Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
This chapter describes the Siebel application architecture, which is a layered structure containing the physical user interface, logical user interface objects, business objects, and data objects, as well as a third-party relational database management system. This chapter also introduces the Siebel operating architecture, which includes the Object Manager, the Web Engine, and the Data Manager. It also outlines key architectural considerations in setting up your application development project and describes the application architecture and object definition terminology that define how Siebel applications are configured. About Siebel Tools on page 48 Application Architecture Overview on page 49 Operating Architecture Overview on page 74 Siebel Architecture Summary and Where to Get More Information on page 90 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
About Siebel Tools 48 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
Siebel Tools allows you to customize Siebel applications by modifying and creating object definitions. A standard Siebel application provides a core set of object definitions, which you can use as a basis for your own tailored application. NOTE: The terms object and object definition in the Siebel application context do not mean the same thing as the terms object, object class, or object instance as used in a programming language like C++. Object definitions are grouped into four layers with different subject matter and purposes; for example: Physical User Interface Layer: Templates and tags that render UI Logical User Interface Objects Layer: Presentation of data (UI) Business Objects Layer: Business entities Data Objects Layer: Database details (data) Object types in a given layer depend on definitions in the next lower layer, and are insulated from other layers in the structure. This means, for example, that you can make changes to a Siebel application without changing the underlying database structure. Similarly, you can extend the Siebel database schema without impacting the Siebel application. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 49 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
Siebel Objects
Siebel applications are built on object-oriented principles. A Siebel object definition is a data construct in the repository file that defines an element of the: User interface Business entities Database organization Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 50 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
An object definition consists of a set of properties with assigned values. For example, a view might have the following properties listed in the following table:
A property setting for an object definition is changed in the Object List Editor by clicking the corresponding cell. A new value can then be manually entered or, in many cases, selected from a picklist. An object definition can be added or removed in the Object List Editor by selecting the desired row, and clicking Add New Record or Delete Record in the Edit menu. NOTE: Some objects contain Unicode information, others contain ASCII only. Objects that contain Unicode information store data in tables with a suffix of _INTL in the table name or in the S_MSG table. Objects that do not store data in these tables contain ASCII only.
An object type is a named structure from which object definitions of that type can be created. For example, the Account, Opportunity and Contact business components are implemented as object definitions of the Business Component object type. Conceptually, object types are the templates from which object definitions are created. An object type can be thought of as the cookie cutter that is used to make many cookies of a particular shape. An object type has a predefined set of properties. Object definitions created from it
have values for each of these properties (the values are either default or userspecified). For descriptions of all properties for all object types (other than Siebeluse only object types), see Siebel Tools Online Help, MidMarket Edition. Object types are displayed in the Object Explorer window, which operates in parallel with the Object List Editor window. Selecting a different object type in the Object Explorer causes an Object List Editor window to display object definitions for that object type. The title bar of the Object List Editor window identifies the kind (object type) of object definitions it contains. Every object definition has exactly one object type. When a new object definition is created in the Object List Editor, the object type of the active Object List Editor window determines the new object definition's object type. You can change the property values in an object definition, but you cannot change the set of properties to which the values are assigned. The set of properties is fixed for each object type. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 52 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
There is a predefined set of object types in Siebel Tools that have specific purposes. For example, two object types are Applet and Business Component. An applet object definition defines a user interface unit such as a data entry form or editable list of records. A business component object definition defines a data record structure from one or more database tables. Object types have hierarchical relationships called parent-child relationships. These can be seen when you expand an object type that has children in the Object Explorer (and when the Object Explorer is in Types view). The Object Explorer in Types view uses the same visual metaphor for displaying hierarchical relationships as the Windows Explorer in Windows 2000 or NT. An object type (folder) beneath and slightly to the right of another is the child object type of the one it is below, the latter of which is the child's parent object type. An object type can have multiple child object types. For example, if you expand Applet in the Object Explorer, you see various child object types, including Applet Method Menu Item, Applet Browser Script, Applet Server Script, Applet Toggle, and so on. Object definitions, like object types, have parent-child relationships. These relationships are based on their object types. That is, the object type of the parent object definition determines the object types of the child object definitions. Parentchild relationships between object definitions are displayed in Siebel Tools with two Object List Editor windows open simultaneously. Figure 1 shows the Siebel Tools window displaying business component object definitions in the upper list applet, and field object definitions in the lower list applet for the currently selected business component.
