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Research Article: Impact of Loss Synchronization On Reliable High Speed Networks: A Model Based Simulation

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

Volume 2014, Article ID 795489, 12 pages

Research Article
Impact of Loss Synchronization on Reliable High Speed
Networks: A Model Based Simulation

Suman Kumar,1 Lin Xue,2 and Seung-Jong Park2

Department of Computer Science, Troy University, Troy, AL 36082, USA
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Center for Computation and Technology, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70802, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Seung-Jong Park; sjpark@cct.lsu.edu

Received 29 October 2013; Accepted 11 December 2013; Published 19 January 2014

Academic Editor: Liansheng Tan

Copyright 2014 Suman Kumar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Contemporary nature of network evolution demands for simulation models which are flexible, scalable, and easily implementable.
In this paper, we propose a fluid based model for performance analysis of reliable high speed networks. In particular, this paper aims
to study the dynamic relationship between congestion control algorithms and queue management schemes, in order to develop a
better understanding of the causal linkages between the two. We propose a loss synchronization module which is user configurable.
We validate our model through simulations under controlled settings. Also, we present a performance analysis to provide insights
into two important issues concerning 10 Gbps high speed networks: (i) impact of bottleneck buffer size on the performance of
10 Gbps high speed network and (ii) impact of level of loss synchronization on link utilization-fairness tradeoffs. The practical
impact of the proposed work is to provide design guidelines along with a powerful simulation tool to protocol designers and
network developers.

1. Introduction Hardware technologies and network applications have

been bringing rapid changes in protocols at transport layer as
As one of the basic characteristics of computer networks, well as at network layer. At the same time, network commu-
a dynamical system, TCP flow synchronization/desynchr- nity must understand the behavior of these protocols in order
onization, is very important and interesting. In fact, level to support research and development of next generation net-
of loss synchronization is proven to be the major impact
works. This understanding is especially important to improve
factor for the performance of computer networks. Modeling
the robustness of protocol implementations and network
the loss synchronization has been a challenging task for
network researchers especially for high speed networks. applications. In general, networking protocol developers have
A few studies have concentrated on loss synchronization to repeat a cycle consisting of two steps: they design and
studies on high speed networks such as [13]. The work evaluate until they satisfy performance, and then they deploy
in [1] presents an analytical model using M/M/1/K queuing protocols in real environment. While network simulation is
model approximations that is only valid for HighSpeed TCP a well accepted and widely used method for performance
(HSTCP) [4]. The work in [2, 3] presents synchronization analysis and evaluation, it is also well known that packet-
statistics in a high speed network environment via NS2 based simulators like NS2 and Opnet cannot be used in the
simulation. However, both [2, 3] do not answer the question: case of high speed or large scale networks because of their
how does loss synchronization level affect the performance of inherent bottlenecks in terms of message overhead and CPU
high speed TCP variants? Or how does loss synchronization execution time [57]. In that case, model based approach
affect the design of high speed networks? Also, these works with the help of a set of coupled differential equations is
do not address 10 Gbps high speed networks. preferred for the simulation. However, current fluid model is
2 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

