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Wwe Test

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NAME: \A?AIIL 5tllMfl 6lNTl k(ba^u ilnutm
SID: 14oc

1. What is Biochemical OxYgen Demand?

. -. Ae amoun* o( oxglen needed &t h e h''a'a-ttga'ni5rrt5
f" .pmeasurement
Ac6rz,Ae .
of the amount of organic pollution (that can be oxidized
biologically) in a sample of water.
What is sludge age?
faerahon *<nV)
€ reluv\on trnr o( bioma*5 th +tY
4- rh
the average time a particle of suspended solids remains in the activated
sludge system.
is nitrification?
|.3. ni+,v t'r"' eh {s ,,
What ,^. ^ niW
, 1n
A^ nil'tote
n,#2 ?u)
i' anvvAel
l"Y hi"t"^" b4 ct er
d +' ni tvale
J7;rrti,tn+e is oonve+-e
4. What happens to alkalinity during nitrification process?
+\ *
Alkalinity is lost in an activated sludge process during nitrification. Nitrifiers use alkalinity as a carbon
(^('ft'r ""ar
)il:il'"L|^i: 1,":":::;i''!*^"'7'le
source, i.e., they use an inorganic form of carbon. Hydrogen ions (H+) are produced when ammonium ions
are oxidized to nitrite. Nitrous acid (HNO2) is also produced during the oxidation of ammonium ions. This
destroys alkalinity.

5. hat is endogeneous resPiration? *v

eati eaGL a'ft'-{ ) in o@'r wawtE
^'Wn mlkaorg'^'3 n
t5 a>iA't }ed b g ahu't *Aarr*
Wh/ does endogeneous respiration occur?

,[ ,Urr oro.rtrL &"A Lon6<lz5)

7. what is the purpose of recycling biomass from the clarifier to the
/eration tank? ,
bi o?n<ss
/ _ J4,. .o^c./n4{4+ o^ o{
J % rrt^ilvtrtvr +1"e 'ont
-In +1,a 4%46 cta tanb '
8. Why is ammonia discharge in ww effluents from sewage treatment plants
w,hen there is NO arnmonia in the raw intake?

/ *^rnsr,'rai 19 +'( resvll 'fl^rn *v'L dqr<)<l^'q "f

''/ l"toroa55 , aond W ghoA stvl6e +ge )o noA P:'e
-l,W P, ** 4rn'not'ii h e'$rath+ \a'/c
\ii/ ) 't%outf
-h* pr-c ess o{ \-rfi6'cqhu'.
9. Undgr what condition does denitrification occur?
ft, @NhQ +" h;+-ra ?a3 , fr
ir' ^iv4+t
-* \cc,tr lz,"V '

\il \--l

10. Whafyare the common three nutritional requirements of mo?

- J i;) i\ carbo n
\j] eno<63
\i-',' Tt) elerrV.^ 4cLe(.+pa

11. What is the BOD:N:P ratio requirement for the degradation of organic
A BOD:N:P ratio of 100:5:1 is often used as a benchmark for nutrient addition in nutrient
limited wastewaters.

t2. Give pn example of an attached growth system.

. / lnobring $fte..r
13. What.is an attached growth system?
ba4 e'-o
ol 4'L o'z(nic rnqt'+€r 4'i,'tu+
'The deVra/<+on
ol^n' '^rhun +4 4re tfia"d" J +o
-+^L mq-+e'i<13

14. Which does an extended aeration system has lower sludge production
compared to a coriventional.-activated s lud ge system ?

$suu9t ea1'czn/cd o*o+;u' />9+ev"' hus l"ngzr slu)ge -<9e '

X +. ir-r^^)i tvl,yl Gtge', ,n h'n evt+at^- 6e fnte )+
" ;s

15. Wflut is the cause of eutrophication in streams?
'i E\ceS+-,v s ha+ne.n+-s o r ni4'o ffeza 4^e "9gAo* 5
* pU Cqqge(

i er,u>.y4.(e q"-"wJrh o1 al6ae ar gl<n?i )n gyL'<trtS t whiah

i rr -hc ayg'F"^
€ l^4; nLo^sr, +IY90ox?gu^ ..n'1!n"
-fN hOO itlqt<ge 4 ,e'ukof hi c<"non ACz-nt 4
16. Effluent from an STP is supposed to meet the following limits:
BOD = 10 mg/L, TSS = 20 mglL.
However, sampling on effluents indicated that if the standard limits of
TSS are met, BOD limits are violated. Explain why.
.rboo tirnits i5 ttl? a5 h'* As T95 lirn;*g
X *'/ed
Vi o bn,n n 'ilgo <ohi

anA g,.^^oI^A ol<;6 ar

17. What is the solution to Q16 above?
(nv',de exlthled aew'ho^ '&nL

20, Suggest a treatment system flow if the wastewater has high Zinc
ilrY f t {' lt 'E h ('eei , ttY' +inL
Adi a9+

0. What is "sloughing" in trickling filters?

ve -s^')'' i^
elir^e l<get's n"il'g $t+e'r i9 no.lo73u-.'L'"-
i^r- A 4 '.0{ q- ,^Y(1*+'J'
r6,'i" +' t+\L =1f-?ti "Nh.^ a'r o7 h'"'
\ "lrtu, on^*fr" chgc++"n, +'nAz-<6how5 ''g1- \'1
-,to '4?*i;:f{# 6t"-
41. Where does the mo in rotating biological contactor gets its oxygen'l'
gin"m ,W r.tahon tI l+,( o6,i4(k( /W)es

42. Why does mo needs oxygen?

{ lly fnfU-onfnBr'l +t Tn* , *t^qs

* k .16^t" w'44
' (c\_-/
43. In a BOD test, a stuclent added 2 mL of diluted coke (1:1000) in a BOD
bottle. He then added aerated distilled water (with nutrients added) to
thp BoD bottle. The sample \\'as stored at 20c for 5 days. He found that
there was no depletion of oxygen. Initial DO = 8.0 mg/L, Final DO : 8.0
mglL. Explain why there was no depletion of oxygen.
X - lnttvr ecA (++ , fu ro<crl\un hhno+
- lntnf r ecl 1gN1'0fz'+4re
44. How does the student in Q43 should rectify his experiment?
a'tn{ k|"e J'a^pat'1al^re
- f{. thoi^ta{ ^4q+ W f+'t
45. In a BOD test the following is obtained:
Wastewater Sample =2 mL; Initial DO:8.0 mg/L, Final DO = 7.5 mglL
The resulfs cannot be used. Why?
,,.\,,v_ t, legs {4.<,, I
The' ta+ryt+* reluch^vn o{ 'Po

46. What should be done in Q45?
\Kr ^ 444 v".tt€ V-++t" PlLo*

' aAa tnttrs ,'kt-'t- a5

47. I"'" B;; test the follorvins is obtained:
Wastewater sample = I mL; Initial DO:8.0 mg/L; Final DO = 0.5 mg/L
The results cannot be used. Why?
X -Tl^t G-^<( DD i9 Ie'Ys I

48. Wha/should be done in Q47?

9t 't1'Y trtt('t/^ht<tio^ o( *@
^^ - .
V Miu .W -1"
tshnt') '
wi.tr^ e^przlzJ "Aer-
Li #^*u inorc-

49. What is the purpose of adding buffer pillows to the aerated distilled lvater
in a BOD tes(?
T" 1mii.s W L^ok";ar 7.* ih Yw nSP'n

