DMOP Make-Up Exam 2016
DMOP Make-Up Exam 2016
DMOP Make-Up Exam 2016
This examination is open book and open notes. Calculators are allowed, but not laptop or handheld
computers capable of running spreadsheets. The examination will last exactly two hours; feel free to
ask questions during the examination if there is any confusion. Write all your answers in the space
provided within this exam booklet.
In all multiple-choice questions, you need only check the correct answer. We will not consider
supplementary explanations when grading these questions.
Final Examination
Good luck!
Question Part points out of
Last Name: _____________________ 1 a 2
b 2
First Name: _____________________ c 2
d 2
Section: _____________________ e 2
f 2
g 3
total 15
2 total 10
3 a 4
b 3
c 2
d 2
e 3
f 3
g 4
h 4
total 25
Total 50
Decision Models & Optimization Make-Up Final Examination Term II, 2016 Page 2 of 12
The officers must be trained in new security procedures. Training an officer takes one day, and
during this day an employee-in-training can screen only 300 bags. After s/he is trained, an officer
using the new procedures will be able to screen 440 bags per day, 10% more than the current rate.
Currently screeners make $180 per day. Employees-in-training will receive an extra $10 ($190 for the
day), and fully trained employees will make $200 per day.
The TSA wants the Philadelphia operation to train all 200 screeners within the next 4 days. At the
same time, on each day the facility must maintain enough capacity to process the projected volumes
of baggage shown in Table 1.
Day 1 2 3 4
Bags 70,220 76,400 78,820 67,140
Table 1: Projected Numbers of Bags to Screen Each Day
The following linear program determines a least-cost plan for training the employees.
Decision Variables
Objective Function
For example, the 4-day cost of an employee trained on day 2 equals $770 (=
Processing Capacity
300 T1 + 400 T2 + 400 T3 + 400 T4 ≥ 70,220 (day 1)
440 T1 + 300 T2 + 400 T3 + 400 T4 ≥ 76,400 (day 2)
440 T1 + 440 T2 + 300 T3 + 400 T4 ≥ 78,820 (day 3)
440 T1 + 440 T2 + 440 T3 + 300 T4 ≥ 67,140 (day 4)
Ti ≥ 0,i=1,2,3,4
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1 Decision Variables: Number to Train Each Day Total Number to
2 T1 T2 T3 T4 Trained Train
3 0.00 28.00 23.00 149.00 200 = 200
5 Total
6 4-day cost of an employee trained on day… Cost
7 $ 790 $ 770 $ 750 $ 730 $ 147,580.00
9 Capacity of employee trained on day… Capacity Bags
10 day 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 Available to Screen
11 300 400 400 400 80,000.00 >= 70,220 (day 1)
12 440 300 400 400 77,200.00 >= 76,400 (day 2)
13 440 440 300 400 78,820.00 >= 78,820 (day 3)
14 440 440 440 300 67,140.00 >= 67,140 (day 4)
Variable Cells
Final Reduced Objective Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Cost Coefficient Increase Decrease
$A$3 T1 0 20.00 790.00 ########## 20.00
$B$3 T2 28 0.00 770.00 20.00 20.00
$C$3 T3 23 0.00 750.00 20.00 120.00
$D$3 T4 149 0.00 730.00 34.29 1E+30
Final Shadow Constraint Allowable Allowable
Cell Name Value Price R.H. Side Increase Decrease
$F$11 capac. day 1 80,000 0 70,220 9,780.00 1E+30
$F$12 capac. day 2 77,200 0 76,400 800.00 #########
$F$13 capac. day 3 78,820 0.14 78,820 1,120.00 3,920.00
$F$14 capac. day 4 67,140 0.24 67,140 1,568.00 5,488.00
$F$3 total trained 200 599.39 200 6.38 0.95
Answer each of the following questions. Each question is independent of the others. For your
answers you may assume that fractional numbers of employees can be trained each day.
a) (2 points) Suppose that the total 4-day cost of training an employee on day 2 decreases by $10
and the problem is re-solved. Which one of the following statements holds?
( ) The overall cost and the optimal solution values all stay the same.
( ) The overall cost stays the same but the optimal solution values change.
( ) The overall cost changes but the optimal solution values stay the same.
( ) The overall cost and the optimal solution values all change.
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b) (2 points) The allowable increase for the objective function coefficient of T1 has been hidden.
Given the LP results and the rest of the sensitivity report, what can you say about the hidden
( ) The allowable increase is infinite.
( ) The allowable increase equals $790.
( ) The allowable increase equals $20.
( ) The allowable increase equals $0.
c) (2 points) Suppose that the number of bags to be screened on day 3 decreases by 3,000 and the
problem is re-solved. Which one of the following statements holds?
( ) The overall cost goes down by $420 but the solution values stay the same.
( ) The overall cost goes down by $420 and the solution values change.
( ) The overall cost does not change and the solution values stay the same.
( ) The overall cost does not change but the solution values change.
d) (2 points) Suppose that the number of bags to be screened on day 4 increases by 1,600 and the
problem is re-solved. Which one of the following statements holds?
