Magellan Mg5050 en
Magellan Mg5050 en
Magellan Mg5050 en
MG5050 V4.7
MG5050 EN V4.96
SP4000 V5.1
SP5500 V4.9
SP6000 V4.9
SP7000 V4.9
Magellan / Spectra SP
Index ............................................................................... 62
All control panel outputs are rated to operate between 10.8Vdc and 12.1Vdc
Magellan / Spectra SP 1
2.4 AC Power
Do not use any switch-controlled outlets to power the transformer. Connect the transformer as shown in Figure 1 on page 2. Use
Table 1 to determine the required transformer.
Disconnect battery before replacing the fuse.
Used for In-Field Firmware upgrade EBUS and Dialer used for Antennas
through a 307USB Direct Connect VDMP3 plug-in voice module
Interface. See Connecting to for voice reporting.
WinLoad on page 58 for details.
Disconnect telephone
line before servicing.
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery
Connections on
page 2.
Magellan / Spectra SP 3
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery
Connections on
page 2. Refer to Single Zone
Inputs on page 12
The "BELL" output will
shutdown if the current Cold
exceeds 3A. Tam,per water
antenna for pipe
AWG#14 single
EN 50131 grounding
Connection for Self-Contained Bell/Siren conductor solid
copper wire
To metallic
The sum of the current drawn from the BELL and AUX must be
limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer strongly recommended).
Exceeding this limit will overload the panel power supply and lead
to complete system shutdown.
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 2 for Aux. Power For the keypad’s zone
Output. To connect additional wiring to auxiliary power, use configurations, refer to the
the red (+) and black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power Installer Quick Menu. If
will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output EOL is enabled: see section
is overloaded and is shut down, you must disconnect all [706] option [2]. Also refer to
loads from the output for at least 10 seconds before Single Zone Inputs on
reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output. page 12.
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Disconnect telephone
Connections on line before servicing.
page 2.
Cold water
To metallic Ground
AUX Power enclosure clamp
Refer to transformer requirements on page 2 for To provide maximum lightning
Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to protection we strongly recommend
auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) having separate earth connections
keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down for the dialer and zone ground
if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is terminals.
overloaded and is shut down, you must
Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads
disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10
Max. current = 700 mA
seconds before reconnecting any load back to the
Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet)
auxiliary output. Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Magellan / Spectra SP 5
To metallic Ground
enclosure clamp
AUX Power
Refer to transformer requirements on page 2 for To provide maximum lightning
Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to protection we strongly recommend
auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) having separate earth connections
keypad connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down for the dialer and zone ground
if current exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is terminals.
overloaded and is shut down, you must
disconnect all loads from the output for at least 10 Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads
seconds before reconnecting any load back to the Max. current = 700 mA
auxiliary output. Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet)
Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
The sum of the current drawn This equipment must be installed and
from the BELL and AUX must be maintained by qualified service
limited to 1.3A (40VA transformer personnel only.
strongly recommended). For UL and C-UL warnings, refer to
Exceeding this limit will overload the UL and C-UL Warnings section at
the panel power supply and lead the back of the Reference &
to complete system shutdown. Installation Manual.
To metallic
AUX Power To provide maximum lightning enclosure
Refer to transformer requirements on page 2 for protection we strongly recommend
Aux. Power Output. To connect additional wiring to having separate earth connections
auxiliary power, use the red (+) and black (-) keypad Ground
for the dialer and zone ground clamp
connectors. Auxiliary power will shut down if current terminals.
exceeds 1.1A. If the auxiliary output is overloaded
and is shut down, you must disconnect all loads
from the output for at least 10 seconds before Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads
reconnecting any load back to the auxiliary output. Max. current = 700 mA
Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet)
Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Magellan / Spectra SP 7
Refer to AC Power
& Backup Battery Disconnect telephone
Connections on line before servicing.
page 2.
To metallic clamp
AUX Power To provide maximum lightning enclosure
Refer to transformer requirements on page 2 protection we strongly recommend
for Aux. Power Output. To connect additional having separate earth connections
wiring to auxiliary power, use the red (+) and for the dialer and zone ground
black (-) keypad connectors. Auxiliary power terminals.
will shut down if current exceeds 1.1A. If the
auxiliary output is overloaded and is shut down,
you must disconnect all loads from the output Max. amount of keypads = 15 keypads
for at least 10 seconds before reconnecting any Max. current = 700 mA
load back to the auxiliary output. Max. distance of keypad from panel = 76m (250 feet)
Max. total run of wire = 230m (750 feet)
Magellan / Spectra SP 9
SP6000 (11x11”)
SP7000 (11x11”)
For connection of a self-contained bell/siren, see PCB Layouts for each respective panel.
