PHMC Guidelines
PHMC Guidelines
PHMC Guidelines
under the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act (1980) and
Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Regulations (1991)
Contents i
Foreword iii
Chapter 1 - Introduction 1
The Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics (PHMC) Act and the
Regulations under the Act will come into operation on 1 Jan 93.
Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 The Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act 1980 and Regulations 1991
regulate and govern the administration and management of all private
hospitals, medical clinics and clinical laboratories in Singapore.
1.2 All persons who wish to operate a private hospital, a medical clinic or a
clinical laboratory must apply for a licence from the Director of Medical
Services (hereafter called the Director) and ensure that they comply with the
above legislation. It is also their responsibility to keep themselves informed of
and to observe all other relevant statutory requirements.
1.3 Under the Regulations, it is mandatory for the licensees to comply with any
guidelines which are issued from time to time by the Director, such as those
published in these Guidelines. These Guidelines describe the minimum
standards which must be established and maintained in order to secure
licensing from the Director. Any licence issued may also be subject to other
terms and conditions as specified by the Director.
Chapter 2 - Application Forms
2.1 Application for a licence must be made on the Application Form as specified
on the First Schedule of the Regulations issued by the Director and submitted
with all relevant supporting documents to the Director.
2.2 The Application Form shall be typewritten. Where the space provided is
insufficient, an applicant may furnish the information on a separate sheet of
paper, which shall also be typewritten. Applicants shall ensure that complete
and accurate information is given in the Application Form. The Director
reserves the right to reject incomplete application forms.
a Name and address of the premises refer to that of the private hospital,
medical clinic or clinical laboratory.
b Date of first establishment refers to the date when the health care
establishment commenced operations.
10 Application Forms
2.4 FORM A shall be completed by those intending to set up and operate a private
hospital, including a maternity or nursing home. For private hospitals with a
clinical laboratory, a Quality Assurance Manual for the clinical laboratory
must be submitted together with the application. If additional Specialised
Services as set out in the Second Schedule of the Regulations are intended
subsequent to the application, the licensee must submit an application to the
Director together with supporting documents.
2.5 FORM B shall be completed by those intending to set up and operate a clinic
providing medical and/or dental services. If additional Specialised Services as
set out in the Third Schedule of the Regulations are intended subsequent to the
application, the licensee must submit an application to the Director together
with supporting documents.
3.1 Any person who manages a private hospital, medical clinic or clinical
laboratory shall, where applicable:
a at all times exercise close personal supervision of the premises and the
persons employed therein and cause all orders and directions of the
medical practitioner in charge of the patients to be faithfully and
diligently carried out;
b keep and maintain all materials, equipment and appliances necessary for
the proper diagnosis, care or treatment of patients or running of the
services and shall provide any additional equipment and appliances as
may be directed by the Director from time to time;
c accept for admission into the private hospital (excluding nursing homes)
only those patients recommended by a registered medical practitioner;
3.2 Further to providing information on the estimated total bill for a period of
hospitalisation, private hospitals (excluding nursing and maternity homes)
shall also make available to patients prior to admission, comparative
information on the average bill size per day at government and private
12 General Guidelines
3.3 The hospitals are to advise patients using Medisave of the estimated amount of
Medisave which can be used.
3.4 Where professional fees are charged separately from the hospitalisation
charges for the private hospitals, the medical practitioner in charge of the
patient shall make available an estimate of the professional fees which are
likely to be incurred during his stay.
Staff Records
3.5 Every private hospital, medical clinic or clinical laboratory shall keep records
of all persons engaged in management or health care services, with the
following particulars:
c date(s) of employment.
3.6 The internal finishes of the premises shall be of such materials which will
permit easy washing and cleaning.
3.7 Every part of the premises shall be maintained at all times in a clean and
sanitary condition and in a good state of repair.
3.8 Adequate lighting and ventilation for the premises shall be provided.
General Guidelines 13
3.9 Aids to facilitate the movement of users of the premises (for example, lifts,
ramps and handrails) shall be available where appropriate.
3.10 Every private hospital, medical clinic or clinical laboratory shall ensure that all
infectious and waste materials shall be properly disinfected and disposed of in
accordance with laws such as those administered by the Ministry of
Environment and the Ministry of Health, and any other existing laws.
