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Bioresource Technology

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Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

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Bioresource Technology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biortech

Application of orange peel waste in the production of solid biofuels and

Carolina Monteiro Santos a, Jo Dweck b, Renata Silva Viotto a, André Henrique Rosa a,
Leandro Cardoso de Morais a,⇑
Department of Environmental Engineering, São Paulo State University (UNESP) ‘‘Júlio de Mesquita Filho”, Avenue Três de Março, 511, Alto da Boa Vista, 18087-180 Sorocaba,
São Paulo, Brazil
School of Chemistry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Bloco E of CT, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 212949-900, Brazil

h i g h l i g h t s

 Thermal conversion of agro-industrial residues.

 Solid biofuel.
 Biosorption of heavy metals.
 The orange peel can be used in industrial processes.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This work aimed to study the potential use of pyrolyzed orange peels as solid biofuels and biosorption of
Received 11 June 2015 heavy metals. The dry biomass and the biofuel showed moderate levels of carbon (44–62%), high levels of
Received in revised form 28 July 2015 oxygen (30–47%), lower levels of hydrogen (3–6%), nitrogen (1–2.6%), sulfur (0.4–0.8%) and ash with a
Accepted 30 July 2015
maximum of 7.8%. The activation energy was calculated using Kissinger method, involving a 3 step pro-
Available online 8 August 2015
cess: volatilization of water, biomass degradation and volatilization of the degradation products. The
calorific value obtained was 19.3 MJ/kg. The studies of metal biosorption based on the Langmuir model
obtained the best possible data fits. The results obtained in this work indicated that the potential use
Fruit residue
of waste orange peel as a biosorbent and as a solid biofuel are feasible, this product could be used in
Pyrolysis industrial processes, favoring the world economy.
Solid biofuel Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction others. This procedure is characterized by a very rapid exothermic

reaction between the fuel and the oxidant, followed by heat
The agribusiness sector has increasingly grown to meet the release, this however, has low efficiency.
increase in demand for food because of growing population. In this This observation has increased the attention based on the study
context, Brazil, which has its economy based on agribusiness, con- for the improvement of technologies to increase the efficiency of
tributes substantially to the generation of waste resulting from the biomass conversion processes, thus yielding higher value by addi-
production processes. These residues, apparently without viable tion of by-products such as biofuels. The use of agro-industrial
application, may result in various environmental adversities due waste in thermoelectrics to supplement the power capacity of a
to improper disposal (Marshall and Farahbakhsh, 2013). country may assist in resolving the growing concern of global
Several studies suggest different applications of such wastes in energy supply, and is a viable effort and a sustainable alternative
order to minimize environmental impacts, for example, their use (Kok and Ozgur, 2013).
as an energy resource. One of the main advantages of using bio- Another alternative for reusing of such wastes is its conversion
mass is to direct its usage in combustion in furnaces, boilers, and for use as an adsorbent material from the contaminants. Studies
have shown that the activated carbon adsorption efficiency of con-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 (15) 3238 3400x3429; fax: +55 (15) 3228 2842. taminants like phenolic compounds in aqueous solution and toxic
E-mail address: leandro@sorocaba.unesp.br (L.C. de Morais). metals could be seen today as the most widely used material,

0960-8524/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
470 C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