not suitable to perform performance studies on high speed networks. Section 5 presents some basic simulation results
networks of the order of 10 Gbps because of its treatment using this model. Section 6 gives a brief summary of research
of loss synchronization by fairly dropping the packets at work on this topic. Section 7 summarizes our work and
the bottleneck link on congestion events, which of course is presents conclusion and possible future research direction in
not a realistic assumption. With these motivations, in this this area.
paper, we present a loss synchronization/desynchronization
model that is scalable to many orders of 10 Gbps links. We 3. Background and Motivation
demonstrate the usage of our model by performing two
important studies on 10 Gbps high speed networks: (1) the 3.1. Loss Synchronization on High Speed Networks. In [8],
impact of loss synchronization on sizing buffers and the 2000 flows sharing a bottleneck link are simulated using NS2.
countereffect of these two on the performance of 10 Gbps high It is observed that at the time of congestion event not all
speed networks and (2) throughput-fairness tradeoffs. To the the flows have packet losses. In reality, it is observed that
best of our knowledge, no study is there to explore the role of high speed networks have a few high speed flows sharing
different levels of loss synchronization on TCP performance the bottleneck link [9] and exhibit an increased level of
over 10 Gbps high speed networks. Our work promotes the synchronization among high speed flows [10, 11]. It is to
understanding and possible development of ongoing protocol be noted that several high speed versions of TCPs such as
development work for high speed networks. CUBIC [12], FastTCP [13], HSTCP [4], S-TCP [14], BIC-TCP
[15], and HAMILTON-TCP [16] were developed and some of
2. Contribution and Paper Organization them got adopted on the end systems and these high speed
TCP variants are designed to be aggressive on high speed
2.1. A User Configurable Loss Synchronization Module for links.
Fluid Simulation. In this paper, we show that normal fluid To explain this, we refer to fluid model equations for
models do not capture the loss synchronization phenomena congestion control algorithm for high speed TCP variants
in the simulation. Through this paper, we propose a user con- presented as below for some TCP flow :
figurable loss synchronization module that can be attached
to the bottleneck queue to break the all flow loss synchro- () ( () < )
= () () , (1)
nization in fluid simulation. Presented loss synchronization ()
module can be easily coupled with fluid models for testing
where is congestion window, is round trip time,
and furthering the development process of future protocol for
and are defined as increment and decrement factors,
high speed networks.
respectively, is the maximum window size, and ()
is the loss arrival rate. New congestion control algorithms
2.2. Performance of High Speed TCP Variants for Different are often characterized by higher values of and by lower
Buffer Sizes on 10 Gbps High Speed Networks. We perform an values of , that is, by a conservative reduction of cwnd upon
extensive study on the impact of buffer sizes on the perfor- a congestion event. It is observed that burstiness increases
mance of high speed TCP variants on 10 Gbps high speed with bandwidth because packets degenerate into extremely
networks for different levels of loss synchronization. This bursty outflows with data rates going beyond the available
work further motivates the exploration of the relationship bandwidth for short periods of time [10] which causes unfair
among synchronization behavior of high speed flows, buffer packet drops. Therefore, when a large number of flows see
sizes, and congestion control on high speed networks of the packet drops around the same time, they will synchronously
order of 10 Gbps and beyond. react by reducing their congestion window sizes. This may
lead to a significant reduction in instantaneous throughput
2.3. Performance Tradeoffs in High Speed Networks of the of the system. In an unfair AQM scheme, however, only a few
Order of 10 Gbps. High speed networks are characterized by flows will record packet losses and rest of the flows will keep
high capacity and low delay providing that high-capacity the link busy and, therefore, the aggregate congestion window
telecommunication networks are based on fiber optics tech- will change less significantly. Considering Figure 1(a), there
nologies. It is observed that high speed TCP flows are are three flows numbered 1, 2, and 3. Flows 1 and 2 record
aggressive. They greedily steal bandwidth from other flows packet loss at time 1 and flows 1, 2, and 3 record packet loss
and exhibit unfairness on these networks. Studies show that at 3 .
there is a strong correlation between loss synchronization In Figure 1(b), we show how different flows mix up while
and utilization-fairness of protocols. Through this paper, we reaching the bottleneck link. In the figure, flow 1 would lose
present a preliminary study of the role of loss synchronization more packets than flow 2 and flow 3 might get accommodated
on utilization-fairness tradeoff. The presented study provides in the queue because queue is not only dropping packets but
a reference point for the effect of loss synchronization on the also keeping the link busy by accepting new packets.
performance of high speed protocols.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 3 presents 3.2. Desynchronized Losses and High Speed TCPs. Recent
background and motivation behind this work. In Section 4, years have seen many studies focusing on sizing buffers
we propose a loss-synchronization module for the fluid because of statistical multiplexing of different flows in the
simulation and present the simulation setup for high speed internet [1724] and high speed networks [1, 25]. Several
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 3

Packets arrive in bursts

Flow 1 Drop-tail queue

Flow 3
Flow 2
Flow 2
Flow 1

Unfair packet drops

t1 t2 t3 Flow 3
(a) Synchronized and desynchronized losses on TCP (b) Unfairness at the bottleneck link

Figure 1: Loss synchronization in action.

