Syllabus Secd 532
Syllabus Secd 532
Syllabus Secd 532
Course Code & No.-Section: Course Title (Credits): Term and Year:
SECD 532, Section R1 Interactive Approaches to Curriculum Design and Instruction(3) Spring 2012
Course Reference Number (CRN): 10309 Instructor: Toby Wiedenmayer, MaT Email: Website: Ofce: Class Meeting Time: Location: Prerequisites: Course Description SECD 532 Interactive Approaches to Curriculum Design and Instruction is a course thats scope and sequence in instructional programming, with methods and strategies used in teaching students major and minor discipline. Small group strategies and multiple intelligences theory are a major focus of this course. Special emphasis on developing materials and resources related to the teaching of State curriculum requirements by the States of Nevada and California. Student Outcomes Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Design several lessons in content area to engage and explore curriculum; Eight Es, Crosscurriculum, team building, communications, etc. Analyze and document their own teaching skills in the class and on video Implement critical thinking skills and utilize a variety of questioning techniques; compare and contrast skills in facilitation of lesson and Socratic dialogues; annotate class strategies Organize curriculum tools that utilize the Nevada and California Standards, including the new Common Core Standards Generate plans that develop a class as a team not an aggregate. or Reno Ofce T 7:00-9:50 p.m. Reno Ofce SPED 510, SPED 520, SPED 530
Methods of Assessing Student Outcomes Student Outcomes will be assessed using the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assignments of increasing levels of challenge including teaching opportunities to model what is being learned Writing assignment(s) including reading reections and personal research Developing assessment materials for future use. Constructing a major teaching unit complete with curriculum grid, references and ve lesson plans with support materials for 90 minute lessons. Participation in class activities and discussions; annotate strategies from class experiences Research paper on a topic related to curriculum design and interactive approaches in classroom
Course Syllabus
Instructional Strategies This class will utilize lectures, small group instruction, team building activities, inquiry learning, case studies, communication activities, cross-curriculum planning, problem solving, group dynamic skills, independent research, and individual work in class using case studies, oral presentations, online discussions, and homework assignments. INTASC Standards The Performance-Based Licensure Product uses the ten standards developed by the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC). These standards reect the professional consensus of what beginning teachers should know and be able to do. They provide the framework for the rubrics used to assess the products.The following INTASC principle is the main focus of this course. Students completing the course demonstrate competence in the following area as dened in the INTASC principles: INTASC Standards Standard 1: Content Pedagogy The teacher understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of a subject matter meaningful for students. Standard 2: Student Development The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support a childs intellectual, social, and personal development. Standard 3: Diverse Learners The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners. Standard 4: Multiple Instructional Strategies The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. Standard 5: Motivation and Management The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. Standard 6: Communication and Technology The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquire, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom. Standard 7: Planning The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals. Standard 8: Assessment The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner. SECD 532
Course Syllabus
Standard 9: Reective Practice and Professional Development The teacher is a reective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his or her choices and actions on others and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally. Standard 10: School and Community Involvement The teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to support students learning and well-being.
