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Revisiting The Second Law of Energy Degradation and Entropy Generation: From Sadi

Carnot's Ingenious Reasoning to Holistic Generalization

Milivoje M. Kostickostic@niu.edu

Citation: 1411, (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3665247

View online: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3665247
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Published by the American Institute of Physics
Revisiting The Second Law of Energy
Degradation and Entropy Generation:
From Sadi Carnot’s Ingenious Reasoning
to Holistic Generalization
Milivoje M. Kostic
Web: www.kostic.niu.edu * E-mail: kostic@niu.edu

Abstract. Sadi Carnot’s ingenious reasoning of reversible cycles (1824) laid foundations for The Second
Law before The First Law of energy conservation was even known (Joule 1843) and long before
Thermodynamic concepts were established in 1850s. A century later, Bridgman (1941) ‘complained’ that
“there are almost as many formulations of The Second Law as there have been discussions of it.” Even
today, The Second Law remains so obscure, due to the lack of its comprehension, that it continues to attract
new efforts at clarification, including this one.
The Laws of Thermodynamics have much wider, including philosophical significance and implication,
than their simple expressions based on the experimental observations – they are The Fundamental Laws
of Nature: The Zeroth (equilibrium existentialism), The First (conservational transformationalism), The
Second (irreversible directional transformationalism), and The Third (unattainability of emptiness). They
are defining and unifying our comprehension of all existence and transformations in the universe. The
forces, due to non-equilibrium of mass-energy in space (non-uniform ‘concentrations’), causing the mass-
energy displacement, thus defining the process direction, are manifested by tendency of mass-energy
transfer in time towards common equilibrium -- cause-and-effect forced tendency of equi-partition of
mass-energy. It should not be confused with local creation of non-equilibrium and/or ‘organized
structures’ on expense of ‘over-all’ non-equilibrium, by spontaneous and irreversible conversion
(dissipation) of other energy forms into the thermal energy, always and everywhere accompanied with
entropy generation (randomized equi-partition of energy per absolute temperature level).
The fundamental laws of nature are considered to be axiomatic and many believe they could not be
explained, proven or questioned. However, everything may and should be questioned, reasoned,
explained and possibly proven. The miracles are until they are comprehended and understood.

Key Words: Sadi Carnot, Heat engine, Non-equilibrium, Reversibility, Work availability, Exergy,
Irreversibility, Thermodynamics, Temperature, Clausius Inequality, Energy, Entropy, Second Law of
PACS: 05.90.+m

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Status and Challenges

AIP Conf. Proc. 1411, 327-350 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3665247
© 2011 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0985-9/$30.00

Reasoning Open Issues And Challenges
This treatise has an objective to put certain physical and philosophical concepts in
perspective, to revisit the fundamental laws of nature, as well as to initiate discussion
and constructive criticism about these fundamental concepts.
The Second Law made its appearance around 1850, but a half century later it was
already surrounded by so much confusion that the British Association for the
Advancement of Science decided to appoint a special committee with the task of providing
clarity about the meaning of this law. However, its final report (Bryan, 1891) did not
settle the issue. Half a century later, the physicist/philosopher Bridgman (1941) still
complained that “there are almost as many formulations of the Second Law as there
have been discussions of it.”
And even today, the Second Law remains so obscure, due to the lack of its subtle
comprehension, that it continues to attract new efforts at clarification, including this one.
The theory of classical Thermodynamics was originally based on thermal and
mechanical energy transformations, and is characterized by a so-called
“phenomenological” approach, formulated on empirical, but universal principles that
deny the possibility of various kinds of perpetual motions, while at the same time avoids
speculative assumptions about the microscopic constitution and complex dynamics of
the involved material systems. The physical systems are regarded as “black boxes” and
all specific Thermodynamic quantities and their general properties are derived by
means of these principal laws. This is the approach to the theory taken by the pioneers:
Carnot [1], Clausius, Kelvin, and Planck, and with some exceptions by Gibbs.
The classical, phenomenological Thermodynamics today has unjustifiably a dubious
status. Some modern physicists regard classical Thermodynamics as an obsolete relic.
Often, mostly due to lack of dubious comprehension, the Thermodynamics is
considered as an engineering subject and thus not as the most fundamental science of
energy and nature. However, a number of prominent modern physicists have
acknowledged fundamental importance of Thermodynamics. Einstein, whose early
writings were related to the Second Law, remained convinced throughout his life that
“Thermodynamics is the only universal physical theory that will never be refuted.”
Many other renowned physicists have been impressed by the universal and
indisputable validity of Thermodynamics principles. Apart from the view that
Thermodynamics is obsolete, there is a widespread belief among scientists in
Thermodynamics absolute authority.
Maxwell (1877) regarded the Thermodynamics theory as “a science with secure
foundations, clear definitions and distinct boundaries.” But there are also others who
dispute its clarity and rigor. Arnold (1990) stated that “Every mathematician knows it is
impossible to understand an elementary course in Thermodynamics.” Von Neumann once
remarked that “whoever uses the term “entropy” in a discussion always wins since no
one knows what entropy really is, so in a debate one always has the advantage.”
The historian of science and mathematician Truesdell (1966) explains in his essay of
Method and taste in natural philosophy: “Heads have split for a century trying to
define entropy in terms of other things. Entropy, like force, is an undefined object, and

if you try to define it, you will suffer the same fate as the force-definers of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Either you will get something too special or you
will run around in a circle.”
Trying to reason, understand and explain fundamental concepts is a daunting
endeavor, and different from understanding other concepts derived from the
fundamental ones. However, there is factual reality that we should be always aware of
and guided by. The fundamental interactions and their inter-relations along with subtle
reasoning may help to resolve ambiguities and close the needed loops. “Going in a
circle” does not mean we are not going anywhere as long as we succeed in
comprehension of the “circular” subtle interactions, including interrelated causes-and-
effects (chicken-and-egg) phenomena. A barrier between our understanding and
reasoning explanation is a language ambiguity, which could be partially offset by more
objective and more primitive mathematics, and a price paid is the discrepancy between
reality and mathematical idealizations and simplicity, but sometimes unnecessary
complexity. Another critical tool for resolution of reasoning ambiguities is experimental
ingenuity with observation and quantification of reality, and again the price paid is the
discrepancy between reality and experimental limitations, including inevitable and
unconscious errors and uncertainties. We must bear in mind that new ideas and concepts
(a way one perceive reality) are not only difficult for a reader to grasp but equally
difficult and excruciating for an author to express, as it is experienced here. There is a
need of using synonyms, redundant and imaginative explanations, quotation marks for
words that are not quoted, and similar, since new or creative ideas, concepts and
explanations are to be expressed with existing terminology.
There are many puzzling issues surrounding the Second Law and other concepts in
Thermodynamics, including subtle definitions and ambiguous meaning of very
fundamental concepts. Further confusions are produced by attempts to generalize some
of those concepts with similar but not the same concepts in other disciplines, like
Thermodynamic entropy versus other types of (quasi)entropies.
Unless otherwise stated all terms used here refer to Thermodynamic (mass-energy)
concepts: Thermodynamic non-equilibrium, Thermodynamic entropy, Thermodynamic
structure or system, etc. Furthermore, the mass and energy are manifestation of each
other and are equivalent; they have a holistic meaning of mass-energy, and will often be
referred to simply as energy.
Structural, Thermodynamic non-equilibrium [in energy units], further-on simply
denoted as “non-equilibrium,” refers to the forced non-uniform distribution of mass-
energy in space, which has forced tendency to equalize the mass-energy in space (force-
flux cause-and-effect phenomena) ultimately resulting in quasi-uniform and quasi-
steady randomized Thermodynamic equilibrium, represented by uniform temperature, in
Kelvin degree unit, and uniform other intensive macroscopic properties. At equilibrium,
the forces-fluxes will be balanced without net mass-energy transfer.
Any process requires mass-energy flux exchange, i.e., it is a forced displacement of
mass-energy in space and time, ultimately resulting in forced equilibrium. Therefore,
the force concept is the coupled force-flux cause-and-effect phenomena. Furthermore,
the directional energy flux could be effectively represented by related linear
momentum. In that regard the Newton’s Laws of forces are special cases of more
general Thermodynamic Laws, which could be further generalized as Fundamental