2.16.1 PGMs
The control panels include two/four on-board programmable outputs (PGMs). For details on how to program PGMs,
see Programmable Outputs on page 53. PGM1 and PGM2 can support up to 150mA. The PGMs are limited by the
power source being used. If powered by:
• The AUX terminals. The current consumption of the AUX terminals cannot exceed 700mA. Therefore, whatever
devices are connected to the AUX terminals (i.e. modules and PGMs) cannot exceed 700mA combined. For
example, if there are six modules connected to the AUX terminals that are using 600mA and you wish to power the
PGM using the AUX terminals, the PGM’s current consumption cannot exceed 100mA.
• An external power supply. If using an external power supply, the current consumption cannot exceed 150mA for
PGM1 and PGM2. If the external power supply’s current consumption limit is less than that of the PGM it is
connected to, than the current consumption will not exceed the power supply’s current limit.
UL Note: The AUX terminals cannot exceed 200mA for UL installations.
Magellan / Spectra SP 11
Magellan / Spectra SP 13
Magellan / Spectra SP 15
Each time the [ENTER] key is pressed, the keypad will display the next digit in the current section and will continue through
all the following sections one digit at a time without changing the programmed values. Not available for sections using the
Multiple Feature Select Method. Press the [CLEAR] key at any time to exit the Data Display Mode.
PLEASE NOTE: After five minutes, the keypad exits programming mode.
Connection to
USB Com Port. Connection to
module or panel.
Magellan / Spectra SP 17
033 049 065 081 097 113 161 177 193 209 225 241
034 050 066 082 098 114 162 178 194 210 226 242
035 051 067 083 099 115 163 179 195 211 227 243
036 052 068 084 100 116 164 180 196 212 228 244
037 053 069 085 101 117 165 181 197 213 229 245
038 054 070 086 102 118 166 182 198 214 230 246
039 055 071 087 103 119 167 183 199 215 231 247
040 056 072 088 104 120 168 184 200 216 232 248
041 057 073 089 105 121 169 185 201 217 233 249
042 058 074 090 106 122 170 186 202 218 234 250
043 059 075 091 107 123 171 187 203 219 235 251
044 060 076 092 108 124 172 188 204 220 236 252
045 061 077 093 109 125 173 189 205 221 237 253
046 062 078 094 110 126 174 190 206 222 238 254
047 063 079 095 111 127 175 191 207 223 239 255
[1] A B G 018 034 050 066 082 098 114 130 146 162 178 194 210 226 242
[2] D E Z
019 035 051 067 083 099 115 131 147 163 179 195 211 227 243
[3] H Q I
[4] K L M 020 036 052 068 084 100 116 132 148 164 180 196 212 228 244
[5] N O 021 037 053 A069 085 101 117 133 149 165 181 197 213 229 245
[6] P R S 022 038 054 070 086 102 118 134 150 166 182 198 214 230 246
[7] T U F
023 039 055 071 087 103 119 135 151 167 183 199 215 231 247
[8] C Y W
024 040 056 072 088 104 120 136 152 168 184 200 216 232 248
025 041 057 073 089 105 121 137 153 169 185 201 217 233 249
026 042 058 074 090 106 122 138 154 170 186 202 218 234 250
027 043 059 075 091 107 123 139 155 171 187 203 219 235 251
028 044 060 076 092 108 124 140 156 172 188 204 220 236 252
029 045 061 077 093 109 125 141 157 173 189 205 221 237 253
030 046 062 078 094 110 126 142 158 174 190 206 222 238 254
031 047 063 079 095 111 127 143 159 175 191 207 223 239 255
Magellan / Spectra SP 19
Installer Code [397]: Used to program all control panel settings except user access codes.
Maintenance Code [398]: The Maintenance code is similar to the Installer code. It can be used to enter programming mode, which
allows you to program all the features, options and commands except for the panel’s communication
settings. The maintenance code is empty by default.
System Master Code [399]: Provides full access. Arm and disarm using any method described in the User Code Options below as
well as program the user access codes.
Master Code 1: Permanently assigned to partition 1. Same as a regular user code except it can also program access
codes for user codes assigned to partition 1.
Master Code 2: Permanently assigned to partition 2. Same as a regular user code except it can program access codes
for user codes assigned to partition 2. If the system is not partitioned Master Code 2 will be assigned to
partition 1.