Figure 1. Siebel Tools Window Showing Object Explorer and Two Object List Editor Windows Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 53
Parent-child relationships between object definitions imply containership. That is, the child object definition is in, or belongs to the parent object definition. For example, columns are in a table, fields are in a business component, joins are also in a business component, and controls are in an applet. There is no inheritance among object definitions, and the set of properties of an object definition is unrelated to the set of properties of a child object definition.
business component. Most object types do not have a Class property. The selection of a Class property value, when available, assigns a set of behaviors to the object definition, and distinguishes it from other categories of object definitions of the given object type. For example, a value of CSSFrameList in the Class property in an applet object definition makes it a list applet. The Class property accomplishes this by assigning a DLL to the object definition (indirectly by way of a class object definition).
Siebel Repository
The Siebel repository contains tables in the Siebel database where Siebel object definitions are stored. You view the contents of the Siebel repository through the Siebel Tools windows that appear when you initialize Siebel Tools. The set of object definitions and server scripts defining a Siebel application (such as Siebel Service or Siebel Sales) or set of applications is compiled into a file called a Siebel repository file, or .srf file. NOTE: Browser scripts are compiled into the browser script compilation folder, which can be specified in Siebel Tools on the Scripting tab under View > Options. For more information on the browser script compilation folder, see Browser-Side Scripting on page 172. The .srf file, when opened by the object manager on behalf of a Siebel Web application, provides the system with all of the information it needs to define interactions with the enterprise data and software users. In its uncompiled form, the set of object definitions is called a repository, and is stored in the database that Tools connects to. In its compiled form, it occupies a single compressed read-only file with the .srf file extension. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 54 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
The object manager reads the information stored in the repository file on demand as the different parts of the Web application are executed. For example, when the user switches to a specific view, all components that form part of that view will read information from the repository file that determines which data will be presented and in what format. Some components are visual and the configuration information will determine, for example, what applets to show in the view. In the case of nonvisual components, the configuration information may determine what data fields this component provides. The application database contains the actual data for the system, and it also contains some administration information such as the list indicating which views a specific type of user can access. This database can run locally or remotely. The contents of the repository tables are compiled into a binary file that provides fast read-only access to the repository metadata during run-time. Figure 2 on page 55 shows the definition of the Contact repository object as viewed in Siebel Tools. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 55 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
The Siebel database contains both metadata (repository objects) and user data. The database can be populated either through the Siebel UI or a variety of interfaces. Virtual business components allow data from external RDBMSs and applications to be displayed in the Siebel user interface.
Figure 2. Contact Repository Objects as Viewed in Siebel Tools
Application Architecture Overview 56 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
The object definitions in Siebel applications fall into four architectural layers (apart from the database management system provided by a database vendor). The four layer architecture is illustrated in Figure 3. The Physical User Interface Layer consists of the physical files, templates, style sheets, and other file-based metadata that render the UI. SeePhysical UI Layer on page 72 for detailed information.
Figure 3. Architectural Layers of Object Definitions Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 57
The Logical User Interface Objects layer consists of user interface object definitions that define the visual interface that the user sees and interacts with in a Web browser. Data from business object definitions is represented to the user for viewing and modification by means of user interface object definitions. See Logical User Interface Objects Layer on page 66 for detailed information. The Business Objects layer consists of business object definitions that are built on data object definitions, and selectively combine and associate data object definitions into logical data constructs that are useful for application design. See Business Objects Layer on page 61 for detailed information. The Data Objects layer consists of data object definitions that directly map the data structures from the underlying relational database into Siebel applications, providing access to those structures by object definitions in the Business Objects layer. See Data Objects Layer on page 57 for further information.
