A Quality of Service Driven Approach For Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based On Metrics Adaptation: Looking Beyond Clustering
A Quality of Service Driven Approach For Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based On Metrics Adaptation: Looking Beyond Clustering
A Quality of Service Driven Approach For Clustering in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Based On Metrics Adaptation: Looking Beyond Clustering
4, DECEMBER 2008
Abstract: Recently, research topics are focusing on clustering information which facilitates the spatial reuse of resource and
approaches for Ad hoc networks due to their effectiveness in increase the system capacity. Each CH will act as a temporary
building a virtual backbone formed by a set of suitable base station within its zone or cluster and communicates with
clusterheads (CH) to guarantee the communications across other CHs. Thus, packets for route finding may only spread
clusters. In this paper, we propose a clustering approach to elect
suitable nodes’ representatives and to store minimum topology
among CHs instead of flooding among all nodes. On the other
information by reducing the propagation of routing information hand, the topology change information caused by movement
which facilitates the spatial reuse of resource and increase the of some nodes is limited in adjacent clusters, not in the whole
system capacity. The clusters must adapt dynamically to the network. Therefore, any clustering scheme should be adaptive
environment changes, we also propose a distributed maintenance to such changes with minimum clustering management
procedure that allows managing nodes’ adhesion, nodes’ handoff overhead incurred by changes in the network topology.
and CHs’ re-election. Based on our analytical model used to
estimate the quality of service (QoS) parameters, we implement To establish a cluster, traditional clustering algorithms
an admission control algorithm to determine the number of suggest CH election exclusively based on nodes’ IDs or
members inside a cluster that can be accommodated while location information and involve frequent broadcasting of
satisfying the constraints imposed by the current applications. control packets, even when network topology remains
This might effectively drive congestion avoidance on the CH and unchanged. Most recent work takes into account additional
interclusters load-balancing to achieve better network resource metrics (such as energy and mobility) and optimizes initial
utilization. The obtained results will help us to readjust the
clustering without taking into consideration the QoS
clustering algorithm metrics in order to provide better
maintenance and QoS guarantees depending on the used
parameters like “cluster achievable throughput, cluster delay
applications. Through numerical analysis and simulations, we and transmissions’ number per packet”. In many situations, re-
have studied the performance of our model and compared it with clustering procedure is hardly ever invoked; hence initially
that of other existing algorithms. The results demonstrate better elected CHs soon waste their batteries due to serving the other
performance in terms of number of clusters, number of handoffs, members for longer periods of time. In addition, a topology
number of transitions (state change) on CHs, QoS parameters, control mechanism is required to mitigate the vulnerability of
load balancing and scalability. We also observed how the such clusters due to node joining/leaving and link failures. It
connectivity and the stability are maximized when the number of aims to reduce interference and energy consumption, to
nodes increases in presence of the mobility.
increase the effective network capacity, and to reduce the end
Index Terms: Ad hoc networks, clusters, maintenance, to end delay.
quality of service, scalability. As election of optimal clusterheads is an NP-hard problem
[1], many heuristic mechanisms have been proposed.
