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Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–1

TTL: Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics

The most commonly used bipolar logic family is transistor-transistor logic.
Actually, there are many different TTL families, with a range of speed, power
consumption, and other characteristics. The circuit examples in this section are
based on a representative TTL family, Low-power Schottky (LS or LS-TTL).
TTL families use basically the same logic levels as the TTL-compatible
CMOS families in Section 3.8. We’ll use the following definitions of LOW and
HIGH in our discussions of TTL circuit behavior:
LOW 0–0.8 volts.
HIGH 2.0–5.0 volts.

TTL.1 Basic TTL NAND Gate

The circuit diagram for a 2-input LS-TTL NAND gate, part number 74LS00, is
shown in Figure TTL-1. The NAND function is obtained by combining a diode
AND gate with an inverting buffer amplifier. The circuit’s operation is best
understood by dividing it into the three parts that are shown in the figure and
discussed in the next three paragraphs:
• Diode AND gate and input protection.
• Phase splitter.
• Output stage.
VCC = +5 V

F i g u r e T T L -1
R1 R2 R5 Circuit diagram of
20 kΩ 8 kΩ 120 Ω
2-input LS-TTL
NAND gate.
X Q3
VA D3 R6
Q2 Z
D4 4 kΩ
D2X D2Y R3
12 kΩ
R4 R7
1.5 kΩ 3 kΩ


Diode AND gate

and input protection Phase splitter Output stage

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–2

(a) X Y VA Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 VZ Z

L L 1.05 off on on off off 2.7 H

L H ≤1.05 off on on off off 2.7 H

H L ≤1.05 off on on off off 2.7 H
H H 1.2 on off off on on ≤ 0.35 L
F i g u r e T T L -2
Functional operation
(b) (c) of a TTL two-input
NAND gate:
0 0 1 X (a) function table;
0 1 1 Z
Y (b) truth table;
1 0 1
1 1 0 (c) logic symbol.

Diodes D1X and D1Y and resistor R1 in Figure TTL-1 form a diode AND diode AND gate
gate, as in Section Diode.2. Clamp diodes D2X and D2Y do nothing in normal clamp diode
operation, but limit undesirable negative excursions on the inputs to a single
diode-drop. Such negative excursions may occur on HIGH-to-LOW input transi-
tions as a result of transmission-line effects, discussed in Section Zo.
Transistor Q2 and the surrounding resistors form a phase splitter that phase splitter
controls the output stage. Depending on whether the diode AND gate produces
a “low” or a “high” voltage at VA, Q2 is either cut off or turned on.
The output stage has two transistors, Q4 and Q5, only one of which is on at output stage
any time. The TTL output stage is sometimes called a totem-pole or push-pull totem-pole output
output. Similar to the p-channel and n-channel transistors in CMOS, Q4 and Q5 push-pull output
provide active pull-up and pull-down to the HIGH and LOW states, respectively.
The functional operation of the TTL NAND gate is summarized in
Figure TTL-2(a). The gate does indeed perform the NAND function, with the
truth table and logic symbol shown in (b) and (c). TTL NAND gates can be
designed with any desired number of inputs simply by changing the number of
diodes in the diode AND gate in the figure. Commercially available TTL NAND
gates have as many as 13 inputs. A TTL inverter is designed as a 1-input NAND
gate, omitting diodes D1Y and D2Y in Figure TTL-1.

WHERE IN THE Notice that there is no transistor Q1 in Figure TTL-1, VCC

WORLD IS Q1? but the other transistors are named in a way that’s
traditional; some TTL devices do in fact have a R1
transistor named Q1. Instead of diodes like D1X and 2.8 kΩ
D1Y, these devices use a multiple-emitter transistor
Q1 to perform logic. This transistor has one emitter
per logic input, as shown in the figure to the right.
Pulling any one of the emitters LOW is sufficient to
turn the transistor ON and thus pull VA LOW.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–3

CURRENT SPIKES Current spikes can show up as noise on the power-supply and ground connections in
AGAIN TTL circuits, especially when multiple outputs are switched simultaneously. For this
reason, reliable circuits require decoupling capacitors between VCC and ground, dis-
tributed throughout the circuit so there is a capacitor nearby each chip. Decoupling
capacitors supply the instantaneous current needed during transitions.