3.11 Every private hospital, medical clinic or clinical laboratory shall comply with
any guidelines that may be issued from time to time by the Director on the
prevention of transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus and other
infectious diseases.
Chapter 4 - Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals
(excluding maternity and nursing homes)
4.1 The particulars which must be included in the patient's registration record shall
be the following:
b name and address of the medical practitioner(s) providing the care and
treatment or requesting investigations;
Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals (excluding maternity and nursing homes) 15
4.3 Where a surgical procedure has been performed, the following shall also be
4.4 Where there is a maternity service, the following particulars shall also be
b date and time of delivery and whether the result was a livebirth,
stillbirth or abortion;
f name, address and relationship of the person who received the newborn
from the private hospital on discharge.
4.5 All medical records shall be accurate, sufficiently detailed, legible, current,
secure, complete and confidential and organised to enable:
4.6 All original inpatient and outpatient hospital medical records shall be retained
for an appropriate length of time.
4.7 Patients of different sex shall not be allowed to occupy the same room, except:
4.9 There shall be adequate and properly maintained sanitary facilities for patients.
a Suitable rooms with emergency light and power supply, oxygen and
suction facilities and wash basin to be used exclusively as birth rooms;
4.13 Acceptable levels of sterility shall be maintained for the operation theatre,
associated facilities and operative equipment.
4.14 The Intensive Care Unit shall be provided with facilities for:
Transport arrangements
4.15 Every private hospital shall establish arrangements whereby a patient can be
transported to other health care establishments for medical treatment.
4.16 Where a private hospital intends to provide a service whereby ill persons can
be transported, it shall have ambulances which must be appropriately
identified, properly equipped and meet all other relevant existing requirements.
Linen Service
4.18 The Blood Services provided by a private hospital must comply with the
relevant guidelines for Specialised Services under Schedules Two and Three.
Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals (excluding maternity and nursing homes) 19
4.19 Persons involved in the preparation and provision of food in private hospitals
shall comply with the same requirements as for foodhandlers engaged in the
sale of food.
a all food handlers shall observe proper personal hygiene and have
regular and appropriate health screening;
c food wastes shall be properly disposed in a manner that does not create
a nuisance or a breeding place for pests or otherwise permit the
transmission of disease;
4.21 Premises and facilities for preparation and serving of food must similarly meet
with all requirements as for premises involved in the sale of food.
20 Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals (excluding maternity and nursing homes)
4.22 The Quality Assurance Manual of the laboratory shall be submitted together
with the application form for the licence. The format of the Quality Assurance
Manual shall include the following:
4.23 A "trained person" in the Regulations refers to any person who satisfies one of
the following requirements:
4.24 The medical staff shall be properly organised to provide clinical services to
patients, to represent the professional needs of the medical staff and to ensure
full involvement of the staff in quality control of patient care.
4.25 The nursing department (or service) shall be directed by an administrator who
is a registered nurse with the appropriate qualifications and experience. In the
nurse administrator's absence, a registered nurse who is suitably qualified shall
be authorised to act in her place.
c Written job descriptions for all categories of nursing staff specifying the
functions, responsibilities and specific qualifications of each position.
Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals (excluding maternity and nursing homes) 23
b The nursing care and related duties when nursing students are providing
care within a patient care unit.
a The ratio of the nursing staff to patient is not less than 1 to 1.5.
4.29 In the case of psychiatric and convalescent hospitals, the ratio of nursing staff
and health attendants to patients shall not be less than:
d 1 : 5 for mentally retarded and chronic sick patients, with at least 40%
comprising registered nurses.
4.32 The nursing department shall maintain high nursing standards, and:
4.33 The registered nurse shall be responsible for each patient's nursing care plan.
The following requirements must be met:
b The nursing actions shall be carried out according to the care plan and
the patient's response shall be recorded.
4.34 The nursing staff shall participate in continuing education to maintain and
upgrade their current competency.
4.37 There shall be a Quality Assurance Programme to ensure quality patient care
through objective and systematic monitoring, evaluation, identification of
problems and action to improve the level and appropriateness of such care.
