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PENTODE DESCRIPTION AND RATING ‘The GAUG-A is a miniature sharp-cutoff pentode primarily designed for use as a high-gain radio-frequency or intermediate-frequency amplifier. Its low grid-plate capacitance and high transconductance make it especially suited for high-frequency wide-band applications. Except for heater ratings, the 3AU6 and 12AU6 are identical to the GAU6-A. GENERAL ELECTRICAL Cathode—Coated Unipotentiat 3AUS_ GAUS-A__T2AU6 Heater Voltage, AC or DC............3,15 63%10% 12.610% Volts Heater Current... ween 06 6% 03 0.15 Amperes Heater Warm-up Time* a u — Seconds Direct Interelectrode Copacitances With Without Pentode Connection Shield Grid-Number 1 to Plate, maximum (g1 to PJ... .. . 0.0035 nf Input: g1 to (H-+K+92+93+15). 5 55 put Output: P to (H-+K-+92+63-+I8). 5 50 put Triode Connectiont Gria-Nomber 1 to Plate: gl to (P-ta2+od4s).. 26 26 ut Input gl to (H+K).. berate 32 3.2 ut Output: (P+-92+93-+15) to (H+K). 85 V2 aut MECHANICAL Mounting Position—Any acerca royeGiee Base—E7-1, Miniature Button 7-Pi MAXIMUM RATINGS Pentode _Triode ne Connection Connectiont Plate Voltage 330 275. Volts Screen-Supply Voltage... 0..2222..11) 330 — Volts Screen Voltage—See Screen Rating Ch Positive DC Grid-Number 1 Voltage......... 0 0 Volts Plote Diss cee ; 35 35° Watts Screen Dissipation... 075 — Watts Heater-Cathode Voitage Heater Positive with Respect to Cathode DC Component........-.... 100 100 Volts Total DC and Peck. 200 200. Volts Heater Negative with Respect to Cathode Total DC and Peak 200 200 Volts in-Maximum ratings are limiting valves of operating and environmental conditions applicable to o bogey tube of a specified type os defined by its pub- lished data, and should not be exceeded under the worst probable conditions. These values are chosen by the tube manufacturer to provide acceptable servi of the tube, taking responsibility for the effects of changes in operating conditions due to variations in the characteristics of the tube under considerati should design so that initially and throughout life no designmaximum value forthe intended service is exceeded wih « bogey tube under the worst probable operating conditions with respect to supply-voltage v equipment component variation, variation in characteristics of all other tubes in the pment control adjustment, load variation, signal variation, GENERAL @@ ELECTRIC Supersedes ETT, dated 3-58 6AU6-A—3AU6—12AU6 6AU6-A 3AU6 12AU6 ET-T916A, Page 1 M0 BASING DIAGRAM a @ 6) (a BA 78K TERMINAL CONNECTIONS Pin 1—Grid Number 1 Pin 2—Internal Shield and Grid Number 3 (Suppressor) Pin 3—Heater Pin 4—Heater Pin 5—Plate Pin 6—Grid Number 2 (Screen) Pin 7—Cathode PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS BA 5.2 6AU6-A ET-T916A CHARACTERISTICS AND TYPICAL OPERATION Pentode Triode CLASS A; AMPLIFIER Connection Connectiont Plate Voltage. . esters 100 250 250 250 Volts Suppressor, Connected to Cathode at Socket Screen Voltage . . oo 100 125 150 —— Volts Resistor. 150 100, 68 330 Ohms: ion Factor —_ —_— —_ 36 Plate Resistance, approximate . 05 15 1.0 —— Megohms Transconductance 3900 4500 5200 4800 Micromhos Plote Current. 