a magic
show, the participants’ attentions are misdirected. If the Protection of Participants
investigators had entered the factory as “ordinary”
workers, they could have obtained a clearer picture of The researcher must inform the participant of all risks
worker productivity. and dangers inherent in the study. The researcher
If the researcher can justify that deception is of should realize that the participant is doing the researcher
value, and if alternative procedures are not available, a favor by participating. Participation in any research
then the participant must be provided with a sufficient may produce at least some degree of stress.
explanation as soon as possible after the end of the Additionally, the researcher is obligated to remove any
experiment. This explanation is called debriefing. Any undesirable consequences of participation. This is
deceptive procedure that presents the participants with a relevant in the case where participant were placed in a
negative perception of themselves must be avoided. “do nothing” or control group. It would be unethical in
a study that examines pain-management programs to
Freedom from Coercion place people who are in chronic pain into a control
group where they received no treatment.
Participants must always be made to feel that they can
withdraw from the study at any time without penalty or Confidentiality
repercussions. Participants need to be informed of this
prior to the beginning of the experimental session. The The issue of keeping the participant from harm includes
researcher at a university that uses introductory confidentiality. The researcher must assure the
psychology students as participants should make it clear participant that the data collected from them will be
that their participation is voluntary. At some safeguarded. That is, the information collected from the
74 Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research

participant will not be disclosed to the public in a way would include the type of animal and how many
that could identify the participant. With sensitive data, animals.
the researcher must inform the participant how the data 8. Experimental Procedure. All experimental
will be handled. In one study dealing with sexual procedures must take into consideration the
behavior and AIDs, participants were asked to fill out animal’s well being. Procedures must involve no
the questionnaire, place the questionnaire in an inflicted pain. Any amount of induced pain must be
unmarked envelope and deposit the envelope in a sealed justified by the value of the study. Any aversive
box. The researcher assured the participants that the stimuli should be set at the lowest level possible.
questionnaire would only be seen by data entry people 9. Field Research. Researchers doing field
who don’t know who they are and cannot guess who research should disturb the population as little as
they are. Smith & Garner (1976) for example took extra possible. There must be respect for property and
precautions to assure the anonymity of participants in privacy of inhabitants
their study of homosexual behavior among male college 10. Educational Use of Animals. Alternative non-
athletes. animal studies should be considered. Classroom
demonstrations using animals should be used when
ETHICS OF ANIMAL RESEARCH educational objectives can not be made through the
use of media. Psychologists need to include a
To some people, the use of animals in research is presentation on the ethics of using animals in
inhumane and not necessary. However, research studies research.
using animals have provided a number of worthwhile 11. Disposition of Animals. This point deals with what
advancements for both animals and human. Neal Miller to do with the animal once the study is finished.
(1985) has noted the major contributions that animal
research has provided for society. Unlike human These guidelines (available from the American
participants, animals do not volunteer. Contrary to the Psychological Association) should be made known to
belief of animal right activists, very few studies of today all personnel involved in the research and
involve inflicting animals with pain. Experiments using conspicuously posted wherever animals are maintained
animals as participants are generally permissible so long and used.
as the animals are treated humanely. APA provides In assessing the research, the possibility of
guidelines on the use of animals for behavioral research increasing knowledge about behavior, including benefit
and also logistic guidelines for their housing and care. for health or welfare of humans and animals, should be
There are eleven major points covered in APA’s sufficient to outweigh any harm or distress to the
guidelines. They will be listed here: animals. Humane consideration for the well being of the
animals should thus always be kept uppermost in mind.
1. General.: This involved the code behind the If the animal is likely to be subjected to distress or pain,
acquisition, maintenance and disposal of animals. the experimental procedures specified in the guidelines
The emphasis is on the familiarity with the code. of the American Psychological Association should be
2. Personnel: This point involves the people who carefully followed, especially for surgical procedures.
will be caring for the animals. This includes the No animal should be discarded until its death is verified,
availability of a veterinarian and supervisor of the and it should be disposed of in a manner that is legal and
facility. consistent with health, environmental, and aesthetic
3. Facilities: The housing of the animals must concerns.
conform to the standard set by National Institute of A recent book by Shapiro (1998) presents the
Health (NIH) for the care and use of laboratory history and current status on the use of animals in
animals. scientific research. This book contains articles that deal
4. Acquisition of Animals: This point deals with with ethics and situations when animal research is
how the animals are acquired. Covered are the rules necessary and when it is not.
for breeding and/or purchasing of animals.
5. Care and Housing of Animals: This deals with the Study Suggestions
condition of the facilities where the animals are
kept. 1. Some feel that society have placed too many
6. Justification of Research: The purpose of the restrictions of scientists on how to conduct their
research using animals must be stated clearly. research. List the strong and weak points behind
7. Experimental Design: The research design of the these regulations.
study should include humane considerations. This
2. What is the purpose of debriefing? Why is it
Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research 75

3. A student who is a fan of daytime talk shows, scientific research with humans and animals need to
wanted to determine if the way a woman dresses be regulated.
influences men’s behavior. She plans to attend two 2. Fraud is also an issue of concern, since the work of
bars at night. In one bar she will be dressed individuals such as Burt and Breuning had a lot of
influence on legislation and how people perceived
provocatively and in the other she will be dressed in themselves and others.
a business suit. Her dependent variable is the 3. Organizations such as the American Psychological
number of men who would approach and talk to her. Association have set up guidelines on the ethics of
Can you find some ethical problems with this doing research. Also they have set up review
study? boards to evaluate and take action on claims of
4. Go to your library and find other incidences of ethical misconduct.
fraud and unethical behavior of behavioral and 4. Researchers are obligated to do no physical or
psychological harm to research participants.
medical scientists. How many of these can you
5. Researchers must do research in a way that will
find? produce useful information.
5. In the novel Arrowsmith, can you propose an 6. The ten ethical standards set up by the American
alternative method that would have enabled Martin Psychological Association include provisions for
Arrowsmith to fully test his phage? planning the research, protection of participants,
6. Locate and read one of the following articles: confidentiality, debriefing, deception, informed
consent, and freedom from coercion
Braunwald, E. (1987). On analyzing scientific fraud. 7. Guidelines are also provided for the use of animals
in research. These provide guidelines on the care,
Nature, 325, 215-216. feeding and housing of animals and what to do with
Brody, R. G. & Bowman, L. (1998). Accounting and animals after the end of the study.
psychology students' perceptions of whistle blowing.
College Student Journal. 32, 162-166. Does the
college curriculum need to include ethics?
Broad, W. J. & Wade, N. (1982). Betrayers of the truth.
New York: Touchstone.
Fontes, L. A. (1998). Ethics in family violence research:
Cross-cultural issues. Family Relations:
Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies,
47, 53-61.
Herrmann, D. & Yoder, C. (1998). The potential effects
of the implanted memory paradigm on child subjects.
Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12, 198-206.
(Discusses the danger of implanted memory.)
Knight, J. A. (1984). Exploring the compromise of
ethical principles in science. Perspectives in Biology
and Medicine, 27, 432-442. (Explores the reasons for
fraud and dishonesty in science.)
Stark, C. (1998). Ethics in the research context:
Misinterpretations and misplaced misgivings.
Canadian Psychology. 39,.202-211. (A look at the
ethic codes for the Canadian Psychological

tChapter Summary

1. The Tuskegee and Milgrim studies used a form of

deception and are often cited as reasons why
76 Chapter 6: Ethical Considerations in Conducting Behavioral Science Research
Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles 77

the questions of research and also helps them to control

Chapter 7 the experimental, extraneous, and error variances of the
particular research problem under study. Since all
Research Design: Purpose and Principles research activity can be said to have the purpose of
providing answers to research questions, it is possible to
omit this purpose from the discussion and to say that
Research Design is the plan and structure of research design has one grand purpose: to control
investigation so conceived as to obtain answers to variance. Such a delimitation of the purpose of design,
research questions. The plan is the overall scheme or however, is dangerous. Without strong stress on the
program of the research. It includes an outline of what research questions and on the use of design to help
the investigator will do from writing the hypotheses and provide answers to these questions, the study of design
their operational implications to the final analysis of can degenerate into an interesting, but sterile, technical
data. The structure of research is harder to explain exercise.
because "structure" is difficult to define clearly and Research designs are invented to enable researchers
unambiguously. Since it is a concept that becomes to answer research questions as validly, objectively
increasingly important as we continue our study, we accurately, and economically as possible. Research
here break off and attempt a definition and a brief plans are deliberately and specifically conceived and
explanation. The discourse will necessarily be executed to bring empirical evidence to bear on the
somewhat abstract at this point. Later examples, research problem. Research problems can be and are
however, will be more concrete. More important, we stated in the form of hypotheses. At some point in the
will find the concept powerful, useful, even research they are stated so that they can be empirically
indispensable, especially in our later study of tested. Designs are carefully worked out to yield
multivariate analysis where "structure" is a key concept dependable and valid answers to the research questions
whose understanding is essential to understanding much epitomized by the hypotheses. We can make one
contemporary research methodology. observation and infer that the hypothesized relation
A structure is the framework, organization, or exists on the basis of this one observation, but it is
configuration of elements of the structure related in obvious that we cannot accept the inference so made.
specified ways. The best way to specify a structure is to On the other hand, it is also possible to make hundreds
write a mathematical equation that relates the parts of of observations and to infer that the hypothesized
the structure to each other. Such a mathematical relation exists on the basis of these many observations.
In this case we may or may not accept the inference as
equation, since its terms are defined and specifically
valid. The result depends on how the observations and
related by the equation (or set of equations), is
the inference were made. Adequately planned and
unambiguous. In short, a structure is a paradigm or executed design helps greatly in permitting us to rely on
model of the relations among the variables of a study. both our observations and our inferences.
The words "structure," "model” and "paradigm" are How does design accomplish this? Research design
troublesome because they are hard to define clearly and sets up the framework for study of the relations among
unambiguously. A "paradigm" is a model, an example. variables. Design tells us, in a sense, what observations
Diagrams, graphs, and verbal outlines are paradigms. to make, how to make them, and how to analyze the
We use "paradigm" here rather than "model" because quantitative representations of the observations. Strictly
"model" has another important meaning in science,' speaking, design does not "tell" us precisely what to do,
A research design expresses both the structure of the but rather "suggests" the directions of observation
research problem and the plan of investigation used to making and analysis. An adequate design "suggests,"
obtain empirical evidence on the relations of the for example, how many observations should be made,
problem. We will soon encounter examples of both and which variables are active and which are variables
design and structure that will perhaps enliven this attribute. We can then act to manipulate the active
abstract discussion. variables and to categorize and measure the attribute
variables. A design tells us what type of statistical
PURPOSES OF RESEARCH DESIGN analysis to use. Finally, an adequate design outlines
possible conclusions to be drawn from the statistical
Research design has two basic purposes: ( 1 ) to provide analysis.
answers to research questions and (2) to control
variance. Design helps investigators obtain answers to An Example
78 Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles.

race-it was not statistically significant, nor did it interact

It has been said that colleges and universities significantly with the other variables-and concentrate on
discriminate against women in hiring and in admissions. gender and ability. If a college bases its selection of
Suppose we wish to test discrimination in admissions. incoming students strictly on ability, there is no
The idea for this example came from the unusual and discrimination (unless, of course, ability selection is
ingenious experiment cited earlier: Walster, Cleary, called discrimination). Add ability to the design of
and Clifford (1971). We set up an experiment as Figure 7.1; use three levels. That is, in addition to the
follows. To a random sample of 200 colleges we send applications being designated male and female, they are
applications for admission basing the applications on also designated as high, medium, and low ability. For
several model cases selected over a range of tested example, three of the applications may be: male,
ability with all details the same except for gender. Half medium ability; female, high ability; female, low
the applications will be those of men and half women. ability. Now, if there is no significant difference
Other things equal, we expect approximately equal between genders and the interaction between gender
numbers of acceptances and rejections. and ability is not significant, this would be considerably
stronger evidence for no discrimination than that
yielded by the design and statistical test of Figure 7.1.
Treatments We now use the expanded design to explain this
A1 (Male) A2
statement and to discuss a number of points about
(Female) research design. The expanded design is given in Figure
Acceptance 7.2.
The design is a 2 x 3 factorial. One independent
variable, A, is gender, the same as in Figure 7.1. The
second independent variable, B, is ability, which is
manipulated by indicating in several ways what the
Figure 7.1 ability levels of the students are. It is important not to be
confused by the names of the variables. Gender and
Acceptance, then, is the dependent variable. It is ability are ordinarily attribute variables and thus
measured on a three-point scale: full acceptance, nonexperimental. In this case, however, they are
qualified acceptance, and rejection. Call male A1 and manipulated. The student records sent to the colleges
were systematically adjusted to fit the six cells of Figure
female A2. The paradigm of the design is given in
7.2. A case in the A1B2 cell, for instance, would be the
Figure 7.1.
record of a male of medium ability. It is this record that
The design is the simplest possible, given minimum
the college judges for admission.
requirements of control. The two treatments will be
Let's assume that we believe discrimination against
assigned to the colleges at random. Each college, then,
women takes a more subtle form than simply across-the
will receive one application, which will be either male
board exclusion: that it is the women of lower ability
or female. The difference between the means, MA1 and
who are discriminated against (compared to men). This
MA2 will be tested for statistical significance with a t or is an interaction hypothesis. At any rate, we use this
F test. The substantive hypothesis is: MA1 > MA2, or problem and the paradigm of Figure 7.2 as a basis for
more males than females will be accepted for discussing some elements of research design.
admission. If there is no discrimination in admissions, Research problems suggest research designs. Since
then MA1 is statistically equal to MA2. Suppose that an the hypothesis just discussed is one of interaction, a
factorial design is evidently appropriate. A is gender; B
F test indicates that the means are not significantly
is ability. A is partitioned into A1 and A2, and B into
different. Can we then be sure that there is no
discrimination practiced (on the average)? While the B1, B2, and B3.
design of Figure 7.1 is satisfactory as far as it goes, The paradigm of Figure 7.2 suggests a number of
perhaps it does not go far enough. things. First and most obvious, a fairly large number of
subjects is needed.
A Stronger Design

Walster and her colleagues used two other independent

variables, race and ability, in a factorial design. We drop
Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles 79

1997) gives a easy to follow introduction to power

A1 (Male) A2 Second, the design indicates that the "subjects"
(Female) (colleges, in this case) can be randomly assigned to both
B1 (High) MB1 A and B because both are experimental variables. If
Ability B2 Acceptance Scores MB2 ability were a nonexperimental attribute variable,
(Medium) however, then the subjects could be randomly assigned
B3 (Low) MB3 to A1 and A2, but not to B1, B2, and B3. Third,
according to the design the observations made on the
"subjects" must be made independently. The score of
Figure 7.2 one college must not affect the score of another college.
Reducing a design to an outline like that of Figure 7.2 in
Specifically, 6n subjects are necessary (n = number effect prescribes the operations necessary for obtaining
of S's in each cell). If we decide that n should be 20, the measures that are appropriate for the statistical
then we must have 120 S's for the experiment. Note the analysis. An F test depends on the assumption of the
"wisdom" of the design here. If we were only testing the independence of the measures of the dependent
treatments and ignoring ability, only 2n S's would be variable. If ability here is an attribute variable and
needed. Please note that some such as Simon (1976, individuals are measured for intelligence, say, then the
1987), Simon & Roscoe (1984), and Daniel (1976) independence requirement is in greater jeopardy
disagrees with this approach for all types of problems. because of the possibility of one subject seeing another
They feel that many designs contains hidden subject's paper, because teachers may unknowingly (or
replications and that one can do with a lot fewer knowingly) "help" children with answers, and for other
subjects that 20 per cell. Such designs do require a lot reasons. Researchers try to prevent such things-not on
more careful planning, but the researcher can come out moral grounds but to satisfy the requirements of sound
with a lot more useful information. design and sound statistics.
There are ways to determine how many subjects are A fourth point is quite obvious to us by now: Figure 7.2
needed in a study. Such determination is part of the suggests factorial analysis of variance, F tests, measures
subject of "power," which refers to the ability of a test of association, and, perhaps, post hoc tests. If the
of statistical significance to detect differences in means research is well designed before the data are gathered-as
(or other statistics) when such differences indeed exist. it certainly was by Walster et al.-most statistical
Chapter 8 discusses sample sizes and their relationship problems can be solved. In addition, certain
to research. Chapter 12, however, presents a method for troublesome problems can be avoided before they arise
estimating sample sizes to meet certain criteria. Power or can even be prevented from arising at all. With an
is a fractional value between 0 and 1.00 that is defined inadequate design, however, problems of appropriate
as 1 – β, where β is the probability of committing a statistical tests may be very troublesome. One reason for
Type 2 error. The Type 2 error is failing to reject a false the strong emphasis in this book on treating design and
null hypothesis. If power is high (close to 1.00), this statistical problems concomitantly is to point out ways
says that if the statistical tests was not significant, the to avoid these problems. If design and statistical
research can conclude that the null hypothesis is true. analysis are planned simultaneously, the analytical work
Power also tells you how sensitive the statistical test is is usually straightforward and uncluttered.
in picking up real differences. If the statistical test is not A highly useful dividend of design is this: A clear
sensitive enough to detect a real difference, the test is design, like that in Figure 7.2, suggests the statistical
said to have low power. A highly sensitive test that can tests that can be made. A simple one-variable
pick up true differences is said to have high power. In randomized design with two partitions, for example,
Chapter 16, we discussed the difference between two treatments, A1 and A2, permits only a statistical
parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. test of the difference between the two statistics yielded
Nonparametric tests are generally less sensitive than by the data. These statistics might be two means, two
parametric tests. As a result nonparametric tests are medians, two ranges, two variances, two percentages,
said to have lower power than parametric tests. One of and so forth. Only one statistical test is ordinarily
the most comprehensive books on the topic of power possible. With the design of Figure 7.2, however, three
estimation is by Cohen (1988). Jaccard and Becker statistical tests are possible: (1) between A1 and A2; (2)
among B1, B2, and B3; and (3) the interaction of A and
80 Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles.

B. In most investigations, all the statistical tests are not the interaction hypothesis is connect. But presumptive
of equal importance. The important ones, naturally, are evidence is not good enough, especially when we know
those directly related to the research problems and that it is possible to obtain better evidence.
In the present case the interaction hypothesis [or (3),
B1, Condition B2 Condition
above] is the important one, since the discrimination is
Treatments Treatments
supposed to depend on ability level. Colleges may
A1 A2 A1 A2
practice discrimination at different levels of ability. As
suggested above, females (A2) may be accepted more
than males (A1) at the higher ability level (B1), whereas
they may be accepted less at the lower ability level (B3).
Figure 7.3
It should be evident that research design is not static.
A knowledge of design can help us to plan and do better
research and can also suggest the testing of hypotheses. A1 A2
Probably more important, we may be led to realize that B1 30 30 30
the design of a study is not in itself adequate to the B2 40 30 35
demands we are making of it. What is meant by this 35 30
somewhat peculiar statement?
Assume that we formulate the interaction hypothesis Figure 7.4
as outlined above without knowing anything about
factorial design. We set up a design consisting, actually, In Figure 7.3, suppose the means of the cells were,
of two experiments. In one of these experiments we test from left to right: 30, 30, 40, 30. This result would seem
A1 against A2 under condition B1. In the second to support the interaction hypothesis, since there is a
significant difference between A1 and A2 at level B2,
experiment we test A1 against A2 under condition B2.
but not at level B1. But we could not know this to be
The paradigm would look like that of Figure 7.3. (To
make matters simpler, we are only using two levels of certainly so, even though the difference between A1 and
B1, B2, and B3, but changing B3 to B2. The design is A2 is statistically significant. Figure 7.4 shows how this
thus reduced to 2 x 2.) would look if a factorial design had been used.
The important point to note is that no adequate test (The figures in the cells and on the margins are
of the hypothesis is possible with this design. A, can be means.) Assuming that the main effects, A1 and A2; B1
tested against A2 under both B1 and B2 conditions, to and B2, were significant, it is still possible that the
be sure. But it is not possible to know, clearly and interaction is not significant. Unless the interaction
unambiguously, whether there is a significant hypothesis is specifically tested, the evidence for
interaction between A and B. Even if MA1 > MA2|B2 interaction is merely presumptive, because the planned
(MA1 is greater than MA2, under condition B2), as statistical interaction test that a factorial design provides
hypothesized, the design cannot provide a clear is lacking. It should be clear that a knowledge of design
possibility of confirming the hypothesized interaction could have improved this experiment.
since we cannot obtain information about the
differences between A1 and A2 at the two levels of B, RESEARCH DESIGN AS VARIANCE CONTROL
B1 and B2. Remember that an interaction hypothesis
The main technical function of research design is to
implies, in this case, that the difference between A, and control variance. A research design is, in a manner of
A2 is different at B1 from what it is at B2. In other speaking a set of instructions to the investigator to
words, information of both A and B together in one gather and analyze data in certain ways. It is therefore a
experiment is needed to test an interaction hypothesis. If control mechanism. The statistical principle behind this
the statistical results of separate experiments showed a mechanism, as stated earlier, is: Maximize systematic
significant difference between A1 and A2 in one variance, control extraneous systematic variance, and
experiment under the B1 condition, and no significant minimize error variance. In other words, we must
control variance.
difference in another experiment under the B2
According to this principle, by constructing an
condition, then there is good presumptive evidence that efficient research design the investigator attempts (1) to
Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles 81

maximize the variance of the variable or variables of the too, that Thompson had an enormous advantage: He did
substantive research hypothesis, (2) to control the his experiment in a military establishment. This means,
variance of extraneous or "unwanted" variables that of course, that many control problems, usually
may have an effect on the experimental outcomes, and recalcitrant in educational research, are easily solved.
(3) to minimize the error or random variance, including Controversy enters the picture because mastery
so-called errors of measurement. Let us look at an learning adherents seem so strongly convinced of its
example. virtues, while its doubters are almost equally skeptical.
Will research decide the matter? Hardly. But let's see
A Controversial Example how one might approach a relatively modest study
capable of yielding at least a partial empirical answer.
Controversy is rich in all science. It seems to be An educational investigator decides to test the
especially rich and varied in behavioral science. Two hypothesis that achievement in science is enhanced
such controversies have arisen from different theories of more by a mastery learning method (ML) than by a
traditional method (T). We ignore the details of the
human behavior and learning. Reinforcement theorists
methods and concentrate on the design of the research.
have amply demonstrated that positive reinforcement
Call the mastery learning method A1 and the traditional
can enhance learning. As usual, however, things are not
method A2. As investigators, we know that other
so simple. The presumed beneficial effect of external
rewards has been questioned; research has shown that possible independent variables influence achievement:
extrinsic reward can have a deleterious influence on intelligence, gender, social class background, previous
experience with science, motivation, and so on. We
children's motivation, intrinsic interest, and learning. A
would have reason to believe that the two methods work
number of articles and studies were published in the
differently with different kinds of students. They may
1970’s showing the possible detrimental effects of using work differently, for example, with students of different
reward. In one such study Amabile (1979) showed that scholastic aptitudes. The traditional approach is
external evaluation has a deleterious effect on artistic effective, perhaps, with students of high aptitude,
creativity. Others included Deci (1971) and Lepper and whereas mastery learning is more effective with
Greene (1978). At the time, even the seemingly students of low aptitude. Call aptitude B: high aptitude
straightforward principle of reinforcement is not so is B1 and low aptitude B2. In this example, the variable
straightforward. However, in recent years a number of aptitude was dichotomous into high and low groups.
articles have appeared defending the positive effects of This is not the best way to handle the aptitude variable.
reward (see Eisenberger and Cameron, 1996; Sharpley, When a continuous measure is dichotomized or
1988; McCullers, Fabes and Moran, 1987 and Bates, trichotomized, variance is lost. In a later chapter when
1979). we will see that leaving a continuous measure and using
There is a substantial body of belief and research that multiple regression is a better method. What kind of
indicates that college students learn well under a regime design should be set up? To answer this question it is
of what has been called mastery learning. Very briefly important to label the variables and to know clearly
"mastery learning" means a system of pedagogy based what questions are being asked. The variables are:
on personalized instruction and requiring students to
learn curriculum units to a mastery criterion. (see Independent Variables
Abbott and Falstrom, 1975; Ross and McBean, 1995;
Senemoglu and Fogelman, 1995; Bergin, 1995). Methods Aptitude
Although there appears to be some research supporting
the efficacy of mastery learning. there is at least one Mastery Learning, A1 High Aptitude, B1
study-and a fine study it is by Thompson (1980) whose
Traditional, A2 Low Aptitude, B2
results indicate that students taught through the mastery
learning approach do no better than students taught with
a conventional approach of lecture, discussion, and
recitation. This is an exemplary study, done with Dependent Variable
careful controls over an extended time period. The Science Achievement
example given below was inspired by the Thompson Test scores in Science
study. The design and controls in the example,
however, are much simpler than Thompson's. Note,
82 Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles.

We may as investigators also have included other randomizing the subjects we can assume that before the
variables in the design, especially variables potentially experiment begins, the students in A1 are approximately
influential on achievement: general intelligence, social equal to the students in A2 in all possible
class, gender, high school average, for example. We characteristics.
also would use random assignment to take care of Our present concern is with the different roles of
intelligence and other possible influential independent variance in research design and the variance principle.
variables. The dependent variable measure is provided Before going further, we name the variance principle for
by a standardized science knowledge test. easy reference-the "maxmincon" principle. The origin
The problem seems to call for a factorial design. of this name is obvious: maximize the systematic
variance under study; control extraneous systematic
There are two reasons for this choice.
variance; and minimize error variance-with two of the
syllables reversed for euphony.
Methods Before tackling the application of the maxmincon
A1 A2
principle in the present example, an important point
(Mastery (Traditional)
Learning) should be discussed. Whenever we talk about variance,
B1 we must be sure to know what variance we are talking
M A1B1 M A2B1 MB1
(High about. We speak of the variance of the methods, of
Anxiety) intelligence, of gender, of type of home, and so on. This
Aptitude SCIENCE sounds as though we were talking about the independent
KNOWLEDGE variable variance. This is true and not true. We always
mean the variance of the dependent variable the
M A1B2 M A2B2 MB2 variance of the dependent variable measures, after the
Anxiety) experiment has been done. This is not true in so-called
MA1 MA2 correlational studies where, when we say "the variance
of the independent variable," we mean just that. When
Figure 7.5 correlating two variables, we study the variances of the
independent and dependent variables "directly." Our
One, there are two independent variables. Two, we have way of saying "independent variable variance" stems
quite clearly an interaction hypothesis in mind, though from the fact that, by manipulation and control of
independent variables, we influence, presumably, the
we may not have stated it in so many words. We do
variance of the dependent variable. Somewhat
have the belief that the methods will work differently inaccurately put we "make" the measures of the
with different kinds of students. We set up the design dependent variable behave or vary as a presumed result
structure in Figure 7.5. of our manipulation and control of the independent
Note that all the marginal and cell means have been variables. In an experiment, it is the dependent variable
appropriately labeled. Note, too, that there is one active measures that are analyzed. Then, from the analysis we
variable, methods, and one attribute variable, aptitude. infer that the variances present in the total variance of
You might remember from Chapter 3 that an active the dependent variable measures are due to the
variable is an experimental or manipulated variable. An manipulation and control of the independent variables
attribute variable is a measured variable or a variable and to error. Now, back to our principle.
that is a characteristic of people or groups, e.g.,
intelligence, social class, and occupation (people), and MAXIMIZATION OF EXPERIMENTAL
cohesiveness, productivity, and restrictive-permissive VARIANCE
atmosphere (organizations, groups, and the like). All
we can do is to categorize the subjects as high aptitude The experimenter's most obvious, but not necessarily
and low aptitude and assign them accordingly to B1 and most important, concern is to maximize what we will
B2. We can, however, randomly assign the students to call the experimental variance. This term is introduced
to facilitate subsequent discussions and, in general,
A1 and A2, the methods groups. This is done in two simply refers to the variance of the dependent variable
stages: (1) the B1 (high aptitude) students are randomly influenced by the independent variable or variables of
assigned to A1 and A2 and (2) the B2 (low aptitude) the substantive hypothesis. In this particular case, the
students are randomly assigned to A1 and A2. By so experimental variance is the variance in the dependent
Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles 83

variable presumably due to methods, A1 and A2, and the dependent variable, the audience reaction-if
aptitude, B1 and B2. Although experimental variance separating A1 and A2 is funny, for instance-should be
can be taken to mean only the variance due to a laughter. The investigator may even observe that he or
manipulated or active variable, like methods, we shall she only gets laughter when A1 and A2 dance apart and,
also consider attribute variables, like intelligence, at the same time, B1 or B2 dance apart (interaction
gender, and, in this case, aptitude, experimental again).
variables. One of the main tasks of an experimenter is to
maximize this variance. The methods must be “pulled” CONTROL OF EXTRANEOUS VARIABLES
apart as much as possible to make A1 and A2 (and A3, The control of extraneous variables means that the
A4, and so on, if they are in the design) as unlike as influences of independent variables extraneous to the
possible. purposes of the study are minimized, nullified, or
If the independent variable does not vary isolated. There are three ways to control extraneous
substantially, there is little chance of separating its variables. The first is the easiest, if it is possible: to
effect from the total variance of the dependent variable. eliminate the variable as a variable. If we are worried
It is necessary to give the variance of a relation a chance about intelligence as a possible contributing factor in
to show itself, to separate itself, so to speak, from the studies of achievement, its effect on the dependent
total variance, which is a composite of variances due to variable can be virtually eliminated by using subjects of
numerous sources and chance. Remembering this only one intelligence level, say intelligence scores
subprinciple of the maxmincon principle, we can write a within the range of 90 to 110. If we are studying
research precept: Design, plan, and conduct research so achievement, and racial membership is a possible
that the experimental conditions are as different as contributing factor to the variance of achievement, it
can be eliminated by using only members of one race.
possible. There are, of course, exceptions to this
The principle is: To eliminate the effect of a possible
subprinciple, but they are probably rare. An investigator
influential independent variable on a dependent
might want to study the effects of small gradations of,
variable, choose subjects so that they are as
say, motivational incentives on the learning of some
homogeneous as possible on that independent variable.
subject matter. Here one would not make the
This method of controlling unwanted or extraneous
experimental conditions as different as possible. Still,
variance is very effective. If we select only one gender
they would have to be made to vary somewhat or there
for an experiment, then we can be sure that gender
would be no discernible resulting variance in the
cannot be a contributing independent variable. But then
dependent variable.
we lose generalization power; for instance we can say
In the present research example, this subprinciple
nothing about the relation under study with girls if we
means that the investigator must take pains to make A1
use only boys in the experiment. If the range of
and A2, the mastery learning and traditional methods, as intelligence is restricted, then we can discuss only this
different as possible. Next, B1 and B2 must also be restricted range. Is it possible that the relation, if
made as different as possible on the aptitude dimension. discovered, is nonexistent or quite different with
This latter problem is essentially one of measurement, children of high intelligence or children of low
as we will see in a later chapter. In an experiment, the intelligence? We simply do not know; we can only
investigator is like a puppeteer making the independent surmise or guess.
variable puppets do what he or she wants. The strings of The second way to control extraneous variance is
the A1 and A2 puppets are held on the right hand and through randomization. This is the best way, in the
sense that you can have your cake and eat some of it,
the strings of the B1 and B2 puppets in the left hand.
too. Theoretically, randomization is the only method of
(We assume there is no influence of one hand on the controlling all possible extraneous variables. Another
other, that is, the hands must be independent.) The A1 way to phrase it is: if randomization has been
and A2 puppets are made to dance apart just as the B1 accomplished, then the experimental groups can be
and B2 puppets are made to dance apart. The considered statistically equal in all possible ways. This
does not mean, of course, that the groups are equal in all
investigator then watches the audience (the dependent
the possible variables. We already know that by chance
variable) to see and measure the effect of the
the groups can be unequal, but the probability of their
manipulations. If one is successful in making A1 and
being equal is greater, with proper randomization, than
A2 dance apart, and if there is a relation between A and the probability of their not being equal. For this reason
84 Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles.

