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The Logic of Non-Western Science: Mathematical Discoveries in Medieval India

Author(s): David Pingree

Source: Daedalus, Vol. 132, No. 4, On Science (Fall, 2003), pp. 45-53
Published by: The MIT Press on behalf of American Academy of Arts & Sciences
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20027880
Accessed: 01-11-2016 22:28 UTC

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David Pingree

The logic of non-Western science:

mathematical discoveries in medieval India

v>/ne of the most significant things one ceive of these sciences as more or less
learns from the study of the exact sci clumsy attempts to express modern sci
ences as practiced in a number of an entific ideas. They must be understood
cient and medieval societies is that, and appreciated as what their practition
while science has always traveled from ers believed them to be. The historian is
one culture to another, each culture be interested in the truthfulness of his own
fore the modern period approached the understanding of the various sciences,
sciences it received in its own unique not in the truth or falsehood of the sci
way and transformed them into forms ence itself.
compatible with its own modes of In order to illustrate the individuality
thought. Science is a product of culture ; of the sciences as practiced in the older
it is not a single, unified entity. There non-Western societies, and their differ
fore, a historian of premodern scientific ences from early modern Western sci
texts - whether they be written in Akka ence (for contemporary science is, in
dian, Arabic, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, general, interested in explaining quite
Hebrew, Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, or any different phenomena than those that
other linguistic bearer of a distinct cul attracted the attention of earlier scien
ture - must avoid the temptation to con tists), I propose to describe briefly some
of the characteristics of the medieval

David Pingree, a Fellow of the American Acade Indian sastra of jyotisa. This discipline
concerned matters included in such
my since 1971, is University Professor in the de
partment of the history of mathematics at Brown
Western areas of inquiry as astronomy,
University. He teaches about the transmission of mathematics, divination, and astrology.
science between cultures, and his publications in In fact, the jyotis?s, the Indian experts in
clude many editions of astronomical, astrological, jyotisa, produced more literature in these
areas - and made more mathematical
and magical works in Akkadian, Arabic, Greek,
Latin, and Sanskrit. Most recently he has written
discoveries - than scholars in any other
'Arabic Astronomy in Sanskrit" (with T. Kusuba, culture prior to the advent of printing. In
2002), 'Astral Sciences in Mesopotamia" (with order to explain how they managed to
H. Hunger, 1999), and "Babylonian Planetary make such discoveries - and why their
Omens" (with E. Reiner, 1998). discoveries remain largely unknown -1
will also need to describe briefly the gen
? 2oo3 by the American Academy of Arts
eral social and economic position of the
& Sciences jyotis?s.