29 User Codes: Can arm and disarm as per User Code Options on page 21.
Magellan / Spectra SP 21
5.5.8 Duress
Sections [404] to [432]: User Codes 004 to 032
Option [8] OFF = User Code with duress disabled (default)
Option [8] ON = User Code with duress enabled
If you are coerced into arming or disarming your system, entering the access code with the duress option enabled will
arm or disarm the system and immediately transmit a silent alert (Duress Code) to the monitoring station.
Magellan / Spectra SP 23
If a zone is already programmed and you assign a device to the same zone, a wireless zone will overwrite a keypad/hardwire zone,
and a keypad zone will overwrite a hardwire zone.
Magellan / Spectra SP 25
Magellan / Spectra SP 27
Do not program a fire zone with the Bypass option, as the control panel will never bypass fire zones.
The panel waits for each of its assigned wireless transmitters to send a status signal within a specified time period
(section [706], option [1]) to confirm their presence and functionality. If a device has not sent a signal within that time
period, the control panel can generate a trouble, an alarm, and/or transmit a report code to the monitoring station. See
Trouble Display on page 60.
7.4.5 Intellizone
Sections [001] to [032]: Zones 1 to 32
Option [6] OFF = Intellizone Disabled (default)
Option [6] ON = Intellizone Enabled for Selected Zone
This feature reduces the possibility of false alarms. When a zone with the Intellizone option opens, the panel does not
immediately generate an alarm. First it triggers the Intellizone Delay Timer. To program the Intellizone Delay Timer, key
in the desired 3-digit value (000 to 255 seconds, Default = 48 seconds) into section [713]. If any of the following
conditions occur during this period, the panel will generate an alarm:
• During the Intellizone Delay, a second zone has caused an alarm.
• During the Intellizone Delay, the zone in alarm has restored (closed) and re-occurred (opened).
• The zone in alarm remains open for the entire Intellizone Delay.
Magellan / Spectra SP 29
Magellan / Spectra SP 31
Signal Strength Indicator 8 to 10 / 3 beeps = Best signal 5 to 7 / 2 beeps = Average signal 1 to 4 / 1 beep = Weak signal (Relocate)
Magellan / Spectra SP 33
Signal Strength Indicator 8 to 10 / 3 beeps = Best signal 5 to 7 / 2 beeps = Average signal 1 to 4 / 1 beep = Weak signal (Relocate)
Signal Strength Indicator 8 to 10 / 3 beeps = Best signal 5 to 7 / 2 beeps = Average signal 1 to 4 / 1 beep = Weak signal (Relocate)
Magellan / Spectra SP 35
Section [552] (Repeater 1) and Section [562] (Repeater 2): Wireless Repeater Options
Enable or disable the repetition of zone signals in these sections. Enabling these options for zones means that the repeater will
retransmit any signals relevant to them.
Option [1] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 1 Signals (default)
Option [1] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 1 Signals
Option [2] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 2 Signals (default)
Option [2] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 2 Signals
Option [3] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 3 Signals (default)
Option [3] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 3 Signals
Option [4] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 4 Signals (default)
Option [4] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 4 Signals
Option [5] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 5 Signals (default)
Option [5] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 5 Signals
Option [6] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 6 Signals (default)
Option [6] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 6 Signals
Option [7] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 7 Signals (default)
Option [7] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 7 Signals
Option [8] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 8 Signals (default)
Option [8] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 8 Signals
Section [553] (Repeater 1) and Section [563] (Repeater 2): Wireless Repeater Options
Enable or disable the repetition of zone signals in these sections. Enabling these options for zones means that the repeater will
retransmit any signals relevant to them.
Option [1] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 9 Signals (default)
Option [1] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 9 Signals
Option [2] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 10 Signals (default)
Option [2] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 10 Signals
Option [3] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 11 Signals (default)
Option [3] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 11 Signals
Option [4] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 12 Signals (default)
Option [4] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 12 Signals
Option [5] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 13 Signals (default)
Option [5] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 13 Signals
Section [554] (Repeater 1) and Section [564] (Repeater 2): Wireless Repeater Options
Enable or disable the repetition of zone signals in these sections. Enabling these options for zones means that the repeater will
retransmit any signals relevant to them.