50. sometimes NBOD will be exerted in BoD samples from effluents of

selYagetreatment. Why?
No{ enrtu(h ,KV4,e4 I ho* s^0 n* ni+n{. <'6
VAB 3033


NAME: NAVA<,rv SIltmA k&vut, l4wtrvl

SID: 4q 07

1. a. An industry generates wastewater which has the following

BoDs = 1o mg/L
TSS =25mgL4n "\o;'
zinc = 2oo mg/L -)r'^$o'/s
pH =20. ^^t;.uI*
i. Propose a treatment scheme to treat the wastewater.
-f\e gH ol ne e\"lA bc . , [3 marks]
odivted +'o ^l{rcf ^+e 7H "il^icl {5 nlv.<ltg
i1 4 -q .S'r ?in(' ' w\ilv, qlqh 5ho''{ / Lc- w5ed G-)
e<5 c' X' os<c5ul'\:> n @
Ir g o,',\r..,^cg l.*
n^) {taco*Vkfln'
/,2 a{Iil " r-' f V
\(1* oThrnu^., )ffi"oQ o-^g^V\
ii. Describe an experiment and its purpose that you would
conduct to effectively treat the wastewater using the
treatment scheme suggested in Q1a(i).
o Jar, 4c6l - whe.ne i+ i, nl.dlsdy +. 14 ma rksl

/tltn^',ne +W o(h'rnura gU ? e'l +tv, -7'h-rnv"t /\

wrll Le' uEed to 4rca+ I ri \
)-se o( c-o<gur *'v',1 -la<+ tvl
\ l-"/
*tv vtAg+ar ato{
Vw! "']lt bc L a\fukre-nt
, Yrr Nnig e+(o;rh+ ' u'i ft^ A; +414e^ + f +t 'n d
gauu g l e ^^; o-( t^^6'l-l '
)b+rz,rera tho w 5

. the mogr et\ eci;ve *tv c c-l<4 e s u'"1*te"tqartt

*^a ^of,lo"1{ 'df1a* 4h"-lA
trt op+,-^,,^ f+I s1o.+4( -r<W '
F" V"+ Ll'Y
Va uwd
VAB 3033

( ft^^ oni< )
b. A wastewater treatment plant using a conventional activated sludge
system treating municipal wastewater discharges its effluent into a
stream. Dead fish were noticed in the stream and the wastewater
treatment plant discharge was identified to be the cause. The
stream is also
impacted with _ggl__!]ooy. However, tests
conducted on the effluent did not indicate high organic load or any
toxic compounds. What is the reason for the "fish kills"? What
tests do you recommend to be carried out? Also suggest a solution
you can implement in the plant to rectify the problem.

[5 marks]
Aotat F) elds-h^t Nrio,-ge,^ ,-^snkal <\owlA l'c +zt+eA
vre<9+re ?u
l\ t* :o1,, *;o rr ff'rig 'i, 'i h o-*e't 't-"ol'V<'F"'' NiYste'rt
L.ll-f,,n+ o.f 'Arnrnon*< Ni].ogz^ <r'A
it-r W una*+Owote{
-Ih;g * fr'sh u;115" i5 . W re4ul+ 'fr-"n kt re- Lr1Jh c-,t>n*.r-4t-l
I .c.A,,/ d-eal slwl6e
o{ 4rh rh t' ^"r A 0rsr' +"e c5er"r4'n '}i-'u '\ .
*he 4r\rxon'r4 d'\) no* b.4.\/c e 0", # "|,'n^c
w\t.c t-+9 T\ W n1+e,rn
+, lraltg n;4rn,f,a<lila n grsL

-+ -t1^i9 pv-bler- , 4 t"n6

Tl.v" sr l.,r *' , n
sl"Age ..cbe

51ao^l) W'ase) in {IY Irzs4r.z-'^S p.\<n4 ftronS

t 9

it ,l-" y,-ide q lotger ,htx"e -l-t !t/-e hr]'i 4

n;J"$ $+c.l:or +-
Wlntf'L- 4{e tai{'b 4oltno^<'9 ^,n)
q'v^nl on'[ 4 'f" ni'{'"-*e <n A ni'v<) €
h i'{.^'fy W
) Ae useA '$r 'lz"tt;'6fi-e5
ftn oxi z t< nlc <lg o shoul
-'t pv- )u ce n';\t'oXe^ f 9
VAB 3033

3. A complete-mix activated sludge system with recycle is to be designed to

treat a municipal wastewater after primary sedimentation with the following
Flow = 22464 m3/day
BOD = 140 mglL
lnfluent TKN = 20 mglL
lnfluent P = 5 mg/L

The relevant biokinetic coefficients and operating conditions are:

Y = 0 40 g VSS/g bCOD
ka = 0.088 g VSS/g VSS.d
K = 20 g bsCOD/mr
H, = 3.5 g VSS/g VSS.d
SRT = 5 days
MLSS = 4000 mg/L
Return sludge 8000 mg TSS/L
N required = 12% of biomass
P required = 2oh of biomass
bCOD = 1 6 (BoD)
Biomass MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85
Clarifier effluent TSS = 15 mg/L
Determine the followinq :

a K::i,'^tron in mo/L
rhe ernue'1il$'dt;"
bcog " ,locolT r rb (6D [2 marks]
5b6oD = lCaD - 7bcoD
6(a0 = l'L ( t+o ^3 /t-) . 7L4 ng /L
bs CoO , zo
Az zzQLE nj / d,g
b. The aeration tank volume in m3 So = z>4 n5 /t-
. [3 marks]
fr,ug, -'--+ay (5"-5)

G;) (t a) d?Y (s.- s) lrzt

I+ (r.1)SRT t* (r.4; ter / '(._-
\ -/.' I

sl t + Cl.,r) sIzT I
, (ro ol^t)(r +[o-oss)(aJ])
tkr ( A\ - tl-t) -t lv)) ( 1-5 0'oT't)-t
zl 99 DL>D l^a
?r,t5t , (t>)u4 )( o +)( a z4 - 1,1 )( t4/ro') + (u-t5)(o .ow)c..h) (z{6w)
(+z\ - l-g ) Le) ('/t,:t) '
i+ (q )L ,'"ss) ( , *u * "6b -fg)
ir+"$ uro v5r/A
(x v,r)tv)' [0*,vs)Lg(L-t) ytst tv) '(i,.rr^)(set)
. q.LT+ ? t>oLy4
\ VAB 303
LVI (x"rs) z 2tr ,+D54
A+ N<>9 ' 4o oo g /'nz )
c. The biomass produced and sludge wasted, in kg/day

L- v
a: ? Uo,t)(rv,t
'#"-- a'aa h
[3 marks]
F^'l*h v55 = qb7+ o-$
nLv 5t ' D-t ( 4ootl ?
Tzoo ? I nt
The oxygen requirements in kg/day

f\o . Q L5"-5) -t,+z f*, L;o [3 marks]

.Ir>46+)( >>v-(.q) 2, ot) - t +> ( tqw)


z eq,ql -q t n /A _ Loq g.g

-- L$47.V t1 ( A
e. F/M ratio

9 tlb*
[2 marks]
Y -- &r"
tu, x,

t/3- d
Vb N\vV 5$. .l
l?L}o) Lqo,t16; ,' 4 /*.0
The N and P requirements, based on the biomass produced/day, in
mg/L.day. Additionally, find how much N and P are to be added, if
required, in mg/L.
[6 marks]

VAB 3033

a -5i_ x ,oz -t/ A

4. a. A two stage high rate trickling filter plant treats 7.57 MLD of
municipal wastewater with
@he firters are of
equal diameter and depth, and have equaf recycle ratios. Effluent
standard limit for BoDs is set at 2s mg/L. pertinent data for the
plant are:

BOD5 removal by the primary clarifier = JJ"/o

Filter diameter = 21 m
Filter depth = 1.5 m
Recycle ratio = 1.0

Determine if the BoDs in the final effluent meets the standard limit.

