Conjunction's: Conjunction Are Words Used To Link Words, Phrases or Clauses. Some Common Conjunction Are, &
Conjunction's: Conjunction Are Words Used To Link Words, Phrases or Clauses. Some Common Conjunction Are, &
Conjunction's: Conjunction Are Words Used To Link Words, Phrases or Clauses. Some Common Conjunction Are, &
Use the conjunction AND and OR with list of words. Remember to put a comma
between the words. Then use AND and OR between the last two words.
We bought milk, egg, chess and butter.
My favorite teachers are Mr. Lee, Mrs. Carter and Mr. Park.
Kathleen didn’t have any paper, pens or pencils.
Use AND to link words that are similar.
We buy fruits and vegetables at the grocery store.
The house is warm and comfortable.
The weather is cold and windy.
Use BUT to link words that are different and do not normally go together.
He works quickly but nearly.
The teacher is firm but fair with the children.
The musician are young but very talented.
Use OR to talk about choices
You can have a soda or a lemonade.
Would you like pasta or rice?
Who is cooking for the dinner, Mom or Dad?
The word 0R is often used with NOT and other negative
She does not like apple juice or orange juice.
I didn’t see or hear anything strange.
He cant sing or dance.
Mon is working in the garden. Dad is busy in the kitchen
Mon is working in the garden and Dad is busy in the kitchen.
Wencill is playing Minecraft. Mea is busy watching TV
Wencill is playing Minecraft and Mea is busy watching TV.
Sheila called her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is busy with the other call
Sheila called her boyfriend but her boyfriend is busy with the other call.
Other words used for “but”
when to use it: This conjunction connects two ideas, similar to how, you might used the word
“and”. However, while “and” connects two alike ideas / things, “but” connects contrasting ideas /
1. I want to watch a movies, but Sarah wants to go out to eat.
Though I want to watch a movies, Sarah wants to go out to eat.
2. She's 83 but she still goes swimming everyday.
Although she’s 83, she still goes swimming everyday.
3. It was a sunny day, but the winds was cold.
Even though it was sunny day, the wind was cold.
Other words for OR
When to use it: “Or” presents an alternative to an option.
1. We could walk. We would drive a car.
we would walk or else drive a car.
2. You can do your swimming now. You can do your swimming in the night.
You can do your swimming neither day or night.
3. The food wasn’t delicious. It wasn’t good
The food was neither delicious nor good.
Subordinating Conjunctions
You should have wholegrains cereals for breakfast wherever that is winkle
He has hidden the treasure where no one will find it.
This cupboard is where she keeps her things.
Time – subordinating conjunction expressing are: after, as long as, as soon as, are, till,
still, until, when, whenever, while.
Example :
The conjunction because, since as and in case tell why someone does something.
They are called conjunction of reason.
Example :
The conjunction so, so that and in order to tell what the purpose of something is.
They are called conjunction of purpose.
Example :
Camingay, Ronilyn
Piojo, Christine
Banacia, Merla
Catubay, Cherry Mae
PowerPoint EDITOR:
Herrera, Jemimah