have any direct relationship to the database. The object definitions most indirectly related to the database are the Web interface object definitions. These are based on business object definitions, and do not directly access either the database or the data object definitions. A developer or customer can change or extend Siebel applications without impacting the database in the DBMS. Similarly, you can make database changes without impacting, or only minimally impacting, the applications. This is possible because each architectural layer insulates the layers above it from the layers beneath, including the DBMS at the bottom of the architecture. For example, a form applet is a Web interface object definition that implements a data entry form. The textbox controls in which the user enters data for individual columns in the database are tied not to those database columns, or to column object definitions in the Data Objects layer, but to field object definitions in the Business Objects layer. The controls represent fields, the fields represent column object definitions, and the column object definitions represent database columns. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 59 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
Extension Columns. An extension column is a column that is not used by standard Siebel applications. However, it is included for use in reconfigured applications. There are three kinds of extension columns: Standard Extension Columns. Standard extension columns are included in standard extension tables for developer use. They are named ATTRIB_nn, where nn is a value between 01 and 47 (for example, ATTRIB_13). Each has a predefined data type and length. (Note that some tablesfor example, S_ORDER_X, SPROD_INT_Xhave more than 50 extension columns, and that adding more columns may affect application performance adversely. Also note that some extension columns are used by the Siebel application and are unavailable to developers.) Custom Extension Columns in an Extension or Intersection Table. These are columns added by the developer to an extension or intersection table, and given a custom name. Custom Extension Columns in a Base Table. These are columns added by the developer to the base table of an extension table. Their names have the X_ prefix. System Columns. Various system columns appear in all tables in Siebel applications, although no one set of system columns appears in every table. Some standard system columns are ROW_ID, CREATED, and CREATED_BY. The developer may use the data in system columns for various purposes; for example, the ROW_ID column in tables is used in the construction of joins. Generally the developer does not modify the data in system columns, although there are exceptions, such as certain of the system columns in interface tables. The set of tables and columns provided in standard Siebel applications implements a very comprehensive design, and supports a very wide range of configuration activities. However, it is also designed to work in certain ways, and changes made that are not in accordance with Siebel standards can slow performance or cause software failures. A developer can add extension tables as well as extension columns to base tables using Siebel Tools. The developer cannot, however, add new base tables, delete base tables and columns, or modify the properties of base columns. Rather, the extension table and extension column facilities are employed. Standards, limitations, and procedures for using extension tables are discussed in Extension Tables on page 192. For information on database enhancement, see Chapter 6, Adding Custom Extensions to the Data Model. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 61 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
into logical data constructs that are useful for application design. The Business Objects layer in the repository is implemented by means of the object manager classes. The major object types in the Business Objects Layer are: Business component. One fundamental business entity in the enterprisefor example, Contact, Business Address, or Activity. Business object. Denotes a functional area that is a grouping of one or more related business components.
Business Components
A business component consists of multiple fields that characterize it; for example, some of the fields for Contact might consist of first name, job title, and email address. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 62 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
Figure 4 shows that a business component maps to one main table in the Data Objects layer and fields in the business component map to columns in the main table. In this example, the Contact business component maps to the S_CONTACT table. Business components can also include data from related tables. Figure 5 shows the Contact business component mapped to the main table (S_CONTACT) and also two related tables, S_ORG_EXT and S_OPTY_CON. You can think of a business component as a denormalized virtual database table that spans multiple real tables. The grouping of data can be achieved by: Referencing an extension table An explicit join of two tables A link that joins data in an intersection table
Figure 4. Business Component Mapping to the Main Contact Table Figure 5. Business Component Mapping to Data in Related Tables Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 63
Business Objects
A business object represents a major functional area of the enterpriseevery major entity has a business object. Examples of business objects are Opportunity, Account, and Contact. A business object is a collection of related business components; for example (as shown in Figure 6), the Opportunity business object consists of Opportunities plus related Contacts, Activities, Products, and Issues. Each business object has one business component that serves as the master or driving business component. This master business component provides focus for the business object, and they both have the same name (the name is Opportunity in Figure 6). The Opportunity business component has one and only one parent, which is the Opportunity business object. A link would be required for the other business components (Contact, Activity, Product, and Issues) to connect with the Opportunity business object.
Figure 6. The Opportunity Business Object and Its Business Components
Application Architecture Overview 64 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
As shown in Figure 7, a business component can be defined once in terms of a logical collection of columns from one or more tables, and then used in many different business object contexts. One specific area of application configuration
where reuse plays a significant role is virtual business components. For more information, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II, MidMarket Edition.
Figure 7. Business Component Reuse Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 65
rows on a one-to-one basis from the joined table, even though the two do not necessarily have a one-to-one relationship. Join Specification. Join Specification is a child object type of Join that provides details about how the join is implemented within the business component. Business Service. A business service is a reusable module containing a set of methods. It provides the ability to call its C++ or script methods from customer-defined scripts and object interface logic, through the invoke-method mechanism. For more information, see Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II, MidMarket Edition.