(. Ca)(O'l * 4- i 4> \l ,r)- [16 marks]

{z+L) (?t) 4
. azLL = TLib"VC tnL
(9oO lo.rr^-1 r<*e , ry ?
Q.t*x {03 )(,q')
V e4 L+ < h")
-* v-q t.<6/r7-rlt

lO tr

Z lr
yzsu: $2.9 r^6tL - +kz rerr^<in;\< 9oDq

W'fu'Z-W'9\ 6/6-, #qJ.Aw"

W 0,*:
li t t E-( r f E,') : 6ffi V'b]" . ct"77
L, = Ez-
E, -+L,(t tE,)= 'o-72 /\t
Et + Lt + Ert = O-21 # E,''+LL.,=o-Zz | ,--t /

NAME:. Np$:*pL ..

!'.i$1.. .\p.H. .3111l: Cs F

S r D : - - --Lq
jlt- --:- -- - - - - -- -

1. What is the difference between attached growth systems and suspended

growth systems?
ALr".h+d -ftrknr , hii: nsnss *rttr,QK [2 marks]
fl*o*fi ,l^ll, fu grlr ru'*t

*\e !'r'qPa$ 5 ei'rtF*v66d rn

$,r*pndaol 1t-*'eu'lt SUfr"*
\q,:tr '."u1i-' 1,. J$*a*o,
State THREE (3) nutritional requirements for an aerobic heterotrophic
ptrr6g * dxiztahar {rt$,aatio$"/ 13 marks]
) 5ourre o{
'] $rutre o{ trr',b'f) dtfin^( 'n';'vp'ev /
4 L,lec!,.eh " e* *nnl
^qrytr( )(
J. What is the purpose of each of the following?

[3 marks]

Grit Chamber:
*,vore -,N
t^'ti.le ef ry1q$ct
Jo ^X
Removes heavier smaller particles i.e..sand, gravel; O&G: FOG: separates oil and grease

ii. Aeration tank: \ A

The i?n,ov{
1omain }t{clxrulpd
purpose of an aeration tank is to facilitate the biological treatment of wastewater by
pumping or inducing air into it. /\
lll. Secondary Clarifier:
Separate and remove solids/biomass produced in biological process in manner that suits
Tt F"rrhbr€
process s${-#sg
goals (rapid lrirfturf$ff
sludge removal,tud4e
detention time, etc.).
Thicken solids for recirculation and process reuse.
Store biomass as buffer to prevent process upsets.
Why do you recycle biomass from the clarifier into the aeration tank?
tian11riff {r t\rnrftt4rr' 'lh a ret\k91an [1 mark]

to maintain the concentration of microorganism to degrade biomass.
ri "ar'^\n - r\rlql /\
5. Why do y6u waste sludge from the clarifier{
To {er$6$e frtper b ia rn*ps {ro*r 4},p rier*r,fi'ar I mark]
6. What is sludge age?
[1 mark]
)lu4ge a6r ir J\'re -llmc "fnr -lhru bierv*rgc tcri:*rYlf, *.1

-lho >l$rrlr t:e'fure Le*3 bfel*ed

0) If the MLVSS :&00 ms& y : 30 L. Biomass wasted/day : 900 mL, e
= 30 Llday, What is the sludge age?
[4 marks]
) ludge aQf

8. What system would produce less waste sludge - extended aeration or high
rate aeration? Why?
[3 marks]
{ 'r+rrvfe"l 4rtr{icn rurr'hrc !e:'l' \'iq:k i'iudFe
q: it l9 etrdc qeilrgt|9 r{ipii4lrfo ' ll\rtrrt'ffttlrtr\ tlqtrolr
rrle h o*hev &teav lte elud$e F'rrd.u*n'a*

9. What is endogeneous respiration? Why does this happen?

[2 marksl
{n.{r$nnf, uS r€l;:isr,rljari il wtr en -lhs i*tcla ef f}firrr:i
f',tlii/.fl*d .jta f,.fr, :{
t}r/n "'letlrafe{r' {<':ei. d-f}rrr

lh,g t.,oppen Ieaaute Jtptehrrr r! d,1.

10. Name TWO products when mo degrade organic matter for a high rate
activated sludse svstem.
[2 marks]
Ca r , l\,v

11. Why is there high ammonia in effluents of some sewage treatment plants if
the raw ww has low ammonia concentration?

Wcattre 4m{nbnia B produeed $e nn 'lhe ,1p{lrsr.{!fu n [2 marks]

12. Name one fype micoorganisms thalareaburulgnt if the activated sludge
sysrsms arc operateci at iong siuciee aee;ndlow nrUlatroT-
I I mark] |
htit,aEo rnc iqs

13. Why is it that sometimes effluent TSS limit can be met but not effluent
BOD limit?

hr'au$ {gt i+ brolrrSrnat larbtrrar4,bcni+ * srPrf BeD[2marks]


14. What would you recommend in Q14 above?

[1 mark]
["{d tit{o*'tro^ 1tte^

15. Why is it important to have wastewater disinfection?

[2 marks]
Ts rp.hsrrf /kill prr{hu$en -}}ir,6 r$.*rf l'.rtvm. *r hqnna*

16. What is the reason if the aeration tank is filled up with brown floating

Nt\t/f€ 4fi/tsitf e'f *trip**"{cd c'altd marks]

presence of slowly biodegradable surfactant (eg: household detergent) from[2
industrial or municipal

17. If you are removing S1fe, what'system should be in place in the

treqlrnslt qeit?
---) N' 'lU* [2
bnitct,rqlion r"rl^'p'e NOl b1 lr
elecfup*r dl{:rI?F{''## tn 4noxte r*nd}tla"rn

t 8. What happens to alkaliniry during nitrification process?

alFort,n^ty u/uced b-ecuurxe * !s [een uteJ 11 mark] |

itr -the nllri{i c4fion f rcce* I

19. What happens to alkalinity during denitrification process?

A\t1rinit1 i{ noi qffrrtrJ f;ine* r+ B' aot

qkd [1 mark]

lvr {1P 1'tbc$5

alkalinity increase
20. What are fwo essential nutrients that is required by mo?
{ti*1v*4rrrl [2 marks]
" !:;;:gi.*r,.t.