I. INTRODUCTION Centralized algorithms rely on the assumption that the elected
Clustering is a promising approach for mimicking the CH is responsible of the cluster’s maintenance. However,
operation of the fixed infrastructure and managing the these algorithms suffer from single point (CH) of bottleneck
resources in mobile Ad hoc networks. An Ad hoc network is especially in highly mobile environments; hence initially
characterized by a collection of wireless nodes which elected CHs have to collect excessive amounts of information
communicate with each other using high-frequency radio and soon reach battery exhaustion. On the other hand,
waves. These nodes arbitrarily and randomly change their distributed algorithms are more adaptive to mobility due to the
locations and capabilities without the aid of any fixed fact that the maintenance is done in collaboration between all
infrastructure. The main objective of clustering is to elect the nodes where each node relies on the local information
suitable nodes’ representatives, i.e. CHs and to store minimum collected from the nearby nodes. Although the distributed
topology information by reducing the propagation of routing manner is preferred for MANET, it lacks a major drawback in
achieving and guarantying a strong connectivity between the
Manuscript received March 03, 2008, and revised December 14, 2008. nodes. The performance changes greatly for small and large
Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Ecole de clusters and depends strongly on the formation and
technologie superieure, University of Quebec, Canada (email: zouhair.el- maintenance procedures of clusters which should operate with
bazzal@etsmtl.ca). minimum overhead, allowing mobile nodes to join and leave
without perturbing the membership of the cluster and (LID) [4, 5, 6] chooses the node with the lowest ID as a
preserving current cluster structure as much as possible. On clusterhead, the system performance is better than Highest-
the other hand, under high traffic load conditions, admission Degree in terms of throughput. However, those CHs with
control becomes necessary in order to provide and maintain smaller IDs suffer from the battery drainage, resulting short
the QoS of existing members. Our approach differs from lifetime of the system. Based on an analytical performance
others in that it is based on the clusters’ capacity and it uses model, Lian et al. [7] have concluded that Lowest-id performs
the link lifetime instead of the node mobility for the better than MCC in terms of bandwidth consumption and
maintenance procedure. We refer this to the fact that the node induced control overhead. Least Clusterhead Change
mobility metric does not affect the election of a CH as much Algorithm (LCC) [8] allows minimizing clusterhead changes
as the link stability metric does. It also provide an efficient that occur when two CHs come into direct contact. In such a
technique to estimate and derivate the number of members case, one of them will give up its role and some of the nodes
inside a cluster with respect to the allowed saturation in one cluster may not be members of the other CH’s cluster.
throughput, the delay and the packet error rate when the Therefore, some nodes must become CH while causing a lot of
protocol DCF (Distribution Coordination Function) is used to re-elections because of the propagation of such changes across
access the channel. The estimation methodology builds on the the entire network.
existence of a mathematical relationship between the number
3hBAC (3-hop Between Adjacent Clusterheads) [9] have
of competing members, the packet collision probability
introduced the concept of clusterguests which are some nodes
encountered on the shared medium and the packet arrival rate
that may not be connected to any CH, but can access a few
at each member.
clusters with the help of member nodes. The elected CHs are
In this paper, we propose a weight based Efficient 3-hops away from each other. First, the node with the highest
Clustering Algorithm (ECA) which underlay on node stability degree is elected as CH and forms the first cluster. Then, the
level, QoS parameters requested within a cluster as well as on formation of other clusters is done in parallel in the whole
sophisticated distributed maintenance procedures. Our network. However, the stationary assumption is required for
objectives are yielding low number of clusters, maintaining cluster formation in order to decide the first cluster. DDCA
stable clusters, achieving load-balancing and scalability. In (Distributed Dynamic Clustering Algorithm) [10] uses α, t
this manner, we propose an analytical model to estimate the criteria that indicate that every node in a cluster has a path to
QoS parameters in order to determine the cluster size that can every other node during some time period with a probability
be accommodated while satisfying the constraints imposed by greater than α regardless of the hop distance between them. A
the applications. This will help us to readjust the used node can join a cluster if it has a mutual path to satisfy the
parameters of the clustering algorithm in order to provide above criteria between itself and the CH of that cluster.
better quality of service guarantees depending on the used Otherwise, the node creates a new cluster just to cover itself.
applications. The results show that the proposed clustering DDCA can adaptively adjust its cluster size, considering the
model provides better performance in terms of number of same stability level α. In low mobility, it forms large-sized
formed clusters, number of handoffs, average number of clusters, but in highly mobile network, it diminishes the
transition (state change) on CHs, QoS parameter, load cluster size.
balancing, and scalability (connectivity) when compared to
that of other weight based algorithms. The paper is organized MOBIC [11] uses a new mobility metric; Aggregate Local
as follows. In Section II, we review several approaches Mobility (ALM) for CH election. ALM is computed as the
proposed previously. Section III presents the cluster formation ratio of received power levels of successive transmissions
model. Section IV presents the proposed analytical model. (periodic hello messages) between a pair of nodes, which
Section V presents the distributed maintenance model. Section means the relative mobility between neighboring nodes. It is
VI presents the performance analysis of the model. Finally, easy to see that MOBIC is effective for group mobility
Section VII concludes the paper. behavior, in which a group of nodes moves with similar speed
and direction. Thus, an elected CH can normally promise the
II. OVERVIEW OF THE EXISTING APPROACHES low mobility with respect to its member nodes. However, if
nodes move randomly and change their speeds from time to
Many approaches have been proposed for the election of
time, the performance of MOBIC will be greatly degraded.
