Huawei 5G Security WhitePaper PDF
Huawei 5G Security WhitePaper PDF
Huawei 5G Security WhitePaper PDF
1. Foreword .................................................................. 01
4. Summary .................................................................. 11
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
As vertical industries are thriving —Vehicle Network, Internet of Things (IoT), AR/VR, and high speed railways, just to name a few —
they all demand fast yet ubiquitous network access to gain a new momentum. The rise of new business, new architecture, and new
technologies in 5G will present new challenges to security and privacy protection.
In 5G business environment, security is a necessary enabler for continuity of the business. Users already realize that security and
privacy are important, and they could be aware of the security/privacy service provided to them. It is believed that the extent and
strength of the security mechanisms provided correlate with the perceived security level, at least in the long run. Perception is closely
related to trust, hence negative changes may happen very quickly (e.g. because of front-page news about observed attacks).
In the 5G context, users may already have some perception of provided security level based on experience with earlier generations. To
provide continuity of perceived security, it is important that security and privacy features that exist in earlier generations are also present
in 5G, although the actual technical security mechanisms may be different.
On the other hand, it is clear that it is not sufficient just to provide the same security features as in the legacy systems because there
may be new security requirements and challenges. 5G systems are going to be service-oriented. This implies there will be a special
emphasis on security and privacy requirements that stem from the angle of services.
5G Security: Forward Thinking 5G
5G Security Challenges
Traditional security architectures focus on protection of voice and data, and they all have the following security features in common:
• User identity management based on (U)SIM
• Mutual authentication between networks and users
• Securing the path between communicating parties hop-by-hop
In the context of vertical industry, security demands could vary significantly among services. For instance, mobile Internet of Things
(IoT) devices require lightweight security while high-speed mobile services demand high efficient mobile security. The network based
hop-by-hop security approach may not be efficient enough to build differentiated end-to-end (E2E) security for different services. As IoT
is gaining momentum, more people will be able to remotely operate or "talk" to networked devices, for instance, instructing facilities at
a smart home to get up. Therefore, there is a need of a more stringent authentication method to prevent unauthorized access to IoT
devices. For example, biometric identification could be part of the authentication in smart homes.
Security cannot be built for 5G services unless the network infrastructure is robust. In legacy networks, security of function network
elements (NEs) relies largely on how well their physical entities could be isolated from each other. However, in 5G, the isolation will work
differently as virtual NEs on cloud-based infrastructure. It’s likely that time is right to take 5G infrastructure security into consideration.
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
SDN is proved to be of help in improving transmission efficiency and resource configuration. On the other hand, it is important to
consider in the 5G security design that it could be managed in terms of the isolation for network nodes such as control nodes and
forwarding nodes, and the secure and correct enforcement of the SDN flow table.
Based on network virtualization technology, a network could build different virtual network slices. Each virtual network slice could
accommodate a particular service requirement and thereby may require differentiated security capabilities. 5G security design may need
to consider issues of how to isolate, deploy, and manage virtual network slices securely.
Heterogeneous Access
Heterogeneous will be one of the network features of next-generation access networks. The heterogeneous nature comes not only from
the use of different access technologies (WiFi and LTE), but also from multi-network environment, which might imply that the access
network architecture from different networks are different. So a consideration for security designers is building security architecture
suitable for different access technologies.
IoT devices have many choices in the way they access networks. For instance, they may connect to networks directly, or via a gateway,
or in the D2D or Relay fashion. Comparing to mobile handset, security management of IOT device in 5G may be efficient and lightweight
in order to establish trust relationships between devices and networks.
Privacy Protection
With the advances of mobile Internet, more and more vertical industries, including health care, smart home, and smart transport, will
resort to 5G networks. As open network platforms, 5G networks raise serious concerns on privacy leakage. In many cases, privacy
leakage can cause serious consequences.
As primary method for network accessing, mobile networks carries data and signaling that contains many personal privacy information
(for instance, identity, position, and private content). In order to offer differentiated quality of service, networks may need to sense what
type of service a user is using. The service type sensing may involve user privacy. Add all this together, privacy protection in 5G is more
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
5G Security Blueprint
5G Security Goals
As the 5G era is drawing near, the volume of data traffic and variety of services will increase to unseen-before levels. IoT service is
just one of the many. When it comes to 5G, it is not simply about being a medium for communication. It can be seen as a catalyst for
minimizing the boundary between the digital world and physical world. 5G security design is an all-encompassing one that provides
security protection for the everything-connected world.
• Flexibility
In order to provide better support and rapid response to the vertical industry requirement, it is nice that E2E security capabilities
could be rapidly aligned with business changes. In that case. it would request flexible and high efficient E2E security deployment
and adaptation.
• Privacy protection
5G will see APP services thriving vigorously. Along with this thriving, personal privacy data is growing massively also, including
device identifiers, user IDs, and user preference. Considering that, privacy protection could be built end to end, leaving no part of the
security chain vulnerable to privacy leaks.
• Security as service
In face of convergence of IT and CT, telecom industry is seeking to boost their strength and better serve vertical industries. Tele
communications systems have done well in protecting user privacy, and users have built relatively good level of trust with security
strength of the communication systems. 5G could continue to extend the user trust by opening up security capabilities as a service
to individual users and vertical industries.
Secure Infrastructure
• Diversified system level protection of IT-aware infrastructure
after IT technologies (e.g. NFV and SDN) are put into use, a vast array of system-level protections is in place to defend against
distributed denial of service (DDoS) and other active attacks that may increase.