Laws of Nature. Namely, the First Newton Law of innate (inertia) of mass-energy to
stay stationary or in uniform motion unless forced otherwise, is equivalent to the Zeroth
Law of Thermodynamic equilibrium or the Natural law of equilibrium existentialism.
The Second Newton Law of forced acceleration is a special case of reversible energy
transfer from an energy source (acting system) to an energy sink (accelerated system or
body), described by both the First and Second Law of Thermodynamics. The First
Thermo Law refers to conservation of mass-energy or the Natural Law of
conservational transformationalism, and the Second (Thermo) Law refers to forced
process direction, from non-equilibrium towards equilibrium or the Natural Law of
irreversible directional transformationalism towards equilibrium accompanied with
entropy generation. The Third Thermo Law could be generalized as the Natural law of
unattainability of emptiness. Actually, the Newton Laws are special cases of each
others’ and the more general Laws of Thermodynamics.
The theory of classical Thermodynamics was originally based on thermal and
mechanical energy transformations, but it has been expended to all other types of work
and heat interactions and thus effectively has resulted in Thermo(multi)dynamics, the
general energy science, considered by some to be “the Mather of all sciences.”

Reasoning the Second Law

During any process (mass-energy transfer), there will be some dispersion or
dissipation of directional, available energy (work potential) within the surrounding
substructures, whereby the energy will be directionally randomized into thermal energy
with the corresponding entropy generation, equal to the dissipated energy per absolute
temperature of that system. In limiting, ideal and the most efficient process without
energy dissipation, the non-equilibrium of all involved/interacting systems will be
conserved and the process could be reversed. Thus in reversible processes the entropy is
conserved too, since there is no entropy generation. Therefore, it is impossible to have a
hyper-reversibility with ever-increasing efficiency beyond the limiting reversible
efficiency since it would produce a black-hole-like singularity with ever increasing
mass-energy concentration and self-increasing forces. Such processes would be self
destructive and unsustainable. If hyper-reversibility exceptions are possible and
multiplied, they would “clean” the existing mass-energy space (and ultimately universe)
into unobserved singularity (like black-hole), thus destroying the energy we know about
and effectively violating the First Law of energy conservation.
Furthermore, we know that process forcing has to come from somewhere, i.e., from
existing interacting systems with higher mass-energy concentration (Third Newton Law
of action and reaction), thereby rendering the destructive hyper-reversibility and
violation of the Second law impossible (ever increasing self-forcing displacement
without surrounding support would be impossible). On the other hand, a frictional
traction is needed as a support to enable a purposeful real (irreversible) processes: to
walk, drive, swim or fly, even keep a clock running; nothing will be permanently
accomplished without irreversible friction, but everything would reversibly oscillate in
place within inertial-elastic structures, how ironic!
Quantification of the Thermodynamic non-equilibrium of all involved interacting
systems is expressed as available/useful energy or work potential [in energy unit], i.e.,

the maximum possible work to be extracted (and reversibly stored, otherwise it will be
irreversibly dissipated via heat to thermal energy), if the systems are reversibly brought
to a common equilibrium while extracting work (also known as exergy if brought to the
equilibrium within a very large, reference surrounding system). Note, to bring
reversibly an isolated non-equilibrium system to the equilibrium, the extracted work
would have to be allowed out of the “isolated” system (to be stored and would increase
non-equilibrium somewhere else), otherwise it would irreversibly dissipate within the
isolated system. If stored within the isolated system, the original non-equilibrium will
be rearranged and conserved.
Reversibility is “conservation of non-equilibrium” or available energy, i.e.,
conservation of work potential (or exergy), and also conservation of entropy. It is “true
equivalency” since the “input” and process “output-result” could be reversed and are
truly equivalent, as first ingeniously deduced by Sadi Carnot (as detailed below).
Reversible processes are the most efficient, thus ultimate ideal processes since they do
not degrade (dissipate) energy and could be reversed back to the original state without
any loss of original work potential. In real irreversible processes the “outcome” could
not be reversed back to “input,” thus, does not have the same “equivalency,” i.e., the
same usefulness or quality, since it cannot by itself (spontaneously) produce the original
existence, regardless that the mass-energy is conserved.
Irreversibility [in energy unit] is dissipation of “work potential” via heat to thermal
energy, i.e., ordered/structural energy (mechanical, electrical, chemical, nuclear, etc.)
conversion to random thermal energy. A boundary/shell structure separates systems in
non-equilibrium with large potential gradients, like a mechanical, thermal, electrical or
chemical boundary container/shell. The boundary structures prevent spontaneous
interactions (or more accurately substantially impede interactions, since there are no
perfect boundaries). Namely, so-called ridged boundary will prevent volume expansion
and pressure equalization (prevent mechanical work transfer), or adiabatic boundary
will prevent entropy interchange and temperature equalization (prevent heat transfer), or
dielectric boundary will prevent charge interchange and voltage equalization (prevent
electrical work transfer), etc.
Furthermore, due to diverse system structures (all structures are energetic, i.e.
possess energy) and thus diverse energy forms or types, during energy transfer of one
energy type from high to low potential, it is possible, due to “process inertia,” to
increase potential (i.e. non-equilibrium) of another energy type; however the over-all
net-potential (and non-equilibrium) of all involved systems (thus universe) will be
reduced, and only in limit conserved, but never could be increased (by itself between
systems within isolated enclosure).
Additivity or integrality and conservationism require that phenomena should be the
same at all time and space scales without exceptions. Due to limitations of our
observation tools, including illusion (aliasing phenomena) and comprehension, we may
be misled to believe otherwise. All interactions in nature are physical and based on
simple cause-and-effect conservation laws, thus deterministic and should be without
any exceptional phenomenon. Due to diversity and complexity of large systems, we
would never be able to observe deterministic phenomena with full details but have to
use holistic and probabilistic approach for observation; therefore, our observation

methodology is holistic and probabilistic, but phenomena have to be deterministic, not
miraculous nor probabilistic.
There are many statements of the Second Law which in essence describe the same
natural phenomena about the spontaneous direction of all natural processes from non-
equilibrium towards a stable equilibrium with randomized redistribution and equi-
partition of mass-energy within the elementary structure of all interacting systems (thus
the universe). All the Second Law statements are essentially equivalent since they
reflect equality of work potential between all system states reached by any and all
reversible processes (reversibility is measure of equivalency) and impossibility of
creating or increasing over-all non-equilibrium and aver-all work potential (of all
interacting systems).