control of the extraneous variance by randomization is a parts, N being the number of subjects used; thus the
powerful method of control. All other methods leave control of variance is built into the design.
many possibilities of inequality. If we match for In using the matching method several problems may
intelligence, we may successfully achieve statistical be encountered. To begin with, the variable on which
equality in intelligence (at least in those aspects of the subjects are matched must be substantially related to
intelligence measured), but we may suffer from the dependent variable or the matching is a waste of
inequality in other significantly influential independent time. Even worse, it can be misleading. In addition,
variables like aptitude, motivation, and social class. A matching has severe limitations. If we try to match, say,
precept that springs from this equalizing power of on more than two variables, or even more than one, we
randomization, then, is: Whenever it is possible to do so, lose subjects. It is difficult to find matched subjects on
randomly assign subjects to experimental groups and more than two variables. For instance, if one decides to
conditions, and randomly assign conditions and other match intelligence, gender, and social class, one may be
factors to experimental groups. fairly successful in matching the first two variables but
The third means of controlling an extraneous not in finding pairs that are fairly equal on all three
variable is to build it right into the design as an variables. Add a fourth variable and the problem
independent variable. For example, assume that gender becomes difficult, often impossible to solve.
was to be controlled in the experiment discussed earlier Let us not throw the baby out with the bath,
and it was considered inexpedient or unwise to however. When there is a substantial correlation
eliminate it. One could add a third independent variable, between the matching variable or variables and the
gender, to the design. Unless one were interested in the dependent variable (>.50 or .60), then matching reduces
actual difference between the genders on the dependent the error term and thus increases the precision of an
variable or wanted to study the interaction between one experiment, a desirable outcome. If the same subjects
or two of the other variables and gender, however, it is are used with different experimental treatments-called
unlikely that this form of control would be used. One repeated measures or randomized blocks design-we
might want information of the kind just mentioned and have powerful control of variance. How match better on
also want to control gender, too. In such a case, adding all possible variables than by matching a subject with
it to the design as a variable might be desirable. The oneself? Unfortunately, other negative considerations
point is that building a variable into an experimental usually rule out this possibility. It should be forcefully
design "controls" the variable, since it then becomes emphasized that matching of any kind is no substitute
possible to extract from the total variance of the for randomization. If subjects are matched, they should
dependent variable the variance due to the variable. (In then be assigned to experimental groups at random.
the above case, this would be the "between-genders" Through a random procedure, like tossing a coin or
variance.) using odd and even random numbers, the members of
These considerations lead to another principle: An the matched pairs are assigned to experimental and
extraneous variable can be controlled by building it into control groups. If the same subjects undergo all
the research design as an attribute variable, thus treatments, then the order of the treatments should be
achieving control and yielding additional research assigned randomly. This adds randomization control to
information about the effect of the variable on the the matching, or repeated measures, control.
dependent variable and about its possible interaction A principle suggested by this discussion is: When a
with other independent variables. matching variable is substantially correlated with the
The fourth way to control extraneous variance is to dependent variable, matching as a form of variance
match subjects. The control principle behind matching control can be profitable and desirable. Before using
is the same as that for any other kind of control, the matching, however, carefully weigh its advantages and
control of variance. Matching is similar-in fact, it might disadvantages in the particular research situation.
be called a corollary-to the principle of controlling the Complete randomization or the analysis of covariance
variance of an extraneous variable by building it into the may be better methods of variance control.
design. The basic principle is to split a variable into two Still another form of control, statistical control, was
or more parts, say into high and low intelligence in a discussed at length in later chapters, but one or two
factorial design, and then randomize within each level further remarks are in order here. Statistical methods
as described above. Matching is a special case of this are, so to speak, forms of control in the sense that they
principle. Instead of splitting the subjects into two, isolate and quantify variances. But statistical control is
three, or four parts, however, they are split into N/2 inseparable from other forms of design control. If
matching is used, for example, an appropriate statistical
Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles 85

test must be used, or the matching effect, and thus the random numbers. This is the extreme case. Now
control, will be lost. imagine differing amounts of reliability and
unreliability in the measures of the dependent variable.
MINIMIZATION OF ERROR VARIANCE The more reliable the measures, the better we can
Error variance is the variability of measures due to identify and extract systematic variances and the
random fluctuations whose basic characteristic is that smaller the error variance in relation to the total
they are self-compensating, varying now this way, now variance.
that way, now positive, now negative, now up, now Another reason for reducing error variance as much
down. Random errors tend to balance each other so that as possible is to give systematic variance a chance to
their mean is zero. show itself. We cannot do this if the error variance, and
There are a number of determinants of error variance, thus the error term, is too large. If a relation exists, we
for instance, factors associated with individual seek to discover it. One way to discover the relation is to
differences among subjects. Ordinarily we call this find significant differences between means. But if the
variance due to individual differences "systematic error variance is relatively large due to uncontrolled
variance." But when such variance cannot be, or is not errors of measurement, the systematic variance earlier
identified and controlled, we have to lump it with the called "between" variance-will not have a chance to
error variance. Because many determinants interact and appear. Thus the relation, although it exists, will
tend to cancel each other out (or at least we assume that probably not be detected.
they do), the error variance has this random The problem of error variance can be put into a neat
characteristic. mathematical nutshell. Remember the equation:
Another source of error variance is that associated
with what are called errors of measurement: variation of Vt = Vb + Ve
responses from trial to trial, guessing, momentary
inattention, slight temporary fatigue and lapses of where Vt is the total variance in a set of measures; Vb is
memory, transient emotional states of subjects, and so
the between-groups variance, the variance presumably
due to the influence of the experimental variables; and
Minimizing error variance has two principal aspects:
Ve is the error variance (in analysis of variance, the
( 1 ) the reduction of errors of measurement through
controlled conditions, and (2) an increase in the within-groups variance and the residual variance).
reliability of measures. The more uncontrolled the Obviously, the larger Ve is, the smaller Vb must be,
conditions of an experiment, the more the many with a given amount of Vt.
determinants of error variance can operate. This is one Consider the following equation: F = Vb/Ve. For the
of the reasons for carefully setting up controlled
numerator of the fraction on the right to be accurately
experimental conditions. In studies under field
evaluated for significant departure from chance
conditions, of course, such control is difficult; still,
expectation, the denominator should be an accurate
constant efforts must be made to lessen the effects of the
measure of random error.
many determinants of error variance. This can be done,
A familiar example may make this clear. Recall that
in part, by specific and clear instructions to subjects and
in the discussions of factorial analysis of variance and
by excluding from the experimental situation factors
the analysis of variance of correlated groups we talked
that are extraneous to the research purpose.
about variance due to individual differences being
To increase the reliability of measures is to reduce
present in experimental measures. We said that, while
the error variance. Pending fuller discussion later in the
adequate randomization can effectively equalize
book, reliability can be taken to be the accuracy of a set
experimental groups, there will be variance in the scores
of scores. To the extent that scores do not fluctuate
due to individual differences, for instance, differences
randomly, to this extent they are reliable. Imagine a
due to intelligence, aptitude, and so on. Now, in some
completely unreliable measurement instrument, one that
situations, these individual differences can be quite
does not allow us to predict the future performance of
large. If they are, then the error variance and,
individuals at all, one that gives one rank ordering of a
consequently, the denominator of the F equation, above,
sample of subjects at one time and a completely
will be "too large" relative to the numerator; that is, the
different rank ordering at another time. With such an
individual differences will have been randomly
instrument, it would not be possible to identify and
scattered among, say, two, three, or four experimental
extract systematic variances, since the scores yielded by
groups. Still they are sources of variance and, as such,
the instrument would be like the numbers in a table of
86 Chapter 7: Research Design: Purpose and Principles.

will inflate the within-groups or residual variance, the 6. To maximize systematic variance, one should have
denominator of the above equation. an independent variable where the levels are very
distinct from one another.
Study Suggestions 7. To control extraneous variance the researcher need
to eliminate the effects of a potential independent
l. We have noted that research design has the variable on the dependent variable. This can be
purposes of obtaining answers to research questions and done by
controlling variance. Explain in detail what this • holding the independent variable constant. If
statement means. How does a research design control one knows gender has a possible effect, gender
variance? Why should a factorial design control more can be held constant by doing the study with
variance than a one-way design? How does a design that one type of gender, i.e. females.
uses matched subjects or repeated measures of the same • randomization. This would mean randomly
subjects control variance? What is the relation between choosing subjects and then randomly assigning
the research questions and hypotheses and a research each group of subjects to treatment conditions
design? In answering these questions, make up a (levels of the independent variable)
research problem to illustrate what you mean (or use an • build the extraneous variable into the design by
example from the text). making it an independent variable.
• matching subjects. This method of control
2. Sir Ronald Fisher (1951) , the inventor of analysis might be difficult in certain situations. The
of variance, said, in one of his books, it should be noted researcher will never be quite sure that a
that the null hypothesis is never proved or established, successful match was made on all of the
but is possibly disproved, in the course of important variables.
experimentation. Every experiment may be said to exist 8. Minimizing error variance involves measurement of
only in order to give the facts a chance of disproving the the dependent variable. By reducing the
null hypothesis. measurement error one will have reduced error
Whether you agree or disagree with Fisher's variance. The increase in the reliability of the
statement, what do you think he meant by it? In framing measurement would also lead to a reduction of error
your answer, think of the maxmincon principle and F variance.
tests and t tests.

Chapter Summary
1. Research designs are plans and structures used to
answer research questions.
2. Research designs have two basic purposes: (a)
provide answers to research questions and (b)
control variance.
3. Research designs work in conjunction with research
hypotheses to yield a dependable and valid answer.
4. Research designs can also tell us what statistical
test to use to analyze the data collected from that
5. When speaking of controlling variance, we can
mean one or more of three things
•maximize systematic variance
•control extraneous variance
•minimize error variance
Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria 87

Chapter 8 observes the dependent variable or variables for

variation concomitant to the manipulation of the
independent variables. An experimental design, then, is
Inadequate Designs and Design Criteria one in which the investigator manipulates at least one
independent variable. In an earlier chapter we briefly
discussed Hurlock’s classic study (1925). Hurlock
ALL disciplined creations of humans have form. manipulated incentives to produce different amounts of
Architecture, poetry, music, painting, mathematics, retention. In the Walster, Cleary, and Clifford (1970)
scientific research-all have form. People put great stress study which we discussed in an earlier chapter, they
on the content of their creations, often not realizing that manipulated sex, race, and ability levels to study their
without strong structure, no matter how rich and how effects on college acceptance: the application forms
significant the content, the creations may be weak and submitted to colleges differed in descriptions of
sterile. applicants as male-female, white-black, and high,
So it is with scientific research. The scientist needs medium, or low ability levels.
viable and plastic form with which to express scientific In nonexperimental research one cannot manipulate
aims. Without content-without good theory, good variables or assign subjects or treatments at random
hypotheses, good problems-the design of research is because the nature of the variables is such as to preclude
empty. But without form, without structure adequately manipulation. Subjects come to us with their differing
conceived and created for the research purpose, little of characteristics intact, so to speak. They come to us with
value can be accomplished. Indeed, it is no exaggeration their sex, intelligence, occupational status, creativity, or
to say that many of the failures of behavioral research aptitude "already there." Wilson (1996) used a
have been failures of disciplined and imaginative form. nonexperimental design to study the readability, ethnic
The principal focus of this chapter is on inadequate content and cultural sensitivity of patient education
research designs. Such designs have been so common material used by nurses at local health department and
that they must be discussed. More important, the student community health centers. Here, the material pre-
should be able to recognize them and understand why existed. There was no random assignment or selection.
they are inadequate. This negative approach has a Edmondson (1996) also used a nonexperimental design
virtue: the study of deficiencies forces one to ask why to compare the number of medication errors by nurses,
something is deficient, which in turn centers attention physicians, and pharmacists in 8 hospital units at two
on the criteria used to judge both adequacies and urban teaching hospitals. Edmondson did not choose
inadequacies. So the study of inadequate designs leads these units or hospitals at random nor were the medical
us to the study of the criteria of research design. We professionals chosen at random. In many areas of
take the opportunity, too, to describe the symbolic research, likewise, random assignment is unfortunately
system to be used and to identify an important not possible, as we will see later. Although
distinction between experimental and nonexperimental experimental and nonexperimental research differ in
research. these crucial respects, they share structural and design
features that will be pointed out in this and subsequent
chapters. In addition, their basic purpose is the same: to
EXPERIMENTAL AND NONEXPERIMENTAL study relations among phenomena. Their scientific logic
APPROACHES is also the same: to bring empirical evidence to bear on
conditional statements of the form If p, then q. In some
Discussion of design must be prefaced by an important fields of behavioral and social sciences the
distinction: that between experimental and nonexperimental framework is unavoidable. Keith
nonexperimental approaches to research. Indeed, this (1988) states that a lot of studies conducted by school
distinction is so important that a separate chapter will be psychologists are of the nonexperimental nature.
devoted to it later. An experiment is a scientific School psychology researchers as well as many in
investigation in which an investigator manipulates and educational psychology must work within a practical
controls one or more independent variables and framework. Many times, schools, classrooms or even
88 Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria.

students are given to the researcher “as-is.” Stone- before the manipulation of X, and Ya the dependent
Romero, Weaver & Glenar (1995) have summarized variable after the manipulation of X. With ~X, we
nearly 20 years of articles from the Journal of Applied borrow the negation sign of set theory; ~X ("not-X")
Psychology concerning the use of experimental and means that the experimental variable, the independent
nonexperimental research designs. variable X, is not manipulated. (Note: (X) is a
The ideal of science is the controlled experiment. nonmanipulable variable and ~X is a manipulable
Except, perhaps, in taxonomic research-research with variable that is not manipulated.) The symbol (R) will
the purpose of discovering, classifying, and measuring be used for the random assignment of subjects to
natural phenomena and the factors behind such experimental groups and the random assignment of
phenomena-the controlled experiment is the desired experimental treatments to experimental groups.
model of science. It may be difficult for many students The explanation of ~X, just given, is not quite
to accept this rather categorical statement since its logic accurate, because in some cases ~X can mean a
is not readily apparent. Earlier it was said that the main different aspect of the treatment X rather than merely
goal of science was to discover relations among the absence of X. In an older language, the
phenomena. Why, then, assign a priority to the experimental group was the group that was given the so-
controlled experiment? Do not other methods of called experimental treatment, X, while the control
discovering relations exist? Yes, of course they do. The group did not receive it, ~X. For our purposes, however,
main reason for the preeminence of the controlled ~X will do well enough, especially if we understand the
experiment, however, is that researchers can have more generalized meaning of "control" discussed below. An
confidence that the relations they study are the relations experimental group, then, is a group of subjects
they think they are. The reason is not hard to see: they receiving some aspect or treatment of X. In testing the
study the relations under the most carefully controlled frustration-aggression hypothesis, the experimental
conditions of inquiry known. The unique and group is the group whose subjects are systematically
overwhelmingly important virtue of experimental frustrated. In contrast, the control group is one that is
inquiry, then, is control. In a perfectly controlled given "no" treatment.
experimental study, the experimenter can be confident In modern multivariate research, it is necessary to
that the manipulation of the independent variable expand these notions. They are not changed basically;
affected the dependent variable and nothing else. In they are only expanded. It is quite possible to have more
short, a perfectly conducted experimental study is more than one experimental group, as we have seen. Different
trustworthy than a perfectly conducted nonexperimental degrees of manipulation of the independent variable are
study. Why this is so should become more and more not only possible; they are often also desirable or even
apparent as we advance in our study of research design. imperative. Furthermore, it is possible to have more
than one control group, a statement that at first seems
SYMBOLISM AND DEFINITIONS like nonsense. How can one have different degrees of
"no" experimental treatment?-because the notion of
Before discussing inadequate designs, explanation of control is generalized. When there are more than two
the symbolism to be used in these chapters is necessary. groups, and when any two of them are treated
X means an experimentally manipulated independent differently, one or more groups serve as "controls" on
variable (or variables). X1 X2, X3, etc. mean the others. Recall that control is always control of
independent variables 1, 2, 3, and so on, though we variance. With two or more groups treated differently,
usually use X alone, even when it can mean more than variance is engendered by the experimental
one independent variable. (We also use X1 X2, etc. to manipulation. So the traditional notion of X and ~X,
mean partitions of an independent variable, but the treatment and no treatment, is generalized to X1 X2,
difference will always be clear.) The symbol (X) X3, . . ., Xk, different forms or degrees of treatment.
indicates that the independent variable is not If X is circled, (X), this means that the investigator
manipulated-is not under the direct control of the “imagines" the manipulation of X, or assumes that X
investigator, but is measured or imagined. The occurred and that it is the X of the hypothesis. It may
dependent variable is Y: Yb is the dependent variable also mean that X is measured and not manipulated.
Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria 89

Actually, we are saying the same thing here in different difficult to interpret. Any number of possible
ways. The context of the discussion should make the explanations might be plausible.
distinction clear. Suppose a sociologist is studying Scientifically, Design 8.1 is worthless. There is
delinquency and the frustration-aggression hypothesis. virtually no control of other possible influences on
The sociologist observes delinquency, Y, and imagines outcome. As Campbell (1957) long ago pointed out, the
that the delinquent subjects were frustrated in their minimum of useful scientific information requires at
earlier years, or (X). All nonexperimental designs will least one formal comparison. The curriculum example
have (X). Generally, then, (X) means an independent requires, at the least, comparison of the group that
variable not under the experimental control of the experienced the new curriculum with a group that did
investigator. not experience it. The presumed effect of the new
One more point-each design in this chapter will curriculum, say such and-such achievement, might well
ordinarily have an a and a b form. The a form will be have been about the same under any kind of curriculum.
the experimental form, or that in which X is The point is not that the new curriculum did or did not
manipulated. The b form will be the nonexperimental have an effect. It was that without any formal,
form, that in which X is not under the control of the controlled comparison of the performance of the
investigator, or (X). Obviously, (~X) is also possible. members of the "experimental" group with the
performance of the members of some other group not
FAULTY DESIGNS experiencing the new curriculum, little can be said
about its effect.
There are four (or more) inadequate designs of An important distinction should be made. It is not
research that have often been used-and are occasionally that the method is entirely worthless, but that it is
still used-in behavioral research. The inadequacies of scientifically worthless. In everyday life, of course, we
the designs lead to poor control of independent depend on such scientifically questionable evidence; we
variables. We number each such design, give it a name, have to. We act, we say, on the basis of our experience.
sketch its structure, and then discuss it. We hope that we use our experience rationally. The
everyday-thinking paradigm implied by Design 8.1 is
Design 8.1: One-Group not being criticized. Only when such a paradigm is used
and said or believed to be scientific do difficulties arise.
(a) X Y (Experimental) Even in high intellectual pursuits, the thinking implied
(b) (X)Y (Nonexperimental) by this design is used. Freud's careful observations and
brilliant and creative analysis of neurotic behavior seem
Design 8.1 (a) has been called the "One-Shot Case to fall into this category. The quarrel is not with Freud,
Study," an apropos name given by Campbell and then, but rather with assertions that his conclusions are
Stanley (1963). The (a) form is experimental, the (b) "scientifically established. "
form nonexperimental. An example of the (a) form: a
school faculty institutes a new curriculum and wishes to Design 8.2: One-Group, before-after (Pretest Posttest)
evaluate its effects. After one year, Y, student
achievement, is measured. It is concluded, say, that (a) Yb X Ya (Experimental)
achievement has improved under the new program. (b) Yb (X) Ya (Nonexperimental)
With such a design the conclusion is weak. Design 8.1
(b) is the nonexperimental form of the one-group
Design 8.2 is only a small improvement on Design
design. Y, the outcome, is studied, and X is assumed or
8.1. The essential characteristic of this mode of research
imagined. An example would be to study delinquency
is that a group is compared with itself. Theoretically,
by searching the past of a group of juvenile delinquents
there is no better choice since all possible independent
for factors that may have led to antisocial behavior. The
variables associated with the subjects' characteristics are
method is problematic because the factors (variables)
controlled. The procedure dictated by such a design is as
may be confounded. When the effect of two or more
follows. A group is measured on the dependent variable,
factors (variables) cannot be separated, the results are
Y, before experimental manipulation. This is usually
90 Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria.

called a pretest. Assume that the attitudes toward dependent variable measures. This is one of the
women of a group of subjects are measured. An exasperating difficulties of research that extends over
experimental manipulation designed to change these considerable time periods. The longer the time interval,
attitudes is used. An experimenter might expose the the greater the possibility that extraneous, unwanted
group to expert opinion on women's rights, for example. sources of systematic variance will influence dependent
After the interposition of this X, the attitudes of the variable measures.
subjects are again measured. The difference scores, or
Ya – Yb, are examined for change in attitudes.
At face value, this would seem a good way to The Regression Effect
accomplish the experimental purpose. After all, if the
difference scores are statistically significant, does this A statistical phenomenon that has misled researchers is
not indicate a change in attitudes? The situation is not so the so-called regression effect. Test scores change as a
simple. There are a number of other factors that may statistical fact of life: on retest, on the average, they
have contributed to the change in scores. Hence, the regress toward the mean. The regression effect operates
factors are confounded. Campbell (1957) gives an because of the imperfect correlation between the pretest
excellent detailed discussion of these factors, only a and posttest scores. If rab = 1.00, then there is no
brief outline of which can be given here. regression effect; if rab = .00, the effect is at a
maximum in the sense that the best prediction of any
Measurement, History, Maturation posttest score from pretest score is the mean. With the
correlations found in practice, the net effect is that lower
First is the possible effect of the measurement scores on the pretest tend to be higher, and higher scores
procedure: measuring subjects changes them. Can it be lower on the posttest-when, in fact, no real change has
that the post-X measures were influenced not by the taken place in the dependent variable. Thus, if low-
manipulation of X but by increased sensitization due to scoring subjects are used in a study, their scores on the
the pretest? Campbell (1957) calls such measures posttest will probably be higher than on the pretest due
reactive measures, because they themselves cause the to the regression effect. This can deceive the researcher
subject to react. Controversial attitudes, for example, into believing that the experimental intervention has
seem to be especially susceptible to such sensitization. been effective when it really has not. Similarly, one may
Achievement measures, though probably less reactive, erroneously conclude that an experimental variable has
are still affected. Measures involving memory are had a depressing effect on high pretest scorers. Not
susceptible. If you take a test now, you are more likely necessarily so. The higher and lower scores of the two
to remember later things that were included in the test. groups may be due to the regression effect. How does
In short, observed changes may be due to reactive this work? There are many chance factors at work in
any set of scores. Two excellent references on the
Two other important sources of extraneous variance
discussion of the regression effect are Anastasi (1958)
are history and maturation. Between the Yb and Ya
and Thorndike (1963). For a more statistically
testings, many things can occur other than X. The
sophisticated presentation, see Nesselroade, Stigler and
longer the period of time, the greater the chance of
Baltes (1980). On the pretest some high scores are
extraneous variables affecting the subjects and thus the
higher than "they should be" due to chance, and
Ya measures. This is what Campbell (1957) calls
similarly with some low scores. On the posttest it is
history. These variables or events are specific to the unlikely that the high scores will be maintained, because
particular experimental situation. Maturation, on the the factors that made them high were chance factors-
other hand, covers events that are general, not specific which are uncorrelated on the pretest and posttest. Thus
to any particular situation. They reflect change or the high scorer will tend to drop on the posttest. A
growth in the organism studied. Mental age increases similar argument applies to the low scorer-but in
with time, an increase that can easily affect reverse.
achievement, memory, and attitudes. People can learn in
any given time interval and the learning may affect
Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria 91

Research designs have to be constructed with the (b) (X) Y (Nonexperimental

regression effect in mind. There is no way in Design 8.2 (~ X) ~Y
to control it. If there were a control group, then one
could “control" the regression effect, since both
experimental and control groups have pretest and Design 8.4 is common. In (a) the experimental group
posttest. If the experimental manipulation has had a is administered treatment X. The "control" group, taken
"real" effect, then it should be apparent over and above to be, or assumed to be, similar to the experimental
the regression effect. That is, the scores of both groups, group, is not given X. The Y measures are compared to
other things equal, are affected the same by regression ascertain the effect of X. Groups or subjects are taken
and other influences. So if the groups differ in the "as they are," or they may be matched. The
posttest, it should be due to the experimental nonexperimental version of the same design is labeled
manipulation. (b). An effect, Y, is observed to occur in one group (top
Design 8.2 is inadequate not so much because line) but not in another group, or to occur in the other
extraneous variables and the regression effect can group to a lesser extent (indicated by the ~Y in the
operate (the extraneous variables operate whenever bottom line). The first group is found to have
there is a time interval between pretest and posttest), but experienced X, the second group not to have
because we do not know whether they have operated, experienced X.
whether they have affected the dependent-variable This design has a basic weakness. The two groups
measures. The design affords no opportunity to control are assumed to be equal in independent variables other
or to test such possible influences. than X. It is sometimes possible to check the equality of
the groups roughly by comparing them on different
Design 8.3: Simulated before-after pertinent variables, for example, age, sex, income,
intelligence, ability, and so on. This should be done if it
X Ya is at all possible, but, as Stouffer (1950) says, "there is
Yb all too often a wide-open gate through which other
uncontrolled variables can march,” p. 522. Because
randomization is not used-that is, the subjects are not
The peculiar title of this design stems in part from its assigned to the groups at random-it is not possible to
very nature. Like Design 8.2 it is a before-after design. assume that the groups are equal. Both versions of the
Instead of using the before and after (or pretest-posttest) design suffer seriously from lack of control of
measures of one group, we use as pretest measures the independent variables due to lack of randomization.
measures of another group, which are chosen to be as
similar as possible to the experimental group and thus a
control group of a sort. (The line between the two CRITERIA OF RESEARCH DESIGN
levels, above, indicates separate groups.) This design
satisfies the condition of having a control group and is After examining some of the main weaknesses of
thus a gesture toward the comparison that is necessary inadequate research designs, we are in a good position
to scientific investigation. Unfortunately, the controls to discuss what can be called criteria of research design.
are weak, a result of our inability to know that the two Along with the criteria, we will enunciate certain
groups were equivalent before X, the experimental principles that should guide researchers. Finally, the
manipulation. criteria and principles will be related to Campbell's
(1957) notions of internal and external validity, which,
in a sense, express the criteria another way.
Design 8.4: Two Groups, No Control
Answer Research Questions?
(a) X Y (Experimental)
~X Y The main criterion or desideratum of a research design
can be expressed in a question: Does the design answer
92 Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria.