• Identity management
Both software and hardware infrastructures run in multi-vendor environment. In order to mitigate unauthorized access to network
resources, stringent identity management is a possible need.
• Data protection
Integrity and confidentiality protection are provided throughout data transmission to prevent data from being intercepted or re-routed
to unauthorized destinations.
5G Security: Forward Thinking 5G
5G Security Perspectives
New Trust Model and Identity Management
In legacy mobile communications networks, Telecom networks are responsible for authenticating user for network access only. A trust
model with two elements, between users and networks, is formed. The authentication between user and services are not covered by the
networks. However, in 5G networks, a trust model with an additional element, the vertical service provider, is favored possible design.
Networks may cooperate with service providers to carry out an even secure and more efficient identity management.
Trust Trust
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
Service-oriented Security
• Build E2E Security
Differentiated security for different services
5G systems are going to be service-oriented. This implies that there will be a special emphasis on security requirements that stem
from the angle of services. For instance, remote health care requires resilient security while IoT requires lightweight security. It is quite
reasonable to offer differentiated security to different services.
Flexible security architecture to support security attributes for different network slices
If differentiated security is offered, then flexible security architecture is needed to support E2E protection for different service, based
on network slicing architecture. Network manages different E2E security capabilities, including strength of security algorithms, ways
to derive and negotiate secret keys, and mechanisms for protecting confidentiality and integrity. Within a virtual network slice, security
capabilities could further be distributed.
In cloud environment, software and equipments of network infrastructure come from more than one equipment vendors, which relatively
complicate the security issues. For the services and users, building an E2E data security chain could be a way to reduce the reliance on
individual link security and simplifies security management.
5G Security: Forward Thinking 5G
On the other hand, Telecom networks have relatively nice work in the security capabilities (i.e. authentication, identity & key
management) and are trusted by users after years of commitment in services. It is a good opportunity for networks to provide their
security capabilities as a service to vertical industries. For instance, networks could authenticate service access and return the
authentication result to vertical industries.
It is the network's choice either to deploy the security service on a cloud platform or simply built it into a virtual network slice of the
vertical industry who has bought the security service from networks. Security capabilities can be seamlessly built into business flows of
vertical industries.
The isolation statement is also applicable to virtual network slices with the same type of application service. For instance, enterprise A
may hope to block other enterprises from using its resources, although these enterprises are served by a same type of virtual network
The isolation effect for service and data in the virtual network slices could approach to the user experience in traditional private network,
only in this way the users are willing to store the private data on cloud, and then they could freely access their private data without
concern about the security risk on the data.
Security Assessment
5G needs an open platform to support a vast array of services from vertical industries, for instance, remote health care, Internet of
Vehicle (IoV), and IoT. The platform can be further divided into units based on the functions. Different software or hardware vendors can
contribute their own strength in the development of the units. In this way, the service deployment can be more rapid and the operating
cost can be reduced.
To build an open software & hardware ecosystem, it is essential that network function units from different vendors are interoperable via
standard interfaces. All network function units may need to attest to each other that they are secure, so that when they are integrated
into a platform, a high level of platform security could be achieved. A traditional way to assess their security strength is that vendors sign
a trust agreement and then test security performance of each other. However, the testing model is expensive and impedes the growth
of the open software & hardware ecosystem. Therefore, a well-received assessment procedure and tools are seemed to be possible
approaching, by which all vendors could follow a standard procedure to test their network function units.
Security assessment is feasible only if specific and measurable security metrics are figured out for each network function unit. For
instance, the metrics could be the password length and its complexity. An important point to note is that the way for defining and
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
measuring these security metrics. Security metrics that are standardized and well received could help in the case that even third-party
test bodies can effectively assess network function units.
To support dynamic service deployment as well as automatic service rollout, deployment, and management, network units that pass the
security assessment can be granted a certificate and an electric signature for automatic verification upon integration. To keep track of
security risks, it is nice that security management maintenance be performed on a regular basis during business operations that security
measures can be taken on a timely manner in the event of an incident.
To address these new challenges, mobility security may be redesigned and optimized for the 5G network to build an efficient, lightweight,
and compatible mobility management mechanism to meet the more stringent delay requirements.
5G 5G Security: Forward Thinking
Security and privacy for a large system such as 5G cannot be properly built after
other parts of the system design have already been completed. Instead, security
and privacy features need to be built into the system design. This goal requires an
active dialogue between security and privacy community and all other parties who
contribute for 5G technology.
At the moment, many aspects of 5G are still uncertain but certain high level
decisions about security and privacy principles could already be agreed between
the stakeholders. For instance, it could be agreed whether or not 5G security and
privacy solutions would cover the service layer in addition to the access layer. As
another example, time is right to agree whether to extend the role of end-to-end
protection mechanisms from what they have had in previous generations.
Similarly, it could be already agreed now whether to aim for extended protection of
identity and location privacy against active attackers.
All these principles, if adopted, would have an impact on 5G system design and
they could be taken into account in the design from the early phases, and the
dialogue could begin. All issues we have discussed in this paper would be solved at
some stage of the dialogue, once it has started.
Security and privacy requirements are often seen as obstacles or burden in the
system design but ignoring them in the beginning is not cost-efficient in the long run.
Adding features afterwards is less effective and often more costly than including
proper mechanisms from the beginning. In long term, security is a driving factor for
service and network evolution. Since the service and network architecture of 5G
is going through dramatic remodeling, it will improve the feature and competitive
strength for 5G if security protection and privacy consideration is included at early
stage of 5G.
Huawei 5G website