Issues, Confusions, and Challenges

The second law of Thermodynamics is among the most fundamental principles of
engineering, science and nature. Since its discovery about one-and-a-half century ago,
no violation has been recognized by the scientific community, and its status is generally
considered supreme. However, in addition to long-standing and wishful, so-called
“thought-experiments,” the Second law has come under unprecedented scrutiny during
the last couple of decades [2], by research groups worldwide, as evidenced by a
number of specific challenges documented in more than 50 published papers, including
several laboratory challenges.
If we somehow “trick” existing quasi-equilibrium (has to be caused somehow with
energy transfer process, not just wishful thinking), it has to be from within or the
surroundings at higher potential and the process will take place until new equilibrium is
achieved. It cannot be done from within that equilibrium (wishful Maxwell demon
could not be utilized since 1867, or Brownian/Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet, etc.).
Inserting a device, with desired differential properties to achieve needed functionality
(with non-uniform elasticity, emissivity, rigidity, etc.) into an equilibrium system to
“separate” random non-uniformity and then extract useful work, will disturb that
equilibrium and initiate a transient process to a new equilibrium, including possible
change of the inserted device properties, thus making such a device useless in a new
equilibrium. After all, the properties are result of mass-energy structure and
interactions, the cause and effect phenomena, a local and/or transient source of non-
equilibrium cannot be sustainable.
We also may arrive in a state with perpetually rotating wheel without load (just
motion without load, thus without useful work) or elastic (hot-cold, etc.) oscillator
(reversible rearrangement of non-equilibrium, fluctuation theorem), and mistakenly
believe that the former violates the First Law (Perpetual Motion 1) and the latter the
Second Law (Perpetual Motion 2).
It is possible to have water run uphill, heat transfered from colder to hotter body,
build functional (organized) structure, and yes, have natural and life processes create
amazing organization and species, but all due to external energy flow with dissipation
and, yes!, with entropy generation. We cannot walk forward without moving the Earth
backward, the latter not possible to observe or measure easily. Similarly we cannot
produce cold or hot or life (or any non-equilibrium) from within an equilibrium, without

having energy flow from the surroundings, the latter sometimes may be hard or
impossible to observe and measure. Without environmental influence (mass-energy
transfer always accompanied with entropy generation) there would be no formation of
cyclones, crystals, life! Until couple of hundred years ago we did not know what
happens with a falling stone energy after it hits the ground, because we could not easily
observe or measure it! The miracles are until they are comprehended and understood!

Production of Functional Form-Order Does Not Destroy Entropy

The Second Law is often challenged in biology, life and social sciences, including
evolution and information sciences, all with history rich in confusion. There are other
types of “organized structures” than the mass-energy non-equilibrium, like functional-
design form-structures or information-algorithm-template structures with deferent
functions and purposes. Even though the organizational form-structures and energy-
structures are similar in some regards and may be described with the same math-
statistical methods, they are not the same and do not have the same physical meaning
nor the physical units. Namely, statistical disorder is not the same as mass-energy
dissipative disordering, regardless that both could be described with similar statistical
methodology. Therefore, the Thermodynamic entropy [J/K] is not the same as
information entropy or other entropy-like but different logical concepts.
Organization/creation of technical (man-made) and natural (including life) structures
and thus creation of "local non-equilibrium" is possible and is always happening in
many technical and natural processes, using another functional structures (tools,
hardware/software templates, information-knowledge-"intelligent" templates, DNAs,
etc. However, the mass-energy flow/transfer within those structures will always and
everywhere dissipate energy and generate entropy (according to the Second Law!), i.e.
on the expense of surrounding/boundary systems' non-equilibrium. It may appear that
the created non-equilibrium structures are self-organizing from nowhere, from within an
equilibrium (thus violating the Second Law), due to the lack of proper observations and
"accounting" of all mass-energy flows, the latter maybe in “stealth” form or undetected
rate at our state of technology and understanding (as the science history has though us
many times). Entropy can decrease (locally) but cannot be destroyed anywhere. The
miracles are until we comprehend and explain them!
It is crystal-clear (to me) that all confusions related to the far-reaching
fundamental Laws of Thermodynamics, and especially the Second Law, are due to
the lack of their genuine and subtle comprehension.


In historical context, it is hard to comprehend now how Carnot, at age 28,
ingeniously and fully explained the critical concepts of reversible thermo-mechanical
processes and limits of converting heat to work at inception of the heat engines’ era
when nature of heat was not fully understood. No wonder that Sadi Carnot’s
“Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu (Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire
[1]),” original version published in 1824, was not noticed at his time, when his

ingenious reasoning of ideal heat engine reversible cycles is not fully recognized, and
may be truly comprehended by a few, even nowadays. He gave a full and accurate
reasoning of heat engine limitations of “converting heat to work” at the time when
caloric theory was flourishing and almost two decades before equivalency between
work and heat was experimentally established by Joule in 1843. Sadi Carnot laid
ingenious foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics before the Fist Law of
energy conservation was even known and long before Thermodynamic concepts were
established. Sadi Carnot, who died at age 36 from cholera epidemic, could not had been
aware of immense implications of his ingenious reasoning at that time.
At that time, when the energy conservation law was not known and heat was
considered as indestructible caloric, when heat engines were in initial stage of
development with efficiency of less than 5%, the confusion and speculations flourished.
Can the efficiency be improved by different temperatures or pressures, a different
working substance than water; or some different mode of operation than pistons and
cylinders? With ingenious and far-reaching reasoning, Carnot answered all of those
questions and reasoned (thus proved) that maximum, limiting efficiency of heat engine
does not depend on medium used in the engine or its design, but only depends on (and
increases with) the temperature difference between the heat source and cooling medium
or heat sink, similarly to the water wheel efficiency dependence on the waterfall height
difference (see Fig. 1, formulas are developed after Carnot followers’ work). The most
importantly, Carnot introduced the reversible processes and cycles and, with ingenious
reasoning, proved that maximum heat engine efficiency is achieved by any reversible
cycle, thus, all must have the same maximum possible efficiency, see Eq (1).
“The motive power of heat is independent of the agents employed to realize it; its
quantity is fired solely by the temperatures of the bodies between which is effected,
finally, the transfer of the caloric.” [1].


QH S=QH/TH Z  gz V

=(QH-QL) W= W= WW


FIGURE 1. Similarity between a heat engine (HE) and a water wheel (WW).

1 1 TH
P 2
2 QL , WL
4 3
4 Q
W (TH  TL )  L (TH  TL )
3 W T
WL Ct   1 L
W W  WE  WL  WC Q H  QL T
C   H  1 L
FIGURE 2. Heat-engine ideal Carnot cycle: note thermal and mechanical expansions and
compressions (the former is needed for net-work out, while
the latter is needed to provide reversible heat transfer).

- TH


- TL
W  W netOUT  WT |C  WC |T 
 Q H , IN  Q L ,OUT  Q netIN   Q
 TH  TL   TH  TL 

FIGURE 3. Reversible Heat-engine (solid lines) and Refrigeration (dashed lines, reversed
directions) Carnot cycle.