D dalus Fall 2003 45

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David ??stra ('teaching') is the word in San emplified below), and the consequent
on skrit closest in meaning to the Greek ambiguity of these expressions encour
science '?mcrcrj|ir|' and the Latin 'scientia.' The aged the natural inclination of Sanskrit
teachings are often attributed to gods pandits to test playfully their readers'
or considered to have been composed by acumen. It takes some practice to
divine rsis; but since there were many of achieve sureness in discerning the
both kinds of superhuman beings, there technical meanings of such texts.
were many competing varieties of each But in this opaque style the jyotisis pro
sastra. Sometimes, however, a school duced an abundant literature. It is esti
within a sastra was founded by a human ; mated that about three million manu
scientists were free to modify their scripts on these subjects in Sanskrit
sastras as they saw fit. No one was con and in other Indian languages still exist.
strained to follow a system taught by a Regrettably, only a relatively small num
god. ber of these has been subjected to mod
fyotih is a Sanskrit word meaning ern analysis, and virtually the whole en
'light,' and then 'star' ; so XhdXjyotihs?stra semble is rapidly decaying. And because
means 'teaching about the stars.' This there is only a small number of scholars
s?stra was conventionally divided into trained to read and understand these
three sub teachings : ganita( mathematical texts, most of them will have disap
astronomy and mathematics itself), sam peared before anyone will be able to
hit? (divination, including by means of describe correctly their contents.
celestial omens), and hora (astrology). A
number of jyotis?s (students of the stars) In order to make my argument clearer,
followed all three branches, a larger I will restrict my remarks to the first
number just two (usually samhita and branch of jyotihs?stra -ganita. Geometry,
hora), and the largest number just one and its branch trigonometry, was the
(hor?). mathematics Indian astronomers used
The principal writings in jyotihs?stra, most frequently. In fact, the Indian as
as in all Indian sastras, were normally in tronomers in the third or fourth century,
verse, though the numerous commen using a pre-Ptolemaic Greek table of
taries on them were almost always in chords,1 produced tables of sines and
prose. The verse form with its metrical versines, from which it was trivial to de
demands, while it aided memorization, rive cosines. This new system of trigo
led to greater obscurity of expression nometry, produced in India, was trans
than prose composition would have en mitted to the Arabs in the late eighth
tailed. The demands of the poetic meter century and by them, in an expanded
meant that there could be no stable tech form, to the Latin West and the Byzan
nical vocabulary ; many words with dif tine East in the twelfth century. But, de
ferent metrical patterns had to be de spite this sort of practical innovation,
vised to express the same mathematical the Indians practiced geometry without
procedure or geometrical concept, and the type of proofs taught by Euclid, in
mathematical formulae had frequently
i For a description of the table of chords, cy
to be left partially incomplete. More
clic quadrilaterals, two-point iteration, fixed
over, numbers had to be expressible in point iteration, and several other mathematical
metrical forms (the two major systems terms mentioned in this essay, please see Vic
used for numbers, the bh?tasankhy? and tor J. Katz, A History of Mathematics : An Intro
the katapayddi, will be explained and ex duction (New York: HarperCollins, 1993).

46 D dalus Fall 2003

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which all solutions to geometrical prob equations of the first degree, described
lems are derived from a small body of already by ?ryabhata ; the partial solu in medieval
arbitrary axioms. The Indians provided tion of indeterminate equations of the India
demonstrations that showed that their second degree, due to Brahmagupta;
solutions were consistent with certain and the cyclic solution of the latter type
assumptions (such as the equivalence of indeterminate equations, achieved by
of the angles in a pair of similar triangles Jayadeva and described by Udayadiv?
or the Pythagorean theorem) and whose kara in 1073 (the cyclic solution was
validity they based on the measurement rediscovered in the West by Bell and Fer
of several examples. In their less rigor m?t in the seventeenth century). Inter
ous approach they were quite willing to polation into tables using second-order
be satisfied with approximations, such differences was introduced by Brah
as the substitution of a sine wave for al magupta in his Khandakh?dyaka of 665.
most any curve connecting two points. The use of two-point iteration occurs
Some of their approximations, like those first in the Pancasiddh?ntik? composed by
devised by ?ryabhata in about 500 for Var?hamihira in the middle of the sixth
the volumes of a sphere and a pyramid, century, and fixed-point iteration in
were simply wrong. But many were sur the commentary on the Mahabh?skar?ya
prisingly useful. written by Govindasv?min in the middle
Not having a set of axioms from which of the ninth century. The study of com
to derive abstract geometrical relation binatorics, including the so-called Pas
ships, the Indians in general restricted cal's triangle, began in India near the
their geometry to the solution of practi beginning of the current era in theChan
cal problems. However, Brahmagupta dahs?tras, a work on prosody composed
in 628 presented formulae for solving a by Pingala, and culminated in chapter
dozen problems involving cyclic quadri 13 of the Ganitakaumud? completed by
laterals that were not solved in the West N?r?yana Pandita in 1350. The four
before the Renaissance. He provides no teenth and final chapter of N?r?yana's
rationales and does not even bother to work is an exhaustive mathematical
inform his readers that these solutions treatment of magic squares, whose study
only work if the quadrilaterals are cir in India can be traced back to the Brhat
cumscribed by a circle (his commenta samhit? of Var?hamihira.
tor, Prth?dakasv?min, writing in about In short, it is clear that Indian mathe
864, follows him on both counts). In this maticians were not at all hindered in
case, and clearly in many others, there solving significant problems of many
was no written or oral tradition that pre sorts by what might appear to a non
served the author's reasoning for later Indian to be formidable obstacles in the
generations of students. Such disdain conception and expression of mathe
for revealing the methodology by which matical ideas.
mathematics could advance made it dif Nor were they hindered by the restric
ficult for all but the most talented stu tions of 'caste,' by the lack of societal
dents to create new mathematics. It is support, or by the general absence of
amazing to see, given this situation, monetary rewards. It is true that the
how many Indian mathematicians did overwhelming majority of the Indian
advance their field. mathematicians whose works we know
I will at this point mention as exam were Br?hmanas, but there are excep
ples only the solution of indeterminate tions (e.g., among Jainas, non-Brah

