Leadership, Management & Entrepreneurship in The 21 Century
Leadership, Management & Entrepreneurship in The 21 Century
Leadership, Management & Entrepreneurship in The 21 Century
By Leadapreneur 21st Century Leaders@leadapreaneur.com - ertified by the institute of
leadership and management(ilm),london, uk
Section 1 - Introducing the core principles of 21st Century leadership
1. Leadership is a skill that can be learned by anyone. Nobody knows how to drive, cook or build a
house when they are born; these are skills that are learned over time. In the same way, leadership is
a skill that you learn, not something that you are born with.
2. Leadership is relevant in all areas of Human activity, from family to community to business, politics
and education. If there are people who need to work together to achieve a common goal and cope
with challenging change then leaders are needed. One of the key challenges of today is the way that
leaders lead needs to change. Leaders need to move away from the traditional ideas of
reductionism, linear processes and hierarchy and move towards systems thinking, coping with
uncertainty and using networks to organize people.
3. 21st Century leaders can sustain the creation of excellent outcomes and influence people to cope
with complex change. 21st Century leaders succeed by ensuring their team or organizations can
effectively optimize, innovate and adapt in the complex and changing world.
4. Above all, leaders make effective decisions. Wisdom is the ability to make effective long-term
decisions; wise leaders can select the right behaviours to achieve the right outcomes. As a leader,
the way you build wisdom is by constantly asking why, a practical way of building this skill is to ask
why? 5 times for any situation you encounter. You will rapidly see that this approach significantly
improves your awareness and understanding of the overall situation.
5. 21st Century leaders are important as they can lead our communities, countries, cultures, cities
and companies to cope with todays accelerating complexity, uncertainty and volatility. create the
innovation, sustainable growth and positive impact that are needed to succeed in the modern world.
Further, the scarcest resource on the planet today is not oil, water or gold, it is highly effective
21st Century leaders. According to a 2012 PwC study, only 30% of CEOs believe they can get the
leadership talent they need for their organizations to succeed. Investing in your ability to lead by
mastering the 21 principles and actively practicing them in your environment is a powerful way of
improving your future prospects!
Introduction to leadership
1. Write an example of when you were a leader (remember you dont have to be the formal leader to
be leading the situation, leadership is about taking responsibility, describing what should be and
exerting influence to achieve it, not job titles!)
2. Who is the most influential leader in your life? Who do you admire and respect?
1. Adapt to change?
2. Optimise performance?
3. Innovate new solutions?
3. How wise do you think you are? How wise do you need to be to be an effective leader?
1. Responsibility is the first step for successful leadership. Taking responsibility empowers you to
take control of a situation and influence people to achieve your desired outcomes. To do this, you
need to have a high locus of internal control. However, be careful to respect the fact that you cannot
control everything; you dont want to become a control freak who is terrified of losing control of a
situation. Wise leaders recognise that they cannot (and should not!) control everything; instead they
focus on influencing the things that really matter. It is wisdom to understand that
b. Of the battles that do matter there are many that you cannot win
c. Success comes from focusing your scarce time, energy and resources on winning the battles you
can win and must win
In short, work to create a healthy, positive balance between the internal and external loci of control.
2. The next step is to describe what the ideal situation is for the thing that you are taking
responsibility for. For example, if you are leading a sales team, how should the sales team behave
in a perfect world? What would it be doing and achieving? What wold it not be doing? Here it is
crucial to recognise the difference between goals and vision. The vision describes how things should
*be*, what reality is like and how things should be behaving over time, whereas goals describe what
must be achieved in order to make the vision a reality. To use a metaphor, the vision is the way you
want to live your life e.g. the balance of work and play, the way you want to feel, the way you want to
behave, the lifestyle you want to lead etc. whereas your life goals are the things you need to achieve
and have in order to make that desired lifestyle a reality. In the same way, the leader describes what
the teams reality should be and then enables their team to achieve the necessary goals to build that
3. Language is very important for leaders, especially when discussing vision. The key word when
creating and describing vision is should; what should a better world look like? What should we be
creating and achieving? What should our reality be like? Describing what the world should be like is
difficult, it requires us to challenge everything we know and focus on the ideal. That is why visioning
i.e. creating a vision is a key task in leadership, any leader must work hard and continuously to
create a powerful and attractive vision that their people can believe in. It is important to recognise
that a vision is always lived and worked on, you do not create the vision first, then try to build it and
in doing so forget about the vision. You are defined by the challenges you take on, it is important that
you are continuously connected to your vision and that it continues to define you in a positive way.
