Adult I Final Examanswers
Adult I Final Examanswers
Adult I Final Examanswers
MCQs : Choose the best answer
2. The nurse should have a high suspicion for myoglobinuria with which type of burn injury?
a) Chemical burn
b) Tar burn
c) Electrical burn
d) Carbon monoxide poisoning
3. All of the following blood studies are consistent with a positive diagnosis of rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) except a(an):
a) positive C-reactive protein (CRP).
b) positive antinuclear antibody (ANA).
c) red blood cell count of _4.0 million/_L.
d) serum complement level (C3) of _130 mg/dL.
d) venous occlusion.
8. One differentiating factor between stable angina and unstable angina is that stable angina:
a) responds predictably well to vasodilators.
b) is not precipitated by activity.
c) has a low correlation to coronary artery disease.
d) is a result of coronary artery spasm.
9. Which of the following clinical manifestations is usually the first symptom of arterial
peripheral vascular disease?
a) Intermittent claudication
b) Thrombophlebitis
c) Pulmonary embolism
d) Cordlike veins
10. Diminished-to-absent breath sounds on the right side, tracheal deviation to the left side, and
asymmetrical chest movement are indicative of which of the following disorders?
a) Tension pneumothorax
b) Pneumonia
c) Pulmonary fibrosis
d) Atelectasis
12. The nurse knows that a patient is developing abdominal compartment syndrome when:
a) the pulmonary inspiratory pressures decrease.
b) the urine output increases.
c) the bladder pressure is over 40 mm Hg.
d) the patient has a widened pulse pressure.
13. Ms. X. is admitted to the intensive care unit after she developed disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC) following a vaginal delivery. DIC is known to occur in patients with
retained placental fragments. What is the result of DIC?
a) Hypersensitive response to an antigen, resulting in anaphylaxis
b) Depletion of clotting factors and excessive fibrinolysis, resulting in simultaneous
microvascular clotting and hemorrhage
c) Vasodilatation, resulting in hypotension
d) Septic shock, resulting in vasodilation and decreased perfusion
15. In progressive stage shock, clinical hypotension is present if the systematic blood pressure is:
a) 85 mm Hg.
b) 90 mm Hg.
c) 95 mm Hg.
d) 100 mm Hg.
16. A patient involved in a house fire is brought by ambulance to your emergency department.
He is breathing spontaneously but appears agitated. He does not respond appropriately to
questions. You assume he has inhaled carbon monoxide and is suffering from carbon
monoxide (CO) poisoning. Your first action is to:
a) ask the physician to order a STAT chest x-ray to rule out a pneumothorax.
b) apply a pulse oximeter to one of his unburned fingers.
c) call the local hyperbaric chamber to check on their availability.
d) administer 100% high-flow oxygen via a non-rebreather facemask.
17. Radiation therapy for the treatment of cancer is administered over several weeks to:
a) allow time for the patient to cope with the treatment
b) allow time for the repair of healthy tissue.
c) decrease the incidence of leukopenia and thrombocytopenia.
d) accomplish all of the above.
18. Which of the following signs and symptoms are indicative of disseminated intravascular
coagulopathy (DIC)?
a) Tachypnea and dyspnea
b) Tachycardia and hypotension
c) Elevated serum creatinine and CPK levels
d) Bleeding from invasive-line insertion sites and body orifices
19. The nurse should be alert for a complication of bronchiectasis that results from a combination
of retained secretions and obstruction that leads to the collapse of alveoli. This complication
is known as:
a) atelectasis.
b) emphysema.
c) pleurisy.
d) pneumonia.
20. Using the "rule of nines," calculate the percent of injury in an adult who was injured as
follows: the patient sustained partial and full-thickness burns to one-half of his left arm, his
entire left leg, and his perineum.
a) 33%
b) 23.5%
c) 45.5%
d) 16%
21. Realizing that chemotherapy can result in renal damage, the nurse should:
a) encourage fluid intake to dilute the urine.
b) take measures to acidify the urine and thus prevent uric acid crystallization.
c) withhold medication when the blood urea nitrogen level exceeds 20 mg/dL.
d) limit fluids to 1,000 mL daily to prevent accumulation of the drugs’ end products
after cell lysis.
24. Chest pain described as knifelike on inspiration would most likely be diagnostic of:
a) bacterial pneumonia.
b) bronchogenic carcinoma.
c) lung infarction.
d) pleurisy.
25. Health teaching for viral rhinitis (common cold) includes advising the patient to:
a) blow his or her nose gently to prevent spread of the infection.
b) blow through both nostrils to equalize the pressure.
c) rest, to promote overall comfort.
d) do all of the above.
