3733 2002 Qd-Byt 142331
3733 2002 Qd-Byt 142331
3733 2002 Qd-Byt 142331
Pursuant to the Law on People’s health protection
Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. 68/CP of October 11, 1993 on defining the functions, tasks,
powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;
Upon obtaining the consent of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in the Official
Dispatch No. 941/LDTBXH-BHLD of April 02, 2002; Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry in
the Official Dispatch No. 0850/PTM-VPGC of April 17, 2002.
At the proposal of the Director of Defensive Medicine Department – the Ministry of Health
Article 1. Promulgating together with this Decision:
1. Twenty one (21) Standards of labor hygiene applicable to facilities that employ workers.
2. Five (05) principles and seven (07) measurements of labor hygiene being fundamental guidance
for establishing working systems and positions, working machinery and tools, labor classification.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect after 15 days as from its promulgation. The provisions on labor
hygiene from section 1 to section 8 in the fourth part “Provisions on labor hygiene” in the Decision No.
505-BYT/QD on April 13, 1992 of The Minister of Health on promulgating a number of Temporary
hygiene standards are abolished.
Article 3. The Director of Defensive Medicine Department is responsible to organize, direct and
inspect the implementation of this Decision.
Article 4. the Chief officers, the Chief Inspector, the Director of Defensive Medicine Department – the
Ministry of Health, Heads of units affiliated to the Ministry of Health, the Directors of the Services of
Health of central-affiliated cities and provinces are responsible to implement this Decision.
(Promulgated together with the Decision No. 3733/2002/QD-BYT of The Minister of Health on
October 10. 2002)
Part 1: Twenty one (21) standards of labor hygiene
1. Standards of hygienic amenities
2. Standards of hygienic distance
3. Manual labor – Standards of task classification by energy consumption
4. Manual labor – Standards of task classification by heart rate
5. Carrying standard – Limited weight
6. Standards of lighting
7. Standards of microclimate
8. Standards of silicon dust
9. Standards of non-silicon dust
10. Standards of cotton dust
11. Standards of asbestos dust
12. Standards of noise
13. Standards of vibration
14. Standards of static magnetic field - Magnetic flux density
15. Standards of low-frequency magnetic field - Magnetic flux density
16. Standards of low-frequency electromagnetic field intensity and static electric field
17. Standards of intensity of electromagnetic field from 30kHz - 300GHz
18. Ultraviolet radiation – Acceptable limits
19. Standards of radioactivity
20. X-ray radiation – Acceptable limit
21. Chemicals – Acceptable limits in the working air.
Part 2: Five (05) principles and seven (07) measurements of labor hygiene
1. Principle 1 – Ergonomic design of labor systems
2. Principle 2 – Ergonomic design of labor positions
3. Principle 3 – Ergonomic design of machinery and tools
4. Principle 4 – Work area layout
5. Principle 5 – Work positions with computers
6. Measurement 1 – Work positions with computers
7. Measurement 2 – Height of work surfaces
8. Measurement 3 – Distance from eyes to things
9. Measurement 4 - View angle
10. Measurement 5 – Footrest
11. Measurement 6 – Lifting height
12. Measurement 7 – Physiological measurements of thermal strain - Limit values
Part 1
1. Scope of regulation: Specifying the number of hygienic amenities for workers.
2. Subjects of application: The facilities that employ workers (production facilities, business
establishments, offices…)
3. Definition
The term is construed as follows:
- Hygienic amenities mean: The hygiene works and general amenities serving workers at facilities
that employ workers.
4. Standards of hygienic amenities
Hygiene facilities Standard Scope of application
Latrine pit By shift: Facilities with:
1- 10 people/pit 1- 100 people
11- 20 people /pit 101 - 500 people
21 - 30 people /pit Over 500 people
Urinary pit By shift: Facilities with:
1- 10 people /pit 1- 100 people
11- 20 people /pit 101 - 500 people
21 - 30 people /pit Over 500 people
Bathroom By shift: Facilities with:
1- 20 people /room 1- 300 people
21- 30 people / room 301 - 600 people
Over 30 people / room Over 600 people
Menstrual hygiene room By shift: Facilities with:
1- 30 females/ room 1 - 300 people
Over 30 females/ room Over 300 people
Hand-washing faucet By shift: Facilities with:
1 - 20 people / faucet 1 - 100 people
21 - 30 people / faucet 101 - 500 people
Over 30 people / faucet Over 500 people
Emergency clean water Facilities with:
1 - 200 people /faucet 1 - 1,000 people
Over 200 people / faucet Over 1,000 people
Clothes storing place 1 person/slot, hook, or small Facilities employing workers
locker. (production facilities, business
establishments, offices…)
Potable water 1.5 liter/person/shift Facilities hiring workers (production
facilities, business establishments,
1. Scope of regulation: Minimum distance from the production facility to residential areas.
2. Subjects of application: These standards are applicable to facilities separately situated outside
processing and exporting zones or industrial zones that emit toxic substances that harm the
environment and human health.
3. Definition
The term is construed as follows:
- Standards of hygienic distance: is the minimum distance from the emission sources in the house,
the producing facility or the technology line to residential areas.
4. Standards of hygienic distance:
4.1. Fuel
4.1.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
a. Producing gas, lighting gas, vapor with production over 50,000 m 3/hour.
b. Producing inflammable gas with production over 5,000 ton/year.
c. Conducting petroleum refinery and petrochemistry with over 0.5% sulphur.
d. Filtering and treating coal
e. Processing fuel slabs.
f. Producing semi-finished products being naphthalene with production over 2,000 ton/year.
g. Producing hydrocarbons by chloridization and hydrochloridization.
4.1.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Producing inflammable gas from fossil coal or peat with production from 5,000 – 50,000 m 3/hour.
b. Processing fossil coal powder.
c. Conducting petroleum refinery and petrochemistry with production under 0.5% sulphur.
d. Producing acetylene from natural gas.
e. Producing inflammable gas with production from 1,000 to 5,000 m 3/hour.
f. Processing fluoric gas.
g. Producing acetylene from hydrocarbide
4.1.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing inflammable gas from fossil coal or peat with production under 5,000 m 3/hour.
b. Producing inflammable gas with production under 1,000 m 3/year.
c. Producing matches
d. Producing compressed oxygen and hydrogen
e. Being fuel depots.
g. Selling petrol.
h. Storing inflammable and explosive materials.
