2013 GALLINABENASC CAEConference2013
2013 GALLINABENASC CAEConference2013
2013 GALLINABENASC CAEConference2013
The concept of “energy harvesting” is to design smart systems to capture the ambient energy and to convert it to
usable electrical power to supply small electronics devices and sensors. The goal is to develop autonomous and
self-powered devices that do not need any replacement of traditional electrochemical batteries. Piezoelectric
devices are commonly used, due to their high conversion efficiency and easy of manufacture. The purpose of
this paper is to numerically analyze the electromechanical response of piezoelectric bimorphs subjected to
vibrations. The bimorph is made up of two layers of piezoelectric material glued on a stainless steel shim, which
form a cantilever beam with a tip mass that has the capability to convert the mechanical bending strain within
the piezoelectric layers into electric charges on its external surface The strategy here used to increase the
average mechanical strain, and hence the generated power output, is to modify the geometry of rectangular
piezoelectric beam, which is traditionally used in applications. Optimized configurations with trapezoidal shapes
(direct and reversed), with either constant width or constant volume, have been proposed and numerically
analyzed. A detailed 3D finite element model is used to evaluate and to compare the electromechanical response
of the proposed optimized bimorphs, in terms of resonant frequency, harmonic transfer function, output voltage
and power. The electromechanical vibration response has been studied with a modal analysis and a harmonic
coupled simulation with imposed base acceleration. The obtained results confirm an increment in the electric
performance of the proposed optimized bimorphs, with a net increase in specific volumetric power compared to
the traditional rectangular configuration.
Energy harvesting, piezoelectric material, vibrations, FEM
Among the available energy sources (solar, heat, electromagnetic, vibrations) and transduction mechanisms,
great attention has been focused on vibrational energy harvesting with piezoelectric materials, due to their
excellent electromechanical coupling, high conversion efficiency and favorable frequency response. In this
paper, piezoelectric energy harvesters are considered like bimorph cantilevers structures that transduce ambient
vibrations energy to electrical energy for supply connected devices (e.g. sensors, RF transmitters), especially
when batteries replacement could be unfeasible.
International CAE Conference 2013 21-22 Oct. 2013
The standard layout of the bimorph is the rectangular shape (Fig.1a). The cantilever is exited at the fixed end at
a given frequency and loaded at the free end with a proof mass. Piezoelectric layers are surface bonded to the
metallic shim and poled for series operation. These structures are generally designed to vibrate at resonance [3].
With the purpose of electric charge collection, on the top and bottom of the device are deposed a nickel
electrodes (Fig.1b). In this paper, the dimensions of a single rectangular piezoelectric layer are: le=25 mm
length, w=14 mm width, tp=0.2 mm thickness. The metallic layer thickness is ts=0.1 mm.
Figure 1: a) Rectangular bimorph layout; b) Close view of bimorph through thickness arrangement;
c) Stress distributions along the bimorph length for rectangular and direct trapezoidal shapes.
In this paper, a modeling approach is proposed to impose a constant base acceleration to the vibrating bimorph
during the frequency sweep over a wide frequency range. The anisotropic mechanical (stiffness matrix) and
electrical (piezoelectric coupling, permittivity matrix) properties of the piezoelectric material, poled along the
direction transverse to bending, have also been characterized by suitable electromechanical constitutive
matrices. The value of the mechanical damping ratio, which represents a parameter that is generally difficult to
assess, is evaluated with reference to literature data. Coupled harmonic simulations have been carried out with a
wide set of electrical resistances connected to the piezoelectric bimorph, to investigate the electromechanical
response in a range of electrical loads ranging from closed to opened circuit conditions.
The strain in piezoelectric material produced by vibrations is converted into an electric charge distribution and
collected in the upper and lower electrodes. An external electric circuit made up of a pure resistive load is then
connected for electric power consumption. A resistance is not a realistic circuitry, but it is used for comparison
purposes. The design parameters and materials used in this paper for finite element analysis are given in (Tab.1).
Piezoelectric material PSI-5A4E (Piezo Systems, Inc.)
Shim material Stainless steel
Proof mass material Structural steel
Base acceleration 280 [mm/s2]
Resistance range 5 – 775 [kΩ]
Proof mass weight 7.46 [g]
Structural damping 0.02
Resonance frequency range 54.5-56 [Hz]
Table1: Design parameters and materials.
In this paper , the geometry of piezoelectric devices is designed to obtain the highest power extraction (Fig.1c).
In (Fig.2) are shown the top view drawings of the optimized bimorphs. These are designed so as to keep
constant the first natural frequency. Optimized geometries having either the same maximal width or the same
total volume of the piezoelectric material are compared. The performance of the bimorphs will depend on the
applied resistive load.
Figure 2: a) Rectangular; b-c)Trapezoidal direct and reversed at same total volume of PZT;
d-e) Trapezoidal direct and reversed at same maximal width.
International CAE Conference 2013 21-22 Oct. 2013
International CAE Conference 2013 21-22 Oct. 2013
The resulting power values versus the resistive load of the different bimorphs are shown in (Fig. 6a-b) in terms
of (µW) and (µW/mm3). For maximum power, the difference between the geometries is rather small. Instead, if
specific volumetric power is analyzed, the reduced geometries (trapezoidal direct and reversed at same maximal
width) shown a large increasing in performances. This analysis have not included the material strength limits,
that can be achieved near the clamped beam end.
Proposed geometries with equal maximum width compared to rectangular shape, allow considerable gains in the
achieved maximum specific volumetric power levels (µW/mm3). Best results are obtained with reversed
trapezoidal. In this case the only limiting factor is the piezoelectric material strength limit. Minor differences are
reached in the case of maximum power levels (µW). It can be noticed that resistance values associated to
maximum power levels of reduced geometries are larger than the others.
µW µW/mm3
Rectangular 5.57 0.039
Trapezoidal 5.58 0.039
Trapezoidal reversed 5.62 0.040
Reduced trapezoidal 5.45 0.062
Reduced trapezoidal reversed 5.29 0.091
Comparison of the maximum value of power
and specific volumetric power extracted.
[1] Baker J, Roundy S and Wright P: “Alternative geometries for increasing power density in vibration energy
scavenging for wireless sensors networks”. 3rd Int. En. Conv. Eng. Conf. AIAA, 2005, 5617.
[2] Goldschmidtboeing F, Woias P: “Characterization of different beam shapes for piezoelectric energy
harvesting”. J. Micromech Microeng, No. 18, 2008, 104013.
[3] Benasciutti D et al: “Vibration energy scavenging via piezoelectric bimorphs of optimized shapes”. J.
Microsyst. Tech., No. 16, 2010, pp. 657-668.