the research questions? Or does the design adequately The second criterion is control, which means control of
test the hypotheses? Perhaps the most serious weakness independent variables: the independent variables of the
of designs often proposed by the neophyte is that they research study and extraneous independent variables.
are not capable of adequately answering the research Extraneous independent variables, of course, are
questions. A common example of this lack of variables that may influence the dependent variable but
congruence between the research questions and that are not part of the study. Such variables are
hypothesis, on the one hand, and the research design, on confounded with the independent variable under study.
the other, is matching subjects for reasons irrelevant to In the admissions study of Chapter 18, for example,
the research and then using an experimental group- geographical location (of the colleges) may be a
control group type of design. Students often assume, potentially influential extraneous variable that can cloud
because they match pupils on intelligence and sex, for the results of the study. If colleges in the east, for
instance, that their experimental groups are equal. They example, exclude more women than colleges in the
have heard that one should match subjects for "control" west, then geographical location is an extraneous source
and that one should have an experimental group and a of variance in the admissions measures-which should
control group. Frequently, however, the matching somehow be controlled. The criterion also refers to
variables may be irrelevant to the research purposes. control of the variables of the study. Since this problem
That is, if there is no relation between, say, sex and the has already been discussed and will continue to be
dependent variable, then matching on sex is irrelevant. discussed, no more need be said here. But the question
Another example of this weakness is the case where must be asked: Does this design adequately control
three or four experimental groups are needed. For independent variables?
example, three experimental groups and one control The best single way to answer this question
group, or four groups with different amounts or aspects satisfactorily is expressed in the following principle:
of X, the experimental treatment is required. However,
the investigator uses only two because he or she has Randomize whenever possible: select subjects at
heard that an experimental group and a control group random; assign subjects to groups at random; assign
are necessary and desirable. experimental treatments to groups at random.
The example discussed in Chapter 18 of testing an
interaction hypothesis by performing, in effect, two While it may not be possible to select subjects at
separate experiments is another example. The random, it may be possible to assign them to groups at
hypothesis to be tested was that discrimination in random; thus "equalizing" the groups in the statistical
college admissions is a function of both sex and ability sense discussed in Parts Four and Five. If such random
level, that it is women of low ability who are excluded assignment of subjects to groups is not possible, then
(in contrast to men of low ability). This is an interaction every effort should be made to assign experimental
hypothesis and probably calls for a factorial-type treatments to experimental groups at random. And, if
design. To set up two experiments, one for college experimental treatments are administered at different
applicants of high ability and another for applicants of times with different experimenters, times and
low ability, is poor practice because such a design, as experimenters should be assigned at random.
shown earlier, cannot decisively test the stated The principle that makes randomization pertinent is
hypothesis. Similarly, to match subjects on ability and complex and difficult to implement:
then set up a two-group design would miss the research
question entirely. These considerations lead to a general Control the independent variables so that extraneous
and seemingly obvious precept: and unwanted sources of systematic variance have
minimal opportunity to operate.
Design research to answer research questions.
As we have seen earlier, randomization theoretically
Control of Extraneous Independent Variables satisfies this principle (see Chapter 8). When we test the
empirical validity of an If p, then q proposition, we
manipulate p and observe that q covaries with the
Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria 93

manipulation of p. But how confident can we be that our However, later, Skinner and others (Skinner, 1968;
If p, then q statement is really "true"? Our confidence is Garfinkle, Kline & Stancer, 1973) applied the schedules
directly related to the completeness and adequacy of the of reinforcement to military problems, educational
controls. If we use a design similar to Designs 8.1 problems and behavioral problems. Those who do
through 8.4, we cannot have too much confidence in the research on the modification of behavior are applying
empirical validity of the If p, then q statement, since our many of the theories and ideas tested and established by
control of extraneous independent variables is weak or B. F. Skinner. If the reader will ponder the following
nonexistent. Because such control is not always possible two examples of basic and applied research, one can get
in much psychological, sociological, and educational closer to this distinction.
research, should we then give up research entirely? By In a study by Johnson (1994) on rape type,
no means. Nevertheless, we must be aware of the information admissibility and perception of rape
weaknesses of intrinsically poor design. victims. This is clearly basic research: the central
interest was in the relations among rape type,
Generalizability information admissibility and perception. While no one
would be foolish enough to say that Johnson was not
The third criterion, generalizability, is independent of concerned with rape type, information admissibility and
other criteria because it is different in kind. This is an perception in general, the emphasis was on the relations
important point that will shortly become clear. It means among the variables of the study. Contrast this study
simply: Can we generalize the results of a study to other with the effort of Walster et al. (1970) to determine
subjects, other groups, and other conditions? Perhaps whether colleges discriminate against women.
the question is better put: How much can we generalize Naturally, Walster and her colleagues were particular
the results of the study? This is probably the most about the internal aspects of their study. But they
complex and difficult question that can be asked of perforce had to have another interest: Is discrimination
research data because it touches not only on technical practiced among colleges in general? Their study is
matters like sampling and research design, but also on clearly applied research, though one cannot say that
larger problems of basic and applied research. In basic basic research interest was absent. The considerations of
research, for example, generalizability is not the first the next section may help to clarify generalizability.
consideration, because the central interest is the
relations among variables and why the variables are Internal and External Validity
related as they are. This emphasizes the internal rather
than the external aspects of the study. These studies are Two general criteria of research design have been
often designed to examine theoretical issues such as discussed at length by Campbell (1957) and by
motivation or learning. The goal of basic research is to Campbell and Stanley (1963). These notions constitute
add information and knowledge to a field of study but one of the most significant, important, and enlightening
usually without a specific practical purpose. Its results contributions to research methodology in the last three
are generalizable, but not in the same realm as results or four decades.
found in applied research studies. In applied research, Internal validity asks the question: Did X, the
on the other hand, the central interest forces more experimental manipulation, really make a significant
concern for generalizability because one certainly difference? The three criteria of the last chapter are
wishes to apply the results to the other persons and to actually aspects of internal validity. Indeed, anything
other situations. Applied research studies usually have affecting the controls of a design becomes a problem of
their foundations in basic research studies. Using internal validity. If a design is such that one can have
information found in a basic research study, applied little or no confidence in the relations, as shown by
research studies apply those findings to determine if it significant differences between experimental groups,
can solve a practical problem. Take the work of B.F. this is a problem of internal validity.
Skinner for example. His early research is generally Earlier in this chapter we presented four possible
considered as basic research. It was from his research threats to internal validity. Some textbook writers have
that schedules of reinforcement were established. referred to these as “alternative explanations” (see
94 Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria.

Dane, 1990) or “rival hypotheses” (see Graziano & are volunteers (self-selected) and the other group are
Raulin, 1993). These were listed as measurement, nonvolunteers, the performance between these two on
history, maturation and statistical regression. Campbell the dependent variable may be due to the fact that
& Stanley (1963) also list four other threats. They are volunteers are more motivated. Student researchers
instrumentation, selection, attrition and the interaction sometimes use the volunteer subject pool and members
between one of more of these previous seven. of their own family or social circle as subjects. There
Instrumentation is a problem if the device used to may be a problem of internal validity if volunteers are
measure the dependent variable changes over time. placed in one treatment group and their friends are put
This is particularly true in studies using a human into another.
observer. Human observers or judges can be affected A difficult criterion to satisfy, external validity
by previous events or fatigue. Observers may become means representativeness or generalizability. When an
more efficient over time and thus the later experiment has been completed and a relation found, to
measurements are more accurate than earlier ones. On what populations could it be generalized? Can we say
the other hand, with fatigue, the human observer would that A is related to B for all school children? All eighth-
become less accurate in the later trials than the earlier grade children? All eighth-grade children in this school
ones. When this happens, the values of the dependent system or the eighth-grade children of this school only?
variable will change and that change was not due solely Or must the findings be limited to the eighth-grade
to the manipulation of the independent variable. children with whom we worked? This is a very
With selection, Campbell and Stanley (1963) are important scientific question that should always be
talking about the type of participants the experimenter asked-and-answered.
selects for the study. This is especially likely if the Not only must sample generalizability be
researcher is not careful in studies that does not use questioned. It is necessary to ask questions about the
random selection or assignment. The researcher could ecological and variable representativeness of studies. If
have selected participants in each group that are very the social setting in which the experiment was
different on some characteristic and as such could conducted is changed, will the relation of A and B still
account for a difference in the dependent variable. It is hold? Will A be related to B if the study is replicated in
important for the researcher to have the groups equal a lower-class school? In a western school? In a southern
prior to the administration of treatment. If the groups school? These are questions of ecological
are the same before treatment, then logic follows that if representativeness.
they are different following treatment then it was the Variable representativeness is more subtle. A
treatment (independent variable) that caused the question not often asked, but that should be asked, is:
difference and not something else. However, if the Are the variables of this research representative? When
groups are different to begin with and different after an investigator works with psychological and
treatment it is very difficult to make a statement that the sociological variables, one assumes that the variables
difference was due to treatment. Later when discussing are "constant." If the investigator finds a difference in
quasi-experimental designs we will see how we can achievement between boys and girls, one can assume
strengthen the situation. that sex as a variable is "constant."
Attrition or experimental mortality deals with the In the case of variables like achievement, aggression,
drop out of participants. If too many participants in one aptitude, and anxiety, can the investigator assume that
treatment condition drop out of the study, the unbalance the "aggression" of the suburban subjects is the same
is a possible reason for the change in the dependent "aggression" to be found in city slums? Is the variable
variable. Attrition also includes the drop out of subjects the same in a European suburb? The representativeness
with certain characteristics. of "anxiety" is more difficult to ascertain. When we talk
Any of the previous seven threats to internal validity of "anxiety," what kind of anxiety do we mean? Are all
could also interact with one another. Selection could kinds of anxiety the same? If anxiety is manipulated in
interact with maturation. This threat is especially one situation by verbal instructions and in another
possible when using participants who are volunteers. If situation by electric shock, are the two induced anxieties
the researcher is comparing two groups of which one the same? If anxiety is manipulated by, say,
Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria 95

experimental instruction, is this the same anxiety as that If participants are exposed to more than one
measured by an anxiety scale? Variable treatment condition, performance on later trials are
representativeness, then, is another aspect of the larger affected by performance on earlier trials. Hence, the
problem of external validity, and thus of results can only be generalized to people who have had
generalizability. multiple exposures given in the same order.
Unless special precautions are taken and special The negative approach of this chapter was taken in
efforts made, the results of research are frequently not the belief that an exposure to poor but commonly used
representative, and hence not generalizable. Campbell and accepted procedures, together with a discussion of
and Stanley (1963) say that internal validity is the sine their major weaknesses, would provide a good starting
qua non of research design, but that the ideal design point for the study of research design. Other inadequate
should be strong in both internal validity and external designs are possible, but all such designs are inadequate
validity, even though they are frequently contradictory. on design-structural principles alone. This point should
This point is well taken. In these chapters, the main be emphasized because in the next chapter we will find
emphasis will be on internal validity, with a vigilant eye that a perfectly good design structure can be poorly
on external validity. used. Thus it is necessary to learn and understand the
Campbell and Stanley (1963) present four threats to two sources of research weakness: intrinsically poor
external validity. They are reactive or interaction effect designs and intrinsically good designs poorly used.
of testing, the interaction effects of selection biases and
the independent variable, reactive effects of Study Suggestions
experimental arrangements and multiple-treatment
interference. 1. The faculty of a liberal arts college has decided to
In the reactive or interaction effect of testing, the begin a new curriculum for all undergraduates. It asks a
reference is to the use of a pretest prior to administering faculty research group to study the program's
treatment. Pre-testing may decrease or increase the effectiveness for two years. The research group,
sensitivity of the participant to the independent variable. wanting to have a group with which to compare the new
This would make the results for the pretested population curriculum group, requests that the present program be
unrepresentative of the treatment effect for the non- continued for two years and that students be allowed to
pretested population. The likelihood of an interaction volunteer for the present or the new program. The
between treatment and pretesting seems first to have research group believes that it will then have an
been pointed out by Solomon (1949). experimental group and a control group.
The interaction effects of selection bias and the Discuss the research group's proposal critically. How
independent variable indicates that selection of much faith would you have in the findings at the end of
participants can very well affect generalization of the two years? Give reasons for positive or negative
results. A researcher using only participants from the reactions to the proposal.
subject pool at a particular university, which usually 2. Imagine that you are a graduate school professor
consists of freshmen and sophomores will find it and have been asked to judge the worth of a proposed
difficult to generalize the findings of the study to other doctoral thesis. The doctoral student is a school
students in the university or at other universities. superintendent who is instituting a new type of
The mere participation in a research study can be a administration into her school system. She plans to
problem in terms of external validity. The presence of study the effects of the new administration for a three-
observers, instrumentation or laboratory environment year period and then write her thesis. She will not study
could have an effect on the participant that would not any other school situation during the period so as not to
occur if the participant was in a natural setting. The fact bias the results, she says.
that a person is participating in an experimental study Discuss the proposal. When doing so, ask yourself: Is
may alter their normal behavior. Whether the the proposal suitable for doctoral work?
experimenter is male or female, African-American or 3. In your opinion should all research be held rather
white-American could also have an effect. strictly to the criterion of generalizability? If so, why? If
not why not? Which field is likely to have more basic
96 Chapter 8: Inadequate Designs and Designs Criteria.

research: psychology or education'? Why? What 10. Campbell and Stanley give four possible sources of
implications does your conclusion have for threats to external validity
generalizability? a)Reactive or interaction effect of testing
4. What does replication of research have to do with b) Interaction effects of selection biases and the
generalizability? Explain. If it were possible, should all independent variable
research be replicated? If so, why? What does c) Reactive effects of experimental arrangements
replication have to, do with external and internal d) Multiple-treatment interference

Chapter Summary

1. A study of designs that are faulty helps researchers

design better studies by knowing what pitfalls to
2. Nonexperimental designs are those with
nonmanipulated independent variables, absence of
random assignment or selection.
3. Faculty designs include the “one-shot case study,”
the one group before-after design, simulated before-
after design and the two group no control design.
4. Faculty designs are discussed in terms of internal
5. Internal validity is concerned with how strong of a
statement the experimenter can state about the
effect of the independent variable on the dependent
variable. The more confident the experimenter has
about the manipulated independent variable, the
stronger the internal validity.
6. Nonexperimental studies are weaker in internal
validity than experimental studies.
7. There are 8 basic classes of extraneous variables,
which if not controlled may be confounded with the
independent variable. These 8 basic classes are
called threats to internal validity
8. Campbell’s threats to internal validity can be
outlined as follows:
a) History
b) Maturation
c) Testing or measurement
d) Instrumentation
e) Statistical Regression
f) Selection
g) Experimental Mortality or attrition
h) Selection-Maturation interaction
9. External validity is concerned with how strong of a
statement the experimenter can make about the
generalizability of the results of the study.
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 97

Chapter 9 The ordered pairs, then, are: A1B1, A1B2, A2B1,

A2B2. Since we have a set of ordered pairs, this is a
General Designs of Research relation. It is also a cross partition. The reader should
look back at Figures 4.7 and 4.8 of Chapter 4 to help
clarify these ideas, and to see the application of the
DESIGN is data discipline. The implicit purpose of all Cartesian product and relation ideas to research design.
research design is to impose controlled restrictions on For instance, A1 and A2 can be two aspects of any
observations of natural phenomena. The research design independent variable: experimental-control, two
tells the investigator, in effect: Do this and this; don't do methods, male and female, and so on.
that or that; be careful with this; ignore that; and so on. A design is some subset of the Cartesian product of
It is the blueprint of the research architect and engineer. the independent variables and the dependent variable. It
If the design is poorly conceived structurally, the final is possible to pair each dependent variable measure,
product will be faulty. If it is at least well conceived which we call Y in this discussion, with some aspect or
structurally, the final product has a greater chance of partition of an independent variable. The simplest
being worthy of serious scientific attention. In this possible cases occur with one independent variable and
chapter, our main preoccupation is seven or eight one dependent variable. In Chapter 10, an independent
“good" basic designs of research. In addition, however, variable, A, and a dependent variable, B, were
we take up certain conceptual foundations of research partitioned into [A1, A2] and [B1, B2] and then cross-
and two or three problems related to design-for instance, partitioned to form the by-now familiar 2 × 2
the rationale of control groups and the pros and cons of crossbreak, with frequencies or percentages in the cells.
matching. We concentrate, however, on similar cross partitions of
A and B, but with continuous measures in the cells.
Take A alone, using a one-way analysis of variance
CONCEPTUAL FOUNDATIONS OF RESEARCH design. Suppose we have three experimental treatments,
A1, A2 and A3, and, for simplicity, two Y scores in

The conceptual foundation for understanding research each cell. This is shown on the left of Figure 9.1, labeled
design was laid in Chapters 4 and 5, where sets and (a). Say that six participants have been assigned at
relations were defined and discussed. Recall that a random to the three treatments, and that the scores of the
relation is a set of ordered pairs. Recall, too, that a six individuals after the experimental treatments are
Cartesian product is all the possible ordered pairs of those given in the figure.
two sets. A partition breaks down a universal set U into The right side of Figure 9.1, labeled (b), shows the
subsets that are disjoint and exhaustive. A cross same idea in ordered-pair or relation form. The ordered
partition is a new partitioning that arises from pairs are A1Y1, A1Y2, A2Y3, . . . , A3Y6. This is, of
successively partitioning U by forming all subsets of the course, not a Cartesian product, which would pair A1
form A ∩ B. These definitions were elaborated in with all the Y's, A2 with all the Y's, and A3 with all the
Chapters 5 and 6. We now apply them to design and Y's, a total of 3 × 6 = 18 pairs. Rather, Figure 9.1(b) is a
analysis ideas.
subset of the Cartesian product, A × B. Research
Take two sets, A and B, partitioned into A1 and A2,
designs are subsets of A × B, and the design and the
B1 and B2. The Cartesian product of the two sets is: research problem define or specify how the subsets are
set up. The subsets of the design of Figure 9.1 are
presumably dictated by the research problem.
When there is more than one independent variable,
the situation is more complex. Take two independent
variables, A and B, partitioned into [A1, A2] and [B1,
B2]. The reader should not confuse this with the earlier
AB frequency paradigm, in which A was the
98 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

independent variable and B the dependent variable. ordered pairs): ABY. Study Figure 9.2. On the left side
of the figure, labeled (a), the 2 × 2 factorial analysis of
(a) variance design and example used in Chapter 14 (see
Figure 14.2 and Tables 14.3 and 14.4) is given, with the
measures of the dependent variable, Y, inserted in the
A1 A2 A3
cells. That is, eight participants were assigned at
7 7 3
random to the four cells. Their scores, after the
9 5 3 experiment, are Y1 Y2, . . . Y8. The right side of the
figure, labeled (b), shows the ordered triples, ABY, as a
(b) tree. Obviously these are subsets of A × B × Y and are
relations. The same reasoning can be extended to larger
and more complex designs, like a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial
(ABCY) or a 4 × 3 × 2 × 2 (ABCDY). (In these
designations, Y is usually omitted because it is implied.)
Other kinds of designs can be similarly conceptualized,
though their depiction in trees can be laborious.
In sum, a research design is some subset of the
Cartesian product of the independent and the dependent
variables. With only one independent variable, the
Figure 9.1 single variable is partitioned; with more than one
independent variable, the independent variables are
crosspartitioned. With three or more independent
variables, the conceptualization is the same; only the
dimensions differ, for example, A ¥ B ¥ C and A ¥ B x
C ¥ D and the cross partitions thereof. Whenever
B1 B2 possible, it is desirable to have "complete" designs-a
A1 Y1 = 8 Y3 = 4 complete design is a cross partition of the independent
Y2 = 6 Y4 = 2 variables-and to observe the two basic conditions of
A2 Y5 = 4 Y7 = 8 disjointness and exhaustiveness. That is, the design
Y6 = 2 Y8 = 6 must not have a case (a participant's score) in more than
one cell of a partition or cross partition, and all the cases
must be used up. Moreover, the basic minimum of any
(b) design is at least a partition of the independent variable
into two subsets, for example, A into A1 and A2. There
are also "incomplete" designs, but "complete" designs
are emphasized more in this book. See Kirk (1995) for a
more complete treatment of incomplete designs.
The term "general designs" means that the designs
given in the chapter are symbolized or expressed in their
most general and abstract form. Where a simple X,
meaning independent variable, is given, it must be taken
to mean more than one X-that is, X is partitioned into
two or more experimental groups. For instance, Design
9.1, to be studied shortly, has X and ~X, meaning
Figure 9.2 experimental and control groups, and thus is a partition
of X. But X can be partitioned into a number of X's,
perhaps changing the design from a simple one-variable
We must now have ordered triples (or two sets of
design to, say, a factorial design. The basic symbolism
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 99

associated with Design 9.1, however, remains the same. assumed to be zero. If, on the other hand, the two
These complexities will, we hope, be clarified in this independent variables are intelligence and social class,
and succeeding chapters. both ordinarily nonmanipulable and correlated, the
assumption of zero correlation between them necessary
for analysis of variance cannot be made. Some method
A PRELIMINARY NOTE: EXPERIMENTAL of analysis that takes account of the correlation between
DESIGNS AND ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE them should be used. We will see later in the book that
such a method is readily available: multiple regression.
Before taking up the designs of this chapter, we need to We have not yet reached a state of research maturity
clarify one or two confusing and potentially to appreciate the profound difference between the two
controversial points not usually considered in the situations. For now, however, let us accept the
literature. Most of the designs we consider are difference and the statement that analysis of variance is
experimental. As usually conceived, the rationale of basically an experimental conception and form of
research design is based on experimental ideas and analysis. Strictly speaking, if our independent variables
conditions. They are also intimately linked to analysis are nonexperimental, then analysis of variance is not the
of variance paradigms. This is of course no accident. appropriate mode of analysis. There are exceptions to
Modern conceptions of design, especially factorial this statement. For instance, if one independent variable
designs, were born when analysis of variance was is experimental and one nonexperimental, analysis of
invented. Although there is no hard law that says that variance is appropriate. In one-way analysis of variance,
analysis of variance is applicable only in experimental moreover, since there is only one independent variable,
situations-indeed, it has been used many times in analysis of variance can be used with a nonexperimental
nonexperimental research-it is in general true that it is independent variable, though regression analysis would
most appropriate for the data of experiments. This is probably be more appropriate. In Study Suggestion 5 at
especially so for factorial designs where there are equal the end of the chapter, an interesting use of analysis of
numbers of cases in the design paradigm cells, and variance with nonexperimental data is cited.
where the participants are assigned to the experimental Similarly, if for some reason the numbers of cases in
conditions (or cells) at random. the cells are unequal (and disproportionate), then there
When it is not possible to assign participants at will be correlation between the independent variables,
random, and when, for one reason or another, there are and the assumption of zero correlation is not tenable.
unequal numbers of cases in the cells of a factorial This rather abstract and abstruse digression from our
design, the use of analysis of variance is questionable, main design theme may seem a bit confusing at this
even inappropriate. It can also be clumsy and inelegant. stage of our study. The problems involved should
This is because the use of analysis of variance assumes become clear after we have studied experimental and
that the correlations between or among the independent nonexperimental research and, later in the book, that
variables of a factorial design are zero. Random fascinating and powerful approach known as multiple
assignment makes this assumption tenable since such regression.
assignment presumably apportions sources of variance
equally among the cells. But random assignment can THE DESIGNS
only be accomplished in experiments. In
nonexperimental research, the independent variables are In the remainder of this chapter we discuss four or five
more or less fixed characteristics of the participants, basic designs of research. Remember that a design is a
e.g., intelligence, sex, social class, and the like. They are plan, an outline for conceptualizing the structure of the
usually systematically correlated. Take two independent relations among the variables of a research study. A
manipulated variables, say reinforcement and anxiety. design not only lays out the relations of the study; it also
Because participants with varying amounts of implies how the research situation is controlled and how
characteristics correlated with these variables are the data are to be analyzed. A design, in the sense of this
randomly distributed in the cells, the correlations chapter, is the skeleton on which we put the variable-
between aspects of reinforcement and anxiety are and-relation flesh of our research. The sketches given in
100 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

Designs 9.1 through 9.8, following, are designs, the bare together.
and abstract structure of the research. Sometimes
analytic tables, such as Figure 9.2 (on the left) and the The Notion of the Control Group and Extensions of
figures of Chapter 8 (e.g., Figures 8.2, 8.3, and 8.5) and Design 9.1
elsewhere are called designs. While calling them
designs does no great harm, they are, strictly speaking, Evidently the word "control" and the expression
analytic paradigms. We will not be fussy, however. We "control group" did not appear in the scientific literature
will call both kinds of representations "designs." before the late nineteenth century. This is documented
by Boring (1954). The notion of controlled
Design 9.1: Experimental Group-Control Group: experimentation, however, is much older. Boring says
Randomized Participants that Pascal used it as early as 1648. Solomon (1949)
searched the psychological literature and could not find
[R] X Y (Experimental) a single case of the use of a control group before 1901.
~X Y (Control) Perhaps the notion of the control group was used in
other fields, though it is doubtful that the idea was well
developed. Solomon (p.175) also says that the Peterson
Design 9.1, with two groups as above, and its and Thurstone study of attitudes in 1933 was the first
variants with more than two groups, are probably the serious attempt to use control groups in the evaluation
"best" designs for many experimental purposes in of the effects of educational procedures. One cannot
behavioral research. Campbell and Stanley (1963) call find the expression "control group" in the famous
this design the posttest only control group design while eleventh edition (1911) of the Encyclopedia Britannica,
Isaac and Michael (1987) refers to it as the randomized even though experimental method is discussed.
control group posttest only design. The (R) before the Solomon also says that control-group design apparently
paradigm indicates that participants are randomly had to await statistical developments and the
assigned to the experimental group (top line) and the development of statistical sophistication among
control group (bottom line). This randomization psychologists.
removes the objections to Design 8.4 mentioned in Perhaps the first use of control groups in psychology
Chapter 8. Theoretically, all possible independent and education occurred in 1901 with the publication of
variables are controlled. Practically, of course, this may Thorndike and Woodworth (1901). One of the two
not be so. If enough participants are included in the men who did this research, E. L. Thorndike, extended
experiment to give the randomization a chance to the basic and revolutionary ideas of this first research
"operate," then we have strong control, and the claims series to education (Thorndike, 1924). Thorndike's
of internal validity are rather well satisfied. This design controls, in this gigantic study of 8564 pupils in many
controls for the effects of history, maturation and pre- schools in a number of cities, were independent
testing but does not measure these effects. educational groups. Among other comparisons, he
If extended to more than two groups and if it is contrasted the gains in intelligence test scores
capable of answering the research questions asked, presumably engendered by the study of English, history,
Design 9.1 has a number of advantages. The advantages geometry, and Latin with the gains presumably
are (1) it has the best built-in theoretical control system engendered by the study of English, history, geometry,
of any design, with one or two possible exceptions in and shopwork. He tried, in effect, to compare the
special cases; (2) it is flexible, being theoretically influence of Latin and shopwork. He also made other
capable of extension to any number of groups with any comparisons of a similar nature. Despite the weaknesses
number of variables; (3) if extended to more than one of design and control, Thorndike's experiments and
variable, it can test several hypotheses at one time; and those he stimulated others to perform were remarkable
(4) it is statistically and structurally elegant. for their insight. Thorndike even berated colleagues for
Before taking up other designs, we need to examine not admitting students of stenography and typing who
the notion of the control group, one of the creative had not studied Latin, because he claimed to have
inventions of the last hundred years, and certain shown that the influence of various participants on
extensions of Design 9.1. The two topics go nicely
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 101

intelligence was similar. It is interesting that he thought Figure 9.3. The design on the left is a simple one-way
huge numbers of participants were necessary-he called analysis of variance design and the one on the right a 2
for 18,000 more cases. He was also quite aware, in × 2 factorial design. In the right-hand design, X1a might
1924, of the need for random samples. be experimental and X1b control, with X2a and X2b
The notion of the control group needs
either a manipulated variable or a dichotomous attribute
generalization. Assume that in an educational
variable. It is, of course, the same design as that shown
experiment we have four experimental groups as
in Figure 9.2(a).
follows. A, is reinforcement of every response, As
reinforcement at regular time intervals, A3
reinforcement at random intervals, and A4 no X1 X2 X3

reinforcement. Technically, there are three experimental Y Measures

groups and one control group, in the traditional sense of
the control group. However, A4 might be another
"experimental treatment"; it might be some kind of
minimal reinforcement. Then, in the traditional sense, X1
there would be no control group. The traditional sense X1a X1b
of the term "control group" lacks generality. If the
X2 X2a Y Measures
notion of control is generalized, the difficulty
disappears. Whenever there is more than one
experimental group and any two groups are given
Figure 9.3
different treatments, control is present in the sense of
comparison previously mentioned. As long as there is
The structure of Design 9.2 is the same as that of
an attempt to make two groups systematically different
Design 9.1. The only difference is that participants are
on a dependent variable, a comparison is possible. Thus
matched on one or more attributes. For the design to
the traditional notion that an experimental group should
take its place as an "adequate" design, however,
receive the treatment not given to a control group is a
randomization must enter the picture, as noted by the
special case of the more general rule that comparison
small r attached to the M (for "matched"). It is not
groups are necessary for the internal validity of
enough that matched participants are used. The
scientific research.
members of each pair must be assigned to the two
If this reasoning is correct, we can set up designs
groups at random. Ideally, too, whether a group is to be
such as the following:
an experimental or a control group is also decided at
random. In either case, each decision can be made by
X1 Y flipping a coin or by using a table of random numbers,
[R] X2 Y letting odd numbers mean one group and even numbers
X3 Y the other group. If there are more than two groups,
naturally, a random number system must be used.

or Design 9.2 :Experimental Group-Control Group:

Matched Participants
X1a Y
[R] X1b Y [Mr] X Y (Experimental)
X2a Y ~X Y (Control)
X2b Y
As in Design 9.1, it is possible, though often not
These designs will be more easily recognizable if they easy, to use more than two groups. (The difficulty of
are set up in the manner of analysis of variance, as in matching more than two groups was discussed earlier.)
102 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