5.0 76 10.6 12.2. Milliamperes Screen Current... sees 21 3.0 43 —— Milliamperes Ib=10 Microamperes. 42 55 65 — Volts * The time required for the voltage across the heater fo reach 80 percent of its rated value after applying 4 times rated heater voltage to a circuit consisting of the tube heater in series with a resistance equal to 3 times the rated heater voltage divided by the rated heater current. + With external shield (EIA 316) connected to pin 7. £ With sere n and suppressor connected to plate. CLASS A RESISTANCE-COUPLED AMPLIFIER Ro | fs Por PEeE = 90 volts [ebb = 180 volts epb = 300 volts Wea. |Me8- [veg ak [Rep [Gain] Eo | Rk [sa [cain] to | Rk [Roa [Gain] Eo c c fo-10f-10 0-1] seo 0.] 68 [13 | 610] 0.2) 96 | 27 | 480 | 0.2]100 [a7 lo.10 o:24[0:1| 1000 | 0. 2| 93 | 16 | 630] 0.2|:30 0 | 0.2) 160 [60 eg 3% 3 by fo.24p.24l0.1} 2a00| 0.3} 88 | 12 | 1700| 0.4]120 | 25 | 620 | 0.6|200 [44 a Rs b.24J0-51J0.1| 600] 0.4|s10 | 14 | 1600] 0.51170 | 34 | 960 | o.7|200 153 fo.sx)o.si|0.1] 5300 0.9]120 | 40 | 4000| 0.9|160 | 23 2100 | 4.1]230 [38 251 [120 fora} 4600 | 1.11125 | 12 | 3500| 1.1]200 | 25 |1a00 | 1.3/300 | 4a Eo ¥ -24]0-2410 | 0 ]O.4]t00 | 12] 0 ]0.5[260 | 25] 0 | 0-5|210 [4 | note: Coupling capacitors (c) should be lo.2e[o:52|10 | 0 |o.s|i20 | 14 | 0 | o-6|160 | 31 | 0 | o:7|270 |52 justed to give desired frequency -sifo-salto | 0 |o.9[120 | 2 | o | 1.s[200 [22 | 0 | i.2]200 [2 Rx and Reg should -si|2-0 fio | o | roses | 2 | o_| s:t}aio | 25 | o_| 1.31550 [a2 quately by-passed. not cent (58) total harmonic distortion. 2. Gain measured at 2.0 yolts dence 18 negt igh an SCREEN RATING CHART SCREEN DISSIPATION IN WATTS 0.4 AREA OF PERUISSIBLE OPERATION 0.2 ° ° 100 200 300 400 500, e556 11-70 109-1 eee OL cea LOLs! APRIL 7, 1960 AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS fy = RATED VALUE © vours tyra tes =O vours | Fed 50 VOLTS EN (ea) CURRENT IN MILLIAMPERES 9) OR SCREE PLATE ° 100 200 300 400 500 K=55611-T0109-2 GESEXGT EG TO CSE} APRIL 7, 1960 6AU6-A ET-T916A Page 3 tn 60 IW MILUIAUPERES EN (eg) CURRENT PLATE CURRENT IN MILLIAMPERES AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS 20 Ey = RATED vaLuE 0 vours 0 yours ash l 11 \ 1 \ 10 | Wen © fee = 0 vous ° ° 100 200 300 400 500 K-55611-10109-5 ne Re APRIL 7, 1960 AVERAGE PLATE CHARACTERISTICS TRIODE CONNECTION AEE Ey = RATED VALUE tt y= SCREEN ANO SUPPRESSOR TiE0 To PLATE ° 100 200 300 400 500 PLATE VOLTAGE IN VOLT: Ke55611-TO109~4 TOL eat) APRIL 7, 1960 AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS 6AU6-A us ET-T916A Poon 42 Ey = RATED VALUE Ep = 250 vOLTS Ec = 0 VOLTS 10 PLATE CURRENT IN MILLIAMPERES, ° 10 8 6 -4 2 ° GRIO-NUMBER 4 VOLTAGE IN VOLTS Ke55611-10109-5 apai 7, 1960 AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS RATED VALUE 250 VOLTS 0 vours SCREEN CURRENT IN MILLIAMPERES ° 10 8 6 “4 2 ° kosselteroioo-e GRID-NUNBER 1 VOLTAGE IN VOLTS Pee eae 6AU6-A ET-TOI6A Page 6 160 AVERAGE TRANSFER CHARACTERISTICS . ; ee - 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 : ° 10 8 -6 -4 -2 ° hepsotiero 109-7 GRID-NUMBER 1 VOLTAGE IN VOLTS apple 7. 1960 ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS DIVISION GENERAL @@ ELECTRIC Schenectady 5, N.Y.

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