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Energy and Exergy Analysis of Thermal Power Plant

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Research Article Volume 6 Issue No. 8

Energy and Exergy Analysis of Thermal Power Plant

V.Sat ish 1 , V.Dhana Raju 2
M.Tech Student1 , Sr. Assistant Professor2
Mechanical Engineering Depart ment
LBRCE, Mylavaram, India

Increasing demand of power has made keen interest of study to improve the efficiency of power plant. The energy assessment must
be made through the energy quantity as well as the quality. But the usual energy analysis evaluates the energy generally on its
quantity only. However, the exergy analysis assesses the energy on quantity as well as the quality. The aim of the exergy analysis
is to identify the magnitudes and the locations of real energy losses, in order to improve the existing systems, processes or
components. This project carried out energy and exergy analyses of a Vijayawada Thermal Power Plant (VTPS) in order to
evaluate the energetic and exergetic efficiencies and irreversib ilities of units, sections and the overall system. In this study exergy
analysis for different co mponents of a 210 MW thermal power p lant has been performed and the results show that the exergy
destruction is more in the Lo w Pressure Turbine. Exergetic efficiency is compared with the thermal efficiency. Co mparison of
energy and exergy loss where the useful energy is loss is identified and improve the efficiency of co mponent by making the
necessary arrangements to the system co mponents.

I. INTRODUCTION: Nomenclature

Given high energy cost and necessity to reduce it, as well as hSpecific enthalpy (J/kg)
environmental issues, optimized use of energy and energy
consumption management are very important. In fact, by sSpecific entropy (J/kg.K)
accurate thermodynamic analysis of thermal systems, we can
obtain results for planning and optimizing energy. For this I Exergy destruction rate (W)
purpose, we need data analysis instrument, which we may find
in two laws of thermodynamic. The first law deals with energy T Temperature (K)
analysis, and the second addresses irreversibility and exergy
(work potential). The first law points to the fact that total mMass flow rate (kg/s)
energy in a system is constant and it is only the quality of that
energy which is converted to another one, for examp le, W Work done rate or power done bythe system (W)
conversion of thermal energy to mechanical energy. An
instrument called exergy has been created analysis of energy P Pressure (Pa)
system based on first and second thermodynamic laws. Exergy
of a thermodynamic process shows efficiency or inefficiency XTotal energy rate (W)
of that process. Exergy provides us with a better
understanding of processes for qualifying energy. Therefore, it Q Heat transfer rate to the system (W)
would better to use exergy to locate, qualify and quantify
energy destruction. Exergy can play an important role in ηIIEfficiency
strategic development of power plants and provision of use
instructions in existing power plant. Additionally, to improve ψSpecific exergy (J/kg)
available power plants, an image of exergy destruction of
power plants’ components must be available, which requires eExit
exergy analysis of power plants. The energetic and exergetic
analysis will provide a complete picture to imp rove the plant iInlet

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2636 http://ijesc.org/

Fig.1 Thermal Power Plant


The purpose of deaerator is to remove o xygen and other
Boiler: Boiler is an enclosed vessel in which water is heated dissolved gases from the feed water. Because if at all if there
and circulated until the water gets converted into steam at the are any traces of oxygen and other dissolved gases there is
required pressure. In V.T.P.S water tube boilers are being serious effect of corrosion which will damage the wall of the
used. piping. Spray type deaerator is being used in V.T.P.S

Super-heater: Condenser:
The purpose of super heater is to heat the steam which is Steam co ming from the turbines enters the condenser. Shell
coming fro m the boiler dru m in order to reach the required and tube heat exchanger (or surface condenser)installed at the
superheated state before entering the turbine. outlet of steam turbine in Thermal power stations in general.
These condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam
Re-heater: fro m its gaseous to its liquid state, also known as phase
Steam fro m high pressure turbine is re-heated before entering transition. In so doing, the latent heat of steam is given out
to intermittent and low pressure turbines. inside the condenser. In V.T.P.S surface condenser is in use.
Flue gases coming out of the boiler carry lot of heat. Function Feed water Heaters:
of economizer is to recover some of the heat from the heat Feed water heaters are the heaters which are used in power
carried away in the flue gases up the chimney and utilize for plants to heat the feed water before entering into theboiler.
heating the feed water to the boiler. It is placed in the passage Working Cycles The fundamental forms of energy with which
of flue gases in between the exit fro m the boiler and the entry thermal stations are principally concerned are heat and work.
to the chimney. The use of economizer results in saving in Heat produces work and this work is further converted into
electrical energy through a med iu m .i.e. electrical generator.
coal consumption, and high boiler efficiency.
For the purpose of understanding of thermal plants, the
Turbi nes: phenomenon of thermodynamics vapor power cycles is
A turbine is a mechanical device which extracts energy from explained here under
flu id flo w and converts into useful work. In V.T.P.S Impu lse-
reaction turbine is used. There are 3 turbines namely High i. Rankine cycle
pressure turbine (HPT), Intermediate pressure turbine and ii. Regenerative cycle
Low p ressure turbine. The inlet to the HPT is steam coming iii. Reheat cycle
fro m Super heater with a temperature of 535 OC and pressure
128 bar. 1. RANKINE CYCLE: Th is is the simplest theoretical
vapour cycle, which is the basis for operation of a steam