research projects argued that desynchronized flows can give fairness when we enforce the partial synchronization of the
high link utilization and also affect fairness among coexisting flows as shown in Figure 4(b).
flows on bottleneck link. In this section, our intention is to Therefore, through our simple example, we observe a
see if change in loss synchronization can impact the fairness. strong correlation between level of flow synchronization
For this, first we focus on an aggressive protocol pairing and throughput and fairness. Moreover, we aim to explore
with a less aggressive protocol. Second, we focus on two the impact of loss synchronization on utilization-fairness
similar aggressive flows with different starting times sharing tradeoffs.
a bottleneck link. Clearly, STCP and standard TCP satisfy
our requirements for aggressive and conservative flows,
respectively [26, 27]. Flows are fully synchronized when all
the flows record packet losses and partially synchronized 4. Fluid Model Implementation for
when only a fraction of all the flows record packet losses in a Loss Synchronization
congestion event. We consider a standard dumbbell topology
4.1. Background. From network perspective, drop policies
with two flows sharing a 1 Gbps link and propagation delay
need to address mainly three issues: when to signal conges-
is 120 ms. Synchronization level is enforced when queue size
tion, which flows should be dropped, and how many flows
increases to a certain limit. For partial synchronization, we
should be dropped.
force the flows with higher congestion window to drop first.
Which flows should be dropped? To answer this question
We measure fairness by using Jains fairness index [28].
we review some of the existing policies, like RED and drop-
Figure 2(a) shows when both flows are synchronized.
tail. Drop-tail drops the whole tail and costs all the flows
Simulation time is 200 sec and we observe that STCP occupies
which are queued in the stream. This results in multiple
the major bandwidth (see [26] where STCP occupies 99.2%
losses. RED addresses this question more intelligently by
of bandwidth). In the case of dropping only one flow with
dropping the packets probabilistically.
highest sending rate at the time of congestion as shown in
How many flows are to be dropped? Drop-tail drops all
Figure 2(b), the fairness improves.
the flows which are lagging behind in the queue and RED
Figure 3 shows two STCP flows with low and high RTTs
takes probabilistic approach to drop packets. However, we do
competing for bandwidth. In Figure 3(a), we see that the
believe that it needs some information to process to make
flow with low RTT consumes the major bandwidth and the
certain decisions like when to drop, which ones to drop, and
other flow starves because it can not update its congestion
how many of which ones to be dropped.
window values as frequently as the one with smaller RTT. In
Based on our discussion above, following are the factors
Figure 3(b), when we enforce only one flow to lose the packet
for the design of loss synchronization module.
during the time of congestion, there is a good improvement
in fairness as well as link utilization. Drop Threshold: defined as a maximum queue size. If the
STCP flows are very sensitive to their start-up times and queue size exceeds the maximum queue size, congestion will
exhibit slow convergence. Therefore, more often homoge- be signaled by dropping packets.
neous STCP flows exhibit unfairness (e.g., see [27]) especially
for short flows. In Figure 4, we start the second flow after Flow Selection Policy: a selection policy to select flows to drop
10 seconds. When losses are synchronized (in Figure 4(a)), packets.
STCP starting after 10 seconds gets lesser bandwidth while
the flow that started early enjoys major chunk of available Synchronization Level: defined as number of flows to be
bandwidth. On the other hand, we observe improvement in dropped.
4 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

BDP + queue size

10000 12000 BDP + queue size


Congestion window (packets)

Congestion window (packets)


100 6000


1 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100
100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (s)
Time (s)

Aggregate window Aggregate window
(a) Full synchronization, Jains Fairness = 0.502684, average link utilization (b) Partial synchronization (drop only one flow), Jains fairness =
= 0.936842 0.950005, average link utilization = 0.971398

Figure 2: Congestion window versus time for STCP and AIMD pairing on a bottleneck link = 1 Gbps, RTT = 120 ms, buffer size = 0.1 BDP
(1000 1.5 KB packets).