Since the output transistors Q4 and Q5 are normally complementary—one

ON and the other OFF—you might question the purpose of the 120-Ω resistor R5
in the output stage. A value of 0 Ω would give even better driving capability in
the HIGH state. This is certainly true from a DC point of view. However, when
the TTL output is changing from HIGH to LOW or vice versa, there is a short
time when both transistors may be on. The purpose of R5 is to limit the amount
of current that flows from VCC to ground during this time. Even with a 120 Ω
resistor in the TTL output stage, higher-than-normal currents called current
spikes flow when TTL outputs are switched. These are similar to the current
spikes that occur when high-speed CMOS outputs switch.
So far we have shown the input signals to a TTL gate as ideal voltage
sources. Figure TTL-3 shows the situation when a TTL input is driven LOW by
the output of another TTL gate. Transistor Q5A in the driving gate is ON, and
thereby provides a path to ground for the current flowing out of the diode D1XB
in the driven gate. When current flows into a TTL output in the LOW state, as in
this case, the output is said to be sinking current. sinking current

Fig ur e TTL- 3 A TTL output driving a TTL input LOW. VCC = +5 V


8 kΩ 120 Ω 20 kΩ 8 kΩ
Q3A ≤ 0.35 V


(ON) 4 kΩ (OFF)
12 kΩ
1.5 kΩ 3 kΩ 1.5 kΩ


Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–4

VCC = +5 V


8 kΩ 120 Ω 20 kΩ 8 kΩ
Q3A 2.7 V
(ON) Q4A


(OFF) 4 kΩ (ON)
12 kΩ
R4A R7A Ileak R4B
1.5 kΩ 3 kΩ 1.5 kΩ


Fig ur e T TL-4 A TTL output driving a TTL input HIGH.

Figure TTL-4 shows the same circuit with a HIGH output. In this case, Q4A
in the driving gate is turned on enough to supply the small amount of leakage
current flowing through reverse-biased diodes D1XB and D2XB in the driven
gate. When current flows out of a TTL output in the HIGH state, the output is
said to be sourcing current. sourcing current

TTL.2 Logic Levels and Noise Margins

At the beginning of this section, we indicated that we would consider TTL
signals between 0 and 0.8 V to be LOW, and signals between 2.0 and 5.0 V to be
HIGH. Actually, we can be more precise by defining TTL input and output levels
in the same way as we did for CMOS:
VOHmin The minimum output voltage in the HIGH state, 2.7 V for most TTL
VIHmin The minimum input voltage guaranteed to be recognized as a HIGH,
2.0 V for all TTL families.
VILmax The maximum input voltage guaranteed to be recognized as a LOW,
0.8 V for most TTL families.
VOLmax The maximum output voltage in the LOW state, 0.5 V for most families.
These noise margins are illustrated in Figure TTL-5.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–5

VCC = 5 V

VOHmin = 2.7 V High-state F i g u r e T T L -5
VIHmin = 2.0 V DC noise margin Noise margins for
ABNORMAL popular TTL logic
VILmax = 0.8 V Low-state
DC noise margin
families (74LS, 74S,
LOW VOLmax = 0.5 V
0 74ALS, 74AS, 74F).

In the HIGH state, the VOHmin specification of most TTL families exceeds
VIHmin by 0.7 V, so TTL has a DC noise margin of 0.7 V in the HIGH state. That DC noise margin
is, it takes at least 0.7 V of noise to corrupt a worst-case HIGH output into a
voltage that is not guaranteed to be recognizable as a HIGH input. In the LOW
state, however, VILmax exceeds VOLmax by only 0.3 V, so the DC noise margin in
the LOW state is only 0.3 V. In general, TTL and TTL-compatible circuits tend to
be more sensitive to noise in the LOW state than in the HIGH state.