21. State the BOD:N:P ratio for a municipal biological wastewater treatment.
[3 marks]
lrct5 '!

22. State your decision whether to accept or reject the BOD results of each of
the samples and the reason andlor recommendation. NO CALCULATION
of BOD is required.
[7 marks]

Sample Final Initial Depletion Volume of Decision Reason

DO DO of Sample
A (Blank) 7.0 8.0 1.0 .lNarp i1; 1,,' r"cXttif r{ 9r,urt)\{ i
Yelptt ', ,llr r' fi \''ilJ€ i' d ifr- i:'<''!tlf '
l,/ {uFl./f 'Jl':} [-I'i ii tr , i l i:tr,1t", tf v DO

B 9.0 8.0 1.0 10 mL v0 cl,cttA

teleci \\4t Y
h,trlev-lhnr' \i/hat U

C 5.0 8.0 3.0 l0 mL ,y'

lhp ''lpplf fr r a
",7 f r''T€h :" :\4tu ,tr ! oirre'plrd

D 7.0 8.0 1.0 l0 mL

,,V +hr-
/ ti ri
rVi)'dr' I
rif rr

E 0.5 8.0 7.5 lmL lrl$*/ tr r
i..qt l,,r t"'.,rid
Le ;t1, 1t1lt
Describe how do you measure settleability solids.

t) T1r" 7bc til c{ wrrlte r,{.ir1ki 4li*l '{,; r"!,r1:"rtrbri

, '
r{^,-l". .[5 marksl

3 !., u' lhr lhfr

{he i}\ecrclrtflJ e

l{rti1 9lf
l) f'rt {e{11 , *iun: y tct'ii !!r'!:fr \'
" +) rr'rx rt llsjde *te bP;tf,sv
''[t'o -ll'rf nrrrt$ilntS '!qlt r'd ru'{':rrt
* !rr'.t, $elCF rvlr* a*ri{ lr'Y"e
et F,qiit "t-i tueQeirrtg 64tir'etfr * n,J ?t scte*ol
i"i c\t rri* lttc'l'$e
O flro -li 1 1g,a{r*req $*r *r*dt{ 't*rlr i3 ,"Sh
4 ,'';+,1 -ll'e h'c'61

24. Why is that sometimes microorganisms can withstand hjgbr,rconcel]lgliqn

than its inhibitorv threshold?
===- [3 marksl
Vtre.ay -0u'l-
So+ t{vun\ tt'lkfa'' q6 rury1v€

25. What is sloughing in Trickling Filter?

[2 marks]
whOn {he biuntc'tqe {t}ac$usd
fluugt,ng is tht slqte
'{h* n**ipi vv&trreol o}f *n'*
ft*I tset 4hr clig fu {he trec{ret

A wastewater treatment prgcess consist of the following treatment train.

) Aeration Tank ) Clarifier ) Trickling Filter )Clarifier)

26.. State what does the aeration tank remove? [1 mark]

$u.tye*rJed $Plild

27. State what does the trickling filter remove? ll mark]

$ym,,g /tlud3e BOD/COD/TOC
28. State ONE purpose of recirculation in

It d?landrfflbt'i +$r"r Cc$rc.h&drftsp

trickling filter? [1 mark]
cf bl**ru*r{
29. Why do you think a second stage trickling filter is used instead of a single
wastewaterzlnge- *r''h.t;,rg
have high 4,p"" rs
concentration {'* rrc8cre

-!\a fludge
provide a,-o{
nitrification {f.fqcvg {Fx{eg{ [,r'*fhersi

30 What are the microorganisms responsible for nitrification?

[2 marks]
lila LratSer I hr{lt:'r;,*.gh or}fi5'

31, What is TKN?

\/ l1 markl
N + r'
forar Eiedthh- $rnrnonra ffivogan /
5 7,
)L. What is the concentration of medium strenpth gOD and TSS values for raw
constituent weakmunicioal medium
wastewater? strong minimum
BOD mg/L 110 220 400 30 12 marksl
TSS 100 22020: Vb 350
\at'&r\ $ 30

Nitrogen 20 40trb; lr, *anAad

85 * variable

Phosphorus 4 8 15 variable
JJ. What process do you need in your treatment train if there is hish settleable

'gs? SettlingmiXrvtX
tank -7 Flcurd44ran *---*e' taarytffizr
clarifier tank [1 mark]

J+. What source of carbon is required if an anoxic system is used to remove

nitrates? hoe-
[1 mark]
0a12na,At -b


1. Bukit Tagar Landfill treats its leachate biologically using four ponds operated as
sequencing batch reactor. Each reactor characteristics and operational
characteristics are as follows:

Volume of pond = 5000 m3

Raw wastewater Feed, Q = 250 m3/day
Aeration Period = 25 hours
MLVSS = 7000 mg/L
TSS in effluent = 50 mg/L
Waste Sludge = 200 m3

MLVSS of waste sludge = 40 000 mg/L

BOD of Influent = 40 000 mg/L
DO = 1-2 mglL
a. Calculate the amount of biomass in kg in the pond. [2 marks]

MLVS$ = 7000 mgll x 5000 m3 x 103L/m3 x 1 kg/106 * 35 000 kg

b. Calculate the F/M ratio in each lagoon. [2 marks]

F/M = 40 000 mg/t x 250 m3/day x 103 L/m3 x 1 kqll06 = 0.29

35 000 kg

c. Calculate the amount of biomass wasted (including the biomass wasted in

the effluent) [4 marks]
Arnount of biomass wasted
= 40 000 mgll x 200 m3 x 103 Llm3 x 1 kgi ',|06 mg +
50,mg/L x 250 m3/day x 1 kg/10u *g x 103L/m3
= 8000 + 12.5 = 8012.5 ka
d. Sludge age, in days [2 marks]

SRT = Amount of biomass in the svstem

Amount of biomass wasted

= 35 000i8012.5 = 4.37 davs

,27--r " rrF

A complete-mix activated sludge system with

recycle is to be designed treat a
aftei piima,y sedim-entation wfth il.,e tofoilowins
Flow 22464 m3/day
coD 224 mglL
Influent TKN 20 mglL
Influent P 5 mg/L

The relevant biokinetic coefficients and operating

conditions are:

0.40 g VSS/g bCOD

ko 0.088 g VSS/g VSS.d
Ks 20 g bsCOD/m3
| 4rrol
H*= 3.5 g VSS/g VSS.d
SRT = 5 days
MLSS = 4000 mg/L
Return sludge = 8000 mg TSS/L
N required = 12% of biomass produced
P required = 2% of biomass produced
Biomass MLVSS/MLSS = 0.8S
Clarifier effluent TSS = 15 mg/L
Determine the following.
a. The effluent bsCOD concentration in mg/L

[2 marks]

K.(l + koS")
,5,(p, - ku)-l

S" . ?0 t 'l t p.088 (S)1 a 1.Z9.mg bsQODlL

[5 (3.5-0.088)-11

b. The aeration tank volume in m3

[2 marks]

V = S"YQ (5,- S")

X (l + koS")
V = ?24S4 x Q.40 x 5 {?24-1,79} (okay if not divide by o.si)
4000x {1+ 0"088x5}

V = '1744 m3

c. The biomass produced and sludge wasted, in kg/day

[2 marks]

D yQ (s, _,s")
' 1 + S"ko

= {23464 x 0"4} X?24:1if9} (11103 kqiq}

[1 + 0.088 x $] 0.85

= 1,179 ks Y$S/day

Sludge wasted, Px,rss = 1179i0.85 = 1387 kqlday


d. The oxygen requirements in kg/day

t3 marksl

Ro - Q (S" *S) * 1-42 Px, bio

= 22464 (224-1.?9) {1/103} - 1.42 (11?9} =331? kgtday

e. F/M ratio

[2 marks]

F/M = QSn = 22464 x t224\ = Q.72 kglkg.day

XV {a000}x(17aa}

g. The N and P requirements, based on the biomass produced/day, in

mgil.day. Additionally, find how much N and P are to be added, if
required, in mgil.