The Logical User Interface Objects layer consists of user interface object definitions that determine the visual interface that the user sees and interacts with in a Web browser. Data from business object definitions is represented to the user for viewing and modification by means of user interface object definitions. The Applet user interface object type (along with its child object types, particularly Applet Web Template) implements application units consisting of data controls, editable scrolling list tables, business graphics, and so on. Other user interface object types control toolbar and menu implementation, and the visual grouping of applets on screen. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 67 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
The user interface defines the visual elements with which users interactfor example: Layout of applets and views Navigation User interface controls (for example, buttons and checkboxes) The User Interface Objects Layer is insulated from the Data Objects Layer and the underlying database by the Business Objects Layer. Various interface elements in a Siebel eBusiness Application are shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. User Interface Objects in a Siebel eBusiness Application
Show dropdown list List applet ViScreen tabs ew tabs Menu buttons Form applet History drop-down list Favorites drop-down list Show more button Next and previous buttons Tab jump buttons
Application Architecture Overview 68 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
An applet allows access to the data of a single business component for viewing, editing, and modifying fields in the business component. An applet can be configured to allow data entry for a single record, to provide a scrolling table displaying multiple records, or to display business graphics or a navigation tree. As shown in Figure 9, an applet consists of controls that map to fields in the underlying business component or simply support user interactions with the application, as is the case with buttons, for example:
A list column for a list applet (the top applet in Figure 9) A text box for form applets (the bottom applet in Figure 9) All data in a given applet must be part of the business component that calls it. Data in a given business component can be from a single table or multiple tables.
Figure 9. Fields in a Contact Applet Mapped to the Contact Business Component Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 69
Business components can be reused in multiple applets. Several applets can reference the same business component definition. This is a benefit of having a single definition in the business component of the logical-to-physical relationship. Since the user interface (applet) layer is abstracted from the physical layer using the business component, there is no need to revisit the details of multiple tables in the physical layer for each of the applets that will display data for the same business function. NOTE: Do not confuse the applet construct in Siebel applications with Java applets. They are somewhat similar, but there are significant differences.
A view presents one or more applets together at one time in a predefined visual arrangement and logical data relationship. Views are named, and a specific view is selected by name from a combination of menus or tab symbols. A given view is mapped to a single business object, which determines the relationship between data displayed in two or more applets in the view. For example, the Opportunity Contacts Detail view is based on the Opportunity business object. Opportunity data is always displayed as the master or parent, and other types of data (for example, Contacts) are displayed as child records of a particular Opportunity. This allows users to see all the contacts associated with a single Opportunity. Each applet in a view must map to a business component in that business object. The business components that are required to be included in each view are: For a view based on the business object, all business components to which applets in that view are mapped Any business component whose data is exported in a report from a view based on the business object NOTE: The business component you include can be a child of another business object. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 70 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
A screen is a collection of related views. Screens are associated with major functional areas of the enterprise. In general, all views in a screen map to the same business objectan exception is administration screens.
An application (for example, Siebel Sales) is a collection of screens. NOTE: Do not confuse Siebel applications with mobile Siebel application executables (that is, .exe files). You can access Siebel applications through the Siebel Web client, dedicated Web client, or mobile Web client. Your organization may have licensed more than one Siebel application (for example, Siebel Sales and Siebel Call Center), to be used by different groups (for example, the sales team and the customer support team) within your organization. In that situation you can install the Siebel Sales and Siebel Call Center as separate
applications, or as a single application in which you establish different views for the relevant responsibilities of the two groups using them.
The object types for the logical UI object layer are described briefly below. For more detailed descriptions, see Chapter 5, Data Objects Layer or Siebel Tools Online Help, MidMarket Edition. Application. An application is a collection of screens. The application is opened in a Web browser on the user's desktop by attaching to a specified URL. The screens are accessed from the tab bar and the Site Map, as defined in the application. Siebel eService is an example of an application. Each combination of screens that is appropriate to a specific class of users can be provided as an application. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 71 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
Page Tab. A page tab object definition associates a screen to the page tab's parent application object definition and includes it as a tab in the tab bar. Screen Menu Item. A screen menu item object definition associates a screen to the application and includes the screen as a menu item in the Site Map. Screen. A screen is a logical collection of views. It is not a visual construct in itself; rather, it is a collection of views that the menu bar and view bar can display. The active screen is selected from the Site Map or the tab bar. Screen View. A screen view object definition associates a view with the screen view's parent screen object definition. This is how views are included in screens. View. A view is a collection of applets which appear on screen at the same time. A view can be thought of as a single window's worth of related data forms (applets). The Siebel application window displays one view at any one time. The user can select the current (active) view from the second-level navigation tab or from the Site Map. A view is associated with the data and relationships in a single business object. Applet. An applet is a form, composed of controls, that occupies a portion of the Siebel application window. An applet can be configured to allow data entry, provide a scrolling table of business component records, or display business graphics, a navigation tree, or a similar user interface unit. It provides viewing, entry, modification, and navigation capabilities for data in one business component. Pop-up windows for multi-value groups and record selection are also implemented as applets. Control. One control object definition corresponds to one data control in a form applet, such as a text box, check box or command button. A control is something in the applet with which the user can interact. A control usually either exposes data from one field in the business component, or invokes programming logic (in the case of a PushButton control). List. List is a child object type of Applet. A list object definition specifies property values that pertain to the entire scrolling list table and provides a parent object definition for a set of list columns. List Column. A list column object definition corresponds to one column in the scrolling list table in a list applet, and to one field in the business component. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview 72 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
Web Template, Applet Web Template, View Web Template. Identify external HTML (or other markup language) files that define the layout and Siebel Web Engine interactions for an applet or view. Applet Web Template Item. Defines a control, list item, or special Web control in the Web implementation of an applet.