TTL.3 Fanout
As we defined it previously in Section 3.5.4, fanout is a measure of the number fanout
of gate inputs that are connected to (and driven by) a single gate output. As we
showed in that section, the DC fanout of CMOS outputs driving CMOS inputs
is virtually unlimited, because CMOS inputs require almost no current in either
state, HIGH or LOW. This is not the case with TTL inputs. As a result, there are
very definite limits on the fanout of TTL or CMOS outputs driving TTL inputs,
as you’ll learn in the paragraphs that follow.
As in CMOS, the current flow in a TTL input or output lead is defined to be current flow
positive if the current actually flows into the lead, and negative if current flows
out of the lead. As a result, when an output is connected to one or more inputs,
the algebraic sum of all the input and output currents is 0.
The amount of current required by a TTL input depends on whether the
input is HIGH or LOW, and is specified by two parameters:
IILmax The maximum current that an input requires to pull it LOW. Recall from
the discussion of Figure TTL-3 that positive current is actually flowing
from VCC, through R1B, through diode D1XB, out of the input lead,
through the driving output transistor Q5A, and into ground.
Since current flows out of a TTL input in the LOW state, IILmax has a
negative value. Most LS-TTL inputs have IILmax = −0.4 mA, which is
sometimes called a LOW-state unit load for LS-TTL. LOW-state unit load
IIHmax The maximum current that an input requires to pull it HIGH. As shown
in Figure TTL-4, positive current flows from VCC, through R5A and
Q4A of the driving gate, and into the driven input, where it leaks to
ground through reverse-biased diodes D1XB and D2XB.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–6

Since current flows into a TTL input in the HIGH state, IIHmax has a
positive value. Most LS-TTL inputs have IIHmax = 20 µA, which is
sometimes called a HIGH-state unit load for LS-TTL. HIGH-state unit load

Like CMOS outputs, TTL outputs can source or sink a certain amount of
current depending on the state, HIGH or LOW:
IOLmax The maximum current an output can sink in the LOW state while main-
taining an output voltage no more than VOLmax. Since current flows into
the output, IOLmax has a positive value, 8 mA for most LS-TTL outputs.
IOHmax The maximum current an output can source in the HIGH state while
maintaining an output voltage no less than VOHmin. Since current flows
out of the output, IOHmax has a negative value, −400 µA for most
LS-TTL outputs.
Notice that the value of IOLmax for typical LS-TTL outputs is exactly 20
times the absolute value of IILmax. As a result, LS-TTL is said to have a LOW-
state fanout of 20, because an output can drive up to 20 inputs in the LOW state. LOW-state fanout
Similarly, the absolute value of IOHmax is exactly 20 times IIHmax, so LS-TTL is
said to have a HIGH-state fanout of 20 also. The overall fanout is the lesser of the HIGH-state fanout
LOW- and HIGH-state fanouts. overall fanout
Loading a TTL output with more than its rated fanout has the same
deleterious effects that were described for CMOS devices in Section 3.5.5 on
page 111. That is, DC noise margins may be reduced or eliminated, transition
times and delays may increase, and the device may overheat.
In general, two calculations must be carried out to confirm that an output is
not being overloaded:
HIGH state The IIHmax values for all of the driven inputs are added. This sum
must be less than or equal to the absolute value of IOHmax for the
driving output.

TTL OUTPUT Although LS-TTL’s numerical fanouts for HIGH and LOW states are equal, LS-TTL
ASYMMETRY and other TTL families have asymmetric current driving capability—an LS-TTL
output can sink 8 mA in the LOW state, but can source only 400 µA in the HIGH state.
This asymmetry is no problem when TTL outputs drive other TTL inputs,
because it is matched by a corresponding asymmetry in TTL input current require-
ments (IILmax is large, while IIHmax is small). However, it is a limitation when TTL is
used to drive LEDs, relays, solenoids, or other devices requiring large amounts of
current, often tens of milliamperes. Circuits using these devices must be designed so
that current flows (and the driven device is “on”) when the TTL output is in the LOW
state, and so little or no current flows in the HIGH state. Special TTL buffer/driver
gates are made that can sink up to 60 mA in the LOW state, but that still have a rather
puny current-sourcing capability in the HIGH state (2.4 mA).