4.2. A General Fluid Model and Its Limitations. For reference, where () > 0 and can have only positive value. ARsum
we rewrite the original fluid model equations as below: is sum of the arrival rates of all flows at queue , and is
bottleneck queue in our case.
: A set of ordered queues traversed by th flow Consider
: Congestion window for th flow

: Round trip time for th flow ARsum = () . (4)
: Loss indication rate for th flow
: Queue size associated with th link Under the overload or overfilling, the drop-tail queue
: Service capacity/bandwidth for th link generates the loss probability according to the equation
: Packet drop probability at th queue
max : Maximum queue size associated with th link {0, () < max
: Denotes number of flows traversing th link () = { ARsum (5)
max ( , 0) , () = max .
{ ARsum
: Arrival rate of th flow at th link.
In fluid model [29, 30], packet chunks are modeled This loss probability is proportionally divided among all
as a fluid at a sender according to the following ordinary flows passing the queue as shown in Figure 5.
differential equations:
() = () () . (6)
() ()
= () () () . (2)
In reality, TCP flows burstiness induces dynamics of cer-
When the packet fluid reaches the queue, the queue tain degree of synchronization among TCP flows sharing the
checks for the incoming rate and adjusts the queue size bottleneck link. In addition, during the time of congestion,
according to equation below: losses are not evenly distributed among TCP flows and TCP
Queue size: flows with larger congestion windows are more likely to get
affected. The model does not account for this behavior and,

= 1 ( () > 0) + () , (3) therefore, it is not very useful in performance studies in the

=1 presence of desynchronized flows.
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 5

6000 BDP + queue size
BDP + queue size 8000

5000 7000

Congestion window (packets)

Congestion window (packets)


3000 4000

1000 1000

0 0 20 40 60 80
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (s)
Time (s)
Aggregated window Aggregated windows
(a) Full synchronization, Jains fairness = 0.50343, average link utiliza- (b) Partial synchronization (drop only one flow), Jains Fairness =
tion = 0.974767 0.998814, average link utilization = 0.969627

Figure 3: Congestion window versus time for 2 STCP flows (Flow1 RTT = 40 ms, Flow2 RTT = 120 ms) a bottleneck link = 1 Gbps, buffer size
= 0.1 BDP (1000 1.5 KB packets).

BDP + queue size 12000 BDP + queue size


12000 10000
Congestion window (packets)

Congestion window (packets)


2000 2000

0 0
10 30 50 70 90
10 30 50 70 90
Time (s) Time (s)

Aggregated window Aggregated window
(a) Full synchronization, Jains fairness = 0.506834, average link utiliza- (b) Partial synchronization (drop only one flow), Jains fairness =
tion =0.938060 0.987716, average link utilization = 0.973123

Figure 4: Congestion window versus time for 2 STCP flows (flow 2 start 10 sec. after flow 1) on a bottleneck link = 1 Gbps, RTT = 120 ms,
buffer size = 0.1 BDP (1000 1.5 KB packets).

4.3. A Loss-Synchronization Fluid-Simulation Module. Our be user given or derived from a distribution or
loss-synchronization simulation module consists of two parts experimental data at any congestion event. The loss
as illustrated in Figure 6. synchronization factor is an integer value and defines
(1) Loss-synchronization controller: the controller con- how many flows are to record packet losses. For
trols the loss synchronization factor at the time the description below, loss synchronization factor is
of congestion. The loss synchronization factor can denoted as at the th congestion. Suppose there
6 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

Flow-in Flow-out link capacity. Therefore, there is a duality between both the
models in terms of loss rates at the queue. Synchronization
at the packet level in reliable networks indicates the phase
Drop-tail queue
relationship between the wavelike variations of congestion
window values of different TCP flows. However, it is to be
Qmax noted that differential equation model of TCPs is used which
is inherently oscillatory in nature and, therefore, whether
these oscillations are phase synchronized or not depends on
All ow weighted packet loss
the loss indication signal controlled by the parameter
Figure 5: Operation of a drop-tail queue under the fluid model approximating the notion of congestion event duration to the
simulation. notion of point of congestion.

Flow-in Flow-out
4.4. High Speed Networks Simulation Setup. For high speed
networks we make following assumptions.