There are times, however, when a matching design is an research study was going on in a store, they could go in
inherent element of the research situation. When the and buy up their own products and hence contaminate
same participants are used for two or more experimental the study.
treatments, or when participants are given more than To return to our discussion of randomization
one trial, matching is inherent in the situation. In versus matching often times a grocery chain or a chain
educational research, when schools or classes are in of department stores has a finite number of stores to use
effect variables-when, say, two or more schools or in a study. Location and clientele have a lot of influence
classes are used and the experimental treatments are on sales. Sales are usually the dependent variable in
administered in each school or class then Design 9.2 is such studies. With a limited number of stores to choose
the basis of the design logic. Study the paradigm of a from in order to perform the research, random
schools design in Figure 9.4. It is seen that variance due assignment often does not work in equating groups of
to the differences between schools, and such variance stores. One store in the chain might do 3 to 4 times the
can be substantial, can be readily estimated. volume of business as another. If it is chosen at random,
the group in falls into will create a great deal of
Xe1 Xe2 Xc unbalance especially if the other group does not have
one to balance it. In short, the groups will no longer be
Schools Experimental 1 Experimental 2 Control equal. Hence, the solution here is to match the stores
on an individual basis. One half of the matched pair is
2 randomly assigned to one experimental condition and
3 Y Measures the other half gets the other condition. With more than
4 2 conditions, more stores would have to be matched and
then assigned to treatment conditions.
In some human factors engineering studies using
Figure 9.4 simulators, the use of randomization is sometimes not
economically or practically feasible. Consider the
Matching versus Randomization testing of two test configurations for a simulator.
Researcher may want to know which one leads to fewer
Although randomization, which includes random perceptual errors. Processes of randomization would
selection and random assignment, is the preferred say that the experimenter should randomly assigned
method for controlling extraneous variance, there is participants to conditions as they enter the study.
merit to the use of matching. In a number of situations However, when it requires 3 to 6 months to change the
outside academic circles, the behavioral scientist will configuration of the simulator from one to the other, it is
not be able to use randomization in achieving constancy no longer feasible to do it the “usual” way.
between groups prior to the administration of treatment. However, an important point to remember is that
Usually in a university a participant pool is available to randomization when it can be done correctly and
draw from. Researchers in this situation can afford to appropriately is better than matching. It is perhaps the
use randomization procedures. In business-marketing only method for controlling unknown sources of
research, however, this may not be the case. Popular variances. One of the major shortcomings of matching
among market researchers is the controlled-store test. is that one can never be sure that an exact match has
The controlled store test is an experiment that is done in been made. Without that exactness, the inexactness can
the field. The second author has conducted such studies be an alternative explanation on why the dependent
for a number of market research firms and a grocery variable is different between the treatment conditions
chain in southern California. One of the goals of the after treatment.
controlled store test is to be very discreet. If a
manufacturer of soap products wants to determine the Some ways of matching groups.
effects of a cents-off coupon on consumer purchasing
behavior, that manufacturer does not want the Matching by Equating Participants
competing manufacturer of the same product to know
about it. Why? Well if a competitor knew that a
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 103

The most common method of matching is to equate used for matching increases. To choose 3 or 4 variables
participants on one or more variables to be controlled. to match on and then find enough participants that
Christensen (1996) refers to this method as the meets the matching criteria requires a lot of participants
precision control method and Matheson, Bruce and to choose from. The researcher would need a large pool
Beauchamp (1978) calls it the matched-by-correlated of available participants in order to obtain a just a few
criterion design. To control for the influence of that are matched on all of the relevant variables.
intelligence on the dependent variable, for example, the Matching affects the generalizability of the study. The
researcher must make sure that the participants in each researcher can only generalize the results to other
of the treatment groups are of the same intelligence individuals having the same characteristics.
level. The goal here is to create equivalent groups of
participants. Using our example of intelligence, if we The Frequency Distribution Matching Method
had only two treatment conditions, we would select
pairs of participants with identical or near identical The individual-by-individual technique of matching
intelligence test scores. Half of each pair would be presented above is a very good for developing equal
assigned at random to one treatment condition and the groups, but many participants must be eliminated
other half is assigned to the other treatment condition. because they cannot be matched. Frequency distribution
In a controlled stored test, where location is an method attempts to overcome this disadvantage while
important variable to be controlled for, we would find retaining some of the advantages of matching. This
two stores of similar locale and call them a match. After technique, as the name implies, matches groups of
we have built up, lets say 10 of such pairs, we can then participants in terms of overall distribution of the
take one half of each pair and assign them to one test selected variable or variables rather than on an
environment and the other half to the other. If we had individual-by-individual basis. Let us say that we want
required matching for three conditions, we would then to have two or more groups matched on intelligence.
have to find three people with the same intelligence Let’s further say we want to use the frequency
score or three stores in the same locale. distribution method of matching. First we would need
The major advantage in using this method is that it an intelligence test score on each child. We then need
is able to detect small differences (increase in to create the two or more groups in such a way that the
sensitivity) by ensuring that the participants in the groups of participants would have to have the same
various groups are equal on at least the paired variables. average intelligence test score, as well as the same
However an important requirement is that the variables standard deviation and skewness of the scores. Here,
on which participants are matched must be correlated each group would be statistically equal. The mean,
significantly with the dependent variable. We had standard deviation and skewness between each group
shown in an earlier chapter that matching is most useful would be statistically equivalent. A statistical test of
when the variables on which participants are matched hypotheses could be utilized, but the researcher needs to
correlate greater than 0.5 or 0.6 with the dependent be aware that both types of errors should be considered.
variable. If more than one variable was considered to be relevant
This method of matching has two major flaws or on which to match participants, each group of
disadvantages. First, it is difficult to know which are the participants would be required to have the same
most important variables to match. In most instances, statistical measures on all of these variables. The
there are many potentially relevant variables. In a study number of participants lost using this technique would
the researcher might match on age, sex, race, marital not be as great as the number lost using the individual-
status and intelligence. However, the researcher could by-individual method, because each additional
have selected many other variables. The researcher participant would merely have to contribute to
should select those variables that show the lowest producing the appropriate statistical measures rather
correlation with each other but the highest correlation than be identical to another participant on the relevant
with the dependent variable. variables. Hence, this technique is more flexible in
A second problem is the decrease in finding terms of being able to use a particular participant.
eligible matched participants as the number of variables The major disadvantage of matching by the
frequency distribution method occurs only when there is
104 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

matching on more than one variable. Here the Conclusions from such a study might indeed be the
combinations of variables may be mismatched in the same as those obtained from the epileptic patient study
various groups. If age and reaction time were to be but separate studies have to be conducted. The only
matched, one group might include older participants way we can find out if the results of one study can be
with slower reaction times and younger participants generalized to the population is to replicate the study
with quicker reaction times, where the other group has using the participants with different characteristics.
the opposite combination. The mean and distribution of
the two variables would be equivalent but the Matching by incorporating the Nuisance Variable into
participants in each group would be completely the Research Design
different. This difference may affect the dependent
variable. Another way of trying to develop equal groups is to
use the nuisance or extraneous variable as an
Matching by Holding Variables Constant independent variable in the research design. Assume
that we were conducting a learning experiment on rats
Holding the adventitious variable constant for all and wanted to control for the effects of weight. The
experimental groups is another technique that can be thought here is that the animal with the greater weight
used to create equal groups of participants. All will need to consume more food after a period of
participants in each experimental group will have the deprivation and hence is more motivated. If we had
same degree or type of extraneous variable. If we need used the method of holding weight constant, we would
to control the variation caused by gender differences, have a lot fewer participants. By using weight as an
we can hold sex constant by using only males or only independent variable, we can use a lot more participants
females in the study. This has the effect of matching all in the study. In statistical terms, the increase in the
participants in terms of the sex variable. This matching number of participants means an increase in power and
procedure creates a more homogeneous participant sensitivity. By using an extraneous variable as an
sample, because only participants with a certain type or independent variable in the design we can isolate a
amount of the fortuitous variable are used. A number of source of systematic variance and also determine if the
student research projects at universities use this method extraneous variable has an effect on the dependent
especially when the participant pool has a majority of variable.
male or female participants. This technique of holding However, building an extraneous variable into the
variables constant has at least two problems that could design should not be done indiscriminately. Making the
affect the validity of the study. The severity of the extraneous variable a part of the research design seems
problem increases if too many variables are held like an excellent control method. However, this method
constant. The first disadvantage is that the technique is best used when there is an interest in the differences
restricts the size of the participant population. produced by the extraneous variable or in the interaction
Consequently, in some cases, it may be difficult to find between the extraneous variable and other independent
enough participants to participate in the study. The early variables. For a variable measured on a continuous
split-brain research of Roger Sperry has often been scale, a researcher can still incorporate it into the
criticized by the restriction of the participants used in design. The difference between a discrete and
the study. His early studies used only epileptic patients. continuous extraneous variable would lie in the data
So a study using this method could be criticized of a analysis part of the research process. With a continuous
selection bias. variable regression or analysis of covariance would be
The second drawback is more critical in that the preferable over analysis of variance.
results of the study only generalizable to the type of
participant used in the study. The results obtained from Participant as Own Control
the epileptic patients study could only be generalized to
other epileptic patients. If someone wanted to know Since each individual is quite unique it is very difficult
whether non-epileptic patients would experience the if not impossible to find another individual that would
same perceptual changes the researcher would have to be a perfect match. However, a single person is a
conduct a similar study using non-epileptic patients. perfect match to oneself. One of the more powerful
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 105

techniques for achieving equality or constancy of check the equality of the two groups on Y. The
experimental groups prior to the administration of experimental manipulation X is performed, after which
treatment is to use that person in every condition of the the groups are again measured on Y. The difference
experiment. Some refers to this as using the participants between the two groups is tested statistically. An
as their own control. Other than the reactivity of the interesting and difficult characteristic of this design is
experiment itself, the possibility of extraneous variation the nature of the scores usually analyzed: difference, or
due to individual-to-individual differences is drastically change, scores, Ya – Yb = D. Unless the effect of the
minimized. This method of achieving constancy is experimental manipulation is strong, the analysis of
common in some areas of the behavioral sciences. In difference scores is not advisable. Difference scores are
psychology, the study of the interface of humans and considerably less reliable than the scores from which
machines (human factors or human engineering) utilizes they are calculated. A clear explanation of why this is so
this method. Dr. Charles W. Simon (1976) has is given by Friedenberg (1995) and Sax (1997). There
presented a number of interesting experimental designs, are other problems. We discuss only the main strengths
which uses the participant over many treatment and weaknesses (see Campbell and Stanley, 1963 for a
conditions. However, this method does not fit all more complete discussion of this). At the end of the
applications. Some studies involved with learning are discussion the analytic difficulties of difference or
not suitable because a person cannot unlearn a problem change scores will be taken up.
so that he or she can now apply a different method. The Probably most important, Design 9.3 overcomes the
use of this method also requires a lot more planning great weakness of Design 8.2, because it supplies a
than others. comparison control group against which the difference,
Ya – Yb, can be checked. With only one group, we can
Additional Design Extensions: Design 9.3 using a
never know whether history, maturation (or both), or the
experimental manipulation X produced the change in Y.
When a control group is added, the situation is radically
Design 9.3 has many advantages and is frequently used.
altered. After all, if the groups are equated (through
Its structure is similar to that of Design 8.2, with two
randomization), the effects of history and maturation, if
important differences: Design 8.2 lacks a control group
present, should be present in both groups. If the mental
and randomization. Design 9.3 is similar to Designs 9.1
ages of the children of the experimental group increase,
and 9.2, except that the "before" or pretest feature has
so should the mental ages of the children of the control
been added. It is used frequently to study change. Like
group. Then, if there is still a difference between the Y
Designs 9.1 and 9.2, it can be expanded to more than
measures of the two groups, it should not be due to
two groups.
history or maturation. That is, if something happens to
affect the experimental participants between the pretest
Design 9.3: Before and after Control Group (Pretest- and the posttest, this something should also affect the
Posttest) participants of the control group. Similarly, the effect of
testing-Campbell's reactive measures-should be
(a) [R] Yb X Ya (Experimental) controlled. For if the testing affects the members of the
Yb ~X Ya (Control) experimental group it should similarly affect the
members of the control group. (There is, however, a
concealed weakness here, which will be discussed
(b) [Mr] Yb X Ya (Experimental) later.) This is the main strength of the well-planned and
Yb ~X Ya (Control) well-executed before-after, experimental-control group
On the other hand, before-after designs have a
In Design 9.3(a), participants are assigned to the troublesome aspect, which decreases both internal and
experimental group (top line) and the control group external validity of the experiment. This source of
(bottom line) at random and are pretested on a measure difficulty is the pretest. A pretest can have a sensitizing
of Y, the dependent variable. The investigator can then effect on participants. On internal validity, for example,
106 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

the participants may possibly be alerted to certain Look at Design 9.3 again, particularly at changes
events in their environment that they might not between Yb and Ya. One of the most difficult problems
ordinarily notice. If the pretest is an attitude scale, it can that has plagued-and intrigued-researchers,
sensitize participants to the issues or problems measurement specialists, and statisticians is how to
mentioned in the scale. Then, when the X treatment is study and analyze such difference, or change scores. In
administered to the experimental group, the participants a book of the scope of this one, it is impossible to go
of this group may be responding not so much to the into the problems in detail. The interested reader can
attempted influence, the communication, or whatever read one or both two excellent edited books written by
method is used to change attitudes, as to a combination Harris (1963) and Collins & Horn (1991). General
of their increased sensitivity to the issues and the precepts and cautions, however, can be outlined. One
experimental manipulation. would think that the application of analysis of variance
Since such interaction effects are not immediately to difference scores yielded by Design 9.3 and similar
obvious, and since they contain a threat to the external designs would be effective. Such analysis can be done if
validity of experiments, it is worthwhile to consider the experimental effects are substantial. But difference
them a bit further. One would think that, since both the scores, as mentioned earlier, are usually less reliable
experimental and the control groups are pretested, the than the scores from which they are calculated. Real
effect of pretesting, if any, would ensure the validity of differences between experimental and control groups
the experiment. Let us assume that no pretesting was may be undetectable simply because of the unreliability
done, that is, that Design 9.2 was used. Other things of the difference scores. To detect differences between
equal, a difference between the experimental and the experimental and control groups, the scores analyzed
control groups after experimental manipulation of X can must be reliable enough to reflect the differences and
be assumed to be due to X. There is no reason to thus to be detectable by statistical tests. Because of this
suppose that one group is more sensitive or more alert difficulty some researchers such as Cronbach and Furby
than the other, since they both face the testing situation (1970) even say that difference or change scores should
after X. But when a pretest is used, the situation not be used. So what can be done?
changes. While the pretest sensitizes both groups, it can The generally recommended procedure is to use so-
make the experimental participants respond to X, called residualized or regressed gain scores. These are
wholly or partially, because of the sensitivity. scores calculated by predicting the posttest scores from
What we also have is a lack of generalizability or the pretest scores on the basis of the correlation between
external validity in that it may be possible to generalize pretest and posttest and then subtracting these predicted
to pretested groups but not to unpretested ones. Clearly scores from the posttest scores to obtain the residual
such a situation is disturbing to the researcher, since gain scores. (The reader should not be concerned if this
who wants to generalize to pretested groups? procedure is not too clear at this stage. Later, after we
If this weakness is important, why is this a good study regression and analysis of covariance, it should
design? While the possible interaction effect described become clearer.) The effect of the pretest scores is
above may be serious in some research, it is doubtful removed from the posttest scores; that is, the residual
that it strongly affects much behavioral research, scores are posttest scores purged of the pretest
provided researchers are aware of its potential and take influence. Then the significance of the difference
adequate precautions. Testing is an accepted and normal between the means of these scores is tested. All this can
part of many situations, especially in education. It is be accomplished by using both the procedure just
doubtful, therefore, that research participants will be described and a regression equation or by analysis of
unduly sensitized in such situations. Still, there may be covariance.
times when they can be affected. The rule Campbell and Even the use of residual gain scores and analysis of
Stanley (1963) give is a good one: When unusual testing covariance is not perfect, however. If participants have
procedures are to be used, use designs with no pretests. not been assigned at random to the experimental and
control groups, the procedure will not save the situation.
Difference Scores Cronbach & Furby (1970) have pointed out that when
groups differ systematically before experimental
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 107

treatment in other characteristics pertinent to the opportunity to try a method or some innovation only
dependent variable, statistical manipulation does not once. To test the method's efficacy, one provides a base
correct such differences. If, however, a pretest is used, line for judging the effect of X on Y by pretesting a
use random assignment and analysis of covariance, group similar to the experimental group. Then Ya is
remembering that the results must always be treated tested against Yb.
with special care. Finally, multiple regression analysis This design's validity breaks down if the two groups
may provide the best solution of the problem, as we will are not randomly selected from the same population or
see later. It is unfortunate that the complexities of if the participants are not assigned to the two groups at
design and statistical analysis may discourage the random. Furthermore, even if randomization is used
student of research, sometimes even to the point of there is no real guarantee that it worked in equating the
feeling hopeless. But that is the nature of behavioral two groups prior to treatment. It has the weaknesses
research: it merely reflects the exceedingly complex mentioned in connection with other similar designs,
character of psychological, sociological, and namely, other possible variables may be influential in
educational reality. This is at one and the same time the interval between Yb and Ya. In other words, Design
frustrating and exciting. Like marriage, behavioral
9.4 is superior to Design 8.3, but it should not be used if
research is difficult and often unsuccessful-but not
a better design is available.
impossible. Moreover, it is one of the best ways to
acquire reliable understanding of our behavioral world.
Design 9.5: Three-Group, before-after
The point of view of this book is that we should learn
and understand as much as we can about what we are
doing, use reasonable care with design and analysis, and Yb X Ya (Experimental)
then do the research without fussing too much about [R] Yb ~X Ya (Control 1)
analytic matters. The main thing is always the research X Ya (Control 2)
problem and our interest in it. This does not mean a
cavalier disregard of analysis. It simply means
reasonable understanding and care and healthy Design 9.5 is better than Design 9.4. In addition to
measures of both optimism and skepticism. the assets of Design 9.3 it provides a way to possibly
avoid confounding due to the interactive effects due to
Design 9.4: Simulated before-after, Randomized the pretest. This is achieved by the second control group
(third line). (It seems a bit strange to have a control
group with an X, but the group of the third line is really
[R] X Ya a control group.) With the Ya measures of this group
available, it is possible to check the interaction effect.
Suppose the mean of the experimental group is
The value of Design 9.4 is doubtful, even though it significantly greater than the mean of the first control
is considered to among the adequate designs. The group (second line). We may doubt whether this
scientific demand for a comparison is satisfied: there is difference was really due to X. It might have been
a comparison group (lower line). A major weakness of produced by increased sensitization of the participants
Design 8.3 (a pallid version of Design 9.4) is remedied after the pretest and the interaction of their sensitization
by the randomization. Recall that with Design 8.3 we and X. We now look at the mean of Ya of the second
were unable to assume beforehand that the experimental control group (third line). It, too, should be significantly
and control groups were equivalent. Design 9.4 calls for greater than the mean of the first control group. If it is,
participants to be assigned to the two groups at random. we can assume that the pretest has not unduly sensitized
Thus, it can be assumed that they are statistically equal. the participants, or that X is sufficiently strong to
Such a design might be used when one is worried about override a sensitization-X interaction effect.
the reactive effect of pretesting, or when, due to the
exigencies of practical situations, one has no other Design 9.6: Four-Group, before-after (Solomon)
choice. Such a situation occurs when one has the
108 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

two lines, that is, with Design 9.3, one can subtract Yb
Yb X Ya (Experimental) from Ya or do an analysis of covariance. With the two
[R] Yb ~X Ya (Control 1) lines, one can test the Ya 's against each other with a t
X Ya (Control 2) test or F test, but the problem is how to obtain one
~X Ya (Control 3) overall statistical approach. One solution is to test the
Ya 's of Controls 2 and 3 against the average of the two

This design, proposed by Solomon (1949) is strong Yb's (the first two lines), as well as to test the
and aesthetically satisfying. It has potent controls. significance of the difference of the Ya 's of the first two
Actually, if we change the designation of Control 2 to lines. In addition, Solomon originally suggested a 2 × 2
Experimental 2, we have a combination of Designs 9.3 factorial analysis of variance, using the four Ya sets of
and 9.1, our two best designs, where the former design
measures. Solomon's suggestion is outlined in Figure
forms the first two lines and the latter the second two
9.5. A careful study will reveal that this is a fine
lines. The virtues of both are combined in one design.
example of research thinking, a nice blending of design
Although this design can have a matching form, it is not
and analysis. With this analysis we can study the main
discussed here nor is it recommended. Campbell (1957)
effects, X and ~X, and Pretested and Not Pretested.
says that this design has become the new ideal for social
What is more interesting, we can test the interaction of
scientists. While this is a strong statement, probably a
pretesting and X and get a clear answer to the previous
bit too strong, it indicates the high esteem in which the
design is held.
Among the reasons why it is a strong design is that
the demand for comparison is well satisfied with the X ~X
first two lines and the second two lines. The Pretested Ya, Experimental Ya, Control 1
randomization enhances the probability of statistical Not Pre-tested Ya, Control 2 Ya, Control 3
equivalence of the groups, and history and maturation
Figure 9.5
are controlled with the first two lines of the design. The
interaction effect due to possible pretest participant
While this and other complex designs have decided
sensitization is controlled by the first three lines. By
strengths, it is doubtful that they can be used routinely.
adding the fourth line, temporary contemporaneous
In fact, they should probably be saved for very
effects that may have occurred between Ya and Yb can
important experiments in which, perhaps, hypotheses
be controlled. Because Design 9.1 and 9.3 are already tested with simpler designs are again tested with
combined, we have the power of each test separately greater rigor and control. Indeed, it is recommended that
and the power of replication because, in effect, there are designs like 9.5 and 9.6 and certain variants of Designs
two experiments. If Ya of Experimental is significantly 9.6, to be discussed later, be reserved for definitive tests
greater than Control 1, and Control 2 is significantly of research hypotheses after a certain amount of
greater than Control 3, together with a consistency of preliminary experimentation has been done.
results between the two experiments, this is strong
evidence, indeed, of the validity of our research Concluding Remarks
What is wrong with this paragon of designs? It The designs of this chapter are general: they are stripped
certainly looks fine on paper. There seem to be only two down to bare essentials to show underlying structure.
sources of weakness. One is practicability-it is harder to Having the underlying structures well in mind-cognitive
run two simultaneous experiments than one and the psychologists say that such structures are important in
researcher encounters the difficulty of locating more remembering and thinking-the student is in a position to
participants of the same kind. use the more specific designs of analysis of variance
The other difficulty is statistical. Note that there is a and related paradigms. Knowing and understanding the
lack of balance of groups. There are four actual groups, general designs may enhance mental flexibility and the
but not four complete sets of measures. Using the first ability to cope conceptually and practically with
Chapter 9: General Designs of Research 109

research problems and the design means of solving the comparability, matching, and control. Is the conclusion
problems. of the researchers empirically valid, do you think? If
not, outline a study that will yield valid conclusions.
Study Suggestions 5. The advice in the text not to use analysis of
variance in nonexperimental research does not apply so
1. The first sentence of this chapter is "Design is much to one-way analysis of variance as it does to
data discipline." What does this sentence mean? Justify factorial analysis. Nor does the problem of equal
it. numbers of cases in the cells apply (within reason). In a
2. Suppose you are an educational psychologist and number of nonexperimental studies, in fact, one-way
plan to test the hypothesis that feeding back analysis of variance has been profitably used. One such
psychological information to teachers effectively study is: Jones & Cook (1975). The independent
enhances the children's learning by increasing the variable was attitude toward African-Americans,
teachers' understanding of the children. Outline an ideal obviously not manipulated. The dependent variable was
research design to test this hypothesis, assuming that preference for social policy affecting African-
you have complete command of the situation and plenty Americans: remedial action involving social change or
of money and help. (These are important conditions, action involving self-improvement of African-
which are included to free the reader from the practical Americans. One-way analysis of variance was used with
limitations that so often compromise good research social policy preference scores of four groups differing
designs.) Set up two designs, each with complete in attitudes toward African-Americans. (Attitudes
randomization, both following the paradigm of Design toward African-Americans were also measured with an
9.1. In one of these use only one independent variable attitude scale.)
and one-way analysis of variance. In the second, use It is suggested that students read and digest this
two independent variables and a simple factorial design. excellent and provocative study. It will be time and
How do these two designs compare in their control effort well-spent. You may also want to do an analysis
powers and in the information they yield? Which one of variance of the data of the authors' Table 1, using the
tests the hypothesis better? Why? method outlined earlier of analysis of variance using n's,
3. Design research to test the hypothesis of Study means, and standard deviations (see Addendum,
Suggestion 2, above, but this time compromise the Chapter 13).
design by not having randomization. Compare the
relative efficacies of the two approaches. In which of Chapter Summary
them would you put greater faith? Why? Explain in
detail. 1. The design of a study is its blueprint or plan for the
4. Suppose that a team of sociologists, investigation.
psychologists, and educators believed that competent 2. A design is a subset of a Cartesian cross-product of
and insightful counseling can change the predominantly levels of the independent variable.
negative attitudes of juvenile offenders for the better. 3. The experimental design is the one where at least
They took 30 juvenile offenders-found to be so by the one of the independent variables for the study is
courts-who had been referred for counseling in the manipulated.
previous year and matched each of them to another 4. Non experimental designs are those where there is
nonoffender youngster on sex and intelligence. They no randomization to equate the groups prior to
compared the attitudes of the two groups at the administering treatment.
beginning and the end of the year (the duration of the 5. For experimental designs, usually the most
counseling), and found a significant difference at the appropriate statistical method is analysis of
beginning of the year but no significant difference at the variance.
end. They concluded that counseling had a salutary 6. The assumptions of the analysis of variance are
effect on the juvenile offenders' attitudes. Criticize the usually violated for non-experimental designs.
research. Bring out its strengths and weaknesses. Keep Multiple regression may be a more appropriate
the following in mind: sampling, randomization, group method of analyzing data from non-experimental
110 Chapter 9: General Designs of Research

7. The experimental group-control group design with
randomized participants (Design 9.1) is the best
design for many experimental behavioral research
8. The Solomon four group design (Design 9.6) is a
design that handles many of the concerns of
behavioral research. However, it uses the resources
of two studies and may not be economically
9. Design 9.2 is like Design 9.1 except it uses matched
10. The use of matched participants is useful in some
situations where randomization will not work
11. There is several way of matching participants. The
most popular is the individual-by-individual
12. Matching has problems in that the researcher is
never sure that all the important variables have been
used in the match. Additionally, if too many
variables are used to match, it becomes more
difficult to get participants that match.
13. Design 9.3 uses a pretest. Pretesting is one way of
determining if the groups are equal or whether
randomization has worked. However, pretesting
also sensitizes the participants to the experiment.
14. Difference scores are often used in designs using a
pretest. However, there are some problems with
doing this. Namely, difference scores can be
15. Design 9.4 is a simulated before after design using
randomized participants. The second (control)
group is only measured on a pretest. The
experimental group receives treatment and the
16. Design 9.5 is a 3 group before-after design. It is
just like design 9.3 except a third group receiving
treatment and no pretest is used.
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 111

Chapter 10
The simplest form of Design 9.1 is a one-way analysis
of variance paradigm in which k groups are given k
Research Design Applications: experimental treatments and the k means are compared
Randomized Groups and Correlated with analysis of variance or separate tests of
Groups significance. A glance at Figure 9.3, left side, shows this
simple form of 9.1 with k = 3. Strange to say, it is not
used too often. Researchers more often prefer the
IT is difficult to tell anyone how to do research. Perhaps factorial form of Design 9.1. Two one-way examples
the best thing to do is to make sure that the beginner has are given below. Both used random assignment.
a grasp of principles and possibilities. In addition, Unfortunately, some researchers do not report how
approaches and tactics can be suggested. In tackling a participants were assigned to groups or treatments. The
research problem, the investigator should let one’s mind need to report the method of participant selection and
roam, speculate about possibilities, even guess the assignment to experimental groups should by now be
pattern of results. Once the possibilities are known, obvious.
intuitions can be followed and explored. Intuition and
imagination, however, are not much help if we know Dolinski & Nawrat: Fear-then-Relief and
little or nothing of technical resources. On the other Compliance.
hand, good research is not just methodology and
technique. Intuitive thinking is essential because it helps Studies on compliance have been of great interest to
researchers arrive at solutions that are not merely social psychologists. In Chapter 17 where we discussed
conventional and routine. It should never be forgotten, ethics of doing behavioral science research we
however, that analytic thinking and creative intuitive mentioned the influence of the Milgrim study on how
thinking both depend on knowledge, understanding, and we now do behavioral research. Milgrim, if you recall
experience. was interested in why the Nazis during World War 2
The main purposes of this chapter are to enrich and complied to commit unspeakable acts of brutality to
illustrate our design and statistical discussion with other humans. In a study by Dolinski and Nawrat
actual research examples and to suggest basic (1998), they explored another method that was used to
possibilities for designing research so that the student induce compliance. This was a method used by Nazis
can ultimately solve research problems. Our summary and Stalinists to get Polish prisoners to testify against
purpose, then, is to supplement and enrich earlier, more themselves, their friends and/or their families. Dolinski
abstract design and statistical discussions. and Nawrat call this method as "fear-then-relief." This
method involves putting a prisoner in a high state of
SIMPLE RANDOMIZED SUBJECTS DESIGN anxiety. This is done by yelling, screaming and
threatening the prisoner by jailers. After achieving this
In Chapters 13 and 14 the statistics of simple one-way with the prisoner, the anxiety producing stimuli are
and factorial analysis of variance were discussed and abruptly removed. The prisoner is then treated kindly.
illustrated. The design behind the earlier discussions is The usual result of this procedure is the intensification
called randomized subjects design. The general design of compliance behavior. Dolinski and Nawrat claim that
paradigm is Design 9.1: compliance is due to the reduction of fear and not the
fear itself. Although Dolinski and Nawrat use a very
extreme example to illustrate their point, they also
X Y (Experimental)
[R] explain that the method is often used in some shape and
form by dyads in everyday life. This can occur between
~X Y (Control) parent and child, teacher and student, and employer and
employee. Police often use similar tactics with their
“good-cop, bad-cop” routine. This routine usually
involves one police officer (“bad-cop”) berating,
Research Examples
112 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

screaming and threatening a prisoner. When the and not the emotion of anxiety itself that led to a higher
prisoner reaches a level of high anxiety, another police degree of compliance. Simply creating a state of anxiety
officer ("good-cop") removes the "bad-cop" and talks in people is not enough to create compliance. In fact,
kindly and sweetly to the prisoner. This method is also this study found that the participants in Group 1
used by terrorists on hostages. (induced anxiety) who felt the greatest amount of
Dolinski and Nawrat designed and conducted four anxiety complied less than the participants in Group 3
experiments to test the "fear-then-relief' method’s (control-low or no anxiety).
ability to induce compliance. We will describe one of
those experiments here. In this experiment, 120 Hilliard, Nguyen and Domjan: One-trial Learning of
volunteer high school students from Opole, Poland were Sexual Behavior
randomly assigned to one of three experimental
conditions. All participants were told that they were to Can an animal be taught sexual behavior in one learning
partake in a study on the effects of punishment on trial? This was the problem investigated by Hilliard,
learning. Group 1 experienced anxiety. They were told Nguyen and Domjan (1997). Using a classical
that they would be given mild, not painful electrical conditioning paradigm, Hilliard, Nguyen and Domjan
shock for every error they made. Group 2 participants sought to show that sexual reinforcement can produce
experienced anxiety that was then reduced. They were one-trial learning. The study is significant in that one-
initially given the same description as Group I, but then trial learning using classical conditioning is unusual
later were told that they would participate in a different outside the use of noxious or aversive stimuli. Hilliard,
study instead. This other study involved visual-motor Nguyen and Domjan performed two studies, both of
coordination and no shock will be given. Group 3 was which are true experiments.
the control condition. These participants were told that Table 10.1 Anxiety levels, compliance, number of days
they would be participating in a visual-motor willing to volunteer by induced anxiety and F-values
coordination study. During the waiting period before the (Dolinski & Nawrat (1998) study).
start of the experiment, each participant was asked to
complete an anxiety questionnaire. After completing the Condition Group Mean Percentage Mean # days
questionnaire. A female student who was a confederate Anxiety Complying volunteered
of the experimenter, but appeared to be totally Reported
Electrical shock 53.25 37.5 0.625
unattached from the experiment introduced herself and study
asked each participant to join a charity action for an
orphanage. For those that complied, they were asked Electrical shock 43.05 75.0 l.150
study changed to
how many hours they were willing to work for this visual-motor
action. coordination
The manipulated independent variable in this study study
was the level of induced anxiety and relief. The Visual-motor 34.45 52.5 1.025
dependent variables were compliance; amount of coordination
anxiety and the number of hours of donated time for a study
good cause. Using a one-way analysis of variance, F- value 108.9 6.13 2.11
Dolinski and Nawrat obtained a significant F-value. (p < (p < .003) (p > .05)
Group 2, the group that felt anxiety and then had it .001)
reduced had the highest rate of compliance and were
willing to donate the greatest number of days. The level In the first study, eighteen male quails were used as
of anxiety for each group was in the expected direction. participants. They were randomly assigned to one of
Group 1 experienced the highest degree of anxiety, two groups: Group Paired or Group Unpaired. The
followed by Group 2 and then Group 3. Table 10.1 learning trial for the Group Paired participants consisted
presents the summary data for the study. of being placed in a completely dark experimental
The results of the study upheld Dolinski and chamber for 4 minutes followed by a 35-second
Nawrat's hypothesis that it was the "fear-then-relief” exposure to a test object (conditioned stimulus or CS).
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 113

