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COAI Response To The TRAI Consultation Paper No. 11/2008 On Issues Related To Internet Telephony

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COAI Response to the TRAI Consultation Paper No.

11/2008 on
Issues related to Internet Telephony

4.1 Whether Internet service provider should be permitted Internet Telephony

services to PSTN/PLMN within India? If yes, what are the regulatory
impediments? How such regulatory impediments can be addressed? Please give
your suggestions with justifications. (para 3.10)

(a) It is first submitted that existing UASLs / CMSPs are fully entitled /authorized
under their respective licenses to offer full-fledged Internet telephony services.
However, as the Authority has rightly noted in Paras 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of its
Consultation Paper, the UASL/CMTS operators have not been able to offer the
service on account of lack of clarity on the definition and scope of the service,
issues related to the numbering plan, interconnection with other access
providers, etc.

(b) We believe that once these issues are clarified, then the existing access
providers are best placed and also entitled under their licenses to offer internet
telephony services to their consumers. Further, with 12-14 access providers
already present in every service area, we believe that there will be ample
competition in this service segment to give the consumers the benefit of choice
as well as affordability.

(c) Insofar as the provision of Internet Telephony services to PSTN/PLMN within

India by ISPs is concerned, the same is admittedly not permitted under their
license. It may be appreciated that if ISPs are allowed to provide internet
telephony services to PSTN/PLMN they de facto become access providers
and would necessarily have to acquire a UAS license in order to ensure
level playing field.

(d) There are however legal and policy issues involved in allowing the ISPs to
migrate to /acquire a UAS license

(e) The Authority is aware that at present the UAS license is awarded on a first
come first serve basis. There are already several licensee applicants waiting for
the UAS license and giving an ISP a preferential right to migrate to /acquire a
UAS license would tantamount to a backdoor entry and would also be legally

(f) Further, the UAS license comes bundled with spectrum, therefore any licensee
acquiring a UAS license would also be rightly entitled to allocation of start-up

(g) If the ISP is given a UAS license without spectrum, it would tantamount to
creating a new category of licensee, which is not permissible under NTP-99.
Such an approach would effectively result in a modification of National Telecom
Policy 99.

(h) In light of the above, we therefore request that the Authority may direct its efforts
to clarify and address the existing ambiguities so that the internet telephony
services can be offered by those operators (UASL/CMTS licensees) who are
already licensed to provide the same.

4.2 Whether allowing ISPs to provide Internet Telephony to PSTN/ PLMN within
country will raise issues of non-level playing field? If so, how can they be
addressed within present regulatory regime? Please give your suggestions with
justifications. (para 3.11)

(a) In this regard it may first be noted that the UASL/CMTS operators have
obtained their licenses after paying huge entry fees and have invested
thousand of crores to create a state of the art nationwide infrastructure.
Further, they are also subject to high level of duties and levies, viz. license fee,
spectrum charges, service tax, etc and also have to comply with stringent terms
and conditions regarding QoS, security monitoring conditions, rollout obligations,

(b) The ISPs on the other hand have evolved under light touch regulation with a far
lower entry fee and annual fee burden.

(c) Thus the Authority has rightly noted in para 3.11 of its consultation paper that
there is a non uniform regulatory burden between UASL/CMTS and ISPs.

(d) COAI believes that if Internet service providers are to be permitted Internet
Telephony services to PSTN/PLMN within India, then, in order to maintain
the level playing field, It is imperative that they should be required to
migrate to UASL license and should be subject to the same entry fee, license
fee revenue share and other terms and conditions as are applicable to existing
UASL/CMTS licensees.

(e) It is further submitted that Category “C” ISPs who have city based licenses and
are desirous of offering internet telephony services should be mandated to
migrate to circle level operations and acquire a UASL/CMTS license.

(f) Similarly, Category “A” ISPs should be mandated to also acquire an NLD/ILD
license so as to be allowed to carry inter circle and International Long Distance
Traffic respectively.

(g) Further, to prevent arbitrage and to curb grey market activities, the license
fee, etc. should be harmonized across all telecom segments.

