Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
Introduction To Law
1. A duty of public service, of which the This is conducted by the Supreme Court to determine
emolument is a by-product, and in which one the fitness of prospective law graduates to determine
may attain the highest eminence without their admission to the practice of law
making much money Bar Examination Schedule
2. A relation as an “officer of the court” to the
administration of justice involving through 1. First Sunday: Political Law and Public
sincerity, integrity, and reliability International Law (AM) and Labor and Social
3. A relation to the clients in the highest degree Legislation (PM)
4. A relation to colleagues at the Bar 2. Second Sunday: Civil Law (AM) and Taxation
characterized by candour, fairness, and (PM)
unwillingness to resort to current business
methods of advertising and encroachment on 3. Third Sunday: Mercantile Law (AM) and
their practice, or dealing directly with their Criminal Law (PM)
clients (92 SCRA 10; 30 July 1979)
4. Fourth Sunday: Remedial Law (AM) and Legal
Practice of Law: Ethics and Practical Exercises (PM)
Definition: refers to any activity, in or out of court
which requires the application of law, legal procedure, Disciplinary Mechanism
knowledge, training and experience.
Whether in their professional or in their private
To engage in the practice of law is to perform these capacity, lawyers may be disbarred or suspended for
acts which are characteristics of the profession. misconduct. The penalty is a consequence of acts
Generally, to practice law is to give notice or render showing their unworthiness as officers of the courts,
any kind of service, which device, or service requires
as well as their lack of moral character, honesty , and discharges all governmental action. Also
probity, and good demeanor. (Gonzales vs Alcaraz) refers to the law which provides for the
structure of government and how it shall
Rule 138 Section 27
A lawyer may be disbarred for any of the following
grounds: 4. Local Government: refers to laws governing
the operation of local government units.
a. Deceit
b. Malpractice 5. Public Officers: refers to laws covering
c. Gross Misconduct in Office qualifications as well as discipline of public
d. Grossly Immoral Conduct officers
e. Conviction of a crime involving moral
turpitude 6. Election Laws: refer to the statutory
f. Violation of lawyer’s oath framework that provides for the exercise of
g. Willful disobedience of any lawful order of a the people of their right to run for public
superior court office
h. Willfully appearing as an attorney for a party
without proper authority to do so
Elements of the State:
Integrated Bar of the Philippines:
1. People: All persons living within the State
The IBP is the national organization of all lawyers in during the whole time of the existence of the
the Philippines. The IBP is administered by a State. (Sanidad vs COMELEC)
governing Board composed of nine Governors who
represent the nine regions of IBP. 2. Territory: part of the country separated from
the rest, and subject to a particular
jurisdiction. The extent or compass of land
III. Political Law and Public International and waters thereof within the bounds of or
Law belonging to the jurisdiction of any sovereign
Political Law state, city or other body (110 III App. 370)
This is the branch of public law that deals with the 3. Sovereignty: Union and exercise of all human
relationship of government and its people. power possessed in a state. It is a
combination of all power; the power to do
That branch of the public law which deals with the
everything in a state without accountability-
organization and operations of the governmental
a. Make laws
organs of the State and defines the relations of the
b. Impose and Collect taxes
State with the inhabitants of its territory. (People vs
c. Levy Contributions
d. Make War or Peace
e. Form treaties of Alliance or Commerce
with Foreign nations
Divisions of Political Law
1. Political Law: concerned with the distribution 4. Government: Aggregate of authorities which
of powers to the three branches of rule a society (US vs Dorr)
government and the relationship and
dynamics between them
Inherent Powers of the State:
2. Constitutional Law: refers to the guarantees 1. Police Power: the plenary power vested in the
of individual liberties, vis-à-vis the awesome legislature to make statutes and ordinances to
powers of the government. Such guarantees promote the health, morals, peace,
are usually manifested in a bill of rights education, good order or safety and general
welfare of the people (Fernando vs St.
3. Administrative Law: refers to the system or Scholastica College)
body of laws under which the state operates
2. Eminent Domain: the power of the State to
take private property for public use subject to 5. Economic or Property Rights: rights to
compensation to the owner. property – real or personal, including
intellectual property,
3. Taxation: the power of the State to secure
compulsory pecuniary exaction from its 6. Political Rights: rights pertaining to the
citizens to be used in the operations of the person as a member of a body politic such as
government. the right to vote and be voted into the public
The Constitution
Due Process:
These are the basic laws to which all laws must
conform. No act that conflicts with the Constitution The most basic tenet espoused in due process is the
can be valid. right to be heard. (Camarines Norte Electric
Cooperative vs CA)
Constitution is a definition of the powers of the
government. The five being: To state it differently, it is the right to be given the
opportunity to be heard.
a. The Congress
b. The President The “due process of the law” clause of the
c. The Judiciary Constitution must be understood to mean that no
d. The Constitutional Commissions person shall be deprived by any form of legislation or
e. The Local Government Units governmental action of life, liberty, or, property,
except, as a consequence of some judicial proceeding,
appropriately and legally conducted.
Bill of Rights
Kinds of Rights under the Bill of Rights It refers to the equality in the enjoyment of similar
rights and privileges granted under the law. (Ceniza vs
1. Inherent or Natural Rights: rights intrinsic to
one’s person such as the right to live and love
The equal protection clause does not preclude
2. Constitutional Rights: rights guaranteed classification of individuals who may be accorded
under the fundamental law of the land such different treatment under the law as long as the
as rights against unreasonable searches and classification is reasonable and not arbitrary.
seizures, the right against ex post facto law or (Villanueva vs JBC)
Bill of attainder, as well as those rights
A classification is reasonable where (Felwa vs Salas):
protecting the accused
a. It is based upon substantial distinctions which
3. Statutory Rights: rights provided for by make real differences
Congress or by law such as the right to b. These are germane to the purpose of the law
preliminary investigation c. The classification applies, not only to present
conditions, but also to future conditions
4. Civil Rights: includes the right to peacefully which are substantially identical to those of
assemble, the right of freedom of the press the present
and speech, the right to information on d. The classification applies, equally to all
matters of public concern and the right to due belonging to the same class
Kinds of Constitution Public International Law:
1. Written Constitution: that whose provisions Referred to as the “law of the nations”, public
are reduced into a formal instrument and international law refers to a body of rules which have
ratified by the body politic under certain a binding effect on sovereign states as far as their
formalities prescribed by the law relationship with one another Is concerned.