Dynamic Low Choke High Quality PDF
Dynamic Low Choke High Quality PDF
Dynamic Low Choke High Quality PDF
the choke operator reacts by opening the Surface Pressure to Pumps Off
choke to keep casing pressure at MACP, 1800 Reach Leak off (6 min)
All these methods can be implemented • What happens to the hydrostatic pres- earlier in the circulation. If the wellbore
if there is a big difference between the sure in the well when the crew adds integrity was there earlier, why should it
SICP (shut-in casing pressure) and the ±2 sacks of barite in the mud system not be there a few hours later?
posted MACP. Most often the room to through the hopper?
MACP (difference between SICP and In a situation where the operator is
MACP) is a function of kick volume in • The barite-carrying capabilities of the already at MACP as soon as an attempt
the well and not a function of abnor- mud is not even considered, so it could is made to shut in the well, the same
mal formation pressure. The volume of settle out as soon as the circulation is approach can be taken and casing pres-
kick in the annulus dictates the SICP. stopped. sure can be increased gradually.
Therefore the larger the kick volume in Initially when the addition of barite If the drill pipe pressure keeps increas-
the annulus, the more chances that cas- is started, the differential pressure ing along with a reduction in the
ing pressure will reach MACP during between the drill pipe and annulus pit volume, the wellbore integrity is
the circulation. During the initial start increases, forcing the casing pressure to apparent under dynamic conditions.
of circulation of the kick, the well is sub- increase. The choke operator is trying to If while increasing the casing pres-
jected to Pressure Test #3, in which the keep the casing pressure at MACP, there- sure, no increase in drill pipe pressure
pressure applied to the open hole during fore the choke has to be opened more to is observed, partial loss circulation is
kick circulation is SIDPP + HP + APL + control the pressure. As the choke open- indicated and the casing pressure can
overkill. ing is increased, the bottomhole pres- be backed off to cut down on the partial
Once the initial circulation pressure is sure reduces, increasing the chances losses. Using the pressure approach is
established, with no drop in the drill pipe of letting more influx into the well until better to establish the true SIDPP before
pressure, it can be said that the open the heavy mud turns the corner at the increasing the density. After the kick has
hole is capable of handling this applied bottom of the drill pipe. Whenever the been circulated out, the well can be shut
pressure. low choke method is applied, sooner or in and the overkill bled off to establish a
later both chokes are wide open and true shut in drill pipe pressure.
Established pressure is RSPP + SIDPP the straight thru line in the manifold is
Javed Shah is a professional engineer and
+ APL + Overkill (if any is used). opened. All the mud is circulated to the has 24 years of experience with well control
flare pit, and the mud volume has to be operations and training.
There have been no guidelines for the rebuilt before well control operations
operators to follow when the casing can continue. This article is based on a presentation sched-
pressure is close to MACP or is going uled for the IADC Well Control Conference of
to exceed MACP on initial shutting-in The dynamic low choke method was the Americas, 28-29 August 2007, Galveston,
of the well. All established well control developed to give an alternate method
procedures emphasize not exceeding the to apply when the shut-in casing pres-
posted MACP, when the casing pressure sure is close to MACP on initial shut-in
reaches this pressure. This could happen or the shut-in casing pressure is going to
on initial shutting in of the well or during exceed the posted MACP and the gas is
the circulation of the initial kick. While at surface.
circulating the influx out of the wellbore,
if the MACP is reached, the rig crew con- The method utilizes surface applied
trols the casing pressure at the MACP by pressure to control bottomhole pressure,
keeping the casing pressure constant. without barite addition. After the gas has
been circulated out of hole, the mud den-
The only available method of well control sity can be increased exactly to kill the
has been the low choke method of well well at a balance point as it can be based
control. This method calls for increas- on the shut-in drill pipe pressure.
ing the pump speed to drilling rate, hold
casing pressure at the posted MACP and It is common knowledge that the hydro-
start adding barite to increase the den- static pressure at the casing shoe
sity of the mud in the well. reduces drastically once the gas is at
surface. With gas at surface, if the choke
is closed instead of being opened (to
LOW CHOKE METHOD keep the casing pressure at MACP), the
The method calls for opening the choke, casing pressure starts to rise and MACP
holding casing pressure at MACP, start- is exceeded. The bottomhole pressure
ing pump at drilling rate and adding bar- also starts to increase, and the entry of
ite at ±2 sacks of barite per minute. It the second kick starts to slow down and
further calls for the crew to keep pump- eventually stops. As soon as the drill
ing the heavy fluid into the well until the pipe pressure reaches the original estab-
well is killed. lished initial circulating drill pipe pres-
sure (Pressure Test #3), the operator
Draw back to this approach has been: can maintain the circulating drill pipe
• Barite should be available on location. pressure.
• At higher rates of pumping, what is the Although the MACP has been exceeded,
probability to wash out the choke or sur- the well has not seen any extra pres-
face equipment? sure than what was already applied to it