D dalus Fall 2003 47

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David m?nical scribes, and craftsmen). Indian often more widely accepted if they were
on society was far from open, but it was not presented as those of a divine being, a
science absolutely rigid; and talented mathe category that in many men's minds in
maticians, whatever their origins, were cluded kings.
not ignored by their colleagues. Howev One way in which ajyotis? could make
er, astrologers (who frequently were not a living was by teaching mathematics,
Br?hmanas) and the makers of calendars astronomy, or astrology to others. Most
were the only jyotis?s normally valued by frequently this instruction took place
the societies in which they lived. The at in the family home, and, because of the
traction of the former group is easily caste system, the male members of a
understood, and their enormous popu jyotisVs family were all expected to fol
larity continues today. The calendar low the same profession. A senior jyotis?,
makers were important because their job therefore, would train his sons and often
was to indicate the times at which rituals his nephews in their ancestral craft. For
could or must be performed. The Indian this the family maintained a library of
calendar is itself intricate ; for instance, appropriate texts that included the com
the day begins at local sunrise and is positions of family members, which
numbered after the tithi that is then cur were copied as desired by the younger
rent, with the tithis being bounded by members. In this way a text might be
the moments, beginning from the last preserved within a family over many
previous true conjunction of the Sun generations without ever being seen
and the Moon, at which the elongation by persons outside the family. In some
between the two luminaries had in cases, however, an expert became well
creased by twelve degrees. Essentially, enough known that aspirants came from
each village needed its own calendar to far and wide to his house to study. In
determine the times for performing pub such cases these students would carry
lic and private religious rites of all kinds off copies of the manuscripts in the
in its locality. teacher's collection to other family
By contrast, those who worked in the libraries in other locales.
various forms of ganita usually enjoyed The teaching of jyotihs?stra also oc
no public patronage - even though they curred in some Hindu, Jaina, and Bud
provided the mathematics used by archi dhist monasteries, as well as in local
tects, musicians, poets, surveyors, and schools. In these situations certain stan
merchants, as well as the astronomical dard texts were normally taught, and the
theories and tables employed by astro status of these texts can be established
logers and calendar-makers. Sometimes by the number of copies that still exist,
a lucky mathematical astronomer was by their geographical distribution, and
supported by a Maharaja whom he by the number of commentaries that
served as a royal astrologer and in whose were written on them.
name his work would have been pub Thus, mganita the principal texts used
lished. For example, the popular R?jamr in teaching mathematics in schools were
g?nka is attributed, along with dozens of clearly the L?lavat? on arithmetic and the
other works in many sastras, to Bhojade B?jaganita on algebra, both written by
va, the Maharaja of Dh?r? in the first Bh?skara in around 1150, and, among
half of the eleventh century. Other jyoti Jainas, the Ganitas?rasangraha composed
s?s substituted the names of divinities or in about 850 by their coreligionist, Ma
ancient holy men for their own as au hav?ra. In astronomy there came to be
thors of their treatises. Authorship often five paksas (schools) : the Br?hmapaksa,
brought no rewards ; one's ideas were whose principal text was the Siddh?nta
48 D dalus Fall 2003