WC  WnetOUT  QIN  f C (TH , TL );  C   f C (TH , TL ) (1)
QIN 
Max Qualitative function Rev.

Carnot cycle consists of four reversible processes, see Fig. 2: isothermal heating
and expansion at constant high-temperature TH (process 1-2); adiabatic expansion to
achieve low-temperature TL (process 2-3); isothermal cooling and contraction at
constant low-temperature TL (process 3-4); and adiabatic compression to achieve high-
temperature TH and complete the cycle (process 4-1). All processes are reversible, thus
the cycle could be reversed along the same path and with the same quantities of all the
heat and work in opposite directions (in-to-out and vice versa), see Fig. 3, i.e.:
QH , QL ,WC  
  QH ,QL ,WC  (2)


QH QH (or QH,R2) QH (or QH,Irr)

? or
WR1 WR2 WIrr
(or WR1) (or WR1)

QL,R1 QL,R2 QL,Irr


 W   W W   W 
If(?)  R1  R1    R2  R2  R1    Irr  Irr 
 QH   QH QH ,R2   QH 
and QH  constant, then: WR1  WR2  WIrr
and QL,R  QL,R2  QL,I (or QH ,R2|I  QH )
FIGURE 4. If a reversible heat engine (HER1) has a smaller efficiency than other reversible HER2
or irreversible HEIrr , then if HER1 is reversed (Refrigeration-REF cycle) and combined with other
HEs, it will result in impossible net-work from a single reservoir (WR2|I –WR1), or heat transfer from
low to high temperature (QH-QH,R2|Irr).

The consequence of a process and cycle reversibility is the most ingenious and is far-
reaching, see Fig. 4 (see also next Section). Carnot’s simple and logical reasoning that
mechanical work is extracted in heat engine due to the heat passing from high to low
temperature, led him to a very logical conclusion that any heat transfer from high to low
temperature (like in a heat exchanger) without extracting possible work (like in a
limiting heat engine) will be a waste of work potential -- so he deduced that any heat
transfer in ideal, limiting heat engine must be at infinitesimally small temperature
difference, achieved by mechanical compression or expansion of the working medium
(required temperature adjustment without heat transfer), as Carnot ingeniously advised

in full details [1]. Then he expended his logical reasoning to conclude that all limiting
(ideal) heat engines must have equal and maximum possible efficiency, otherwise if
reversed, the impossible “perpetual motion” will be achieved. What a simple and logical
ingenious reasoning!
Let us revisit Carnot’s reasoning and consider three heat-engine (HE) cycles on Fig.
4: two reversible, HER1 and HER2, and third irreversible, HEIrr. Let us assume that the
cycles are taking place between the same temperature reservoirs (one at higher
temperature TH and other at lower TL<TH) and consuming the same quantity of heat QH,
but have different efficiencies ( R1   R 2   Irr , where   WnetOUT / QH ). If we reverse
the reversible HER1 with the smallest efficiency and couple it with either HER2 or HEIrr
then the net-effect will be production of net-work ( WIrr  WR1  WR 2  WR1  0 ) while
consuming heat from one thermal reservoir only (at TL since QH will be returned back at
TH), thus violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics (perpetual motion machine of
the second kind), see Fig. 4, established later after Carnot’s death. However, at the time,
Carnot thought that the above scenario will be producing work without spending any
caloric ( QL , R 2 Irr  QL , R1  QH , see below, thus QL , R 2 Irr  QL , R1  0 ) and therefore
violating the impossibility of the perpetual motion machine (of the first kind; note that
for rather very low HE efficiency at that time QL  QH , and that neither
Thermodynamics nor its energy conservation law were established at that time) [3,4,5].
Carnot erroneously assumed that the same caloric (heat) will be passing through the
engine and extract (produce) work by lowering its temperature, similarly to the same
water flow passing through the water-wheel and producing work by lowering its
elevation potential (see Fig.1). This error, considering the knowledge at the time, in no
way diminished the Carnot’s ingenious reasoning and conclusions about limiting
reversible processes and accurate limitations of heat to work conversion. Alternatively,
similar reasoning as above, if the three heat-engines of Fig. 4 produce the same amount
of work WIrr  WR 2  WR1 , then the assumed higher efficiency engines will require less
heat consumption ( QH ,Irr  QH ,R 2  QH ,R1 ) with the corresponding heat rejection at lower
temperature ( QL ,Irr  QL ,R 2  QL ,R1 ), and then the net-effect will be transferring heat
( QL ,R1  QL,R 2 Irr  QH ,R1  QH ,R 2 Irr ) from low-to-high temperature reservoirs only (from TL to
TH), again violating always observed direction of spontaneous heat transfer from higher
to lower temperature, later generalized into the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The
above analysis proves that a reversible cycle cannot have smaller efficiency than any
other cycle, thus all reversible cycles (we could have reversed either HER1 or HER2 but
not HEIrr irreversible one) must have the same maximum possible efficiency (the
reversible equivalency) for the given temperature of the two thermal reservoirs,
independently from anything else, including the nature of heat-engine design and its
agent undergoing the cyclic process. Since the irreversible cycles could not be reversed
they may (and do) have lower than maximum reversible efficiency up to zero (no net-
work produced, if all work potential is dissipated to heat) or even negative (external
work input required to run such a “parasite” engine which will dissipate such work in
addition to original work potential into heat), i.e.:

 Irr   Rev   max  f C (TH , TL ) (3)


Carnot did not provide quantitative, but (above) qualitative relation for the ideal heat
engine efficiency, and accurately specified all conditions that must be satisfied to
achieve reversibility and the maximum efficiency: the need for “re-establishing
temperature equilibrium for caloric transfer,” i.e. reversible processes, where the
reversible heat transfer has to be achieved at negligibly small (in limit zero) temperature
difference at both temperature levels, TH , high temperature for heat source (reversible
heating), and TL , low temperature for heat sink (reversible cooling of heat-engine
medium), see Fig. 3; otherwise the work potential from heat transfer due to temperature
difference will be irreversibly lost (the main Carnot’s cause-effect reasoning).
Carnot reasoned that mechanical expansion and compression are needed to decrease
and increase the temperature of the engine medium to match the temperature of the
high- and low-temperature thermal reservoirs, respectively, and thus provide for the
reversible heat transfer [6-8]. Carnot then reasoned that in limiting case such an ideal
cycle could be reversed using the obtained work and transfer back the caloric (heat)
from low- to high-temperature thermal reservoirs, thus laying foundations for the
refrigeration cycles as reversed heat engine cycles, see Fig. 3 and Eq. (2).
Actually, Carnot (1824) established the fundamentals for the second Law of
Thermodynamics (Clausius 1850, and finalized by Thomson in 1874), before the First
Law was even known (Meyer, 1841; Joule, 1843, and finalized by Helmholtz, 1847).