4. The belief in a vision is what provides the energy and motivation to work with others to achieve
goals and create the desired reality. Leaders generate an authentic sense of purpose in people by
influencing them to take responsibility and believe in the vision. By describing the difference between
where we are today (present reality) and where we could/should be tomorrow (vision and goals),
leaders create a powerful creative tension. This creative tension is what we call sense of purpose; it
is the energy, will and motivation to achieve the vision. It is important to recognise that in
21st Century leadership, the leader cannot simply be the lone genius who creates a vision and tells
everyone else what they must work towards. Modern leaders are responsible for ensuring that all
stakeholders buy into the vision and this means inviting everyone to contribute to the vision not
simply accept what the leader says. In short, a 21st Century leader is responsible for ensuring a
vision is present, they dont have to create it by themselves.
5. To ensure an authentic sense of purpose the leader must ensure that the responsibility and vision
are aligned and that the way in which the vision is pursued is true to the values of the team or
organization. By combining these elements, the leader is able to nurture and grow the sense of
purpose in their people. It is important to recognise that people do not start with a powerful and clear
sense of purpose! It is the leaders task to create that sense of purpose. The leader is always
nurturing, protecting, aligning and focusing the sense of purpose in their people; as a leader you
should know the level of purpose that exists in every one of your key people and work to increase it.
By creating a powerful and authentic sense of purpose, you lay the foundation for creating high-
performing teams as your people are highly committed, engaged and motivated to succeed! L
1. To achieve goals and build a vision you need a team. The better your team the greater your ability
to achieve greater goals. The first step for building an effective team is to get the right people into
the right roles and the wrong people out of the team. If you cannot find the right people, then keep
searching! It is much better to be more patient and start with the right people than accepting people
who do not fit into your team and the vision.
2. As a leader, you are responsible for getting the wrong people to either change their behaviour or
get out of the team. We have seen too many teams suffer and fail because their leaders lacked the
courage to confront the bad apples in the team. You set the standards and you must also enforce
them. If someone is not acting appropriately, then talk with them and try to use your leadership skills
to get them to change their behaviour. If they will not/cannot change then you must remove them
from the team as rapidly as possible. It is important that you learn to master you fear of
confrontation. The best way to have difficult conversations and ask people to leave/remove the team
is to focus on performance; you could say this is a team that is expected to deliver certain results
and behave in certain ways and you are not meeting these standards so I need to ask you to leave
the team.
3. Use the right leadership model to match the environment you are in and the ability of you and your
team. You might be drawn to complexity leadership but it is important to recognise that it requires a
skilled leader working with a skilled team to be successful. It is ok to use the transactional leadership
style if that suits the people and the reality and allows you to achieve your goals. Make sure you
understand which leadership style is best for you and your team, why not discuss it with everyone?
4. Teams do not magically appear, they must be built over time. To improve the capability of your
team you must guide it through the forming, storming, norming and performing stages. This takes
time, usually a few months if not more, and itcannot be rushed. If you need quick results use a
group, otherwise be prepared for the journey your team must go on. Remember that it is likely that
it will have to go through form, storm, norm several times before the perform stage is reached.
Finally, it is healthy and important to allow the team to be in the storm phase. You must work to
ensure that the storm phase is used positively to improve trust and understanding by sharing brutal
facts, perspectives and opinions and guide the team to the norm stage. Teams will rarely move from
one phase to the other automatically, they must be actively guided by their leaders.
1. Get the right people into the right role (and the wrong people out)
2. Use the right leadership structure
3. Guide the team effectively through its phases
4. Ensure every team member feels a sense of responsibility for the teams success
5. Ensure every team member understands and believes in the vision
6. Nurture, protect and focus the sense of purpose in every team member and in the team as a
By doing these things you will have a passionate team that is on its way to high-performance.
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this will
help you develop and track your learning!
2. List 3 actions you have taken (i.e. things you have actually done) that clearly demonstrate how
you have taken responsibility for ensuring the success of the team.