[6 marks]

Px,fio = 1179 000 g/day

N required = 0.12 g N/g biomass

= 0.12 ('1179 000 g) = 141 480 g

Based on influent flow = 141480 g I 22464 m3/day = 6.3 mg/L.d

Influent flow TKN = 20 mg/L

so nitrogen must be added at 20-6.3 = 13.7 mg/L as N



[3 marks]

P required = 0.02 g P/g biomass

= 0.02 (1179 000 g) = 23580 g/day

Based on influent flow = 23580 9l(22464 m3/day) = 1.0S mg/L

So P must be added at 5-1.05 = 3.95 mg/L as P

h. lf the design is to accomplish BOD removal and nitrification with and

effluent NH4-N concentration of 0.45 mg/L, determine the alkalinity needed
as sodium bicarbonate in kg/day as NaHCOr.

[11 marks]
Determine the amount of nitrogen oxidized to nitrate.

NO" = TKN - N" - 0.12 P,,oio/Q

= 20 g/m3- 0.5 g/m3 - (0.12 g N/g VSS) (1179 kg VSS/dayX103 g/kg)/(22464 m3n)

= 13.2 glm3

Prepare an alkalinity balance

Alkalinity used for nitrification

= (7.14 9 CaCOs/9 NH4-NX13.2 gim3)

= 94.2 g/mrused as CaCOa

Influent alkalinity = 140 g/m3 used as CaCO3
Residual alkalinity to maintain pH in range of 6.8-7.0 = 80 g/m3

80 = 140 - 94.2 + alk to be added

Alk to be added = 34.2 gim3 used as CaCOg

= (22464 m'n\ 1St.Z glm3;1ilt03 fglg; = 768.3 kg/day as CaCOg


Equivalent weight of CaCOe = 50 g/equiv.

Equivalent weight of Na(HCOg) = 84 g/equiv.

Na(HCOg) needed = (768.3 kq/dav CaCOe) (84 q NaHCOE/eq)

(50 g CaCOs/equiv)

= 1291 kq/dav NaHGOs

3. A municipal wastewater having a BOD of 200 mg/L is to be treated by a two-

stage trickling filter. lf both filter depths are to be 1.83 m, with the diameters of
the filter for the 1't and 2nd stage to be, 18 m and 30 m, respectively. The
recirculation ratio is 2:1. The design values are: Q = 7500 m3/day; Wastewater
Temperature = 200C; Er=Er. lf the effluent discharge limit for BOD is 20 mg/L,
find out whether the discharge limit is met.

BOD applied to the first stage filter

Yo tttt,,ttotri;3#::rts/L x (gm/1000 mg) (kg/1000 sm)
[3 marks]

Stone volume of lslstage filter

V = (182 m2)(n/4x1.83) = 466 m3
[2 marks]
Recycle factor F = (1 +2)l(1+0.2)2 = 2.08
[1 mark]
Substi tuting these into


Es1 = 100i { 1 + 0.44 { [1500/(466X2.0S)] ] = 64.6%

[3 marks]
Stone volume of 2tt stage filter
V = {eO2 m2;1n/4x1.S3} = 1294 m3

[2 marks]
BOD5 applied to the second stage filter

= (1500) (1-0.645) r 531 kg BODlday

[2 marks]

Es2 = 100/ t 1 + 0.4431(1-0.646) { [531](1294X2.08)l = 64.3 %

[3 marks]

The ones in RED can be skipped as the Q already says that E1=E2!!!!

Effluent BODs = 200 (1-0.646X1-0.643) = 25.3 mg/L

[1 mark]
It EXCEEDS the standard limit of 20 mg/L

[1 mark]


NAME: ______________________________


1. What is the discharge limits for Standard A and Standard B?

Standard A: 20/50 Standard B:50/100

2. What are the THREE (3) chemicals used in measuring COD?

Potassium Dichromate
Sulphuric Acid
Silver nitrate as a catalyst

3. Define BOD

BOD is the oxygen utilized (or oxidize) by the m/o in degrading

biodegradable organic matter in 5 days at 20C

4. What is the difference between COD and BOD?

COD measures the total biodegradable and non biodegradable organic

matter whereas BOD measures only the biodegradable organic matter


5. What is nitrification? Also state the microorganism responsible in the

nitrification process.

Nitrification is the process where

ammonia is oxidize to nitrite by Nitrosomonas and

nitrite is oxidize to nitrate by nitrobacter.

6. What are THREE (3) processes that occur in the aeration tank of an
extended aeration activated sludge system?

For oxidation
For synthesis
For endogeneous respiration

7. What is endogeneous respiration? When does this occur?

Endogeneous respiration is when the bacterial starts degrades or

consuming other bacteria and

it occurs where there is limiting organic matter present (not enough food)

8. A sewage treatment plant treats wastewater from a domestic facility.

The raw influent ammonia is only 1 mg/L. However, the effluent was
found to be high in ammonia. Where does this ammonia come from?

The ammonia may have been from the degradation of organic matter in
the aeration tank.

9. Determine the theoretical oxygen demand for Glucose given by the

following equation:

Carbohydrates: Glucose

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

mw: 180 192

ThOD = 1 mg/l of C6H12O6 requires 192/180 mg/l of O2

= 1.067 mg/l O2

10. A sewage treatment plant treats wastewater using an extended

aeration activated sludge system. However, from time to time, it also
receives zinc in the raw feed which is known to be toxic to the bacteria
at 1 mg/L. However, the microorganism seem NOT to be impacted by
its toxicity at 3 mg/L. Why?

Because the m/o has been acclimatized by the presence of zinc.

11. Why is there an ammonia limit in wastewater discharges to receiving


Toxic to fish
Causes eutrophication
Causes an oxygen demand

12. What is Total Kjedahl Nitrogen?

Organic N + Ammonia N

13. What are the macro nutrients?

Macro nutrients: Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Na

14. What is the characteristic of facultative microorganisms?

Facultative bacteria: Can survive with or without oxygen

15. What are the nutrients that if not adequate, will inhibit growth of
bacteria in a biological treatment system?

N, P

16. What is the purpose of an aeration tank in a biological treatment


To degrade/remove BOD by bacterial degradation.


17. What is the parameter used for measuring active microorganisms in

the aeration tank?


18. The formula for hydraulic retention time:

t = V/Q

19. What is sludge age?

The time the biomass remain in the system before being wasted

20. What is the “volume in mL occupied by 1 gm of solids in the activated

sludge mixed liquor after settling 30 min in a 1000-mL graduated


21. State one disadvantage of using an extended aeration activated sludge

system over a high rate activated sludge system.

Higher cost in costruction/Higher energy/Higher oxygen

requirements/High maintenance

22. What is the cause of rising sludge in the clarifier?

Because of denitrification occurring in the sludge blanket, causing

nitrogen gas to be released. The nitrogen gas pushes the sludge up to

23. How do you rectify if there is sludge floating on top of the clarifier and
there is not enough biomass in the aeration tank?

Recycle more often.


24. Industrial wastes that contain high carbohydrates may promote what

Filamentous organisms

25. Why is it that in extended aeration activated sludge system produce

less sludge compared to high rate extended aeration system?