4.38 The following are essential components of the Quality Assurance Programme.
a The private hospital shall establish and give full support to a Quality
26 Specific Guidelines for Private Hospitals (excluding maternity and nursing homes)
d The private hospital shall ensure that links are established between the
programme, management and the clinical aspects of patient care to
ensure that the necessary actions are taken to remedy identified
4.39 The private hospital shall submit to the Director quarterly reports of the
findings, recommendations, actions taken and results of actions taken on:
4.40 The private hospital shall ensure that the Quality Assurance Programme is
evaluated at least yearly, and revised if necessary.
4.41 Every private hospital shall ensure that procedures are drawn up regarding the
proper use, care and maintenance of all equipment used in the private hospital
and shall comply with established or recommended procedures.
f The private hospital shall ensure that its infection control policies and
procedures are evaluated regularly and on a continuing basis
4.45 The purpose of advertising by a private hospital shall be to inform the public
about the types and nature of services which are available. False or misleading
statements about the private hospital or other health care establishments or
providers are unacceptable and unethical. The advertisements shall conform to
the Advertising Standards Association of Singapore (ASAS) Code of
Advertising Practices and any guidelines as issued by the Director.
f Sales promotions.
4.48 Advertising by a private hospital may be in any media in Singapore but shall
be restrained, avoiding full page or lengthy advertisements and too frequent
4.49 All advertisements must be submitted to the Director for approval prior to use.
4.50 Private hospitals which advertise in other countries must comply with all
requirements in the countries concerned.
4.51 The precautions against the risk of fire shall include the following aspects:
drills; and
5.1 The particulars which must be included in the patient's registration record shall
be the following:
5.2 The medical record of each patient shall include information on the following:
a the admission;
c medication;
d nursing care;
e progress;
5.3 All medical records shall be accurate, legible, sufficiently detailed, current,
secure, complete and confidential and organised to enable:
b the transfer of medical and nursing care to the appropriate facility when
32 Specific Guidelines for Nursing Homes
5.4 All original medical records shall be retained for an appropriate length of time.
5.5 Patients of different sex shall not be allowed to occupy the same room.
a a suitable bed, mattress, a pillow, a chair and a locker facility for every
5.7 There shall be adequate and properly maintained sanitary facilities for patients.
Transport arrangements
5.10 Every nursing home shall establish arrangements whereby a patient can be
transported to other health care establishments for medical treatment as
5.11 Where circumstances beyond the control of the nursing home prevent the
arrival of a medical practitioner within half an hour of call, these arrangements
must be used in a timely manner to transport the ill patient to the relevant
health care establishment for treatment.
5.12 Where a nursing home intends to provide a service whereby ill persons can be
transported, it shall have ambulances which must be appropriately identified,
properly equipped and meet all other relevant existing requirements.
Linen Service
5.14 Persons involved in the preparation and provision of food in nursing homes
shall comply with the same requirements as for foodhandlers engaged in the
sale of food.
a all food handlers shall observe proper personal hygiene and have
regular and appropriate health screening;
c food wastes shall be properly disposed in a manner that does not create
a nuisance or a breeding place for pests or otherwise permit the
transmission of disease;
5.16 Premises and facilities for preparation and serving of food must similarly meet
with all requirements as for premises involved in the sale of food.
5.17 The nursing department (or service) shall be directed by an administrator who
is a registered nurse with the appropriate qualifications and experience. In the
nurse administrator's absence, a registered nurse who is suitably qualified shall
be authorised to act in her place.
c Written job descriptions for all categories of nursing staff specifying the
functions, responsibilities and specific qualifications of each position.
5.19 The nursing department shall be responsible for the professional conduct and
practices of its nurses.
5.20 The number and composition of care staff shall be sufficient to provide
adequate care to the residents and in accordance to standards set out by the
Director. The guidelines on staffing establishment may be modified in any
manner as the Director thinks fit depending on the use of the nursing home.
There shall preferably be at least one registered nurse contactable at all times.
5.22 The nursing department shall maintain high nursing standards, and:
5.23 The registered nurse shall be responsible for each patient's nursing care plan.
The following requirements must be met:
b The nursing actions shall be carried out according to the care plan and
the patient's response shall be recorded.