despite its high cost. Therefore, the production of adsorbent 2.3. Characterization of the samples
materials from industrial residues, with the possibility of obtaining
commercially activated carbon substitution has been studied, such 2.3.1. Morphology
as sugar cane bagasse, palm husks, orange waste, and other mate- The morphology of the dry powder (DP) and the bio-chars (BC)
rials (Feng et al., 2011). were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in FEI
One of the main conversion processes is pyrolysis, which is the Inspect S 50 equipment.
thermal decomposition of organic substances, at lower oxygen
levels, in different phases: solid waste rich in carbon (biochar), 2.3.2. X-ray fluorescence and CHN and S analysis
bio-oil and gas products (syngas) (Huang et al., 2011). The CHN-contents of the input materials were determined by
The ‘‘orcharding”, could be characterized as the primary seg- using Perkin Elmer 2400 CHN elemental analyzer. The sulfur con-
ment of the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product, being the country’s tent was measured by using Horiba Jobin Yvon elemental sulfur
leading producer of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis). The fruit is nota- analyzer. The oxygen content was calculated using the difference
bly the most agro-produced variety in Brazil, grown in all the states method.
with an area of over 800,000 hectares. Nowadays, more than half of For X-ray fluorescence XRF equipment was used – Model
the fruit juice production in the world comes from Brazil. PW2400 Philips Ltd. (USA), using an X-ray tube anode Rh, which
Consequently, there is predictably a very high level of waste result- uses eight kinds of crystals with a detection limit of 1–10 ppm
ing mostly from the juice processing industry, which in 2011 for trace elements, measuring with an atomic number above eight.
reached about 9.3 million tons.
After the juice extraction, the solid residues are represented by 2.3.3. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
the peel, pulp and seeds, and liquid waste, ‘‘yellow water”, formed The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used to deter-
by proteins, essential oils, pectin, sugars, organic acids and salts. mine the functional groups of the DP and the BC. A number of anal-
These wastes have higher levels of organic matter, which makes yses were performed on FT-IR spectrophotometer (Varian 660-IR).
them a potential polluting agent, if discarded or disposed of The samples were prepared at a ratio of 3% of the sample to 97% of
improperly. KBr. Detection and collection of spectrum range of 4000–400 cm1
There are several published works on the usage of biomass as an with 8 cm1 spectral resolution and 32 accumulations for each
energy source and adsorbent materials. However, there are few sample was done.
studies based on the residues from the orange juice industrializa-
tion process, indicating a fair amount of high visibility factor and 2.4. Thermal analysis
an interest to further the research efforts. Thus, the orange peel
stands out as a promising specific raw material to produce higher For performing differential thermal analysis (DTA), thermo-
value-added products, since they have dense renewable produc- gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry
tion rate with a low cost basis for viable production. (DSC) analyzer TGA-DSC, simultaneous TA Instruments (SDT-
Current research work was aimed to explore and study the Q600) were used. Approximately, 2 mg of the samples were placed
potential applicability of agro-industrial waste obtained from pro- in alumina crucibles, using air or nitrogen as a carrier gas at a flow
cessed orange juice, in nature and after thermal treatment, as an rate of 100 mL/min. The samples were heated from 20 °C to 800 °C,
energy resource and as a biosorbent material for inorganic at different heating rates of 10, 15 and 20 °C/min.
contaminants. Based on the TG curves, it was possible to determine the con-
tents of the ash in the samples. The lower calorific value was calcu-
lated from the DSC curve, which is in fact the energy available per
2. Experimental unit mass of fuel after deducting the losses through evaporation of
2.1. Raw material
2.5. Activation energy
The peels (C. sinensis) were washed with distilled water and
detergent, reduced to fragments of dimensions measuring approx- Different methods could be chosen and used to calculate the
imately 5  5 cm and then placed in a stove (Solab 100/42) at 110 ° kinetic parameters. The model-free non-isothermal methods
C for three days to complete the drying of sample. After drying, the require a set of experimental tests at different heating rates. In this
peels were crushed and sieved to obtain particles measuring present work the activation energy was obtained from a non-
around 0.074 mm size. A number of analytical steps were per- isothermal TGA by using the Kissinger non-isothermal method.
formed on a single batch in order to minimize the potential differ- Kissinger (1956) developed a model-free non-isothermal
ences, since the chosen variety is present in all the Brazilian states. method, where there is no need to calculate Ea for each conversion
value in order to evaluate the kinetic parameters. The Ea is deter-
mined by DTA and DTG curves obtained with the use of three dif-
2.2. Pyrolysis experiments ferent heating rates (b). From the respective curves, data was
obtained from the temperatures (Tmax) of the maximum peaks on
Pyrolysis experiments were performed in a muffle furnace the DTA reaction, where the conversion rate was found to be max-
(Marconi MA 385/3) under atmospheric pressure and under par- imum. Based on the mechanism of the kinetic responses of:
tially inert conditions. solid ? solid + gas the calculation of Ea was performed using Eq.
In all experiments, a sample of the orange peel dry powder (1) (Castelló et al., 2011):
weighing 0.6 g was placed in a porcelain crucible in semi-closed !  
position. Fifteen crucibles with similar or identical conditions were b Ea
placed in a muffle furnace and then heated at room temperature ln ¼C ð1Þ
T 2max R  T max
until the temperature peaks of 250 °C, 350 °C and 450 °C, were
attained during the heating process (based on a rate of 10 °C/min where Ea, R, Tmax, b and C are respectively the activation energy, gas
which were observed and obtained during the experimental constant, peak temperature, heating rate and constant interaction.
process). Eq. (1) is obtained from Eqs. (2) and (3):
C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479 471

b A  R Ea Tmax 1
¼ e R ð2Þ log Q e ¼ log kf þ log C e ð7Þ
T 2max E nf
b Ea AR 3. Results and discussion
ln ¼ þ ln ð3Þ
T 2max R  T max Ea
3.1. Characterization of the dry powder and the biochars (solid
With the values of Tmax and b a graph of type ln T 2 b
versus biofuels)