4.2. Chemicals, fertilizers and rubber
4.2.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
a. Producing nitrogen and nitrogenous fertilizer.
b. Producing industrial finished products being dye from benzene and ether with production over
1,000 ton/year.
c. Producing NaOH by electrolysis
d. Producing oil (benzol, toluene, xylol naphthol, phenol cresol, anthracene, phenantrol, acridine,
e. Producing chloride rubber “nairit” in facilities that produce chlorine.
f. Producing synthetic ethyl ether.
g. Producing methyl ether and ethyl solution.
h. Producing synthetic chemicals.
i. Producing organic and inorganic acid
- Sulfuric acid.
- Hydrochloric acid
- Nitric acid
- Picric acid.
- Flavic, criolit and fluoric salt.
- Aminolenan.
- Xinhin.
j. Producing
- Mercury.
- Arsenic and inorganic compounds with arsenic.
- Chorine.
- Phosphorus.
- Corundum.
- Beryllium.
4.2.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Producing ammonia
b. Producing
- Niobium.
- Tantalum.
- Rare metal using chloridization.
- Baryum chloride using hydrosulphur.
- Industrial grease (hydrogenated by non-electrolyzing methods).
c. Producing products from asbestos.
d. Producing industrial semi-finished products being aniline paint from benzene and ether with
production over 1,000 ton/year.
e. Producing polyethylene and polypropylene from petroleum gas.
f. Producing synthetic fatty acid.
g. Producing synthetic rubber.
h. Recycling rubber.
i. Producing rubber, ebonite and rubber paper.
j. Vulcanizing rubber using hydrosulfur.
k. Producing nicotine.
l. Producing phenol formaldehyde and other artificial powder with production over 300 ton/year.
m. Producing artificial mineral paint.
n. Vulcanizing rubber using hydrosulfur.
o. Recycling rubber.
p. Producing spray paint.
q. Producing, processing, packing, preserving plant protection chemicals.
r. Producing phosphate and superphosphate.
s. Producing soap with production over 2,000 ton/year.
4.2.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing glycerine.
b. Producing natural rubber.
c. Producing shoe rubber without using dusty soluble organic substances.
d. Producing plastic being polyvinyl chloride, vinyl, polyurethane foam, spongy plastic, plastic glass,
e. Producing perfume.
f. Vulcanizing rubber without using sulfurcarbon.
g. Producing artificial gems.
h. Producing plastic products or processed from semi-finished plastic materials.
i. Producing soap with production under 2,000 ton/year.
j. Producing products from synthetic powder, polymer and plastic using various methods.
4.3. Ferrous metallurgy
4.3.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
a. Producing magnesium (Chloridizing method).
b. Refining cast iron that the total capacity of the blast furnaces is over 1,500 m 3.
c. Producing aluminum by electrolysis
d. Refining steel using open-hearth furnace method and transitional furnace with production over
1,000,000 ton/year.
e. Producing ferrous alloy.
4.3.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Producing magnesium (by non-chloridizing method).
b. Refining cast iron that the total capacity of the blast furnaces from 500 to 1,500 m 3.
b. Producing cast iron pipe with production over 10,000 ton/year.
d. Refining steel using open-hearth furnace method, electric furnace and transitional furnace with
production under 1,000,000 ton/year.
e. Producing lead-sheathed cable insulated rubber-sheathed cable
4.3.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing bare cable.
b. Processing cast iron, steel with production under 10,000 ton/year.
c. Producing metal electrodes.
4.4. Non-ferrous metallurgy
4.4.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
b. Re-processing non-ferrous metal with production over 3,000 ton/year.
b. Refining non-ferrous metal directly from ore and refined ore.
c. Burning non-ferrous metal ore and burned piryte.
4.4.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Producing non-ferrous metal with production over 2,000 ton/year.
b. Re-processing non-ferrous metal with production from 1,000 to 3,000 ton/year.
c. Producing zinc, copper, nickel, cobalt by electrolyzing solvent with water.
4.4.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing antimony by electrolysis.
b. Plating with zinc, chrome, nickel
4.5. Building material
4.5.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
a. Producing porland cement, porland slag cements, puzolan cement with production over 150,000
b. Producing magnesite lime, dolomitic lime and samot lime using spinning furnace or other kinds of
furnaces except for manual furnace.
4.5.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Producing porland cement, porland slag cements, puzolan cement with production under 150,000
b. Producing plaster.
c. Producing building materials (stones, sand, gravel).
d. Producing local cement with production under 5,000 ton/year.
e. Producing magnesite lime, dolomitic lime using manual furnaces.
f. Producing concrete, asphalt.
g. Producing glass wool and slag wool.
h. Producing asphalt paper.
4.5.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing fibro-cement and flagstones
b. Producing artificial stones and products from concrete.
c. Casting stones.
d. Producing products from ceramics and fireproof products.
e. Producing glass.
f. Producing building materials using scrap from thermo-electric power plants.
g. Producing products from porcelain.
h. Producing plaster products.
i. Producing products from clay.
j. Producing stones using non-explosive methods and processing natural stones.
4.6. Treating timber and forest products
4.6.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
- a. Producing charcoal not using the pyrolytic method.
4.6.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Seasoning timber.
a. Producing charcoal by pyrolysis.
4.6.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing wood fiber.
b. Cutting wood; producing plywood and wooden furniture.
c. Building wooden ships and boats.
d. Producing materials from sedge, grass, straw, laminate.
e. Producing products from wood fiber (shavings laminate, wood fiber laminate, wood fiber cement
f. Producing sedge cloth.
g. Producing wooden furniture, coffins, floor timber.
h. Building wooden ships and boars.
4.7. Textile and garment
4.7.1. A distance of 500m for facilities:
Producing textile and thread using chemicals to treat, bleach and dye.
4.7.2. A distance of 100m for facilities:
- Producing textile and thread without dyeing, producing garment.
4.8. Cellulose and paper
4.8.1. A distance of 1,000m for facilities:
- Producing cellulose by sulphide acid, bisulphide acid and monosulphid acid methods that burn
4.8.2. A distance of 500m for facilities:
- Producing fenylaldehyt cloth, paper coils and laminates with production over 100 ton/year.
4.8.3. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing fenylaldehyt cloth, paper coils and laminates with production under 100 ton/year.
b. Producing various kinds of paper and cardboard, products from wood, bamboo, cellulose without
using liquified sulfur gas.
4.9. Tanning leather and products from leather and leatherette
4.9.1. A distance of 500m for facilities:
- Producing leatherette using dusty soluble organic substances.