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siromani of the Bh?skara mentioned Mathematical
He began by considering an octant
above ; the Aryapaksa, based on the?rya a circle inscribed in a square, and, after
in medieval
bhat?ya written by ?ryabhata in about some calculation, gave the ruleIndia (I trans
500; the ?rdhar?trikapaksa, whose princi late quite literally two verses) :
pal text was the Khandakh?dyaka com
Multiply the diameter (of the circle) by 4
pleted by Brahmagupta in 665 ; the
and divide by 1. Then apply to this sepa
Saurapaksa, based on the S?ryasiddh?nta
rately with negative and positive signs
composed by an unknown author in
alternately the product of the diameter
about 800 ; and the Ganesapaksa, whose
and 4 divided by the odd numbers 3, 5,
principal text was the Grahal?ghava au and so on... .The result is the accurate
thored by Ganesa in 1520. Each region
circumference ; it is extremely accurate
of India favored one of these paksas,
if the division is carried out many times.
though the principal texts of all of them
enjoyed national circulation. The com This describes the infinite series :
mentaries on these often contain the
most innovative advances in mathemat 4D_4D4D_4D4D
1 3 5 7 9 "**
ics and mathematical astronomy found
in Sanskrit literature. By far the most That in turn is equivalent to the
series for ;rthat we attribute to
popular authority, however, was Bh?s
kara ; a special college for the study of his
numerous works was established in 1222 4 3 5 7 9
by the grandson of his younger brother.
No other Indian jyotisi was ever so hon M?dhava expressed the resu
ored. formula in a verse employin
Occasionally, indeed, an informal bh?tasankhy? system, in wh
school inspired by one man's work are represented by words de
would spring up. The most noteworthy, objects that conventionally
composed of followers of M?dhava of world in fixed quantities :
Sangamagr?ma in Kerala in the extreme
south of India, lasted for over four hun vibudhanetragaj?hihut?sana
dred years without any formal structure abhav?ranab?havah I
- simply a long succession of enthusiasts navanikharvamite vrtivistar
who enjoyed and sometimes expanded paridhim?nam idam jagadur b
on the marvelous discoveries of M?dha
A literal translation is :

Gods [33], eyes [2], elephant

IVl?dhava (c. 1360 -1420), an Empr?n
[ 8 ], fires [ 3 ], three [ 3 ], qual
tiri Br?hmana, apparently lived all his[4], naksatras [27], elephants
life on his family's estate, Ila??ipalli, in - the wise say that this is
of the circumference when th
Sangamagr?ma (Irinj?lakhuda) near
Cochin. His most momentous achieve
of a circle is nine hundred bi
ment was the creation of methods to
The bh?tasankhy? numbers
compute accurate values for trigonomet
reverse order, so that the fo
ric functions by generating infinite se
ries. In order to demonstrate the charac
ter of his solutions and expressions of
them, I will translate a few of his verses
(= 3.14159265359, which is cor
and quote some Sanskrit.
eleventh decimal place).

D dalus Fall 2003 49

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Another extraordinary verse written by e 54007 _/ 0 \2 54009
on M?dhava employs the katapay?di system 5400/ Bf>7\ \5400 Rs9\
science in which the numbers 1, 2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
' e y540011
9, and o are represented by the consonants .5400J ?1011!
that are immediately followed by a vowel ;
this allows the mathematician to create a and this formula is a simple transforma
verse with both a transparent meaning tion of the first six terms in the infinite
due to the words and an unrelated nu power series for sin 6 found indepen
merical meaning due to the consonants dently by Newton in 1660 :
in those words. M?dhava's verse is :
sin 6 =
vidv?ms tunnabalah kav?sanicayah sar 03 +
0- ^ O5
- O?
+ e9 011
v?rthas?lasthiro R23\ R4S\ R67\ R
Not surprisingly, M?d
The verbal meaning is : "The ruler whose ered the infinite power
army has been struck down gathers to cosine and the tangent t
gether the best of advisors and remains attribute to Gregory.
firm in his conduct in all matters ; then
he shatters the (rival) king whose army Xhe European mathem
has not been destroyed." seventeenth century der
The numerical meaning is five sexa trigonometrical series
gesimal numbers : tion of the calculus ; M?