Because it undergo endogeneous respiration

26. What is the phase that represents the time required for the organisms
to acclimate to their new environment before signifcant cell division
and biomass production occur.

Lag Phase

27. What are THREE (3) nutritional requirements for m/o?

Source of carbon; Source of energy; Electron Acceptor

28. What microorganisms use organic carbon as their source of carbon?


29. During this phase bacterial cells are multiplying at their maximum rate,
as there is no limitation due to substrate or nutrients.

Log Growth

30. Why is more nitrification occuring in extended aeration compared to

high rate activated sludge system?

Extended aeration operated at long sludge age

31. Formula for biomass is…


32. BOD:N:P ratio is normally…


33. Why is that some microorganisms may be able to withstand higher

concentrations of toxicity than its inhibitory level?

Because it has been acclimatized to the toxicity at low concentrations

34. What is an attached growth system?

The microorganisms degrading the organic matter is attached to a media.

35. What is “sloughing” in trickling filter?

Sloughing occurs when the biomass at the surface of the media in the
trickling filter loses its cling to each other

due to endogeneous respiration as a result of not enough food (organic

matter) that reach the surface of the media.

36. State TWO (2) reasons why you need two stage trickling filter to treat

i. To achieve nitrification in the 2nd stage

ii. To treat higher organic loading

37. Where does the microorganisms in trickling filter obtain their oxygen?


38. Why is recirculation important in the operation of trickling filters?

1. Permits higher loading;

2. provides higher dosing rates on the filter to improve the liquid
3. better control of slime layer thickness,
4. provides more oxygen in the influent wastewater flow;
5. returns viable organisms;
6. prevent ponding in the filter;
7. reduce nuisance from odors and flies

39. Why is it that some sewage treatment plant treats domestic

wastewater using activated sludge system followed by a trickling filter?

The activated sludge removes organic matter (CBOD)

while the trickling filter removes nutrient (nitrification) NBOD


40. What is denitrification?

Nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas in anoxic condition

NO3  N2 (anoxic)

41. What happens to alkalinity in nitrification and denitrification?

Alkalinity is consumed (reduced) in nitrification

while is produced (increased) in denitrification.

42. What is the purpose of the following:

a. Bar Screen: to remove large materials such as rags, plastics, etc

b. Grit Chamber: to remove heavy inorganic solids such as sand, coffee

beans, etc.

c. Aeration Tank: to remove organic matter (BOD)

d. Secondary Clarifier: To settle the biomass

e. Return Sludge from the clarifier to aeration tank: To maintain the

concentration of biomass in the aeration tank

f. Waste Sludge: To remove excess biomass growth

43. Draw a complete activated sludge system flow diagram treating

medium strength domestic wastewater to meet BOD = 5 mg/L; TSS =
10 mg/L; NH3-N = 0.5 mg/L; NO3 = 0.3 mg/L.

 Bar Screen  Grit Chamber  Anoxic Tank  Extended Aeration

Activated Sludge  Clarifier/secondary clarifier/sedimentation tank 
Filtration 

44. What forms of Nitrogen are determined in the TKN test?

Organic N and Ammonia N

45. What forms of Nitrogen are determined in the TN test?

TKN and NO3- and NO2-

46. What is the purpose of the sample digestion in TKN test?

To break organic molecules and release N as ammoniacal N

47. What is the purpose of adding NaOH to the digested TKN samples?

To raise pH and to strip NH3 from the digested samples.

NH4+  NH3 + H+

48. In the Total Phosphorus test, why readings have to be taken within 2 or
8 min after all reagents have been added?

Colour is not fully developed before 2 min and it fades after 8 min.

49. Consider the BOD of the following if it is REJECTED or NOT, if

REJECTED give reasons and what is the course of action to be taken:

a. Initial DO = 8.0 mg/L; Final DO = 0.5 mg/L; Sample volume = 1 mL

Rejected because the Final DO < 1.0 mg/L.

The sample volume need to be diluted.

b. Initial DO = 8.0 mg/L; Final DO = 7.0 mg/L; Sample volume = 50 mL

Rejected because DO depletion < 2.0 mg/L

The sample volume need to be increased.

c. Initial DO = 8.0; Final DO = 3.0; Sample volume = 25 mL.


BOD = (8 – 3)/(25/300) =

50. You are given three BOD bottles. Describe how you conduct BOD test
of a raw domestic wastewater.

Place x mL of sample of the raw wastewater into each of the three

BOD bottles
Add aerated distilled water (saturated water) into all three bottles
taking care not have air bubbles into it.
Measure initial DO of each bottle.
Incubate for 5 days at 20C
Measure final DO of each bottle.
Calculate BOD of each bottle.
Average the results.

51. You are given a can of coke. Describe how you test for COD given
that the COD vials have been prepared for you.

Prepare a blank: 2 ml of distilled water added to vial

Prepare for sample: Dilute coke 1:100, then use 2 ml of the dilution to be
added to the vial

Make three samples of each

Digest for 2 hours at 150 C

Zero the blank

Read the vial containing the coke sample

The COD result for the coke to be multiplied by 100.


52. Calculate the sludge wasted per day in mL of the following activated
sludge system.

Q = 8 L/day; MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85; MLSS = 5000 mg/L; Sludge age =

40 days; Volume of reactor = 10 litres

Sludge age = (biomass in the system)/(SLUDGE WASTED PER DAY)

Sludge wasted/day= (biomass in the system)/sludge age

= (10 L x 5000 mg/L)/40 day
= 1250 mg/day…………………………. [2 marks]

In the system,
MLSS = 5000 mg  1 L
1250 mg  1250 x 1/5000 = 0.25 L = 250 mL [2 marks]


NAME: ______________________________


1. Design an extended aeration activated sludge system to treat medium

strength domestic wastewater to meet the following limits:

BOD = 10 mg/L; NH3-N = 0.5 mg/L

Use the kinetics in the book.

Answer the following questions:

1. How much sludge need to be disposed daily?

2. What is the volume of the aeration tank?
3. How much oxygen is required?
4. How much alkalinity need to be added daily?
5. How much phosphorus and nitrogen need to be added daily?

2. Determine if the following two stage trickling filter design will meet
Standard A’s BOD limits. Both trickling filters has diameter = 20 m; Depth
= 5 m. Flowrate, Q = 300 m3/hour. BOD = 200 mg/L. Assume Recyle
Ratio = 2

1. Bukit Tagar Landfill treats its leachate biologically using four ponds operated as
sequencing batch reactor. Each reactor characteristics and operational
characteristics are as follows:

Volume of pond = 5000 m3

Raw wastewater Feed, Q = 250 m3/day
Aeration Period = 25 hours
MLVSS = 7000 mg/L
TSS in effluent = 50 mg/L
Waste Sludge = 200 m3

MLVSS of waste sludge = 40 000 mg/L

BOD of Influent = 40 000 mg/L
DO = 1-2 mglL
a. Calculate the amount of biomass in kg in the pond. [2 marks]

MLVS$ = 7000 mgll x 5000 m3 x 103L/m3 x 1 kg/106 * 35 000 kg

b. Calculate the F/M ratio in each lagoon. [2 marks]