4.9.2. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing leatherette using polyvinylchloride and other powders without using dusty soluble
organic substances.
b. Tanning cattle
4.10. Food
4.10.1. A distance of 500m for facilities:
a. Being cattle farm with over 1,000 head.
b. Being slaughterhouse that process fish (fat, oil, fin).
c. Being facilities taking fat from sea animals.
d. Being facilities boiling and cleaning food.
e. Being station for rinsing and cleaning the carriages after carrying cattle.
f. Being sugar plants.
g. Being fishery facilities.
4.10.2. A distance of 100m for facilities:
a. Producing albumin.
b. Producing wine.
c. Grinding, producing cattle feed.
d. Producing meat and freezing meat.
e. Treating coffee.
f. Producing vegetable oil.
g. Producing vegetable butter.
h. Being fruit factories.
i. Producing dextrin, sugar, honey.
j. Boiling cheese.
k. Canning fish, processing fish with waste-recycling workshops, fish factory-chains.
l. Producing powder, alcohol and seasoning.
m. Producing cigarettes using yeast.
n. Producing acetone butyl.
o. Producing beer (together with malt and yeast).
p. Producing canned food.
q. Being fruit depots.
r. Producing sugar lumps.
s. Producing noodles.
t. Producing smoked fish.
u. Producing milk and butter (from animals).
v. Producing sausage with production over 3 ton/shift.
w. Producing sweet with production of 20,000 ton/year or above.
x. Producing bread.
y. Processing food.
z. Producing vinegar.
aa. Freezing food with capacity over 600 ton.
bb. Producing fruit wine.
cc. Producing fruit juice.
dd. Producing Cognac.
ee. Rolling cigarettes, hatched and dried tobacco.
4.11. Hygiene technical constructions and public amenities
4.11.1. A distance of 1,000m for:
a. Yards for storing and classifying rubbish (solids and liquids) and scrap.
b. Ash pile that stinks or discomposing waste pile.
4.11.2. A distance of 500m for:
a. Rubbish recycling and burning plants.
b. Hygienic waste burial yards.
c. Rubbish classification yards.
d. Industrial waste burial yards.
e. Parking yard of means of waste transport.
f. Reservoir for sewage from cities and town, sewage treatment zones.
g. Graveyards
h. Depots for recyclable materials.
4.11.3. A distance of 100m for:
- Temporary depots of untreated waste materials.
1. Scope of regulation: These standards are applicable to dynamic labor tasks (that release
apparent energy) These standards do not apply to static labor tasks (that does not release apparent
2. Subjects of application The workers at facilities that employ workers.
3. Definition
The terms in these standards are construed as follows:
- Energy consumption: is the amount of energy being used during the operation or the idle period.
Usually represented in watt (W), kilocalorie per minute or per hour (Kcal/minute or Kcal/hour) or
Kcal/kg of body weight/minute, or Kcal/minute/m2 of body area.
- Energy consumption by netto: Is the energy consumption while working or resting excluding
fundamental metabolism.
- Energy consumption by brutto: Is the energy consumption while working or resting including
fundamental metabolism.
4. Standards of classification
Table 1. Classifying tasks by energy consumption
Class Brutto energy consumption (Kcal/Kg/minute)
Male Female
Light < 0.062 < 0.050
Medium 0.062 – 0.080 0.050 – 0.065
Heavy 0.080 – 0.127 0.065 – 0.095
Very heavy 0.127 – 0.160 0.095 – 0.125
Extremely heavy 0.160 – 0.200 0.125 – 0.155
Maximum > 0.20 > 0.155
1. Scope of regulation: These standards are applicable to the labor tasks (that release apparent
energy) in environments of which the temperature does not exceed 32 0C. These standards do not
apply to static labor tasks (that does not release apparent energy).
2. Subjects of application The workers at facilities that employ workers.
3. Definition
The term in these standards is construed as follows:
- Labor heart rate is the heart rate being monitored while the subject has been working at least 3
4. Standards of classification
Class Heart rate (beat/minute)
Light < 90
Medium 90 - 100
Heavy 100 - 120
Very heavy 120 - 140
Extremely heavy 140 - 160
Maximum >160
Note: The labor heart rate may be extrapolated from the heart rate of the first recovery minute
multiplied with 1.14.
1. Scope of regulation: These standards specify the maximum carrying weight for each load of a
person that have adapted to strenuous manual labor while doing regular or irregular carrying jobs.
2. Subjects of application: the workers at facilities employing workers.
3. Limit values:
Norm Limit (kg)
Male Female
Regular carrying jobs 40 30
Irregular carrying jobs 20 15
1. Scope of regulation: the requirements for lighting hygiene at workplaces in offices and workshops.
2. Subjects of application: the facilities that employ workers. These standards are not applicable to
outdoor workplaces.
3. Cited standards
The values specified in these standards are recommendations in ISO 8995-1998 and equivalent to
TCVN 3743 – 83.
4. Acceptable values
The minimum light intensity for the works is prescribed in Table 1. The maximum value must not
exceed 5,000 lux for filament bulbs and 10,000 lux for fluorescent lamps.