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2637 http://ijesc.org/
plant. Super heated steam fro m the boiler is fed into the the usable work potential, or exergy supplied as the input to
prime mover (Turb ine)and is expanded there. After which the system under consideration has been consumed
it enters the condenser emerging as condensate. With the {irretrievably lost} by the process. The loss of exergy, or
help of a pu mp this condensate is again fed into the boiler. irreversibility, provides generally applicab le quantitative
measure of process inefficiency. Analysing multiply
2. REHEAT CYCLE: components plant indicates the total plant irreversibility
distribution among the plant components, pinpointing those
In its simp lest form the cycle involves with drawing the contributing most to overall plant inefficiency.
steam fro m the turbine at some intermediate s tage, returning it
to the steam generator where a separate super heater is Unlike the tradit ional criteria of performance, the concept of
provided in the gas path for resuper heating the steam after irreversibility is firmly based on the two main laws of
which it is reintroduced into the turbine at the following thermodynamics. The exergy balance for a control be derived
stage. It reduces the wetness of the steam at final stage and by combing the steady flow energy equation {First law} with
improves the efficiency of the cycle. the expression for the entropy production rate {second law}.
Although the second law is not used explicitly in the Exergy
3. REGEN ERATIVE CYCLE: method, its application to process analysis demonstrates the
practical imp licat ions of the second law. Thus studying
This cycle is an attempt to induce reversibility in the ordinary different forms of irreversibility and their effect on plant
Rankine cycle and thus to increase its efficiency. The mixing performance, gives a better and more useful understanding of
of cold condensate with the saturated steam and water mixture the second law than studying its statements and corollaries
in the boiler constitute the principal irreversible process of the
cycle and regeneration aimes at reducing this irreversibility by Mass, energy, and exergy balances for any control volume at
heating the feed water near to the saturation temperature steady state with negligible potential and kinetic energy
through the utilization of heat of steam which is partially changes can be expressed, respectively
expanded in the prime mover. Since the purpose is the thermal
regeneration of condensate the cycle is known as regenerative Specific exergy fo r boiler is given by
= (h-h o )-To (s-s o )........(1)

2.1 Energy the word energy derives from the Greek term Where ho, so, To represents the reference state point (standard
“energy” was used by THOMAS YOUNG in 1807. is a po int environment)
function and a property of the system possibly appears for the Total Exergy is given by Xo =mo
first time in the work of A the 4th century. Energy is defined
as the In the context of chemistry, energy is an attribute of a = mo [(h-h o )-To (s-s o )]..............(2)
substance as a consequence of its atomic, mo lecular or
aggregate structure. the specific physical exergy of the stream was evaluated from
the following equation
2.2 Exergy The German Eng ineer Rant first used the term
“exergy” in 1956. Exergy is a property and is associated with ei = ( h i -h o ) - To ( s i - s o ) = ∆h-To ∆s.........(3)
the state of the system and the environment. The maximu m
Exergy Destruction (i) =Exin – Exout- W----------------- (4)
amount of maximu m work that can be done from the source
for a engine.
Percentage Exergy Destruction = (Exergy destruction/Total
2.1 Need for Exergy: exergy destruction of the power cycle) * 100............ (5)

 In the last several decades, exergy analysis has begun Second law efficiency or Exergy efficiency is defined as the =
to be used for system optimizat ion. exergy output ÷exergy input................(6)

 By analyzing the exergy destroyed by each II. LAYOUT OF TURB INE EXTRACTION
component in a process, we can see where we should SYSTEM
be focusing our efforts to improve system efficiency.
The layout of the turbine and other thermal co mponents of
It can also be used to compare components or systems to help VTPS is shown in fig.2. Also, the operating states (pressure,
make informed design decisions. temperature and mass flow rate) of steam/water at each
component inlet and outlet are mentioned.
The Exergy Method is an alternative, relatively new technique
based on the concept exergy, loosely defined as a universal
measure of the work potential or quality different forms of
energy in relat ion to a given environment. An exergy balance
application to a process or a whole plant tells us how much of

