Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Phase Shifted PWM On Induction Motor
Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Phase Shifted PWM On Induction Motor
Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Phase Shifted PWM On Induction Motor
Abstract: Multilevel converter technology has emerged as a very important alternative in the area of high-power medium
voltage energy control. The voltage source inverters produce a voltage or a current with levels either 0 or ±V dc they are known
as two level inverters. To obtain a quality output voltage or a current waveform with a minimum amount of ripple content, they
require high switching frequency. In high power and high voltage applications, these two level inverters, however, have some
limitations in operating at high frequency. The multi-level inverter is to synthesize a near sinusoidal voltage from several levels
of dc voltages. As number of levels increases, the synthesized output waveform has more steps, which provides a staircase
wave that approaches a desired wave form. Also, as steps are added to waveform, the harmonic distortion of the output wave
decreases, approaching zero as the number of voltage levels increases. Referred to as cascaded-inverters with Separate DC
Sources (SDCs) or series connected H-bridge inverters. This paper multilevel converter fed induction motor drive with different
voltage levels is considered and simulation results are presented in terms of total harmonic distortion (THD). The PWM signal
thus generated is then used as triggering pulses for the multilevel inverters.
Keywords: Cascaded H-Bridge (CHB) Multilevel Inverter (MLI), Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM), Switching Frequency.
I. INTRODUCTION converters not only can generate the output voltages with
Nowadays multilevel inverter (MLI) plays a vital role in very low distortion, but also can reduce the dv/dt stresses;
the field of power electronics and being widely used in therefore electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems
many industrial and commercial applications. Moreover the can be reduced.(b) Common mode (CM) voltage:
advantages like high quality power output, low switching Multilevel converters produce smaller CM voltage;
losses, low electro-magnetic interference (EMI) and high therefore, the stress in the bearings of a motor connected to
output voltage made multilevel inverter as a powerful a multilevel motor drive can be reduced. (c) Input
solution in converter topology. The concept of multilevel current: Multilevel converters can draw input current with
converters has been introduced since 1975[1]. The term low distortion. (d) Switching frequency: Multilevel
multilevel began with the three level converters [5]. converters can operate at both fundamental switching
Subsequently, several multilevel converter topologies have frequency and high switching frequency PWM. It should be
been developed [3-9]. However, the elementary concept of a noted that lower switching frequency usually means
multilevel converter to achieve higher power is to use a lower switching loss and higher efficiency. There are
series of power semiconductor switches with several lower different approaches for the selection of switching techniques
voltage dc sources to perform the power conversion by for the multilevel inverters. Finally a five level CHB
synthesizing a stair case voltage waveform. Capacitors, inverter with phase shifted carrier is applied for
batteries and renewable voltage sources can be used as the induction motor drive and simulation results are presented.
multiple dc voltage sources. The PWM techniques used in
the MLIs, the switching losses are high and efficiency The cascaded multilevel inverter typically comprises
decreases and the switches capable of carrier switching several identical single phase H-bridge cells cascaded in
frequency, the cost of switches are high. series at its output side. This configuration is commonly
referred to as a cascaded H-bridge (CHB), which can be
A multilevel converter has several advantages over a classified as symmetrical if the dc bus voltages are equal in
conventional two-level converter that uses high all the series power cells, or as asymmetrical if otherwise. In
switching frequency pulse width modulation (PWM) an asymmetrical CHB, dc voltages are varied to produce
[11],[12],[13]. The attractive features of a multilevel more output levels [14]. Consequently, inverter design
converter are, (a) Staircase waveform quality: Multilevel becomes more complicated as each power cell has to be sized
The number of possible output voltage levels is
more than twice the number of dc sources (m = 2s +
Fig.1. Classification of High power Converters. 1).
The series of H-bridges makes for modularized
A. Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter layout and packaging. This will enable the
The N-level cascaded H-bridge, multilevel inverter manufacturing process to be done more quickly and
comprises ½(N-1) series connected single phase H- cheaply.
bridges per phase, for which each H-bridge has its own
isolated dc source. Three output voltages are possible, Disadvantages:
±Vs, and zero, giving a total number of states of 3½( Separate dc sources are required for each of the H-
N−1), where N is odd. Fig.2 shows one phase of a n-level bridges. This will limit its application to products
cascaded H-bridge inverter. that already have multiple SDCSs readily available.
Voltage equations in dq0 frame can be solved from the VI. MATLAB/SIMULINK RESULTS
basic equations of induction motor. The simulation is carried out in Matlab/Simulink
7) software and results are presented. The simulation
parameters are Vin dc=400v, Switching frequency is 3050
(8) Hz.
d: direct axis,
q: quadrature axis,
s: stator variable,
r: rotor variable,
, ,: q and d–axis stator voltages,
, ,: q and d–axis rotor voltages,
: Rotor resistance,
: Stator resistance,
L1s: stator leakage inductance,
L1r: rotor leakage inductance, Fig.10. line voltage of three level phase shifted pwm
IQS, ids: q and d–axis stator currents, inverter fed induction motor.
iqr, idr: q and d–axis rotor currents,
P: number of poles, Fig.10 shows line voltage of three level phase shifted
J: moment of inertia, pwm inverter fed induction motor.
Fig.18. Spectrum analysis of line voltage five level H- Fig.21 shows the phase voltage of three phase five level
Bridge inverter with sinusoidal PWM. phase shifted PWM inverter fed induction motor.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.03, IssueNo.45, December-2014, Pages: 9182-9193
C.Seven Level
Fig.23. Matlab/Simulink model of three phase five level Fig.26. phase voltage of seven level phase shifted PWM
phase shifted PWM inverter fed induction motor. inverter fed induction motor.
Fig.23 shows the Matlab/Simulink model of three phases Fig.26 shows the Phase Voltage of seven Level Phase
seven level phase shifted PWM inverter fed induction Shifted PWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor.
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.03, IssueNo.45, December-2014, Pages: 9182-9193
Analysis of Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Phase Shifted PWM on Induction Motor
D. Nine level
E. Eleven Level
Fig.40 shows the Phase Voltage of eleven Level Phase Fig.43. the generated current, torque and output speed
Shifted PWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor. of the three phase nine level fed induction motor phase
shifted carrier PWM.
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