clusterheads ad hoc networks. Maximum Connectivity
DLBC (Degree Load Balanced Clustering) [12] periodically
Clustering (MCC) [2] is based on the degree of connectivity.
runs the clustering to keep the number of nodes in each cluster
A node is elected as CH if it is the highest connected node.
around a system parameter named Elected Degree (ED),
This is not suitable in dynamic network topologies where the
which indicates the optimum number of nodes that a CH can
degree of connectivity changes rapidly. The Highest-Degree
handle. This mechanism tries to balance the load between the
[3] uses the degree of a node as a metric for the selection of
CHs. However, DLBC will cause frequent clustering
clusterheads. The degree of a node is the number of neighbors
invocations because the movement of mobile nodes and
each node has. The node with maximum degree is chosen as a
consequent link setup/break results in dynamic variation of
clusterhead; since the degree of a node changes very
node degree. In addition, how to decide the used system
frequently, the CHs are not likely to play their role as
parameters is not discussed in DLBC.
clusterheads for very long. In addition, as the number of
ordinary nodes in a cluster is increased, the throughput drops The Distributed Clustering Algorithm (DCA) [13] and
and system performance degrades. The Lowest-Identifier Distributed Mobility Adaptive clustering algorithm (DMAC)
[14] are enhanced versions of LID; each node has a unique is not possible to design orthogonal spreading codes due to
weight instead of just the node’s ID, these weights are used for multipath effect which make these transmissions suffer
the selection of CHs. A node is chosen to be a clusterhead if different time delays. In this case, the cross-correlation
its weight is higher than any of its neighbor’s weight; between codes cannot be neglected. We also take into
otherwise, it joins a neighboring clusterhead. The DCA makes consideration these assumptions:
an assumption that the network topology does not change a) There is a common signaling CDMA code named
during the execution of the algorithm. Thus, it is proven to be “sig_code” used by all nodes (new arrival nodes, existing
useful for static networks when the nodes either do not move nodes and CHs) for signaling messages (i.e. node wish to
or move very slowly. The DMAC algorithm, on the other join/leave a cluster, CH admits a node, CH rejects a node,
hand, adapts itself to the network topology changes and etc.). This might help in separating the payload traffic from
therefore can be used for any mobile networks. However, the the signaling traffic.
assignment of weights has not been discussed in the both b) There is a common CDMA code named
algorithms and there are no optimizations on the system “intercluster_code” for interclusters’ communications.
parameters such as throughput and power control. CHs will communicate between them using this unique
The Weighted Clustering Algorithm (WCA) [15] is based
c) CH assigns a CDMA code exclusive to the cluster named
on the use of a combined weight metric that takes into account
“intracluster_code”. All nodes that are accepted as
several parameters like the node-degree, distances with all its
belonging to the cluster must use this code to communicate
neighbors, node speed and the time spent as a clusterhead.
with the CH. No other nodes can interfere with the
Although WCA has proved better performance than all the
throughput of these nodes. Other nodes that will be
previous algorithms, it lacks a drawback in knowing the
rejected by the CH must align themselves with other
weights of all the nodes before starting the clustering process
clusters or create a new cluster.
and in draining the CHs rapidly. Based on assigned weights
similar to those used in WCA, the authors in [16] proposed the We assume that the total number of “intracluster_codes” is
formation of k-clusters (member is k-hops away from its CH) large, so that neighboring clusters are not assigned the same
by limiting the size of each cluster to S nodes. The “intracluster_code”. However, a spatial reuse of these codes
maintenance is distributed among all the nodes for load may be used. With a large number of codes, it is unlikely for a
balancing purposes. The simulations show better performance node to have an interfering node which is on the same channel
when comparing to LID and LCC. However, the assignment but associated to another CH and using a different quasi-
of k and S values has not been discussed, the maintenance orthogonal “intracluster_code” (Gold, Kasami). CHs also
seems very complicated and the induced overhead is very maintain a list of the intracluster_codes used in the
high. neighboring clusters in order to avoid interferences and to
reduce the collisions (bit error rate).
