2017-2018 Spring Summative Evaluation
2017-2018 Spring Summative Evaluation
2017-2018 Spring Summative Evaluation
o Elementary
o Secondary
o Special Education Early Childhood Education – Early Intervention
o Special Education Early Childhood Education – Preschool
o Special Education Mild Moderate Disabilities
o Special Education Deaf and Hard of Hearing
o Special Education Visual Impairments
o Special Education Severe Disabilities
o Special Education Deaf Blind
o Fall 2017 o Spring 2018 o Summer 2018
Position of Evaluator:
o University Faculty Cohort Leader
o University Supervisor
o Site Teacher Educator/Cooperating Teacher
Field Experience:
o Elementary and Secondary Pre-Student Teaching Practicum
o Special Education Field Studies
o Student Teaching
o Internship - Fall
o Internship - Spring
Subject of Observed Lesson: Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Community Building, ELD
Evidence for Evaluation (Check all that apply for this evaluation):
o Reviewed my formative observations
o Reviewed formative or summative observations from Site Teacher Educator/Cooperating
o Conferenced with Candidate, Site Teacher Educator/Cooperating Teacher, and/or other
school personnel
o Reviewed lesson plans/TWS/Candidate portfolio
o Other, please describe:
Beginning Developing Preservice
Scale: Effective
(1) (2) Effective (3)
Standard 2: Learning Differences The teacher understands individual learner differences and
cultural and linguistic diversity. For each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 2
2 2.1 O - Allows learners multiple ways to demonstrate learning sensitive to diverse
experiences, while holding high expectations for all
Standard 3: Learning Environments The teacher works with learners to create environments
that support individual and collaborative learning, encouraging positive social interaction, active
engagement in learning, and self-motivation. For each question, refer to the following rubric:
Standard 3
2 3.1 O - Develops learning experiences that engage and support students as self-directed
learners who internalize classroom routines, expectations, and procedures
3 3.2 O - Collaborates with students to establish a positive learning climate of openness,
respectful interactions, support, and inquiry
2 3.3 O - Uses positive classroom management strategies, including the resources of
time, space, and attention, effectively
Comments: Mary has greatly raised her classroom expectations within the last few
months and made strides to incorporate different strategies to extrinsically and intrinsically
reinforce positive student interaction. Mary also modifies curriculum and instruction based
on her students’ abilities, to a certain extent. She is still working towards building in
support structures based specifically on her students’ differentiated levels.
Instructional Practice
The minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field studies is 18; minimum
score for final student teaching is 26.
Standard 4: Content Knowledge The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of
inquiry, and structures of the discipline. For each question, refer to the following rubric:
Standard 4
2 5.1 O - Uses data sources to assess the effectiveness of instruction and to make
adjustments in planning and instruction
2 5.2 C - Documents student progress and provides descriptive feedback to student,
parent/guardian, and other stakeholders in a variety of ways
3 5.3 C - Designs or selects pre-assessments, formative, and summative assessments in a
variety of formats that align to learning objectives and engage the learner in demonstrating
knowledge and skills
3 6.1 C - Demonstrates knowledge of the Utah Core Standards and references them in
short- and long-term planning
2 6.2 C - Integrates cross-disciplinary skills into instruction to purposefully engage learners
in applying content knowledge.
Standard 7: Instructional Strategies The teacher uses various instructional strategies to
ensure that all learners develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections
and build skills to apply and extend knowledge in meaningful ways. For each question, refer to
the following rubric: Standard 7
Professional Responsibility
For Standards 8 and 9, the minimum score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field
studies is 5; minimum score for final student teaching is 7. For Standard 10, the minimum
score at pre-student teaching practicum/SPED field studies is 4 (yes to both questions);
minimum score for final student teaching is 4 (yes to both questions).
Standard 8: Reflection and Continuous Growth The teacher is a reflective practitioner who
uses evidence to continually evaluate and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner. For
each question, refer to the following rubric: Standard 8
3 8.1 C - Adapts and improves practice based on reflection and new learning
Scale: No Yes
YES 10.1 C - Is responsible for compliance with university policies, federal and state laws,
State Board of Education administrative rules, state assessment policies, local board policies,
and supervisory directives
YES 10.2 C - Is responsible for compliance with all requirements of State Board of Education
Rule R277-515 at all levels of teacher development
Comments __Within this term of student teaching, Mary has definitely taken on more
responsibility for student’s learning, especially students who have more difficulty accessing
the content and students whom struggle with certain socioemotional goals. She has planned
goals for each observation cycle and shown improvement as a professional.
Additional Comments
For Pre-Student Teaching Practicum/SPED Field Studies, the minimum score is 37. [at
least a "2" for 80% of items in each section; yes to both questions in Standard 10]
For Final Student Teaching, the minimum score is 51. [at least a "3" for 80% of items in
each section; yes to both questions in Standard 10; no "0"s]
Teacher Candidate By typing your name, you, a Teacher Candidate, are signing this document
electronically and confirming that you understand the content of this form.
Please fill in your email address below. The email you supply will be used to verify that you have
signed this document. Marybarlow765@gmail.com
Please fill in your email address below. The email you supply will be used to verify that you have
signed this document.