View Web Template Item. Defines the inclusion of an applet in the Web implementation of a view.
Physical UI Layer
The physical user interface (UI) consists of the physical files, templates, Siebel tags, style sheets, and other file-based metadata that control the layout (as opposed to the content) of the user interface (for example, CSS, SWF, and GIF files). The Applet Web Template, Applet Web Template Item, View Web Template, View Web Template Item objects are part of the logical UI layer; their object definitions are stored in the Siebel repository. Examples of physical UI objects are: Templates files. A Siebel template is a special kind of HTML file that defines the layout and formatting of elements of the user interface (such as views, applets, and controls). It provides this layout information to the Siebel Web Engine when rendering Siebel objects in the repository to HTML files. The layout and style of HTML Web pages is dynamic, which allows simultaneous support for multiple browser types and versions (for example, Internet Explorer or Netscape). This is accomplished through the conditional branching in Web templates. Tags. Siebel tags are special tags you insert into template files. They specify how Siebel objects defined in the repository should be laid out and formatted in the final HTML page in the users Web browser. The process of configuring a Web application separates the layout and formatting from the application definition and binding to data. You use Siebel tags to map objects into a HTML physical layout. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 73 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Application Architecture Overview
CSS. Siebel Cascading Style Sheets are external style sheet documents (of type text/CSS) to define how HTML or XML elements and their contents should appear in a Web document. CSS provide rules for resolving conflicts in HTML or XML These rules consist of two main parts: a selector and a declaration. The declaration has two parts: property and value.
Operating Architecture Overview 74 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
The client-server architecture of the standard HTML client is illustrated in Figure 11. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview
Siebel applications are implemented on one or more servers using three major components: the object manager, the Siebel Web Engine, and the data manager: These components are described as follows: Object Manager. The object manager hosts a Siebel application, providing the central processing for HTTP transactions, database data, and metadata (object definitions in the repository that are relevant to the current state of the Siebel application). The Siebel Web Engine and data manager operate as facilities inside the object manager. Object definitions at all three levels of the object layer hierarchyWeb interface
definitions, business object definitions, and data object definitionsare processed in the object manager. However, in terms of the runtime objects based on the object definitions, only the business object layer objects (business object, business component, and so on) are instantiated there directly. Web interface objects are instantiated in the Siebel Web Engine, and data objects are instantiated in the data manager. The object manager also implements the mechanism by which the Web interface objects receive notification of various state changes of the business component. Siebel Web Engine. This is also called SWE. The user interface in Siebel applications is generated as HTML pages on the server, and is passed to an unmodified Web browser through HTTP. The Siebel Web Engine (in combination with the Siebel plug-in on the Web server) makes possible the deployment of these applications. A Web browser client (or other Siebel client) interacts with the server-based object manager through the Siebel Web Engine, providing the means for the user to view and edit data. SWE retrieves and updates data by interfacing with the object manager. A notification mechanism between SWE and the object manager is used so that when one applet modifies data in any business component, all other applets are notified immediately so that they can update their data on the screen. Data Manager. The data manager is a facility inside the object manager that issues SQL queries in response to object manager requests, and passes back database result sets to the object manager. The data manager is composed of one connector DLL for each type of database connection supported by the system. The object manager dynamically loads the appropriate DLL based upon the required data source. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview 76 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