5.24 The nursing staff shall participate in continuing education to maintain and
upgrade their current competency.
5.27 The Quality Assurance Programme shall include the following activities:
5.28 The nursing home shall set out standards for the care it provides, to help
identify problems and provide opportunities to improve such care.
5.29 The findings, recommendations, actions taken and results of actions taken in
the Quality Assurance Programme shall be documented and reported to the
Director annually.
5.30 The Director shall be informed monthly as to the number and individual nature
of serious mishaps and accidents occurring among patients.
5.31 The nursing home shall ensure that the Quality Assurance Programme is
evaluated at least yearly, and revised if necessary.
5.32 Every nursing home shall have written policies, procedures or guidelines for:
b sanitation procedures.
5.33 The nursing home shall establish a system to detect and alert appropriate
authorities about outbreaks of infectious disease amongst its patients or staff,
and a plan to prevent and control such an outbreak.
5.34 The nursing home shall ensure that its infection control policies and
procedures are evaluated regularly and on a continuing basis.
5.36 The Director shall be informed immediately whenever any patient or staff
contracts a notifiable disease.
5.37 The purpose of advertising by a nursing home shall be to inform the public
about the types and nature of services which they have available. False or
misleading statements about the nursing home, other health care
establishments or providers are unacceptable and unethical. The
advertisements shall conform to the Advertising Standards Association of
Singapore (ASAS) Code of Advertising Practices and any guidelines issued by
the Director.
f Sales promotions.
5.40 Advertising by a nursing home may be in any media but shall be restrained,
Specific Guidelines for Nursing Homes 39
5.41 All advertisements must be submitted to the Director for approval prior to use.
6.1 The particulars which must be included in the patient's registration record shall
be the following:
b name and address of the medical practitioner(s) providing the care and
treatment or requesting investigations;
c clinical findings;
d medication records;
f progress notes;
Specific Guidelines for Maternity Homes 41
b date and time of delivery and whether the result was a live-birth, still-
birth or abortion;
f name and address of the person who received the newborn from the
maternity home on discharge.
6.4 All medical records shall be accurate, sufficiently detailed, legible, current,
secure, complete and confidential and organised to enable:
6.5 All original inpatient and outpatient medical records shall be retained for an
appropriate length of time.
6.7 There shall be adequate and properly maintained sanitary facilities for patients.
a Suitable rooms with emergency light and power supply, oxygen and
suction facilities and wash basin to be used exclusively as birth rooms;
Transport arrangements
6.10 Every maternity hospital shall establish arrangements whereby a patient can be
transported to other health care establishments for medical treatment as
6.11 Where a maternity home intends to provide a service whereby ill persons can
be transported, it shall have ambulances which must be appropriately
identified, properly equipped and meet all other relevant existing requirements.
Linen Service
6.13 The Blood Services provided by any maternity home must comply with
Regulation 20 and the relevant guidelines for Specialised Services under
Schedules Two and Three.
6.14 Persons involved in the preparation and provision of food in maternity homes
shall comply with the same requirements as for foodhandlers engaged in the
44 Specific Guidelines for Maternity Homes
sale of food.
a all food handlers shall observe proper personal hygiene and have
regular and appropriate health screening;
c food wastes shall be properly disposed in a manner that does not create
a nuisance or a breeding place for pests or otherwise permit the
transmission of disease;
6.16 Premises and facilities for preparation and serving of food must similarly meet
with all requirements as for premises involved in the sale of food.
6.17 The nursing department (or service) shall be directed by an administrator who
is a registered nurse with the appropriate qualifications and experience. In the
nurse administrator's absence, a registered nurse who is suitably qualified shall
be authorised to act in her place.
c Written job descriptions for all categories of nursing staff specifying the
functions, responsibilities and specific qualifications of each position.
Specific Guidelines for Maternity Homes 45
6.19 The nursing department shall be responsible for the professional conduct and
practices of its nurses.
a The ratio of the nursing staff to bed is not less than 1 to 5 patients.
6.23 The nursing department shall maintain high nursing standards, and:
following admission.