( ) The overall cost goes up by at most $384, maybe less.
( ) The overall cost goes up by exactly $384.
( ) The overall cost goes up by at least $384, maybe more.
( ) It cannot be determined from the sensitivity report which of the above cases is true.
e) (2 points) The allowable increase and decrease for Capacity on Day 2 have been hidden. Given
the LP results and the rest of the sensitivity report, what is the allowable decrease?
( ) The allowable decrease equals 0.
( ) The allowable decrease equals 800.
( ) The allowable decrease equals 76,400.
( ) The allowable decrease is infinite.
f) (2 points) The TSA is considering transferring an additional screener from another location. The
moving cost for the employee is $2,000, and she would be trained and paid using the same
scheme, along with the 200 current screeners. After re-running the LP, which one of the
statements below will be true?
( ) Transferring and training the screener will increase TSA’s costs by less than $2,650.
( ) Transferring and training the screener will increase TSA’s costs between $2,650 and $2,730.
( ) Transferring and training the screener will increase TSA’s costs between $2,730 and $2,790.
( ) The increase in costs to TSA cannot be determined.
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g) (3 points) TSA wants to ensure that, if more than 20 employees are trained on day 2, then at least
30 will be trained on day 3.
Extend the original formulation to ensure this. Your formulation must be an integer LP.
Decision Variables
Objective Function
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Decision Models & Optimization Make-Up Final Examination Term II, 2016 Page 8 of 12
The MetroCorp Syndicate’s (MCS) flagship project Nirvana comprises 250 prestigious villas on
100 acres of land. The Nirvana project is expected to be completed in three years.
The initial price P0 of a villa at the launch of the project (t = 0) is Rs 9mm. The unit price Pt follows
a log-Normal process with annual return parameters of = 5% and standard deviation = 20%.
The demand for villas in each six-month period is uncertain and is modeled as a random variable
Dt.1 The expected demand for each period is listed in the table below.
If there are any unsold villas at the end of the project (t = 6), MCS plans to offer them at 30% of
the last selling price P6. All unsold inventory can be sold quickly at that heavily discounted price.
MCS is using an annual hurdle rate of 25% and would like to develop a simulation model to
estimate the Net Present Value (NPV) of the project, as well as the lowest cash position during the
life of the project.
Random Variables
Denote by
It = Inventory of unsold villas at the beginning of period t (t = 1, …, 6) and I0 = 250.
Ct = Development cost (in Rs mm) in period t where t = 0, …, 6 (e.g., C4 = 300).
Bt = Amount borrowed (in Rs mm) at the end of period t where t = 0, …, 6.
St = Amount saved (in Rs mm) at the end of period t where t = 0, …, 6.
Monthly demand is an integer number generated by a Triangular distribution with time-dependent parameters.
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a) (4 points) Using the above notation, write general expressions/formulae for the calculation of the
semi-annual revenue in period t = 5, R5, the inventory of unsold units at the start of period t = 6, I6,
and the semi-annual revenue in period t = 6, R6. You may use any mathematical or spreadsheet
functions in the formulae.
R5 =
I6 =
R6 =
b) (3 points) Given the above notation, use the balances at the end of period t = 2 and the cash
inflows and outflows during period t = 3 to write general expressions/formulae for the calculations
of the cash balance, the amount borrowed, and the savings amount at the end of period t = 3:
CB3, B3, and S3. You may use any mathematical or spreadsheet functions in the formulae.
CB3 =
B3 =
S3 =
MCS has run the simulation model to evaluate the project NPV and minimum cash balance
position during the project duration.
Below are the frequency and cumulative distributions and summary statistics of the simulation
results for the NPV and min CB.
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e.g., on the horizontal axis of the min CB Distribution, (-600,-550] signifies -600 < min CB ≤ -550
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c) (2 points) Based on the above simulation results, what is the approximate 95% confidence
interval for the true expected NPV.
( ) [26.9, 55.7]
( ) [34.1, 48.5]
( ) [-272.5, 355.1]
( ) [-586.3, 668.9]
d) (2 points) Based on the above simulation results, what is the approximate number of trials
used in the simulation run?
( ) 50
( ) 1,000
( ) 1,900
( ) 2,400
( ) 10,000
e) (3 points) Based on the simulation results, within what range lies the estimated probability
that the true expected NPV is positive?
( ) between 0% and 5%
f) (3 points) Based on the above simulation results, within what range lies the estimated
probability that the actual min CB will be less than - 300mm (negative 300 million) Rs?
g) (4 points) Suppose the original simulation were re-run using 4 times as many trials.
h) (4 points) Suppose the original simulation were re-run using the same number of trials, but with
volatility of = 40% rather than the original 20%.
(i) The sample range of the min CB Distribution (i.e., maximum – minimum)
( ) is likely to grow
( ) is likely to stay the same
( ) is likely to shrink
( ) is likely to increase
( ) is likely to stay the same
( ) is likely to decrease