Synchronization Drop-policy
(i) Congestion events occur when bottleneck buffer is
controller controller Queue full.
(ii) Highest rate flows are more prone to record packet
(iii) High speed TCP flows burstiness induces higher level
Selected ows packet loss of synchronization.
Figure 6: Operation of the loss-synchronization module on a queue The first assumption is obvious and states that buffer over-
under fluid model simulation. flow causes congestion in the network. Second assumption
relates to the fact that high speed TCP flows are aggressive
and higher burstiness is attributed to high congestion window
are number of flows in the network and out of those values; the assumption that highest sending rate flows have
, flows are experiencing packet losses. Therefore, higher probability to record losses is heuristically justified (in
following boundary value holds for any selected : [11], it is observed that larger burstiness increases the prob-
ability of packet losses) if not very accurate. To understand
(1, ) . (7) the third assumption, we refer to [2] that shows high speed
TCP flows intent to show some level of loss synchronization.
(2) Packet-drop policy Controller: loss-synchronization Fairness in packet drops (i.e., dropped packets are uniformly
controller passes the information to the packet-drop distributed among all the flows) can create synchronization
policy controller. The packet-drop policy controller among flows whereas unfair packet drops (i.e., only some
selects TCP flows to drop at the time of congestion of the flows record packet drops) can lead to reduced
by using a priority matrix that defines the order of synchronization. Below, we outline the values for the loss
flows to record packet losses and pass this information synchronization simulation module for queue.
to the queue. Specifically, at the time of th con- To select random at any congestion event , we define
gestion, the packet-drop policy controller determines a parameter which is defined to give the minimum level
the priority matrix = [1 , 2 . . . ,
], where of synchronization (i.e., the ratio of synchronized flows and
total number of flows is no less than ):
defines some important time varying decision
parameter for flow at th congestion events. >
(, ) . (9)
indicates that packets in flow have higher drop
probability than flow . We define as the set of It is observed that when congestion happens multiple number
flows selected based on the priority matrix. We of flows record packet losses. Selection of not only satisfies
define as a policy through which these flows a least certain level of loss synchronization but also does not
get selected. Therefore, all the flows satisfy avoid any degree of synchronization higher than . Hence,
following relationship: the definition of is reasonable for high speed networks case.
It is to be noted that the definition of may not be suitable to
() = ARsum . (8) all levels of statistical multiplexing for high speed TCPs but it
presents a very simple reference point covering a wide range
of synchronization behavior of high speed TCP flows.
The above equation means that every loss is accounted and In our study, is the set of flows with highest sending
distributed among the flows (since burstiness is a random and rates that is denoted by priority matrix whose elements are
stochastic phenomenon of TCP flows). In both the models arrival rate of flow (= ) at the bottleneck queue.
above, we assume that congestion occurs when the buffer can Incremental parameter and decremental parameter
not accept any more packets and total arrival rate exceeds the for variants of TCPs are outlined in [5].
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 7

5. Simulation Results
To calculate link utilization, we sample the departure rate at Total number of ows: 10
the bottleneck link as defined below: Bottleneck link = C


Dep ( ) TCP senders Q
= . (10) C
TCP receivers

Dropping policy: drop-tail
In the above equation, Dep is the departure rate of flow
at bottleneck link , denotes the sampling instances, and
is the capacity of the bottleneck link. Therefore, to present our
result we calculate the link utilization by taking the average of
sampled total departure rate at bottleneck link. Figure 7: Simulation topology with 10 flows sharing a bottleneck.
Our second performance matrix is fairness. Long term
flow throughput is used for computing fairness according to
Jains fairness index [28].
We consider 10 flows of high speed TCP variants on
10 Gbps link competing for bandwidth. A network in general 90
consists of several queues. The behavior of TCP congestion

Link utilization (%)