Kelvin’s Absolute Thermodynamic Temperature

Carnot analyzed critical concepts and qualitative relations related to the “motive-
power equivalent of heat” through his ingenious reasoning of reversible cycles, before
the Joule’s “mechanical equivalent of heat” was even known. Only after the latter was
established it was possible (actually easy) to quantify Carnot engine efficiency, i.e.:
C   1 L (4)
The above Eq. (4) is valid for both, real-irreversible and ideal-reversible heat engine
cycles. However, for reversible Carnot cycles the efficiency depends only on the
temperature values of the two heat reservoirs, as originally reasoned by Sadi Carnot
(Eq. 1). Furthermore, more specific relation for the Carnot efficiency could be inferred
by considering the three related Carnot cycles on Fig. 5. For a given TH, for arbitrary
high-temperature reservoir and given arbitrary low TRef, for reference-temperature
reservoir, the combined Carnot efficiency of the two heat engines, HEHT and HETR,
cascaded at an arbitrary intermediate temperature level T, must be the same as the
corresponding Carnot efficiency of a third heat engine HEHR (due to reversible
equivalency discussed above), running between the two temperature reservoirs with the
same heat input QH, and thus releasing the same heat QRef, at a given reference
temperature TRef, see Fig. 5. Thus, for everything given as fixed quantities, but
intermediate temperature T, the heat Q(T) transferred from HEHT to HETR engine must

be directly proportional to QRef (efficiency is an intensive HE property) and an
increasing function of T only, i.e.:
Q(T )  QRef  f (T , TRef ) T  given
 QRef  f (T ) (5)

Then, the above could be applied for any temperature level, say T=T1 or T=T2 or T=
TH, and very important correlation deduced:
Q(T1 ) QRef  f (T1 ) f (T1 ) T1 Q1
    (6)
Q(T2 ) QRef  f (T2 ) f (T2 ) f ( T )   T
T2 Q2

The above function f(T) could be any arbitrary, but non-negative and increasing
function of temperature, thus defining a new absolute temperature scale, say
  T  0 (for simplicity, but could be another function). It is shown elsewhere that this
simple temperature function is the same as temperature function (temperature scale)
obtained using ideal gas thermometer with constant specific heat.
The above function, the Carnot ratio equality (Eq. 6), is much more important than
what it appears at first. Actually it is probably the most important equation in
Thermodynamics and amongst the most important equations in natural sciences.

QH or QH




QRef QRef

Q(T) QRef  f (T) for given TRef

FIGURE 5. For a fixed TH, TRref, QH, and QRef, the Q(T) is proportional to QRef
(efficiency is intensive property) and an increasing
function of T for a given TRef, see Eq.(6).

Not only that Eq. (6) defines the Thermodynamic absolute temperature scale, which
is independent of the substance of a thermometer (HE media and type), but it will define
a fundamental property of matter, the entropy S, the related process-equilibrium
functions and correlations, and quantify irreversibility (loss of work potential), and the
far-reaching Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In some other references the above Carnot ratio equality of heat and related absolute
temperature ratios, is deduced from the following reasoning using Eq.(1), see Fig. 5
 QRef  Q   QRef 
   1  f C (TH , TRef )  f C1 (TH , TRef )   T      f C1 (TH , TT )  f C1 (TT , TRef )
 QH          QH   QT    
Not function of T Dependance of T must cancel must be (7)
 f (TT )   f (TRef )   f (TRef )   QRef 
           
 f (TH )   f (TT )   f (TH )   QH 

Now, it is convenient to write a simple correlation, f(T)=T, to define the absolute

temperature scale for a given arbitrary reference temperature and unit increment, say
TRef= 273.15 K and unit of absolute temperature 1 K = 1 0C (Kelvin, 1848), i.e.:
T Q(T ) Q(T ) Q (T ) Q (T )
  , therefore, T  TRef  TRef (8)
TRef Q(TRef ) QRef Q (TRef ) QRef
Where, Q(T) and QRef , are heat transferred in any reversible Carnot cycle working
between an arbitrary temperature T and the reference temperature TRef, which is
independent from the (working) medium of the reversible heat-engine, the latter
functioning as a thermometer.

Clausius Equality (Entropy) and Inequality (Entropy Generation)

Another important consequence of the Carnot ratio correlation, Eq. (6), for a Carnot
cycle working between the two different, but constant temperature thermal-reservoirs,
T=TH and T=TL, is:
QH , IN Q L ,OUT Q (TH ) Q (TL )
    0; where Q (T )  QIN  QOUT (9)
Or in general, a reversible cycle working between the variable temperature thermal-
reservoirs, see Fig. 6, could be accomplished with infinite number of coupled
infinitesimally small Carnot cycles each working between two temperature reservoirs at
specified temperatures and finite temperature difference. After the cycle-integration of
Eq. (9) for infinitely many Carnot cycles of infinitesimally small heat transfer Q , we
 QH , IN QL ,OUT   Q(TH ) Q(TL )  Q(T )
 

   
  TH

TL 
  
0 (10)

W  Q H  Q L  T H ( S )  T L ( S ) dS


Q L
W   W   Q   TH (S) TL (S)dS


  T(S)dS
Cycle process variable (S)
deduced to be a new property
FIGURE 6. Variable temperature reservoirs require multi-stage Carnot cycles

Eq.(10) is well-known Clausius equality (more about Clausius inequality later),

which defines new fundamental property entropy, since its integral is independent on
process path Q(T) between any two points A and B, namely (compare with Eq. 10):
Q B
Q(TH  Tany ) A
Q (TL , as given ) B
Q(TH  Tany ) B
Q(TL , as given )

 
TH , Any A
TL , given
 0
 
 
Re v
 

Re v
  
Re v
 
Re v
Any Rev. Path Fixed Pat Any Rev. Path Fixed Pat

Q(TH  Tany ) B
Q(TL , as given )
SB  S A     const {independent of path Q(T  Tany )}
T Tas given 

Any 
 
Re v Thus System Property
Any Rev. Path Re v Fixed Path

B| Any
Q (TAny )
S B| Any  S A|Ref   TH
Any Path (Reversible)

Let us reiterate, the reversible process/cycle equivalency deduced by Sadi Carnot has
resulted in the Clausius equality (Eq.10): Efficiency of any reversible cycle between
any two temperature reservoirs cannot be smaller than any other cycle efficiency, thus
all reversible cycle efficiencies between the two reservoirs must be the same and
maximum possible. This subtle reasoning allowed definition of the absolute
Thermodynamic temperature, Eq.(8), and deduction, and thus proof based on the
Carnot’s reasoning, of the Clausius equality, Eq.(10), and definition of the new

property, entropy, up to an arbitrary reference value, Eq.(11). Additional consequence
of Carnot’s reasoning is that non-reversible (irreversible) cycles must have smaller
efficiency than maximum possible reversible efficiency, thus allowing deduction and
thus proof of the Clausius inequality based on the same Carnot subtle reasoning, see
next. We have to keep in mind that Carnot’s reasoning is based on impossibility of
making an autonomous machine (to spontaneously work on its own), which will be
equivalent of having higher efficiency of any cycle than any other reversible cycle, or
having a heat engine producing work from a single reservoir by transferring heat from
colder to hotter reservoir (after accounting for Joule’s energy conservation), which is in
turn equivalent to the deduced Clausius inequality (see next), the latter in limit being an
equality for reversible cycles.
Namely, as reasoned by Carnot and reemphasized above, for real irreversible cycles
(Irr), the heat engine efficiency is smaller than for reversible cycles (Rev, otherwise the
Irr cycle will be reversible), i.e., for everything else being the same, then WIrr<WRev.
Thus we can reason the proof of the famous Clausius inequality as follow:
W   Q    Q
Irr Irr Rev  WRev  (12)

