A 5-Level Three-Phase Cascaded Hybrid Multilevel Inverter: P. Thongprasri
A 5-Level Three-Phase Cascaded Hybrid Multilevel Inverter: P. Thongprasri
A 5-Level Three-Phase Cascaded Hybrid Multilevel Inverter: P. Thongprasri
6, December 2011
S7 S7
Index Terms—Hybrid multilevel inverter, PSCAD/EMTDC, C4 S8 C4 S8
FPGA controller, h-bridge.
(a) Diode Clamped (b) Flying capacitor
multilevel inverter multilevel inverter
Vdc S1 S2 Vo V S1 S2 Vo
A multilevel inverter is a power electronic converter built dc
to synthesize a desired AC voltage from several levels of DC S3 S4 S3 S4
voltages which the DC levels were considered to be identical
in that all of them were batteries, solar cells, capacitors, etc. S5
Vdc S5 S6 Vdc C1
The multilevel inverter has gained much attention in recent
years due to its advantages in lower switching loss better S7 S8 C2 S6
electromagnetic compatibility, higher voltage capability, and (c) Cascaded H-bridge (d) Cascaded Hybrid
lower harmonics [1]-[3]. Several topologies for multilevel multilevel inverter multilevel inverter
inverters have been proposed; the most popular being the
Fig. 1. One phase of a 5-level multilevel inverter.
diode-clamped [4], [5], flying capacitor [6], and cascade H-
bridge [7] structures. Besides the three basic multilevel TABLE I: COMPONENTS OF ONE PHASE OF A-5 LEVEL
inverter topologies; other multilevel converter topologies MULTILEVEL INVERTER
have been proposed, most of these are hybrid circuits that are Types of multilevel Number of Number of Number of
combinations of two of the basic multilevel topologies. The inverter switches diodes capacitors
schemes of multilevel inverters are classified in to two types Diode Clamped 8 12 4
the multicarrier sub-harmonic pulse width modulation (MC- Flying capacitor 8 - 10
Cascaded H-bridge 8 - -
SH PWM) and the multicarrier switching frequency optimal
Cascade hybrid 6 - 2
pulse width modulation (MC-SFO PWM) [8], [9]. The
MC-SH PWM cascaded multilevel inverter strategy reduced
total harmonic distortion and the MC-SFO PWM cascade In this paper, the proposed a 5-level three-phase cascaded
multilevel inverter strategy enhances the fundamental output hybrid multilevel inverter includes a standard 3-leg inverter
voltage [10]. (one leg for each phase) and H-bridge in series with each
The THD will be decreased by increasing the number of inverter leg as shown in Fig. 2. To develop the model of a
levels. It is obvious that an output voltage with low THD is 5-level cascaded hybrid multilevel inverter, a simulation is
done based on PSCAD/EMTDC. All signals for controlling
Manuscript received August 4, 2011; revised September 31, 2011.This the hybrid multilevel inverter are created by a FPGA
work was supported by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of controller using PWM signal modulated technique and digital
Engineering at Si Racha, Kasetsart University Si Racha Campus, and
technique. The prototype is tested with 3 types of load; a 18W
P. Thongprasri is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty fluorescent lamp-ballast, RL (R is 265 Ω , L is 0.125 H ),
of Engineering at Si Racha, Kasetsart University Si Racha Campus, and a 1HP 3-phase induction motor (no load); without
Chonburi, Thailand (e-mail: sfengprt@ src.ku.ac.th).
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011
carriers with the same frequency f c and the same amplitude Vcontrol Vtri
Ac are dispose such that the bands they occupy are
contiguous, The reference waveform has peak-to-peak Ar
reference is less than a carrier signal, then the active device Fig. 6. The relationship between the sinusoidal referencesignal and the
corresponding to that carrier is switched off. triangular signal.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011
⎧ π
⎪ 0 ≤ ωt < 6 Sa 4
TPWM = maTtri (1 − 2 sin(ωt )) ; ⎨ (2)
⎪ < ωt ≤ π Fig. 10. Simulation result of all control signals for electronic switch
⎩6 devices (IGBTs).
