1. I’m sorry to be late for the meeting, but my new secretary………………… to tell me
you had scheduled it earlier.
(A) decided
(B) neglected
(C) refused
(D) thought
2. When you get to our main entrance, …………………a left as you enter the parking
(A) make
(B) turn
(C) do
(D) throw
3. It’s a company custom to…………………to work in casual clothes on Fridays.
(A) come
(B) be
(C) dress
(D) attend
4. If you’re…………………. Ms. Rogers, you’ll find her in the board room.
(A) looking to
(B) looking at
(C) looking for
(D) looking into.
5. Most of us in this office…………………lunch at noon.
(A) make
(B) have
(C) bring
(D) go
Word Choice(NOUNS)
1. Has anybody seen the ………………..of toner that just arrived for the copy machine?
(A) bags
(B) envelopes
(C) cans
(D) boxes
2. There is a three-month probation ……………….for all new employees .
(A) timing
(B) era
(C) period
(D) sequence
3. To call another company or other places,press 9 for an outside ……………….
(A) line
(B) lane
(C) land
(D) lining
4. Your business card should have your contact ……………….
(A) information
(B) report
(C) announcement
(D) figures
5. Tariffs are set by our federal ……………….Department
(A) Business
(B) Negotiation
(C) Commerce
(D) Deal
1. Did you know that in Western culture it can be…………………
considered to stare at somebody?
(A) assertive
(B) rude
(C) silly
(D) funny
2. I still think that giving a presentation in front of man y strangers is…………………
(A) energetic
(B) tepid
(C) scary
(D) famous
3. The new filing clerk’s smile and cute way of speaking are
(A) lovable
(B) loving
(C) beloved
(D) loved
4. It wa s not………………… to wear a T-shirt and jeans to the boss’ s retirement
(A) restful
(B) appropriate
(C) exciting
(D) friendly
5. If w e don’ t meet those deadlines, we’re going to be in …………………trouble.
(A) heavy
(B) big
(C) large
(D) great
F. Word Form
WORD FORM(adjectives)]
1. All staff members are ………………… for the accuracy
of their time cards.
(A) account
(B) accountant
(C) accountable
(D) accountability
2. Everybody who works here has his/her …………………parking space in the garage.
(A) own
(B) owner
(C) ow e
(D) owing
3. Some people say the………………… power in this company lies with the boss’ s
(A) reality
(B) realism
(C) really
(D) real
4. We’re all glad that the new CEO is a very…………………leader.
(A) progressive
(B) progress
(C) progression
(D) progressively
18 6 READING i.
5. It’s so nice that your assistant is such a …………………person.
(A) friend
(B) friendliness
(C) friendly
(D) friendship
1. Your signature below will represent your …………………..of this contract.
(A) accepted
(B) acceptance
(C) accept
(D) acceptable
2. The …………………..on w ho could be hired for that position did not seem legal.
(A) restrictions
(B) restricted
(C) restricting
(D) restricted
3. Employee………………….. in this company will prove beneficial for everyone.
(A) invest
(B) invested ‘
(C) investments
(D) investing
4. The contract calls for a $1,000 …………………..for every day we go over the
(A) penalize
(B) penalty
(C) penal
(D) penalizing
5. The manager’ s …………………..for next year’ s profits is very optimistic.
(A) projection
(B) projecting
(C) project
(D) projected
1. When w e plan out next year’ s budget, let’s do it ……………………this time.
(A) really
(B) reality
(C) realistic
(D) realistically
2. Our books are audited……………………outside agency.
(A) periodical
(B) period
(C) periodically
(D) periodic
3. Mr. Talbot is ……………………awaiting the report on his yearly evaluation.
(A) anxiously
(B) anxious
(C) anxiety
(D) anxiousness
4. The CEO has been…………………..advised b y the board of directors.
(A) reliably
(B) reliable
(C) reliability
(D) rely
5. Ms. Yates surprised all of us at the conference
with her …………………delivered speech.
(A) impressive
(B) impression
(C) impressively
(D) impressive
1. If you cannot………………… those accusations, I want to hear no more about it.
(A) substantial
(B) substance
(C) substantiate
(D) substantially
2. Government experts………………… the stock market to do better in the coming
(A) expectable
(B) expect
(C) expectation
(D) expectant
3. Do you …………………to increase employee benefits during the next open
(A) intend
(B) intent
(C) intention
(D) intently
4. Whenever out-of-town clients visit us, w e do our best to …………………them.
(A) entertainment
(B) entertaining
(C) entertainer
(D) entertain
5. The auditors ………………… that the bookkeepers send them figures every two
weeks .
(A) preference
(B) preferable
(C) preferential
(D) prefer