Considering the inequality Eq.(12) and expending on derivation of Clausius equality,

Eq.(10), (Q / T ) Irr  (Q / T ) Re v (T is non-negative absolute temperature), we have:
Q  Q 
   
 0  , or for both, reversible and irreversible cycles:
T T Re v
Eq. (10 )

T 0 (13)
Everything reasoned above is deduced from, and thus equivalent to “impossibility of
heat to be transferred spontaneously (without any external influence) from colder to
warmer body/reservoir, nor it is possible to construct any device to achieve it in an
autonomous process (a process without any external influences).” A new material
property, entropy, was defined using the cyclic Clausius equality, Eqs.(10&11).
The cyclic Clausius inequality, Eq.(13), affirms that cycle net-influx of the new
quantity, entropy, within a cyclic process must be negative (must be net-outflux), since
the working medium comes back to the same state (and thus the same all properties)
after completing the cycle. This imply that all real irreversible cyclic processes must
produce (generate) the new property entropy, which in limit is conserved in reversible
processes. Thus, it would be impossible to have a cyclic process to destroy entropy,
since it would be equivalent to spontaneous heat transfer from a colder to a hotter body,
never observed in nature. Similar reasoning has been further extended to all types of
energy processes and thus establishing universality of the Second Law of entropy
generation and energy degradation.

Joule’s experiments have proved the equivalency of fully irreversible conversion of
mechanical work to heat or more accurately via generated heat into the internal thermal
energy (of a single thermal reservoir). However, the Joule’s “mechanical equivalent of
heat” does not apply for thermal energy (or heat) conversion to mechanical energy (or
work), since it is not possible to reverse original, fully-irreversible Joule’s process and
convert heat (thermal energy) from a single reservoir to work without any other
interaction with the surroundings. Here the Carnot principle provides the missing “heat
equivalent of work” or “Carnot motive-power equivalent of heat” via reversible heat-
engine conversion of thermal energy into mechanical work. In order to extract work
from a heat reservoir, it is necessary to employ a heat engine running a power cycle,
while transferring part of the heat from a high-temperature reservoir to a low-
temperature reservoir, that is, it is necessary to have, in addition to high-temperature
reservoir for heating, also a low-temperature reservoir for cooling a part of the heat-
engine cycle. Without the low-temperature reservoir to provide thermal compression by
cooling (cycle heat removal), all obtained expansion work (or even more in non-ideal
cycle) will be needed to compress the cycle medium to the
2 1
QH 2

4 3 4L
W WT  WC W  WC
C   C 
 T 
Q H  QL T QH  QL
  1 L  0 
 1 L  0

FIGURE 7. Heat engine ideal Carnot cycle between two different temperature
heat-reservoirs (TH>TL and W>0) (left), and with a single temperature heat-reservoirs
(TH=TL and W=0, ideal reversible cycle) (right). Low-temperature thermal
compression is needed (critical), not the mechanical (isentropic) compression, to realize
work potential between the two different temperature heat-reservoirs, due to internal
thermal energy transfer via heat (W=QH-QL>0). The isentropic expansion and
compression are needed to provide temperature for reversible heat transfer, while net
thermal expansion-compression provides for the net-work out of the cycle (see Table

original temperature and pressure, and all absorbed heat (or even more in non-ideal
cycle) has to be removed out from the cyclic medium in order to complete the cycle, see
Fig. 7.
Therefore, the so called waste cooling-heat in thermal power plants is a useful heat
for cycle execution, necessary for thermal compression (volume reduction) of cycling
medium (e.g., steam to condensate), without which it will not be possible to produce
(cyclic) mechanical work from heat of fuel. In ideal reversible cycles, the exhaust heat
will be in equilibrium with the surroundings without any additional value, and thus is
not a waste at all.
Thermal and mechanical energy and their energy-potentials, temperature and
pressure, are interrelated (coupled). Reversible addition of work (mechanical
compression) or heat (heating via thermal energy transfer), or irreversible heating (via
loss of work or work potential) will increase simultaneously pressure (mechanical
elastic energy potential) and temperature (thermal energy potential), and vice versa.

TABLE 1. Carnot cycle with ideal gas as working medium (see Figs. 2 & 7).

Process Condition QnetIN  U  WnetOUT WnetOUT  QnetIN  U

1-2 V2 V2
Isothermal TH=const 0  Rg TH ln  QH ( IN ) Rg TH ln  0  WH ( OUT )
heating V1 V1
2-3 TL V
Isentropic SE=const CV ln  Rg ln 3  0 0  Cv (TL  TH )  WE (OUT )
expansion TH V2
3-4 V4 V4
Isothermal TL=const 0  Rg TL ln  QL (OUT ) Rg TL ln  0  WL ( IN )
cooling V3 V3
Isentropic CV ln
 Rg ln 1  0 0  Cv (TH  TL )  WC,IN  WE(OUT)
compressio TL V4

QnetIN  R g TH  TL ln

V2 WnetOUT  QnetIN
1-2-3-4- Cycle V1
 Rg TH  TL ln
WnetOUT  QnetIN
QnetIN  R g TH  TL ln
(1-2) All
 Rg TH  TL ln
+(3-4) Thermal V1 V2
(2-3) All
+(4-1) Adiabatic
Q ad netIN  0 W ad netOUT  0
NOTE: From Q2  3  Q4 1  0 it follows that V3 V4 V2 V3 . Then,
 or 
V2 V1 V1 V4
QL Rg TL ln(V4 / V3 ) TL , confirms equality of ideal gas and Thermodynamic absolute temperature
 
QH Rg TH ln(V2 / V1 ) TH
scales. Overall adiabatic processes do not contribute to any net-energy conversion, but only adjust
temperature for reversible heat transfer.

The reversible Carnot cycle is the “enabling tool” to uncouple the mechanical energy
from thermal energy. If we heat a gas in a piston, its internal energy will increase, and
mechanical work potential with regard to other reference thermal reservoir (like
surroundings) is expressed with Carnot efficiency (only if non-equilibrium between the
two reservoirs exist, otherwise no work potential). The cyclic process is ideal method to
decouple and measure the mechanical power-equivalent of the thermal energy with
regard to a reference reservoir (often the surroundings). It is accomplished by an
intermediary system, which after making the whole reversible cycle (or integer number
of cycles), it will not make any trace by itself to the environment (i.e., change of volume
or any other property), since reversible processes do not generate entropy, and it will
come to the same final state as initial (same temperature, pressure, volume, entropy,
energy, etc.). There will be thermal and mechanical expansions and compressions. The
net work is due to the net-thermal expansion-compression, since the net-mechanical
expansion-compression is zero for any reversible adiabatic (isentropic) cycle exposed to
thermal reservoirs only (see Table 1 for ideal gas Carnot cycle; note that phase-change
may skew some details of the otherwise invariant phenomenon). However the
mechanical expansion-and-compression are needed to adjust temperature for reversible
heat transfer to virtually zero temperature difference. Such reversible cycle, in limit,
will run spontaneously when transferring heat from high to low temperature reservoirs
and extract maximum work possible. If the cycle is reversed by using the obtained
work, it will transfer the same heat in reverse, from low to high temperature, thus
performing a reversible refrigeration (or heat pump) cycle, to be elaborated elsewhere.
During reversible heat-engine cycle operation, there will be no entropy generation
(production) within the engine, so the entropy will be “passing through” unchanged
from the heat source to the heat sink (over-all conserved in a reversible net-isentropic
cycle including the interacting reservoirs), with maximum possible work extracted in
the process, similarly to the water-wheel operation, see Fig. 1, and according to the
Clausius equality, Eq.(10). Therefore, the reversible processes are isentropic overall
(including all interacting systems). However, due to any cycle irreversibility
(dissipation/conversion of work potential to thermal energy, known as heat generation),
the entropy will be generated (produced) and transferred along with additional
“generated” heat to the heat sink (SgenTo), thus reducing the extracted work for that
amount and efficiency of the heat engine, i.e., resulting in the cycle production of
entropy with net-outflux or negative cycle net-influx, according to the Clausius
inequality, Eq.(13).