This section describes the Siebel Web Engine (SWE) architecture and functionality in greater detail. The Siebel Web Engine makes possible the deployment of applications in HTML and other markup languages. A Web browser client (or other Siebel client) interacts with the server-based object manager through the Siebel Web Engine, as shown in Figure 13 on page 82. In the Siebel architecture, no components are hosted on the client. The client interacts through a Web browser. The user accesses a specified URL that navigates to a Web-server hosted application. This Web server application is, in turn, supplied with HTML (or equivalent) pages generated by the Siebel Web Engine service in the object manager. The Siebel Web Engine consists of components on two servers the Siebel Plug-In (also called Siebel Web Extension) on the Web server, and the Siebel Web Engine service in the object manager on the Siebel server. A Siebel plug-in (for Microsoft Web server software) runs on the Web server, and interfaces with the Siebel Web Engine service in the object manager. Most of the work takes place in the Siebel Web Engine (SWE); the Web server plug-in mostly maintains the session and functions as a communication intermediary. Network communication between the Web server plug-in and the object manager is through SISNAPI, a TCP/IP-based Siebel Communication protocol that provides a security and compression mechanism. The Siebel Web Engine runs as an object manager service called the Web Engine Interface Service. This service implements most components of the Siebel Web Engine, deploying an interface between the Siebel plug-in on the Web server and the object manager. From the perspective of the Siebel plug-in, the SWE interface service provides processing for incoming HTTP requests bearing the SWE prefix, and generates HTTP responses. From the object manager's perspective, it provides
a user interface in its OM interactions. Applets and views are made available to the Web by associating a set of HTML templates, which is done using Siebel Tools. At run time, when an applet needs to be rendered, the SWE obtains the information defining the applet, the appropriate data for the various the applet controls or list columns, and the HTML template; it then combines them to generate the final Web page that is then sent to the browser. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 77 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview
Applet Web templates are defined and laid out in Siebel Tools using the Applet Web Template and Applet Web Template Item object types and the Web Applet Designer. View Web templates are defined using the View Web Template and View Web Template Item object types.
Users of a Web application interact with the application through their Web browsers. The interface they see is a set of Web pages dynamically generated by Siebel Web Engine by matching the repository definition of the application with the templates customized by the Web application developer. The diagram in Figure 12 provides a graphical depiction of the relationships between the various objects in a Web application.
When a user interacts with the Web application (by clicking a button or hyperlink in a browser window), the Siebel Web Engine does the following: 1 Reads the repository definition of the application. 2 Retrieves relevant data from the database through the Application Object Manager.
Figure 12. Relationship Between Objects in a Web Application
Operating Architecture Overview 78 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
3 Retrieves the repository object definition of the view and applet to display the data within it. 4 Reads the .SWT file and maps the retrieved data and applet and view information to the corresponding placeholders in the .SWT file. 5 Delivers the HTML page (including the standard HTML and the retrieved data) through the Web Server, back to the users browser for display as a Web page.
High Interactivity
Siebel applications have additional features and functionality that are referred to collectively as high interactivity. High interactivity allows application developers to use scripting to simulate Windows client behavior in the Web environment. High interactivity is supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 5.5 and higher versions. Employee applications can use it. Customer and partner applications can use only standard interactivity because they can be accessed by different kinds of browsers that cannot be controlled by the customer company deploying the application. Standard interactivity is supported on IE 5.0 and higher browsers and Netscape 4.7 and higher browsers. Table 3 shows which browsers and applets support high interactivity.
