Drug Study Guide
Drug Study Guide
Drug Study Guide
Droperidol: Dopamine antagonist, good antiemetic, but produces extrapyramidal effects-- don't use
with Parkinson's patients- Parkinsonian-like effects. Black box warning based on QT prolongation
Reglan: also Dopamine antagonist, causes EPS effects
DRUG Derivative Dose Onset/ Other
Morphine Phenanthrene 10mg/ Onset: - Not very potent
Does release 15mg/kg 15-30” - reversed w/ Naloxone, Naltrexone, & Nalmefene
histamines 3-5hr -metabolized in the liver
Meperidine Phenylpiperidine 100mg IM DOA: 2- - Least potent
(Demerol) (don't produce 4hr - Don't give to elderly/renal pts due to toxic metabolite,
histamine release) excreted in urine
- Contraindicated in pts taking MAOI's
- Causes least amt. of biliary spasms
- Causes tachycardia
DRUG Dosing/ Other
Naloxone (Narcan) 0.4mg(diluted w/ 3 mL NS-John said usually all
you need), but 1-4 mcg/kg IV (Stoelting)
Naltrexone (Trexane) For ETOH w/drawal, PO, decreases appetite, can
last up to 24 hours
Nalmafene (Revex) 15- 25 mcg IV Narcan derivative, but lasts longer-
10-12 hours