3. Identify one action you can take today or tomorrow to demonstrate your ability to take
1. Clearly describe your vision in under 3 sentences including the core values that underpin the
vision e.g. prosperity, health, happiness etc.
2. Why do you think your vision is inspiring and engaging for you and for other people?
3. List 3 goals that need to be achieved to start making the vision a reality.
1. Does everyone in your team feel the same sense of responsibility for the teams success,
understand and believe in the vision and feel a powerful sense of purpose?
2. Describe how the sense of purpose makes you and your team members feel, focus on the
3. Identify 3 actions you could take right now to improve the sense of purpose in your team e.g.
clarify the vision, host a discussion of why we do what we do etc.
1. Enabling your team and organization to adapt to change and overcome challenges is an important
part of leadership. However, it is very easy to make assumptions that lead you to focus on solving
the wrong problem. Not only does this waste time, energy and resources it means your risk being
overwhelmed by the real issue that you have overlooked or ignored. Therefore, as the leader you
must make sure you and your team are perceiving the right problem (remember the example of the
plane and the bullet holes?)! For example, if you are leading a sales team, you might think that the
problem is that your sales people are unmotivated. However, the real problem might be that they are
selling a poor quality product that customers do not like. It is wise to force yourself to develop the
patience and discipline of really exploring a situation and problem before you do anything. Only by
perceiving the right problem can you make the right decision!
2. Every leader must have a strategy because it clearly described the path to victory. If you dont
understand how you will succeed, then you are very unlikely to succeed! There is an ancient
Chinese saying that a peasant must stand a long time on a hillside with his mouth open before a
roast duck flies in; the point is that to enjoy a roast duck one must work to achieve it. To ensure the
team achieves success, there must be a clear strategy that organises the way the team works and
the goals it must achieve to be successful. It is important to recognise that a strategy does not have
to be incredibly complicated; it just has to be clear and achievable. Always make sure that you and
your team have a viable strategy in place and that you are using it to succeed.
3. Strategising or creating strategy is the activity of comparing where we are now with where we
want to get to and then creating a plan of how we will achieve our vision and/or goal. 21st Century
leaders must open up the strategizing process, it is NOT simply the task of senior management to
create strategy simply because they do not know enough of what is going on in the environment
around them. Modern leaders invite trusted individuals from all levels of the hierarchy to participate
in creating strategy to ensure that there are a variety of perspectives in place and to try to minimise
the risk of group think.
4. Effective leaders are ethical leaders. It is important to remember that being ethical means that you
are able to distinguish between good and bad, right and wrong, positive and negative. Morality
focuses on what actually IS right and wrong. As a leader you need to decide what behaviours are
acceptable, what values to recognise and enforce etc. Leaders are constantly faced with difficult
decisions. What is certain is that the greater your willingness to avoid ethical decision making, or to
consistently make unethical decisions, the greater your difficulties will be in the future. Trust and
reputation are vital assets for effective leadership and if people do not trust you and you have a poor
reputation then people will not let themselves by influenced or led by you thereby significantly
inhibiting your leadership effectiveness. It doesnt matter if youre the boss, if people do not like or
trust you they will not follow you!
5. Leaders constantly have to make difficult decisions in very uncertain situations. How can they
make the right decision? Often, it is very unclear what the right decision is and this is when leaders
use their values to guide them through the uncertain situation. For example, if your core leadership
value is act with integrity, then you know you need to make decisions and take actions that are
aligned with acting with integrity. Your values provide a framework that acts as an island of stability
in the maelstrom of complex chaos. If you dont know what to do, do what is right according to your
2. What is causing this? Explain the causation from 3 different perspectives e.g. your perspective,
one of your team member's and someone you see to be causing the problem.
3. What assumptions have you made? How are these affecting the way you perceive the problem?
Effective strategy
2. Describe a time you have walked the golden path, what happened?
3. Describe a time you experienced an unethical decision, what were the consequences?
1. Performance is driven by action. Assuming that you have perceived the right problem and built an
ethical and effective strategy, how can get your people to actually deliver excellent results? As a
leader you should always expect the very best of your people, do not accept half-assed work and
effort. Why? Because it is by pursuing excellence that you and your team become excellent. This
commitment to excellent execution enables you get the very best out of your team; Steve Jobs was
so successful and admired not because he was nice (he often wasnt), but because he could get the
very best out of his people and teams. If you want to get great performance, make sure your hold
yourself and your team to the highest standards and set the expectation that all work should be done
to high standards. However, this does not mean obsessing about every minor detail. The world
moves quickly and you and your team need to keep up. Instead of trying to make everything perfect,
it is better to create things that are good enough and rapidly build on them to achieve better things.
