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Hands Raised Catalog

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Dear colleagues and students, ladies and gentlemen,

it is an honour and pleasure to have this opportunity to say a few words on

the occasion of the opening of the exhibition “Raised hands”, curated by our
colleague dr. Meliha Teparić. I will admit that it is in fact the first time that I am
visiting the beautiful IUS Art Gallery, and I certainly hope that, in the future,
there will be many more opportunities to visit exceptional and seriously cu-
rated exhibitions, such as the one we can see today. An active and attractive
gallery space certainly is an enrichment for our university and can significantly
contribute to IUS becoming an even more vibrant intellectual centre and a
relevant part of the cultural landscape of Sarajevo. Thus, first of all, I would
like to congratulate and thank dr. Teparić for her efforts in making sure that
the IUS Art Gallery continues fulfilling its purpose of artistically enriching our
academic lives.

The exhibition “Raised hands” consists of works by both established Bosnian

artists of the older generation such as Safet Zec, probably the most significant
contemporary Bosnian painter and Alma Suljević, Stjepo Gavrić and Asim Đe-
lilović, all professors at the Sarajevo Art Academy, as well as representatives of
the younger generation of artists such as Velija Hasanbegović, Mirza Hasane-
fendić, Taida Jašarević and our very own Roman Sulejmanpašić and dr. Meliha
Teparić, who doubles as a participating artist in this exhibition. The exhibition
is also diverse in a stylistic sense, containing classical media such as prints by
Zec and sculptures by Gavrić on the one side, a sub-group of the photography
of Hasanefendicđć, Hasanbegović and Đelilovic, and finally the post-modernist
video-installation by Teparic, performance piece by Suljevic and readymade - if
I may call it that - by Roman Sulejmanpašic. Being generationally and stylistically
diverse, the exhibition is conceived iconographically, grouped around the cen- Đelilović’s and Sulejmanpašić’s works warn us that modern civilization may
tral motif of the hand. have given up on spiritual and humanistic ideals and thus turned its hands into
mere tools for the acquisition of money and power embodied in technology.
Quite coincidentally, just when I was asked to prepare a few words for this The hands are thus, once again, ambivalent symbols, reaching both high up in
exhibition, I was reading an article about the role of the hand in the tradition the sky and deep below into the darkest recesses of humanity.
of Manichaeism, that almost forgotten ancient religion, whose followers once
spread from Morocco in the West to China in the East, and which also left its What is it, in the end, that the viewer of this exhibition can take back from
distant traces in the medieval Bosnian Church. In Manichaeism, it was by a clasp these hands of hope and warning? A wonderful short poem by the Bosnian
of hands that Man was liberated from the constraints of the material world and poet Mak Dizdar expresses it succinctly:
pulled up to the Heavens. In other religions, the hands also play a central role,
which, in fact, forms the central subject of Zec’s dramatic prints, in which suf- This hand tells you to stop and reflect upon your own hands.
fering Bosnian Muslim man and women are praying, or in the more restrained
photography of Jašarević, which alludes to Indian religious traditions. The sa- Dr. Gorčin Dizdar
cred meaning of hands is of course also present in what may be described
as the centrepiece of the exhibition, Teparić’s video installation based on the
words of the Sufi, alluding to the fundamental duality of the human condition
and the eternal wish to overcome it - through devotion to God, and also, per-
haps, through contemplation and creation of art, another singular creation of
human hands.

Besides their sacred symbolism, the hands are also present in this exhibition
through their specifically human and humanistic meanings. In Hasanefendić’s
photograph, there are no explicitly metaphysical allusions: the man’s hands
may be joined in prayer, but also in a this-worldly concentration ready to burst
at any moment. Hasanbegovic’s photographs show three fundamental social
concepts expressed in sign-language: happiness, help and unity, thereby using
hands to communicate values that make us truly human. On the other hand,
Asim Đelilović
Works Book – Words Book, object,

Asim Đelilović
In God We Trust, digital print, 1999
Stjepo Gavrić
Salvation, sculpture, 2015

Stjepo Gavrić
For One Love, sculpture, 2012

Stjepo Gavrić
Consolation, sculpture, 2012
Velija Hasanbegović
Happiness, photography, 2014

Velija Hasanbegović
Help, photography, 2014

Velija Hasanbegović
Community, photography, 2014
Mirza Hasanefendić
Like a Prayer, photography, 2015
Taida Jašarević
Perfect Balance I, print, 2016

Taida Jašarević
Perfect Balance II, print, 2016
Alma Suljević
Prayer - Suicide Bomber,
photography, 2003

Alma Suljević
Suicide Bomber - Kiss, pho-
tography, 2003
Meliha Teparić
To Douse out Hell and To Burn Down Paradise,
video, 2016