Table 3. Support for High Interactivty
When Used by Standard Interactivty High Interactivity IE 5.5 and 6.0 Works Works IE 5.0, Netscape 4.7 and higher Works Does not work Applets based on specialized classes
Works Works, but might put the view into standard interactivity if the applet is based on a specialized class that does not support high interactivity
error. High interactivity is automatically switched on when the HighInteractivity attribute in the application configuration (.cfg) file is set to TRUE. To perform this operation, the browser used to access the application must support a certain set of capabilities, including support for JavaScript and Java applets or ActiveX. Employee applications use high interactivity by default. NOTE: Standard interactivity is available for employee applications. In this mode, all interaction between the browser and the SWE is performed using the familiar HTTP request/page-refresh mechanism. This is the default for customer applications. High interactivity provides the following features: Increased interactivity In-place data updates (no page refresh) for parent-child notifications, row and record set navigation, dependent picklists, calculated fields, totals, and so on Graphical UI elements Menus, toolbars, designers, and others Application- and applet-level menus
Standard interactivity applet Works Works, but might put the view into standard interactivity if the applet is based on a specialized class that does not support high interactivity High interactivity applet Works, but might require that one or more applet Web templates be added through Siebel Tools for supporting Edit, Query and New record operations Works
Interactive editors (flowchart designers) OrgCharts Expression Builder Server push to browser CTI toolbar and screen pop Extensibility and integration platform Siebel event scripting in the browser Inbound COM integration Improved performance and network utilization Implement frequently used subset of server-side logic on browser Perform validation using Datums Allow less data per round trip after initial data download The HighInteractivity attribute should be set to TRUE for all employee applications. This includes: Siebel Sales
Objects representing the applet, business component, business services, and application objects live in the browser address space as JavaScript objects, and provide communication with the server. These object types are the same object type instantiated within the browser: browser applet, browser buscomp, browser business service and browser application. Initially, these pass through to the SWE, but can become more sophisticated and provide caching and other local processing. You can script instances of browser applets, browser buscomps, browser business services, and browser applications. Browser Applet. Provides a framework for communication and interaction between applet controls and for specialization by the applications groups. Browser Buscomp. Provides the same framework for business component-level interactions. Immediate notifications are a characteristic of the browser buscomp that allows the browser applets to update their state immediately as values change in the underlying business component (due to parent/child views, calculated values, and specialized behavior.) Browser Business Service. Provides a set of methods from customer-defined browser-side scripts, through the invoke-method mechanism. Business services can be reused. Browser Application. Provides the application-level framework. Methods that are not business component-specific can be accessed here as well as invoke methods on the server. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview 82 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
In the diagram in Figure 13, the different boxes represent different components or different parts of the application. Specialized business component logic is shared among all platforms; specialized Web applet logic is shared between all HTML clients; and browser logic is the only part that is browser specific. These browser-side JavaScript objects are maintained in sync with their server-side counterparts, so that changes on the browser or server objects are reflected in their corresponding objects. Application processing is performed among the browser-side objects. Using remote procedure call protocol, the server is activated when data or new layouts are required from the server. The server can also initiate actions on the browser, using the notifications protocol.
A page refresh is expected only when there is a layout change. If you see a page refresh and the page layout has not changed, then it needs to be researched further. There are some exceptions as noted below. NOTE: High interactivity is not supported in customer applications. High interactivity is enabled through two methods: Updating the application configuration (.cfg) file Applet class definitions A view is a high interactivity view when the underlying classes of all the applets in the view have the High Interactivity Enabled property set to 2, 3, 4, or 5. The possible values for the High Interactivity Enabled property are summarized in Table 4. NOTE: You cannot configure the High Interactivity Enabled property. To enable high interactivity in the application configuration file 1 Verify that the application is an employee application. 2 Open the application configuration (.cfg) file.
Table 4. High Interactivity Enabled Property Values
Value Works with High Interactivity Works with Standard Interactivity Cachable 1 No Yes No 2 Yes No Yes 3 Yes No No 4 Yes Yes Yes 5 Yes Yes No
Operating Architecture Overview 84 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
3 In the SWE section in the .cfg file, add the parameter HighInteractivity with value = TRUE:
[SWE] HighInteractivity=TRUE
4 Save and close the .cfg file. NOTE: When running an application with HighInteractivity=TRUE, the Web framework attempts to show views in high interactivity only if every applet contained in the view supports this. Otherwise, the view will be displayed in standard interactivity. To test whether a view uses high interactivity 1 In the application, navigate through multiple records. 2 Note whether the page refreshes completely with each record, or whether the data simply changes through DOM-based update. 3 In Siebel Tools, check that the view and the applets it contains are correctly configured. Views that have applets supporting high interactivity are shown in standard interactivity under certain conditions: One of the applets is in the Query mode. Because high interactivity implicitly supports query operations from the user interface, it does not support the explicit use of the Query mode. One of the applets is in the New mode and uses a New template that is different from the Edit template used in its default mode. This can be avoided by inactivating New templates associated with the applets used in high interactivity applications. The framework will then
default to using the Edit template itself to create new records. One of the list applets has multi-row edits or multi-row select enabled. One of the list applets is a hierarchical list applet. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 85 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview
The view uses a template that shows applets in a catalog-style layout. None of the employee applications should be using this layout. A combo box picklist uses Long Lists or has an associated pick applet. For example, if you perform an action from a high interactivity applet that causes a pick applet to be displayed, the pick applet will not be in high interactivity.