For example, instead of building a perfect iPhone prototype, it is better to rapidly build many different
prototypes and keep building prototypes until the best version has been achieved. You need to help
your team understand which areas to obsess over and which areas to move rapidly on.
2. One of the greatest obstacles to effective execution is uncertainty; people do not know or
understand what they should be doing. As a leader you must ensure that your teams are clear about
their tasks and goals, willing to achieve them andthat they have the necessary skills, resources and
support to actually perform the tasks. Remember that in a rapidly changing world you can never
assume that people know what they are doing, or that they are willing and able to do it. You must
constantly focus on these three areas to ensure that your team are able to perform at their maximum
capability. This activity of clarifying, motivating and enabling never ends you must always be doing
this! If you do this successfully, then you will see your team deliver fantastic results.
3. 21st Century leaders must develop their emotional intelligence (EI), without it you will struggle to
lead. Why? Because EI enables you to effectively work with and influence people. The greater your
EI the greater your ability to work with, influence and lead others. You must work hard to develop
your awareness of yourself and learn to discipline your thoughts and emotions. This does not mean
remove your emotions, it means to master them so that your emotions form a part of you rather than
controlling you. On the other hand, you need to learn how to see things from other peoples
perspectives and empathise with how they feel. Just because you understand someones
perspective does not mean you understand how they feel and how their emotions will cause them to
behave; you can see the perspective of a hungry man but it is another thing entirely to really
empathise with how the hungry man feels. Further, in our increasingly globalised world, emotional
intelligence is vital for understanding how people from different cultures think and feel so that you
can lead them effectively. Leading a team from India is very different to leading a team from Spain or
4. Master the 6 leadership styles and use the right style to fit the right situation. Do not be afraid of
using the commanding style but only use it when absolutely necessary. Beware of always using the
pacesetting style, overusing this style leads to exhaustion and extremely high stress levels which
lead to increased conflict, disruption and burn out. These might sound like soft problems but if your
team members all burn out, take sick leave, are unable to perform at the levels they need to and are
constantly arguing instead of working, then you will not have an effective team and you will not be
able to deliver great performance. Wise leaders understand that safeguarding the health of their
team is a priority because if it all goes wrong it is very expensive (in terms of time, money and effort)
to repair a broken team that was stuck in pacesetting mode for too long. Finally, make sure you
dont just use the style that you like best, you must be able to use all the styles to ensure you can
cope with all situations though you will typically only regularly use a few of the styles.
5. You get what you measure. Work with your team to create intelligent metrics that measure the
right things, be careful of measuring things and rating performance for things that dont actually
matter e.g. measuring sales meetings when what actually matters is sales achieved! Focus on using
a few key intelligent metrics and use them on a daily or weekly basis rather than creating 50 different
metrics that you never use. The metrics must be actively integrated into decision making; you need
to actually use the numbers your team is generating to make better decisions!
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this
will help you develop and track your learning!
Effective execution
1. How are you ensuring that your team regularly has the clarity it needs to be successful?
2. Go speak to your team members and create the Clear, Willing and Able grid with them. Use the
format as given in the example in the lecture.
1. Rate yourself low, medium or high in each of the 4 areas of self-discipline, self-awareness,
awareness of what other people think & feel and lastly the social relationships between people.
1. What areas of performance are you measuring, monitoring (regularly measuring and using to
make decisions) and incentivising?
3. In your team, describe which activities does your team spent the most on in terms of:
a. Time
b. Effort
c. Resources
1. The point of the plot section is to show advanced techniques, based on creating narratives, for
creating meaningful organizations and for improving unity and trust. Stories always start with the
sensemaking activity. 21st Century leaders need to the sensemaking skill because it allows them to
make sense of what is happening in the complex and uncertain situations they are confronted with.