Roman Sulejmanpašić
End of Civilization, installation, 2018
Safet Zec
Prayer, print, 2003
Asim Đelilović (Vitez 1964.), vanredni “I moja bijela traka”, “Potočarske sjene”, savremene filozofije na Filozofskom I Prav- Design. Artworks: Alina Boboc & Daoud
profesor, magistar produkt dizajna. Ob- “Atlete srca”. Izlagao je širom svijeta: Sara- nom fakultetu u Sarajevu. Radila je kao Sarhandi Evil doesn’t live here, Princeton
javljeni radovi: Alina Boboc & Daoud jevo, Zagreb, Beograd, Budimpešta, New deminerka tokom I nakon rata u BiH. Um- Architectural Press, New York, 2000.; Liz
Sarhandi Evil doesn’t live here, Princeton York I dr., a njegove radove su objavljivali jetnica performansa I skulptorica, koristi McQuiston, Graphic Agitation 2 – Social
Architectural Press, New York, 2000.; Liz eminentni časopisi kao što su: Theather ratna iskustva kao temu za svoja djela. and political graphic in digital age, Phai-
McQuiston, Graphic Agitation 2 – Social der Zite, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Financial Izlagala je svoja djela širom Evrope i radila don Press Ltd., London, 2004.; Decade of
and political graphic in digital age, Phaidon Times I dr. na podizanju svjesti o minama. Također, Design – Contemporary Design in Bosnia
Press Ltd., London, 2004.; Dekada dizajna Oficijelni je fotograf Internacionalnog radila je na prikupljanju novca za demini- and Herzegovina, Group of authors, ULU-
– Savremeni dizajn u Bosni i Hercegovini, teatarskog festival MESS I Sarajevskog rat- ranje. PUBIH, Sarajevo, 2009. He published the
Grupa autora, ULUPUBIH, Sarajevo, 2009. nog teatra – SARTR. Dobitnik je nagrada http://www.alu.unsa.ba/nastavnicisurad- collection of essays and reviews Picture
Objavio je zbirku eseja i kritika Okvir za za najbolju umjetničku fotografiju ULUPU- nici Frame, Omnibus Sarajevo, 2010. He was
sliku, Omnibus Sarajevo, 2010. Član je BiH-a (2011 I 2016). a board member of Sarajevo Green De-
Meliha Teparić (Sarajevo,1978), BA i MA
organizacionog odbora Sarajevo Green info@velijahasanbegovic.com sign Week Festival (2009 – 2011). He was
Akademija likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu,
Design Week Festivala (2009 – 2011). Ko- a co-curator for the artists from Bosnia at
Taida Jašarević (Sarajevo,1979), BA - odsjek slikrstvo. Ostvarila je 48 kolektivnih
selektor je Budimpesta Design Week 2011 the Budapest Design Week in 2011.
Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Sarajevu, internacionalnih i domaćih izložbi, 8 samo-
za autore iz BiH. http://asimartworks.com/
Odsjek grafik. MA i PhD na Joshiba uni- stalnih i 17 objavljenih članaka iz oblasti
verzitetu za umjetnost i dizajn u Tokiju. islamske kaligrafije. Čaln je ULUBiH. Do- Stijepo Gavrić (Tuzla, 1958) In 1978 he
Ostvarila je 14 samostalnih, 57 kolektivnih cent na Internacionalnom univerzitetu u finished Art school in Sarajevo, and four
izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu i 16 nagrada. Sarajevu. years later (1982) he graduated at the
Stijepo Gavrić (Tuzla, 1958.) godine 1978. Učestvovala je na brojnim konferencijama. melihateparic@yahoo.com University of Fine Arts in Sarajevo on
završava Srednju školu primijenjenih um- Čaln ULUBiH. http://melihateparic.com/ the Department of sculpture. Since 1985
jetnosti u Sarajevu, a četiri godine poslije taida.jasrevic@gmail.com he worked as a teacher in school that he
Safet Zec (Rogatica, 1943)
(1982) okončava i skulptorski studij, na http://jataida.com/wp/ used to attend. He had several individual
Nakon završene Srednje skole primijen-
Odsjeku za kiparstvo Akademije likovnih exhibitions and participated in numerous
Roman Sulejmanpašić (Sarajevo, 1986) jenih umjetnosti, nastavlja svoje studije u
umjetnosti, također u Sarajevu. Od 1985. group exhibitions in Bosnia and Herze-
BA MFA Akademija Likovnih Umjetnosti u Beogradu gdje je diplomirao na Akademiji
angažovan je kao profesor u školi čiji je bio govina and abroad. He significantly con-
Sarajevu, odsjek Kiparstvo. Sudjelovao je u Likovnih Umjetnosti 1969. 1972. završio
nekadašnji učenik. Izlagao je na mnogo sk- tributed to multiple art colonies on which
40 kolektivnih izložbi, a 5 puta je izlagao je postdiplomski studij. Jedan je od pred-
upnih i nekoliko samostalnih izložbi, kako u he attended. He is the author of several