After exposure to the test object, the male quail was

allowed to interact with a sexually receptive female
Condition Time Spent Number of
quail (unconditioned stimulus or US). The test object in Test Mounts on
consisted of a mock figure of a quail made of stuffed Zone Test Object
terry cloth ovoid mounted with a taxidermically Paired 60.70 3.00
prepared female quail head. In the Group Unpaired, Unpaired 3.37 0.00
participants experienced exactly the same procedure as F-value 7.41 (p < 4.86 (p <
Group Paired except they were not exposed to the .05) .05)
sexually receptive female quail (no US). The effect of
conditioning was assessed the following day by placing
the participant in the experimental chamber with the test . In this study, one group of male quails was
object only. The dependent variables for the study were allowed to interact with a sexually receptive female
(1) the amount of time the male quail waited until quail after 0 minutes of exposure to the test object.
grabbing the female quail, (2) the number of cloacal Another group was allowed 2 minutes of exposure and
contact movements and (3) the amount of time in the the third group was given 4 minutes. There was also a
test zone during the two minute test period. The test fourth group that received no pairing of context
zone is the area around the test object. Hilliard, Nguyen exposure and access to the female quail. During the test
and Domjan deemed the analysis of the third dependent session where the participant was allowed to interact
variable the most important. A one-way analysis of with the test object, participants in all three conditions
variance was used to test the difference between the two showed strong approach to the test object. For the
conditions. Hilliard, Nguyen and Domjan found that unpaired group, there was considerably less time spent
participants from the Group Paired condition spent a in the test zone. A one-way analysis of variance was
longer amount of time in the test zone and they mounted used to analyze the data and the F-value (F = 5.92, p <
the test object more frequently than the Group Unpaired .01) was statistically significant. There was no statistical
participants. Table 10.2 gives the summary statistics difference between the three conditions, however, there
Study 1. were significant differences when each condition was
In their second study, Hilliard, Nguyen and Domjan compared to the unpaired group. Hilliard, Nguyen and
wanted to determine if sexual conditioning is directly Domjan claims to have presented the first clear
related to the duration of context exposure prior to demonstration of one-trial classical conditioning using
presentation of US. Context exposure is the process of an appetitive unconditioned stimulus.
exposing the participant to the test object. Twenty-six
male quails were randomly assigned to three context Table 10.3 Mean Time Spent in Test Zone for the 3
exposure conditions. In Study 1, the context exposure Context Exposure Rates
was 35 seconds

Table 10.2 Means for Group Paired and Condition Zero 2 4 Unpaired
Minutes Minutes minutes
Group Unpaired on Time Spent in Test
Time spent 70.96 86.06 85.44 14.99
Zone and Number of Mountings on Test
in Test
Object (Hilliard, Nguyen and Domjan Zone


The basic general design is still Design 9.1, though the

variation of the basic experimental group-control
pattern is drastically altered by the addition of other
experimental factors or independent variables.
Following an earlier definition of factorial analysis of
114 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

variance, factorial design is the structure of research in do is to assign males first at random to the cells AlBl
which two or more independent variables are and A2Bl, and then females to the cells AlB2 and
juxtaposed in order to study their independent and
interactive effects on a dependent variable.
The reader may at first find it a bit difficult to fit the
factorial framework into the general experimental Factorial Designs with More than Two Variables
group-control group paradigm of Design 9.1. The
discussion of the generalization of the control-group We can often improve the design and increase the
idea in Chapter 9 however, should have clarified the information obtained from a study by adding groups.
relations between Design 9.1 and factorial designs. The Instead of Al and A2, and B1 and B2, an experiment
discussion is now continued. We have the independent may profit from Al, A2, A3 and A4, and Bl, B2 and B3.
variables A and B and the dependent variable Y. The Practical and statistical problems increase and
simplest factorial design, the 2 × 2, has three sometimes become quite difficult as variables are
possibilities: both A and B active; A active, B attribute added. Suppose we have a 3 × 2 × 2 design that has 3 ×
(or vice versa); and both A and B attribute. (The last 2 × 2 = 12 cells, each of which has to have at least two
possibility, both independent variables attributes, is the participants, and preferably many more. (It is possible,
nonexperimental case. As indicated earlier, however, it but not very sensible, to have only one participant per
is probably not appropriate to use analysis of variance cell if one can have more than one. There are, of course,
with nonexperimental independent variables.) designs that have only one participant per cell.) If we
Returning to the experimental group-control notion, A decide that 10 participants per cell are necessary, 12 ×
can be divided into Al and A2, experimental and 10 = 120 participants will have to be obtained and
control, as usual, with the additional independent assigned at random. The problem is more acute with one
variable B partitioned into B1 and B2. Since this more variable and the practical manipulation of the
structure is familiar to us by now, we need only discuss research situation is also more difficult. But the
one or two procedural details. successful handling of such an experiment allows us to
The ideal participant assignment procedure is to test a number of hypotheses and yields a great deal of
assign participants to the four cells at random. If both A information. The combinations of three-, four-, and
and B are active variables, this is possible and easy. five-variable designs give a wide variety of possible
Simply give the participants numbers arbitrarily from 1 designs: 2 × 5 × 3, 4 × 4 × 2, 3 × 2 × 4 × 2, 4 × 3 × 2 × 2,
through N, N being the total number of participants. and so on.'
Then, using a table of random numbers, write down
numbers 1 through N as they turn up in the table. Place Research Examples of Factorial Designs
the numbers into four groups as they turn up and then Examples of two- and three-dimensional factorial
assign the four groups of participants to the four cells. designs were described in Chapter 14. (The restudy of
To be safe, assign the groups of participants to the these examples is recommended, because the reasoning
experimental treatments (the four cells) at random, too. behind the essential design can now be more easily
Label the groups l, 2, 3, and 4. Then draw these grasped.) Since a number of examples of factorial
numbers from a table of random numbers. Assume that designs were given in Chapter 14, we confine the
the table yielded the numbers in this order: 3, 4, 1, and examples given here to studies with unusual features or
2. Assign Group 3 participants to the upper left cell, interesting results.
Group 4 participants to the upper right cell, and so on.
Often B will be an attribute variable, like gender, Flowers: Groupthink
intelligence, achievement, anxiety, self perception, race,
and so on. The participant assignment must be altered. In a highly provocative article, "Group Think," Janis
First, since B is an attribute variable, there is no (1971) discussed the possible deleterious consequences
possibility of assigning participants to B1 and B2 at of the drive for concurrence (often called consensus) in
random. If B were the variable gender, the best we can cohesive groups. He said that consensus-seeking
becomes so dominant in cohesive in groups that it
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 115

overrides realistic appraisal of alternative courses of is mine, as are the calculations of the marginal means.
action. In support of his thesis, Janis cited the Bay of Fa (open-closed) = 6.44 (p < .05); Fb (open-closed)
Pigs, the Vietnam war, and other "fiascoes." The article =16.76 (p < .01).
and its arguments are impressive. Will it hold up under
experimental testing? Flowers (1977) tested Janis' basic The student should particularly note that group
hypothesis in the laboratory. Flowers' hypothesis was measures were analyzed. Also note the use of two
that cohesiveness and leadership style in groups dependent variables and two analyses of variance. That
interacts to produce groupthink. That is, in high the main effect of open and closed leadership was
cohesive groups with closed leadership groupthink, as significant with number of proposed solutions and with
measured by number of problem solutions proposed and facts used is much more convincing than if only one of
the use of information outside the groups, will develop. these had been used. An interesting and potentially
Cohesiveness was operationalized as follows: groups of important experiment! Indeed, Flowers'
acquaintances = high cohesive; groups of strangers = operationalization of Janis' ideas of groupthink and its
low cohesive. Style of leadership was open-leader consequences is a good example of experimental testing
encouraged divergent opinions and emphasized wise of complex social ideas. It is also a good example of
decisions-or closed-leader encouraged unanimity at all replication and of Design 9.1 in its simplest factorial
costs and focused on the preferred solution of the leader. form.
The dependent variables were: number of suggested
solutions to problems and the use of information outside Sigall and Ostrove: Attractiveness and Crime
the group. (There were, of course, many more details in
operationalizing these variables.) It has often been said that attractive women are reacted
Part of the results obtained is given in Table 10.4. to and treated differently than men and less attractive
These data were obtained from 40 groups, with 10 women. In most cases, perhaps, the reactions are
groups in each cell. The unit of analysis was the group, "favorable": attractive women are perhaps more likely
therefore, an unusual feature of this research. The only than less attractive women to receive the attention and
effect that was significant was open and closed favors of the world. Is it possible, however, that their
leadership, as shown by the means of (a), 6.45 and 5.15 attractiveness may in some situations be
and (b),16.35 and 11.75. The predicted interaction disadvantageous? Sigall and Ostrove (1975) asked the
between leadership style and cohesiveness did not question: How is physical attractiveness a criminal
emerge in either set of data. Evidently style of defendant related to juridic sentences, and does the
leadership is the crucial variable. Part of Janis' thesis nature of the crime interact with attractiveness? They
was supported. had their participants assign sentences, in years, to
swindle and burglary offenses of attractive, unattractive,
Table 10.4 Mean Numbers of Solutions Proposed, (a), and control defendants. The factorial paradigm of the
and Emergent Facts, (b), Flowers Studya experiment, together with the results, is given in Table
10.5. (We forego describing many of the experimental
(a) details; they were well handled.)
Open Closed In the burglary case, the defendant stole $2,200 in a
High Coh. 6.7 4.94 5.82 high-rise building. In the swindle case, the defendant
Low Coh. 6.2 5.35 5.78 ingratiated herself with and swindled a middle-aged
6.45 5.15 bachelor of $2,200. Note that the Unattractive and
Control conditions did not differ much from each other.
Both Attractive-Swindle (5.45) and Attractive-Burglary
Open Closed (2.80) differed from the other two conditions-but in
High Coh. 16.8 11.8 14.3 opposite directions! Attractive-Swindle received the
Low Coh. 15.9 11.7 13.8 heaviest mean sentence: 5.45 years, whereas Attractive-
16.35 11.75 Burglary received the lowest mean sentence: 2.80 years.
aN = 40 groups, 4 in each group. The layout of the data The statistics support the preceding verbal summary:
116 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

the interaction was statistically significant: The participant was instructed to ask the experimenter to
Attractiveness-Offense F, at 2 and 106 degrees of stop when he or she felt the experimenter was 140
freedom, was 4.55, p < .025. In words, attractive centimeters (55.1 inches) away from the participant.
defendants have an advantage over unattractive The dependent variable was the actual distance
defendants, except when their crimes are attractiveness- measurement between the experimenter and the
related (swindle). participant when the participant asked the experimenter
to stop.
Table 10.5 Mean Sentences in Years of Attractive, The design for the study was a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial.
Unattractive, and Control Defendants for Swindle A three-way analysis of variance showed no sex-of
and Burglary, Sigall and Ostrove Study participant effect, no sex of experimenter effect and no
interaction effect. However there was an effect for the
Defendant approaching-departing condition. Participants halted the
Attractive Condition Control experimenter at significantly larger distances in the
Unattractive approaching than in the departing condition. The F-
Swindle 5.45 4.35 4.35 value for 1 and 56 degrees of freedom was 28.01 and
Burglary 2.80 5.20 5.10 was significant at the p < .01 level. Table 10.6 gives the
summary statistics for the study. Zakay, Hayduk and
aN =120, 20 per cell. F (interaction) = 4.55 (p < Tsal conclude that the "impending" or "anticipating"
system seems to account for the stronger approaching
Zakay, Hayduk and Tsal: Personal space and distance
Table 10.6 Means of Measured Distances between
Experimenter and Participant (in centimeters) from
Zakay, Hayduk and Tsal study.
How much of an invasion of our personal space is
perceived when a person approaches us or when they
are departing us? Are these two perceptions different? Female Participant
Zakay, Hayduk and Tsal (1992) say yes. The results of Male Female
Conditions Experimenter Experimenter
their study were contrary to current theories of personal
space. They found that distance perception was more Approaching 177.12 187.12
distorted in an invading (approaching) condition than in Departing 151.75 167.50
a departing condition. Thirty-two female and 32 male Combined 164.43 177.31
participants were used in this study. The participants
gender and the experimenter's gender were two non-
manipulated (measured) independent variables. The
Male Participant
manipulated or active independent variable was the
Male Female
approaching-departing condition. Sixteen females and Conditions Experimenter Experimenter Combined
16 males were randomly assigned to either the
approaching condition or the departing condition. In the Approaching 172.11 174.42 177.62
approaching condition, the experimenter was placed Departing 156.66 156.00 158.00
Combined 164.38 165.21
210 centimeters (82.67 inches) away from the
participant. The experimenter proceeded to walk slowly
toward the participant. The participant was instructed to
ask the experimenter to stop when he or she felt the Quilici and Mayer: Examples, schema and learning.
experimenter was 140 centimeters (55.1 inches) away
from the participant. In the departing condition, the Do examples help students learn statistics? This was
experimenter was placed 70 centimeters (27.5 inches) the basic question posed by cognitive scientists Quilici
sway from the participant. The experimenter proceeded and Mayer (1996). In their study on analytic problem
to walk slowly away from the participant. The solving Quilici and Mayer examined only one of three
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 117

processes that define analogical thinking. These Example 2 would have the same surface features. Both
researchers were concerned only with the recognition deal with typists and typing. To solve Example 1 a t-
process that involves two techniques: (1} focus on the test would be used to compare experienced with
surface similarities between the example and actual inexperienced typists. However, to solve Example 2,
problem to be solved or (2) focus on the structural one would use a correlation since the question asks for a
similarities. Surface similarities deal with the shared relation between typing experience and average number
attributes of objects in the problem cover story. With of words typed per minute. Hence Example 1 and
structural similarity, the concern is with the shared Example two would be different structurally. Example 3
relations between objects in both example and problem. also looks at the relation between two variables: amount
To study this phenomena, Quilici and Mayer used of rainfall and temperature. It would have the same
learning how to solve word problems in statistics. structure as Example 2 but a different surface. They
Quilici and Mayer felt that students who learn the have the same structure because both require the use of
structure of statistical word problems will be better able correlation to solve the problem. Example 4 and
to solve other problems they encounter in the future by Example 1 have the same structure but a different
properly classifying them into the correct statistical surface.
method of analysis, e.g. t-test, correlation, etc. A few Quilici and Mayer (1996) designed a study to
examples are given below to illustrate the difference determine if experience with examples foster structural
between surface and structural similarities. schema construction. One of their hypotheses stated that
students who are exposed to statistical word problem
Example 1: A personnel expert wishes to determine examples are more likely to sort future problems on the
whether experienced typists are able to type faster than basis of structure and less likely to sort on the basis of
inexperienced typists. Twenty experienced typists and surface features. Students who are not exposed to
20 inexperienced typists are given a typing test. Each statistical word problem examples will not exhibit such
typist's average number of words typed per minute is behavior. They also hypothesized that those exposed to
recorded. three examples will be able to exhibit the behavior to a
higher degree than those exposed to only one example.
Example 2: A personnel expert wishes to determine These researchers used a 3 × 4 factorial design. The first
whether typing experience goes with faster typing independent variable was structural characteristics (t-
speeds. Forty typists are asked to report how many years test, chi-square and correlation). The second
they have worked as typists and are given a typing test independent variable was surface characteristics
to determine their average number of words typed per (typing, weather, mental fatigue and reading). There
minute. were two dependent variables: a structure usage score
and a surface usage score. Participants were randomly
Example 3: After examining weather data for the last 50 assigned to treatment conditions. A two way analysis of
years, a meteorologist claims that the annual variance confirmed their hypothesis that those exposed
precipitation varies with average temperature. For each to example would use a structure based schema while
of 50 years, she notes the annual rainfall and average those not exposed to examples would not. However
temperature. there was no statistical difference between those that
were exposed to three examples and those that got one
Example 4: A college dean claims that good readers example. Table 10.7 gives the summary statistics for the
earn better grades than poor readers. The grade point study.
average is recorded for 50 first-year students who
scored high on the reading comprehension test and for Table 10.7 Mean Structure and Surface Scores by
50 first year students who scored low on a reading Number of Examples. Quilici & Mayer Study.
comprehension test.

In examining these four problems taken from

Quilici and Mayer (1996, p.146). Example 1 and
118 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

main effects. Perhaps equally important are the

interactions involving treatments. Take the interaction
3- 1- No
examples example example treatments × sex. If this was significant, it would mean
that the amount of information a teacher possesses
Structure .327 .323 .049 F = 35.93,
about students has an influence on student achievement,
Score p<.001
but boys are influenced differently than girls. Boys with
Surface .441 .488 .873 F = 17.82,
teachers who possess information about their pupils
Score p<.001
may do better than boys whose teachers do not have
such information, whereas it may be the opposite with
S girls, or it may make no difference one way or the other.
Hoyt: Teacher Knowledge and Pupil Achievement Second-order or triple interactions are harder to
interpret. They seem to be rarely significant. If they are
We now outline an educational study done many years significant, however, they require special study.
ago because it was planned to answer an important Crosstabulation tables of the means are perhaps the best
theoretical and practical question and because it clearly way, but graphic methods, as discussed earlier, are often
illustrates a complex factorial design. The research enlightening. The student will find guidance in
question was: What are the effects on the achievement Edwards' (1984) book or Simon's (1976) manuscript.
and attitudes of pupils if teachers are given knowledge
of the characteristics of their pupils? Hoyt's (1955) N T TO
study explored several aspects of the basic question and M F M F M F
used factorial design to enhance the internal and High IQ
external validity of the investigation. The first design School Medium
was used three times for each of three school A IQ
participants and the second and third was used twice, Low IQ Dependent
once in each of two school systems. Variable
The paradigm for the first design is shown in Figure High IQ Measures
School Medium
10.1. The independent variables were treatments,
ability, gender, and schools. The three treatments were Low IQ
no information (N), test scores (T), and test scores plus
other information (TO). These are self-explanatory.
Figure 10.1
Ability levels were high, medium, low IQ. The variables
gender and schools are obvious. Eighth-grade students
Table 10.8 Sources of Variance and Degrees of
were assigned at random within gender and ability
levels. It will help us understand the design if we Freedom for a 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 Factorial Design with
examine what a final analysis of variance table of the Variables Treatments, Ability, Sex, and School
design looks like. Before doing so, however, it should (Total and Within Degrees of Freedom are Omitted)
be noted that the achievement results were mostly
indeterminate (or negative). The F ratios, with one Source df
exception, were not significant. Pupils' attitudes toward
teachers, on the other hand, seemed to improve with Main Effects
increased teacher knowledge of pupils, an interesting *Between Treatments 2
and potentially important finding. The analysis of Between Ability Levels 2
variance table is given in Table 10.8. One experiment Between Gender 1
yields 14 tests! Naturally, a number of these tests are not Between Schools 1
important and can be ignored. The tests of greatest
importance (marked with asterisks in the table) are First-Order Interactions
those involving the treatment variable. The most *Interaction: Treatments × Ability 4
important test is between treatments, the first of the *Interaction: Treatments × Gender 2
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 119

*Interaction: Treatments × School 2 designs, too, it is possible to have mixtures of active and
Interaction: Ability × Gender 2 attribute variables another important need.
Interaction: Ability × School 2 There are also weaknesses. One criticism has been
Interaction: Gender × School 1 that randomized subjects designs do not permit tests of
the equality of groups, as do before-after designs.
Second-Order Interactions: Actually, this is not a valid criticism for two reasons:
with enough participants and randomization, it can be
assumed that the groups are equal, as we have seen; and
*Interaction: Treatments × Ability × Gender 4
it is possible to check the groups for equality on
*Interaction: Treatments × Ability × School 4
variables other than Y, the dependent variable. For
Interaction: Ability × Gender × School 2 educational research, data on intelligence, aptitude, and
achievement, for example, are available in school
Third-Order Interactions: records. Pertinent data for sociology and political
Interaction: Treatments × Ability × science studies can often be found in county and
Gender × School 4 election district records.
Another difficulty is statistical. One should have
Within or Residual equal numbers of cases in the cells of factorial designs.
(It is possible to work with unequal n's, but it is both
Total clumsy and a threat to interpretation. Dropping out
cases at random or the use of missing data methods (see
EVALUATION OF RANDOMIZED SUBJECTS Dear, 1959; Gleason & Staelin, 1975 for two excellent
DESIGNS references on estimating missing data.) can cure small
discrepancies.) This imposes a limitation on the use of
Randomized subjects designs are all variants or such designs; because it is often not possible to have
extensions of Design 9.1, the basic experimental group- equal numbers in each cell. One-way randomized
control group design in which participants are assigned designs are not so delicate: unequal numbers are not a
to the experimental and control groups at random. As difficult problem. How to adjust and analyze data for
such they have the strengths of the basic design, the unequal n's is a complex, thorny, and much-argue
most important of which is the randomization feature problem. For a discussion in the context mostly of
and the consequent ability to assume the analysis of variance, see Snedecor and Cochran (1989).
preexperimental approximate equality of the Discussion in the context of multiple regression, which
experimental groups in all possible independent is actually a better solution of the problem, can be found
variables. History and maturation are controlled because in Kerlinger and Pedhazur (1973) and Pedhazur (1996).
very little time elapses between the manipulation of X Pedhazur's discussions are detailed and authoritative.
and the observation and measurement of Y. There is no He reviews the issues and suggests solutions.
possible contamination due to pretesting. Compared to matched groups designs, randomized
Two other strengths of these designs, springing from subjects designs are usually less precise, that is, the
the many variations possible, are flexibility and error term is ordinarily larger, other things equal. It is
applicability. They can be used to help solve many doubtful, however, whether this is cause for concern. In
behavioral research problems, since they seem to be some cases it certainly is-for example, where a very
peculiarly well suited to the types of design problems sensitive test of a hypothesis is needed. In much
that arise from social scientific and educational behavioral research, though, it is probably desirable to
problems and hypotheses. The one-way designs, for consider as nonsignificant any effect that is
example, can incorporate any number of methods, and insufficiently powerful to make itself felt over and
the testing of methods is a major educational need. The above the random noise of a randomized subjects
variables that constantly need control in behavioral design.
research-gender intelligence, aptitude, social class, All in all, then, these are powerful, flexible, useful
schools, and many others-can be incorporated into and widely applicable designs. In the opinion of the
factorial designs and thus controlled. With factorial
120 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

authors they are the best all-round designs, perhaps the Y52 indicates the Y measure of the fifth row and the
first to be considered when planning the design of a second column. It is also customary to generalize this
research study. system by adding the letter subscripts. In this book, i
symbolizes any row number and j any column number.
Any number of the matrix is represented by Yij. Any
number of the third row is Y3j and any number of the
A basic principle is behind all correlated-groups' second column is Yi2
designs: there is systematic variance in the dependent It can be seen that there are two sources of
variable measures due to the correlation between the systematic variance: that due to columns, or treatments,
groups on some variable related to the dependent and that due to rows-individual or unit differences.
variable. This correlation and its concomitant variance Analysis of variance must be the two-way variety.
can be introduced into the measures-and the design-in
three ways: Treatments
(1) use the same units, for example, participants, in
Units X1 X2 X3 . . . Xk Row
each of the experimental groups,
(2) match units on one or more independent variables 1 Y11 Y12 Y13 · · · Y1k M1
that are related to the dependent variable, and 2 Y21 Y22 Y23 · · · Y2k M2
(3) use more than one group of units, like classes or Y31 Y32 Y33 · · · Y3k M3
schools, in the design. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
Despite the seeming differences among these three n Yn1 Yn2 Yn3 · . · Ynk Mn
ways of introducing correlation into the dependent .Mx1 .Mx2 .Mx3 . . . Mxk (Mt)
variable measures, they are basically the same. We now
examine the design implications of this basic principle
and discuss ways of implementing the principle. Figure 10.2

THE GENERAL PARADIGM The reader who has studied the correlation-variance
argument of Chapter 15, where the statistics and some
With the exception of correlated factorial designs of the problems of correlated-groups designs were
and so-called nested designs, all analysis of variance presented, will have no difficulty with the variance
paradigms of correlated-groups designs can be easily reasoning of Figure 10.2. The intent of the design is to
outlined. The word "group" should be taken to indicate maximize the between-treatments variance, identify the
set of scores. Then there is no confusion when repeated between-units variance, and the error (residual)
trials experiment is classified as a multigroup design. variance. The maxmincon principle applies here as
The general paradigm is given in Figure 10.2. To elsewhere. The only difference, really, between designs
emphasize the sources of variance, means of columns of correlated groups and randomized subjects is the
and rows have been indicated. The individual dependent rows or units variance.
variable measures (Y's) have also been inserted.
It is useful to know the system of subscripts to Units
symbols used in mathematics and statistics. A
rectangular table of numbers is called a matrix. The The units used do not alter the variance principle. The
entries of a matrix are letters and/or numbers. When word "unit" is deliberately used to emphasize that units
letters are used, it is common to identify any particular can be persons or participants, classes, schools, districts,
matrix entry with two (sometimes more) subscripts. The cities, even nations. In other words, "unit" is a
first of these indicates the number of the row, the second generalized rubric that can stand for many kinds of
the number of the column. Y32, for instance, indicates entities. The important consideration is whether the
units, whatever they are, differ from each other. If they
the Y measure in the third row and the second column.
do, variance between units is introduced. In this sense,
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 121

talking about correlated groups or participants is the indicates, one group is given different treatments at
same as talking about variance between groups or different times. In a learning experiment, the same
participants. The notion of individual differences is group of participants may be given several tasks of
extended to unit differences. different complexity, or the experimental manipulation
The real value of correlated-groups design beyond may be to present learning principles in different orders,
allowing the investigator to isolate and estimate the say from simple to complex, from complex to simple,
variance due correlation is in guiding the investigator to from whole to part, from part to whole.
design research to capitalize on the differences that It was said earlier that the best possible matching of
frequently exist between units. If a research study participants is to match participant with oneself, so to
involves different classes in the same school, these speak. The difficulties in using this solution of the
classes are a possible source of variance. Thus it may be control problem have also be n mentioned. One of these
wise to use "classes" as units in the design. The well- difficulties resembles pretest sensitization, which may
known differences between schools are very important produce an interaction between the pretest and the
sources of variance in behavioral research. They may be experimentally manipulated variable. Another is that
handled as a factorial design, or they may be handled in participants mature and learn over time. A participant
the manner of the designs in this chapter. Indeed, if one who has experienced one or two trials of an
looks carefully at a factorial design with two experimental manipulation and is facing a third trial is
independent variables, one of them schools, and at a now a different person from the one who faced trial one.
correlated groups design with units schools, one finds, Experimental situations differ a great deal, of course. In
in essence, the same design. Study Figure 10.3. On the some situations, repeated trials may not unduly affect
left is a factorial design and on the right a correlated- the performances of participants on later trials; in other
groups design. But they look the same! They are the situations, they may. The problem of how individuals
same, in variance principle. (The only differences might learn or become unduly sensitized during an experiment
be numbers of scores in the cells and statistical is a difficult one to solve. In short, history, maturation,
treatment.) and sensitization are possible weaknesses of repeated
trials. The regression effect can also be a weakness
Treatments because, as we saw in an earlier chapter, low scorers
Schools Al A2 tend to get higher scores and high scorers lower scores
1 B1 on retesting simply due to the imperfect correlation
2 between the groups. A control group is, of course,
3 needed.
Despite the basic time difficulties, there may be
Factorial Designs occasions when a one-group repeated trials design is
useful. Certainly in analyses of "time" data this is the
implicit design. If we have a series of growth
measurements of children, for instance, the different
Treatments times at which the measurements were made correspond
Schools Al A2 to treatments. The paradigm of the design is the same as
1 B1 that of Figure 102. Simply substitute "participants" for
2 B2 "units" and label X1, X2, . . as "trials "
3 From this general paradigm special cases can be
derived. The simplest case is the one-group, before-after
design, Design 8.2 (a), where one group of participants
Figure 10.3 was given an experimental treatment preceded by a
pretest and followed by a posttest. Since the weaknesses
of this design have already been mentioned, further
One group Repeated Trials Design discussion is not necessary. It should be noted, though,
that this design, especially in its nonexperimental form,
In the one-group repeated trials design, as the name
122 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

closely approximates much commonsense observation 2 Y2e Y2c M2

and thinking. A person may observe educational 3 Y3e Y3c M3
practices today and decide that they are not good. In . . . .
order to make this judgment, one implicitly or explicitly . . . .
compares today's educational practices with educational n Yne Ync Mn
practices of the past. From a number of possible causes,
depending on the particular bias, the researcher will Me Mc
select one or more reasons for what one believes to be Figure 10.4
the sorry state of educational affairs: "progressive
education," "educationists," "moral degeneration," "lack RESEARCH EXAMPLES OF CORRELATED-
of firm religious principles," and so on. GROUPS DESIGNS

Two group, Experimental Group-Control Group Hundreds of studies of the correlated-groups kind
Designs have been published. The most frequent designs have
This design has two forms, the better of which used matched participants or the same participants with
(repeated here) was described in Chapter 9 as pre- and posttests. Correlated-groups designs, however,
Design 9.2: are not limited to two groups; the same participants, for
example, can be given more than two experimental
X Y (Experimental) treatments. The studies described below have been
[Mr] chosen not only because they illustrate correlated-
groups design, matching, and control problems, but also
~X Y (Control) because they are historically, psychologically, or
educationally important.