Required Texts and Materials Joining Together, David W., Frank P. Johnson; Allyn and Bacon; ISBN: 0-205-19750-7 A Guide for Developing Interdisciplinary Thematic Units; Roberts and Kellough, Merrill of Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-921164-0 ebook The Easy Teacher (available online) Recommended Texts and Materials Available online at under the link for SECD 532 Attendance Candidates are required to attend all classes and participate in class discussions and small group activities and presentations. In accordance with TED guidelines, students are expected to attend all classes for the entire class period. Students absent for more than two classes may fail the course. This should not be construed as license to miss two classes. Participation also includes the use of SNC email to communicate with the instructor. When sending e-mail attachments, please include your last name, course, and assignment (JonesSPED540ParentInterview). Research Project Any research project involving human or animal subjects must be submitted to the college Research Committee for approval. Class Requirements It is recommended that you bring a laptop computer to each class meeting. Being on time assists us in our exploration, being supportive of others expands your learning opportunities, and being open to feedback on your own instruction makes it easier to build the team. You will have many opportunities to teach in this course. Cell phones and pagers may be left on; just step outside for your convenience. Use of Library Using the librarys resources effectively (not just the Internet) contributes to developing each of SNCs core themes by exposing students to high quality academic resources, diverse opinions, new ideas, and a future that includes building on a liberal arts education. In this course, you will be expected to utilize the librarys resources (either on-site or remotely) as you complete your assignments. SPED 540 - Revised 1.13.12 3
Course Syllabus
The Honor Code The faculty of SNC believes students must be held to high standards of integrity in all aspects of college life in order to promote the educational mission of the College and to encourage respect for the rights of others. Each student brings to the SNC Community unique skills, talents, values, and experiences which, when expressed within the community, contribute to the quality of the educational environment and the growth and development of the individual. Students share with members of the faculty, administration and staff the responsibility for creating and maintaining an environment conducive to learning and personal development, where actions are guided by mutual respect, integrity, responsibility, and trust. The faculty and students alike must make diligent efforts to ensure high standards are upheld by their colleagues and peers as well as themselves. Therefore faculty and students accept responsibility for maintaining these standards at Sierra Nevada College and are obligated to comply with its regulations and procedures, which they are expected to read and understand. Consequences of Violating the Student Honor Code SNC students and faculty share the responsibility for maintaining an environment of academic honesty. Thus, all are responsible for knowing and abiding by the SNC Faculty/Student Honor Code published in the current SNC Catalog. Faculty are responsible for presenting the Honor Code and the consequences of violating it to students at the start of their classes AND for reporting al incidences of academic dishonesty to the Provost. Students are responsible for knowing what constitutes CHEATING, PLAGIARISM, and FABRICATION and for refraining from these and other forms of academic dishonesty. Violations of the Honor Code become part of the students academic record.
1st Offense:
Student receives a zero for assignment/exam and counseling with faculty on the honor code, consequences for violating the honor code, and the value of academic honesty in learning. Student fails course and receives counseling with faculty on the honor code, consequences for violating the honor code, ad the value of academic honesty in learning. Student is expelled.
2nd Offense:
Course Syllabus
Assignments 1. Active Participation and Involvement (200 points or 15 pts./class)) Candidates are required to participate in class discussions and small group activities. It is essential that readings be completed before class. 2. Annotations and Strategies (100 points) Candidates will be required to create a list of resources online, or in a matrix, that describe at least 20 strategies from this course and any websites or resources that will support future teaching. 3. Text Reections and Observations Task (150 points) Candidates will be required to do observations in both class and online related to theorists and methods of instructing. Candidates will need to record their observations and their text reections in their online journal for the class. 4. Instruction and Analysis Tasks (350 points) Candidates will be responsible for several teaching tasks, including the Eight Es lesson, discussion leaders, communication skills lesson, and socratic dialogue facilitation. Candidates will be required to reect and analyze on experiences. 5. Teaching Unit (100 points) Candidates are to complete a teaching unit that includes an introduction noting the overall goals, an overview of the unit, link to standards via a standard grid, grading system and a grade tracker, at least 5 lesson plans using the same format for each lesson, supporting materials, and adaptations for diverse learners. 6. NTTI Teaching Unit and Lesson Plan (50 points) Candidates are to develop a lesson plan that utilizes technology in the National Teacher Training Institute format to be modeled in class. 7. Research Paper (50 points) Candidates will complete a 5-7 page research paper utilizing APA style that relates to the topic: Strategies for Developing an Interactive Curriculum. ADA Accommodations In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, students with a documented disability are eligible for support services and accommodations. If a student wishes to request an accommodation, please contact the Director of Academic Support Services, Henry Conover, at (775)831-1314 x. 7534, or go to the OASIS ofces on the third oor of the Prim Library within the rst week of the semester.