(h) Furthermore, the vigilance and monitoring efforts need to be escalated by

the Licensing authority to block grey market services such as Skype, Vonage,
Google, etc, which not only bypass the laws and regulations of the country,
but also pose a threat to national security.

4.3 ISPs would require interconnection with PSTN/PLMN network for Internet
telephony calls to PSTN/PLMN. Kindly suggest Model/ architecture/ Point of
Interconnection between ISPs and PSTN/PLMN? (para 3.12)

4.4 Please give your comments on any changes that would be required in the existing
IUC regime to enable growth of Internet telephony? Give your suggestions with
justification to provide affordable services to common masses? (para 3.12)

(a) It is reiterated that ISPs desirous of interconnecting with PSTN/PLMN network to

offer internet telephony services should first be required to migrate to a UAS

license and be subject to the same terms and conditions as UAS/CMTS

(b) Further, any ISP migrating to UAS license should be treated as interconnection
seeker and should bear all costs related to setting up/upgradation of networks to
ensure interconnection with PSTN/PLMN.

(c) Also, such a service provider should be governed by the prevailing IUC regime
and should be required to adhere to all parameters laid down thereunder,
including Point of interconnection, IUC charges, etc.

(d) As regards the suggestion of the Authority that ISPs may be allowed to carry
inter-circle traffic and hand over the calls to the appropriate entity in the
respective service areas (Para 6.2.4), it is reiterated that this can be permitted
only if the concerned ISP also takes an NLD license. This is essential to ensure
level playing field.

4.5 What should be the numbering scheme for the Internet telephony provider
keeping in view the limited E.164 number availability and likely migration towards
Next Generation Networks? Please give your suggestions with justifications. (para

4.6 UASL and CMTS operators are allocated number resources and permitted to
provide Internet telephony including use of IP devices/Adopters. Whether such
devices should be allocated E.164 number resource to receive incoming calls
also? If so, whether such number resources should be discretely identifiable
across all operators and different than what is allocated to UASL and CMTS to
provide fixed and mobile services? Give your suggestions with justifications?
(Para 3.4)

4.7 If ISPs are allowed to receive Internet telephony calls on IP devices/ Adopters,
what numbering resources should they be allocated? (para 3.13)

(a) Numbering scheme is very important to identify and make a call to Internet
telephony subscriber.

(b) Numbering is a scarce and limited resource and numbering schemes should be
finalized keeping in mind the future growth and evolution of the sector so as to
ensure that numbering plan is not subject to frequent revisions and also that
non-availability of numbering space does not create an obstacle to the fast
growth of telecom services in the country.

(c) The Authority has noted that the E.164 numbering scheme is simple and it is
desirable that a solution be found within this scheme to accommodate number
blocks to be allocated for Internet Telephony.

(d) The Authority has rightly recognized that the rapid growth of wireless subscribers
is putting increasing pressure on availability of numbering resources in E.164
format. For the future growth of wireless to continue unabated, it is our view that
besides the entire Level 9, Levels 7 and 8 should be allocated to PLMN.

(e) We believe that if Internet Telephony is to be allocated a separate number block,

it may be carved out within the Levels 5 and 6. At present, Levels '5' & '6' are
being shared by 3 operators for basic services. Since, the number of subscribers

in these two levels is only about 1 million; it is evident that there is ample excess
capacity in these levels, which can easily be utilized for internet telephony
services. The best way to utilize these levels efficiently would be to transfer the
subscribers of any one of the levels (level with fewer subscribers) to the other
level and allocate the vacated level for Internet telephony services. This will also
make the Internet Telephony services distinctly identifiable.

4.8 Is it desirable to mandate Emergency number dialing facilities to access

emergency numbers using internet telephony if ISPs are permitted to provide
Internet telephony to PSTN/PLMN within country? If so, Should option of
implementing such emergency Number dialing scheme be left to ISPs providing
Internet telephony? Please give your suggestions with justifications. (para 3.14)

(a) COAI believes that free access to essential emergency services (like Fire,
Ambulance, Police, Hospital, Public Disaster Management etc.) is essential in
consumer interest. Hence service providers should be mandatorily required to
provide free access to emergency numbers on Internet Telephony services.