6.24 The registered nurse shall be responsible for each patient's nursing care plan.
The following requirements must be met:
b The nursing actions shall be carried out according to the care plan and
the patient's response shall be recorded.
6.25 The nursing staff shall participate in continuing education to maintain and
upgrade their current competency.
6.28 There shall be a Quality Assurance Programme which shall include the
Specific Guidelines for Maternity Homes 47
following activities:
6.29 The maternity home shall set out standards for the care it provides, to help
identify problems and provide opportunities to improve such care.
6.30 The findings, recommendations, actions taken and results of actions taken in
the Quality Assurance Programme shall be documented and reported to the
Director annually.
6.31 The Director shall be informed monthly as to the number and individual nature
of serious mishaps and accidents occurring among patients.
6.32 The maternity home shall ensure that the Quality Assurance Programme is
evaluated at least yearly, and revised if necessary.
6.33 Every maternity home shall ensure that procedures are drawn up regarding the
proper use, care and maintenance of all equipment used in the maternity home
and shall comply with established or recommended procedures.
6.34 Every piece of equipment used in any invasive procedure shall be rendered
sterile by the appropriate procedure.
6.35 Every maternity home shall have written policies, procedures or guidelines for:
b sanitation procedures.
48 Specific Guidelines for Maternity Homes
6.36 The maternity home shall establish a system to detect and alert appropriate
authorities about outbreaks of infectious disease amongst its patients or staff,
and a plan to prevent and control such an outbreak.
6.37 The maternity home shall ensure that its infection control policies and
procedures are evaluated regularly and on a continuing basis.
6.39 The Director shall be informed immediately whenever any patient or staff
contracts a notifiable disease.
6.40 The purpose of advertising by a maternity home shall be to inform the public
about the types and nature of services which they have available. False or
misleading statements about the maternity home or other health care
establishments or providers are unacceptable and unethical. The
advertisements shall conform to the Advertising Standards Association of
Singapore (ASAS) Code of Advertising Practices and other guidelines issued
by the Director.
f Sales promotions.
6.43 Advertising by a maternity home may be in any media but shall be restrained,
avoiding full page or lengthy advertisements and too frequent advertising.
6.44 All advertisements must be submitted to the Director for approval prior to use.
7.1 Every medical clinic shall maintain a patient's register, clinical notes of
consultation, investigation and treatment given.
7.2 The particulars to be included in the patient's registration records shall be the
b name and address of the medical practitioner(s) providing the care and
c clinical findings;
d prescription record;
e treatment record;
52 Specific Guidelines for Medical Clinics
7.4 All medical records shall be accurate, sufficiently detailed, legible, current,
secure, complete and confidential and organised to enable:
7.5 All medical records shall be retained for an appropriate length of time.
7.7 All equipment must be checked at regular intervals to ensure that they are in
working order.
7.8 All drugs must be checked to ensure that they have not exceeded expiry dates.
b Vaccination/Immunisation
Bill Itemization
7.11 Patients should be informed of every item charged for the clinic visit, e.g.
consultation fee, medication (itemized) charges, investigation charge, etc.
through itemized billing.
54 Specific Guidelines for Medical Clinics
7.12 Patients may either fill out their prescriptions at the clinic or to purchase
the medicines from any pharmacy of their choice. They must be given
prescriptions to purchase the medicines from any pharmacy of their
choice, if they request for it.
8.1 Licence for a clinical laboratory for general pathological diagnoses may be
granted to a person who is a registered Medical Practitioner and
8.2 Applicants may be granted a licence in one or more disciplines based on the
qualifications of the applicant:
56 Specific Guidelines for Clinical Laboratories
8.3 Every licensee shall ensure that a printed list of the charges for every
laboratory test provided is given to the doctor who is a client, for the
information of the patient to be tested, or to any person, at his request, who
uses the services of the clinical laboratory on his own accord.
8.4 The Quality Assurance Manual of the laboratory shall be submitted together
with the application form for the licence. The format of the Quality Assurance
Manual shall be in the following manner:
8.5 A "trained person" in the Regulations refers to any person who is qualified in
the relevant disciplines as defined in paragraphs 0 and 0 or to one who satisfies
one of the following requirements: