Measurement of Overall Power Loss For Different Three Phase 100kVA Transformer Core Material
Measurement of Overall Power Loss For Different Three Phase 100kVA Transformer Core Material
Measurement of Overall Power Loss For Different Three Phase 100kVA Transformer Core Material
The transformer is designed to transfer electrical energy
from one alternating current (ac) system voltage to another
with a high efficiency. This performance characteristic is
achieved through a combination of the special dimensions of
the transformer and the material that been used in fabrication,
the clamping arrangement also influences the dynamic
behavior of a core. Accurate mechanical modeling of the core
structure is important for a proper description of its dynamic
Figure 1. Arrangement of the sheets in a mitred overlap corner joint (only two
behavior [1]. layers considered).
For reducing the loss of transformer cores, low loss
silicon steels are increasingly demanded. The improvement of
the magnetic properties of silicon steels have been achieved
mainly by better orientation, such as high-permeability
oriented steel [2]. CRGO is most important soft magnetic
material in use today. This material are iron-silicon alloys with
usually has a silicon level of 3% that provides low core loss
and high permeability needed for more efficient and
economical electrical transformer. The physical properties of
CRGO include resistivity, saturation induction, significance in
order to find which material of the core that produces high
B. Measuring Techniques
The diagram of the measuring circuit including the
equipment used to energize the three phase transformer cores
is shown in Fig. 6. The input voltage of the transformer can be
obtained by the calculation of the input voltage as shown in
Fig. 5 shows power analyzer that has been used to obtain III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
the power loss. The total power loss is the algebraic sum of the Electrical steels are marked in terms of power loss
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staggered yoke and limb. Fig. 7 shows the alteration of overall [6] Daut, I and Moses, A.J., “Some Effects Of Core Building On Localised
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Assembled From Powercore Strip”, IEEE Trans. On Mag., Vol. MAG-
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during operation mode flux density, 1.5T is 0.976 W/Kg and [7] Beckley P., Electrical Steels for rotating machines, The Institution of
1.060W/Kg. Electrical Engineers, 2002.
[1] A.M.A Haidar, S. Taib, I. Daut and S. Uthman, “Evaluation of
Transformer Magnetizing Core Loss,”Journal of Applied Science, pp
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[2] S. Wada, T. Yagisawa and N. Asai, “Building Factors of Transformer
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pp 403-405, 1989.