Table 1: Light intensity
Light intensity (lux)
Class of
Kind of interior/work Fluorescent Incandescent
lamp lamps *
Indoor shared areas
Ventilation area, corridor D-E 50 30
Staircase, elevator C-D 100 50
Locker room, restroom C-D 100 50
Warehouse D-E 100 50
Assembly workshops
Manual tasks, heavy-duty machine assembly C-D 200 100
Medium tasks, car assembly B-C 300 150
Precision works, electronics assembly A-B 500 250
Precision works, tool assembly A-B 1,000 500
Automated processes D-E 50 30
Uncrowded production area C-D 100 50
Shared interior C-D 200 100
Laboratory C-D 300 200
Medicine preparation C-D 300 200
OTK A-B 500 250
Colorimetry A-B 750 400
Producing rubber pad A-B 300 150
Garment industry
Sewing A-B 500 250
OTK A-B 750 375
Ironing A-B 300 150
Electricity industry
Cable production B-C 200 100
Telephone network installation A-B 300 200
Line installation A-B 500 250
Radio assembly A-B 750 400
Extreme precision assembly of electronic A-B 1,000 500
Food industry
Shared working area C-D 200 100
Automated processes D-E 150 75
Manual processing, OTK A-B 300 200
Casting industry
Casting workshop D-E 150 75
Raw casting, core casting C-D 200 100
Precision casting, core making, OTK A-B 300 200
Glass and ceramics industry
Furnace workshop D-E 100 50
Casting, molding, mixing room C-D 200 100
Finishing, glazing, polishing B-C 300 150
Coloring, decorating A-B 500 250
Grinding glass, precision works A-B 750 400
Iron and steel industry
Production area without manual work D-E 50 30
Production area with occasional manual work D-E 100 50
Fixed workplace in the factory D-E 300 150
Supervision place and OTK A-B 300 200
Leather industry
Share working area B-C 200 100
Molding, cutting, sewing, producing shoes A-B 500 250
Quality testing, classifying, comparing A-B 750 400
Machine and machine testing
Unfixed works D-E 150 75
Manual works, non-manual works, welding C-D 200 100
Non-manual works with automated machines B-C 300 150
Precision works, working with machines, A-B 500 250
precise machines, machine testing
Extremely precise works, measurement, OTK, A-B 1,000 500
complicated details
Painting and coloring
Immersion painting, spraying raw paint D-E 200 100
Usual painting, spraying and finishing A-B 500 250
Correcting and comparing color A-B 750 400
Paper industry
Producing paper and cardboard C-D 200 100
Automated production D-E 150 75
OTK, classification A-B 300 150
Printing and bookbinding
Printer room C-D 300 150
Editing and reading room A-B 500 250
Precise testing, revising, acid carving A-B 750 375
Color publishing and printing A-B 1,000 500
Carving steel and copper A-B 1500 750
Bookbinding A-B 300 150
Typesetting, embossing A-B 500 250
Textile industry
Ornamenting D-E 200 100
Spinning thread, coiling, winding, dyeing C-D 300 150
Spinning small thread, weaving A-B 500 250
Sewing, OTK A-B 750 375
Carpentry workshop
Sawing area D-E 150 75
Sitting works, assembly C-D 200 100
Comparing, selecting wood B-C 300 150
Finishing, OTK A -B 500 250
Shared rooms A-B 300 150
Professional planning room A-B 500 250
Graphic room A-B 500 250
Conference room A-B 300 150
General lighting at shops
Big shopping malls B-C 500 250
Small shops B-C 300 150
Supermarket B-C 500 250
General lighting A-B 300 150
Office A-B 300 150
Briefing room A-B 300 150
Display room A-B 500 250
Laboratory A-B 300 150
Art display room A-B 300 150
Hall C-D 150 75
General lighting A-B 50 30
Diagnosis room A-B 200 100
Reading room A-B 150 100
Night shift A-B 3
Diagnosis room:
General lighting A-B 300 150
Localized diagnosis A-B 750 375
Intensive treatment
Bed-head A-B 30 20
Observation place A-B 200 100
Workplaces of nurses A-B 200 100
Surgery room
General lighting A-B 500 250
Spot lighting A-B 10,000 5,000
Automated examination room
General lighting A-B 500 250
Spot lighting A-B 5,000 2.500
Pharmaceutical and test room
General lighting A-B 300 150
Spot lighting A-B 500 250
Consultancy room
General lighting A-B 300 150
Spot lighting A-B 500 250
- A: Works that require extreme precision
- B: Works that require high precision
- C: Works that require precision
- D: Works that require mediocre precision
- E: Works that require little precision
* For places that use both fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps, the incandescent lamp
intensity shall prevail
1. Scope of regulation:
These standards specify the temperature, humidity, air speed, heat radiation intensity.
2. Subjects of application: all facilities that employ workers.
3. Cited standards
The value specified in these standards are equivalent to TCVN 5508 - 1991
4. Acceptable values
Table 1: Requirements of temperature, humidity, air speed, heat radiation intensity.
Air Air
Time temperature(0C) Air speed Heat radiation intensity
Work humidity
(season) (m/s) (W/m2)
Max Min (%)
Notes: Other specifications of the radioactive nuclides in this Table can be found in "Safety Norm of
ionizing radiation” TCVN 4397-87
Table 5: Contamination levels of surfaces (particle/cm2/minute)(1)
Nuclide emitting alpha particle Nuclide emitting
Contaminated subject beta particle (4)
Other nuclei
Skin, towel, internal clothes, inner side of
the front side of personal safety 1 1 100
Primary safety outfit, inner side of
5 20 800
additional safety instruments
Surface of rooms with regular workers,
outer side of additional safety instrument in 5 20 2,000
these rooms.
Surface of machinery rooms without
regular workers, outer side of additional 50 200 8,000
safety instrument in these rooms.
Means of transport, outer side of
containers and wrap of radioactive 10 10 100
substances in the control zones(3).
(1) For surfaces of working rooms, equipment, means of transport, containers, wrap, the
contamination level is determined using dry cleaning method according to the non-sticky
contamination amount (cleanable). For other cases, the contamination levels are determined by the
total contamination level (non-sticky and sticky)
(2) Special nuclides are nuclides that emit alpha particles with acceptable density in the working air
being 1.10-14 Curi/liter.
(3) The radioactive contamination on the outer side of the radioactive substance container and means
of transport are not allowed outside the control zone.
(4) For Sr-90. Sr-90 + Y-90, the acceptable contamination level is 5 times lower. The tritium
contamination is not regulated because it is controlled by the content in the air and in the body.
1. Scope of regulation:
These standards specify the requirements for radiation safety of medical X-ray facilities.
2. Subjects of application: medical X-ray facilities.
3. Definition
The terms in these standards are construed as follows:
- Medical X-ray facilities are medical facilities using X-ray devices for medical examination and
4. Cited standards
These standards are equivalent to TCVN 6561-1999
5. Acceptable levels
5.1. Limited doses
Table 1: Acceptable doses in a year
Kind of dose and Radiation worker Apprentice from 16-18 Other people
subjects of years old
Systemic effective 20mSv 6mSv 1mSv
Equivalent dose for 150mSv 50mSv 15mSv
crystalline lens
Equivalent dose for 500mSv 150mSv 50mSv
limbs or skin
Lounge and waiting 1mSv
Notes: - The doses when working with X-ray do not include natural background radiation.
- Doses for special cases are specified in the Annex
Table 2: Acceptable instantaneous doses in X-ray rooms
Location Dose (Sv/h)
- Directly radiated workers 10.0
- Film development room 0.50
- Patient waiting room or lounge 0.50
- Working rooms and workplaces of employees 0.50
- The outer side X-ray machine 0.50
5.2. Limited doses in special cases
5.2.1. Effective doses for radiation worker: 20mSv, averagely sampled in 5 consecutive working years.
The dose may reach 50mSv in a single year but the average dose in 5 years must not exceed
The effective dose for radiation workers is 20mSv/year being averagely sampled in 10 consecutive
working years and the dose in any single year does not exceed 50mSv.