Sensemaking is something that people and teams do naturally; we always talk about what
happened and thereby create our interpretations of complex events and situations. The key is to
become aware of this skill and to actively nurture it in the team. By becoming good at sensemaking,
you and your team can create better situational understanding and use that to make better decision!
2. The sensemaking activity creates an interpretation of the situation, this is what happened from
my/our perspective. We naturally combine these interpretations and organise them to form a story; a
meaningful description of what happened. However, the result of this is that many different stories
are created in a team or organization; which story should be trusted? Which story is right? Which is
the official version? It is clear that having too many stories that conflict with one another creates a
lack of trust and conflict. Leaders must work to create authentic master stories by skilfully weaving
the stories of the many individuals and smaller groups into one master story. This master story
provides a common reality because it provides a fair and believable description of what we are
doing and where we are going.
3. The master story is vital for increasing levels of trust and unity in the team. If people do not trust
each other then they are unwilling to work together and share information with each other. This
obviously reduces the performance of the team! Therefore, leaders use the master story as a
mechanism for creating trust within the team; it can do this because everyone is connected to the
master story. What matters it the master story is created in such a way that it is trusted and believed.
Traditionally this was done by senior management providing an official version of events and
everyone was expected to believe and trust in their version of events. However, the inherent
cynicism and lack of trust in authority that characterises the post-modern age means that this
approach is no longer viable. Instead, 21st Century leaders should invite their teams to create and
combine their own narratives; the leaders role shifts from creating the narrative to guiding its
emergence from the team and people. Since the people are creating the master story by
themselves, they are much more inclined to believe and trust in it. However, this approach requires
courage and the willingness to be really honest. People must be allowed to share their
disagreements and different perspectives must be allowed, it cannot become a pretend everything
is perfect or else PR exercise!
4. Culture is the single most important factor that determines long term performance. High-
performing teams and organizations sustain their excellence by creating a unique and positive
culture of excellence. However, culture is not determined by hanging inspiring pictures on walls, it is
determined by the rules (official or unofficial) that exist in the team and also how the people actually
behave. To create a positive culture, you need to create positive rules and ensure that the people
consistently behave in a positive manner. For example, the company Netflix has no company
holiday policy, it lets its people choose how much holiday they can take. For Netflix, this is a positive
rule because it encourages its people to behave in a responsible way and yet also respects their
employees. After all, if you trust someone enough to pay them $80,000 USD a year why wouldnt
you trust them to sort out their own holidays. We highly recommend you look at the Netflix
presentation on their company culture, you can find it by starting the lecture called Principle 17: How
to build a positive culture and clicking on the Culture external resource.
5. As the leader you are responsible for shaping the emergence of a positive culture because this
will improve the long term performance of the team and organisation. The problem is that as a leader
you cannot directly control culture, it emerges out of the way the people behave as shaped by the
rules of the organizational environment. However, leaders can exert a lot of control and influence
over the 5 repetitive Rs of culture; recognition, respect, reward, remember and ritual. By actively
intervening and shaping these repetitive activities leaders can start to build a positive culture e.g.
recognise positive actions, withhold respect from negative behaviours, reward brave and
courageous actions that are in line with the teams values etc. If you dont know how, then ask your
people; together you will be able to find a way forward the key it to start!
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this will
help you develop and track your learning!
1. What is sensemaking and why is it important? (If youre not sure, watch the video again and/or
ask questions using the Udemy interface!)
1. What are the most important stories in your team? E.g. you overcame a huge challenge ,or, you
are fighting against a big competitor.
2. What is your teams master story? (It should explain why are we here? What are we trying to do?
What is happening in our team right now? Why do we matter?) Is it authentic, believable and clear?
3. How effectively are you collecting, synthesising and spreading stories in your team and wider
community and/or organization?
2. List one example of a positive repetition in your team e.g. you provide fair rewards and bonuses
and a negative repetition e.g. the stories you tend to remember of what people did in the
organization all tend to have male characters as the leader/hero.
3. List 3 things you could do right now to improve the culture in your organization?
Section 7 - Power: Discover how to create and use power to achieve goals
1. Leaders must use power to ensure that their organization and team can exist, survive and thrive.
Leaders are powerful because they control and influence teams and organizations. By improving the
capability of the team a leader (and the team) become more powerful. To grow the team, and the
leaders power, it is necessary to increase the Purpose, Passionate People, Planning, Performance
and Plot in the team. By growing these elements, and how they interact with one another, synergies
can be created that unlock greater levels of power. For example, creating a stronger sense of
purpose in your team can lead to an increase in the performance of the team as the members are
more motivated and willing to work; this increases the power of the team.