T max
was plotted using the angular coefficient obtained and the Initially the weight loss of BC with respect to the DP was deter-
activation energy was calculated. mined. The mass loss percentages obtained of the BC 250 °C, 350 °C
and 450 °C were 46.53% (m/m), 61.89% (m/m) and 77.09% (m/m),
2.6. Biosorption capacity The SEM analysis showed that DP has a surface with structured
and heterogeneous pores, characteristic in nature observed by
The biosorption capacity of the DP and the BC to metals zinc, Morais et al. (2006). It was observed that with an increasing pyrol-
aluminum, copper, nickel, cadmium and lead was verified. ysis temperature, there was a decrease in the particle size of the
Solutions of these metals were prepared from standard solutions material and an increase in its porosity. The DP is much denser
(1000 mg/L) in concentrations ranging from 2–4 mg/L. Further, with an increase in homogeneity, flat and an observable solid sur-
samples were prepared and tested as a multi-element solution face compared to BC. The BC at 250 °C also presents a flat and
containing all the metals mentioned above, in the same concentra- dense surface. However, it could be further noted that the largest
tions that were described earlier. concavities and hollows in the material existed. Compared to the
The biosorption experiments were carried out at 25 °C, at a pH DP and the BC at 250 °C, the BC at 350 °C, possible depiction of
value of 2, by shaking 0.2 g of the sample with 250 ml of solutions more concavities, with a higher degree of porosity was feasible.
in an orbital shake (Protech Model 721), at 10.47 rad/s for 15 min Further, it was observed that the BC at 450 °C, showed an increased
by homogenization of the solution. After initial agitation, the irregular surface with concavities and pores that were exposed.
experiment was conducted at standstill condition. Aliquots were Table 1 shows the results of X-ray fluorescence of the DP and
withdrawn and filtered. After filtration, the filtrate was analyzed the BC. It could be observed that an increase in the concentration
by using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission of detected elements, especially potassium and calcium, was due
Spectrometer – ICP-OES (Agilent Technologies 700). The contact to fact that the volatile compounds were at loss or decomposed
times of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 min were observed and studied at higher temperatures.
for further experimental analysis. Most effluents from industrial Table 2 shows the total carbon (C), the total hydrogen (H), nitro-
activities that were present are cadmium metal, aluminum, copper, gen (N) and sulfur (S) contained in the analyzed samples. It could
nickel, zinc and lead in their constitution having a pH value of 2, be further observed that the moderate C content (62%), high levels
thus the study was conducted in this chosen pH range to check of the oxygen (O) (30% average of the four samples), and low levels
the efficiency of the adsorbent material under common conditions. of H (4.5%), N (2.4%) and S (0.4%). The levels of ash obtained (max-
imum 7.8%) were within the range of the parameters for com-
2.7. Isotherm studies pletely dry solid waste. The materials exhibited moderate levels
of oxygen and minimum levels (%) of ash and sulfur. Therefore,
The adsorption capacity and intensity were calculated by the the experimental observation suggested that the promising poten-
Freundlich (1906) and Langmuir (1918) isotherms. The Langmuir tial for the usage of these materials as renewable fuels is promis-
isotherm model assumes a monolayer adsorption in a homoge- ing, feasible and needs further scientific experimentation and
neous surface having a finite number of adsorption sites. The investigation.
model was expressed by the following equation:
Q m  K l  Ce 3.2. FTIR characterization
Qe ¼ ð4Þ
1 þ K l  Ce
The FTIR spectra of the DP showed a large number of peaks,
where Qe is the amount of solute adsorbed per unit weight of adsor- indicating a material with a higher complexity. The wide spread
bent at equilibrium (mg/g), Qm the monolayer adsorption capacity extensive band absorption around 3436 cm1 corresponding to
(mg/g), Kl the Langmuir or equilibrium constant of adsorption (m/ the stretching vibration of O–H groups was due to the intra–inter
g) and Ce the equilibrium concentration (mg/L). The linearized molecular interactions, which occur due to the presence of car-
expression of the Langmuir equation is given by the following boxylic and phenolic groups and vanish with higher carburation
equation: during pyrolysis process. To mention further, macromolecular
1 1 1 1
¼  þ ð5Þ
Qe K l Q m Ce Q m Table 1
Content of elements in the dried orange peel and the bio-chars at different
In contrast, the Freundlich isotherm model assumes heteroge- temperatures (mg/kg).
neous surface energy. The model was represented by the following
equation: Element Dry peel BC 250 °C BC 350 °C BC 450 °C
K2O 16170 19900 27600 50900
Q e ¼ kf  C 1=n
ð6Þ CaO 7510 10830 18400 31400
MnO <DL 13.8 17 29.6
where Kf is the Freundlich constant (mg/g)(L/mg)1/n, Qe the amount Fe2O3 71 101 136 301
of solute adsorbed per unit weight of adsorbent at equilibrium (mg/ CuO 59.8 97.8 174.5 272
g), Ce the equilibrium concentration of the solute in the liquid phase ZnO2 37.9 61.3 107.3 172.8
SrO 34.2 52.8 68.4 146
(mg/L) and 1/nF heterogeneity factor. The linearized model is given
by the following equation: (DL) = detection limit.
472 C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