In this design, participants are first matched and then Thorndike's Transfer of Training Study
assigned to experimental and control groups at random.
In the other form, participants are matched but not In 1924, E. L. Thorndike published a remarkable study
assigned to experimental and control groups at random. of the presumed effect on intelligence of certain school
The latter design can be indicated by simply dropping participants. Students were matched according to scores
the subscript r from Mr (described in Chapter 8 as on Form A of the measure of the dependent variable,
Design 8.4, one of the less adequate designs). intelligence. This test also served as a pretest. The
The design-statistical paradigm of this war-horse of independent variable was One Year's Study of
designs is shown in Figure 10.4. The insertion of the Participants, such as history, mathematics, and Latin. A
symbols for the means shows the two sources of posttest, Form B of the intelligence test, was given at
systematic variance: treatments and pairs, columns and the end of the year. Thorndike (1924) used an ingenious
rows. This is in clear contrast to the randomized designs device to separate the differential effect of each school
in an earlier section of this chapter, where the only subject. He did this by matching on Form A of the
systematic variance was treatments or columns. intelligence test those pupils who studied, for instance,
The most common variant of the two-group, English, history, geometry, and Latin with those pupils
experimental group-control group design is the before- who studied English, history, geometry, and shopwork.
after, two-group design. [See Design 9.3 (b).] The Thus, for these two groups, he was comparing the
design-statistical paradigm and its rationale are differential effects of Latin and shopwork. Gains in final
discussed later. intelligence scores were considered a joint effect of
growth plus the academic subjects studied.
Treatments Despite its weaknesses, this was a colossal study.
Pairs Xe Xc Thorndike was aware of the lack of adequate controls,
1 Yle Y1c Ml as revealed in the following passage on the effects of
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 123

instrumental learning. The crucial part of his method

The chief reason why good thinkers seem consisted of rewarding visceral responses when they
superficially to have been made such by occurred. In the study whose data were cited in an
having taken certain school studies, is that earlier chapter of this book for example, rats were
good thinkers have taken such studies. . . . rewarded when they increased or decreased the
When the good thinkers studied Greek and secretion of urine. Fourteen rats were assigned at
Latin, these studies seemed to make good random to two groups called "Increase Rats" and
thinkers. Now that the good thinkers study "Decrease Rats." The rats of the former group were
Physics and Trigonometry, these seem to rewarded with brain stimulation (which was shown to
make good thinkers. If the abler pupils should be effective for increases in urine secretion), while the
all study Physical Education and Dramatic rats of the latter group were rewarded for decreases in
Art these subjects would seem to make good urine secretion during a "training" period of 220 trials in
thinkers. (p. 98) approximately three hours.
To show part of the experimental and analytic
Thorndike pointed the way to controlled educational paradigms of this experiment, the data before and after
research, which has led to the decrease of metaphysical the training periods for the Increase Rats and the
and dogmatic explanations in education. His work Decrease Rats are given in Table 10.9 (extracted from
struck a blow against the razor-strop theory of mental the Miller & DiCara’s Table 1). The measures in the
training, the theory that likened the mind to a razor that table are the milliliters of urine secretion per minute per
could be sharpened by stropping it on "hard" subjects. 100 grams of body weight. Note that they are very small
It is not easy to evaluate a study such as this, the quantities. The research design is a variant of Design
scope and ingenuity of which is impressive. One 9.3 (a):
wonders, however, about the adequacy of the dependent
variable, "intelligence" or "intellectual ability." Can Yb X Ya (Experimental)
school subjects studied for one year have much effect [R]
on intelligence? Moreover, the study was not
experimental. Thorndike measured the intelligence of Yb ~X Ya (Control)
students and let the independent variables, school
subjects, operate. No randomization, of course, was
possible. As mentioned above, he was aware of this
The difference is that ~X, which in the design means
control weakness in his study, which is still a classic
absence of experimental treatment for the control group,
that deserves respect and careful study despite its
now means reward for decrease of urine secretion. The
weaknesses in history and selection (maturation was
usual analysis of the after-training measures of the two
groups is therefore altered.
We can better understand the analysis if we analyze
Miller and DiCara: Learning of Autonomic Functions
the data of Table 10.9 somewhat differently than Miller
and DiCara did. (They used t tests.) We did a two-way
In a previous chapter we presented data from one of the
(repeated measures) analysis of variance of the Increase
set of remarkable studies of the learning of autonomic
Rats data, Before and After, and the Decrease Rats data,
functioning done by Miller and his colleagues.(Miller,
Before and After. The Increase Before and After means
1971; Miller & DiCara, 1968). Experts and non-experts
were .017 and .028, and the Decrease means were .020
believe that it is not possible to learn and control
and .006. The Increase F ratio was 43.875 (df =1,6); the
responses of the autonomic nervous system. That is,
Decrease Rats F was 46.624. Both were highly
glandular and visceral responses-heart beat, urine
significant. The two Before means of .017 and .020
secretion, arid blood pressure, for example-were
were not significantly different, however, In this case,
supposed to be beyond the "control" of the individual.
comparison of the means of the two After groups, the
Miller believed otherwise. He demonstrated
usual comparison with this design, is probably not
experimentally that such responses are subject to
appropriate because one was for increase and the other
124 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

for decrease in urine secretion.

This whole study, with its highly controlled Students will do well to study this fine example of
experimental manipulations and its "control" analyses, laboratory research until they clearly understand what
is an example of imaginative conceptualization and was done and why. It will help students learn more
disciplined competent analysis. The above analysis is about controlled experiments, research design, and
one example. But the authors did much more. For statistical analysis than most textbook exercises. It is a
example, to be more sure that the reinforcement affected splendid achievement!
only urine secretion, they compared the Before and
After heart rates (beats per minute) of both the Increase Tipper, Eissenberg and Weaver: Effects of Practice on
and the Decrease rats. The means were 367 and 412 for Selective Attention.
Increase rats, and 373 and 390 for the Decrease rats.
Neither difference was statistically significant. Similar When speaking about selective attention, one may
comparisons of blood pressure and other bodily recall the classic study by Stroop (1935). Stroop had
functions were not significant. demonstrated the role of interference on selective
attention. Irrelevant stimulus can compete with the
Table 10.9 Secretion of Urine Data, Miller and DiCara target stimulus for control of perceptual action. For
Study: Increase Rats and Decrease Rats, Before and those unfamiliar with this study, one memorable part of
After Training the Stroop study was presenting participants with words
such as "green" and "blue" that was printed in red or
Increase Ratsa yellow. Participants were asked to name the colors in
which the word was written but would instead read the
Rats Before After Σ
words. People find it very difficult to suppress the habit
1 .023 .030 .053 of reading words even when one is asked not to. In order
2 .014 .019 .033 to do the task correctly, the participant must slow down
3 .016 .029 .045 and consciously suppress reading the words. This
4 .018 .030 .048 interference was called the Stroop effect. A large
5 .007 .016 .023 number of studies have been performed on selective
6 .026 .044 .070
attention since Stroop's famous study. Tipper,
7 .012 .026 .038
Eissenberg and Weaver (1992) is one of them. This
Means .017 .028 study is different in that they take issue with a number
of studies that have been performed on selective
attention. For one, Tipper, Eissenberg and Weaver
Decrease Ratsb hypothesizes that in any selective attention experiment
Rats Before After Σ that uses a participant for one hour or so may be tapping
into a different perceptual mechanism than those used in
1 .018 .007 .025 every day life. Laboratory experiments usually require
2 .015 .003 .018 the participant to be present for about an hour. Within
3 .012 .005 .017
4 .015 .006 .021 an hour the entire experimental experience is still novel.
5 .030 .009 .039 It may be that attentional selectivity is achieved by a
6 .027 .008 .035 different mechanism as the familiarity with the stimuli
7 .020 .003 .023 increases.
Tipper, Eissenberg and Weaver (1992) designed a
.020 .006 .023
study to test their hypotheses concerning selective
a Increase Before-After: F = 43.875 (p < .001); ω2= attention using a completely within subjects design. All
.357. The measures in the table are milliliters per of the participants experienced all of the treatment
minute per 100 grams of weight. conditions. They looked at the effect of interference on
reaction time and errors. They had each participant
b Decrease, Before-After: F = 46.624 (p < .001); ω2=
experience both levels of interference: negative priming
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 125

and response inhibition across 11 blocks or trials taken error variance.

over 4 days (practice effect). Their results showed that Gross errors can arise from ignoring the variance of
there was an interference effect (F = 35.15, p < .001) units such as schools and classes. One such error is to
when using reaction time as the dependent variable. The select a number of schools and to designate certain
reaction times were longer when the distraction was schools as experimental schools and others as control
present. They also found a practice effect (blocks) {F = schools. Here the between-schools variance gets
9.62, p< .0001 ) and no interaction effect. The practice entangled with the variance of the experimental
effect indicated that the reaction time of participants variable. Similarly, classes, school districts, and other
became faster with the increase in practice. The fact that educational units differ and thus engender variance. The
the interaction effect was not significant indicates that variances must be identified and controlled, whether it
the interfering effects of the irrelevant stimulus be by experimental or statistical control, or both.
remained constant even after extended practice. The
findings of Tipper, Eissenberg and Weaver (1992) does FACTORIAL CORRELATED GROUPS
suggest that other mechanisms for selection attention Factorial models can be combined with the units notion
exist and operate with different levels of experience. to yield a valuable design: factorial correlated groups
design. Such a design is appropriate when units are a
MULTIGROUP CORRELATED-GROUPS DESIGNS natural part of a research situation. For instance, the
research may require the comparison of a variable
Units Variance before and after an experimental intervention, or before
and after an important event. Obviously there will be
While it is difficult to match three and four sets of correlation between the before and after dependent
participants, and while it is ordinarily not feasible or variable measures. Another useful example is shown in
desirable in behavioral research to use the same Figure 10.5. This is a 3 × 2 factorial design with five
participants in each of the groups, there are natural units (classes, school, and so forth) in each level, B1 and
situations in which correlated groups exist. These B2.
situations are particularly important in educational
The strengths and weaknesses of the factorial
research. Until recently, the variances due to differences
correlated-groups design are similar to those of the
between classes, schools, school systems, and other
more complex factorial designs. The main strengths are
"natural" units have not been well controlled or often
the ability to isolate and measure variances and to test
used in the analysis of data. Perhaps the first indication
interactions. Note that the two main sources of variance,
of the importance of this kind of variance was given in
treatments (A) and Levels (B), and the units variance
Lindquist's (1940) fine book on statistical analysis in
can be evaluated; that is, the differences between the A,
educational research. In this book, Lindquist placed
B, and units means can be tested for significance. In
considerable emphasis on schools variance. Schools,
addition three interactions can be tested: treatments by
classes, and other educational units tend to differ
levels, treatments by units, and levels by units. If
significantly in achievement, intelligence, aptitudes, and
individual scores are used in the cells instead of means,
other variables. The educational investigator has to be
the triple interaction, too, can be tested. Note how
alert to these unit differences, as well as to individual
important such interaction can be, both theoretically and
practically. For example, questions like the following
Consider an obvious example. Suppose an
can be answered: Do treatments work differently in
investigator chooses a sample of five schools for their
different units? Do certain methods work differently at
variety and homogeneity. The goal of course is external
different intelligence levels or with different sexes or
validity: representativeness. The investigator uses
with children of different socioeconomic levels? The
pupils from all five schools and combines the measures
advanced student will want to know how to handle units
from the five schools to test the mean differences in
(schools, classes, etc.) and units variance in factorial
some dependent variable. In so doing, the investigator is
designs. Detailed guidance is given in Edwards (1984)
ignoring the variance due to the differences among
and in Kirk (1995). The subject is difficult. Even the
schools. It is understandable that the means do not differ
names of the designs become complex: randomized
significantly; the schools variance is mixed in with the
126 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

blocks, nested treatments, split-plot designs. Such interaction F ratio was 12.37, significant at the .005
designs are powerful however: they combine virtues of level. The hypothesis was supported.
factorial designs and correlated groups designs. When A few points should be picked up. One, note the
needed Edwards and Kirk are good guides. It is effective combining of factorial design and repeated
suggested, in addition, that help be solicited from measures. When appropriate, as in this case, the
someone who understands both statistics and behavioral combination is highly useful mainly because it sets
research. It is unwise to use computer programs because aside, so to speak, the variance in the dependent
their names seem appropriate. It is also unwise to seek variable measures due to individual (or group or block)
analytic help from computer personnel. One cannot differences. The error term is thus smaller and better
expect such people to know and understand, say, able to assess the statistical significance of mean
factorial analysis of variance. That is not their job. More differences. Two, this study was nonexperimental: no
will be said about computer analysis in later chapters. experimental variable was manipulated.

Methods (Treatment) Table 10.10 Factorial Design with Repeated Measures:

Units A1 A2 A3 Suedfeld & Rank Study of Revolutionary leadersa
2 Pre Post
B1 3 takeover takeover
4 Success 1.67 3.65 2.66
5 Failure 2.37 2,22 2.30
Levels YMeans 1.96 3.05
(Devices, or
Types, etc.) Measures
1 aTabled measures are means of
2 conceptual complexity measures.
B2 3 Interaction F =12.37 (p < .005).
Three and most important, the intrinsic interest and
significance of the research problem and its theory and
Figure 10.5 the ingenuity of measuring and using conceptual
complexity as a variable to “explain" the success of
revolutionary leaders overshadow possible questionable
Suedfeld and Rank: Revolutionary Leaders and
methodological points. The above sentence, for
Conceptual Complexity
instance, may be incongruent with the use of variables
in this study. Suedfeld and Rank analyzed measures of
Suedfeld and Rank (1976), in a study mentioned earlier
the independent variable, conceptual complexity. But
in another context, tested the intriguing notion that
the hypothesis under study was actually: If conceptual
successful revolutionary leaders-Lenin, Cromwell,
complexity (after revolution), then successful
Jefferson, for example are conceptually simple in their
leadership. But with a research problem of such
public communications before revolution and
compelling interest and a variable of such importance
conceptually complex after revolution. Unsuccessful
(conceptual complexity) imaginatively and competently
revolutionary leaders, on the other hand, do not differ in
measured, who wants to quibble?
conceptual complexity before and after revolution. The
problem lends itself to a factorial design and to repeated
Perrine, Lisle and Tucker: Offer of Help and
measures analysis. The design and the data on
Willingness to Seek Support
conceptual complexity are shown in Table 10.10. It can
be seen that the successful leaders became conceptually
Teachers at all levels of education use a course syllabus
more complex-from 1.67 to 3.65-but unsuccessful
to introduce the course to students. How much and what
leaders did not change very much–2.37 and 2.21. The
features in the syllabus have the greatest impact on
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 127

students even before classroom instruction starts? subjects) participants expressed significantly more
Perrine, Lisle and Tucker (1995) developed a study to willingness to seek help from the instructor when the
see if the offer of help on an instructor's syllabus supportive statement appeared on the course syllabus
encourages college students of different ages to seek than when only the neutral statement appeared.
help from their instructors. According to Perrine, Lisle
and Tucker, to their best knowledge this is the first Table 10.1l. Means and F-Values for Syllabus
study to explore the use of social support by college and Statement Differences and Age Differences. Perrine,
university instructors to benefit students. Perrine, Lisle Lisle and Tucker Study.
and Tucker also studied the effect of class size on the
student's willingness to seek help. The study used 104 Academic Problem Syllabus
undergraduate students of whom 82 were female and 22 Supportive Neutral F
were males. Each participant was asked to read a Trouble understanding 4.7 3.7 76.08**
description of two psychology classes. The descriptions textbook
Low grade on first exam 4.8 4.0 49.89**
include statements made by the instructor of each class Hard to hear instructor’s 4.4 3.8 36.05**
on the course syllabus. In the description, class size was lectures
manipulated. It was set either to 15, 45 or 150 students. Study skills ineffective 4.7 3.6 79.57**
The course was described as demanding with a lot of for course
Thinking about dropping 4.9 3.8 61.80**
work, but was enjoyable. It also encouraged the student
the course
not to fall behind in the readings and assignments. The Trouble understanding 5.3 4.2 82.97**
two separate statements from the instructors consisted major topic
of one that was supportive and one that was neutral. In
the supportive statement, the student was encouraged to
approach the instructor for help if the student ever
encountered problems in the class. The neutral one did Academic Problem Age
Older Younger F
not include such a statement. Each participant read both Trouble understanding 4.8 4.1 5.48*
descriptions. After reading the descriptions, the textbook
participant responded to questions about their Low grade on first 5.2 4.3 7.64*
willingness to seek help from the instructor for six
Hard to hear 4.4 4.0 1.01
possible academic problems encountered in the class. instructor’s lectures 6.32*
The six problems were (1) trouble understanding Study skills ineffective 4.8 4.0
textbook, (2) low grade on first exam, (3) hard to hear for course
Thinking about 4.8 4.3 2.18
instructor’s lectures, (4) study skills ineffective for
dropping the course
course, (5) thinking of dropping the course and (6) Trouble understanding 5.3 4.6 7.69*
trouble understanding major topic. The participant used major topic
a 6 point rating scale: 0 = definitely no to 6 = definitely
yes. *p<.05, **p<.01
The design was a 3 × 2 × 2 (class size × syllabus
statement × student age) factorial design. The design Younger students under the age of 25) expressed
contained one manipulated (active) independent less willingness than older students. There was also an
variable, one measured (attribute) independent variable age × syllabus interaction (F = 4.85, p < .05) that was
and one within-subjects (correlated) independent significant. The response to the offer of help was
variable. Class size was the randomized and different between age groups. The statements affected
manipulated dependent variable. Student age was the younger students less than older students. Class size did
measured independent variable and syllabus statement not appear to be a significant factor on whether students
was the correlated independent variable. Using the were willing to seek help or not. Table 10.11 presents
appropriate analysis of variance (usually referred to as the summary statistics for the study.
mixed anova when at least one independent variable is
between subjects and at least one other is within-
128 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

ANALYSIS OF COVARIANCE Clark and Walberg (1968) thought that their

participants, potential school dropouts doing poorly in
The invention of the analysis of covariance by Ronald school, needed far more reinforcement (encouragement,
Fisher was an important event in behavioral research reward, etc.) than participants doing well in school. So
methodology. Here is a creative use of the variance they used massive reinforcement with their
principles common to experimental design and to experimental group participants and moderate
correlation and regression theory-which we study later reinforcement with their control group participants.
in the book-to help solve a long-standing control Since their dependent variable, reading achievement, is
problem. substantially correlated with intelligence, they also
Analysis of covariance is a form of analysis of needed to control intelligence. A one-way analysis of
variance that tests the significance of the differences variance of the reading achievement means of the
among means of experimental groups after taking into experimental and control groups yielded an F of 9.52,
account initial differences among the groups and the significant at the .01 level, supporting their belief. It is
correlation of the initial measures and the dependent conceivable, however, that the difference between the
variable measures. That is, analysis of covariance experimental and control groups was due to intelligence
analyzes the differences between experimental groups rather than to reinforcement. That is, even though the
on Y, the dependent variable, after taking into account S's were assigned at random to the experimental groups,
either initial differences between the groups on Y an initial difference in intelligence in favor of the
(pretest), or differences between the groups in some experimental group may have been enough to make the
potential independent variable or variables, X, experimental group reading mean significantly greater
substantially correlated with Y, the dependent variable. than the control group reading mean, since intelligence
The measure used as a control variable-the pretest or is substantially correlated with reading. With random
pertinent variable is called a covariate. assignment, it is unlikely to happen, but it can happen.
The reader should be cautious when using the To control this possibility, Clark and Walberg used
analysis of covariance. It is particularly sensitive to analysis of covariance.
violations of its assumptions. The potential misuse of
this method was of such concern that the journal of Table 10.12 Analysis of Covariance Paradigm, Clark
Biometrics in 1957 devoted an entire issue to it. and Walberg Study
Elashoff (1969) wrote an important article for
educational researchers on the use of this method. The Experimental
consensus is that it is generally not a good idea to use (Massive Reinforcement)
this method for nonexperimental research designs.
Clark and Walberg: Massive Reinforcement and (Intelligence) (Reading)
Reading Achievement
There is little point to describing the statistical Means 92.05 31.62
procedures and calculations of analysis of covariance.
First, in their conventional form, they are complex and
hard to follow. Second, we wish here only to convey Control
the meaning and purpose of the approach. Third and (Moderate Reinforcement)
most important, there is a much easier way to do what
analysis of covariance does. Later in the book we will
(Intelligenc (Reading)
see that analysis of covariance is a special case of
multiple regression and is much easier to do with
multiple regression. To give the reader a feeling for 90.73 26.86
what analysis of covariance accomplishes, let us look at
an effective use of the procedure in educational and
Study Table 10.4, which shows in outline the design
psychological studies
and analysis. The means of the X and Y scores, as
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 129

reported by Clark and Walberg, are given at the bottom patrol the area. The meeting at your job took more
of the table. The Y means are the main concern. They time than you expected. Now you will be late for the
were significantly different. Although it is doubtful that home match of your volleyball team in which you
the analysis of covariance will change this result, it is are drafted. Your team counts on you." (p. 990).
possible that the difference between the X means, 92.05
and 90.73, may have tipped the statistical scales, in the An example of high controllability and low verifiability
test of the difference between the Y means, in favor of would read:
the experimental group. The analysis of covariance F
test, which uses Y sums of squares and mean squares "You are driving home after work. The traffic is rather
purged of the influence of X, was significant at the .01 dense. You are aware that the police seldom patrol the
level: F = 7.90. Thus the mean reading scores of the area. You left your job at the usual time. Tonight you
experimental and control groups differed significantly, will play a home match with your volleyball team in
after adjusting or controlling for intelligence. which you are drafted. Your team counts on you " (p.
Taris: Locus of Control, Situations and Driving
Behavior. As mentioned previously, there are two scenarios. One
scenario deals with obeying speed laws and the other
This study by Taris (1997) uses a rather unusual design. deals with stopping at a red light. For each scenario
This is a 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 factorial with two covariates. All there is a desirable or undesirable action. From Taris'
four of the independent variables in this study were example, this would be a statement such as "You drive
within-subject factors. Taris' study examines the extent on. At times you exceed the speed limit," versus " You
situational and personality factors influences driving drive on. Nowhere do you exceed the speed limit."
behavior of young adults. The study's four within The dependent variable is a probability judgment
factors are (1) desirability {2) verifiability, (3} scenario regarding the likelihood that one would engage in that
and (4) controllability. The covariates are locus of particular action. Results showed a Desirability Effect
control and annual mileage. Annual mileage was used (F = 532.21, p < .001). Desirable actions were
as a measure of driving experience. Locus of control is a considered more likely than undesirable ones. This
personality measure. Each participant received shows that youthful drivers are not likely to act in an
descriptions of four situations in which Controllability undesirable way. The significant interaction between
and Verifiability were systematically manipulated. High Desirability and Verifiability (F = 4.22, p < .05) states
controllability was generally in the form of a statement that undesirable actions were more likely if verifiability
where the participant was at ease, "with plenty of time." was low. The interaction between Controllability and
Low controllability meant a situational statement where Desirability was not significant. So Taris was unable to
the participant is in a hurry to get somewhere. High state that undesirable behavior would be more likely to
verifiability generally meant someone was watching, occur when controllability was low. The interaction
i.e. "an area heavily patrolled by police," or "passenger between Verifiability and Locus of Control (F = 8.42, p
in the car." In each situation there are two scenarios. < .01) was significant. This tells us that people with an
One scenario asked for a decision on the speed at which internal locus of control found verifiability less
one was driving and the other involved a decision to important while people that are externally controlled
either stop or not stop for a red traffic light. In each found verifiability very important. Taris also found a
scenario there is a desirable and an undesirable course significant three-way interaction effect (F = 4.37, p <
of action. Taris presented the situations, scenarios and .05) between Desirability, Verifiability and Locus of
actions in random order. Control. Upon examining the data, Taris found no
An example of a low controllability, high differences for desirable actions. However there was a
verifiability condition created by Taris is effect for undesirable actions. Those who drove a large
number of miles were more likely to engage in
"You are driving home after work. The traffic is undesirable acts. Taris concludes from these results that
rather dense. You are aware that the police often both locus of control and situational factors are
130 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

important determinants of the choice to act desirably or of systematic and error variances. This is the reason for
undesirably. Although most people know that the treating statistics in such detail in Parts Four and Five
greater presence of police deter undesirable behavior, before considering design in Part Six. Fisher (1951)
this study has an important finding in that not all expresses this idea succinctly when he says, "Statistical
youthful drivers act in the same way. Taris has found procedure and experimental design are only two
that internally oriented youths are less likely to have different aspects of the same whole, and that whole
their behavior influenced by situational factors. comprises all the logical requirements of the complete
However, externally oriented youth are more affected process of adding to natural knowledge by
by verifiability. Table 10.13 gives the summary experimentation.” p.3
statistics for this study. A well-conceived design is no guarantee of the
validity of research findings. Elegant designs nicely
Table 10.13 Mean Ratings for the Likelihood of Action tailored to research problems can still result in wrong or
as a Function of Desirability, Verifiability and Locus of distorted conclusions. Nevertheless, the chances of
Control. Taris Study. arriving at accurate and valid conclusions are better
with sound designs than with unsound ones. This is
External Internal relatively sure: if design is faulty, one can come to no
Verifiability Desirable Undesirable Desirable Undesirable clear conclusions. If, for instance, one uses a two-group,
Low 7.61 3.76 7.56 3.37 matched-subjects design when the research problem
High 7.62 3.20 7.58 2.99 logically demands a factorial design, or if one uses a
factorial design when the nature of the research
situation calls for a correlated-groups design, no amount
RESEARCH DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: of interpretative or statistical manipulation can increase
CONCLUDING REMARKS confidence in the conclusions of such research.
It is fitting that. Fisher (1951) should have the last
Four major objectives have dominated the organization word on this subject. In the first chapter of his book, The
and preparation of Part Six. The first was to acquaint the Design of Experiments, he said:
student with the principal designs of research. By so
doing, it was hoped that narrowly circumscribed notions If the design of an experiment is faulty, any
of doing research with, say, only one experimental method of interpretation that makes it out to
group and one control group, or with matched be decisive must be faulty too. It is true that
participants or with one group, before and after, may be there are a great many experimental
widened. The second objective was to convey a sense of procedures which are well designed that may
the balanced structure of good research designs, to lead to decisive conclusions? However, on
develop sensitive feeling for the architecture of design. other occasions they may fail to do so. In
Design must be formally as well as functional (y fitted such cases, if decisive conclusions are in fact
to the research problems we seek to solve. The third drawn when they are unjustified, we may say
objective was to help the reader understand the logic of that the fault is wholly in the interpretation,
experimental inquiry and the logic of the various not in the design. But the fault of
designs. Research designs are alternative routes to the interpretation. . . lies in overlooking the
same destination: reliable and valid statements of the characteristic features of the design which
relations among variables. Some designs, if practicable, lead to the result being sometimes
yield stronger relational statements then other designs. inconclusive, or conclusive on some
In a certain sense, the fourth objective of Part Six: to questions but not on all. To understand
help the student understand the relation between the correctly the one aspect of the problem is to
research design and statistics has been the most difficult understand the other. (p. 3)
to achieve. Statistics is, in one sense, the technical
discipline of handling variance. And, as we have seen, Study Suggestions
one of the basic purposes of design is to provide control
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 131