control algorithm mainly depends on the congestion on the
most congested link [31]. Therefore, in this work we consider 80
the case of 10 persistent high speed TCP flows sharing the
same bottleneck link on a dumbbell topology.
The queuing discipline policy is drop-tail with loss- 70
synchronization module. Mean field theory of buffer sizes
[32] suggests that at least 60% of flows record packet losses
during a congestion event. Since high speed networks are 60
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
more different than the internet, we consider two cases of
, = 0.3 and = 0.6, to introduce lower and higher Buer size
level of synchronization among high speed connections
( = 1 refers to the case when all flows record packet X=1 X = 0.6
Boston model X = 0.3
losses). Values for configurable parameter are drawn
NS2 simulation
from normal distribution. We consider the effect of only the
basic congestion control algorithms on bottleneck link and, Figure 8: Validation with previously published results (average link
therefore, the mechanisms like time-out, slow start, and fast utilization as function of buffer size fraction (max 12 500)).
retransmit are not simulated. We perform fluid simulation
by solving differential equations for high speed TCP variants.
Since our approach involves random number generation, we
ran the simulation 10 times each for 3000 s and averaged them buffer sizes. However, the proposed models results shown
for each result presented in this section. It is to be noted that in Figure 8 give a closer match with NS2 simulation results.
throughput results presented in this section are taken from We also observe that when all the flows are synchronized
the time of first congestion event (i.e., when the flows are ( = 1), fluid model does not match with the NS2 simulation
stabilized, we record the first congestion since the start of result. As we decrease the synchronization ( = 0.6 and
simulation). = 0.3 case), the utilization improves and NS2 simulation
Before presenting our results, we verify our model with result matches with fluid simulation results. We conclude that
previously published results in [1]. Topology presented in fluid simulation with synchronization module presented in
Figure 7 is used for all the results presented in this section. this work can provide more accurate result than the Boston
5.1. Model Verification. To verify our proposed model com-
pared with the Boston model presented in [1], we used the 5.2. Link Utilization as a Function of Buffer Size on 10 Gbps
NS2 simulator. For this validation, high speed TCP (HSTCP) High Speed Networks. In this section, we show simulation
is used; bottleneck link C is set to 1 Gbps; packet size is results for AIMD, HSTCP, CUBIC, and HTCP [33] for
1 KB; and RTT is ranging from 115.5 ms to 124.5 ms with 10 Gbps link (results for rest of the high speed TCP variants
average RTT of 120 ms. The buffer size of the bottleneck will be included in an extended paper). For the results
buffer is varied as a fraction of 12 500 packets corresponding presented in this subsection, we set C = 10 Gbps, link delay
to the BDP of largest RTT (= 124.5 ms). We use the same = 10 ms, RTTs of 10 flows are ranging from 80 ms to 260 ms
parameter sets as suggested in [4]. Figure 8 shows that the with average RTT = 170 ms. We use average RTT to calculate
Boston model has a large amount of difference compared BDP which gives 141 667 1500 B packets maximum. Number
with NS2 simulation results in case of low and moderate of flows is 10.
8 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

100 100
98 98
96 96

Link utilization (%)

Link utilization (%) 94 94
92 92
90 90
88 88
86 86
84 84
82 82
80 80
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Buer size Buer size
100 100
96 90

Link utilization (%)

Link utilization (%)

92 80
88 70
84 60
80 50
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Buer size Buer size

x=1 x=1
x = 0.3 x = 0.3
x = 0.6 x = 0.6
(c) AIMD (d) HTCP

Figure 9: Average link utilization as function of fraction of buffer size on 10 Gbps link (max buffer = 141 667 packets).

In Figure 9(a), we show link utilization as a function AIMD result is presented in Figure 9(c). We observe for
of fraction of maximum buffer size for three different the case of = 1 that 10 AIMD flows behave like 10 parallel
values of . We observe as buffer size increases link uti- TCP flows. We observe that link utilization improves with
lization improves. As shown in the previous results, de- the lower degree of synchronization. It is also observed that
synchronization improves the link utilization (with synchro- AIMD outperforms CUBIC and is comparable to HSTCP
nization parameter = 0.3, higher link utilization is for all buffer size cases. HSTCP and AIMD results are
achieved as compared to = 1 and = 0.6). close to each other because congestion control algorithm of
Simulation result for CUBIC is shown in Figure 9(b), the HSTCP emulates the parallel TCP flows. HTCP (Figure 9(d))
performance of CUBIC TCP is drastically affected by smaller performs poorly for small buffer sizes. We observed that
buffer size. We observe less than 90% link utilization for all frequent losses render the ability of synchronized HTCP
the three values of . We also observe for buffer sizes greater flows to utilize the available bandwidth when 0.05 BDP buffer
than 20% of BDP reduction in level of synchronization size is used. However, desynchronized flows are able to show
improves the performance. However, we observe that higher better performance.
partial synchronization ( = 0.6) does not show any The main reason for the poor performance of CUBIC and
improvement than all synchronization ( = 1). We also HTCP as compared to AIMD and HSTCP is attributed to
observe HSTCP performs better than CUBIC TCP with its improvement of fairness. In desynchronized environment,
various buffer sizes. CUBIC TCP is designed to be more both CUBIC and HTCP mark the last congestion event by
fair, whereas HSTCP has RTT fairness problem. Although setting the values of max and time since last congestion even
CUBIC and HSTCP have some performance differences, we parameters, respectively. However, some flows miscalculate
believe there has to be some tradeoff between fairness and this congestion point if they do not record any packet loss.
link utilization. Fairness of the TCP flows is out of scope of The inherent idea of these two TCP mechanisms is to be fair
this paper and is left for further exploration. with other flows traversing the same bottleneck link. There is
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 9