Course Syllabus
The SNC Email System The SNC email system is the ofcial communication vehicle among students, faculty members, and administrative staff and is designed to protect the condentiality of student information as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Students should check their college email accounts daily during the school year. Students have the right to forward their SNC email to another email account (for example, @ hotmail or @gmail). However, condentiality of student information protected by FERPA cannot be guaranteed for SNC email forwarded to an outside vendor. Having email redirected does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with ofcial communication sent to his or her SNC email account. Class Schedule (Tentative)
Class Number 1
Welcome, Introductions, and Orientations Setting up your own website with Weebly Team Building Theorists Curriculum Mapping
Thematic Teaching and Curriculum Mapping Discussion Leaders sign-up Team Building Activity: directions Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Read and Reect: Joining Together ch. 1 and 13 Select Theorist/Start matrix/chart for theorists (use Prezi) Set up personal website with specic pages Visit Class Webpage, including Observation and Reection section
Course Syllabus
Class Number 2
Theme: First Day of Class, Classroom Set-up, Team Building Due: Team Building Activity, Theorist Presentations Team Building The First 90 Minutes Lesson Plan Teaching Unit Overview Theorist Presentations Eight Es Lesson Plan Introduction
Read and Reect: Joining Together ch. 2 Assigned chapter from Interdisciplinary Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Begin a pearl-tree on your major/minor discipline. Add to your webpage.
Theme: Collaboration and Thematic Units Due: Theorist Presentations Grading Curriculum grids (NV State Standards and Common Core) Eight Es Lesson Plan Overview Interdisciplinary Ch. 1
Read and Reect: Joining Together Ch. 4 and 5 Interdisciplinary completed by this week Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Eight Es Lesson Visit
Theme: Standards and Theme Due: Eight Es Lesson Plan Eight Es Presentations (15 min. lesson plan) Interdisciplinary Ch. 2
Read and Reect: Joining Together Ch. 6 and 7 Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Visit and create a poll
Course Syllabus
Class Number 5
Theme: Project/Problem Based Learning, Motivation Teaching Topics assigned for Communications Workshop Grading Rationale and Curriculum Grid Share Interdisciplinary Ch. 3
Read and Reect: Joining Together Ch. 8 and 9 Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Communication Lesson Plan
Theme: Communication Due: Communication Lesson Communication Skills Workshop Interdisciplinary Ch. 4 and 5
Read and Reect: Joining Together Ch. 10 Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Visit
Theme: Technology in the Classroom Problem Solving/Problem/ Project Based Learning NTTI Lesson Plan input Socratic Dialogues
Read and Reect: Joining Together Ch. 11 and 12 Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Activity Lesson Plan from Joining Together
Theme: Active Engagement, Brain-Based Teaching Due: Activity Lessons Activity Presentations from Joining Together Creativity Workshop
Strategy Annotations (at least 3) NTTI Lesson Plan Find a great app that would be applicable to your classroom (check out edutecher app to nd other great educational apps.)
Course Syllabus
Class Number 9
Theme: Strategies and Working with Diverse Populations Due: NTTI Lesson presentations NTTI Lesson Strategies Discussion Curriculum Map discussion
Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Check out for ideas on closing stories
Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Research Project Finalization Visit and Strategy Annotations (at least 3) Teaching Unit
Theme: Use of Interventions and Differentiated Instruction Due: Research Project Research Project Share Teaching Unit Discussion
Theme: The Reective Teacher Due: Teaching Unit, Teaching Unit Presentations Share Final Portfolio
Do, Look, Learns for all major assignments in journal Newsletter for Parents
Course Syllabus
Topic Due: Introductory Newsletter to your parents Due: Final Class Portfolio
*Class not meeting formally, rather assignment and discussion to take place online. Instructor will provide outside ofce hours to help with assignments. Please note: class will not meet on 3/13/12 and 4/17/12 due to the Spring Breaks of Sierra Nevada College and Washoe County School District. Potentially, we will look at adding the week of 4/2/12 to this list as it is the spring break for Douglas County.
Final Portfolio Contents Teaching Tasks (Write a self-critique in the form of a Do-Look-Learn on each of these for your Portfolio): Philosophy of Teaching Narrative Team Builder with written instructions Eight Es Lesson Plan Discussion Leader Tasks (one for reading thematic text and/or curriculum mapping) Communication Skills Lesson Socratic Dialogue facilitation NTTI Lesson Plan Journal for Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Theorist observations (presented in class and online) The First Day of Class lesson plan (90 min. lesson with times noted) Johnson text reections Cross-curricular lesson planning (teams) Research Annotated strategies for class discussion (annotate 3 each week)