π 5π
TPWM = maTtri ( 2 sin(ωt ) − 1) ; ≤ ωt ≤ (3)
6 6
ma = ctrl (4)
Vtri Vc
ia ib i c
Electronic switch devices Digital process
s1 v1
Fig. 11. Simulation result of phase voltage and phase current when load is
s2 v1 RL (R is 265 Ω , L is 0.125 H ).
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011
multilevel inverter is connected to a 3-phase step up including output waveform of line-line voltage that line-line
transformer (55/380V/50Hz, Y-Y) rated 1.5kW. Prototype of voltage THD is 17.9%, 17.4%, and 18.3%.
the 1kW 5-level three-phase cascaded hybrid multilevel
inverter as shown in Fig. 13 has been built in order to verify
the proposed hybrid multilevel inverter. The control signals
in this paper are created by the field programmable gate array
(FPGA, discovery–III XC3S200 model) controller. Fig. 14
shows three signals; PWM (v3 ) , v1 , and v2 ; for the hybrid
multilevel inverter, modulation index is 0.8.
step up transformer
Vb Y −Y R
Vc 55 / 380V T
H − bridge inverter v2
Sa1 Sa3 Sb1 Sb3 Sc1 Sc3
24V 12V 12V
S1 S3 S5
S2 S4 S6 Fig. 14. The control signals for hybrid multilevel inverter are created by
FPGA ( ma =0.8).
3 − phase inverter
Fig. 12. Topology of the hybrid multilevel inverter with separate DC voltage
sources; 24V and 48V.
H − bridge inverter
Fig. 15. Prototype of the 1kW 5-level three-phase cascaded hybrid multilevel
inverter with 3 fluorescent lamp-ballast loads.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011
Fig. 22. Prototype of the 1kW 5-level three-phase cascaded hybrid multilevel
Fig. 17. The output waveform of line-line voltage that line-line voltage THD inverter with a 3-phase induction motor rated 1HP load (no load).
is 17.4%, 16.6%, and 18%. The output frequency is 50Hz.
Fig. 23 . The output waveform of phase voltage and phase current (The top is
Fig. 18. Prototype of the 1kW 5-level three-phase cascaded hybrid multilevel phase voltage that its rms voltage is 206V, the bottom is phase current that its
inverter with RL load (R is 265 Ω , L is 0.125 H ). rms current is 786mA).
Fig. 24. The output waveform of phase voltage THD of 16%, phase current
THD of 4.2%. The output frequency is 50 Hz.
Fig. 19. The output waveform of phase voltage and phase current (The top is
phase voltage that its rms voltage is 195V, the bottom is phase current that its
rms current is 708mA).
Fig. 25. The output waveform of line-line voltage that line-line voltage THD
is 16.2%, 15.6%, 16.7%. The output frequency is 50Hz.
Fig. 20. Phase voltage THD of 17%, phase current THD of 2.7%, the output V. CONCLUSION
frequency is 50 Hz. (RL load, R is 265 Ω , L is 0.125 H ). Prototype of the 5-level three-phase cascaded hybrid
multilevel inverter consists of a 3-phase inverter and 3
H-bridge inverters that it uses separate dc power sources;
24V and 48V. The control signals for power electronic
switches are created by FPGA controller using PWM signal
modulated technique and digital technique. The prototype is
tested with three types of load; 18W fluorescent ballast-lamp,
RL, and 3-phase induction motor rated 1HP; without filtering.
Results of the test; the output line-line and phase voltages has
5 levels that its THD voltage is between 15.6% and 18.3%,
the output waveform of phase current is close to sinusoidal
Fig. 21. The output waveform of line-line voltage that line-line voltage THD
is 17.9%, 17.4%, and 18.3%. The output frequency is 50Hz. that its THD current is between 2.7% and 4.2%.
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2011