A. Preliminaries and Network Design C. State of a Node Inside the Network
An ad hoc network is formed by a set of nodes and links For cluster formation, we allocate IDs for the nodes and
that can be represented by a graph G V, E . V represents the set for the CHs. The 2-tuplet id , id H forms a unique identifier
of mobile nodes v . E represents the set of links between the for every node in the ad hoc network. Every node in the
connected nodes. The network cardinality is represented by: cluster will have information about its CH so that it can
n |V| and , | , , communicate across the cluster. More formally, every node
where , represents the received power from v at v . Assume v V will be identified by the following state:
that N v is the set of k-hops neighboring nodes of v and v : id , id H, w , intracluster_code, intercluster_code, sig_code, counter
∆ v is the cardinality of N v .The clustering is a graph
The weight parameter w is periodically calculated by each
partitioning problem with some added constraints and metrics.
node in order to indicate the suitability of a node for playing
More formally, we look for the set of vertices of CH’s role. The ‘counter’ is maintained by each node in order
cardinality N |C| such that: and to calculate the QoS level inside the cluster.
, | (1) D. Weight Calculation and Clusterhead Election
Vuong et al. [18] concluded that the construction of k-clusters Each node should be able to compute its weight based on
in an ad hoc network is a NP-Complet problem. For that several clustering metrics. The CH’ election is based on the
reason, we are focusing on the case of 1-clusters, where 1. weight values of the nodes. In comparison with other
More formally: , | , . approaches, we do not use neither the sum of distance for the
largest range coverage, nor the cumulative time during which
B. Code Assignment and Node States the node acts as a CH. The metrics used are the following:
Enabling CDMA-based solutions for ad hoc is fraught with a) The node degree ∆ : defined as the actual number
challenges, due to the absence of centralized control. An ad of neighbors for . It allows estimating the connectivity
hoc network is time-asynchronous system because it is degree and the position of that node regarding the other
generally not feasible to have a common time reference for all nodes.
the transmissions that arrive at the receiver side. In addition, it b) The transmission power : which allows electing the node
the can cover the largest range. A. Modeling the DCF Channel Parameters
c) The average speed : which is calculed as:
Note that the collisions and transmission errors can only
1 occur between the members of the same cluster due to the use
of the same CDMA intracluster_code inside that cluster. The
communications in neighboring clusters that use a distinct
Where , represents the node’s coordinate of at the quasi-orthogonal intracluster_code do not affect at all those of
moment . the current cluster. Therefore, to model the exponential
d) The remaining battery power : which allows extending backoff schema implemented in DCF 802.11 MAC layer, we
the lifetime of nodes by relinquish the role as a CH in case know that for each packet transmission, a node initializes a
of insufficient battery power. backoff time which is a random integer uniformly distributed
over the interval 0, W 1 . The value of W is called
Once these metrics are calculed, every node must calculate
contention window, and depends on the number of failed
its combined weight which is a good indication for its
transmissions of the packet. At the first transmission attempt,
suitability to be a CH. The node which has the best weight
the value of W is equal to CW called the minimum
value within the 1-hop neighboring is elected as CH. The
contention window.
weight calculation is done periodically and locally as
Let p be the probability that the transmitted packet faces a
collision in the channel due to two or more nodes transmitting
; 1 (2) simultaneously in the same slot. In this case, after each
unsuccessful transmission, the value of W is doubled, up to a
We suppose that the nodes inside each cluster have the same
maximum value CW 2 CW where m represents the
needs. The idea is to combine each of the above system
number of unsuccessful attempts for this packet, i.e., the
parameters with certain weighing factors depending on the
maximum backoff stage. Once W reaches CW , it keeps this
system needs. The flexibility of changing the weighting
value until it returns to its initial value CW . Now, we can
factors helps us apply our algorithm to various scenarios. For
derive the general probability that the contention window W
example, in low mobility environment (conference room), we
that a node chooses and is given by:
can privilege the remaining battery parameter, thus the factor
‘b’ can be adjusted on the nodes. In a military environment p 1 p for W 2 CW
where the battery energy is always available, we can adjust the P Window W (3)
factor ‘d’ in order to elect the less mobile node as CH. On the p for W CW
other hand, we believe that the node average speed does not
reflect the relative mobility of that node. However, we still use The authors in [19] derived the collision probability p for
that parameter for initial CH election, because it is impossible the case of saturated network where a transmitting node has
to estimate the relative mobility when the node is alone in the persistently a queue of packets to send, so each incoming
zone without any other reference point (neighbors). During packet is immediately backlogged, i.e. it is preceded by a
maintenance procedures, the re-election is more sophisticated; backoff. At saturation, each packet is backlogged immediately.