When the accumulative effective dose of a radiation worker reaches 100mSv, it must be reconsidered.
If his/her health is still normal without manifestation of radioactive impacts, the blood formula is still
unchanged etc., the work may continue.
5.2.2. Effective doses for other people: The dose may reach 5 mSv in a single year but the average
dose in 5 consecutive years must not exceed 1 mSv/year The layout, sizes and radiation protection
methods are specified in the Annex.
5.3. Location of a X-ray facility
The X-ray facility must be isolated from paediatrics, obstetrics, crowded areas etc, especially the
5.4. Layout of a X-ray facility
Each X-ray facility must contain at least the following rooms:
- The patient waiting room or lounge,
- The X-ray machine room,
- The film development room,
- The working room or place of radiation workers.
5.4.1. The Patient waiting room or lounge:
- The patient waiting room (or lounge) must be separated from the X-ray room. The limited dose in
this room must not exceed 1mSv/year.
5.4.2. The X-ray machine room must satisfy the following requirements:
- Convinient for the installation and operation, safe for the patients to moves. The minimum area is 25
m2, the minimum width is 4.5 m, the minimum height is 3m for an ordinary X-ray machine.
- The breast, teeth X-ray machines and CT scanners must comply with the standardized size in Table
Table 3: The minimum size of working rooms for medical X-ray machines
Work Room area Minimum side length
- (CT scanner room)
+ 2-dimension 28 m2 4m
+ 3-dimension 40 m 4m
- X-ray room for teeth 12 m2 3m
- X-ray room for breast 18 m2 4m
- X-ray machine with contrast medium 30 m2 4.5 m
- X-ray machine with signal contrast medium 36 m2 5.5 m
- Automated dark room 7m 2.5 m
- Non-automated dark room 8 m2 2.5 m
- If the room design for new machines recommended by the producer is smaller than the above
measurements, the consent of competent State agencies is compulsory.
- The thickness of the walls, the ceiling, the floor and the doors of the X-ray machine room must be
calculated and designed in accordance with specifications of the equipment (voltage, current
intensity), operation duration and the outer occupation coefficient of the X-ray room.
- The minimum height of the vents and windows of the X-ray room where people pass by is 2 m from
the floor outside the X-ray room.
- The radiation signal light must be put at the eye level outside the door of the X-ray room. The signal
light must glow throughout the radiation emission of the machine.
- The X-ray machine installation must ensure that the X-ray beam is not emitted toward the door or
places with many people, and the eyes must be protected from the radiation sources. The shield
height must be over 2m from the floor, the minimum width is 90cm and the corresponding thickness is
1.5mm of lead.
- For rooms with 2 X-ray machines, only 1 is allowed to operate at a time.
- The control panel is put inside or outside the X-ray room depending on the machine itself. There
must be lead glass for observing the patient. The limited dose at the control panel must not exceed 20
mSv/year (excluding natural background radiation).
5.4.3. The film development room (the dark room):
- The dark room must be separated from the X-ray room.
- The dose in the dark room must not affect the film development. The undeveloped film must not be
radiated over 1 mSv/year, excluding natural background radiation.
- The dark room door must not be directly radiated.
- The cassette pass box in the X-ray room must be covered with 2 mm lead.
5.4.4. The working room (or place) of radiation workers:
- The working room (or place) of radiation workers must be separated from the X-ray room. The doses
in the room must not exceed 1 mSv/year, excluding natural background radiation.
1. Scope of regulation
These standards specify the maximum acceptable density of a number of chemicals in the working
2. Subjects of application
These standards are applicable to facilities that employ workers (production facilities, trading and
service establishments…)
These standards are not applicable to the air in residential areas.
3. Limit values
Table 1: Limit values of chemicals in the air at working areas
Average value Maximum
in 8 hours value at a time
No. Chemical name Chemical formula (mg/m3) (mg/m3)
1 Acrolein CH2CHCHO 0.25 0.50
2 Acrylic amide CH2CHCONH2 0.03 0.2
3 Acrylonitrile CH2CHCN 0.5 2,5
4 Allyl acetate C5H8O3 - 2
5 Ammonia NH3 17 25