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–7

BURNED FINGERS If a TTL or CMOS output is forced to sink a lot more than IOLmax, the device may be
damaged, especially if high current is allowed to flow for more than a second or so.
For example, suppose that a TTL output in the LOW state is short-circuited directly
to the 5 V supply. The ON resistance, RCE(sat), of the saturated Q5 transistor in a typ-
ical TTL output stage is less than 10 Ω. Thus, Q5 must dissipate about 52/10 or 2.5
watts. Don’t try this yourself unless you’re prepared to deal with the consequences!
That’s enough heat to destroy the device (and burn your finger) in a very short time.

LOW state The IILmax values for all of the driven inputs are added. The abso-
lute value of this sum must be less than or equal to IOLmax for the
driving output.
For example, suppose you designed a system in which a certain LS-TTL
output drives ten LS-TTL and three S-TTL gate inputs. In the HIGH state, a total
of 10 ⋅ 20 + 3 ⋅ 50 µA = 350 µA is required. This is within an LS-TTL output’s
HIGH-state current-sourcing capability of 400 µA. But in the LOW state, a total
of 10 ⋅ 0.4 + 3 ⋅ 2.0 mA = 10.0 mA is required. This is more than an LS-TTL out-
put’s LOW-state current-sinking capability of 8 mA, so the output is overloaded.

TTL.4 Unused Inputs

Unused inputs of TTL gates can be handled in the same way as we described for
CMOS gates in Section 3.5.6 on page 112. That is, unused inputs may be tied to
used ones, or unused inputs may be pulled HIGH or LOW as is appropriate for
the logic function.
The resistance value of a pull-up or pull-down resistor is more critical with
TTL gates than CMOS gates, because TTL inputs draw significantly more
current, especially in the LOW state. If the resistance is too large, the voltage
drop across the resistor may result in a gate input voltage beyond the normal
LOW or HIGH range.
For example, consider the pull-down resistor shown in Figure TTL-6. The
pull-down resistor must sink 0.4 mA of current from each of the unused LS-TTL
inputs that it drives. Yet the voltage drop across the resistor must be no more than

FLOATING TTL Analysis of the TTL input structure shows that unused inputs left unconnected (or
INPUTS floating) behave as if they have a HIGH voltage applied—they are pulled HIGH by
base resistor R1 in Figure TTL-1. However, R1’s pull-up is much weaker than that of
a TTL output driving the input. As a result, a small amount of circuit noise, such as
that produced by other gates when they switch, can make a floating input spuriously
behave like it’s LOW. Therefore, for the sake of reliability, unused TTL inputs should
be tied to a stable HIGH or LOW voltage source.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–8

Vin ≤ 0.5 V

sink current from F i g u r e T T L -6

LOW inputs Pull-down resistor for
TTL inputs.

0.5 V in order to have a LOW input voltage no worse than that produced by a
normal gate output. If the resistor drives n LS-TTL inputs, then we must have
n ⋅ 0.4 mA ⋅ R pd < 0.5 V

Thus, if the resistor must pull 10 LS-TTL inputs LOW, then we must have
Rpd < 0.5 / (10 ⋅ 0.4 ⋅ 10−3), or Rpd < 125 Ω.
Similarly, consider the pull-up resistor shown in Figure TTL-7. It must
source 20 µA of current to each unused input while producing a HIGH voltage no
worse than that produced by a normal gate output, 2.7 V. Therefore, the voltage

+5 V
F i g u r e T T L -7
Pull-up resistor for
source current
to HIGH inputs
Rpu TTL inputs.
Vin 2.7 V