we use the historical of the received power signals from the The average backoff window in the saturated case is given by:
one-hop neighboring to determine the relative mobility of a W 2W 2 W 2 W
node regarding the others. This mechanism is detailed in the 1 p p 1 p p 1 p p
2 2 2 2
section V. W
IV. ANALYTICAL MODEL FOR ADMISSION CONTROL BASED B. Modeling the Intraclusters Performance Parameters
In this paper, we extend the model proposed in [19] to
Under overloading conditions in the network, the load obtain an approximate expression for collision probabilities in
balancing and the admission control are required in order to case of non-saturated arrival rates. Therefore, we use Poisson
provide a certain level of QoS for the participant nodes. The data source instead of saturated data source. We consider a
estimated knowledge of the number of members sharing an cluster with "N" members operating in discrete time where
802.11 cluster might effectively drive congestion avoidance on each member could be represented as an M/M/1 queuing
the CHs and inter-clusters load-balancing to achieve better system with an infinite storage, the packet arrival process is a
network resource utilization. First, we start by modeling the Poisson memoryless processes with a rate given by λ packets
intraclusters and interclusters performance parameters based while the packet service process of the network has an
on the code assignment procedure mentioned previously. exponential distribution with first moment μ which will be
More specifically, we investigate the impact of active nodes explained in subsequent sections. The probability that the
and wireless channel collisions on the performance of the packets’ interface queue is empty could be approximated by:
DCF. Based on this model, the cluster will be able to admit or π node 1
reject the nodes by restricting the input traffic being admitted μ
to the system in order to maintain the QoS of the existing A packet is backlogged if the system is non-empty at the
members. instant of arrival. When an arbitrary arrival occurs, we
approximate the probability that the cluster (N members in P successful transmission α Nq 1 q , we also can have
λ N P unsuccessful transmission β 1 1 q Nq 1 q ,
steady state) is empty by: ́ cluster 1 . and P idle slot γ 1 q N
. By resolving (6), we can obtain
Then, the backoff window is 0 for any arbitrary packet the relationship between N and T as:
with probability ́ cluster , and it is backlogged with
probability 1 ́ cluster . Therefore, the average backoff (9)
window size for general (non-saturated) arrival rates is given
by: The intracluster delay D is defined by the average time from
the point when a packet becomes head of the node’s queue to
1 1 (5) the point when it is successfully received by the destination,
i.e., when a positive acknowledgment is received. We model
Let T be the saturation throughput inside the cluster, this delay without considering the waiting time in the packets’
defined as the expected time needed to transmit the data
payload with respect to idle, collision and header transmission interface queue before transmitting: D γ α . The
time, during a cycle of frame exchange. A cycle of frame service rate μ is expressed via the average time required for
exchange consists of several collision cycles and one successful packet transmission, thus:
successful data frame transmission plus header transmission μ (10)
and idle times. γ β ∆ N
́ ́
The average end to end delay " " depends on the average TABLE I
number of hops separating the source node from the MESSAGES INVOLVED IN THE CLUSTERING ALGORITHM
destination node:
Type of the message Message description
2 1 (16) hello ( id , id
N H, w , counter) To update the tables of the nodes
V. DISTRIBUTED MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE Join ( id , id H) To affiliate a cluster
A. Neighboring Discovery Mechanism Accept ( id , id H, w ) The CH accepts a Join
Every node (member or CH) has to maintain an Reject ( id , id H, w ) The CH rejects a Join
‘intracluster_table’ wherein the information on the local
members including the weights of each node is stored. CH_request ( id ) The node declares itself as CH
However, the CHs maintain another clusterhead information CH_response(
table ‘intercluster_table’ wherein the information about the id H , intracluster_code The CH accepts a CH_Request
other CHs is stored. In complex networks, the nodes must Join_accept ( id , id H, w , counter) The node accepts the Accept
coordinate between each other to update their tables. The hello
messages (TTL set to 1 hop) are used to complete this role. A CH_ACK The CH adds the node as a
(id , id H, w , intracluster_code, counter)
hello contains the full state of the node including its weight; it member
is periodically exchanged either between CHs or between each Database_info( id , id H , w , counter) The current CH sends the
CH and its members in order to update the database to a new elected CH
‘intercluster_tables’ and the ‘intracluster_tables’ respectively. ( id , id H , w , counter)
The new elected CH accepts the
received database
Once a wireless node is activated, it has ( NULL , CH_change ( id ) The CH notifies a CH change
since it does not belong to any cluster. The node continuously
monitors the channel until it figures out that there are some CH_info ( id , id H , w , counter) The CH accepts the presence of a
new CH in the network
activities in its 1-hop neighborhood. This is due to the ability
leave ( id , id H) The node leaves the cluster
to receive the hello messages from other nodes in the network.