6 Amyl acetate CH3COOC5H11 200 500
7 Phthalic anhydride C8H4O3 2 3
8 Aniline C6H5NH2 4 8
9 Antimony Sb 0.2 0.5
10 ANTU C10H7NHC(NH2)S 0.3 1.5
11 Arsenic and compounds As 0.03 -
12 Arsine AsH3 0.05 0.1
13 Asphalt 5 10
14 Acetone (CH3)2CO 200 1,000
15 Acetone cyanohydrin CH3C(OH)CNCH3 - 0.9
16 Acetonitrile CH3CN 50 100
17 Acetylene C2H2 - 1,000
18 2, 4 - D (Dichloro -
Cl2C6H3OCH2COOH 5 10
phenoxyacetic acid)
19 2, 4, 5 - T (Trichloro - C6 H2Cl3OCH2COOH 5 10
phenoxyacetic acid)
20 Acetic acid CH3COOH 25 35
21 Boric acid and compounds H2BO3 0.5 1
22 Hydrochloric acid HCl 5 7,5
23 Formic acid HCOOH 9 18
24 Methacrylic acid C4H6O2 50 80
25 Nitrous acid HNO2 45 90
26 Nitric acid HNO3 5 10
27 Oxalic acid (COOH)2.2H2O 1 2
28 Phosphoric acid H3PO4 1 3
29 Picric acid HOC6H2(NO2)3 0.1 0.2
30 Sulfuric acid H2SO4 1 2
31 Thioglycolic acid C2H4O2S 2 5
32 Trichloroacetic acid C2HCl3O2 2 5
33 Azinphos methyl C10H12O3 PS2N3 0.02 0.06
34 Aziridine H2CNHCH2 0.02 -
35 Silver Ag 0.01 0.1
36 Silver compounds như Ag 0.01 0.03
37 Barium oxide BaO2 0.6 6
38 Benomyl C14H18N4O3 5 10
39 Benzene C6H6 5 15
40 Benzidine NH2C6H4C6H4NH2 0.008 -
41 Benzonitrile C7H5N - 1
42 Benzopyrene C20H12 0,0001 0,0003
43 (o, p) Benzoquinone C6 H4O2 0.4 1,0
44 Benzotrichloride C7H5 Cl3 - 0.2
45 Benzoyl peroxide C14H10O4 - 5
46 Benzylchloride C6H5CH2 Cl - 0.5
47 Beryllium and compounds Be - 0.001
48 Polychlorinated biphenyls C12H10-xCx 0.01 0.02
49 Boron trifluoride BF3 0.8 1
50 Bromine Br2 0.5 1
51 Bromoethane C2H5Br 500 800
52 Bromomethane CH3Br 20 40
53 Bromine pentafluoride BrF5 0.5 1
54 1,3-Butadiene CH2CHCHCH2 20 40
55 Butyl acetate CH3 COO[CH2]3 CH3 500 700
56 Butanols CH3(CH2)3 OH 150 250
57 Octa decanoic acid,
C36H72O4Cd 0.04 0.1
58 Cadmium and compounds Cd 0.01 0.05
59 Carbondioxide CO2 900 1800
60 Carbon disulfide CS2 15 25
61 Carbonmonoxide CO 20 40
62 Carbontetrachlorie CCl4 10 20
63 Carbofuran C17H15O3N 0.1 -
64 Carbonyl fluoride COF2 5 13
65 Calcium carbonate CaCO3 10 -
66 Calcium chromate CaCrO4 0.05 -
67 Calcium hydroxyde Ca(OH)2 5 -
67 Calcium oxide CaO 2 4
69 Calcium silicate CaSiO3 10 -
70 Calcium sulfate dihydrate CaSO4.2H2O 6 -
71 Calcium cyanamide C2CaN2 0.5 1.0
72 Caprolactam (dust) C6H11NO 1 3
73 Caprolactam (fume) C6H11NO 20 -
74 Captan C9H8 Cl3NO2S 5 -
75 Carbaryl C10H7O O CNHCH3 1 10
76 Catechol C15H14O6 20 45
77 Lead tetraethyl Pb(C2H5)4 0.005 0.01
78 Lead and compounds Pb 0.05 0.1
79 Chlorine Cl2 1.5 3
80 Chloroacetaldeh-yde ClCH2CHO 3 -
81 Chlorine dioxide ClO2 0.3 0.6
82 Chloroacetophe-none C6H5COCH2Cl 0.3 -
83 Chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 100 200
84 1- Chloro - 2,4 -dinitro -
C6H3ClN2O4 0.5 1
85 Chloronitrobenzene C6H4ClNO2 1 2
86 Chloroprene CH2CClCHCH2 30 60
87 1- Chloro 2 - propanone C3H5ClO - 3
88 Chloroform CHCl3 10 20
89 Chloropicrin CCl3NO2 0.7 1.4
90 3-Chloropropene C2H5Cl 1 2
91 Chlorotrifluoroethy-lene C2ClF3 - 5
92 Cobalt and compounds Co 0.05 0.1
93 Cresol C7H8O 5 10
94 Chromium trioxide CrO3 0.05 0.1
95 Chromium (III) compounds Cr+3 0.5 -
96 Chromium (VI) compounds Cr+4 0.05 -
97 Chrom (VI) compound
Cr+6 0.01 -
(water soluble)
98 Crotonaldehyde CH3CHCHCHO 5 10
99 Cumene C6H5CH(CCH3)2 80 100
100 Mineral (mist) 5 10
101 Petroleum distillates
1600 -
102 Turpentine C10H16 300 600
103 Vegetable oil mist 10 -
104 Diamino 4, 4’-diphenyl
NH2C6H4C6H4NH2 - 0.8
105 Dimethyl - 1, 2 - dibromo -
2,2 - dichlorethyl phosphate (CH3O)2POOCHBrCBrCl2 3 6
106 Rubber solvent 1570 -
107 Stoddard solvent (White
108 Soapston 3MgO.4SiO2.H2O 3 -
109 Soapstone 3MgO.4SiO2.H2O 6 -
110 Decalin C10H18 100 200
111 Demeton C8H19O3PS2 0.1 0.3
112 Diazinon C12H21N2O3PS 0.1 0.2
113 Diborane B2H6 0.1 0.2
114 1,2 - Dibromo - 3 chloro -
C3H5Br2Cl 0.01 -
115 Dibutyl phthalate C6H4(CO2C4H9)2 2 4
116 Dichloroacetylene ClCCCl 0.4 1.2
117 Dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 20 50
118 Dichloroethane CH3CHCl2 4 8
119 1,1- Dichloroethylene C2H2Cl2 8 16
120 Dichloroethylene (1,2; Cis;
C2H2Cl2 790 1,000
121 Dichloromethane CH2Cl2 50 100
122 1,2- Dichloropropan C3H6Cl2 50 100
123 Dichloropropene C3H4Cl2 5 -
124 Dichlorostyrene C8H6Cl2 50 -
125 Dichlorvos (CH3O)2PO2CHCCl2 1 3
126 Dicrotophos C8H16NO5P 0.25 -
127 Dimethylamine C2H7N 1 2
128 Dimethyl formamide (CH3)2NCHO 10 20
129 1,1 Dimethyl hydrazine (CH3)2 NNH2 0.2 0.5
130 Dimethyl phenol C8H10O - 2
131 Dimethyl sulfate (CH3)2SO4 0.05 0.1
132 Dimethyl sulfoxide C2H6OS 20 50
133 Dinitrobenzene C7H6N2O4 - 1
134 Dinitrotoluene (DNT) C6 H5CH3(NO2)2 1 2