Randomized Groups reported in Table 10.14. The numbers in the cells are
fictitious means. The F ratios of methods and gender are
1. In studying research design, it is useful to do not significant. The interaction F ratio is significant at
analyses of variance-as many as possible: simple one- the .01 level. Interpret these results statistically and
way analyses and two-variable factorial analyses. Try substantively. To do the latter, give names to each of the
even a three-variable analysis. By means of this three methods.
statistical work you can get a better understanding of the
designs. You may well attach variable names to your Table 10.14 Hypothetical Data Means} of a Fictitious
"data," rather than work with numbers alone. Some Factorial Experiment
useful suggestions for projects with random numbers
follow. Methods
(a} Draw three groups of random numbers 0 through Al A2 A3
9. Name the independent and dependent variables.
Express a hypothesis and translate it into design- Male 45 45 36 42
statistical language. Do a one-way analysis of variance. Female 35 39 40 38
(b) Repeat 1 (a) with five groups of numbers. 40 42 38
(c) Now increase the numbers of one of your groups
by 2, and decrease those of another group by 2. Repeat
the statistical analysis. 5. Although difficult and sometimes frustrating,
(d) Draw four groups of random numbers, 10 in each there is no substitute for reading and studying original
group. Set them up, at random, in a 2×2 factorial design. research studies. A number of studies using factorial
Do a factorial analysis of variance. design and analysis of variance have been cited and
(e) Bias the numbers of the two right-hand cells by summarized in this chapter and in earlier chapters.
adding 3 to each number. Repeat the analysis. Compare Select and read two of these studies. Try summarizing
with the results of 1(d). one of them. Criticize both studies for adequacy of
(f) Bias the numbers of the data of 1 (d}, as follows: design and execution of the research (to the best of your
add 2 to each of the numbers in the upper left and lower present knowledge and ability). Focus particularly on
right cells. Repeat the analysis. Interpret. the adequacy of the design to answer the research
2. Look up Study Suggestion 2 and 3, Chapter 14. question or questions.
Work through both examples again. (Are they easier for
you now?) Correlated Groups
3. Suppose that you are the principal of an
elementary school. Some of the fourth- and fifth grade 6. Can memory be improved by training? William
teachers want to dispense with workbooks. The James, the great American psychologist and
superintendent does not like the idea, but is willing to let philosopher, did a memory experiment on himself over
you test the notion that workbooks do not make much 100 years ago. (See James, 1890) He first learned 158
difference. (One of the teachers even suggests that lines of a Victor Hugo poem, which took him 131 5/6
workbooks may have bad effects on both teachers and minutes. This was his baseline. Then he worked for 20-
pupils.) Set up two research plans and designs to test the odd minutes daily, for 38 days, learning the entire first
efficacy of the workbooks: a one-way design and a book of Paradise Lost. (Book 1 is 22 tightly printed
factorial design. Consider the variables achievement, pages of rather difficult verse!) This was training of his
intelligence, and gender. You might also consider the memory. He returned to the Hugo poem and learned 158
possibility of teacher attitude toward workbooks as an additional lines in 151 1/2 minutes. Thus he took longer
independent variable. after the training than before. Not satisfied, he had
4. Suppose an investigation using methods and others do similar tasks-with similar results. On the basis
gender as the independent variables and achievement as of this work, what conclusions could James come to?
the dependent variable has been done with the results Comment on his research design. What design among
132 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups

those in this book does his design approximate? independent variable, for instance. Suppose that it
7. In the Miller and DiCara study outlined in this was known that there were wide individual
chapter, the authors did parallel analyses. In addition to differences in compliance. How can this be
their analyses of urine secretion, for example, they controlled? Name and describe two kinds of design
analyzed heart beat rate and blood pressure. Why did to do it.
they do this? 12. One useful means of control by matching is to use
8. In her classic study of "natural categories," Rosch pairs of identical twins. Why is this method a useful
(1973) replicated the original study of colors with forms means of control? If you were setting up an
(square, circle, etc.). What advantage is there in such experiment to test the effect of environment on
replication? measured intelligence and you had 20 pairs of
9. We did a two-way (repeated measure) analysis of identical twins and complete experimental freedom,
variance of the Miller and DiCara Increase Rats data of how would you set up the experiment?
Table 10.9, with some of the results reported in the 13. In a study in which training on the complexities of
table. ω2 (Hays omega-squared) was .357 ω2 for the art stimuli affected attitude toward music, among
Decrease Rats data was .663. What do these coefficients other things, Renner (1970 used analysis of
mean? Why calculate them? covariance, with the covariate being measures from a
10. Kolb (1965), basing his work on the outstanding scale designed to measure attitude toward music.
work of McClelland on achievement motivation, did a This was a pretest. There were three experimental
fascinating experiment with underachieving high school groups. Sketch the design from this brief description.
boys of high intelligence. Of 57 boys, he assigned 20 at Why did Renner use the music attitude scale as a
random to a training program in which, through various pretest? Why did she use analysis of covariance?
means; the boys were "taught" achievement motivation (Note: The original report is well worth reading. The
(an attempt to build a need to achieve into the boys). study, in part a study of creativity, is itself creative.)
The boys were given a pretest of achievement 14. In a significant study of the effect of liberal arts
motivation in the summer, and given the test again six education on complex concept formation, inter and
months later. The mean change scores were, for McClelland (1978) found the difference between
experimental and control groups, 6.72 and -. 34, senior and freshmen of a liberal arts college on
respectively. These were significant at the .005 level. measure of complex concept formation to be
statistically significant (Ms = 2.00, Mf = 1.22; t =
(a) Comment on the use of change scores. Does 3.76 (p < .001). Realizing that a comparison was
their use lessen our faith in the statistical significance of needed, they also tested similar mean differences in a
the results? teachers college and in a community college. Neither
(b) Might factors other than the experimental of these differences was statistically significant. Why
training have induced the change? did Winter and McClelland test the relation in the
teachers college and in the community college? It is
11. Lest the student believe that only continuous suggested that students look up the original report-it
measures are analyzed and that analysis of variance is well worth study-and do analysis of variance from
alone is used in psychological and educational the reported n's, means, and standard deviations,
experiments, read the study by Freedman, using the method outlined in Chapter 13
Wallington and Bless (1967) on guilt and (Addendum).
compliance. There was an experimental group (S's 15. One virtue of analysis of covariance seldom
induced to lie) and a control group. The dependent mentioned in texts is that three estimates of the
variable was measured by whether a participant did correlation between X and Y can be calculated. The
or did not comply with a request for help. The three are the total r over all the scores, the between-
results were reported in crosstabulation frequency groups r, which is the r between the X and Y means,
tables. Read the study, and, after studying the and the within-groups r, the r calculated from an
authors' design and results, design one of the three average of the r's between X and Y within the k
experiments another way. Bring in another groups. The within-groups r is the "best" estimate of
Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups 133

the "true" r between X and Y. Why is this so? treatment groups.

[Hint: Can a total r, the one usually calculated in 9. A covariate is a potential independent variable
practice, be inflated or deflated by between-groups used to adjust for the individual differences between
variance?] groups that are not due to the treatment. Pretests are
16. The 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design is used a good deal by the most common covariates.
social psychologists. Here are two unusual, excellent, 10. Analysis of covariance is a correlated subjects
even creative studies in which it was used: method of statistical analysis. A covariate adjusts
the dependent variable, then the adjusted values are
Aronson, E. & Gerard E. (1966). Beyond Parkinson's used in an analysis of variance. Multiple regression
law: The effect of excess time on subsequent is another statistical method one can use for this
performance. Journal of Personality and Social purpose.
Psychology, 3, 336- 339.
Carlsmith, J. & Gross, A (1969). Some effects of guilt
on compliance. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 11, 232-239.
The following article of Martin's uses a 2 × 3 × 5 and a 2
× 2 × 5 designs.
Martin, R. {1998). Majority and minority influence
using the afterimage paradigm: A series of
attempted replications. Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology, 34, 1-26.
Read one of these studies.

Chapter Summary

1. Randomized subjects designs are the preferred

designs of behavioral research.
2. Randomized subjects designs are true experiments
with active, manipulated independent variables.
3. The usual statistical method to analyze data from
randomized subjects designs is analysis of variance.
4. Randomized subject designs usually require a large
number of participants to achieve the desired
5. Correlated subjects designs usually involve
a)using the same participants in each treatment
b)matching participants on one or more independent
variables related to the dependent variable
c)using more than one group of participants, i.e.,
6. Units can be different kinds of entities. In
psychological research, units are usually people or
7. Correlated subjects designs include the one group
repeated trials (measures) design.
8. Design 9.2 is the better design to use when
participants are matched and randomly assigned to
134 Chapter 10: Research Design Applications: Randomized Groups and Correlated Groups
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 135

Chapter 11 prerequisites is missing for one reason or another, we

have a compromise design. Compromise designs are
popularly known as quasi-experimental designs. They
Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of are called quasi because quasi means “almost” or “sort
Research of.” Cook and Campbell (1979) presented two major
classifications of quasi-experimental design. The first is
called the “non-equivalent control group designs” and
VARIANTS OF BASIC DESIGNS the second is the “interrupted time series designs.” A
number of research studies performed outside of the
laboratory could fall into this category. Many
Designs 9.1 through 9.6 are the basic experimental marketing research studies are in the form of quasi-
designs. Some variants of these designs have already experimental designs. Often a researcher is asked to
been indicated. Additional experimental and control “design” and analyze the data from a study that was
groups can be added as needed, but the core ideas unplanned. For example, a grocery buyer decides to
remain the same. It is always wise to consider the stock a different brand of baby food. Her superiors may
possibility of adding experimental and control groups. later ask if such a move was profitable. This buyer
Within reason, the addition of such groups provides would then consult with a market researcher to
more validating evidence for the study’s hypotheses. determine what can be done to show whether her
This design was a combination of two other basic decision was a profitable one or not. Such analyses
designs. It combined the strengths of both and adding would not have the niceties of random selection and
replication power, as well as further controls. Such assignment and it would consist of data taken over time.
advantages lead to the principle that, whenever we Additionally, other ads or the season of the year could
consider a research design, we should consider the influence the baby food sales. The only component
possibility of adding experimental groups as resembling a true experiment is the fact that the
replications or variants of experimental and control independent variable was manipulated. Not all stores
groups. One of the major goals of science is to find received the different baby food product. With such
causal relations. The true experiment (“true here is problems, the researcher would turn to the use of quasi-
taken to mean a manipulated independent variable experimental or compromise research designs.
where a causal statement is possible) if arranged and
executed correctly can provide the researcher with a Nonequivalent Control Group Design
causal statement concerning the relation between X and
Y. This is generally considered the highest form of Perhaps the most commonly used quasi-experimental
experimentation. The weakening of the components of design is the experimental group-control pattern in
the true experiment is what we will discuss in this which one has no clear assurance that the experimental
chapter. and control groups are equivalent. Some such as Cook
and Campbell (1979), Christensen (1996), Ray (1997)
Compromise Designs a.k.a. Quasi Experimental and Graziano & Raulin (1993) refer to it as the
Designs nonequivalent control group design. Cook and
Campbell present eight variations of this design that
they state are “interpretable.” The eight are
It is possible, indeed necessary, to use designs that
are compromises with true experimentation. Recall that
true experimentation requires at least two groups, one •no-treatment control group designs
receiving an experimental treatment and one not •nonequivalent dependent variables designs
receiving the treatment or receiving it in different form. •removed treatment group designs
The true experiment requires the manipulation of at •repeated treatment designs
least one independent variable, the random assignment •reversed treatment nonequivalent control group
of participants to groups, and the random assignment of design
treatments to groups. When one or more of these •cohort designs
136 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

•posttest only designs The equivalence of the groups could be verified using
•regression continuity designs the means and standard deviations of the pretests: t tests
and F tests will do. The distributions should also be
In this book we will discuss in detail only one of these. checked. Although one cannot have the assurance that
This one is the most likely one to occur in the research randomization gives, if these items all check out
literature in some shape and form. For a thorough satisfactorily, one can go ahead with the study knowing
discussion of these eight types of non-equivalent control at least that there is no known evidence against the
group designs one should read Cook and Campbell equivalence assumption.
(1979). These precautions increase the possibilities of
attaining internal validity. There are still difficulties, all
of which are subordinate to one main difficulty, called
No-treatment Control Group Design
selection. (These other difficulties will not be discussed
here. For detailed discussion, see the Campbell and
The structure of the no-treatment control group design
Stanley, 1963 or Cook & Campbell, 1979).
has already been considered in Design 9.3. Cook and
Selection is one of the difficult and troublesome
Campbell (1979) refers to this design as the untreated
problems of behavioral research. Since its aspects will
control group design with pretest and posttest. The
be discussed in detail in Chapter 23 on nonexperimental
compromise form is as follows:
research, only a brief description will be given here.
One of the important reasons for the emphasis on
Design 11.1: No-treatment Control Group Design random selection and assignment is to avoid the
difficulties of selection. When participants are selected
Yb X Ya (Experimental) into groups on bases extraneous to the research
Yb ~X Ya (Control) purposes, we call this "selection," or alternatively, "self-
selection." Take a common example: let us assume that
volunteers are used in the experimental group and other
The difference between Designs 9.3 and 11.1 is sharp. participants are used as controls. If the volunteers differ
In Design 11.1, there is no randomized assignment of in a characteristic related to Y, the dependent variable,
participants to groups, as in 9.3(a), and no matching of the ultimate difference between the experimental and
participants and then random assignment, as in 9.3(b). control groups may be due to this characteristic rather
Design 11.1, therefore, is subject to the weaknesses due than to X, the independent variable. Volunteers, for
to the possible lack of equivalence between the groups instance, may be more intelligent (or less intelligent)
in variables other than X. Researchers commonly take than nonvolunteers. If we were doing an experiment
pains to establish equivalence by other means, and to with some kind of learning as the dependent variable,
the extent they are successful in doing so, to this extent obviously the volunteers might perform better on Y
the design is valid. This is done in ways discussed because of superior intelligence, despite the initial
below. likeness of the two groups on the pretest. Note that, if
It is often difficult or impossible to equate groups we had used only volunteers and had assigned them to
by random selection or random assignment, or by experimental and control groups at random, the
matching. Should one then give up doing the research? selection difficulty is lessened. External validity or
By no means. Every effort should be made, first, to representativeness, however, would be decreased.
select and to assign at random. If both of these are not Cook and Campbell (1979) claim that even in very
possible, perhaps matching and random assignment can extreme cases, it is still possible to draw strong
be accomplished. If they are not, an effort should be conclusions if all the threats to validity are considered
made at least to use samples from the same population and accounted for. Without the benefit of random
or to use samples as alike as possible. The experimental assignment, attempts should be made through other
treatments should be assigned at random. Then the means to eliminate rival hypotheses. We consider only
similarity of the groups should be checked using any the design that uses the pretest because the pretest could
information available sex, age, social class, and so on. provide useful information concerning the effectiveness
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 137

of the independent variable on the dependent variable. psychology course did have an effect of increasing
The pretest could provide data on how equal the groups confidence in social situations. However, other
are to each other prior to administering treatment to the explanations are also possible. One could explain that
experimental group. the greater gains made by the second-year class were
Another more frequent example in educational the result of some maturational development that has its
research is to take some school classes for the largest growth in the second year with a smaller growth
experimental group and others for the control group. If a in the third year. If such a process exists, the larger
fairly large number of classes are selected and assigned score increase for the second-year class would have
at random to experimental and control groups, there is occurred even if the midshipmen had not taken the
no great problem. But if they are not assigned at psychology class. The fact that the second year class
random, certain ones may select themselves into the started with a lower score than the third year class might
experimental groups, and these classes may have indicate that these students had not yet reached an
characteristics that predispose them to have higher equivalent level to the third year class. Plus, the end-of-
mean Y scores than the other classes. For example, their year scores of the second year class were not equivalent
teachers may be more alert, more intelligent, and more to the beginning scores for the third year class. A better
aggressive. These characteristics interact with the and stronger design would be to create two equivalent
selection to produce, irrespective of X, higher groups from the second-year class through random
experimental group than control group Y scores. In selection and give at random the psychology class to
other words, something that influences the selection one of them.
processes, as do the volunteer participants, also Possible outcomes from this design are given in Figure
influences the dependent variable measures. This 11.1. There is the possibility of a different
happens even though the pretest may show the groups to interpretation on causality depending on which outcome
be the same on the dependent variable. The X the researcher obtains. In almost all of the cases the
manipulation is "effective," but it is not effective in and most likely threat to internal validity would be the
of itself. It is effective because of selection, or self- selection-maturation interaction. You might recall that
selection. Additionally, an educational researcher may this interaction occurs when the two groups are different
have to receive the school district’s approval for to begin with as measured by the posttest. Then one of
research. At times, the district will assign the school the groups experience greater differential changes such
and the classroom that a research may use. as getting more experienced, more accurate, more tired,
A classic study by Sanford and Hemphill (1952) etc. than the other group. The difference after treatment
reported in Campbell and Stanley (1963) used this as observed in the posttest can not exactly be attributed
design. This study was conducted at the United States to the treatment itself.
Naval Academy at Annapolis. This study was done to In Figure 11.1(a), there are three possible threats to
see if a psychology course in the curriculum increased internal validity. As mentioned above, the most
the students’ (midshipmen) confidence in social prevalent one is the selection-maturation interaction.
situations. The second-year class took the psychology With the outcome in Figure 11.1a, Cook and Campbell
course. The second-year midshipmen were the first (1979) states that there are four alternative explanations.
group of students to take the psychology course. The The first is selection-maturation interaction. Let’s say
comparison or control group was the third-year class. the study involves comparing two strategies or methods
The third year students did not take the course in their of problem solving. Group A has higher intelligence
second year. A social situation questionnaire was than Group B. Group A scores higher on the pretest
administered to both classes at the beginning of the than group B. Group A sees an increase in the posttest
academic year and at the end of the year. The results scores after treatment. Group B sees little or no change.
showed an increase in confidence scores for the second One might feel that the treatment that Group A receives
year class from 43.26 to 51.42. The third-year class also is superior to the one received by Group B. However,
showed an increase. However, their increase was with selection-maturation, interaction, Group A’s
considerably smaller changing from 55.80 to 56.78. One increase may be due to their higher level of intelligence.
might conclude from these data that taking the With a higher level of intelligence, these participants
138 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

can process more or grow faster than Group B. A intelligence tests. The researcher creates a comparison
second explanation is one of instrumentation. or control group from normal scoring students. This
group is depicted as Group A in Figure 11.1a. These
students would be at the low end of the test score scale,
but not as low as Group B. If this is the setup, then
statistical regression is a viable alternative explanation.
The increase in scores by Group A would be due to their
selection on the basis of extreme scores. On the
posttest, their scores would go up because they would
be approaching the population baseline. The fourth
explanation centers on the interaction between history
and selection. Cook and Campbell (1979) refer to this
as the local history effect. In this situation, something
other than the independent variable will affect one of
the groups (Group A) and not the other (Group B).
Let’s say a market researcher wanted to determine the
effectiveness of an ad for soup starters. Sales data are
gathered before and after introducing the ad. If two
groups are used where they are from different regions of
the country, the growth in sales seen by one of the
groups (A) may not be necessarily due to the ad. Let us
say one group is from southern California and the other
is in the Midwestern United States. Both groups may
have similar purchasing behavior during the spring and
The scale used to measure the dependent variable summer, i.e., not a great deal of need for soup starters.
may be more sensitive at certain levels than others. However, as the fall season approaches, the sale of soup
Take percentiles for example. Percentiles have an starters may increase for the group in the Midwest. In
advantage over raw scores in that they convey direct southern California, where the temperatures are
meaning without other pieces of information. However, considerably warmer all year around, the demand for
percentiles are nonlinear transformations of the raw soup starters would remain fairly constant. So here the
scores. As such changes near the center of the explanation would be the season of the year and not the
distribution are more sensitive than at the tails. While a ad.
change of only 2 or 3 points on the raw score scale can All of the threats mentioned for Figure 11.1a is also
reflect a 10 percentile point change in the center of the true for Figure 11.1b. While in Figure 11.1a one of the
distribution. A change of 15 raw score points might be groups (Group B) remains constant, in Figure 11.1b,
necessary to see a 10 percentile point increase at the tail. both groups experience an increase from pretest to
Hence, Group B may not change much because the posttest. Selection-maturation is still a possibility since
measurements are not sensitive enough to detect the by definition the groups are growing (or declining) at a
changes. However, Group A will show a change different rate where the lower scoring group (Group C)
because they happen to be in the more sensitive part of progresses at a lower rate than the high scoring group
the measurement scale. (Group T). To determine if selection-maturation is
The third explanation is statistical regression. Let’s playing a main role for the results, Cook and Campbell
say that the two groups, A and B actually comes from (1979) recommends two methods. The first involves
different populations and Group B is the group of looking at only the data for the experimental group
interest. The researcher wants to introduce an (Group T). If the within group variance for the posttest
educational plan to help increase the intellectual is considerably greater than the within-group variance
functioning of these participants. These participants are of the pre-test, then there is evidence of a selection-
selected because they generally score low on maturation interaction. The second method is to
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 139

develop two plots and the regression line associated (1979) states that the selection-maturation threat can be
with each plot. One plot is for the experimental group ruled out since this effect usually results in a slower
(Group T). The pretest scores are plotted against the growth rate for low scores and a faster growth rate for
maturational variable. The maturation variable can be high scorers. Here, the low scorers show the greater
age or experience. The second plot would be the same growth in scores than the high scorers. This evidence
except it would be for the control group (Group C). If lends support to the effectiveness of the treatment
the regression line slopes for each plot differ from each condition received by Group E. What cannot be easily
other, then there is evidence of a differential average ruled out are the threats from instrumentation and local
growth rate, meaning that there is the likelihood of a history that we saw in the previous three outcomes of
selection-maturation interaction (see Figure 11.2) non-equivalent control group designs.
With the final outcome shown in Figure 11.1e, the
means of the experimental (Group E) and control
(Group C) groups are significantly different from one
another at both pretest and posttest. However, the
differences are in the reverse direction in the posttest
than in the pretest. The trend lines cross over one
another. Group E initially starts low but then overtakes
Group C who initially scored high. Cook and Campbell
(1979) found this outcome to be more interpretable than
the previous four. Instrumentation or scaling is ruled
out because no transformation of the scores could
The outcome shown in Figure 11.1c is more
remove or reduce this cross-over or interaction effect.
commonly found in clinical psychology studies. The
Statistical regression becomes untenable because it is
treatment is intended to lead to a decline of an undesired
extremely rare that a low score can regress enough to
behavior. Like the previous two outcomes, this one is
overtake an initially high score. Other than a very
also susceptible to selection-maturation interaction,
complicated selection-maturation interaction effect, this
statistical regression, instrumentation and local history
pattern is not akin to selection-maturation threats.
effects. In this outcome, the difference between the
Maturation for example does not generally start off
experimental and control groups are very dramatic on
different, meet and then grows apart in the opposite
the pretest but after the treatment they are closer to one
direction. Hence, outcome 11.1e seems to be the
another. An example where this might happen is in a
strongest one that would enable the researcher to make a
study where the researcher tests the effectiveness of two
causal statement concerning treatment. Cook and
different diets on weight loss. The initial weight of
Campbell, however, warn that researchers should not
Group E is considerably higher than Group C. After 90
plan on developing quasi-experimental research in the
days on the diet, Group E shows a greater loss of weight
hopes of obtaining this outcome. Definitely, the
than Group C. This may be attributed to the diet plan
designing of a nonequivalent control group study should
used by Group E, if it were not for the fact that Group E
be done with care and caution.
was considerably heavier to begin with and may
through local history (hearing the dangers of over-
Research Examples
weightedness, or eating certain foods on television) lose
Nelson, Hall and Walsh-Bowers: Non-Equivalent
The fourth outcome is shown in Figure 11.1d. This
Control Group Design.
is different from the previous three in that the control
group (Group C) starts out higher than the experimental
The research study by Nelson, Hall and Walsh-Bowers
group (Group E) and remains higher even at posttest.
(1997) specifically state that they used a non equivalent
However for Group E, they showed a great gain from
control group design to compare the long term effects of
pretest to posttest. Statistical regression would be a
supportive apartments (SA), group homes (GH) and
threat if the participants in Group E were selected on the
board-and-care homes (BCH) for psychiatric residents.
basis of their extremely low score. Cook and Campbell
140 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

Supportive apartments and group homes are run by non- promise. Chapman and McCauley assumed that
profit organizations. Board-and-care homes are run for differences in performance between Quality Group 2
profit. The main goal was to compare the two applicants who are and are not awarded an NSF
intervention groups: supportive apartments and group fellowship could reveal the effect of positive
homes. They were unable to randomly assign expectations associated with this prestigious award.
participants to different housing settings. Nelson, Hall The results showed that those getting an NSF award
and Walsh-Bowers tried their best to match the were more likely to finish the Ph.D. However, Chapman
residents but there were some significant differences in and McCauley found no reliable fellowship effect on
the composition of the groups that led them to use the achieving faculty status, achieving top faculty status, or
non-equivalent control group design. With this design submitting or receiving an NSF or a National Institutes
they decided to use BCH residents as the comparison of Health research grant. It seems that the positive
group. They could not correct through matching the expectancies associated with this prestigious award
following variables that could have an effect on the have some influence in graduate school and no effect on
dependent variables. The SA and GH groups tended to accomplishments after graduate school.
be younger than the BCH group (33 years versus 45)
and have spent less time in residence (2.5 years versus Time Designs
39 years). The SA and GH residents had a higher level
of education than those in the BCH group did. Nelson, Important variants of the basic quasi-experimental
Hall and Walsh-Bowers found a significant difference design are time designs. The form of Design 9.6 can be
between these groups on these variables. Even though altered to include a span of time:
gender was not significant there were more men than
women in the SA and GH groups. In the BCH group
Yb X Ya
there were more women than men residents.
Yb ~X Ya
Nelson, Hall and Walsh-Bowers (1997) state that
the difference they found between these three groups on X Ya
posttest measures could have been due to the selection ~X Ya
problem and not the type of care facility.
The Ya's of the third and fourth lines are observations of
Chapman and McCauley: Quasi-experiment
the dependent variable at any specified later date. Such
In this study, Chapman and McCauley (1993) an alteration, of course, changes the purpose of the
examined the career growth of graduate students who design and may cause some of the virtues of Design 9.6
applied for a National Science Foundation Graduate to be lost. We might, if we had the time, the patience,
Fellowship Award. Although one can perhaps think of and the resources, retain all the former benefits and still
this study as a non-experimental one, Chapman and extend in time by adding two more groups to Design 9.6
McCauley felt that it falls under the classification of itself.
quasi-experimental. We shall see why. In comparing A common research problem, especially in studies
the award winners and non-winners, the choice of of the development and growth of children, involves the
winners was not exactly done at random. The study did study of individuals and groups using time as a variable.
not look at the Quality Group 1 applicants. The Group 1 Such studies are longitudinal studies of participants,
applicants were in the top 5% and all received awards. often children, at different points in time. One such
The Quality Group 2 NSF applicants made up of the design among many might be:
next 10% and are considered a highly homogeneous
group. Awards are given to approximately half of a Design 11.2: A Longitudinal Time Design (a.k.a.
homogeneous group of applicants in a procedure that Interrupted Time Series Design)
Chapman and McCauley say approximates random
assignment to either fellowship or honorable mention. Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 X Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8
The students were assigned with regard to academic
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 141