2. Power must be protected and projected. We have covered some of the most important sources of
power for leaders, you must make sure that you protect your sources of power as losing them might
seriously undermine your ability to lead effectively. It is important to note there are many sources of
power and we have only listed a few otherwise the list would be endless! For example, you must
make sure you protect your reputation; if people undermine your reputation then you might not be
trusted to carry on leading people. On the other hand, power is increased by using it so you must
project your power and exert greater influence on the world and people around you to ensure that
you and your team can achieve your goals.
3. Developing power requires patience. Sometimes it is better to say nothing at all, other times it is
necessary to intervene quickly and decisively. Power is protected and projected by knowing when to
intervene and when to stay out of the situation. You can seriously undermine yourself by trying to
use your power to try to do things that other people, who are more powerful than you, do not want
you to do. Power is not a game because there is no save and re-load nor can you start again. It is
crucial to retain situational awareness and recognise how the balance of power currently exists and
how it is shifting. For example, at a macro level, global power balances are starting to shift to Asia
away from Europe due to the increasing development of the Asia region vs. the continued recession
in Europe.
4. 21st Century leaders need to be great at planning and performance but they need to be particularly
good at integration strategy and execution; they must straticute amidst a complex, uncertain and
rapidly-changing world. To maintain the power and capability of their team, leader must enable their
team to straticute by focusing on the cycle of straticution. The faster the team can makesense of
what is happening, make an effective decision, enact that decision and learn from its activities the
better it can respond to change and its consequences.
5. In order to effectively straticute, organizations and teams must change the way they behave.
Strategy must be co-created and regularly reviewed. Great attention must be given to growing social
capital so that the strategies can be effectively disseminated and embedded with the people. Instead
of telling everyone exactly what to do, leaders must ensure they have highly-competent people
(achieved by getting the right people (Principle 4) and developing Human capital (Principle 13)) and
create environments in which those capable people are empowered to self-organise themselves and
execute the plans amidst the swirling local reality. Finally, leaders must drive the team to
continuously engage in reflective and reflexive learning so that the team can upgrade its capabilities,
improve its ability to adapt to change and deliver better performance over time.
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this will
help you develop and track your learning!
1. How much power do you think you have and how do you use your power to improve the
performance of your team and/or organization?
2. Which area do you need to focus on to improve your level of power; purpose, passionate people,
planning, performance or plot?
3. List the 3 most powerful people you know personally and describe how you think they use their
power to be more successful.
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this will
help you develop and track your learning!
1. As a leader to rely more on hard power or soft power? Describe a time you used hard power to
achieve a goal and another time when you used soft power to achieve your goal.
2. What are your key power assets? (Remember, there are many more than we listed in the lecture,
we kept it concise as we cannot list everything!)
3. Which area do you need to improve to be better at straticution; co-creating strategy, improving
social capital, unlocking effective self-organization or driving team/organization learning? How will
you improve your chosen area?
This section is about self-assessment, there are no right answers. It is designed to develop your
learning by challenging you to think about how you can use this principle to become a better
21st Century leader. You should write your answers to the questions in your learning diary as this will
help you develop and track your learning!
1. What is the most important thing you have learned on this course?
2. List 3 behaviours that you will start performing to improve your leadership ability
3. How can you continue your journey of becoming a better 21st Century leader?
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Leadership is the skill of influencing people to work together to achieve better outcomes and cope
with challenging change.
2)Control. A leadapreneurs success depends on their ability to exert effective control, the greater
their level of control the greater the chance of success.
3)Responsibility. The first step to becoming a leadapreneur is to take responsibility for creating a
better outcome for a community of people; this responsibility must be nurtured & protected
throughout your journey.
4)Vision. Create a clear and compelling vision that inspires people to believe in something better.
5)Purpose. Mobilise people to build the vision by generating a powerful sense of purpose in them.
6)Right people. Build a team by getting the right people into the right role and the wrong people
out of the team firmly but fairly.
7)Decision making. Organise the team by clearly defining its decision-making structures.