The node still has no stable state until it is fully identified by
the reception of the CH identifier, the intracluster_code and C. QoS Driven Procedure for Nodes Admission Control
the counter values. Table I illustrates the messages used for
the maintenance. The reason that a CH accepts or rejects a Join depends on
the ability to provide and guarantee the QoS level. We
B. New Arrival Nodes Maintenance Mechanism proposed an admission control mechanism based on the
Every node ( NULL broadcasts a Join message analytical model presented previously in order to estimate the
(TTL set to 1 hop) on the sig_code channel in order to join the achievable throughput and delay. This mechanism will be only
most powerful 1-hop clusterhead. Thus, it waits either for an implemented on the CHs and applied during the maintenance
Accept or for a Reject from a CH. More formally, this so that they can take decisions to accept and/or reject the
mechanism can be written as the following: requests while guarantying an acceptable QoS level. More
E. Handoff Procedure
We have tried to balance the load between all the clusters
in the network in order to give more flexibility to the members
by allowing them to leave a weak CH and join another one G. Re-election Procedure
which seems stronger than the current one. However, in order The re-election is not periodically invoked; it is performed
to maintain a certain QoS level, the solicited CH must perform by the CH just in case of a best received weight, it allows
an admission control so that the handoff is not accepted in the minimizing the generated overhead and the utilization of
detriment of the QoS level of the existing members. More nodes’ resources. As we explained above, the re-election may
formally, this procedure can be written as the following: not result a new CH, it depends on the stability of the new
node for playing the CH’s role. In the case where a new CH lower is the throughput. This condition remains valid until the
must be elected, the procedure should be soft and flexible value of the window “W” is approximately equal to 500.
while copying the databases from the old to the new CH. We
We see that an higher value of ‘W” tends to give better
limit the execution of the algorithm where there is a CH’s
throughput performance in the case of large members’ number
change to minimize the effect on the whole topology. Thus the
in the cluster, while it drastically penalizes the throughput in
furthest nodes are not affected by any problem which occurs in
the case of small members’ number. On the other hand, we
other clusters. More formally, this procedure can be written as
neglect the probability of having great values of W in case of
the following:
small number of members, since the probability of collisions
in this case is very small in comparison to the case of large
number of members.
40 n = 80 nodes
intracluster throughput (Mbps)
0,5 0
N = 5, m = 6, w = 32
N = 15, m = 6, w = 32 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
0,4 transmission range (meters)
N = 25, m = 6, w = 32
0,3 Fig. 6. Avg. number of clusters vs. transmission range
500 2000 3500 5000 6500 8000 9500 11000 We have also tried to balance the load between all the
packet size (bits) clusters; we have based on the numerical results obtained from
Fig. 4. Cluster throughput versus packet size the proposed analytical model to choose the optimal cluster
size in respect to the QoS level. The results shown in figure 8
Figure 5 shows a strong correlation between the theoretical show that none of the clusters has reached a 100 % of load
and simulation throughput results for different transmission rate. The load is balanced between the different clusters even
range and network density. The average deviation of the when we increase the number of nodes in the network. This
simulation from theory is very small. This comes to validate allows avoiding congestion on CHs and guarantying the
the analytical model proposed in this paper. scalability issue.
n = 60 nodes
n = 80 nodes the important criteria in clustering because the frequent
5 changes of CH adversely affect the performance of the
n = 100 nodes
4 clustering algorithm.
