This rental agreement is made and executed on the 12th day of June, 2018
(12/06/2018) at Bangalore by and between:-
Age About 65 Years
Residing at Yadavanahalli Village & Post
Attibele Hobli, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore - 562107
Hereinafter called as the Owner of the one part and in favour of:-
The terms both the parties shall mean and include their respective heirs, legal
representatives, administrators, executors, assigns, successors etc.And
whereas the Owneris the legal possession holder of premises.
Which is more fully described in the schedule and the tenant approached the
owner let out the house on rental basis under the following terms and
1. Whereas the lessor is the absolute owner in procession and enjoyment of the
property no The Lessor intends to rent to the Lessee and the Lessee has agreed to
take over the said House for rent. The parties here to entered into the Agreement
under the following terms and conditions.
2. The advance for the shop no and the rent shall be 4,300/-(Four thousand Three
Hundred only.)The agreed amount shall be paid by the LESSEE to the LESSOR.
3. The tenant has to pay the electricity charges every month regularly as per the bill
produced by KEB. Also shall share the water charges .Advance :10,000 (Ten
Thousand Only)
4. The rental period is months from the date of this agreement, but it can be extended
by mutual consent; the rent shall be enhanced @10% once in every 2 years over the
existing rent.
5. The tenant shall use the premises for residential purpose only, The Lessee and the
Lessor undertakes that the RENTAL Period commences from and the stipulated
period has been Subsequent to the stipulated period if the parties intend to continue
the same, they at the liberty to enter into fresh Agreement with new terms and
conditions and further the lessee is entitled to enhance the rent of 10% after two
years and to subsequent period.
6. The Lessee is running wholesale and retail sale of Rice Under the name and style of.
The LESSEE undertakes that he shall not carry on any offensive business of trade
of the premises or any portion of the premises or any portion thereof without the
consent of the LESSOR in writing.
7. -The tenant shall keep the premises in good and tenantable conditions without any
damages, if any damages caused the Owner is allowed to deduct mutual consent
amount from the deposit amount.
8. Both the parties can terminate this agreement by giving Two month notice in
advance, The Lessee also agrees to inform the Lessor in case he wants to continue
the same premises for further period and he shall do it so in writing prior one
months time. The premises shall not be vacated before else the advance amount
shall be forfeited.
IN Witnesses WHEREOF THE LESSOR AND LESSEE have affixed their signatures to
this Rental Agreement on the day ,Month &Year first mentioned above and read over and
understood the
Witnesses: - OWNER