Herps I 1ld0k49
Herps I 1ld0k49
Herps I 1ld0k49
Amphibians (Amphibia) and reptiles (Reptilia) are two classes of animals that are grouped
together because they are considered “cold blooded” however this is an improper term. They
are actually considered ectothermic, meaning they derive heat from outside sources, most
commonly the sun. They must gain heat through the sun to both raise their internal
temperatures to perform tasks like digestion and to also make important vitamins and minerals
they gain from ultraviolet light. Once warmed by the sun, most amphibians and reptiles can
maintain their core temperature until the sun sets or their movement stops. The study of these
two groups is called “herpetology”.
Reptiles and amphibians have major differences in their lifecycles. Amphibians (frogs/toads,
salamanders, and a few smaller groups) primarily live in and around water due to the porous
nature of their skin. In fact, amphibian is Greek for “being with a double life,” meaning they live
parts of their lives in water and on land. Amphibians lay soft shelled eggs, usually in water,
where their juveniles hatch. Young amphibians are tadpoles that are completely aquatic and
have rudimentary gills. As these animals mature, they metamorphose to adult forms and their
gills are replaced by lungs.
Reptiles (snakes, lizards, alligators, turtles) lay hard shelled eggs and their young are smaller
versions of the adults, needing only to gain in size to become adults. Of course there are always
exceptions such as snakes giving live birth, especially in colder climates. Reptiles have
keratinous skin that is not permeable to water. Keratine is the same material as mammalian
hair and finger nails. This allows reptiles like sea snakes and crocodiles to live in saline [salty]
environments and to not disrupt their homeostasis.
Amphibians include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders and there are over 5,500
different species with a huge concentration of biodiversity in the tropics however many of them
can be found here in upstate New York.
Amphibians are considered “indicator” species due to their delicate nature, they are
easily disrupted by even minor changes in the environment. The lifecycle of amphibians is very
important and is a great way to link amphibians to ecological destruction and wetland
conservation. Their eggs are jelly like and permeable to the water around them, allowing
growing tadpoles to be easily polluted with chemicals in the surrounding water. Amphibians
also have porous skin, allowing chemicals to be introduced to their bodies very easily.
Learning by Touch:
There are over 9000 species in Reptilia that include snakes, lizards, crocodiles and
alligators, turtles and tortoises. Reptiles present a huge opportunity for a diverse conversation
or lesson on reptiles and amphibians. One can present each type of reptile individually as each
reptile has many awesome adaptations like a turtles shell or a pit vipers heat seeking organs or
one can present by using one or two representations of reptiles by using corn snakes or tree
frogs as physical examples.
An interesting point to make about reptiles is how they incubate their eggs. By digging
into sand, dirt, or gravel, they attempt to provide a place where temperature fluctuations are
minimal. A great example of this is sea turtles
and how they lay their eggs in the same
locations as they were born, returning to the
same beach year after year. What is so
interesting about turtles and crocodiles have
temperature-dependant sex determination
meaning that in turtles, higher temperatures
result in males and lower temperatures result
in females. In crocodiles, either hot or cool
temperatures will result in females and
temperate conditions result in males. In fact, this temperature-dependent sex determination
can flip flop depending on the species. It is an interesting way to determine sex that is not
dependant on the X or Y chromosomes. A great tie-in to dispel the myth of the uncaring, scaled
creatures is how many reptiles take care of their young. Alligators and crocodiles are again
another great example of this as many female alligators (see above) build nests, guard them,
and then help their babies survive for their first few months by helping to protect them from
predators and sharing their kills.
Kids are most fascinated by snakes, especially if there are a few to interact with. Snakes
are always carnivores and the way they attack, eat, and digest their prey is very unusual. They
can attack in different ways such as constriction or by using their venom. Venomous snakes
have many types of venom and the composition/effects of that venom can be discussed in
older groups of students. After attacking and killing their prey, snakes unhinge their jaws,
allowing them to swallow creatures much larger than their heads. Snakes do not have to eat
very often because their digestion system is off until a snake makes a kill but when it does,
blood rushes to the digestive tract and enlarges it, creating a perfect environment for digestion.
Anacondas, the largest snake in the world, only eat perhaps once or twice a year after a large
meal of a 300 pound + animal, which can take two or three months to digest.
Reptiles and especially amphibians are frequently wild indicators of the health of an
ecosystem because of their permeable skin and can acquire high amounts of toxins from
smaller creatures. In addition to that, since 1980 over 120 amphibian species have become
extinct, mostly in rainforests but also in North America, Europe, and Africa. With thousands
more species thought to be undiscovered, diversity is in jeopardy as well as the natural wonder
of the world. Land conservation and higher environmental standards for waste and toxins are
needed to help protect the more fragile creatures like frogs, salamanders, and lizards.
Another force moving against the amphibians is the chytrid fungus. This is an invasive
fungus thought to have come from African Clawed Frogs that has infected the globe leading to
the extinction of multiple amphibians. Research has gone far but no cure has been found for
this virus so the most we can do is protect habitat, provide quarantines in threatened areas,
and hope the fungus can be adapted to.
National Geographic – Reptiles – This website gives good overviews with wonderful pictures:
Animal Diversity Web – Class Reptilia – Includes taxonomy, pictures, and evolution:
Firefly Encyclopedia of and Amphibians by Tim Halliday and Kraig Adler; Firefly Books (2002).
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians; Knopf (1999).
The Amphibians and Reptiles of New York State: Identfification, Natural History, and Conservation by Gibbs,
Briesch, Ducey, Johnson, Behler, Bothner; Oxford University Press (2007).
Crocodiles and Alligators by Stephen Garnett and Charles Ross; Checkmark Books (1989).
Life in Cold Blood by Sir David Attenborough; BBC (2008). (A wonderful documentary on all things amphibian and
reptile by one of the best biologist of our time – excellent footage and comprehensive examples.)
Cool Reptile and Amphibian Facts
∗ There are over 9,000 reptile species in the world and over 5,000 amphibian
species in the world.
∗ Only two lizards that have a mysterious “third eye” that is located on the
top of their heads which is the Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) and the
Tuatara (Sphenodon). The third eye is thought to be able to tell the
difference between light and dark which may aide in escaping predators of
∗ Snakes are all predators. The smallest snake, the Thread Snake, eats the
eggs and pupae of ants. The largest snake, the Anaconda, eats animals as
large as deer and wild boar.
∗ Out of the many snakes in New York State, only three are considered
venomous. They are the Timber Rattlesnake, the Massasauga (Pygmy
Rattler), and the Copperhead. Bites are usually not deadly if treated within
a few hours of the bite and are often uncommon due to specific area these
species inhabit (swamps and deep forests).
∗ The Wood Frog, sometimes referred to as a Spring Peeper, have special
proteins and glucose (sugar) in their blood that allows the frog to freeze
during the winter.
∗ Many turtles, lizards, crocodiles and alligators lay their eggs in the sand or
soil and allow the warmth from the sun to incubate the eggs. The
temperature the eggs are most constantly at determine the sex of the
baby; colder temperatures usually produce females and higher
temperatures produce males.