Block de Pruebas Siemens
Block de Pruebas Siemens
Block de Pruebas Siemens
Energy Management
Siemens Protection Devices Limited 2
7XG22 – 2RMLG, 8W & 10W
Catalogue Sheet
relevant contact finger on the 2RMLB test plug is shorter
in this position.
The 2RMLG, 8W and 10W are a size E2 unit in the Epsilon Precautions
range of enclosures. The overall dimensions and panel
fixing details are shown in Figure 10. BEFORE inserting a Test Plug into a Test Socket carrying
current transformer secondary circuits.
The rear terminal block has 28 terminals each with an M4
screw outlet for the attachment of external wiring, fitted ENSURE that the Test Plugs corresponding to the current
with ‘L’ shaped pre-insulated ring tongue terminations. transformer circuits are short-circuited.
2RMLB-S series Multi-fingered test plugs This is to ensure the current transformer secondary
circuits are not inadvertently open-circuited during
The 2RMLB-S series are inserted into the 2RMLG test insertion of the last plug.
socket and is securely retained by means of two knurled
screws. The 2RMLB-SI test plug incorporates 28 test BEFORE inserting a Test Plug to measure current.
sockets, each socket accepting a shrouded or plain 4mm ENSURE that the ammeter is on the correct range and
diameter plug. that it is connected to its test leads
Current withstand
Fig 3.
Fig 4.
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
Fig 7.
Fig 8.
Test plugs are coded to fit, and should only be used with the appropriate test block
November 2017