o;o,44 1400 relied on a clever

o;33,6 geometry, algebra, and
i6;5,4i mathematical possibilit
273)57,47 go through his whole ar
222o;39,40. has fortunately been pr
of his successors; but I
These five numbers equal, with R = some of his techniques
3437144,48 (where jR is the radius) : He invented an algebr
540011 formula that keeps pus
#1011! quantity to successive te
alternately positive and
R89\ series must be expanded
rid of this unknown qu
54007 because of the multipli
R67\ terms increase, the pow
54005 vidual factors also incr
R4S\ factors in the octant is
integers beginning with
with 3438 - the number
radius of the circle that
gent of 45o, the angle of
These numbers are to be employed in
the formula : means that there are 34
that must be summed to
54003 _ / 6 y 54005 infinite series of the tr
sin6 = e-[j&?f J?23! I54OOJ R*5\ function.

50 D dalus Fall 2003

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It had long been known in India that angle 0 is equal to 0 minus discoveries
the sum of
the sum of a series of integers beginning the sums of the second differences
in medieval
with i and ending with n is : India
sines of the preceding tabulated angles
M?dhava discovered, by some very
h( ~ + l), that is, y-f + H. Since n clever geometry, that the sum of the
here equals 3438, M?dhava decided that sums of the second differences approx
n - 2 , which equals ~~y~, is negligible mately equals ^yy and that the versine
0 is approximately equal to yy Sinc
with respect to 34^8 . Therefore, an sin2 6 = R2- cos2 6 and vers 6 = R- cosO,
approximation to the sum of the
n2 M?dhava could correct the approxim
series of n integers is y. Similarly, the tion to the versine by the approximat
to the sum of the sums of the second d
sums of the squares of a series of n inte
ferences of tabulated sines ; then he
gers beginning with 1 was known to be
could correct the approximation to th
f[2o + i)2-(rc + i)] Tr . , ,;.
ZL?-1-?. If n is large, this sum of the sums of the second differ
? ?. ! , . rc(n + l)2 . ences by the corrected approximatio
is approximately equal to_ since to the versine ; and he could continue
- {n + 1) 3
?5? is negligible. But, with n = 3438, building up the two parallel series by
applying alternating corrections to
3438 *334392is little different from1^. them. He finally arrives at two infinit
Therefore, as an approximation, the sum power series, equivalent, if R = i, to :
of the series of the squares of 3438 inte a a 0\ 0s 67 , 09
gers beginning with 1 is y. Finally, it
sw0 = 0-y + ? - ? + ? ...,
was known that the sum of the cubes of and
a series of n numbers beginning with 1 a , 0? 04 & e8
cosV-l- 2I +?-6I+ ?....
is : (|)2(h + 1 )2 or *2(* + 1)2 . If n is 3438,
there is little difference between
Subsequent members of the 'school' of
M?dhava did remarkable work as well,
4 4 and4
^. Therefore, the
in both geometry (including trigonome
expression y is a close approximation
try) and astronomy. This is not the occa
to the sum of the cubes of a series of n
sion to recite their accomplishments,
numbers beginning but Iwith 1. here
should remark From these
that, among
three examples M?dhava guessed
these members, Indian astronomers at the
general rule that the sum of n numbers
attempted especially to use observations
in an arithmeticaltoseries
correct astronomical
beginningmodels and their
1 all raised to the parameters.
same power, p, is ap
i 1 nP+1
proximately equal to -?-. This began with M?dhava's principal
It had also been realized inpupil,
Indiaa Namp?tiri
since Br?hmana named
Paramesvara, whose family's illam was
the fifth century - from examining the
sine table in which the radius of the in Asvatthagr?ma,
cir a village
about thirty-five miles northeast of
cle, R, is?Jtf?(which was Sangamagr?ma.
approximat He observed eighteen
ed by 3438) and in which therelunarare
and24 solar eclipses between 1393
sines in a quadrant of 90o, soand 1432 the
that in an attempt to correct tradi
length of each arc whose sine tional Indian eclipse theory. One pupil
is tabulat
ed is 225' - that the sine of of
tabulatedson, D?modara, was
D dalus Fall 2003 51