135 Dioxathion C12 H26O6P2S4 0.2 -
136 Diquat Dibromide C12 H12N2.2Br 0.5 1
137 1,4-Dioxane OCH2CH2OCH2CH2 10 -
138 Copper (dust) Cu 0.5 1
139 Copper (fume) Cu 0.1 0.2
140 Copper compounds Cu 0.5 1
141 Endousulfan C9H6Cl6O3S 0.1 0.3
142 2, 3 - Epoxy 1 - propanol C3H6O2 1 5
143 EPN (o - ethyl - o -
paranitrophenyl - C18H14NO4PS 0.5 -
144 Ethanolamine NH2C2H4OH 8 15
145 Diglycidyl ether C6H10O3 0.5 -
146 Chloroethyl ether C4H8Cl2O - 2
147 Chloromethyl ether (CH2Cl)2O 0.003 0.005
148 Ethyl ether C2H5OC2H5 1,000 1,500
149 Isopropyl glycidyl ether (CH3)2CHOCH(CH3)2 200 300
150 Resorcinol monomethyl
C7H8O2 - 5
151 Ethylamine CH3CH2NH2 18 30
152 Ethylene C2H4 1,150 -
153 Ethanethiol
C2H5SH 1 3
154 Ethylene dibromide BrCH2 CH2Br 1 -
155 Ethylene glycol 10 20
156 Ethylene glycol C2H6O2 60 125
157 Ethylene glycol dinitrate C2H4(O2NO)2 0.3 0.6
158 Ethylene oxide C2H4O 1 2
159 Perchloroethylene C2Cl4 70 170
160 Ethylidene norbornene C9H12 - 20
161 Fensulfothion C11H17O4PS2 0.1 -
162 Fenthiol C10H15O3PS2 0.1 -
163 Fluorine F2 0.2 0.4
164 Fluorides 1 2
165 Formaldehyde HCHO 0.5 1
166 Formamide HCONH2 15 30
167 Furfural C4H3OCHO 10 20
168 Furfuryl alcohol C5H6O2 20 40
169 Coal Tar pitch volatiles - 0.1
170 Halothane C2HBrClF3 8 24
171 Mekuran (mixture of
ethylmer cuirc chloride and 0.005 -
172 Heptachlor (iso) C10H5Cl7 0.5 1,5
173 Heptan C7H14 800 1,250
174 Hexachlorobenzene C6Cl6 0.5 0.9
175 Hexachloro 1,3-butadiene C4Cl6 - 0.005
176 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - hexachloro-
C6H6Cl6 0.5 -
177 Hexachlorocyclopen-
C5Cl6 0.01 0.1
178 Hexafluoroacetone (CF3)2CO 0.5 0.7
179 Hexafluoropropene C6F6 - 5
180 n - Hexane C6H6 90 180
181 Hyrazine H4N2 0.05 0.1
182 Hydrocarbons (1 - 10 C) - 300
183 Hydrogen fluoride HF 0.1 0.5
184 Hydrogen phosphide H3P 0.1 0.2
185 Hydrogen selenide H2Se 0.03 0.1
186 Hydrogene sulfide H2S 10 15
187 Hydrogen cyanide HCN 0.3 0.6
188 Hydroxydes (alkaline)
0.5 1
(Alkali hydroxide)
189 Hydroquinone ( 1,4 -
C6H6O2 0.5 1.5
190 Iodomethane CH3I 1 2
191 Iodoform CHI3 3 10
192 Iodine I2 1 2
193 Isopropyl glycidyl ether (CH3)2C2H2O(CH3)2 240 360
194 Isopropyl nitrate C3H7NO2 20 40
195 Potassium cyanide KCN 5 10
196 Welding fumes 5 -
197 Petroleum gas (liquefied) 1800 2250
198 Zinc chloride ZnCl2 1 2
199 Zinc Chromate CrO4Zn 0.01 0.03
200 Zinc fluoride F2Zn 0.2 1
201 Zinc oxide (dust, fume) ZnO 5 10
202 Zinc phosphide P2Zn3 - 0.1
203 Zinc stearate (inhalable
Zn(C18H35O2)2 10 20
204 Zinc stearate (respirable
Zn(C18H35O2)2 5 -
205 Zinc sulfide ZnS - 5
206 Camphor C10H16O 2 6
207 Magnesium oxide MgO 5 10
208 Malathion C10H19O6PS2 5 -
209 Manganese and
Mn 0.3 0.6
210 Methallyl chloride C4H7Cl - 0.3
211 Methane thiol CH4S 1 2
212 Methoxychlor Cl3CCH(C6H4OCH3)2 10 20
213 Methyl acrylate CH2CHCOOCH3 20 40
214 Metyl acrylonitrile CH2C(CH3)CN 3 9
215 2 - Methyl aziridine C8H16N2O7 5 -
216 Methylamine CH5N 5 24
217 Methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 100 250
218 Methyl ethyl keton C4H8O 150 300
219 2 - Methyl furan C5H6O - 1
220 Methyl hydrazine CH3NHNH2 0.08 0.35
221 Methyl mercaptan CH3SH 1 2
222 Methyl methacrylate CH2C(CH3)COOCH3 50 150
223 Methyl silicate C4H12O4Si - 6
224 Mevinphos C7H13O6Pi 0.1 0.3
225 Monocrotophos C7H14NO5P 0.25 -
226 Ferric salt (as Fe) 1 2
227 Carbon black C 3.5 7
228 Naled (CH3O)2P(O) OCHBrCBrCl2 3 6
229 Naphthalene C10H8 40 75
230 Chlorinated naphthalenes 0.2 0.6
231 Sodium bisulfite NaHSO3 5 -
232 Sodium borate Na2B4O7 1 -
233 Sodium cyanide NaCN 5 10
234 Sodium fluoroacetate FCH2COONa 0.05 0.1
235 Sodium metabisulfite
Na2S2O5 5 -
(Disodium pyrosulfite)
236 Sodium azide NaN3 0.2 0.3
237 Neoprene C4H5Cl 10 30
238 Aluminum and compounds Al 2 4
239 Nicotine C10H14N2 0.5 1
240 Nickel and compounds
Ni 0.05 0.25
241 Nickel monoxide NiO, Ni2O3 0.1 -
242 Nickel carbonyl C4NiO4 0.01 0.02
243 Nitrogen dioxide NO2 và N2O4 5 10
244 Nitrogen monoxide NO 10 20
245 Nitrogene trifluoride NF3 30 45
246 Nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 3 6
247 1- Nitrobutane CH3(CH2)3NO2 - 30
248 Nitro ethane C2H5NO 30 -
249 Nitromethane CH3NO2 30 -
250 1-Nitropropane CH3(CH2)2NO2 30 60
251 Nitrotoluene CH3C6H4NO2 11 22
252 Glycerol trinitrate CH2NO3CHNO3CH2NO3
0.5 1
(Nitroglycerine) [C3H5(NO3)3]
253 2-Nitropropane CH3(CH2)2NO2 18 -
254 Octane C10H22 900 1,400
255 Osmium tetroxide OsO4 0.002 0.003
256 Ozone O3 0.1 0.2
257 Paraquat (CH3(C5H4N)2CH3).2Cl 0.1 0.3
258 Parathion (C2H5O)2PSOC6H4NO2 0.05 0.1
259 Pentaborane B5H9 0.01 0.02
260 Pentachlorophenol C6Cl5OH 0.2 0.4