WHY USE A You might be asking yourself, “Why use a pull-up or pull-down resistor, when a
RESISTOR? direct connection to ground or the 5-V power supply should be a perfectly good
source of LOW or HIGH?”
Well, for a HIGH source, a direct connection to the 5-V power supply is not
recommended, since an input transient of over 5.5 V can damage some TTL devices,
ones that use a multiple-emitter transistor in the input stage. The pull-up resistor
limits current and prevents damage in this case.
For a LOW source, a direct connection to ground without the pull-down resistor
is actually OK in most cases. You’ll see many examples of this sort of connection
throughout this book. However, as we show in Section DFT.2, the pull-down resistor
is still desirable in some cases, so that the “constant” LOW signal it produces can be
overridden and driven HIGH for system-testing purposes.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–9

drop across the resistor must be no more than 2.3 V; if n LS-TTL input are
driven, we must have
n ⋅ 20 µ A ⋅ R pu < 2.3 V
Thus, if 10 LS-TTL inputs are pulled up, then Rpu < 2.3 / (10 ⋅ 20⋅10-6), or
Rpu < 11.5 kΩ.

TTL.5 Additional TTL Gate Types

Although the NAND gate is the “workhorse” of the TTL family, other types of
gates can be built with the same general circuit structure.
The circuit diagram for an LS-TTL NOR gate is shown in Figure TTL-8. If
either input X or Y is HIGH, the corresponding phase-splitter transistor Q2X or
Q2Y is turned on, which turns off Q3 and Q4 while turning on Q5 and Q6, and
the output is LOW. If both inputs are LOW, then both phase-splitter transistors are
off, and the output is forced HIGH. This functional operation is summarized in
Figure TTL-9 on the next page.
The LS-TTL NOR gate’s input circuits, phase splitter, and output stage are
almost identical to an LS-TTL NAND gate’s. The difference is that an LS-TTL
NAND gate uses diodes to perform the AND function, while an LS-TTL NOR
gate uses parallel transistors in the phase splitter to perform the OR function.

Fig ur e TTL- 8 Circuit diagram of a 2-input LS-TTL NOR gate.

VCC = +5 V

R1X R2 R5
20 kΩ 8 kΩ 120 Ω
X Q2X Q3
R1Y Q4
D1Y 20 kΩ R3X
10 kΩ
D4 4 kΩ
10 kΩ
R4 R7
1.5 kΩ 3 kΩ


Diode inputs and

input protection OR function and phase splitter Output stage

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–10

(a) X Y VAX Q2X VAY Q2Y Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 VZ Z

L L ≤ 1.05 off ≤ 1.05 off on on off off ≥ 2.7 H

L H ≤ 1.05 off 1.2 on off off on on ≤ 0.35 L
H L 1.2 on ≤ 1.05 off off off on on ≤ 0.35 L
H H 1.2 on 1.2 on off off on on ≤ 0.35 L

F i g u r e T T L -9
(b) X Y Z (c) A 2-input LS-TTL
NOR gate:
0 0 1
Z (a) function table;
0 1 0
1 0 0
Y (b) truth table;
1 1 0 (c) logic symbol.

The speed, input, and output characteristics of a TTL NOR gate are compa-
rable to those of a TTL NAND. However, an n-input NOR gate uses more
transistors and resistors and is thus more expensive in silicon area than an
n-input NAND. Also, internal leakage current limits the number of Q2 transis-
tors that can be placed in parallel, so NOR gates have poor fan-in. (The largest
discrete TTL NOR gate has only 5 inputs, compared with a 13-input NAND.) As
a result, NOR gates are less commonly used than NAND gates in TTL designs.
The most “natural” TTL gates are inverting gates like NAND and NOR.
Noninverting TTL gates include an extra inverting stage, typically between the
input stage and the phase splitter. As a result, noninverting TTL gates are
typically larger and slower than the inverting gates on which they are based.
Like CMOS, TTL gates can be designed with three-state outputs. Such
gates have an “output-enable” or “output-disable” input that allows the output to
be placed in a high-impedance state where neither output transistor is turned on.
Some TTL gates are also available with open-collector outputs. Such gates open-collector output
omit the entire upper half of the output stage in Figure TTL-1, so that only pas-
sive pull-up to the HIGH state is provided by an external resistor. The
applications and required calculations for TTL open-collector gates are similar
to those for CMOS gates with open-drain outputs.