26. Patient education for a laryngectomy includes:
a) advising that large amounts of mucus can be coughed up through the stoma.
b) cautioning about preventing water from entering the stoma.
c) telling the patient to expect a diminished sense of taste and smell.
d) doing all of the above.
27. What is the likely depth of injury in a patient with injuries described as moist, red, with some
blister formation, and very painful?
a) Superficial, first-degree burn
b) Partial-thickness, second-degree burn
c) Deep dermal partial-thickness, second-degree burn
d) Full-thickness, third-degree burn
28. A Mantoux skin test is considered not significant if the size of the induration is:
a) 0 to 4 mm.
b) 5 to 6 mm.
c) 7 to 8 mm.
d) 9 mm.
29. A 68-year-old patient is brought to the emergency department after a house fire. The patient
is now in the intensive care burn unit with a heart rate of 140 beats/minute, a urine output of
25 cc/hour, and clear lung sounds. The fluid resuscitation plan:
a) should continue as planned, everything looks good.
b) IV rate should be decreased and more narcotics given.
c) IV rate should be increased and fluid status closely watched.
d) should be switched to packed red blood cells.
30. Acute respiratory failure (ARF) occurs when oxygen tension (PaO2) falls to less than _____
mm Hg
(hypoxemia) and carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2) rises to greater than ______ mm Hg
a) 50 and 50
b) 60 and 60
c) 75 and 75
d) 80 and 80
32. Two diseases common to the etiology of COPD are:
a) asthma and atelectasis.
b) chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
c) pneumonia and pleurisy.
d) tuberculosis and pleural effusions.
33. Using the Parkland formula for fluid resuscitation and your knowledge of injury calculations
using the "rule of nines," calculate the estimated fluid requirements during the first 8 hours
for a 75-kg patient with the following injuries: full-thickness burns to the anterior chest,
perineum, and entire right leg.
a) 2,775 ml
b) 5,550 ml
c) 8,325 ml
d) 11,100 ml
34. Obstruction of the airway in the patient with asthma is caused by all of the following except:
a) thick mucus.
b) swelling of bronchial membranes.
c) destruction of the alveolar wall.
d) contraction of muscles surrounding the bronchi.
37. A nurse who suspects the presence of an abdominal aortic aneurysm should look for the
presence of:
a) a pulsatile abdominal mass.
b) low back pain.
c) lower abdominal pain.
d) all of the above.
d) renal insufficiency.
39. One of the most significant concerns for medical and nursing management of hypertension
a) complications from medications.
b) insufficient information.
c) noncompliance with recommended therapy.
d) uncontrolled dietary management.
40. Myeloid and lymphoid stem cells produce specific types of blood cells. The nurse knows,
when evaluating blood tests, that myeloid stem cells differentiate into all of the following
types of blood cells except:
a) erythrocytes.
b) leukocytes.
c) lymphocytes.
d) platelets.
41. The nurse begins to design a nutritional packet of information for a patient diagnosed with
iron deficiency anemia. The nurse would recommend an increased intake of:
a) fresh citrus fruits.
b) milk and cheese.
c) organ meats.
d) whole-grain breads.
42. A patient with chronic renal failure is being examined by the nurse practitioner for anemia.
The nurse knows to review the laboratory data for a decreased hemoglobin level, red blood
cell count, and:
a) decreased level of erythropoietin.
b) decreased total iron-binding capacity.
c) increased mean corpuscular volume.
d) increased reticulocyte count.
43. A nurse should know that a diagnosis of hemolytic anemia is associated with all of the
following except:
a) abnormality in the circulation of plasma.
b) decrease in the reticulocyte count.
c) defect in the erythrocyte.
d) elevated indirect bilirubin.
45. Multiple myeloma:
a) can be diagnosed by roentgenograms that show bone lesion destruction.
b) is a malignant disease of plasma cells that affects bone and soft tissue.
c) is suspected in any person who evidences albuminuria.
d) is associated with all of the above.
47. Bleeding and petechiae do not usually occur with thrombocytopenia until the platelet count
falls below 50,000/ mm3. The normal value for blood platelets is:
a) 50,000 to 100,000/mm3.
b) 100,000 to 150,000/mm3.
c) between 150,000 and 350,000/mm3.
d) greater than 350,000/mm3.
49. A characteristic cutaneous lesion, called the “butterfly rash,” appears across the bridge of the
nose in 50% of patients with:
a) gout.
b) rheumatoid arthritis.
c) systemic sclerosis.
d) systemic lupus erythematosus.
1. 21. 41.
2. 22. 42.
3. 23. 43.
4. 24. 44.
5. 25. 45.
6. 26. 46.
7. 27. 47.
8. 28. 48.
9. 29 49.
10. 30. 50.
11. 31.
12. 32.
13. 33.
14. 34.
15. 35.
16. 36.
17. 37.
18. 38.
19. 39.
20. 40.