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.95 1.00 0.90
Average link utilization 0.90

Average link utilization

0.90 0.99 0.80

Jains fairness index

Jains fairness index
0.80 0.85 0.99 0.70
0.70 0.80 0.98 0.60
0.75 0.98 0.50
0.60 0.70 0.97 0.40
0.50 0.65 0.97 0.30
0.60 0.96 0.20
0.55 0.96 0.10
0.30 0.50 0.95 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Synchronization level Synchronization level

1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

0.95 0.90
Average link utilization

Average link utilization

0.90 0.80

Jains fairness index

Jains fairness index
0.80 0.85 0.98
0.80 0.60
0.70 0.75 0.97 0.50
0.70 0.40
0.60 0.96
0.65 0.30

0.50 0.60 0.95 0.20

0.55 0.10
0.40 0.50 0.94 0.00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Synchronization level Synchronization level

Average link utilization Average link utilization

Jains fairness index Jains fairness index
(c) HTCP (d) STCP

Figure 10: Fairness and link utilization versus Synchronization level of 10 CUBIC flows on 10 Gbps link with average RTT = 170 ms and
Buffer Size = 0.1 BDP (10 000 1.5 KB packets).

an intrinsic tradeoff between fairness and efficiency of these increases fairness first decreases and then there is a slight
protocols. increase in fairness. We observe high link utilization for
values 3 to 5. However, we believe there has to be an intrinsic
tradeoff between the two as far as is concerned.
5.3. Synchronization Level versus Utilization-Fairness. In this
There is a linear decrease in utilization as increases for
section, we present our study on the impact of level of loss
HTCP (see Figure 10(c)). We observe highly synchronized
synchronization on link utilization and fairness tradeoffs.
flows decrease the link utilization. In this case RTT un-
We relax our assumption on loss synchronization. Instead of
fairness impacts the performance. However, HTCP performs
choosing it from a distribution, the value of is fixed for each
well in a wide range of values of .
measurement. We plot the value of as synchronization
We observe in Figure 10(d) that fairness of STCP
level on -axis.
decreases first and then improves when synchronization level
increases. For link utilization, we see a slight decrease. STCP
5.3.1. Homogeneous TCP Flows. We discuss the results for with its multiplicative increase approach has been a very
homogeneous TCP flows. Figure 10(a) shows the variation unfair protocol in majority of the evaluation studies and its
of utilization and fairness with variety of synchronization fairness can be drastically impacted by different variables.
levels , which stands for how many flows to be dropped It has been observed in Section 9 of [34] that STCP has
at congestion event. We observe that when all the flows unstable intraprotocol fairness behavior. We observe that
are synchronized CUBIC shows good fairness but poor link intraprotocol fairness of STCP is also drastically impacted
utilization. As synchronization level decreases, utilization by the loss synchronization level. However, by observing the
improves and the fairness index is almost 1. It is interesting fairness and utilization trend with , we can say there have to
to see the behavior of HSTCP in Figure 10(b). We observe as be some values of for a given configuration of flows where it
10 Journal of Computer Networks and Communications