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N?lakantha - another Namp?tiri Br?h dia; the furthest they got was Katattan?t
Pingree mana who was born in 1444 in the Kelal in northern Kerala, about one hundred
science l?r illam located at Kundapura, which is miles north of Sangamagr?ma, where
about fifty miles northwest of Asvattha the R?jakum?ra Sa?kara Varman repeat
gr?ma. ed M?dhava's trigonometrical series in a
N?lakantha made a number of obser work entitled Sadratnam?l? in 1823. This
vations of planetary and lunar positions was soon picked up by a British civil ser
and of eclipses between 1467 and 1517. vant, Charles M. Whish, who published
N?lakantha presented several different an article entitled "On the Hindu Quad
sets of planetary parameters and sig rature of the Circle and the Infinite Se
nificantly different planetary models, ries of the Proportion of the Circumfer
which, however, remained geocentric. ence to the Diameter in the Four Sastras,
He never indicates how he arrived at the Tantra Sangraham, Yocti Bh?sh?,
these new parameters and models, but Carana Paddhati and Sadratnam?la" in
he appears to have based them at least in Transactions of the Royal Asiatic Society in
large part on his own observations. For 1830.2 While Whish was convinced that
he proclaims in his fyotirm?mamsa - con the Indians (he did not know of M?dha
trary to the frequent assertion made by va) had discovered calculus - a conclu
Indian astronomers that the fundamen sion that is not true even though they
tal siddh?ntas expressing the eternal rules successfully found the infinite series for
of jyotihs?stra are those alleged to have trigonometrical functions whose deriva
been composed by deities such as S?rya tion was closely linked with the discov
- that astronomers must continually ery of calculus in Europe in the seven
make observations so that the computed teenth century - other Europeans
phenomena may agree as closely as pos scoffed at the notion that the Indians
sible with contemporary observations. could have achieved such a startling suc
N?lakantha says that this may be a con cess. The proper assessment of M?dha
tinuous necessity because models and va's work began only with K. Mukunda
parameters are not fixed, because longer Marar and C. T. Rajagopal's "On the
periods of observation lead to more ac Hindu Quadrature of the Circle," pub
curate models and parameters, and be lished in the Journal of the Bombay Branch
cause improved techniques of observing of the Royal Asiatic Society in 1944.
and interpreting results may lead to su
perior solutions. This affirmation is al vJo while the discoveries of Newton,
most unique in the history of Indian jyo Leibniz, and Gregory revolutionized
tisa ;jyotis?s generally seem to have mere European mathematics immediately
ly corrected the parameters of one paksa upon their publication, those of M?dha
to make them closely corresponded to va, Paramesvara, and Nflakantha, made
those of another. between the late fourteenth and early
The discoveries of the successive gen sixteenth centuries, became known to a
erations of M?dhava's 'school' contin handful of scholars outside of Kerala in
ued to be studied in Kerala within a
small geographical area centered on San 2 Note that the Tantrasa?graha was written by
the N?lakantha whom we have already men
gamagr?ma. The manuscripts of the
tioned, the Yuktibh?sa by his colleague and fel
school's Sanskrit and Malay?lam treatis low pupil of D?modara, Jyesthadeva, and the
es, all copied in the Malay?lam script, Karanapaddhati by a resident of the Putumana
never traveled to another region of In illam in Sivapura in 1723.

52 D dalus Fall 2003

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India, Europe, America, and Japan only discoveries
in the latter half of the twentieth centu in medieval
ry. This was not due to the inability of India
Indian^oi/szs to understand the mathe
matics, but to the social, economic, and
intellectual milieux in which they
worked. The isolation of brilliant minds
was not uncommon in premodern India.
The exploration of the millions of sur
viving Sanskrit and vernacular manu
scripts copied in a dozen different
scripts would probably reveal a number
of other M?dhavas whose work deserves
the attention of historians and philoso
phers of science. Unfortunately, few
scholars have been trained to undertake
the task, and the majority of the manu
scripts will have crumbled in just anoth
er century or two, before those few can
rescue them from oblivion.

D dalus Fall 2003 53

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