261 Perchloryl fluoride ClO3F 14 25
262 Phenol C6H5OH 4 8
263 Phenyl hydrazine C6H5 NHNH2 1 2
264 Phenyl isocxyanate C7H5NO 0.02 0.05
265 Phenylene diamine C6H8N2 0.1 0.2
266 Phenyl phosphine C6H7P - 0.25
267 Phorate (C2H5O)2P(S)SCH2S-C2H5 0.05 0.2
268 Phosgene COCl2 0.2 0.4
269 Phosphine PH3 0.1 0.2
270 Phosphorus(White, yellow) P4 0.03 0.1
271 Phosphoruos oxy chloride POCl3 0.6 1.2
272 Phosphorus trichloride PCl3 1 2
273 Phosphorous pentachloride PCl5 1 2
274 Picloram (iso) 10 20
275 Propoxur CH3NHCOOC6H4OCH(CH3)2 0.5 1.5
276 n-Propylacetat CH3COOCH2CH2CH3 200 600
277 -Propiolactone C3H4O2 1 2
278 Propylenimine C3H7N - 5
279 Pyrenthrin C21H28O3 5 10
280 Pyridine C5H5N 5 10
281 Quinone C6H4O2 0.4 12
282 Resorcinol (1,3 -
C6H6O2 45 90
283 Allyl alcohol CH2CHCH2OH 3 6
284 Ethanol CH3(CH2)OH 1,000 3,000
285 Furful alcohol C5H6O2 20 40
286 Methanol CH3OH 50 100
287 n - Amyl alcohol CH3(CH2)4OH 100 200
288 Propanol CH3(CH2)2OH 350 600
289 Propargyl alcohol HCCCH2OH 2 6
290 Rotenone (Derris) C23H22O6 5 10
291 Paraffin wax 1 6
292 Ferric oxide (dust, fume) Fe2O3 5 10
293 Iron carbonyl C5FeO5 0.08 0.1
294 Selenium and compounds Se 0.1 1
295 Selenium dioxide O2Se - 0.1
296 Stibine SbH3 0.2 0.4
297 Strychnine C21H22N2O2 0.15 0.3
298 Selenium hexafluoride SeF6 0.2 -
299 Silane H2Si 0.7 1.5
300 Stearates 10 -
301 Styrene C6H5CH CH2 85 420
302 Sulfur chloride S2Cl2 5 10
303 Sulfur dioxide SO2 5 10
304 Sunfuryl fluoride F2SO2 20 40
305 Sulfur tetrafluoride SF4 0.4 1
306 Tellurium Te 0.01 -
307 Tellurium hexafluoride F6Te 0.1 -
308 Tetrachloroethylene C2CL4 60 -
309 1,1,7,7 Tetrachloroheptane C7H12Cl4 - 1
310 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate C8H20O7P2 0.05 0.2
311 Tetralin C10 H12 100 300
312 Tetramethyl succinonitrile (CH3)2C2(CN)2(CH3)2 3 6
313 Tetranitromethane CH3(NO2)4 8 24
314 Tin (organic) Sn 0.1 0.2
315 Tin (inorganic) Sn 1 2
316 Tin oxide SnO2 2 -
317 Thionyl Chloride Cl2OS 5 -
318 Benzenethiol C6H6S 2 -
319 Mercury compounds
Hg 0.01 0.03
320 Titanium Ti 10 -
321 Thiram (CH3)2 (SCSN)2 (CH3)2 5 10
322 Tobacco (dust) 2 5
323 Mercury and compounds
Hg 0.02 0.04
324 Titanium dioxide (respirable
TiO2 5 -
325 Titanium dioxide (inhalable
TiO2 6 10
326 Toluene C6H5CH3 100 300
327 Toluene diisocyanate C9H6N2O2 0.04 0.07
328 (m-, o-, p-) Toluidine CH3C6H4NH2 0.5 1
329 Tribromometan CHBr3 5 15
330 Tributyl phosphate C12H27O4P 2.5 5
331 Trichloroethane C2H3Cl3 10 20
332 Trichloroethylene C2HCl3 20 40
333 Trinitrobenzene C6H3(NO2)3 - 1.0
334 Trichloro nitrobenzene C6H2Cl3NO2 - 1.0
335 2, 4, 6 - Trinitrotoluene CH3C6H2(NO2)3 0.1 0.2
336 Tritolyl phosphate C21H21O4P 0.1 0.2
337 Uranium and compounds U 0.2 -
338 Vanadium penta oxide V2O5 0.05 0.1
339 Vanadium V 0.5 1.5
340 Vinyl acetate CH2CHOOCCH3 10 30
341 Vinyl bromide CH2CBr 20 40
342 Vinyl chloride C2H3Cl 1 5
Part 1: Twenty one (21) standards of labor hygiene
I. Standards of hygienic amenities
II. Standards of hygienic distance
III. Manual labor – Standards of task classification by energy consumption classification
IV. Manual labor – Standards of task classification by heart rate
V. Carrying standard – Limited weight
VI. Lighting standards
VII. Microclimate standards
VIII. Standards of silicon dust
IX. Standards of non-silicon dust
X. Standards of cotton dust
XI. Standards of asbestos dust
XII. Standards of noise
XIII. Standards of vibration
XIV. Standards of static magnetic field - Magnetic flux density
XV. Standards of low-frequency magnetic field - magnetic flux density
XVI. Standards of intensity of low-frequency electromagnetic field and static electric field
XVII. Standards of intensity of electromagnetic field from 30kHz - 300GHz
XVIII. Ultraviolet radiation – Acceptable limit
XIX. Standards of radioactivity
XX. X-ray radiation – Acceptable limit
XXI. Chemicals – Acceptable limit in the working air
Part 2: Five (05) principles and seven (07) measurements of labor hygiene
I. Principle 1 – Ergonomic design of labor systems
II. Principle 2 – Ergonomic design of labor positions
III. Principle 3 – Ergonomic design of machinery and tools
IV. Principle 4 – Working area layout
V. Principle 5 – Working position with computers
VI. Measurement 1 – Working position with computers
VII. Measurement 2 – Height of work surfaces
VIII. Measurement 3 – Distance from eyes to things
IX. Measurement 4 - View angle
X. Measurement 5 – Footrest
XI. Measurement 6 – Lifting height
XII. Measurement 7 – Physiological measurement of thermal strain - Limit values