0.97 0.99 1.00 1.00

0.92 0.94 0.90
Average link utilization

0.89 0.80

Jains fairness index


Average link utilization

0.84 0.70

Jains fairness index

0.77 0.97 0.60
0.96 0.50
0.62 0.69 0.95
0.57 0.64 0.94
0.52 0.59
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.93 0.10
Synchronization level
0.92 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 10
Average link utilization Synchronization level
Jains fairness index
Average link utilization
Figure 11: Fairness and link utilization versus synchronization level Jains fairness index
of 10 AIMD flows on 10 Gbps link with average RTT = 170 ms and
buffer size = 0.1 BDP (10 000 1.5 KB packets). Figure 12: Fairness and link utilization versus synchronization level
of 10 mixed TCP flows on 10 Gbps link with average RTT = 170 ms
and buffer size = 0.1 BDP (10 000 1.5 KB packets).

can still achieve good results. Furthermore, we see the fairness

and link utilization for 10 AIMD flows in Figure 11. It seems
that low level of synchronization can help address the issue FAST TCP to a so-called Generalized FAST TCP to charac-
of RTT unfairness. We observe that decreasing improves terize the fairness issue while fairness issue is directly relevant
link utilization as well as fairness. With the observation in this to synchronization. The authors in [36] considered impact of
section, we conclude that controlled synchronization would loss synchronization on fairness associated with FAST TCP
help to address some challenging issues for homogeneous operations due to inaccurate estimation of the round-trip
TCP flows. propagation delay. In a recent work [25], experimental study
of the impact of queue management schemes on high speed
TCP variants over high speed networks was presented. Dif-
5.3.2. Heterogeneous TCP Flows. Fairness and utilization ferent combinations of queue management schemes and TCP
results for heterogeneous TCP flows are presented in variants were evaluated in terms of link utilization, fairness,
Figure 12. In this scenario, we have two flows of each TCP delay, and packet loss rate. In follow-up works, authors in
variant considered in this simulation study. It is interesting [37, 38] evaluated interprotocol fairness for heterogeneous
to observe that fairness and link utilization both improve as TCP flows over high speed networks. CUBIC, HSTCP, and
synchronization parameter decreases below 4. However, TCP-SACK were mixed at a 10 Gbps bottleneck link, and
since we ran the simulation for a long time, the resulting the fairness properties among heterogeneous TCP flows
fairness and utilization correspond to long time average. were explored. The authors elaborated a queue management
The slower flows get dropped as often as faster flows do scheme to solve unfairness issues in high speed networks.
when synchronization parameter is lower than 4. Highly However in above works, impact of loss synchronization on
synchronized flows include the slower flows frequently at the the performance of high speed networks was not explored.
time of congestion and, therefore, slower flows take a long Next, we like to mention a few notable works on sizing
time to reach peak window size after being punished. Hence, buffers in Internet environment. In particular, the rule-of-
we see a poor level of fairness and link utilization for thumb, first stated in [39] and further studied in [40], was
values greater than 4. Also, we observe a strong impact of loss challenged in [31]. The author in [39] assumed that there are
synchronization on these performance factors. long lived flows which are stochastically multiplexed at a
router buffer requiring /0.5 . On the similar hypothesis,
6. Related Work [17] proposed the buffer size is 0.63 /0.5 . In [18], the
sufficient buffer size of 2 /323 can provide near 100%
There are a few works available that attempt to conduct a link utilization. The assumption that the number of flows
performance analysis in high speed networks. In [2, 3], the in the network remains constant was further investigated in
authors presented a study of loss synchronization phenomena [19]. The authors in [19] concluded that depending on the
in a high speed network setting using drop-tail and RED core-to-access speed ratio, the buffer size and the number
respectively, for different buffer sizes. However, their studies of flows are not independent of each other and, therefore,
only validated loss synchronization effect of these two specific these two quantities should not be treated independently.
queue management schemes. In [35], the authors generalized And O(1) buffer sizes are good enough for near 100% link
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 11

utilization given the core-to-access ratio is large. The authors schemes over high speed networks. Although we present a
in [20] considered packet loss rate as an important metric and simple analysis, explorations of more complicated scenario
attempted to bound the loss rate to small value to achieve can be expanded from this work.
good link utilization with small buffers. Packet loss rate is
proportional to 2 , where is the number of flows and Conflict of Interests
hence, shown to be an important parameter while designing
router buffers [22]. Some researchers also tried to attempt the The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
problem from a different perspective. For example, in [21], regarding the publication of this paper.
input/output capacity ratio was considered to be important
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