4.9 Is there any concern and limitation to facilitate lawful interception and monitoring
while providing Internet telephony within country? What will you suggest for
effective monitoring of IP packets while encouraging Internet telephony? Please
give your suggestions with justifications. (para 3.15)

(a) All service providers offering internet telephony services should be required to
install the appropriate interception equipment to facilitate lawful interception and
monitoring. They should also follow the security guidelines as prescribed in the

(b) The documentation and verification for the identity of the internet telephony
customer should also be similar as being done for the present customer of the

4.10 Is there a need to regulate and mandate interoperability between IP networks and
traditional TDM networks while permitting Internet telephony to PSTN/PLMN
within country through ISPs? How standardization gap can be reduced to ensure
seamless implementation of future services and applications? Please give your
suggestions with justifications. (para 3.16)

(a) It would need to be ensured that internationally accepted standards are followed
to ensure interoperability between IP networks and traditional TDM networks
while permitting Internet telephony.

(b) We support the standardization for IP-based services in line with ITU-T
Recommendation H.323, which offers high degree of inter-operability; and
protocol standards, as stipulated by international standardization agencies, like

(c) Standardization is considered necessary for ensuring seamless inter-operability

of networks and for ensuring end - to - end QoS, specially related to traditional
TDM networks while permitting Internet Telephony to PSTN / PLMN within the
country through ISP's / other licensees.

(d) We believe that the end-to-end QoS standards for all networks, based on IP -
packet switching in the country would need to be clearly laid down and
consistent in respect of real time services (like voice). The definite prescribed

QoS standards / norms across the networks would facilitate smooth and efficient
inter-connections, seamless inter operability, end-to-end and growth of world
class networks in the country, without impairing the international trends towards
Convergence and NGN.

4.11 Is there a need to mandate QoS to ISPs providing Internet telephony to

PSTN/PLMN within country? Please give your suggestions with justifications.
(para 3.17)

(a). We believe that it is important to lay down QOS regulation / standards for
Internet Telephony and the same should not be left to the choice of the service

(b). This view was also taken by the Authority in 2002 when it laid down QoS
standards for VOIP based International Long Distance Service in its Regulation
on Quality of Service on November 15, 2002. In its said Regulation, the Authority
rightly noted that the objective of laying down Quality of Service benchmarks is
• Ensure customer satisfaction by laying down standards of network
performance, which the service provider is required to achieve by proper
engineering of his network.
• Measure the Quality of Service from time to time and to compare that with
the specified norms so as to monitor the level of performance, provided by
various service providers’ networks.
• Protect the interests of subscribers in regard to Quality of Service,
particularly a minimum level of voice quality, which he expects, when he
makes a call and pays for it.

(c). The QOS standards were earlier prescribed by the Authority for VOIP based
International Long Distance Service 2004, keeping in view the MOS (Mean
Opinion Score) system as also of the E-Model / R-value, which is the objective
measure of speech quality denoted as the resultant value of the ‘Transmission
Rating Factor’ as defined in ITU-T Recommendations G.107, ‘E-Model,
Computation Model for Use in Transmission Planning, August 2001’ and G.108,
‘Application of the E-Model, A Planning Guide, September 1999’.

(d). The Authority had also laid down benchmarks for parameters for latency, jitter,
packet loss and R-factor, which are relevant and important for assessing QoS
for real time services like voice on IP based networks. Normally, R-factor of 80
plus is being considered as commencement of subscriber satisfaction and is
equivalent to MOS 4 & above for voice quality, i.e, a toll quality of 4 and higher.

(e). We believe that in the case of internet telephony for real time services, like voice
/ (including to PSTN/PLMN too ) , the end-to-end QoS standards would need to
be prescribed. We support Regulation and ITU based standards on Quality of
Service (QoS) for IP-based voice services [ITU / G – 107]. In this regard, it is
submitted that the Authority may likely to follow the same lines for QoS on
Internet Telephony as have already been prescribed and are being applied to
QoS for International Long Distance Services which had certain defined
parameters, like end – to – end delay, jitter, packet loss and R-value.


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