Seakeeping 19301en2 PDF
Seakeeping 19301en2 PDF
Seakeeping 19301en2 PDF
SEAPEP References
Seakeeping tests for a large luxury yacht in The SEAPEP program was originally developed for
FORCE Technology’s towing tank naval applications, and it has been validated with
extensive model tests performed by FORCE Techno-
logy. The results show that the program is capable
of ranking different design alternatives in the same
order as model tests. The SEAPEP programme has
also been used on a variety of commercial assign-
ments with good results.
Further information: Department for Ship and Offshore, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
Head of Department: Christian Schack, e-mail: Subject to changes without notice
FORCE Technology, Kgs. Lyngby FORCE Technology, Main office FORCE Technology Sweden AB
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DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark DK-2605 Brøndby, Denmark SE-721 34 Västerås, Sweden
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