2 Shrimp Specialists Inc V Fuji
2 Shrimp Specialists Inc V Fuji
2 Shrimp Specialists Inc V Fuji
1. SSI and Fuji entered into a Distributorship Agreement, under which Fuji
agreed to supply prawn feeds to SSI.
2. As payment, SSI issued postdated checks to SSI but thereafter issued a
stop payment order because it discovered that earlier deliveries were
contaminated with aflatoxin.
3. Fuji’s Vice President and SSI’s Finance Officer met and agreed that SSI
would issue another set of checks to cover the ones earlier issued and that
Fuji would replace the feeds.
4. Upon presentment of the replacement checks, however, they were again
dishonored due to another stop payment order issued by SSI.
5. SSI contends that it was constrained to issue such order for failure of Fuji to
replace the defective feeds.
6. Criminal charges (BP 22) were filed against the SSI officers who signed the
7. RTC found the officers solidarily liable; CA modified, absolving SSI’s
President from liability
WON the President of SSI may be held solidarily liable in this case- NO