Note the similarity to Design 8.2, where a group is The statistical analysis of time measures is a special and
compared to itself. The use of Design 11.2 allows us to troublesome problem: the usual tests of significance
avoid one of the difficulties of Design 8.2. Its use makes applied to time measures can yield spurious results. One
it possible to separate reactive measurement effects reason is that such data tend to be highly variable, and it
from the effect of X. It also enables us to see, if the is as easy to interpret changes not due to X as due to X.
measurements have a reactive effect, whether X has an That is, in time data, individual and mean scores tend to
effect over and above that effect. The reactive effect move around a good bit. It is easy to fall into the trap of
should show itself at Y4; this can be contrasted with Y5. seeing one of these shifts as "significant," especially if it
If there is an increase at Y5 over and above the increase accords with our hypothesis. If we can legitimately
at Y4, it can be attributed to X. A similar argument assume that influences other than X, both random and
applies for maturation and history. systematic, are uniform over the whole series of Y's, the
One difficulty with longitudinal or time studies, statistical problem can be solved. But such an
especially with children, is the growth or learning that assumption may be, and probably often is, unwarranted.
occurs over time. Children do not stop growing and The researcher who does time studies should make a
learning for research convenience. The longer the time special study of the statistical problems and should
period, the greater the problem. In other words, time consult a statistician. For the practitioner, this statistical
itself is a variable in a sense. With a design like Design complexity is unfortunate in that it may discourage
8.2, Yb X Ya, the time variable can confound X, the needed practical studies. Since longitudinal single-
experimental independent variable. If there is a group designs are particularly well-suited to individual
significant difference between Yb and Ya, one cannot class research, it is recommended that in longitudinal
tell whether X or a time "variable" caused the change. studies of methods or studies of children in educational
But with Design 11.2, one has other measures of Y and situations analysis be confined to drawing graphs of
thus a base line against which to compare the change in results and interpreting them qualitatively. Crucial tests,
Y presumably due to X. especially those for published studies, however, must be
One method of determining whether the buttressed with statistical tests.
experimental treatment had an effect is to look at a plot
of the data over time. Caporaso (1973) has presented a Multiple Time-Series Design
number of additional possible patterns of behavior that
could be obtained from time-series data. Whether or not The multiple time-series design is an extension of the
a significant change in behavior followed the interrupted time-series design. With the interrupted time
introduction of the treatment condition is determined by series design, only one group of participants was used.
tests of significance. The most widely used statistical As a result, alternative explanations can come from a
test is ARIMA (Autoregressive, integrated moving history effect. The multiple time-series design has the
average) developed by Box and Jenkins, (1970). (Also advantage of eliminating the history effect by including
see Gottman, 1981). This method consists of a control group comprised of an equivalent-or at least
determining whether the pattern of postresponse comparable-group of participants that does not receive
measures differs from the pattern of preresponse the treatment condition. This is shown in Design 11.3.
measures. The use of such a statistical analysis requires In this design one experimental group receives the
the availability of many data points. If enough data treatment condition and the control group does not.
points cannot be collected to achieve the desired level of Consequently, the design offers a greater degree of
sensitivity Cook and Campbell advocate plotting the control over sources of alternative explanations or rival
data on graph paper and visually determine whether a hypotheses. The history effects, for example, are
discontinuity exists between the pre- and post measures. controlled because they would influence the
Naturally this approach should be used only when one experimental and control groups equally.
cannot use an appropriate statistical test, and one should
remember that the number of preresponse data points
obtained must be large enough to identify all the
plausible patterns that may exist.
142 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

counseling research. They are used to evaluate the

Design11.3: AMultiple Time-Series Design effects of behavioral interventions. This mode of
research is popular among those that do operant
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 X Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Experimental learning experiments or behavior modification.
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Control Research using single participants is not new.
There were some such as Gustav Fechner, who
developed the discipline of psychophysics in the 1860s
Naturally, there are other possible variations of
using only two participants: himself and his brother-in-
Design 11.2 besides Design 11.3. One important
law. Fechner is credited with inventing the basic
variation is to add one or more control groups; another
psychophysical methods that are still used today to
is to add more time observations. Still another is to add
measure sensory thresholds. Fechner heavily influenced
more X's, more experimental interventions. (see
Hermann Ebbinghaus, who is known for his
Gottman, 1981; Gottman, McFall & Barnett, 1969;
experimental work on memory. He also used himself as
Campbell & Stanley, 1963).
his own subject. Wilhelm Wundt, who is credited with
founding the first psychological laboratory in 1879,
Single Subject Experimental Designs
conducted experiments measuring various
psychological and behavioral responses in individual
The majority of today’s behavioral research
participants. Finally, I. P. Pavlov did his pioneering
involves using groups of participants. However, there
work on instrumental conditioning using individual
are other approaches. In this section we deal with
dogs. The list of psychologists using single participants
strategies for achieving control in experiments using
is extensive with most of them occurring before 1930
one or a few participants. These single subject designs
and the advent of R.A. Fisher and William Sealy
are sometimes referred to as the N = 1 design. Single
Gossett’s work in modern statistics
subject designs are an extension of the interrupted time-
Behavioral scientists doing research before the
series design. Where the interrupted time series
development of modern statistics attempted to solve the
generally looks at a group of individuals over time, e.g.
problem of reliability and validity by making extensive
children, the single subject study uses only one
observations and frequent replication of results. This is
participant or at most a few participants. Even when a
a traditional procedure used by researchers doing
few participants are used, each is studied individually
single-subject experiments. The assumption is that
and extensively. These will also be called single subject
individual participants are essentially equivalent and
designs or studies. . Although they have different
that one should study additional participants only to
names, they all share the following characteristics:
make certain that the original subject was within the
Only one or a few participants are used in the study
The popularity of Fisher’s work on analysis of
Each subject participates in a number of trials
variance and Gossett’s work on the Student’s t-test led
(repeated measures). This is similar to the within-
the way for group oriented research methodology.
participants designs described in Chapter 10.
Some claim that these works were so popular that the
Randomization (i.e., random assignment and/or
single-subject tradition nearly became extinct. In fact,
random selection) procedures are hardly ever used.
even in today’s world, there are hiring practices at major
The repeated measurements or time intervals are
universities that depend on whether the candidate is a
instead assigned at random to the different treatment
group-oriented research scientist or a single-participants
design oriented researcher. Despite the popularity of
Fisher’s methods and group oriented research, certain
These designs observe the organism's behavior before
psychologists continued to work in the single subject
the experimental treatment and used as a baseline
tradition The most notable of these was Burrus
measure. The observations after the treatment are
Frederick Skinner. Skinner refrained from using
then compared with these baseline observations. The
inferential statistics. He does not advocate the use of
participant serves as his or her own control. These
complex of inferential statistics. Skinner feels that one
designs are usually applied in school, clinical, and
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 143

can adequately demonstrate the effectiveness of the differences that are very small. With inferential
treatment by plotting the actions of the organism's statistics a large sample will tend to reduce the amount
behavior. Skinner called this the cumulative record. of error variance. Take the t-test as an example. Even if
Some such as E. L. Thorndike called it a “learning the mean difference remains the same, the increase in
curve.” Skinner felt that it was more useful to study one sample size will tend to lower the standard error. With a
animal for 1000 hours than to study 1000 animals for reduction of the standard error, the t-value gets larger,
one hour each. Murray Sidman (1960) in his classic hence increasing its chance of statistical significance.
book describes Skinner's philosophy of research. However, statistical significance and practical
Sidman makes a clear distinction between the single- significance are two different things. The experiment
subject approach and the group approach to research. may have little practical significance even if it had
The single subject approach assumes that the variance plenty of statistical significance. Simon (1987) has
in the subject’s behavior is dictated by the situation. As criticized the indiscriminant use of large groups of
a result, this variance can be removed through careful participants. He finds them wasteful and unable to
experimental control. The group-difference-research produce useful information. Simon advocates the use of
attitude assumes that the bulk of the variability is screening experiments to find the independent variables
inherent and it can be controlled and analyzed that has the greatest effect on the dependent variable.
statistically. These would be the powerful variables that produce
large effects. Simon doesn’t exactly endorse single-
Some Advantages of Doing Single Subject Studies subject designs, but advocates for well constructed
designs that uses only the number of participants
Group-oriented research usually involves the necessary to find the strongest effects. He refers to
computation of the mean or some other measure of these as “Economical Multifactor Designs. (1976).
average or central tendency. Averages can be Single-subject researchers on the other hand, favor
misleading. Take at look at the two figures in Figure increasing the size of the effect instead of trying to
11.3. Both have exactly the same values. If we were to lower error variance. They feel that this can be done
compute the mean for the data in each group, we would through tighter control over the experiment.
find that they are exactly equal. Even if we computed In this same vein, single subject designs have the
the standard deviation or variance, we would find that advantage over group-oriented designs in that with only
the two measures of variability are exactly the same. a few participants they can test different treatments. In
However, visual inspection for the data shows that the other words, they can determine the effectiveness or the
graph, Figure 11.3a exhibits a trend while Figure 11.3b ineffectiveness of a treatment intervention without
does not. In fact, Figure 11.3b shows what appears to employing a larger number of participants.
be a random pattern. The single subject approach does With single-subject studies, the researcher can
not have this problem. A participant is studied avoid some of the ethical problems that face group-
extensively over time. The cumulative record for that oriented researchers. One such ethical problems
participant show the actual performance of the concerns the control group. In some situations, the
participant. control group does not receive any real treatment.
Although in most of the studies done today the
participants in the control group are not harmed in any
way, there is still some ethical questions. Take for
example the study by Gould and Clum (1995) to
determine if self-help with minimal therapist contact is
effective in the treatment of panic disorder. All
participants in this study were sufferers of panic attacks.
The participants were randomly assigned to either an
experimental or control group. The experimental group
received self-help material. The control “did not
One of the major problems in using large samples is
receive treatment during the course of the experiment.”
that statistical significance can be achieved for
144 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

(p. 536). Instead the control group was told that they seeing something that was not there. A researcher doing
were on the waiting list for treatment. single-subject research could be affected more so than
In the study of certain type of individuals, the size the group-oriented researcher and need to develop a
of the population is small and hence it would be difficult system of checks and balances to avoid this pitfall.
to do adequate sampling and obtain enough participants A number of research studies are by nature required
for the study. In fact, the study by Strube (1991) shows to follow group-oriented methods and as such would be
that even random sampling tends to fail when using ill suited for single subject designs. For example, to
small samples. If there are not enough participants of a study the behavior of jury members would require the
certain characteristic available for study, the researcher use of groups and the influence of group dynamics. In a
can consider single-subject designs instead of previous chapter, we discussed the research surrounding
abandoning the study. Simon (1987) cites the attempted Janis’ Groupthink. The study of this important
study by Adelson & Williams in 1954 concerning the phenomenon was best done with groups, since it was the
important training parameters in pilot training. The group as a whole that displayed this phenomenon.
study was abandoned because there were too many
variables to consider and not enough participants. SOME SlNGLE-SUBJECT RESEARCH
Simon pointed out that the study could have been done, PARADIGMS
but not using the traditional group-oriented
methodology. The Stable Baseline: An Important Goal.

Some Disadvantages of using Single-Subject Designs In a group-oriented design one group of participants
is compared to another different group of participants.
Single-subject studies are not without their problems Or a group of participants receiving one condition is
and limitations. Some of these will become more compared to the same set of participants receiving a
apparent when we actually discuss the types of single different condition. We assume that the groups are equal
subject designs. Some of the more general problems prior to giving treatment so that if the dependent
with the single subject paradigm are external validity. variable differs after treatment, we can associate that
Some find it difficult to believe that the findings from difference to the treatment. The determination of an
one study using one subject (Or maybe three of four) effective treatment is done by statistically comparing
can be generalized to an entire population. the difference between the two groups on some outcome
With repeated trial on one participant, one can variable. When we use only one subject, however, a
question whether the treatment would be equally different tactic must be employed. In this one-subject
effective for a participant who has not experienced situation we need to compare the behavior that occurs
previous treatments. If we are talking about a before and after the introduction of the experimental
therapeutic treatment, it may be the accumulation of intervention. The behavior before the treatment
sessions that is effective. The person going through the intervention must be measured over a long enough time
n-th trial can be a very different person from the one in period so that we can obtain a stable baseline. This
the first trial. It is here that group-oriented research can baseline, or operant level is important because it is
eliminate this problem. Each person is given the compared to later behavior. If the baseline varies
treatment once. considerably, it could be more difficult to assess any
Single-subject studies are perhaps even more reliable change in behavior following intervention. The
sensitive to aberrations on the part of the experimenter baseline problem with single subject designs is an
and participant. These studies are effective only if the important one. For a complete description of the
researcher can avoid biases and the participant is problems and possible solutions one should consult
motivated and cooperative. The researcher can be prone Barlow and Hersen (1976). Another excellent reference
to look only for certain effects and ignore others. We is Kazdin (1982).
discussed earlier in this book about Blondlot. He was An example where baseline measures are very
the only scientist able to see “N-Rays.” It wasn’t so important is in the use of a polygraph (lie detector).
much that he was a fraud, but that he was biased toward Here, the operator gets physiological measurements of
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 145

the person (defendant). The person is asked a number There are two versions of the ABAB design. The first
of questions where the participant is asked to give was briefly described in the last section. It is the ABA
factual information which are known to be true (name, design except that treatment is re-introduced to the
eye color, place of birth, etc.). The responses emitted participant and the participant leaves the study having
are recorded and taken as the baseline measure for achieved some beneficial level. Repeating the treatment
answering truthfully. Then another baseline is taken for also provides the experimenter with additional
responses to untrue statements. These are statements information about the strength of the treatment
where the participant is told to lie to the question asked. intervention. By demonstrating that the treatment
After establishing these two baselines, the question of intervention can bring the participant back to the
importance (i.e., did you commit the crime?) is asked beneficial level after taking that person back to baseline
and compared to the two baselines. If the physiological lends strength to the statement that treatment caused the
response resembles the lie baseline, the participant is change in behavior, i.e., evidence of internal validity.
told that they have lied. The ABAB design essentially produces the
experimental effect twice.
Designs that use the Withdrawal of Treatment The second variation of the ABAB design is called
the alternating treatments design. In this variation there
The ABA Design. is no baseline taken. The A and B in this design are two
different treatments that are alternated at random. The
The ABA design involves three major steps. The first is goal of this design is to evaluate the relative
to establish a stable baseline (A). The experimental effectiveness of the two treatment interventions. The A
intervention is applied to the participant in the second and B may be two different methods of controlling
step (B). If the treatment is effective, there will be a overeating. The participant is given each treatment at
response difference from the baseline. In order to different times. Over a period of time, one method
determine if the treatment intervention caused the might emerge as being more effective than the other.
change in behavior, the researcher exercises step three: The advantage this design has over the first ABAB
a return to baseline (A). The third is required because design is that there is no baseline to be taken and the
we don’t know what the response rate would have been participant is not subjected to withdraw procedures.
if the participant received no treatment. We also would Since this method involves comparing two sets of series
like to know whether the response change was due to of data, some have called it the between-series design.
the treatment intervention or something else. There are some other interesting variations of the
A major problem with the ABA design is that the ABAB design where withdrawal of the treatment is not
effect of the intervention may not be fully reversible. If done. McGuigan (1996) calls it the ABCB design
the treatment involved surgery, where the hypothalamus where in the third phase, the organism is given a
is removed or the corpus callosum is severed, it would “placebo” condition. This placebo condition is
be impossible to reverse these procedures. A learning essentially a different method
method that causes some permanent change in a Single subject designs are unlike group designs in
participant’s behavior would not be reversible. that they only permit the researcher to vary one variable
There are also some ethical concerns about at a time. The researcher would not be able to determine
reverting the organism back to the original state if that which variable or which combination of variables
state was an undesirable behavior (Tingstrom, 1996). caused the response changes if two or more variables
Experiments in behavior modification seldom return the are altered at the same time. The best that anyone can do
participant back to baseline. This return to baseline is is to make a statement that the combination of variables
called the withdrawal condition. To benefit the led to the change. However, the researcher won’t be
participant, the treatment is re-introduced. The design able to tell which one of how much of each. If there are
that does this is the ABAB design. two variables, called B and C, and the baseline is A,
then a possible presentation sequence of the conditions
Repeating Treatments (ABAB Designs) would be A-B-A-B-BC-B-BC. In this sequence every
condition was preceded and proceeded by the same
146 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

condition at least once with only one variable changing the same assignment as the rest of the class. During the
at a time. choice phases, the teacher presented Evan with three
The A-B-A-B-BC-B-BC design is often called an different assignments and he chose one to complete.
interaction design. All possible combinations of B and The assignment choices were identical in length and
C, however, are not presented. Condition C is never difficulty and varied only in content. Evan was not
presented alone (A represents the absence of B and C). given the same choice of assignments twice.
The interaction here is different than the interaction Powell and Nelson used an ABAB design to
discussed in the chapter on factorial designs. What is evaluate the effects of choice making on Evan's
tested by this procedure is whether C adds to the effect undesirable behavior. During the no-choice condition,
of B. Evan was not given a choice of academic assignments.
In a learning experiment using this design, we could During the choice condition, he was allowed to choose
examine the effect of praising a student for giving the his assignments.
correct answer (C) to a question on geography along The results showed that during the choice condition,
with a merit point (B). If we find that praise plus merit the number of undesirable behaviors decreased. This
point has a greater effect than a merit point alone, we study supported the efficacy of choice making as an
have information that is useful in designing a learning antecedent control technique. These results suggest that
situation for this and other students. However, we will educators attempting to manage the behaviors of
not know the singular effect of praise. Praise used by students in classrooms may use choice procedures.
itself may have been just as effective as the merit point
plus praise. Yet, praise by itself may have little or no Rosenquist, Bodfish, & Thompson: Treating a
effect. We can however assess praise by lengthening the Mentally Retarded Person with Tourette Syndrome.
single subject design. The sequence would be A-B-A-
B-BC-B-BC-C-BC. However, lengthening a single The treatment of people with Tourette syndrome
subject experiment of this kind comes with other with a drug called haloperidol is quite common.
problems. A subject may become fatigued or However, not much was known about this drug’s
disinterested. As a result, too long of a session may not effectiveness on people who are mentally retarded and
produce useful information even though the design with Tourette syndrome. The identification of a person
looks sound. with both afflictions is difficult. Rosenquist, Bodfish, &
Thompson (1997) wanted to determine the effectiveness
Some Research Examples. of haloperidol. In this article, the person under study
suffered from both conditions. Tourette syndrome is a
Powell and Nelson: Example of an ABAB design. neuropsychiatric condition where sufferers display
simple and complex motor and vocal tics.
This study by Powell and Nelson (1997) involved The single individual used in this study had a severe
one participant, Evan, a 7-year-old boy who had been case of Tourette syndrome, which included catapults out
diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder of her chair; tic related choking, compulsive behavior
(ADHD). Evan was receiving 15 mg of Ritalin® per and hyperactivity. Rosenquist, Bodfish, & Thompson
day. Most of Evan’s behavior in the classroom was used an ABABA design where A = baseline and B =
described as undesirable. Evan also had poor peer treatment with haloperidol. The study was done over a
relations and did not understand his schoolwork. The 22-week period where the first 2 weeks served as the
undesirable behaviors included noncompliance, being initial baseline. This was followed by 8 weeks of
away from his desk, disturbing others, staring off, and haloperidol treatment, a second 2 weeks of baseline, a
not doing work. Data were collected on the occurrence second 8 weeks of haloperidol and then a final 2 weeks
of interactions between Evan and his teacher. of baseline. The haloperidol was administered in a
The treatment intervention was letting Evan choose capsule that contained different dosages at different
the class assignments he wanted to work on. There was times. During the 8-week haloperidol treatments,
choice and no-choice conditions. Baseline data were dosages were altered. The dosages were increased
collected during the no-choice phase. Evan was given every two weeks of the 8-week period except the last
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 147

two weeks where it was the medication washout period. implementing all three classes of this design. That
The dosage changes were done without the pattern is given in Figure 11.4.
administrator’s knowledge. The entire study used a
randomized videotape scoring procedure. This
procedure was used to control experimenter bias.
Videotapes were made of the participant, but the scoring
of the tapes did not take place until the end of the study.
Those viewing the tape were previously trained in using
a tic checklist. Table 11.1 shows the results of this
study. The dosage levels of haloperidol treatments are
labeled numerically. The numbers under each condition
are the mean number of tics exhibited by the participant.
It appears from the data that the most effective dosage
was 10 mg per day. Even though the study ended with With the multiple baselines across behaviors, the
the participant returning to baseline. The patient’s treatment intervention for each different behavior is
guardian and the treatment team agreed to continue the introduced at different times. So looking in Figure 11.4,
haloperidol treatments at 10 mg per day. each baseline would be a baseline of a different
behavior. In the case of an autistic child, Baseline 1
Table 11.1 Mean Number of Tics Exhibited during might be banging one’s head against the wall. Baseline
Meal Time for Baseline and Haloperidol Treatment 2 would be talking constantly in different tones and
noises and Baseline 3 would be hitting others. This is
Condition Baseli Haloper Haloper Haloperi Haloper done to see if the change in behavior coincides with the
ne idol 1 idol 2 dol 5 idol 10 treatment intervention. If one of the behaviors changes
Simple 34.8 11.0 12.5 21.4 6.3
while the other behaviors remain constant or stable at
Complex 13.6 5.3 8.3 11.4 3.0 the baseline, the researcher could state that the treatment
Motor was effective for that specific behavior. After a certain
Simple 35.4 2.0 8.2 16.6 1.0 period of time has passed, the same treatment is applied
to the second undesirable behavior. Every following
Complex 1.3 0.0 2.0 0.0 1.0
Vocal behavior is subjected to the treatment in the same step-
wise procedure. If the treatment intervention is
effective in changing the response rate of each behavior,
one can state that the treatment is effective.
Using Multiple Baselines
An important consideration with this particular
class of multiple baseline design is that one assumes the
There is a form of single subject research that uses
responses for each behavior are independent of the
more than one baseline. Several different baselines are
responses for the other behaviors. The intervention can
established before treatment is given to the participant.
be considered effective if this independence exists. If
These types of studies are called multiple baseline
the responses are in some way correlated, then the
studies. There are three classes of multiple baseline
interpretation of the results becomes more difficult.
research designs.
In the multiple baseline design across participants,
the same treatment is applied in series to the same
These are multiple baselines:
behavior of different individuals in the same
across behaviors
environment. When looking at Figure 11.4, each
across participants
baseline is for a different participant. Each participant
across environments
will receive the same treatment for the same behavior in
the same environment. The study by Tingstrom,
The use of multiple baselines is another approach to
Marlow, Edwards, Kelshaw and Olmi (1997) is an
demonstrate the effectiveness of a treatment on
example of a multiple baseline study across participants.
behavior change. There is a common pattern for
148 Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research

Their compliance-training package is the treatment simulated complex work settings: Detriment or
intervention. This intervention uses time-in (physical facilitation of performance? Journal of Applied
touch and verbal praise) and time-out (a coercive Psychology, 82, 774-782.
procedure) to increase the rate of student compliance to Lee, M. J. & Tingstrom, D. H. (1994). A group
teachers’ instructions. The behavior of interest here is math intervention: The modification of cover, copy, and
compliance to teachers’ instructions. The environment compare for group application. Psychology in the
is the classroom. The participants of this study were Schools, 31, 133-145.
three students: A, B and C, who have demonstrated
noncompliance behavior. All three students have Why is a baseline measure necessary in single subject
articulation and language disorders. The design of the designs?
study followed the following intervention phases: Should the data from single subject designs be
baseline, time-in only, time-in/time-out combined and analyzed statistically? Why?
follow-up. Students B and C remained in the baseline Give an example of where a single subject design
phase while the time-in only phase was implemented for should be used. Also cite a research situation where
student A. When Student A showed a change in group designs is more appropriate.
compliance, the time-in only phase was implemented A university student wants to do a time-series study on
for student B while student C remained in baseline. the effects of the full moon on psychiatric patients.
When student B showed a change in compliance, time- What dependent variable should this student use?
in only was implemented for student C. Tingstrom, Where should this person look to locate the data for
Marlow, Edwards, Kelshaw and Olmi was able to such a study?
demonstrate the effectiveness of the combined time-in Are single-subject studies applicable to medical
and time-out intervention in increasing compliance. research? Should medical school students be taught
In the multiple baseline design across single subject designs? Read the following article:
environments, the same treatment is given to different
participants who are in different environments. In Bryson-Brockmann, W. and Roll, D. (1996).
Figure 11.4, each baseline would be for a different Single-case experimental designs in medical education:
participant in a different environment. The treatment An innovative research method. Academic Medicine,
and behavior under study would be the same. Here we 71, 78-85.
may have three different patients where each is a
resident in a different type of psychiatric care facility Chapter Summary
such as those studied by Nelson, Hall and Walsh-
Bowers (1997) discussed earlier in this chapter. In this True experiments are those where the experimenter
study Nelson, Hall and Walsh-Bowers (1997) compared can randomly select the participants, randomly assign
the long-term effects of supportive apartments (SA), the participants to treatment conditions and control the
group homes (GH) and board-and-care homes (BCH). manipulation of the independent variable. The quasi-
experimental design lacks one or more of these features.
Study Suggestions Cook and Campbell (1979) covers 8 variations of
the non-equivalent control group design. The one
Look up each of the following studies and covered here is the no-treatment control group design.
determine which ones are quasi-experimental, non- Five different results are discussed in terms of internal
equivalent control group and single subject designs. validity.
Time –series designs are longitudinal designs. It
Adkins, V. K. & Matthews, R. M. (1997). involves repeated measurements of the same dependent
Prompted voiding to reduce incontinence in variables at different fixed intervals of time. Usually at
community-dwelling older adults. Journal of Applied some point, treatment intervention is introduced.
Behavior Analysis, 30, 153-156. Selection and selection-maturation interactions are
Streufert, S., Satish, U., Pogash, R., Roache, J. & two alternative explanations that plague the results
Severs, W. (1997). Excess coffee consumption in obtained from quasi-experimental designs.
Chapter 11: Quasi Experimental and N = 1 Designs of Research 149

Experiments using single participants are not new.

The first people in experimental psychology used single
subject designs
In single-subject researchers feel that with proper
experimental control variability of the situation can be
Group-oriented research feels variability be
statistically analyzed.
Single-subject research has several advantages over
group research in terms of flexibility and ethics.
However it suffers from external validity credibility.
Small but statistically significant effects found in
group research may have little clinical or practical
significance and may have been artificially induced by
large sample sizes. In this case, the effect size would be
small. Single subject research concentrates on effect
size and not sample size.
The establishment of a stable baseline is one of the
most important tasks in single subject research.
The establishment of a baseline followed by
administration of treatment followed by a withdrawal of
the treatment is called the ABA design.
A major problem with the design is that the
treatment may be irreversible or leaving the participant
in the improved state rather than return the person to the
original undesirable state.
A variation of the ABA design is the ABAB design
where the participant is restored to the improved state.
In a single-subject study only one variable can be
varied at a time.
The so-called interaction design does not permit the
testing for an interaction as defined earlier in factorial
designs. It merely examines two variables jointly.
There are three types of multiple-baseline designs.
In each case, the intervention is introduced at different
times for different behaviors, participants or
environments. If behavior changes coincide with the
introduction of treatment, this gives evidence that the
treatment is effective.

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Index Design 9.1 100

Design 9.2 102
Design 9.3 105
Design 9.4 107
A Design 9.5 107
ABA design 145 Design 9.6 107
ABAB design 145 Dewey 8
A-B-A-B-BC-B-BC design 146 difference between common sense and science 2
accidental samples 63 difference scores 106
active and attribute variables 28 Dr. Stanley Sue 60
American Psychological Association 72 dynamic view 4
analysis of covariance 128 E
analysis of variance 99 ecological representativeness 94
approach of science 1 error variance 43
ARIMA (Autoregressive, integrated moving average) 141 ethical guidelines for psychologists 72
B Eugene S. Edgington 64
Bahrick 13 experimental and nonexperimental approaches 87
Barry Marshall 7, 69 experimental mortality 94
basic aim of science 5 experimental operational definition 25
Bayesian approach 63 experimental variance 41
behavioral or observational definition 24 experimentally manipulated independent variable 88
between-groups or experimental variance 41 external validity 94
Blondlot 7 F
Campbell and Stanley 89 factorial design 80, 114
Cartesian product of the independent variables and the dependent Factorial Designs with More than Two Variables 114
variable 97 four general ways of knowing 3
change scores 106 Frequency Distribution Matching Method 103
Cluster sampling, 64 G
common sense 1 generality 7
complete" designs 98 generality and specificity of problems and hypotheses 17
components of variance 48 generalizability, 93
compromise design 135 Global Assessment Scale 60
Comrey 40 good problem statement 13
concept 1 H
concepts 23 Hawthorne study 73
conceptual foundation for understanding research 97 heuristic view 4
construct 23 highest form of experimentation 135
continuous and categorical variables 28 history 90
contro 78 Hurlock 2
control group 100 Hypothesis 8
Control of Extraneous Independent Variables 92 hypothesis 14
Cook and Campbell 136 inadequate research designs 87
correlated-groups' designs 120 incomplete" designs 98
Covariance 49 independent and dependent variables 28
Criteria of Problems and Problem Statements 14 Instrumentation 94
criteria of research design. 91 interaction design 146
cross product, 50 interaction hypothesis 80
D internal validity 93
Debriefing 73 interrupted time series designs 135
Deception 70 J
Design 8.1 89 J. Robin Warren 7
Design 8.2 89 K
Design 8.3 91 kinds of samples 62
Design 8.4 91

L random variance 43
latent variable, 33 RANDOMIZATION 56
longitudinal or time studies 141 Randomization 57
M randomization 136
MacQueen, 64 randomized subjects design 111
Manipulated variables 30 randomized subjects designs 119
matching 103 randomness 43, 55
Matching by Equating Participants 102 reactive measures 90
Matching by Holding Variables Constant 104 Reasoning-Deduction 8
Matching by incorporating the Nuisance Variable into the Research Reasoning-Deduction 8
Design 104 regression effect 90
Matching versus Randomization 102 Research Design 77
maturation 90 Research design has two basic purposes 77
mean 40 research problem 13
mean square 40 response variable 31
measured variables 30 S
method of authority 3 Saffer & Kelly 70
method of intuition 3 SAMPLE SIZE 60
method of science 3 Sampling variance 41
method of tenacity. 3 sampling without replacement 54
MULTIGROUP CORRELATED-GROUPS DESIGNS 125 Sampson’s Two Views of the Science 6
multiple baseline research designs 147 science and common sense 1
multiple regression 99 SCIENCE AND ITS FUNCTIONS 4
multiple time-series design 141 SCIENTIFIC APPROACH 8
multivariable nature of behavioral research 18 scientific research 7
N Second-order 118
nature of theory 5 Selection 136
non-equivalent control group designs 135 selection 94
nonexperimental research 87 selection-maturation interaction 138
nonobservables 33 Shrader-Frechette 69
no-treatment control group design 136 Simon 9
N-Rays 7 Single subject designs 142
O Sir Cyril Burt 71
observation 23 Solomon four group design 109
observation-test-experiment phase 10 standard deviations 40
One-Shot Case Study 89 Stanley Milgram 70
one-way analysis of variance design 97 stereotype of scientists 4
onprobability samples 62 stratified sampling 63
operational definition 24 structure of research 77
Participant as Own Control 104 table of random numbers 55
Peirce 3 time designs 140
peptic ulcers 7 triple interactions 118
plan of investigation 77 true experiment 135
population variance 41 Tuskegee Study 70
posttest only control group design 100 U
power analysis 79 unethical research behavior 70
pretest 89 V
Probability samples 62 Variable representativeness 94
Problems and hypotheses 16 variables 23
Q variance 39
quasi-experimental designs 135 W
R Whitehead 1
Rand Corporation, A Million Random Digits 56
Random sampling 54

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