Chapter One
Chapter One
Chapter One
Degradations caused by imperfect linear filters (e.g., having a linear or parabolic group delay) and
by nonlinear saturated amplifiers were investigated. So far, we have assumed that a single digital
modulated carrier is transmitted in the system and that the interference caused by other digitally
modulated channels is negligible. However, in many systems the interference caused by adjacent
channels and co-channels has a predominating effect on the system performance. Interference
might be caused by another digital or analog modulated carrier on the same nominal carrier
frequency, termed co-channel interference, or by adjacent-channel interference, where the
undesired signal is predominantly outside the passband of the wanted signal. Co-channel
interference might be introduced by insufficient vertical and horizontal polarization
discrimination, by antenna side lobe radiation, by satellite earth station-to-terrestrial microwave
system caused radiation, or a variety of other factors [1] .
Modern wireless communication system suffers from interference emanating from different
sources as results of degradations caused by imperfect linear filters (e.g., having a linear or
parabolic group delay) and by nonlinear saturated amplifiers. So far, we have assumed that a single
digital modulated carrier is transmitted in the system and that the interference caused by other
digitally modulated channels is negligible.
However, in many systems the interference caused by adjacent channels and co-channels has a
predominating effect on the system performance. Interference might be caused by another digital
or analog modulated carrier on the same nominal carrier frequency, termed co-channel
interference, or by adjacent-channel interference, where the undesired signal is predominantly
outside the passband of the wanted signal.
Recent mathematical modeling and simulation techniques significantly eased this effort, and much
of the interference or its unwanted effect can be removed through filtering, the choice of digital
signal modulation, and the selection of an optimal receiver location.
and the width and shape of the main lobe. ACI is caused for the most part by insufficient filtering
and nonlinearity of amplifiers [3].
The effect of poor filtering is shown in Figure1.1 below. The energy in the shaded regions
corresponding to adjacent channels will cause interference
Co-channel interference
Frequency reuse is a concept in which in a given coverage area there is several cells use the same
set of frequencies. These cells are termed as co channel cells, and the interference between signals
from these cells is called co channel interference
1.1 problem statement
For past few decades, wireless communication system suffers from interference emanating from
different sources as results of degradations caused by imperfect linear filters (e.g., having a linear
or parabolic group delay) and by nonlinear saturated amplifiers. So far, we have assumed that a
single digital modulated carrier is transmitted in the system and that the interference caused by
other digitally modulated channels is negligible. Therefore, we need simulation techniques that
will show the impact of both adjacent and co-channel interference on PSK modulated signals.
1.2 Objectives
The objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of adjacent and co-channel interference on
phase shift keying (PSK) modulated signals and to build up simulator of a communication
system to show the BER performance at the receiver.
2.1 During the last two decades, a considerable amount of work has been carried out addressing a
wide range of problems in connection with co-channel and adjacent channel interference on
different types of modulation schemes such as (BPSK, PSK,ASK,QAM,FSK) etc. These activities
mainly involve evaluation of the performance of different modulation schemes or cellular systems
under co-channel and adjacent channel interference. Interference prevention techniques such as
sufficiently separating co-channel users, cell sectorization, antenna orientation, changing antenna
beamwidth, varying antenna height, controlling transmission power, and dynamic channel
assignment have been examine to reduce interference [3].
A large number of investigators has studied the problem of detecting signals suffering co-channel
interference and adjacent channel interference. The literature in this area has been classified into
two different branches: linear modulation schemes such as PSK (phase shift keying), QPSK
(quadrature PSK) and QAM (quadrature amplimde modulation) as well as nonlinear modulation
In [5], Rosenbaum studied a receiver consisting of an ideal phase discriminator and a perfect slicer.
The error performance for a binary system with a co-channel interferer was computed numerically
and a bounding technique for the probability of error was given for a M-ary PSK modulation.
This research was followed by a description of analytical probability of error for binary PSK with
multiple co-channel interferers and the same type of receiver as in [6]. Prabhu, in [7] and [8],
considered M-ary PSK modulation coherent receivers which detect only the phase angle without
considering amplitude variations of the signal in the presence of multiple independent additive
The simulation models the effects of co-channel and adjacent channel interference on a PSK
modulated signal. The model includes two interferers, Interferer1 and Interferer2 and can modify
the power gain of each interferer. The simulation adds interference to PSK modulated original
Signal created by the transmitter (TX) using a sum block, noise is added by AWGN channel.
BER is measured after filtering and demodulating the received signal in the receiver (Rx). Figure
(1) shows simulation structure.
In this system ideal brick-wall receive channel filtering is assumed. The spectral density of the
two adjacent channels introduces the adjacent-channel interference predominantly. The transmit
filters of these channels are assumed to approximate practical raised-cosine channels having a
roll-off factor =0.5
When you run the simulation, the block labeled BER Display shows the bit error rate for the
original signal. The Display block shows a three-element vector containing the calculated bit
error rate (BER), the number of errors observed, and the number of bits processed.
The results below have three different peak at 0, 2 and -2 MHz for all those types of modulation.
I have seen that 64 PSK has the better response on the basis of less amount of interference at
center frequency with respect to other types of modulation. But I have examined there have large
amount of interference can be experienced for the distant bit interval from center frequency at
higher order of modulation.
The graph below shows spectra of the original and interfering signals and the noisy transmitted
Fig 2: spectra of the original and interfering signals and the noisy transmitted signal
In case of QPSK there has a flat response for AWGN channel with respect to other types of
modulation. The better response can be observed in 64 PSK modulation for both of the channel
Bit error rate of PSK modulated signal detection in presence of PSK modulated co-channel and
adjacent interfering signals and additive white Gaussian noise was analyzed. The minimum
achievable BER was obtained at interferers gain less than -10dB. Noise effect of AWGN channel
can be observed using scatter plot rather than BER values.
[1] Adjacent and Co-channel interference effects on the pe performance of M-ary PSK systems |
Engineering360". N.p., 2017. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.
[3] Adjacent and Co-channel interference effects on the pe performance of M-ary PSK systems |
engineering360". n.p., 2017. web. 12 apr. 2017
[4]-[8] Beaulieu, N.C., and D.W. Paranchych. "Performance Of A Digital Symbol Synchronizer
In Co-channel Interference And Noise". N.p., 2017. Web. 13 Apr. 2017.