35 ECA [60 m]
3 WCA [60 m]
30 ECA [180 m]
2 WCA [180 m]
60 n = 80 nodes
50 n = 100 nodes having better weight joins the cluster. In our algorithm, the
CH has to verify the suitability of a new election even if a new
node having better weight has joined the cluster. As a result,
our algorithm gives better performance in terms of stability
20 when the node density in the network is high.
0 25
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
transmission range (meters) 20
CH transition state
80 WCA [300 m]
40 n = 20 nodes
30 n = 40 nodes 20 40 60 80 100
20 n = 60 nodes network density (nodes)
n = 80 nodes Fig. 11. Avg. no. of CH transition state vs. network density
10 n = 100 nodes
As shown in figure 12, for a transmission range of 120
30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
transmission range (meters)
meters, the number of handoffs increased when varying the
number of nodes in the network for both our algorithm and
Fig. 9. Connectivity factor vs. transmission range
WCA. As the number of nodes increased, the increasing rate
We also compare the performance of our approach with the slowed down in ECA, which was not the case in WCA. For a
corresponding performance of the WCA algorithm while the node speed varying between 3 and 10 km/h, when there were
nodes are moving under the same conditions. In figure 10, we 20 nodes in the network and for the same transmission range
note that the performance difference is small between WCA (120 m), the proposed algorithm produced 61.5% less
and ECA with respect to the average number of clusters. This handoffs than WCA. When the number of nodes was increased
is because both algorithms are variations of a local weight to 100, our algorithm gave 66.5% less handoffs than WCA for
based clustering technique that forms one-hop clusters. For the same node speed.
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be applied iteratively as the network configuration changes. International Journal of Network Management. p. 171-194.
[17]] G. Bianchi, "Performancee analysis of the IEEE 802.11 8 Basile L. Aggba (M’ 2005) was born in Kara, K
distributed cooordination funcction", IEEE Journal on Seelected Togo. He recceived his B.S in physics in 1998
Areas in Commmunications, Vool. 18, No. 3, 20000, pp. 535-5447. (university of Lomé, Togo o). He receivedd the
[18]] Vuong, Thai H. P. et Dung T. Huynh. 20000. « Adapting d-hop M.S degrree in high frequuency
dominating setts to topology changes in Add hoc networkss ». In telecommuniccations in 2001 1 and he comppleted
Ninth Internatiional Conferennce on Compuuter Communiccations the Ph.D. deggree in high frequencies electrronics
and Networks. p. 348-353. and optoelecctronics in 20 004 (Universitty of
[19]] Y. Tay and K.
K Chua, "A cappacity analysis for the IEEE 802.11
8 Limoges, Fraance). From 20 005 to 2007, he is
MAC protocoll", Wireless Networks, Vol. 7, No. 2, 20001, pp. Postdoctoral Fellow at Elecctrical Engineeering
159-171. Deparrtment (École de Technologiie Supérieure, Montreal
M - Cannada)
[20]] IEEE Standarrd for Wireless LAN Mediium Access Control C wheree he mainly worked
w on tactical ad hoc networks
n projeect in
(MAC) and Phyysical Layer (PPHY) Specificattions, 1999. partneership with Ultra
U Electroniccs (TCS). Sincce 2007, Dr. Agba
[21]] Agba L., Gaggnon F., Kouki A., "Scenarios generator for ad a hoc workeed as Senior Researcher
R in teelecommunicatiions at the Research
networks," Intternational Symmposium on Inndustrial Electrronics, Institu
ute of Hydro-QQuebec, IREQ. His main ressearch interestss are:
Montreal, Canaada, Jul. 2006. channnel modeling paarticularly in hiigh voltage env
vironments, wirreless
netwo orks design, deployment
d sofftware for wirreless systemss and
antennna design.