The Far-Reaching Second Law of Thermodynamics

As already stated, Carnot’s ingenious reasoning (in 1824) about limiting, reversible
heat-engine operation, at the time when little was known about heat and work
interactions, much before establishment of the “mechanical equivalent of heat” (Joule,
1843) and energy conservation, enabled his followers to extend his work and to define
absolute Thermodynamic temperature (Kelvin, 1848) and entropy, a new
Thermodynamic material property (Clausius, 1850, Boltzman, 1880), as well as the
Gibbs free energy (Gibbs 1878), one of the most important Thermodynamic functions
for the characterization of electro-chemical systems and their equilibriums. The Carnot

work, almost unnoticed at his time and not fully recognized even now, has have
unprecedented and far-reaching consequences, and was crucial for development of new
science of Thermodynamics. Carnot answered many questions related to the
equivalency of “motive power” and “heat” through his ingenious reasoning of reversible

QH , QL ,WC  
  QH ,QL ,WC 

 Carnot  
 
 W 
  
 f
( T , T )  

 
C c H L
Q IN Qualitativ
 e function Rev .
 ?
 Q (T )

f (T ) T Q
  
mc 2

Q (T0 ) f (T0 ) f (T )T T0 Q0 
 
 Carnot ratio equality , Eq ( 6 ) ( by Carnot followers ) 

FIGURE 8. The Carnot ratio equality (Eq. 6), is much more important than what it appears at first.
Actually it is probably the most important equation in Thermodynamics and among the most important
equations in natural sciences. Carnot’s ingenious reasoning opened the way to generalization of
Thermodynamic reversibility and energy process equivalency, definition of absolute Thermodynamic
temperature and a new Thermodynamic material property ‘entropy’, as well as the Gibbs free energy,
one of the most important Thermodynamic functions for the characterization of electro-chemical systems
and their equilibriums, thus resulting in formulation of the universal and far-reaching Second Law of

His reasoning opened the way to generalization of Thermodynamic reversibility and

energy process equivalency (conserving non-equilibrium during reversible processes),
and formulation of the far-reaching Second Law of Thermodynamics: Carnot’s
reasoning of reversible cycles is in many ways equal to if not more significant than the
Einstein’s relativity theory in modern times.
In summary, the reversible process/cycle equivalency deduced by Sadi Carnot:
efficiency of any reversible cycle between any two temperature reservoirs cannot be
smaller than any other cycle efficiency, thus all reversible cycle efficiencies between the
two reservoirs must be the same and maximum possible, has resulted in a number of
important corollaries and fundamental discoveries. The subtle Carnot’s reasoning paved
the way to the definition of the Carnot ratio equality, Eq.(6), absolute Thermodynamic
temperature, Eq.(8), and deduction, thus proof of the Clausius equality, Eq.(10),
including definition of the new property, entropy (up to an arbitrary reference value),
Eq.(11). Additional consequence of Carnot’s reasoning is that non-reversible
(irreversible) cycles must have smaller efficiency than maximum possible reversible
efficiency, thus allowing deduction and thus proof of the Clausius inequality, Eq.(13),
in limit being an equality for reversible cycles. The cyclic Clausius inequality, Eq.(13),
affirms that cycle net-influx of the new quantity, entropy, within a cyclic process must
be negative (must be net-outflux). This implies that all real irreversible cyclic processes
must produce (generate) the new property entropy, which in limit is conserved in

reversible processes. Thus, it would be impossible to have a cyclic process to destroy
entropy, since it would be equivalent to spontaneous heat transfer from a colder to a
hotter body, never observed in nature. Similar reasoning has been further extended to all
types of energy processes and thus establishing universality of the Second Law of
entropy generation and energy degradation.
There are many forms of the Second Law but they are all interrelated and could be
deduced, i.e., derived from the impossibility of a process (energy transfer) to
spontaneously generate non-equilibrium, thus impossibility to “destroy entropy,” but
otherwise – thus all different forms of the Second Law are equivalent.
Not only it is impossible to produce work from a single thermal reservoir, but it is
impossible to produce more work between any two thermal reservoirs than by using an
ideal Carnot cycle. The latter is more general statement of the former, since the former
is a special case of the latter (zero, no work) when the two reservoirs’ temperatures
approach each others, thus resulting in a single thermal reservoir.
Heat and work are process quantities (while energy is crossing a real or imaginary
boundary) and they cannot be stored within a system as such (for a time being or
forever), thus they are not system property. However, there is a fundamental distinction
between the two energy-in-transfer types: system boundary is forcibly displaced in
specific direction (energy exchange as work during system volume displacement at
given pressure, for example), or randomized thermal energy is transferred over
stationary boundary via collision of elementary system structure (energy exchange as
heat during system entropy displacement at given absolute temperature).

Entropy and Entropy Generation

Entropy is an integral measure of (random) thermal energy redistribution (due to heat
transfer or irreversible heat generation due to energy degradation-lost of work potential)
within a system mass and/or space (during system expansion), per absolute temperature
level. Entropy is increasing from perfectly-ordered (singular and unique) crystalline
structure at zero absolute temperature (zero reference) during reversible heating
(entropy transfer) and entropy generation during irreversible energy conversion (lost of
work-potential to thermal energy), i.e. energy degradation or random equi-partition
within system material structure and space per absolute temperature level.
Furthermore, entropy of a system for a given state is the same, regardless whether it
is reached by reversible heat transfer or irreversible heat or irreversible work transfer.
Entropy is generated when work potential is lost (randomly equi-partitioned) via heat
transfer into the thermal energy at given absolute temperature within the space occupied
by the system, including when expansion (elastic) work potential is lost (i.e. energy
randomly redistributed within enlarged volume instead of being transferred as work
(volume displacement against the surrounding equilibrium pressure), as demonstrated
by the entropy dependence on temperature and volume for ideal gas:.
dT dV dT dP
dS  CV R  CP R (14)
S (T ,V )  S Ref  CV ln(T / TRef )  R ln(V / VRef )  C P ln(T / TRef )  R ln( P / PRef )

Entropy unit is not exactly the same as for specific heat, since entropy increase at
constant volume is equal to the thermal energy increase per absolute temperature level
(important) as opposed to per temperature difference for specific heat at constant
volume. Entropy also increases with volume increase and/or pressure decrease at
constant temperature and during adiabatic expansion (throttling), unless the process is
reversible (isentropic; entropy increase due to volume expansion is balanced with equal
decrease due to work extraction and the corresponding thermal energy decrease).
Therefore during reversible change of volume there is no change of entropy due to
change of volume, but only due to boundary heat transfer if any, i.e.:

   Generated
 
Q W Loss Q QGen
S 
Boundary T
 
System T
 
Boundary T
 
System T

S  , since W Loss Rev
Boundary T Rev

Where, QGen  W Loss Irr

, is heat generation due and equal to loss of reversible work
potential as measure of non-equilibrium of respected systems.