9)Situational awareness. Build effective situational understanding by seeking out many diverse
11)Ethical decisions. Grow and protect the integrity of your organisation by making ethical
12)Empower people. Enable effective execution by ensuring your people are clear, willing and
able to perform their tasks.
13)Leadership style. Develop your emotional intelligence & use it to select the right leadership
style at the right time to get the right results.
16)Meaning. Weave together your organisations diverse stories to create an authentic and
meaningful organisational narrative.
17)Culture. Use reward and recognition to drive the emergence of a positive culture.
18)Survive & thrive. Work to acquire power and use it to ensure that you and your organisation
can exist, survive & thrive.
19)Project & protect. Develop hard and soft power assets and use them wisely to achieve your
20)Straticute. Success is achieved through the consistent integration of superior strategy and
effective execution.
Summary of Purpose
1. Responsibility is the first step for successful leadership. Taking responsibility empowers you to
take control of a situation and influence people to achieve your desired outcomes. To do this, you
need to have a high locus of internal control. However, be careful to respect the fact that you cannot
control everything; you dont want to become a control freak who is terrified of losing control of a
situation. Wise leaders recognise that they cannot (and should not!) control everything; instead they
focus on influencing the things that really matter. It is wisdom to understand that
b. Of the battles that do matter there are many that you cannot win
c. Success comes from focusing your scarce time, energy and resources on winning the battles you
can win and must win
In short, work to create a healthy, positive balance between the internal and external loci of control.
2. The next step is to describe what the ideal situation is for the thing that you are taking
responsibility for. For example, if you are leading a sales team, how should the sales team behave
in a perfect world? What would it be doing and achieving? What wold it not be doing? Here it is
crucial to recognise the difference between goals and vision. The vision describes how things should
*be*, what reality is like and how things should be behaving over time, whereas goals describe what
must be achieved in order to make the vision a reality. To use a metaphor, the vision is the way you
want to live your life e.g. the balance of work and play, the way you want to feel, the way you want to
behave, the lifestyle you want to lead etc. whereas your life goals are the things you need to achieve
and have in order to make that desired lifestyle a reality. In the same way, the leader describes what
the teams reality should be and then enables their team to achieve the necessary goals to build that
3. Language is very important for leaders, especially when discussing vision. The key word when
creating and describing vision is should; what should a better world look like? What should we be
creating and achieving? What should our reality be like? Describing what the world should be like is
difficult, it requires us to challenge everything we know and focus on the ideal. That is why visioning
i.e. creating a vision is a key task in leadership, any leader must work hard and continuously to
create a powerful and attractive vision that their people can believe in. It is important to recognise
that a vision is always lived and worked on, you do not create the vision first, then try to build it and
in doing so forget about the vision. You are defined by the challenges you take on, it is important that
you are continuously connected to your vision and that it continues to define you in a positive way.
4. The belief in a vision is what provides the energy and motivation to work with others to achieve
goals and create the desired reality. Leaders generate an authentic sense of purpose in people by
influencing them to take responsibility and believe in the vision. By describing the difference between
where we are today (present reality) and where we could/should be tomorrow (vision and goals),
leaders create a powerful creative tension. This creative tension is what we call sense of purpose; it
is the energy, will and motivation to achieve the vision. It is important to recognise that in
21st Century leadership, the leader cannot simply be the lone genius who creates a vision and tells
everyone else what they must work towards. Modern leaders are responsible for ensuring that all
stakeholders buy into the vision and this means inviting everyone to contribute to the vision not
simply accept what the leader says. In short, a 21st Century leader is responsible for ensuring a
vision is present, they dont have to create it by themselves.
5. To ensure an authentic sense of purpose the leader must ensure that the responsibility and vision
are aligned and that the way in which the vision is pursued is true to the values of the team or
organization. By combining these elements, the leader is able to nurture and grow the sense of
purpose in their people. It is important to recognise that people do not start with a powerful and clear
sense of purpose! It is the leaders task to create that sense of purpose. The leader is always
nurturing, protecting, aligning and focusing the sense of purpose in their people; as a leader you
should know the level of purpose that exists in every one of your key people and work to increase it.
By creating a powerful and authentic sense of purpose, you lay the foundation for creating high-
performing teams as your people are highly committed, engaged and motivated to succeed!