Table 2 exothermal, with an exception of the related water loss. The ther-
Characteristics of the dried orange peel and the biochars. mal profile of this biomass revealed the presence of several simul-
Dry peel BC 250 °C BC 350 °C BC 450 °C taneous processes, featuring a complex material.
Elemental composition (wt%) The curves of the different BC presented very similar results;
C 44.5 53.3 56.2 62.1 however, there was a gradual decrease in the intensity of TG and
H 6.1 4.8 3.4 3.6 DTG, which was due to the decomposition of the components with
O 47.3 39.4 37.1 30.9 lower temperatures of degradation present in the samples, which
N 1.5 1.9 2.6 2.4
S 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.8
resulted from the pyrolysis performed, leaving those of higher
Ash content 4.0 5.0 7.6 7.8 temperatures that were based on degradation process. For exam-
ple, the BC 250 °C has the most defined DTG peak, this was because
The oxygen content is calculated by difference.
of the pyrolysis temperature, which was below the temperature of
degradation of the cellulose. In this way, this component was still
associations such as alcohols, phenols and carboxylic acids, as well found in its structure. In BC 350 °C and 450 °C, the DTG peaks were
as pectin, cellulose and lignin, display the presence of free hydrox- lower due to increasing of the pyrolysis temperature of these
ide groups on the surface of the adsorbent material. The observed materials and the more marked output of these most volatile com-
peaks at 2927 cm1 were attributed to C–H stretching vibrations of ponents. Thus, by increasing the pyrolysis temperature, it was
the aliphatic acids. The peaks observed at 1697 cm1 could be noted that an increased thermal stability of the material with a
attributed to the stretching vibrations of the bonds of carboxylic residual mass of the bio-chars in 40%, 55% and 60%, was present
groups nonionic (–COOH, –COOCH3), characteristic of carboxylic respectively. The thermal analysis performed in the oxidizing
acids or their esters. The observed peaks at 1543 and 1382 cm1 atmosphere shows a similar result to that found in the analysis
correspond to asymmetric and symmetric vibrations of C@O of that was carried out in an inert atmospheric condition.
ionic carboxylic groups (–COO–), respectively. The vibrations of ali- Additionally, it could be observed that the three events for mass
phatic acid groups at the peak of 1193 cm1 could be attributed to loss, the DTG peaks were related to the decomposition of the cellu-
the fact that there is possible deformation of C@O groups and the lose and further depicted a gradual decrease of the intensity curves
stretching formation of OH groups of carboxylic acids and phenols with an increasing pyrolysis temperature of the material.
is possible. The peaks observed in the region of 1095 cm1 may be Based on the DSC curves (Fig. 2) the lower calorific power value
related to the stretching vibrations of C-OH of alcohols and car- of materials (Table 3) was calculated. It was observed that with an
boxylic acids. increasing pyrolysis temperature, there was an increase in the
lower calorific power and a decrease in the observed peak temper-
ature. This observation may be due to the higher presence of more
3.3. Thermal analysis volatile organic elements in the DP and the lower pyrolysis, which
could negate burning. The values of calorific power obtained in this
The thermal profiles obtained by simultaneous TGA-DSC in both experimental work based on orange peel was found to be very sim-
the oxidizing and inert atmospheres of the DP and the BCs are ilar to the values observed by other authors who studied different
