Summative Test #1 Grade 6 3rd Quarter
Summative Test #1 Grade 6 3rd Quarter
Summative Test #1 Grade 6 3rd Quarter
Name: _____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: _______________________
Date: ____________________
I. Multiple choice. Read each item carefully and then _____ 6. What is the name of the shape of the
write the letter of the correct answer on the space chocolate in the picture?
provided before each number.
A. C.
B. D. A. Rectangular prism
B. Triangular prism
C. Rectangular pyramid
D. Triangular pyramid
_____ 4. What is the least number of faces a _____ 10. Which of the following shapes has curved
polyhedron can have? surface?
A. 2 C. 4 A. Cone
B. 3 D. 5 B. Cube
C. Rectangular prism
_____ 5. The following figures are polyhedron EXCEPT: D. Square-based pyramid
A. C.
II. Identify the solid figure that is represented by each
object below. Write the name of the solid figure on the
blank before each number.
__________ 1. an ice cream cone
__________ 2. an orange
__________ 3. a shoe box
__________ 4. a coin
B. D. __________ 5. a die
III. Identify the following.
_____________________ 1. It has two circular bases and a curved surface.
_____________________ 2. A prism with six congruent faces.
_____________________ 3. A space figure whose set of all points on the surface are equidistant from the center.
_____________________ 4. It has four faces, six edges and four vertices.
_____________________ 5. A space figure that is like a pyramid but it has a circular base.
_____________________ 6. The point at which the edges come together.
_____________________ 7. A polyhedron with only one base.
_____________________ 8. It is a solid figure that has six rectangular faces.
_____________________ 9. These are figures that are not flat. They are sometimes called 3D figures.
_____________________ 10. These are figures are flat like triangle, square, rectangle, etc.
____________________ 2.
____________________ 3.
____________________ 4.
____________________ 5.