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2638 http://ijesc.org/
Fig.2 Turb ine Ext raction System

General Design Features of KWU Turbine : MS in let of HPT : 535

the turbine is a reaction turbine, condensing type tand em Exhaust of HPT : 343
compound with throttle governing and regenerative system of
feed water heating. It is coupled directly to generator. The Inlet of IPT : 535
turbine is suitable for sliding pressure operation to avoid Weight of approximately : 475 tones
throttling losses at part loads.
Length approximately : 16.975m
No. of extractions : 6
Related output : 210MW
No. of stages HPT : 1x25
Inlet steam pressure of HPT after straine : 150kg/cm2
No. of stages IPT : 2x 20
HPT exhaust pressure : 40kg/cm2
No. of stages LPT : 2x8
Inlet pressure of IPT after I.V valves : 35kg/cm2
Frequency ban : 47.5Hz to 51.5Hz
LPT exhaust pressure : 0.11897bar

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2639 http://ijesc.org/

COMPONENTS POINT T (O C) P (bar) mass (kg/s) Enthalpy Entropy sp.exergy total exergy
(kj/kg) (kj/kg-k) (kj/kg) (MW)
Economizer in let 247 145 173.05 2920 7.18 2788.889 48.2
economizer outlet 278 137 173.05 3300 7.1 1170.0 202.935
SH inlet 345 128 173.05 3120 7.21 957.7 165.6
SH out let 535 128 173.05 3570 7.2 1410 244
hpt inlet 535 128 165 3320 7.2 1410.0 244
AT TAPPING 378 40 165 3130 7.8 980.0 169.58
TAPPING 378 40 165 3130 7.8 3086 509.9
HPT OUTLET 330 26 154.20 3550 8 730 120.45
RH INLET 330 26 154.20 3550 8 730 120.45
RH OUTLET 535 23 154.20 3400 8.1 1126 172.70
IPT INLET 535 23 154.20 3380 8.1 1126 172.40
TAPPING 1 448 12 154.20 3400 8.3 910 140.32
TAPPING 1 448 12 154.20 3380 8.3 1127 169.45
TAPPING 2 380 6.5 150.36 3290 7.51 965.3 145.1
TAPPING 2 380 6.5 150.36 3290 7.6 965.3 137
TAPPING 3 265 2.8 150.36 3000 7.61 733.8 113.5
TAPPING 3 265 2.8 143 3000 7.61 733.8 101
TAPPING 4 200 1.5 143 2890 7.65 590 82
TAPPING 4 200 1.5 137.5 2890 7.65 590 78
IPT OUTLET 184 1.3 130.80 2850 7.7 561.3 73.4
LPT INLET 184 1.3 130.80 2850 7.7 561.3 78.3
LPT OUTLET 50 0.1 130.80 2600 8.2 172.4 22.5
CONDENSER INLET 1 50 0.1 130.80 2600 8.2 172.4 22.5
CONDENSER INLET 2 30 1.13 130.80 126 0.5 42 3.4
CONDENSER OUTLET1 45 0.1 130.80 192 0.66 6158 0.9
CONDENSER OUTLET 2 40 1.0013 808 168 0.572 5.5 4.5
DEA ERATOR INLET 154.5 8.5 130.80 655 2 105.23 73.4
DEA ERATOR OUTLET 165 7.16 808 700 1.9 110 22.5
BFP INLET 165 7.16 148 700 1.9 110 3.4
BFP OUTLET 165 155 173.05 710 2 110 0.9
LPH2 INLET IS 200 1.5 173.05 2890 2 580 4.5
LPH2 INLET 2W 87 16.7 173.05 366 2.1 36.4 14.07
LPH2 OUTLET 99.3 13.7 6.69 418 7.7 28 15.9
LPH2INLET 1S 265 2.68 130.80 3000 1.2 660 21.3
LPH3 INLET 1S 106 14 130.80 418 1.3 28 3.88
LPH3 INLET 1W 120 12 5.5 510 7.8 660 4.76
LPH3 OUTLET 120 2.78 130.80 3300 1.3 28 3.66
LPH4INLET2S 381.5 6.49 147.7 505 1.6 30 36.3
LPH4INLET 2W 120 12 7.32 650 7.7 990 36.62
LPH4OUTLET 154.5 8.5 147.7 3370 1.6 25 4.43
HPH5 INLET 1S 44.8 12.17 147.7 741 1.9 80 7.15
HPH5 INLET 1 173.1 15.5 3.8 805 7.5 120 3.69
HPH5INLET2W 187 150 173.05 3100 2.1 140 11.87
HPH5OUTLET 325 26.24 173.05 805 2.2 145 4.256
HPH6 INLET 1S 187 150 10.49 975 6.8 1060 2.42
HPH6 INLET 2W 226 147.2 173.05 975 2.2 145 2.509
HPH6 OUTLET 378 147.2 173.05 975 2.7 182.25 31.58
HPH7INLET1S 226 38 8.35 3120 6.20 1120 8.93
HPH7INLET 2W 247 147.2 173.05 975.6 2.6 220 38.07
HPH7OUTLET 240 145 173.05 1075 2.88 235 40.66