TTL.1 Discuss the key benefit and the key drawback of Schottky transistors in TTL.
TTL.2 Discuss the pros and cons of larger vs. smaller pull-up resistors for open-col-
lector TTL outputs.
TTL.3 When comparing the TTL NOR gate to the TTL NAND gate, which of the fol-
lowing characteristics are true of the NOR gate: slower, uses more silicon,
poor fan-in, uses diode logic.
TTL.4 Assuming “ideal” conditions, what is the minimum voltage that will be
recognized as a HIGH in the TTL NAND gate in Figure TTL-1 with one input
LOW and the other HIGH?

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–11

TTL.5 Assuming “ideal” conditions, what is the maximum voltage that will be
recognized as a LOW in the TTL NAND gate in Figure TTL-1 with both
inputs HIGH?
TTL.6 Find a commercial TTL part that can source 40 mA in the HIGH state. What
is its application?
TTL.7 What happens if you try to drive an LED with its cathode grounded and its
anode connected to a TTL totem-pole output, analogous to Figure 3-54(b)
for CMOS?
TTL.8 What happens if you try to drive a 12-volt relay with a TTL totem-pole
TTL.9 Suppose that a single 7.5K Ω pull-up resistor to +5 V is used to provide a
constant-1 logic source to 20 different 74LS00 inputs. How much HIGH-state
DC noise margin are you providing in this case? What is the maximum value
of this resistor if we want a HIGH-state DC noise margin of 1V?
TTL.10 The circuit in Figure xTTL.10 uses open-collector NAND gates to perform
“wired logic.” Write a truth table for output signal F and, if you’ve read
Section 4.2, a logic expression for F as a function of the circuit inputs.
TTL.11 What is the maximum allowable value for R1 in Figure xTTL.10? Assume
that a 0.6-V HIGH-state noise margin is required. The 74LS01 has the specs
shown in the 74LS column of Table 3-10, except that IOHmax is 100 µA, a
leakage current that flows into the output in the HIGH state.
TTL.12 Suppose that the output signal F in Figure xTTL.10 drives the inputs of three
74S04 inverters. Compute the minimum and maximum allowable values of
R2, assuming that a 0.8-V HIGH-state noise margin is required.
TTL.13 A 74LS125 is a buffer with a three-state output. When enabled, the output
can sink 24 mA in the LOW state and source 2.6 mA in the HIGH state. When
disabled, the output has a leakage current of ±20 µA (the sign depends on the
output voltage—plus if the output is pulled HIGH by other devices, minus if
it’s LOW). Suppose a system is designed with multiple modules connected to
a bus, where each module has a single 74LS125 to drive the bus and one
74LS04 to receive information on the bus. What is the maximum number of
modules that can be connected to the bus without exceeding the 74LS125’s

+ 5.0 V

Figur e x TTL.1 0
R1 R2



Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.
Transistor-Transistor-Logic Topics TTL–12

TTL.14 Repeat the preceding exercise, this time assuming that a single pull-up
resistor is connected from the bus to +5 V to guarantee that the bus is HIGH
when no device is driving it. Calculate the maximum possible value of the
pull-up resistor, and the number of modules that can be connected to the bus.
TTL.15 Find the circuit design in a TTL data book for an actual three-state gate, and
explain how it works.
TTL.16 Using the graphs in a TTL data book, develop some rules of thumb for
derating the maximum-propagation-delay specification of LS-TTL under
nonoptimal conditions of power-supply voltage, temperature, and loading.

Supplementary material to accompany Digital Design Principles and Practices, Fourth Edition, by John F. Wakerly.
ISBN 0-13-186389-4.  2006 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.
This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No portion of this material may be
reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the publisher.

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