View layout caching (also referred to as layout caching or view caching) speeds up the rendering of views by caching the following on a browser: The static HTML (from the templates) used for interpreting the view The dynamic HTML generated on the client for rendering controls View layout caching creates multiple HTML frames on a browser to store the layout for a view. The number of these frames will equal the view cache size. When displaying a view, the HTML frame containing the layout for that view will be sized to occupy all (100%) of the available screen space while the other frames will be hidden (sized to occupy 0%). If you navigate to a view whose layout is already available in the view cache, the HTML frame containing that view will be made visible and the currently visible frame will be hidden. If a views layout is not available, one of the available HTML frames will be used to load the layout of the view from the server. In each case, the JavaScript objects for the view (for example, the view, applets or business components) and the data will always be retrieved from the server. The view cache is implemented as an LRU cache. The cache contains the layouts of views that you have visited (and that are available for view caching). When the view cache is full, the first view you visited is removed from the cache. The size of the view cache is controlled by a user preference, described in the following procedure. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview 86 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5
To set the size of the view cache 1 From the application-level menu, choose View > Site Map > User Preferences > Behavior. 2 In the View Cache Size field, select a value from the drop-down list. The default value for this field is 10. Setting this field to 1 will turn off view caching. Setting this field to greater than 10 can cause some degradation in performance. Setting this field to 20 will produce times which are approximately the same as when there is no view caching.
All views are not available for layout caching. Views that contain applets which have dynamic layouts or controls that are data dependent can not be cached. Since layout caching is a feature of the C++ class that implements an applet, the ability to be cached is listed in the repository as an attribute of the class object. You can perform a query on the High Interactivity field of a class object to determine the value of the class object and whether or not it is available for layout caching. Table 5 lists these values and their definitions. In order for a view to be available for caching, all of the applets in the view must have class objects with values of 2 or 4 (available for caching).
NOTE: Only applets that support high interactivity are available for view layout
The framework for view caching (the loading of the view cache HTML frames) is performed only when a user navigates from a startup view (for example, the Home Page view) to another view. So, in order to cache a startup view, you need to visit the startup view twice (the startup view must also be a high interactivity view in order to be available for caching). The view caching framework is designed so that if the frames containing cached views are deleted (for example, by performing a browser refresh, which reloads the application and removes any previously cached views) the framework begins reloading the layout cache starting with the next available view. If you are running an application and want to determine if a particular view is being cached, go to the view and change the predefined query (PDQ) for the view. If the view is not being cached, the entire view will be refreshed. If the view is being cached, only the data in the view will change. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
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To further simplify integration, Siebel Applications provide a Java/XML Framework designed to receive XML requests sent by Siebel over HTTP or MQSeries. The Java/ XML Framework provides a uniform way to receive and process Siebel Applications requests within J2EE environment. Requests initiated from within Siebel Applications are transmitted to the appropriate J2EE Application Server using Siebel's eAI integration infrastructure. The Java/XML Framework consists of a Servlet to receive HTTP requests and an MQSeries Base Server designed to retrieve messages from an MQSeries queue. When implementing the Java/XML Framework, you will need to implement a single interface (ProcessRequest) responsible for understanding the contents of the incoming request and dispatching it to the appropriate Java component. NOTE: The Java/XML Framework may be used only to receive XML requests from the Siebel programs. This code may be extended solely for use in object code form and solely for the purpose of integrating the Siebel programs with non-Siebel applications; however, any modification or extension of this code is outside of the scope of Maintenance Services and will void all applicable warranties. Version 7.5 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition 89 Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Operating Architecture Overview
In addition to the Java/XML Framework described above, you can generate JavaBeans that represent Siebel Integration Objects or Business Services using the Siebel Code Generator Business Service. The JavaBeans generated by the Siebel Code Generator provide a strong interface for Integration Objects, Business Services, and their related components, allowing you to identify and use the Java code you need for your application. NOTE: The source code generated by the Siebel Code Generator Business Service may be used only in object code form and solely for the purpose of integrating the Siebel programs with non-Siebel applications. Any modification or extension of code generated by the Siebel Code Generator Business Service is outside of the scope of Maintenance Services and will void all applicable warranties. For additional information regarding the Java/XML Framework and the Siebel Code Generator Business Service (Java Wizard), please refer to Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III, MidMarket Edition. Siebel Architecture (Basic Concepts)
Siebel Architecture Summary and Where to Get More Information 90 Siebel Tools Reference MidMarket Edition Version 7.5