In conclusion, as stated before, it is only possible to produce work during energy
exchange between systems in non-equilibrium (e.g., between two thermal reservoirs at
different temperatures), not within a single thermal reservoir in equilibrium. Actually,
the work potential is measure of the systems’ non-equilibrium, thus the work potential
could be conserved only in processes if the non-equilibrium is preserved (conserved, i.e.
rearranged; the produced work has to be reversibly stored somewhere!), and such ideal
processes could be reversed, and thus named reversible processes. When the systems
come to the equilibrium there is no potential for any process to take place and produce
(extract) work. Therefore, it is impossible to produce work from a single thermal
reservoir in equilibrium, otherwise a non-equilibrium will be spontaneously created and
in limit resulting in an infinite potential (infinite mass-energy concentration) within
infinitesimally small extent (volume), a “black-hole-like energy singularity,” instead of
resulting into a lasting equilibrium redistribution with randomized equi-partition of
mass-energy at the corresponding equilibrium level (energy potential). Consequently, if
heat transfer takes place spontaneously at finite temperature difference (as in heat
exchangers), without possible reversible Carnot work extraction, the latter work
potential will be permanently “lost,” thus irreversibly dissipated into thermal energy,
with increase (production) of entropy. All real natural processes between systems in
non-equilibrium have tendency towards common equilibrium and thus loss of the
original work potential, by converting other energy forms into the thermal energy
accompanied with increase of entropy (randomized equi-partition of energy per absolute
temperature level). Due to the loss of work potential in a real irreversible process, the
resulting reduced work cannot reverse back the process to the original non-equilibrium,

as would be possible with ideal reversible processes. Since non-equilibrium cannot be
created or increased spontaneously (by itself and without interaction with the rest of the
surroundings, i.e., on the expense of non-equilibrium within the surroundings), then all
reversible processes must be the most and equally efficient (will equally conserve the
work potential), otherwise will create non-equilibrium by reversing and coupling
differently efficient reversible processes. The irreversible processes and cycles will lose
work potential to thermal energy with increase of entropy, thus will be less efficient
than the corresponding reversible processes as discussed above.
Therefore, the Second Law could be expressed in many forms reflecting
impossibility of creating or increasing non-equilibrium and thus work potential between
the systems within an isolated enclosure or the universe:
 No heat transfer from low to high temperature of no-work process (like
isochoric thermo-mechanical process).
 No work transfer from low to high pressure of no-heat process (adiabatic
thermo-mechanical process).
 No work-producing from a single heat reservoir, i.e., no more efficient work-
producing heat engine cycle than the Carnot cycle.
 Etc, etc … for other work forms associated with different energy forms.
All the Second Law statements are equivalent since they reflect the reversible
equality of work potential between all system states reached by any and all reversible
processes (reversibility is measure of equivalency) and impossibility of creating or
increasing over-all non-equilibrium and aver-all work potential (of all interacting
Spontaneous creation or increase of overall non-equilibrium and thus work potential
is impossible, but only decrease of work potential and non-equilibrium towards a
common equilibrium (equalization of all energy-potentials) accompanied with entropy
generation due to loss of work potential to thermal energy at system absolute
temperature, resulting in maximum equilibrium entropy.
A process direction (mass-energy transfer) is forced from higher potential (higher
mass-energy concentration source) towards lower one (mass-energy sink) thus
increasing the lower potential (concentration) on the expense of the higher until a
lasting equilibrium with balanced forced potential is achieved.
Reversibility enables evaluation of equivalency, so one violation is equivalent to
others: heat engine more efficient than ideal Carnot engine is equivalent to a heat engine
working from a single reservoir, or it is equivalent to heat flow from low to high
temperature or pumping heat from a single reservoir and generating hotter system. So if
one violation would be possible then all other violation would be possible too, thus
rendering the Second Law to be invalid.
Ideal reversible processes are the most efficient since they conserve non-equilibrium
(available energy or work potential or exergy) and thus conserve entropy; They may be
considered as reversible elastic oscillators (rearranging non-equilibrium) at different
time scales.
However, real, irreversible processes dissipate (“waste”) work potential to thermal
energy and generate entropy. It is impossible to have hyper-reversible processes to
generate non-equilibrium (or produce it from equilibrium) and destroy entropy, at any
time and space scale, because the process forcing has to come from somewhere, i.e.,

from existing higher potential (existential conservationism) and cannot be created from
nowhere (mysterious creationism). During a real process from non-equilibrium towards
equilibrium at lower common potential than the forcing subsystem at higher potential,
the mass-energy will dissipate (disperse randomly) to finer substructures of involved,
interacting (sub)systems, except for interactions among elementary particles without
substructure or in ideal elastic, reversible interactions.

Definition of The Second Law of Energy Degradation and Entropy Generation:

Non-equilibrium, i.e., non-uniform distribution of mass-energy in space, tends in time
to spontaneously and irreversibly redistribute over space towards common equilibrium,
thus non-equilibrium cannot be spontaneously created. All natural spontaneous, or
over-all processes (proceeding by itself and without interaction with the rest of the
surroundings) between systems in non-equilibrium have irreversible tendency towards
common equilibrium - and thus irreversible loss of the original work-potential (measure
of non-equilibrium), by converting other energy forms into the thermal energy
accompanied with increase of entropy (randomized equi-partition of energy per
absolute temperature level)"

Therefore, entropy is transferred and can be reduced (locally) but cannot be destroyed
(anywhere): entropy is always and everywhere (locally and integrally) generated or
The miracles are until we comprehend and explain them!

1. Sadi Carnot, Reflections on the Motive Power of Heat, English translation by R.H. Thurston (1824)
http://www.thermohistory.com/carnot.pdf or http://www.history.rochester.edu/steam/carnot/1943/
2. V. Capek and D.P. Sheehan, Challenges to The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Theory and
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3. J. Uffink, Bluff your way in the second law of Thermodynamics, Studies in History and Philosophy of
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4. E.T. Jaynes, The evolution of Carnot's principle, in G. J. Erickson and C. R. Smith (eds.) Maximum-
Entropy and Bayesian Methods in Science and Engineering vol. 1, p. 267 (1988).
5. H. Erlichson, Sadi Carnot, ‘Founder of the Second Law of Thermodynamics’, Eur. J. Phys. 20 p. 183-
192, 1999.
6. M. Kostic, Irreversibility and Reversible Heat Transfer: The Quest and Nature of Energy and
Entropy, IMECE2004, ASME Proceedings, ASME, New York, 2004.
7. M. Kostic, Treatise with Reasoning Proof of the First Law of Energy Conservation, Manuscript,
Northern Illinois University, 2006 (updated 2007 and later). Last accessed in December 2010.
8. M. Kostic, Treatise with Reasoning Proof of the Second Law of Energy Degradation, Manuscript,
Northern Illinois University, 2006 (updated 2007 and later). Last accessed in December 2010.


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