samostalno. Clan je ULUBIH. Docent na stavnika umjetničkog stila poznatog kao
zemlji, tako i u inozemstvu. Autor je i ne- monuments placed in public areas. Stijepo
Internacionalnom Univerzitetu u Sarajevu. “poetski realizam”. Od 1992. živi u Italiji I
koliko spomenika postavljenim na javnim Gavrić is a winner of ULUBIH (Association
rsulejmanpasic@gmail.com od 1998. Posjeduje studio u Veneciji u bliz-
mjestima. Sudjelovao je u mnogobrojnim of fine artists of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
h t t p s : / / w w w. b e h a n ce . n e t / r s u l e j - ini crkve San Francesco della Vigna. Brojne
kiparskim kolonijama, kojima je i značajno Sixth of April Award for sculpture.
manp617c su njegove izložbe, kako u BiH, tako i u
doprinio svojim učešćem. Dobitnik je http://www.stijepogavric.ba/index.html
Šestoaprilske ULUBiH nagrade za skulp- Alma Suljević (Kakanj, 1963) živi I radi u
contact@safetzec.com Velija Hasanbegović (Foča, 1975) is an au-
turu. Sarajevu. Od 2000. Godine predavač je na
http://www.safetzec.com/ thor of few exhibitions Drina/ Perućac
http://www.stijepogavric.ba/index.html Likovnoj akademiji u Sarajevu. Završila je
Lake, My White Ribbon too, Shadows of
postdiplomski studij na odsjeku za skulp- Asim Đelilović (Vitez 1964) - associate pro-
Velija Hasanbegović (Foča, 1975) Autor je Potočari, Athletes of the Heart. His works
turu na Akademiji u Sarajevu, kao I studij fessor with a Master’s degree in Product
nekoliko izložbi ”Drina/JezeroPerućac”, were shown around the world, in Sarajevo,
Zagreb, Belgrade, Budapest, New York uated from the Academy of Fine Arts,
etc. and in magazines such as Theather der Faculty of Philosophy and Law, Sarajevo.
Zite, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Financial Times She is a landmine artist. During and af-
etc. He is the official photographer of the ter the war she worked as a de-miner.
International Theatre Festival (MESS) and A performance artist and sculptor, she
Sarajevo War Theatre (SARTR). He won uses these war-time experiences as basis
the Association of fine artists of Bosnia for her artistic work. Currently, Alma is
and Herzegovina’s award for the best art a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts
photograph in 2011 and 2016. in Sarajevo. She has exhibited her work
info@velijahasanbegovic.com throughout Europe and raises awareness
about land mines. She also raises money
Taida Jašarević (1979), BA - Academy of
for de-mining.
Fine Art in Sarajevo, departmep printe-
makig. MA and PhD at Joshibi University
of Art and Design in Tokyo. she ahs ex-
hibited at 14 solo, 57 collective exhibitions Meliha Teparić (Sarajevo, 1978), BA and
and 16 awards. Member of applied art as- MA in paintig , Accademy of Fine Art in
sociation - ULUBiH. Sarajevo. she has been exhibitid so far 48
http://jataida.com/wp/ colective in a broad nad in the country,
8 solo exhibitions, and she published 17
Roman Sulejmanpasic (Sarajevo, 1986)
articles in a filed of islamic calligraphy.
BA and MFA Academy of Fine Arts in
Member of artist association - ULUBiH.
Sarajevo, department of Sculpture.
Assistant professor at International Uni-
He has participated in 40 collective exhibi-
versity of Sarajevo.
tions and had 5 solo exhibitions.
Is a member of ULUBIH. Assistant Pro-
fessor at the International University of Safet Zec (Rogatica, 1943) After complet-
Sarajevo. ing Art High School in Sarajevo, he con-
rsulejmanpasic@gmail.com tinued his studies in Belgrade where he
h t t p s : / / w w w. b e h a n ce . n e t / r s u l e j - graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in
manp617c 1969. In 1972 he obtained his postgrad-
uate diploma. He went on to become an
Alma Suljević (Kakanj, 1963) lives and
exponent of the recent art style known
works in Sarajevo. From 2000 she is a lec-
as “Poetic Realism”. Since 1992 he’s been
turer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sara-
in Italy and since 1998 he has his studio
jevo. 1982-1991 - Postgraduate studies at
in Venice near San Francesco della Vigna’s
the Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture de-
church. Exhibitions in his country and all
partment, Sarajevo. She did Post-graduate
over Europe are many.
course in contemporary philosophy at the
Faculty of Philosophy, Sarajevo and grad-

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