shown in Fig. 1. The TG analysis of the DP showed at least three dif- organic sources, for example, 12.3 MJ/kg (wheat straw), 17.3 MJ/kg
ferent events of mass loss up to 800 °C. The sample mass continu- (poplar), 17.4 MJ/kg (switchgrass) and 18.5 MJ/kg to (Miscanthus
ously decreases between room temperature and the final sp.) (McKendry, 2002).
temperature of the experiment, been related to dehydration pro-
cess and thermal degradation of the structural components of the
orange peel. The initial mass loss, up to a temperature range of 3.4. Activation energy
150 °C, was related to the humidity loss. The others mass loss
phases could be associated to the biomass decomposition of its The results of thermogravimetric analysis were utilized to cal-
three main structural components, hemicellulose, cellulose and culate the kinetic parameters. The activation energy (Ea) was
lignin (Zapata et al., 2009). From 150 °C to 350 °C, it was possible obtained using Kissinger non-isothermal method and was calcu-
to observe a large mass loss characterizes by an exothermic peak late for three different points. The regression equations and the
of the DTG. This event was attributed to hemicellulose degradation, square of the correlation coefficient (R2) are also presented. The
compatible with those of the values described by Zapata et al. activation energies (Ea) were derived from the slope and intercept
(2009) which showed that the hemicelluloses decompose in a tem- of plotting regression line, respectively.
perature range of 200–260 °C, giving rise to more volatiles, less From the correlations in Fig. 3B,it could be inferred that, there
tars, and less chars than cellulose itself. were changes for the 1°, 2° and 3° peaks, and through their slopes
Proceeding to the next step, in a temperature range of 260– (E/R)obtained respectively as: (14497), (13706) and (21543)
360 °C, it was possible to observe the end of hemicellulose decom- and whereas R = 8.31 J/(mol K), it was possible to observe:
position, predominating the cellulose degradation. Heikkinen et al. E1 = 120 kJ/mol; E2 = 114 kJ/mol; E3 = 179 kJ/mol. Volatilization
(2004) in a study of thermal analysis of Pinus demonstrated by being the process of mass loss and heat absorption, the gravimetric
both the TG and DTG curves that lignin and hemicellulose began effect could be measured (using the curves of TG/DTG) prior to per-
to decompose at a lower temperature than the cellulose itself. forming differential thermal analysis between the sample and the
The rigid structure of cellulose attributes to the fact, that it has a reference (DTA curves, Fig. 3A). Consequently, the activation
higher thermal stability than hemicelluloses (Mohan et al., 2006). energy for volatilization of DP was also studied using the DTG
However, the orange peel is mainly composed of pectin, sugars, curves, obtained from the heating rates of 10, 15 and 20 °C min1
cellulose and hemicellulose, which has the lignin quite low in (Fig. 3C), allowing to obtain the Kissinger correlations for steps
content. 1°, 2° and 3° peaks of DTG curves (Fig. 3D).
The third step of mass loss from 350 °C onwards is given by the From the correlations in Fig. 3D, there are the changes for the 1°,
slow degradation of lignin and char or tar residues, where the 2° and 3° peaks, and through their slopes (E/R) obtained respec-
homologous phenolic compounds could be the main product tively as: (15606), (17449) and (27615) and considering
(Mohan et al., 2006). At the end, detection of a residual mass of R = 8.31 J/(mol K), there are: E1 = 130 kJ/mol; E2 = 145 kJ/mol;
20% was possible. All the thermal events observed were E3 = 229.48 kJ/mol.
C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479 473