Option [1] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 17 Signals (default)
Option [1] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 17 Signals
Option [2] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 18 Signals (default)
Option [2] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 18 Signals
Option [3] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 19 Signals (default)
Option [3] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 19 Signals
Section [555] (Repeater 1) and Section [565] (Repeater 2): Wireless Repeater Options
Enable or disable the repetition of zone signals in these sections. Enabling these options for zones means that the repeater will
retransmit any signals relevant to them.
Option [1] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 25 Signals (default)
Option [1] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 25 Signals
Option [2] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 26 Signals (default)
Option [2] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 26 Signals
Option [3] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 27 Signals (default)
Option [3] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 27 Signals
Option [4] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 28 Signals (default)
Option [4] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 28 Signals
Option [5] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 29 Signals (default)
Option [5] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 29 Signals
Option [6] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 30 Signals (default)
Option [6] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 30 Signals
Option [7] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 31 Signals (default)
Option [7] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 31 Signals
Option [8] OFF = Repeat Wireless Zone 32 Signals (default)
Option [8] ON = Repeat Wireless Zone 32 Signals
Magellan / Spectra SP 37
Section [557] (Repeater 1) and Section [567] (Repeater 2): Wireless Repeater Options
Enable or disable the repetition of 2WPGM signals in these sections. Enabling these options for 2WPGMs means that the
repeater will retransmit any signals relevant to them.
Option [1] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 9 Signals (default)
Option [1] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 9 Signals
Option [2] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 10 Signals (default)
Option [2] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 10 Signals
Option [3] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 11 Signals (default)
Option [3] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 11 Signals
Option [4] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 12 Signals (default)
Option [4] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 12 Signals
Option [5] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 13 Signals (default)
Option [5] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 13 Signals
Option [6] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 14 Signals (default)
Option [6] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 14 Signals
Option [7] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 15 Signals (default)
Option [7] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 15 Signals
Option [8] OFF = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 16 Signals (default)
Option [8] ON = Repeat Wireless 2-Way PGM 16 Signals
10.2 When Delay Zone is bypassed Follow Zones become Entry Delay 2
Section [741]: Partition 1, Section [742] = Partition 2
Option [6] OFF = Follow zones become entry delay 2 when delay zone is bypassed disabled (default)
Option [6] ON = Follow zones become entry delay 2 when delay zone is bypassed enabled
If a user has an entry point defined as a delay, and a motion detector set as a follow zone, this option allows the user to bypass a
delay zone so that the motion detector becomes an entry delay 2 zone. For example, if a user has a malfunctioning door contact,
they can bypass the delay zone and have the motion detector become an entry delay 2 zone so that they have sufficient time to
disarm the system. All follow zones become entry delay 2 if at least one delay zone is bypassed.
Magellan / Spectra SP 39
[3] [4]
OFF OFF Regular
OFF ON Sleep
When using Timed Auto-arming or No Movement Auto-arming, the control panel can Regular, Sleep or Stay arm the selected
Magellan / Spectra SP 41
[3] [4] Zones/RF Module Tamper Recognition Options Keypad / Bus Module Tamper Recognition Options*
When armed: Follow zone’s alarm type
When armed: Follow zone’s alarm type
* Tamper recognition of keypad/bus module only if section [700] option [7] is enabled.
If a device has been tampered with (i.e. the anti-tamper switch has been set off), the control panel can generate a
trouble, an alarm, and/or transmit a report code to the monitoring station. The system will react to an RF zone and a
keypad/bus module differently.
Magellan / Spectra SP 43
Silent alarm:
The control panel emits a confirmation beep and transmits the appropriate Panic report code if programmed in section [863]. The
control panel will not enable the keypad buzzers or the control panel’s BELL output (no audible alarm).
Audible alarm:
Same as silent alarm, except the keypad buzzers and the BELL output will activate until a user cancels the alarm (disarms) with a
valid user access code or when the Bell Cut-Off Timer elapses (see Bell Cut-Off Timer on page 43).
Whether the system is partitioned or not, the control panel will report all panic alarms to partition 1.
Magellan / Spectra SP 45
Magellan / Spectra SP 47
If Hexadecimals (0 to FF) are used to program the report codes, verify that the pager also supports
Hexadecimals. If the pager does not support Hexadecimals, use only the digits 0 to 9.
UL Note: The installer is required to verify the complete compatibility of the DAC Receiver and formats at least
once per year.
Magellan / Spectra SP 49
OFF OFF Transmit the test report code every time the days programmed in section [840] have elapsed at the time programmed in
section [850] (default).