Component name First law efficiency (% )

Boiler 88.2
Condenser 40
HPT 89
IPT 96
LPT 97
LPH 76
HPH 99

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2640 http://ijesc.org/



HPT Stage1 6.29 17.54 87.4

stage2 2.46 6.861 67.9
IPT Stage1 2.7 7.53 80.79
stage2 3.6 10.04 90.27
Stage3 0.33 0.9 9.8
stage4 1.15 3.20 93
Stage5 1.16 3.23 93
LPT 18.16 50.65 68
Total 35.85
CONDENSER 15.91 25.36 21
PUMPS 2.4 28.56 62
LP HEATERS LPH2 3.5 40.8 64
LPH3 0.9 10.51 90
LPH4 9.1 12.85 88

HP HEATERS HPH5 0.6 1.86 97.59

HPH6 0.06 0.7 98.844
HPH7 2.4 2.803 94.78

TOTA L 8.56

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS second law efficiencies are calculated for various
components as per equations 4, 5 and 6. The values are
In the present study exergetic analysis of a 210 MW plant tabulated in Table no. 4. The values are the plant working
of Vijayawada Thermal Power Plant is performed. at full load of rated capacity.
theexergy destruction, percentage exergy destruction and
Exergy efficiency (%)



3.1 Vari ation of exergetic efficiency with the is high and there is scope to improve the process. In
components condenser the efficiency is low and exergy
3.2 The exergy or second law efficiency are high for destruction is high. The condenser operates at low
HPH as observed from fig.4. In case of power temperatures and work potential is lo w. Though the
producing equipments, the IPT has high exergy quantity of exergy losses is high but it can be
efficiency and LPT has lowest efficiency. This neglected due to low quality of heat energy.
indicates that in HPT and LPT the entropy generation

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2641 http://ijesc.org/

Exergy Destruction



Exergy Destruction(MW)


Exergy Destruction(MW )



Exergy Destruction percentage


International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2642 http://ijesc.org/

Exergy Destruction(MW )


Vari ation of percentage of exergy destructi on with the components

Exergy Vs Energy Efficiency







Boiler Condenser HPT IPT LPT LPH HPH

First law efficiency (%) SECOND LAW EFFICIENCY

3.4Comparison of Exerg y and Energy

IV. CONCLUS ION condensation process, i.e. by maintain ing low

vaccum and dissociating gases in condenser.
In the exergy analysis of VTPS power generating  The losses can be still reduced if proper
thermodynamic circu it low pressure turbine have more condensation of flue gases cooling is adopted.
irreversibilit ies compared to any other components. To avoid
 It shows that the boiler and turbine of a power
exergy destruction of low pressure turbine. Some of
generation plant is the major source of useful energy
modifications in circu it propos ed are
lost. Only negligible amounts of useful waste energy
 A feed water heater or air preheater can be used so can be recovered through implementing some heat
that it decreases entering temperature by maintain ing recovery system.
outlet temperature constant  In order to achieve significant improvement of
 The temperature gradient decreases leading to energy efficiency the boiler and turbine systems need
decrease in generation of irreversibilit ies to be altered, which require further techno- economic
 The exit pressure and temperatures should be study. From ultimate analysis of boiler it can see that
decreased so that more work can be ext racted fro m complete co mbustion taking place but due to upward
intermediate pressure turbine pressure of air, fuel contains fines which flies with
flue gas and burns at the top of boiler by in- creasing
 The above 2 methods are proposed so that
the temperature of super heater and leaving the boiler
irreversibilit ies can be decreased and system
at very high temperature. The percentage of fines is
performance can be optimized
to be reduced or fuel injection type should be
 So there is a scope of developing low pressure
changed by studying the design of boiler. Thus
turbine efficiency by decreasing irreversibilities by
efficiency can be imp roved. Even though loss in
making system to runs at thermodynamic equilibriu m
condenser is more the quality of energy obtained is
there is possibility to imp rove system performance
not, hence we have to concentrate on boiler and
but practically it’s not possible because of the
turbine to increase the efficiency of the plant.
physical and economical constraints
 The Boiler loss can be minimized by using losses can
be still reduced when the pumping all relevant air

International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2643 http://ijesc.org/
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International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing, August 2016 2644 http://ijesc.org/

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