Fig. 1. (A) TG curves in an oxidizing atmosphere, (B) DTG curves in an oxidizing atmosphere, (C) TG curves in inert atmosphere, (D) DTG curves in inert atmosphere,
performed at a heating rate of 10 °C/min to 800 °C.
474 C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

Fig. 1 (continued)

Fig. 2. DSC curves of dried orange peel and the biochars (solid biofuel) in an air atmosphere at a heating rate of 10 °C/min.

Table 3 volatilization of water, then biomass degradation and volatilization

Lower calorific power and peak temperature of the samples. of the degradation products.
Samples Low calorific power (MJ/kg) Peak temperature (°C) Thermogravimetric analysis is a common technique used to
Dry powder 10.9 458.49
evaluate the thermal decomposition of different biomasses. The
BC 250 °C 16.7 458.88 isoconversional method like Kissinger is widely used to determine
BC 350 °C 18.8 446.41 the kinetic parameters.
BC 450 °C 19.3 434.68

3.5. Biosorption capacity

The activation energy calculated was apparently low in both the 3.5.1. Individual biosorptions
cases, which suggested that the overall heating process was pri- The materials were tested for its adsorption capacity in the indi-
marily physical of the DP. Where there is 3 steps process: vidual solutions of Cd, Al, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb. Fig. 4A gives the curves
C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479 475

Fig. 3. (A) DTA curves of dried orange peel obtained in an air atmosphere for heating rates of 10, 15, 20 °C/min, (B) Kissinger correlations for steps 1°, 2° and 3° peaks of DTA
curves for the dried orange peel, (C) TG and DTG curves of dried orange peel obtained in an air atmosphere for heating rates of 10, 15, 20 °C/min and (D) Kissinger correlations
for steps 1°, 2° and 3° peaks of DTG curves for the dried orange peel.

of percentage removal of contaminants through time in the solu- increasing concentration. The exception was the metal Pb, which
tion of 2 mg/L. In all tests the highest percentage removal was has an increasing concentration, has further increased its removal,
obtained at lower concentrations, and this decreased with an reaching 95% in the higher concentration. This way, it could be
476 C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

Fig. 3 (continued)

suggested that the potential use of orange peel, either dried or pyr- nanosized metal oxide compounds, due to their chemical nature
olyzed in a process for tertiary treatment, depends on the effluent and high surface area were characterized as excellent adsorbents,
to be treated. especially for copper. Wan et al. (2010) obtained results near
The highest removals were not achieved for a duration of 100% for Cu removal in sand coated by chitosan, Gulnaziya et al.
15 min for all the samples and all metals. The equilibrium times (2010) also presented promising experimental results using palm
were found to be variable. The BC 450 °C showed the best results shells. The percentages of Cu removal obtained by BC 450 °C were
for all the contaminants and their concentrations profiles. The similar to the best results obtained by the cited studies, while other
material obtained from the orange peel when pyrolyzed at a higher materials, comparatively, had greatly reduced their removal capac-
temperature was found to be more reactive, probably, because of ity. In view of the obtained high removal percentages and consid-
the decomposition of the more volatile elements. ering the ease with which the availability of biomass was possible,
The BC 450 °C was the material with highest efficiency for the basing primarily on the heat treatment, it could be affirmed further
solutions and the parameters studied. To be very specific, it was that the biochar from orange peels pyrolyzed at a temperature of
extremely difficult to make comparisons and correlations of differ- 450 °C was a great adsorbent material for Cu in aqueous solutions.
ent materials in adsorption processes, since the capacity of an The results for nickel compared to other biomasses used in dif-
adsorbent material retained a particular adsorbate which was ferent studies for their removal, showed no ideal results. Results
highly dependent on various parameters, for example surface area, obtained with chemically modified sugarcane residues (Krishnan
pore structure, the functional structural groups of the adsorbent et al., 2012), for example, were found to be more satisfactory.
material and the specified experimental conditions (Boudrahem The lead metal, one among the metals studied, was an impor-
et al., 2011). tant contaminant that presented the best removal rates for dry
Depci et al. (2012) showed that apple pulp treated with ZnCl2 samples and the different BC, probably because of its inherent
could be used as an adsorbent for the removal of zinc from aqueous characteristics, which provided greater affinity for the adsorbent
solution, indicating the pH value of 5 as the ideal value for this material. Considering the high level of toxicity of the contaminant,
procedure. Ramos et al. (2002) compared the removal efficiency the easy access and practicality of the raw material studied, one
of different commercial activated carbons for this contaminant, could infer that orange peel, dried and pyrolyzed, was a potentially
has been found to have a maximum adsorption at a pH value of adsorptive material of the lead metal.
7. Natural bentonites were also found to be more effective in the To enable a better understanding of the adsorption process, it
removal of zinc, and the adsorption was found to be highly depen- was essential to understand the behavior of the system, which in
dent on the pH value of the solution adsorbent (Sen and Gomez, turn was normally controlled by different diffusion processes. For
2011). adsorbent materials that exhibited a highly porous structure, with
Due to the high toxic level of cadmium and its remarkable pres- a large surface area and highly developed internal structure, their
ence in waste as a pollutant, there are a significant number of stud- specific characteristics were observed in the adsorbing materials
ies concerned with the production of adsorbents for its efficient during the present research work, which resulted in an intra-
removal, with marked use of natural raw materials such as peat, particle diffusion (Ho and Mckay, 1998).The intra-particle diffusion
sugar cane bagasse, corncobs, rice husks and the coconuts (Ajmal theory, derived from Fick’s law assumed that the diffusion of the
et al., 2003). However, these materials showed a lower removal liquid film was the only rate controlling the stages of the adsorp-
capacity tendency, related to the orange peel and its pyrolysis pro- tion process (Febrianto et al., 2009), as demonstrated by Eq. (8).
cess. Thus, these materials are not recommended for the removal
of this contaminant in general. qt ¼ ki t 1=2 þ C ð8Þ
The materials studied were not efficient in the aluminum
removal process. Other processes for treating the waste water con- where ki (mol/g min1/2) is the rate constant of intra-particle diffu-
taining this metal proved effective. For example, cationic ion sion and C is the value of the intersection of the line with the axis
exchange by resin, reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, affects qt (Kannan and Sundaram, 2001).
these processes in the order of 90%to 100% removal, and thus could If intra-particle diffusion was involved in the adsorption the
be used in reality (Srinivasan et al., 1999). graph qt versus t1/2 results in a linear relation, it was possible to
Ahmad et al. (2012) obtained 90% of Cu removal in eggshells calculate the ki value by using the slope of the line (Özcan,
treated with iron oxide; Hua et al. (2012) demonstrated that 2004). However, the curves usually have multilinearity, which
C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479 477