OFF ON When disarmed: Transmit test report code every time the time programmed in section [852] has elapsed. When armed:
Transmit test report code every time the time programmed in section [851] has elapsed.
ON OFF The control panel will transmit the test report code every hour on the minute value programmed in section [850] (the last
two digits). Note that the first two digits of section [850] will be ignored. E.g. If 10:25 was programmed into section [850],
the test report code would be transmitted at the 25th minute of every hour, i.e. 11:25, 12:25, etc.
ON ON The test report code will be transmitted when any of the conditions of the second and third options listed above (options
[3] = OFF and [4] = ON / options [3] = ON and [4] = OFF) are met.
Magellan / Spectra SP 51
The “AC Loss” PGM Event will only occur after the power failure report delay elapses (see Power Failure Report
Delay on page 51).
Magellan / Spectra SP 53
Signal Strength Indicator 8 to 10 / 3 beeps = Best signal 5 to 7 / 2 beeps = Average signal 1 to 4 / 1 beep = Weak signal (Relocate)
14.6 Partitioning
Section [700]: General Options
Option [1] OFF = Partitioning Disabled (default)
Option [1] ON = Partitioning Enabled
The panel is equipped with a partitioning feature which can divide the alarm system into two distinct areas identified as Partition 1
and Partition 2. Partitioning can be used in installations where shared security systems are more practical, such as an office/
warehouse building. When partitioned, each zone, each user code (see Access Codes on page 21) and some of the system's
features can be assigned to Partition 1, Partition 2 or both. If the system is not partitioned, all user codes and features will
be recognized as belonging to Partition 1.
• Users can only arm partitions to which they have been assigned.
• Only zones assigned to Partition 1 will arm/disarm when Partition 1 is armed or disarmed.
• Only zones assigned to Partition 2 will arm/disarm when Partition 2 is armed or disarmed.
• Zones assigned to both partitions will arm when both partitions are armed and will disarm when at least one disarms.
• The following features can be programmed separately for each partition: Entry/Exit Delay Timer, Auto-arming Options, Bell
Cut-Off Timer, Switch to Stay arming, PGM Events and Account Numbers.
If the system is not partitioned, all zones, user codes, and features will be recognized as belonging to partition 1.
Zones that have been manually assigned to partition 2 will no longer function.
Magellan / Spectra SP 55
Magellan / Spectra SP 57
15.3 PC Password
Section [911]
0000 to FFFF
This 4-digit password identifies the PC to the panel before establishing communication. Program the same PC Password into
both the control panel and the WinLoad software. If the passwords do not match, the WinLoad software will not establish
Magellan / Spectra SP 59
Backup Battery .................................................................. 3
Emergency Panic Report Code ....................................... 45
specifications ................................................................. 2 Entry Delay 2 / Stay / Sleep Zones .................................. 25
Battery Charge Current ................................................... 55 Entry Delay on LCD keypad ............................................ 57
Battery Failure Report Code ............................................ 46 Entry/Exit ......................................................................... 23
Magellan / Spectra SP 62
Upload/Download Software .............................................15
User Code Options
Arm Only .....................................................................22
Bypass Programming ...................................................22
Partition 1 Assignment ..................................................21
Partition 2 Assignment ..................................................22
PGM Activation ............................................................22
Stay Arming .................................................................22
User Operation ................................................................60
Window ............................................................................23
Winload Software .............................................................15
Wireless Features ............................................................32
Wireless Keypad Assignment ..........................................34
Wireless Keypad Live Display Mode ...............................35
Wireless Keypad Options ..........................................34, 35
Wireless Low Battery Report Code ..................................46
Wireless Repeater Option ................................................36
Wireless Repeater Programming .....................................35
Wireless Serial Number Display ......................................33
Wireless Transmitters
Check-in Supervision Timer Settings ..............................33
Programming .........................................................32, 54
Viewing Signal Strength ....................................32, 34, 54
Zone Definition Status .....................................................28
Zone Definitions ...............................................................24
Zone Input 1 Becomes a 2-wire Smoke Input ..................30
Zone Options
Delay Before Alarm Report Code Transmission ...............29
Force Zones ................................................................29
Zone Programming ..........................................................24
Zone Restore Report Options ..........................................51
Zone Shutdown, Auto ......................................................28
Zone Timers .....................................................................30
Magellan / Spectra SP 64
For support, please contact your local distributor, or dial 1-800-791-1919 (in North America).
You may also e-mail us at
Additional information can be found at PARADOX.COM
Printed in Canada 12\2014 MGSP-EI14