F/M = 40 000 mg/t x 250 m3/day x 103 L/m3 x 1 kqll06 = 0.29

35 000 kg

c. Calculate the amount of biomass wasted (including the biomass wasted in

the effluent) [4 marks]
Arnount of biomass wasted
= 40 000 mgll x 200 m3 x 103 Llm3 x 1 kgi ',|06 mg +
50,mg/L x 250 m3/day x 1 kg/10u *g x 103L/m3
= 8000 + 12.5 = 8012.5 ka
d. Sludge age, in days [2 marks]

SRT = Amount of biomass in the svstem

Amount of biomass wasted

= 35 000i8012.5 = 4.37 davs

,27--r " rrF

A complete-mix activated sludge system with

recycle is to be designed treat a
aftei piima,y sedim-entation wfth il.,e tofoilowins
Flow 22464 m3/day
coD 224 mglL
Influent TKN 20 mglL
Influent P 5 mg/L

The relevant biokinetic coefficients and operating

conditions are:

0.40 g VSS/g bCOD

ko 0.088 g VSS/g VSS.d
Ks 20 g bsCOD/m3
| 4rrol
H*= 3.5 g VSS/g VSS.d
SRT = 5 days
MLSS = 4000 mg/L
Return sludge = 8000 mg TSS/L
N required = 12% of biomass produced
P required = 2% of biomass produced
Biomass MLVSS/MLSS = 0.8S
Clarifier effluent TSS = 15 mg/L
Determine the following.
a. The effluent bsCOD concentration in mg/L

[2 marks]

K.(l + koS")
,5,(p, - ku)-l

S" . ?0 t 'l t p.088 (S)1 a 1.Z9.mg bsQODlL

[5 (3.5-0.088)-11

b. The aeration tank volume in m3

[2 marks]

V = S"YQ (5,- S")

X (l + koS")
V = ?24S4 x Q.40 x 5 {?24-1,79} (okay if not divide by o.si)
4000x {1+ 0"088x5}

V = '1744 m3

c. The biomass produced and sludge wasted, in kg/day

[2 marks]

D yQ (s, _,s")
' 1 + S"ko

= {23464 x 0"4} X?24:1if9} (11103 kqiq}

[1 + 0.088 x $] 0.85

= 1,179 ks Y$S/day

Sludge wasted, Px,rss = 1179i0.85 = 1387 kqlday


d. The oxygen requirements in kg/day

t3 marksl

Ro - Q (S" *S) * 1-42 Px, bio

= 22464 (224-1.?9) {1/103} - 1.42 (11?9} =331? kgtday

e. F/M ratio

[2 marks]

F/M = QSn = 22464 x t224\ = Q.72 kglkg.day

XV {a000}x(17aa}

g. The N and P requirements, based on the biomass produced/day, in

mgil.day. Additionally, find how much N and P are to be added, if
required, in mgil.

[6 marks]

Px,fio = 1179 000 g/day

N required = 0.12 g N/g biomass

= 0.12 ('1179 000 g) = 141 480 g

Based on influent flow = 141480 g I 22464 m3/day = 6.3 mg/L.d

Influent flow TKN = 20 mg/L

so nitrogen must be added at 20-6.3 = 13.7 mg/L as N



[3 marks]

P required = 0.02 g P/g biomass

= 0.02 (1179 000 g) = 23580 g/day

Based on influent flow = 23580 9l(22464 m3/day) = 1.0S mg/L

So P must be added at 5-1.05 = 3.95 mg/L as P

h. lf the design is to accomplish BOD removal and nitrification with and

effluent NH4-N concentration of 0.45 mg/L, determine the alkalinity needed
as sodium bicarbonate in kg/day as NaHCOr.

[11 marks]
Determine the amount of nitrogen oxidized to nitrate.

NO" = TKN - N" - 0.12 P,,oio/Q

= 20 g/m3- 0.5 g/m3 - (0.12 g N/g VSS) (1179 kg VSS/dayX103 g/kg)/(22464 m3n)

= 13.2 glm3

Prepare an alkalinity balance

Alkalinity used for nitrification

= (7.14 9 CaCOs/9 NH4-NX13.2 gim3)

= 94.2 g/mrused as CaCOa

Influent alkalinity = 140 g/m3 used as CaCO3
Residual alkalinity to maintain pH in range of 6.8-7.0 = 80 g/m3

80 = 140 - 94.2 + alk to be added

Alk to be added = 34.2 gim3 used as CaCOg

= (22464 m'n\ 1St.Z glm3;1ilt03 fglg; = 768.3 kg/day as CaCOg


Equivalent weight of CaCOe = 50 g/equiv.

Equivalent weight of Na(HCOg) = 84 g/equiv.

Na(HCOg) needed = (768.3 kq/dav CaCOe) (84 q NaHCOE/eq)

(50 g CaCOs/equiv)

= 1291 kq/dav NaHGOs

3. A municipal wastewater having a BOD of 200 mg/L is to be treated by a two-

stage trickling filter. lf both filter depths are to be 1.83 m, with the diameters of
the filter for the 1't and 2nd stage to be, 18 m and 30 m, respectively. The
recirculation ratio is 2:1. The design values are: Q = 7500 m3/day; Wastewater
Temperature = 200C; Er=Er. lf the effluent discharge limit for BOD is 20 mg/L,
find out whether the discharge limit is met.

BOD applied to the first stage filter

Yo tttt,,ttotri;3#::rts/L x (gm/1000 mg) (kg/1000 sm)
[3 marks]

Stone volume of lslstage filter

V = (182 m2)(n/4x1.83) = 466 m3
[2 marks]
Recycle factor F = (1 +2)l(1+0.2)2 = 2.08
[1 mark]
Substi tuting these into


Es1 = 100i { 1 + 0.44 { [1500/(466X2.0S)] ] = 64.6%

[3 marks]
Stone volume of 2tt stage filter
V = {eO2 m2;1n/4x1.S3} = 1294 m3

[2 marks]
BOD5 applied to the second stage filter

= (1500) (1-0.645) r 531 kg BODlday

[2 marks]

Es2 = 100/ t 1 + 0.4431(1-0.646) { [531](1294X2.08)l = 64.3 %

[3 marks]

The ones in RED can be skipped as the Q already says that E1=E2!!!!

Effluent BODs = 200 (1-0.646X1-0.643) = 25.3 mg/L

[1 mark]
It EXCEEDS the standard limit of 20 mg/L

[1 mark]
VAB 3033


NAME: NAVA<,rv SIltmA k&vut, l4wtrvl

SID: 4q 07

1. a. An industry generates wastewater which has the following

BoDs = 1o mg/L
TSS =25mgL4n "\o;'
zinc = 2oo mg/L -)r'^$o'/s
pH =20. ^^t;.uI*
i. Propose a treatment scheme to treat the wastewater.
-f\e gH ol ne e\"lA bc . , [3 marks]
odivted +'o ^l{rcf ^+e 7H "il^icl {5 nlv.<ltg
i1 4 -q .S'r ?in(' ' w\ilv, qlqh 5ho''{ / Lc- w5ed G-)
e<5 c' X' os<c5ul'\:> n @
Ir g o,',\r..,^cg l.*
n^) {taco*Vkfln'
/,2 a{Iil " r-' f V
\(1* oThrnu^., )ffi"oQ o-^g^V\
ii. Describe an experiment and its purpose that you would
conduct to effectively treat the wastewater using the
treatment scheme suggested in Q1a(i).
o Jar, 4c6l - whe.ne i+ i, nl.dlsdy +. 14 ma rksl