Fig. 4. (A) Removal percentage through time of Cd, Al, Cu, Ni, Zn and Pb in the concentration of 2 mg/L by dry orange peel and the bio-chars and (B) Effect of contact time on
Zn adsorption for dry orange peel and bio-chars at different concentrations according to the type of intra-particle diffusion.

indicated that there was an occurrence of diffusion in different (3) Biosorption of the metal in an active sites of the adsorbent
stages. surface.
The removal of contaminants was shown to be fast in the initial (4) Intra-particle diffusion of the contaminant into the pore
period of contact between the contaminant and the adsorbent, structure of the adsorbent.
making it slow to stagnate with an increase in contact time.
Thus, it could be considered that the mechanism of removal has Fig. 4B depicts the curves of intra-particle diffusion of Zn as con-
taken place according to the following steps mentioned as under taminant for different adsorptions at varying concentrations in this
(AbdEi-Latif et al., 2010): study, the other contaminants presented the similar characteristics
basing on this process.
(1) Migration of the metal from the volume of the solution to It was observed that the curves were non-linear over time, and
the adsorbent surface. may be separated into two or three different linear regions, sug-
(2) Diffusion of the contaminant through the boundary layer to gesting multiple stages of adsorption. Further, it was also noticed
the surface of the adsorbent. that no curve intersects the origin, which further indicated that
478 C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479

Table 4
Langmuir and Freundlich parameters.

Metal Sample Isotherms Langmuir Freundlich

2 2
R Ka qm RL R KF nF R2
Zinc Dry powder 0.93 2.217 0.507 0.430 0.92 0.430 1.813 0.88
BC 250 °C 0.99 2.776 0.498 0.419 0.95 0.490 1.711 0.81
BC 350 °C 0.95 2.528 0.438 0.334 0.97 0.445 1.858 0.96
BC 450 °C 0.97 3.961 0.5128 0.329 0.99 0.390 1.918 0.94
Cadmium Dry powder 0.88 0.665 2.340 0.390 0.90 2.958 4.474 0.85
BC 250 °C 0.83 0.679 2.212 0.399 0.97 4 5.906 0.83
BC 350 °C 0.96 0.572 2.867 0.378 0.97 1.309 5.353 0.90
BC 450 °C 0.99 0.753 9.803 0.398 0.96 0.498 4.055 0.84
Aluminum Dry powder 0.97 0.671 4.103 0.266 0.98 0.651 3.460 0.83
BC 250 °C 0.86 0.377 4.757 0.357 0.97 0.875 6.001 0.83
BC 350 °C 0.94 0.087 4.621 0.380 0.97 0.636 6.930 0.80
BC 450 °C 0.99 1.033 5.162 0.652 0.95 0.387 1.267 0.90
Copper Dry powder 0.95 0.928 3.658 0.227 0.94 0.620 2.271 0.81
BC 250 °C 0.98 1.646 1.476 0.291 0.97 2.036 2.380 0.83
BC 350 °C 0.92 1.157 2.020 0.299 0.98 1.323 2.548 0.90
BC 450 °C 0.87 1.439 13.812 0.141 0.93 0.114 1.692 0.90
Nickel Dry powder 0.86 0.402 0.762 0.483 0.95 0.549 3.326 0.71
BC 250 °C 0.99 0.389 2.560 0.500 0.94 0.977 10.427 0.92
BC 350 °C 0.84 0.0412 2.786 0.526 0.94 1.420 3.326 0.80
BC 450 °C 0.89 1.117 15.772 0.349 0.95 0.491 19.379 0.92
Lead Dry powder 0.89 0.335 14.641 0.169 0.98 0.248 2.657 0.83
BC 250 °C 0.93 0.606 43.103 0.260 0.95 0.375 15.479 0.84
BC 350 °C 0.73 0.580 40.816 0.254 0.94 0.355 15.600 0.74
BC 450 °C 0.80 0.650 50.505 0.287 0.97 0.290 20.964 0.82

the intra-particle diffusion was involved in the adsorptive process. only the free energy of hydration, the order of selectivity of the
However, it was not the only the force at the speed of the process, contaminants was: Pb > Cd > Cu > Ni > Zn > Al.
but also other mechanisms such as ion exchange or complexation According to Ortiz (2000) a smaller ion has a greater ability to
that may also be playing an important role in controlling the fill pores, faults and discontinuities of the surface of adsorbent
adsorption process (Özcan et al., 2005). material than larger metal ions, thus the highest affinity should
be for the hydrated ions to present the smaller ionic radius, accord-
ing to the following order of selectivity: Pb > Ni > Cu > Cd > Zn > Al.
3.6. Multi-element biosorption The different orders of preference explained the selectivity of
the materials for Pb, since it has a higher electronegativity, lower
The DP and the BC showed similar biosorption of the metals energy of hydration as well as lower hydrated ionic radius, which
studied at different concentrations, where the descending order certainly facilitates the adsorption into pores and cracks present in
of removal of the contaminants was obtained experimentally. It the material, is demonstrated by SEM analysis.
was given by a simple relationship in the following order: The least preference of the biosorbents like Zn and Al were pre-
Pb > Cu > Ni > Cd > Zn > Al. ferred, since these metals have the lowest electronegativities
The metals adsorption is a competitive process between the together with a larger ionic radius and higher energies of hydra-
ions in solution and those retained on the surface of the adsorbent tion. The inconsistency observed and the highest adsorption of
material, where ionic composition of the solution has greater effect Cu instead of Ni, could be attributed to the high stability of the
on the adsorption of various compounds (Echeverría et al., 1998). complex aqueous of Ni.
Thus, due to the various prevalent factors such as composition of In general, the results were as expected in the literature.
the adsorbate and the experimental conditions under considera- Deviations could be attributed to the combination of the factors
tion, the affinity of adsorption was found to be variable. in free energy of hydration and the size in hydrated radius.
The electronegativity is a quantity that measures the attraction
exercised on the electrons in a bond, related to the atomic radius,
which is smaller than the size of the atom. To mention further, 3.7. Isotherm study
greater will be the force of attraction, since the distance between
the nucleus and the electron is lower. Thus, it was an important Models of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms were applied to
factor in influencing the preference of one metal over another in the individual adsorptions of metals to check the validity of these
the adsorptive process (Mcbride and Blasiak, 1979). Considering models. The results were further calibrated and adjusted according
only the electronegativity in the order of selectivity in the to the best possible way so as to optimize the experimental results
removal of contaminants, it was possible to observe that: (Table 4).
Pb > Ni > Cu > Cd > Zn > Al. For all adsorptions, it was obtained the separation factor RL for
However, the selectivity of the adsorbent for a determined con- Langmuir range between 0 and 1, further indicating that in all
taminant may be because of the result of several factors that influ- cases the adsorption process was favorable. The BC 450 °C showed
ence the behavior of the exchange of ions, such as the free energy the highest values for the constant qm, which points to the maxi-
of hydration and the size of the hydrated ionic radius. Metals with mum capacity of the monolayer adsorption.
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lower energies of hydration is more easily adsorbed according to the adsorbent and the contaminant solution. In all adsorptions the
the published literature (Ouki and Kavannagh, 1997). Considering BC 450 °C showed the highest values. Similarly, the Kf parameter
C.M. Santos et al. / Bioresource Technology 196 (2015) 469–479 479

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