/tltn^',ne +W o(h'rnura gU ? e'l +tv, -7'h-rnv"t /\

wrll Le' uEed to 4rca+ I ri \
)-se o( c-o<gur *'v',1 -la<+ tvl
\ l-"/
*tv vtAg+ar ato{
Vw! "']lt bc L a\fukre-nt
, Yrr Nnig e+(o;rh+ ' u'i ft^ A; +414e^ + f +t 'n d
gauu g l e ^^; o-( t^^6'l-l '
)b+rz,rera tho w 5

. the mogr et\ eci;ve *tv c c-l<4 e s u'"1*te"tqartt

*^a ^of,lo"1{ 'df1a* 4h"-lA
trt op+,-^,,^ f+I s1o.+4( -r<W '
F" V"+ Ll'Y
Va uwd
VAB 3033

( ft^^ oni< )
b. A wastewater treatment plant using a conventional activated sludge
system treating municipal wastewater discharges its effluent into a
stream. Dead fish were noticed in the stream and the wastewater
treatment plant discharge was identified to be the cause. The
stream is also
impacted with _ggl__!]ooy. However, tests
conducted on the effluent did not indicate high organic load or any
toxic compounds. What is the reason for the "fish kills"? What
tests do you recommend to be carried out? Also suggest a solution
you can implement in the plant to rectify the problem.

[5 marks]
Aotat F) elds-h^t Nrio,-ge,^ ,-^snkal <\owlA l'c +zt+eA
vre<9+re ?u
l\ t* :o1,, *;o rr ff'rig 'i, 'i h o-*e't 't-"ol'V<'F"'' NiYste'rt
L.ll-f,,n+ o.f 'Arnrnon*< Ni].ogz^ <r'A
it-r W una*+Owote{
-Ih;g * fr'sh u;115" i5 . W re4ul+ 'fr-"n kt re- Lr1Jh c-,t>n*.r-4t-l
I .c.A,,/ d-eal slwl6e
o{ 4rh rh t' ^"r A 0rsr' +"e c5er"r4'n '}i-'u '\ .
*he 4r\rxon'r4 d'\) no* b.4.\/c e 0", # "|,'n^c
w\t.c t-+9 T\ W n1+e,rn
+, lraltg n;4rn,f,a<lila n grsL

-+ -t1^i9 pv-bler- , 4 t"n6

Tl.v" sr l.,r *' , n
sl"Age ..cbe

51ao^l) W'ase) in {IY Irzs4r.z-'^S p.\<n4 ftronS

t 9

it ,l-" y,-ide q lotger ,htx"e -l-t !t/-e hr]'i 4

n;J"$ $+c.l:or +-
Wlntf'L- 4{e tai{'b 4oltno^<'9 ^,n)
q'v^nl on'[ 4 'f" ni'{'"-*e <n A ni'v<) €
h i'{.^'fy W
) Ae useA '$r 'lz"tt;'6fi-e5
ftn oxi z t< nlc <lg o shoul
-'t pv- )u ce n';\t'oXe^ f 9
VAB 3033

3. A complete-mix activated sludge system with recycle is to be designed to

treat a municipal wastewater after primary sedimentation with the following
Flow = 22464 m3/day
BOD = 140 mglL
lnfluent TKN = 20 mglL
lnfluent P = 5 mg/L

The relevant biokinetic coefficients and operating conditions are:

Y = 0 40 g VSS/g bCOD
ka = 0.088 g VSS/g VSS.d
K = 20 g bsCOD/mr
H, = 3.5 g VSS/g VSS.d
SRT = 5 days
MLSS = 4000 mg/L
Return sludge 8000 mg TSS/L
N required = 12% of biomass
P required = 2oh of biomass
bCOD = 1 6 (BoD)
Biomass MLVSS/MLSS = 0.85
Clarifier effluent TSS = 15 mg/L
Determine the followinq :

a K::i,'^tron in mo/L
rhe ernue'1il$'dt;"
bcog " ,locolT r rb (6D [2 marks]
5b6oD = lCaD - 7bcoD
6(a0 = l'L ( t+o ^3 /t-) . 7L4 ng /L
bs CoO , zo
Az zzQLE nj / d,g
b. The aeration tank volume in m3 So = z>4 n5 /t-
. [3 marks]
fr,ug, -'--+ay (5"-5)

G;) (t a) d?Y (s.- s) lrzt

I+ (r.1)SRT t* (r.4; ter / '(._-
\ -/.' I

sl t + Cl.,r) sIzT I
, (ro ol^t)(r +[o-oss)(aJ])
tkr ( A\ - tl-t) -t lv)) ( 1-5 0'oT't)-t
zl 99 DL>D l^a
?r,t5t , (t>)u4 )( o +)( a z4 - 1,1 )( t4/ro') + (u-t5)(o .ow)c..h) (z{6w)
(+z\ - l-g ) Le) ('/t,:t) '
i+ (q )L ,'"ss) ( , *u * "6b -fg)
ir+"$ uro v5r/A
(x v,r)tv)' [0*,vs)Lg(L-t) ytst tv) '(i,.rr^)(set)
. q.LT+ ? t>oLy4
\ VAB 303
LVI (x"rs) z 2tr ,+D54
A+ N<>9 ' 4o oo g /'nz )
c. The biomass produced and sludge wasted, in kg/day

L- v
a: ? Uo,t)(rv,t
'#"-- a'aa h
[3 marks]
F^'l*h v55 = qb7+ o-$
nLv 5t ' D-t ( 4ootl ?
Tzoo ? I nt
The oxygen requirements in kg/day

f\o . Q L5"-5) -t,+z f*, L;o [3 marks]

.Ir>46+)( >>v-(.q) 2, ot) - t +> ( tqw)


z eq,ql -q t n /A _ Loq g.g

-- L$47.V t1 ( A
e. F/M ratio

9 tlb*
[2 marks]
Y -- &r"
tu, x,

t/3- d
Vb N\vV 5$. .l
l?L}o) Lqo,t16; ,' 4 /*.0
The N and P requirements, based on the biomass produced/day, in
mg/L.day. Additionally, find how much N and P are to be added, if
required, in mg/L.
[6 marks]

VAB 3033

a -5i_ x ,oz -t/ A

4. a. A two stage high rate trickling filter plant treats 7.57 MLD of
municipal wastewater with
@he firters are of
equal diameter and depth, and have equaf recycle ratios. Effluent
standard limit for BoDs is set at 2s mg/L. pertinent data for the
plant are:

BOD5 removal by the primary clarifier = JJ"/o

Filter diameter = 21 m
Filter depth = 1.5 m
Recycle ratio = 1.0

Determine if the BoDs in the final effluent meets the standard limit.

(. Ca)(O'l * 4- i 4> \l ,r)- [16 marks]

{z+L) (?t) 4
. azLL = TLib"VC tnL
(9oO lo.rr^-1 r<*e , ry ?
Q.t*x {03 )(,q')
V e4 L+ < h")
-* v-q t.<6/r7-rlt

lO tr

Z lr
yzsu: $2.9 r^6tL - +kz rerr^<in;\< 9oDq

W'fu'Z-W'9\ 6/6-, #qJ.Aw"

W 0,*:
li t t E-( r f E,') : 6ffi V'b]" . ct"77
L, = Ez-
E, -+L,(t tE,)= 'o-72 /\t
Et + Lt + Ert = O-21 # E,''+LL.,=o-Zz | ,--t /

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